oedJIi verv Slaci en SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1895. DOLJ'IVS DEFEAT. .. Contrary to general expectation, the balloting for senator in the legislature in joint assembly Wednesday resulted in no choice. Tuesday the two houses voted separately, when the vote in the senate stood: " . ; ; . '-':: Dolph Ally,' Bancroft, Brownell, Calbreath, Carter,"" Dawson, Denny, Cleaner, Gowan, Hobson, Johnson, Maxwell, SfcCJlitng, McGinn,' Patter son, Price, Bt'eiwer, Simon, V6odard 19.- -::'r:f Bennettf ,"dera."-. Beckley, Butler, Cogswell, Yruston, McAlister, Kaley, Smith of Clatsop, Smith ' of Sherman 8. : v ; v- s Hare, pop. Holt, King, Vander berg 3. In the house, 2?; republicans bolted the caucus nominee and voted for J udge F. A. Mooro of the supreme bench. Following is the vote of the house: . . . . Dolph J3ea'ch, Blundeli,-; Bridges, Calvert, Caldwell, Cleeton, Conn, Coop er, Daly, David, Davis; Gowdy, Eeyt, Long, McCrakeu, McGreer, - Mintie, Moorhead, Myers, Paxto'n, Sehlbrede, Shutrum, Stanley,Smith of Clackamas, Smith of 'Polk, - Smith of Josephine, Templeton, Thompson and Mr. Speak er 29. . 'V : :' Moore Baker, . Bark ley, Booth by, Burke, Cole, Coon, Craig, Curtis.Gates; Guild, Gurdane, Hillegas, Hofer,Hope, ' Lester, Lyle, Patterson, Rinearson, Smith of Linn, Tigard, Wright, Yates 22. ' r ' ' ' Hare Buckman, Burleigh, Huff man, Jeffrey, Nealon, Steiwer, Young 7. ::. ; , . 1 v Lord Dunn 1. - ..- -..'. On the ballot1 taken Wednesday Sen ators Alley, McClung and Johnson and Representative Keyt deserted Dolph. Representative Scott being absent.sick, this ballot loft Dolph short one vote of being elected. ,' v - ' ' - - Thiyrsday's ballot : resulted 44 ' for Dolph, and as the sick man had re turned, he'lackcd two votes of election. Dolph 's defeat is now generally con coded. Senator McGinn of Multnomah has Introduced a bill to give all legal print ing in each county to the newspaper having the largest, circulation..: , This would give the Oregonian a great ad vantage in Multnomah just at present,, but if this free-silver fight keeps up, and we guess it will, the Sun will soon beat the Oregon ian's circulation.- The bill wouM not affect the Glacier one way or the other, but we hope it will not become a law. It would raise prices on this class of advertising and foster monopoly, and would be about us objectionable as the old litigant law enacted by the democratic legislature of 1870, giving the democratic state ad ministration the right to designate the newspapers that should have the legal advertising. That law helped to elect the republican legislature of 1872: ' The free-silver republicans of flood River I and they seem to be in the ma jority) were proud of Hon. T. 11. Coon, our representative at Salem, when it was learned by his vote for senator that he was not' governed by-the in structions sent', him from The Dulles. We are not a free-silverite, but we can respect the independence of Mr. Coon in voting according to his convictions in this election . " ' He has been au ad vocate of free Bjvjgr or years, aud as his party is , liopelessly divided , on "-.the ijuestion, he is not abusing the confi dence reposed in him by voting for a free-silver republican for United States senator. Wednesday 'citizens of Hood River "instructed" their representative from this part of .the. county. A request to Mr. Coon, asking him not to vote for Mr. Dolph, was circulated, i and in 'about two hours it received the signa tures of 52.republicans who had voted' for Mr. i'Cpony.i .Ali-:Jepub!icans who were asked W sign the paper complied except fourybu tlip names: of ' .these four were very;CQ8picuous by'theirab buco from the list. - ' ' - The one vote hi "the Yamhill county convention that defeated ,Mr, .J.. W. Morton for Uie.; nomination .for "joint representative from Yamhill arid fl'illa lnook courltics' defeated Senator Dolpli's, re-election. Mr. Morton was a Dolph man when we talked 'with-him only Jast Tuesday. : His ; successful com petitor, II. C. Guild, votes against Dolph in,t.lie-.!egis,ature... .".'