The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 09, 1895, Image 2

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    3ed Jiver Slacier.
Tio .county 'commissioners,, at their
me(tiug(ltist week, allowed a rehearing
of the Hood River incorporation ques
tion. The corporation was. represented
by II. S. Wlison of The Dalles, who
showed that the county court had no
authority Co order proceedings of in
corporation to ; stop; that if the pro-,
ceedings were in any manner irregular
the higher cour& only can, be. called
upon to interfere. The former order of
the 'county court, denying the petition
for fc-.corporatlony Was therefore with
drawn.', ...The trouble arose from the
fact-ihat the. fanning lands of F. H.
Button -id ul others on the reast side of
Hoqd river wore included in the boun
daries;. oted. on,' when at the same
time .the coun ty court had allowed the'
remonstrance of these parties against
being included ..within the boundaries
of the incorporation. It is expected
these' parties .can And relief through
the courts, but the incorporation will
hold. It is unfortunate that these
lands were included, in the boundaries
of tlifc town; It is" not right that they
should be, and We .liopo they will be
allowed to withdraw. For the town
proper incorporation is needed for a
good many reasons,' but it is not.'nec
cssary to incorporate the whole' valley.
The senatorial right . at Salem still
continues, with no more prospect of
an election than when it began. Rep
resentative Cooper 'of Benton county
has again deserted Dolph, leaving him
with 42 votes. Dolph is; holding his
foices well together.: . But two weeks
more of the session remain, and if he
can hold ' twenty eight or thirty
votes till its close there will
: be no election, in the meantime
about the only bill that has been enact-
, ed is tbe ohe appropriating money' for
the expense of the , session, which of
course includes the pay of legislators
and their army of clerks. Some legis
lation is much needed and some laws
; should bVrepealedy but "if the senato
rial deadloclc blocjg&.aU: legislation, it
may be that thi reform,; legislature
will nt be Stich a costly affair after all.
If Binger Hermann is elected to the
senate it will necessitate the holding of
special election' fn the second con
gressional district to fill the seat he:
now occupies. Is 'it possible that sen
atorial timber in the' republican party
of Oiegon is so scarce that our legis
lators cann.'ots'i'ote for some one not
now in office?' Elections are expensive,
and our reform ., legislature should .not
vote the expense ;of an extra .election
upon the state.' If Herman iseleeted
senator, his place in the lower house of
congress will most likely be. filled by a
populist. ' t ' "
1 Senator Butler of Polk county has
Introduced a bill to exempt farm and
pasture lands (inside corporate limits
from municipal taxation. v ' '
The Fruit Growers' Meeting. .
The horticulturalists met in Portland
Wednesday. The, display of green and
evaporated fruit at the assembly hall in
the Chamber of Commerce building
was very fine.' The Hood River dele
gation ;vas on hand arid their exisibit
of fruits received first mention ',-. in the
Portland "papers. A. resolution was
passed'endorsing the bill in the legisla
ture looking toward the perpetuation
of the state .board of horticulture. Sam
Clarke, the Secretary of the Northwest
Fruit Growers1 Association, ; was the
only one present to speak and vote
against the resolution. ' '.'",
The Glacieb correspondent sends
the following. ;
Hoodt Rlverites in attendance: E.L.
Bmi th, Mrs,. E; L. Smith ;' Mrs. Dr.
Watt, M.. ,V. Harrison, H. C. Bate
- ham, M. V. Hand, T. J. Watson, W.R.
' Tlllett, W, A. Slingerland, E. Locke,
W. J. Baker, N. C. Evans and Henry
Prigge. -" ' J' x-A
, The Hood River .display qf apples,
altbough.ivt.'large''. $s some, Isun
questiojjiibfy 'trie., finest in quality, and
is creating ;& very favorable i m pression ,
and notf.u few r)avev' promised ,tp!; eb'me
and investjit jeast, Investigate. ' "
The railroad officials, at. the meeting
Wednesday, promised to do ail in their
power to further the fruit industry by
low rates,,,! , IL. C. B. ;
.'v(,.ti!oteilOur Game. ;
The wd;River.'Rod and Gun club
held a meeting Friday even ing, Febru
ary 1st. A resolution was adopted re
questing our representative, to do all in
his power for the bilT'to protect our
game,. which no doubt will . receive,
proper attention. , ; ; "
In order to have the assistance of the
entire valley-' .the; membership? fee,
which heretofore has been $1, is dis
pensed withtia.nd now .pll-.lhat. is re-:
quired to become a member is the send
ing of yourjname to the secretary., Tlie
time)a8.c6me, wljen we should make a
decided effort to perpetuate tiie exist
ence of all our game, and in order to
accomplish this let us all take hold of
the wheel together. . '
J. B. Hunt, Sec'y pro tern.
The state circuit, court will meet at
The Dalles next Monday. The' jurors
drawn from Hvd River are J. W.