.', . , Judges Gilbert and Bellinger have removed ft'Oin -office- United -'States (Commissioner C. L. Parrish of Lake view. Mr. Parrish, is the commissioner who recently sent a special deputy marshal with an assistant, all the way from LakVview to Portland, bringing a worthless fellow to jail for selling a pint of whisky to an Indian. And for this Mr. Parrish was turned down. The Glacier Is indebted to Mr. M. Willis for a copy of the Klminth Fulls Express s'ouveni number of Januury 10th. - It Is handsomely printed and gives fine illustrations of views in that ' distant pint of Oregon., witli di'script- ive articles of the country and pictims of all prominent ciCwiis. I The first number of the Lance. Port land' itew weekly, has been received. Mr. Charles E. .Downing, late' of the Tomahawk, will have editorial man agement of the Lance, and this is as surance that the editorials will be in teresting reading. He will be assisted by that brilliant OregQ.ii genius, Sam L. Simpson, whose verse will doubt less be recognized by his numerous ad mirers. , A letter of Senator Hill's, written over a'year ago and declaring for free silver, has recently been made public. Hill is planning to capture the South ern delegates -to the next democratic convention. From this time until the convention next year he will be a good democrat, aud this explains his recent visit to the white house. But that 153,000 majority given Levi P. vill rise up and again overcome David B. when convention time comes around. While the world's production of gold iucreased 30 per cent from I860 to 1893, the production of silver during the same time increased 385 per cent; hence there is a decline in the price of silver. The increased, production' of wheat, cotton and wool has produced a like reduction! in -prices for, these staple commodities. . ,''....'.. It is sad to think of the Honorable Joseph N. Dolph going back to private, life after the 4th -of ' March next! to '. sink ; Into obscurity along with G. H. Williams. J. K. Kelly,' L. F. Grover and J. H. Slater. ' ": . The big storm is reported to. have done a tremendous lot of damage to the orchards in Clarke county, Wash ington. Some of them are stripped clean of limbs. Senator Patterson's bill, reducing the mileage of c'ouuty officers from 10 cents to 5 cents a mile, should become a law. :.. " - - : '' ' Oregon has "gone idiotic," Brother Gourlay.: Meeting Of Korthwest Fruit Growers. The Northwest Fruit Growing Asso ciation and the Oregon State Horticul tural Society will hold their annual meeting at the city of Portland, com mencing Wednesday, February 6, 1895. The Northern Pacific, the Oregon Railway aud Navigation Co. and the Great Northern have agreed for a full fare golog and one-fifth returning. Tickets must be purchased within three days of the lime of holding the convention. To obtain the reduced rate on return the purchaser must ob tain from the agent a certificate that he purchased such ticket for the purpose- of.attending said convention. He must also receive a certificate from the secretary of said convention that he at tended the same. On presenting these certificates to the agents of these roads at Portland he will receive hia return ticket for one-fifth of theregular fare. It is hoped that there will be a large attendance from all parts of the'north west, also that there will be every ef fort made to secure a good display of the fruits of our region.. To this all are asked to contribute. .. . - The intention is to organize and har monize the fruit-growing interests of the entire northwest Idaho, Wash ington, Oregon aud British Columbia in the best manner and invite full dis cussion of. all questions involved. The meeting will be made valuable and in structive , by practical discussion of many topics involved in horticulture,. aud the advantages of every section of this broad northwest will be explained by representative men present. ', . It was hoped to secure the presence of the American - Pomological Soeiety in full force, but while disappointed in this, we yet have ' assurance from Mr. Braukett, the secretary, and other dis tinguished pomologists from the East, that they will remain on (his coast and intend to be present at our con vention to reud valuable papers and take part in our discussions. The fruit growers of the northwest will be here in great numbers and are abundantly able to lend interest to the discussion of all questions that will come before them. S. A. Clarke, , '(': , Sec'y N. W. F, G. Ass'tu ; . The Woman's Missionary meeting of thtf Congregational church will give ah' open, meeting next Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock. All who come will be made 'welcome. The following pro gramme wilt be presented: .... Organ prelude. Song, "The Harvest'?....';. ..Congregation Scripture Reading. Prayer. : - - Song, "From Greenland's Icy Mountains" '. Congregation Reading, Missionary Opportunity In Ko- ' ' rea," Hrs. Rose McCoy Recitation, "What May I Do"... Ed ward Heald Solo, "He Glveth His Beloved Sleep" Mrs. Anna Armor. Reading, "The Korean Boy's Hut"..... " . ...... Maud Gilbert. Quartette, "Softly Now the Light of Day." Recitation, "A True Uentlomau." - ; Rulph Button Solo, "TheSwullow.'i. Miss Calllson Reading, "The True Missionary Spirit.".... ... Mrs. LaFrance Anthem, "The Nations Who are Saved."