Wallace, Peter Hinrichs and Simpson
topple. 1
Estray Laws.
Any one taking up an estray shall
immediately post three notices -in
conspicuous places, giving as correct a
description of natural or artificial
marks, age, etc., as possible. If the
owner shall then prove said estray to
be .his, witbiti-10 days from the date of
taking up, he shall be entitled to the
possession of the same by paying $1 for
taking tip and posttogfind'areasonauTe
charge for keeping and feeding.
If no owner shall apply within 10
days the takerup shall make a state
ment under oath, to the nearest justice
of the peace.and the justice of the peace
shall immediately appraise said estray
and notify the county clerk. ',
The owner shall be entitled to posses
sion of said estray, by proving property
and paying charges, any time within
six months, . but if no owner applies
and pays charges within that time
said estray shall be sold by the con
stable at public auction, at the request
of the finder, who shall be entitled to
bidthereoii. " ';. '
If any person shall take up an estray
and keep the same, without complying
with the estray laws, he shall be. liable
to damages in doulJie the value of such
estray, to be sued for and recovered In
any court having competent jurisdic
tion. .-.''.
Library Report.
Editob Gt,acier: The Library As
sociation of Hood River being duly or
ganized and in running order, we ask
you to kindly publish the following:
Books can now be had of the libra
rian, Mr. Nickelsen, subject to the reg
ulations governing the same. All who
are intending to contribute books are
earnestly solicited to do so before the
15th inst., and any moneys given for
the library fund can be handed Mr.
Nickelsen, treasurer and librarian.
This should be done as soon as possible,
so that the money can be expended for
books, magazines, etc.
. We have reason as citizens to feel
justly proud of the undertaking, and
can truthfully say that the public li
brary of Hood River is an established
fact; for proof, see treasurer's report be
low: . '
'Books received, 89 volumes; cash re
ceived, $30. v
M. H. Nickelsen, Treasurer.
'"-'. C. J. Hayes, Secretary.
E, L. Smith, President. '
Hood River Cherries.
A Correspondent of the Rural North
west thus speaks of Hood River cher
""""The conditions which have made
the Hood River strawberry so noted
and profitable are the same that will,
in the early future, cause large settings
and shipments of cherries. One who
has raised cherries bys the acre back In
Ohio, but who is now putting out large
cherry orchards here, predicts that
cherry growing will soon be as large an
industry as strawberry growing is at
present, and that in a few years car
loads of cherries will be shipped from
Hood River of better quality and raised
at: less expense than the California ar
ticle. The cherry makes a rapid growth
and comes into bearing earlier than
almost any other fruit tree.
"The only drawback that has kept
this luscious fruit from more extensive
setting is the liability of the bodies of
'he trees to gum or crack open, but
now that experience has taught that
this trouble can be avoided by proper
care the settings of cherry are already
being considerably increas'ed and in
several instances large orchards are be
ing set.' The methods used to prevent
gumming are: Set the tree at quite an
angle toward the Bun and wind; head
low so as to protect the trunk from the
sun; protect the.body on the sunny
side by a board or stake; avoid crotches
or bunches of branches growing out at
the same place, but make them come
out alternately and only one in a place.
When the tree is three or four years
old slit the cuticle, not too deep, from
the limbs to the ground. If the tree
has cracked make a box around the
body up to the limbs and rill with
earth. , : . .
"The cherry worm Is unknown here,
and as there are already enough cher
ries grown to supply tlie robins and a
few over, any greater production will
bea clear gain. So with a little care
our best growers think they have con
quered tlie only real difficulty in the
way of cherry growing. As for de
mand, it may briefly be stated that it
is unlimited. Orders tor carloads were
often received by Pacific coast commis
sion houses which could not be tilled at
any price because the cherries were not
to be had." -
- , - Letter from Levy & Sp'cgl.
-Portland, Jan. 30, 1895. Editor
GLacier: In your issue of January
19th there appeared, under the heading
of "Returns on Fruit," an article writ
ten by H. D. Langille that does us a
serious injustice. It is our belief that
newspaper men are always willing and
ready to- allow both parties to any
question the privilege of their columns,
especially to answer an article that ap
pears to us to be In the nature of an
attack on our business methods and
honesty. We wrote to Mr. Langille
on January 24th concerning tins arti
cle, -and have his reply dated 25th; but
as he. insists on maintaining a view
that we claim to bs entirely wrong, we
ask you to print the following, our ex
planation and reply.. ,, ..
During the fall and winter of 1894
and irevious to December 20th, we had
bought a good many apples from Hart
ley & Langille, paying them as high as
$1 per box for fancy stock f. o. b., Hood
River. During December Mr. Lan
gille came to Portland. Tlie six boxes
referred to in his article enme consigned
to him, not to us, and we know Mr.
Langille tried to dispose of' them to
certain retail dealers here, but could
not do so, because, as we believe, the
apples were not fancy enough. Realiz
ing his position, he finally turned them
over to us. with the understanding
that we should do the best we could
with them. Mr. Siingerland and Mr.
Baker were' both in Portland at the
time, and both gentlemen will bear us our assertion-that $1.25 per box
was the top of the market for fancy
4-tier apples only. Mr. Langille's ap-
Lples-did-not come up to that standard,
as uotli Mr. Slingerlanct ana lsakercan
testify if they are asked. Consequent
ly we sold Mr. Langille's three boxes
of red apples at $1.10 per box, and the
three boxes of green apples at 85 cents
per box all they were worth, and we
rendered sales accordingly. Mr. Slin
gerland, who is in every way a capable
and thorough business man, had looked
over the market situation here at the
time that Mr. Langille did, and when
we told him we would get him $1.25
per box torhis 4-tier Baldwins and $1
for his 5-tier Baldwins, he appreciated
the fact that we agreed to get aim all
the market would stand, fie turned
his 80 odd boxes over to us and we
sold them just as we agreed to. Our
account sales to Mr. fcjhugerlana will
prove our claim. ' r .
. Now this brings out another, point
that needs reply. In the article under
discussion it is claimed that your rep
resentative while in Portland called at
our Store and priced Mr Slingerland's
apples, and that we quoted thim at
fcj.ou per oox. nils uo not deny,
but it needs the following explanation:
Our orders to' our salesmen are strict
that they should sell goods to the trade
only. Consumers often' make a prac
tice or pricing fruit at the commission
houses and then telling the retail deal
ers with whom they trade that they
can buy , certain goods from certain
wholesale houses for much' less than
the retailer asks. This causes much
trouble between the retailer and the
jobber, and we wish to avoid that.
Consequently our strict orderB not to
sell to consumers. Your representa
tive, dressed like a man of leisure and
not like a hard-working grower or re
tailer, was looked upon by our sales
man as a consumer, and a price was
named by him sufficiently in advance
of tlie wholesale price to cover the re
tailer's margin. We leave it to your
conception of justice if we were not
rignt in doing so. We want the con
sumers to buy of the retailer and tlie
retailer in return to buy of the jobber.
We feel that this 'reply is due our
many menus who are among the lead
ing dood River fruitgrowers, and from
one of whom we first received the no
tice of this attack upon us. Very" re
spectfully yours, , .Levy & Spieoi,. ,
Timber Lund, Act June 3, 1878.
United States Land Office, The Dalles. Ore
gon, January lo, lio. Notice is hereby eiven
tiiat in compliance with the provisions of the
act or Coinrress of June 3. Ib78, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the states of
California, Oregon, Novada and Washington
Territory," Harry ii. Campbell of The Lialles,
county, oi Wasco, state of Oregon, has this day
tilod In this office his sworn statement No. 11,
for the purchase of the southwest of section
No. in township No. 1 south, range No. Jl
east, and will otter proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for It timber or
stone than for agricultural purposes, and to
establish his claim U said laud before the
Reeister and Receiver of this office at The
Dalles, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 10th day of
April, icajo. . . ... i .
He names as witnesses: Perry Van Kamp,
N. II. Fagan, George Beiries and 1. J. Norman,
all or The Dalles, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above described lands are requested to tile
their claims In this office on or before said 10th
day of April, 1803.
fea J AS. F. MOORE, Register.
To Water Consumers.
Owing to hard times I have decided to make
a reduction In water rates, but as some have
paid up to March 1, 18SI5, new rates will not
take 'effect until that date. ' For all water
rente paid promptly the. first day of the
month, the following rates will be accepted:
Present rates of SI.50 reduced to 81.23; bath
tubs, now 50 cents, reduced to 25 cents; livery
stables, ?2.5o( reduced to $2; hotels, $3, reduced
to $2.50; rates now $1, no change; irrigation re
duced 50 per cent from old price.