... Choir Address on social life In Korea, Mrs. E. L. Smith Song, "The Answered Prayer,"...... ......Mrs. Armor's and Mr. Mc(5oy'g classes. Recitation, with organ accompaniment, i Agnes Dukes Song. "Are You Doing nil the Good You Can?".......... Double Quartette Offertory. ' Solo, "Even Tide, .:..Miis Anna Smith Postludo, , Collapse of n Ancient Aristocracy The latest advice from China shows that the hope of resisting the Japanese 1 has been abandoned. The v defensive campaign has collapsed with a disgrace ful completeness unequalled in history since the great Roman empire went down before a handful of half-naked, barbarians. " '.'""" "4 " " The causes of the fall of China are ob trusively self-evident.;- The govern-, ment is now, as it has been for cen turies, a pure aristocracy, no doubt the purest-m history, tor elsewhere the ele- j ment of birth or of religious caste has entered into the theory that the best have a.di vine rigTit to govern. The j classical aristocracies were adulterated by democracy, by plutocracy and by! caste. But in theory the Chinese' aris- j tocracy is purely one of personal attain-: ment. --- '! ' - --. : In America, as in India, aristocracy and Brahminism have always gone to-j getheri -The most powerful of our liv ing aristocrats are also theocrats men who earnestly believe that their aupe riority to the rest has made, them the" special agents of the divine will for the mastery of the rest. But in China there are no Brahmins. The Chinese aristocrat who complies- - with the theory of the government has ' secure. Ills rank by his own effort. .. - He is,- ai mandarin, because of being a "superior man," and he has become superior by studying the literature, the : art, c the science, the philosophy, handed -down from generation to generation for many centuries as the mo3t prized- possession, of his country. " , .' : The whole object of the. Confucian system is to create "superior men" . fit to rule the rest to wear a mandarin's button and a peacock's feather. -As a result they have been developed away from the people and their culture has degraded the people until at last the degradation of the people lias reacted on the ruling class in the collapse of the great empire before a- comparative ly feeble foe. So, of necessity, must end every class government. N. Y. World. Digest cf Land Decision. . Furnished by W. D. Harlan, Land Attorney, Washing. n, D. C ' -An; entry,- though improperly . al lowed, should Hot be cancelled without notice to the entrymun, and due op portunity to show cause why such ac tion should not be taketv. Work done outside the boundaries of a mining claim, for the purpose. of fa cilitating the extraction of mineral therefrom, is as available for holding the claim as though done, within the boundaries of the claim itself. ; The rule of approximation will be applied to a homestead entry that em braces fractional subdivisions in tW'V sections; -' ' . . .... ': ; , Eat Apples.',--. . , :t , Ail exchange says everybody ought to know that the very best thing they can do is to eat apples before retiring for the night.' Persons uninitiated in the mysteries of the fruit are liable to throw iip their hands in horror at the visions of dyspepsia which such a sug gestion may summon up, but no harm can come to even a delicate ; system by the eating of ripe and juicy apples just before going to bed. The apple is an excellent brain, food, because it has more phosphoric acid in easily digesti ble shape than other fruits. It excites the action of the liver, promotes jjpund and healthy sleep, and thoroughly dis infects the mouth. This is not till. The apple helps the kidney secretions and prevents calculus growths, while it obviates indigestion and is one of the best preventives known of diseases of the throat. - -' The St. Louis Republic Free. ' The "twice-a-week','; St. Louis Re public will be sent FREE FOR ONE YEAR to any person sending, before January: 31, 1895, a club' of three NEW yearly subscribers, ,wUh $!3 to pay for the same. Already the- clans are gath-" erine for the fray in 1896, and 1895 will b"e full of interesting events. ;. The skir mish lines will be tlirown out, the ''ma-'' neuvering done and the plans of cani-; paign arranged for the great contest In j the democratic congress, to be followed shortly by a