, Above prices apply to those only who pay
promptly first of each month.
, United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore
gon, Jan. 1(1, 1885. Pursuant to circulnr In
structions of the General Land Office, Issued
at Washington, D. C, February 1, 1892, notice
Is hereby given that the survey and plat
made and approved by John C. Arnold, sur
veyor general for Oregon, on the 8th day of
November, 1894, of township 2 northj of range
11 east of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon,
has been received at this United States land
office, and will be filed In this office on the
25th day of February, 1805, at 0 o'clock a. m. of
said day, and we will be prepared on nnd
after said day of filing said plat, to receive
applications for the entry of lands In such
township. . J AS. F. MOOItE, Register.
WILLIAM H. BIGGS, Receiver. .
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January
22, 18115. Notice is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed noticeof his
intention to make final proof in supportof his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on March 9. 189a, viz: , ,
Robert B. Lindsay, I
Hd. E. No. 8428, for the northeast V section 18,
township 2 north, range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said laiul, viz:
Antone Wise, Henry Prigge, II. C. Stran
ahan and John Parker, all of Hood River,
Oregon. JAS. F. MQORE, Register.
, Two choice lots, with good residence, in the
town of Hood River, will be sold at a bargain.
Inquire at the Glacier office. sel
20 Acres of Fruit Land
for Sale.
I have for sale 20 acres of unimproved land
that I will sell on reasonable terms. It is of
the best quality for apples and other fruit.
The land is easily cleared and ran b'( watered
from the Hood Kiver Supply Co.'s ditch. For
further particulars, call on or addrrsn
, H. L. CllAI'PElt, " .
dJ5 . Hood River, Oregon.
A Frenchman Whose Head Was Stronger
Than the German Had Supposed.
The orators of the French chamber
of deputies are in the habit of sipping
as they speak some sort of beverage
which varies according to the tempera
ment of each one, says Harper's Week
ly.' M. .Floquet used to drink tepid
sirup; M. Ribot takes sweetened cof
fee; M. Kouvier, seltzer water with
lemon; M. de Muh, pure water; M. De
roulede, brandy. M. de Freycinet and
II. Constant never drink anything
while speaking. M. Pouyer-Quertier,
who was finance minister at the time
of the national assembly and who pre
ferred the juice of the grape to every
other beverage, drank Bordeaux wine
in almost any quantity; he has been
known to speak for three hours and to
absorb eleven glasses of his favorite
wine without the slightest inconven
ience. It was M. PouyerrQuertier who'
settled with Prince Bismarck the con
ditions for the payment of the five bil
lion francs which France, after the
war, had to pay over to Germany. The
story is told that ' one day while the
two plenipotentiaries were discussing
at table the details of those conditions
Prince Bismarck conceived the idea of
trying to make M. Pouyer-Quertier
drink too much. The latter had
scarcely emptied his glass when the
prince replenished it, and the French
plenipotentiary tossed it off immedi
ately. Prince Bismarck, however, had
to keep up with him and drink in his
turn, so that after an hour the great
chancellor felt his head grow rather
heavy.- He gave up the bout and said
to M. Pouyer-Quertier: "I see that the
wine has no great effect upon you."
"Oh," replied the other, who had no
ticed Bismarck's attempt to fuddle him:
"I can absorb almost any quantity; I
can even swallow the glass itself."
And suiting the action to the word he
ground Prince Bismarck's crystal glass
between his teeth without even cutting
his lips. ,
SomeoQuaint Notions Entertained in An
cient Times Regarding: the Bird.
The beliefs and convictions th&t con
stitute the folklore of the woodpecker,
or sapsucker, as it is sometimes er
roneously called for its boisterous op
erations occur solely in quest of in
sects that lie concealed beneath the
bark, and are never injurious to the
trees are, in fact, very many a,nd va
ried, and many of them can be traced
back to a somewhat more venerable an
tiquity than is usual in such matters.
Probably, says an English journal,
every one remembers having read or
heard, at one time or another, the
story of the transformation of the
pagan god Picus, the son of Saturnus,
to the woodpecker by the witch god
dess, Circe, in revenge for his coldness
and nonrequital of her love. The tale
of itself is of little importance, and
is but one of the countless fairy
legends that compose the lesser and
and extremely poetic mythologies of
the Greeks and Romans. But it hap
pily serves the purpose of "illustrating
the connection that evidently existed
in the Roman mind between birds and
the supernatural and the unknown in
general. And it would seem that the
relation in different forms was almost
universal in ancient times, for the
image of the bird which was used by
the Romans to represent the perse
cuted deity already mentioned after
whom the family is named incident
ally, in ornithology and by the aug
urs and priests of the city as a sort of
symbol in foretelling coming events,
abounds in many of the marvelous and
complicated sculptures and carvings of
Central America . and Peru, . and has
even been found in some of the South
Sea islands and other parts of the
world in the form of wooden charms
and fetiches. ' ' :
It Halls OrlglnaPy from China and Used
to lie Played in Earope. -What
is called the "Game .of the
Devil" dates back to China, where it is
called Kouen-gen, to a very remote an
tiquity, and has been played in France
at different epochs of modern times,
especially at the beginning of the
present century.
. The "devil" is thrown into the air by
means of a string which the player
keeps taut by the skillful use of two
sticks, and upon which he is to catch
it. "I remember having often seen
this game in the han is of one of my
friends," says contributor to a French
periodical. "According to him, the
game was m great favor in Belgium in
his boyhood, about fifteen years ago,
especially at colleges, where the young
men often got up genuine matches be
tween two and even three players.
"The devil's form va;ie3 a little from
that of the 'Koucn-gcn.' It is made of
two tin cones connected by their apices,
and provided with apertures for the
production of a humming sound when
the devil revolves very fast. A good
strong player can easily throw it to a
height of more than forty feet." .
Something less than a quarter of a
century ago this game was much
played at Paris. The devil was made
of two hollow boxwood balls. .
i Tho Chinese Sailor.
The Chinese sailor is not a lover of dis
cipline. He prefers , perfect freedom,
especially when the question of leave
is concerned. When Capt. Lang had
charge of the Chinese navy he discov
ered this weakness, and it gave him a
considerable amount of trouble. He
found ordinary methods of enforcing
regularity utterly useless. Officers and
men alike showed a total indifference
to his orders where leave of absence
was concerned. Following the example
of the emperor of Germany, he deter
mined on a series of surprise visits, and
on one of these occasions he found that
many of the officers and men were on
shore without leave. Determined to
enforce discipline at any cost, he or
dered all the delinquents to be placed
under arrest when they returned. This
was too much for the easy-going China
men. That night every man jumped
overboard and went home, utterly dis
gusted with the service. . ; ; , , ; f ,. ,Y
' at :
'"3D. P.; PIEECE'S
The Famous C M.
For MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN. All sizes and large variety. My motto Is "Possibly
not the Cheapest, but the Best," and the Henderson Shoes are the cheapest In the long run.
. ," Don't Fail ;.;' v:y- :
To call and examine and price these goods. They will please you. No trouble to show them.
Hand-made Double Team Harness, $20 !
With Boston Team Collars. All other kinds of Harness cheap for 1893. If you doubt it, cull
and price them. 1 propose to keep Hood River trade at home If price Is an object. , ,,-
Tnat tnlrtv days is as Ions' as we can
' " w . -
And a fine line of
Try a box of the Four Seasons, elegantly perfumed, at 5 cents. Colgate'
superb 2-bit boaps ana the old standard Jiii KB and CUTICUKA in any
nil-nti't r ''' ' irW' . V.
1" , '-.,,.. ......
duality rather than Quantity
' V . . . ,. I.. 11
IfU ' ILlIl LLtl
hocd river; oregon:
Woonsocket Rubber Boots and Shoes.
The Best in the World.
We have a large line In stock. Call and examine goods. '
Fresh and Cured ' Me ats, Presh and Salt Fish,
Grain, Hay, Fruit, Vegetables, Butter,
Eggs, Hides, Pelts, Furs, etc., etc.
Business Done on a STRICTLY CASH BASIS.
Choicest Meats, Ham,' '
lard, Game,
Poultry, Also Dealers in
Corner-of Oak aud Fourth Streets, - - .- Hood River, Oregon.
ZEszcellerrt . Teaclieis,
Besu.tif-va.1 v .
" v Address ? ' - ' . '
iii-i.r..;.- ': ' MRS. SARAH K. WHITE, Principal.-
D. F. PIERCE, Hood River, Or.
credit Broods, and would resiwtfuilv
o i mt i
bulk goods just arrived. '
The Annie Wright Seminary.
1 884. Eleventh Year. 1 894.
A Boarding School for Girls,
with Superior Advantages.
Thm I!Tmrno V MORAL 1 ( DBTXLomirf
Arrnmon to ibi ) PHYSICAL ( Brawn