republican congress 'with a ; democrat in the presidential chair will , be productive of events of incalculable interest.: In .fact, more political, fris-f tory will be constructed during I8957 than in any year since the,"fomidnition,'"; of the government, arid a man without "- a newspaper will be like a useless lumd in the movements of public .opinion. You can get three subscribers tor the Republic by a few minutes' effort. Re member in the Republic subscribers get a paper twice' a week for the price of a weekly only a j'ear: Try it, AT ONCE, and see how easily it can be done. If you wish a package of sample copies, write for them. Cut out this advertisement and send with your or der. Address the St. Louis Republic, 8t, Louis, Mo. '.;.;..' I CHIJRC1I K0TICES. ' Services will be conducted nt the Congregational e.iureh next Sundnyv nioriiing-by the pastor. Subject, . "A ; Good Conscience." - .- -.j.j Sunday ecbool at the Valley Con gregational church . ehch Sunday at ' 10.30, except on .church days, when it meets at 10 o'clock. "Conic, now, let '' us reason togeter, saith the Lord." Regular services are held at the M. E. barracks morning hnd evening of the first Sumliiy of each month; in the evening the remaining Sundays.of t.he month. The fourth Sunday evening occupied by T. D. Gregory. F. L. JonXs. . S. E. Ban mesa in building a root over the porch in front of his store. i" " An exchange tells of a wise farmer who - mortgaged his farm, to buy his wrte a diamond ring; the wife took-in wushirig to pay the interest on the mortgage, but finally lost her ring in theuuds, and in a fit of despondency she tried to-commit suicide by hanging herself from a rafter in the barn, but the rope broke and she fell on a $150 cow aud broke the animal's back; the farmer tried to shoot the cow to end her sutl'ering, when the gun buret and put out both his eyes; then the wife ran away. with a lightning-rod peddler and the farmer went to the poor house. The mortgage is still doing business at the oldxstand, . : ' Our state law makers were awfully liberal to themselves this week. They voted themselves each a pen knife, six dollars' worth of stamps and a large supply of stationery, six daily papers; etc. By the time thev. get through at this, rate the taxpayers will have to provide a wet nurse and whisky toddies every night for them, to say nothing of female clerks. Troutdale Champion. . - , ., - - To Water Consumers. Owing tb hard times I have decided to make 'feabction in water rates, but as some have paid u'p to March 1, 1805, new rates will not tak 'feflect uritjl that date."' For all water tents'" 'pki4 iproifiptly th first day of the rnoO tl'i, the foj lowing rates - wilt be accepted: Prcicm' rates of tl.50. reduced to 1.25; bath tulSaJ Aow 50 cents, reduced ioJ2iJ cents; livery stables, $2.50, reduced to 2; hotels, SI, reduced to $.50; rateanow $1, no change; Irrigation re duced 50 per Cent from old price. :, 'Aoove prices apply to. those only who pay promptly first 'jaf each month.' ' iS.i ' " 5 . - A. S'. BLOWERS. NOTICE OF FILING PLAT. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Ore gon, Jan. 18, 1895. Pursuant to clrculnr In structions of the General Land Office, Issued at .Washington, D. C.,' February t; 1892, notice is thereby given that the survey and plat made and approved by John C. Arnold, sur veyor general for Oregon, on the 8th day of November, 1891, of township 2 north or range U east of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, has been received at this United States land office, hnd will be filed in this office on the 23th day of February, 1895, at 9 o'clock a. m. of sai4 day, and we will be prepared on nnd after said day of filing said plat, to receive applications for the entry of lands In such township. JAS. F, MOORE, Register. , WILLIAM H. BIGGS, Rceiver. X- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, January 22. 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settlor has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in supportof his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on March 9. 1895, viz: . -Robert B. Lindsay, Hdi E. No. SJ2!), for the northeast section 18, township 2 north, range 10 cast, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Aritone Wise, Henry Prigge, H. C. Stran-ttha-u and John Parker, all of Hood River, Oregon. , . f JAS. F. MOORE, Register. ;;;';jroRSAixEr: -y , wo choice.lpts, Wijh gopc( residence, in the town ol 100Q lliyeFf win De soia at a Dargain, I-nquiro at the Glacier office. sel . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - .Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, December 10, 1894, Notice is hereby given that the fol-loxVing-named settler haj filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register nd Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on January i, isaa; viz: , Ularencfe P. Knapp, ' t. Hd. i3. No. 4148, for lots 1 and 2, and south northeast quarter section 2, township 1 north, range 10 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove Lhis continuous residence upon ana cultiva tion or, saia iana, viz: S.M.Baldwin, George Booth, John Lentz, J. N. Lentz, all or moou liiver. uregon. dlo : - JAS. F. MOORE, Register. 20 Acres of Fruit Land for Sale. I have for sale 20 acres of mimnroved land that I will sell on reasonable terms. It Is of the best Quality for apples' and other fruit. The land is easily cleared and can be watered from the Hood River Supply Oo.'s ditch. For further particulars, call on or address ; .- H. L. CRAPPER, t dl.V , Hood River, Oregon, DUFUR & MENEFEE, Attorneys-at-Law, Ghapman Block, osr Postoff ice -1 -. THE DALLES OREGON. : WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL !W,;,.DICTIONAR Y i4,Grnd Educator, 'Succetsorothe ' Unabridged." "' Standard of the IT. 8. Gov't Print ing Office, the U.S. Supreme Court and of nearly all the Bchoolbooks. ' Warmly com mended by every State Superinten dent of Schools, and other Educa tors , almost with out number. A College President Writes I . Tor " ease -with which the eye finds the " word sought, for accuracy of deflni "tlon, for effective methods In tndi " eating pronunciation, for terse yet " comprehensive statements of facts, "and for practical use as a working " dictionary, Webster's International' "excels any other single volume.'V; ... The One Great Standard Authority. Hon. I. J. Brewer, Justice of the U. 8. Supreme Court, writes : " The International Dictionary is the perfection of dictionaries. I commend it to all as the one great stand ard authority."- f,.. tglfA saving of three cents per day for a year will provide more than enough money to- purchase a copy of the International. Can you afford to be without it? , G: & C. HERJRIASr CO., Publishers, Sprlng&eld, Mass., U.S. A. i - -Rend to the publishers for free pamphlet. : - Do not buy cheap. reprints of ancient editions. HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS -AT- 3D. rpiEEcns. ST O'E Bv The Famous C M. HENDERSON & CO.'S For MEN, WOMEN and CHILDREN. All sizes and large variety. My motto is "Possibly not the Cheapest, but the Best," and the Henderson Shoes are the cheapest in the long run. Urrv-iv ',?.:- Don't To call and examine and prlc these goods. Hand-made Double Team Harness, $20! With Boston Team Dollars. All other kinds of Harness cheap for 1895. If you doubt It. call and price them. 1 propose to keep Hood River That thirty days is as long as we 'can credit goods, and would respectfully 7 7 : '-."' ' request our patrons to govern themselves accordingly. ' Hood Kiver Bj32jcLo:cymm NOVELTIES I N PERFUMES ''.'; And a fine line of bulk goods just arrived. Try a box of the Four Season?, elegantly perfumed, at 25 cvnln. Colgate' superb 2-bit Soups and the old standard PEA RS and CUTICURA in.ny quantity. v duality rather , Our motto in every line. ...... WILLIAMS Sl BROSIUS. HAMA' 3l DEALERS IN HOOD RIVER, OREGON. AGENTS FOR Woonsocket Rubber Boots and Shoes. .The Best in the World. . ' We have a large line in stock. Call and examine goods. O. B. HARTLEY. HARTLEY & LANGILLE, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, DEALERS IN Fresh and Cured Meats, Presh and Salt Fish, Grain, Hay, Fruit, Vegetables, Butter, Eggs, Hides, Pelts, . Furs, etc., etc. Business Done on a STRICTLY CASH BASIS. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. .1 ; HAS CONSTANTLY-ON HAND THE Choicest Meats, Ham, Bacon, lard, Game, ! Poikltry, Also Dealers in VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. Corner of Oak and Fourth Streets, - - - - Hood River, Oregon. BearcLtifuil S-u.xrc-a.rj.d.lng's- SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES, - Address, . MRS. SARAH K. WHITE. Principal. Mm ! :-c" n Fail ';';vv;V;' . They will please you. No trouble to show them. trade at home if price Is an object. D. F. PIERCE, Hood River, Or. than Quantity .- VOLFARD, H. D. LANGILLE. The Annie Wright Seminary. TACOMA, WASHINGTON. 18S4. ' Eleventh Year. 1894. A Boarding School for Girls, v with Superior Advantages. Tan ISTmmo MORAL . ( Dtrsunnt Orras Ciaif dl V INTELLEOTUiL 1 of ths Attehtiov to the j PHYSICAL ( SiDinn,