The Hoog mm J A3J1XJ 9 It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. VOL. 6. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SATURDAY, JANUARY 26, 1895. NO. 35. 3oed Iftver Slacier. PUBLISHED KVEUT 8ATCRDAT MORNING BT S. F. BLYTHE, Publisher. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One year Six months-.. Three months. Bnifle copy , 12 M . 1 00 , M f Crats GRANT EVANS. EOBT. HUSBANDS. THE GLACIER BARBERSHOP, Second St., Near Oak, Hood River, Or. ,,, EYANS;& HUSBANDS, P.oprletors. Shaving and hair-cutting neatly done. Satis- lactiou guaranteed. NORTHWEST NEWS Condensed Telegraphic Reports of. Late Happenings. TAKEN HOT FROM THE WIRES Budget of News for Easy Digestion From Different Part of the State of Wash ington, Oregon and Idaho Items of Interest to Pacific Coast People. . The Seattle pickle and vinegar works were destroyed by fire the other night. A Colton (Wash.) man whipped an other because he called him a Populist. - A. J. Barlow's hotel and six lots at Gold Hill, Or., have been sold to O. Swacker for $2,277. - The Tacoma Poultry Association's first annual show began in that city Tuesday, with more than 500 birds on exhibition. Dr. Y. 0- Blalock," retiring fire chief of "Walla Walla, was presented with a cane by the members of Tiger Engine Com pany. It is reported that the.Weyerhauser syndicate has purchased 3,000 acres of " timber land in the Nasel country, Washington.- .--,.-:'''' ' --i ' There is active opposition in Astoria to a project by Portland men to convert the Sturtz Theater into a beer hall and concert garden. . ' Thomas O'Leary has secured a judg ment for $5,000 against the Puget Sound and Alaska Steamship Company for damages at Seattle. A second county division scheme has cropped out in Linn county, this time for the creation of Santiam county with Scio as the county seat."-' -;-; ' -. -J. A. West, Superintendent of the Sumpter Valley railroadi was severely injured recently by a velocipede car, on which he was riding, jumping the track. The Newsboys' Union of Spokane lias boycotted the Chronicle because it will not take back unsold papers at cost price. Everybody who buys one is to be listed as a ' scab." a -- - . . -, News has been received in Tacoma from the East that Paul Schultze has succeeded in placing $l,C00,O00 bonds of the Sunnyside ditch in the Yakima coun try, Washington. . : . ' - . Hilda Johnson, a girl 15 years of age, living at Olalla, KitBap county, Wash., took strychnine and died in two hours in great agony. She wanted to live in Se attle if she staid on earth at all. President Penrose las raised half of the $150,000 necessary to secure the en dowment of $50,000 offered upon that condition by Dr. Pearson of Chicago for Whitman College. He has gone East to secure J,he remainder. , . The result of the election held at Ba ker City, Or., for levying a $4,000 tax for the support of the public schools was a complete vindication of the management of the schools. The vote stood; 216 for the tax and 62 against. : - All the logging camps will start up in "Washington and British Columbia within a few days. There are only 47,000,000 feet of logs on hand in Washington, hardly enough for a month's run. Prices are already stiffening, and dealers are elated over the prospects of upward tendencies of prices and an increased demand. . ... At Pendleton Judge Fee has granted the order for the return of execution in . the Oregon Gold Mining Company's case:' The effect will be to postpone the sale of the mines, valued at $500,000. which had been set for January 19. Some condi tions were imposed protecting the for mer attorneys in the collection of over $5,000 fees. . :o Word has been received at Tacoma that the Everett smelter has closed down, ' leaving the Tacoma smelter the only one in operation north of San Francisco and west of Helena. Lack of ores to mix with the Monte Cristo ores,- it is said, caused the shutdown at. Everett. Six weeks ago the smelter there was started for the third time since it was finished two years ago. : J : : ; -. " " A correspondent of the- Albany (Or.) Democrat says: "The Railroad Com mission claims to have brought about a reduction in freight. .Let us see about that. Before the time of the commission we paid 20 cents per hundred for freight from Portland to Brownsville. Now for the same freight we pay 80 cents per hundred. How is that for reduction? Abolish the Railroad Commission and every other useless parasite from the pay rolls of State and county." DEFIED THE JUDGE. A Chicago Jury Refused to Bender Verdict as Ordered. Chicago, January 18. Never has ' United States Court in Chicago been the witness of such a scene as occurred ii Judge Seaman's court to-day. An en tire jury rebelled against the order of the Judge, and, though eleven of the jurors afterward submitted to the di rection of the court, one juror, Julius Clayton, refused even under protest to obey the court. With a long imprison ment staring him in trie lace lor con tempt of court he was firm, and at the close of the day scored a victory over the Judge. The jury was sitting on a dam age suit of Mary Cahill vs. the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad, which began January 7. Miss CahilLwas se riously injured at the Eighty-second-' street crossing by a switch engine owned by the defendant road. In the evidence before the court the brakeman and engi neer admitted the facts as stated. The attorney representing the road made motion, after the evidence was in, that a non-suit be entered on the ground that there was no responsibility attached to the road, as the action of the switch en gine crew was not wanton or willful, and that the plaintiff was a trespasser. The jury was requested to retire, and the motion was argued. Judge Seaman said he would grant the motion and or der the non-suit. After a hot wrangle between the attorneys Judge Seaman delivered his charge to the jury. He had, he said, nothing but sympathy for the woman, but under the circum stances there was nothing for the jury to do but to render a verdict for the de fendants. He continued : ''This must be your verdict. So say you all?" JNot a man ot the twelve moved or made a motion of assent. On the faces of the jurors was seen a dogged deter mination. Later on all but Juror Clay ton acquiesced in the Judge's opinion. The case was finally dismissed on the stipulation that the order of dismissal should be equivalent to the rendering of a verdict by the jury on order of the court and under the protest of the jury. The jury was anxious to render a verdict of $24,000 for the woman. THE PACIFIC CABLE. Sentiment In Congress Not Favorable to the President's Suggestions. New York, January 18. The Sun's Washington correspondent telegraphs the following : An inquiry among Sena tors and Representatives fails to develop a sentiment in either House favoring the legislation recommended by the President in his recent message to amend the Hawaiian treaty so that the consent of this government can be-secured for the construction of a cable under Eng lish auspices from Vancouver to Aus tralia via Honolulu. The. President's recommendation has not only brought to the surface all the. opposition to a British cable, but has stirred up the friends of the American project who have not been active during the present Congress. Already several members have in preparation bills authorizing the laying of a Hawaiian cable tinder the patronage of the United States. One of the members of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, who does not wish to be quoted because lie may De called upon to vote in the committee, in explaining whv there could be no legislation as rec ommended by the President said to day : ' - ' The request on behalf of Great Brit ain is made in order that it may secure a military cable in the Pacific Ocean, as it has. one in the Atlantic Ocean and everywhere else. If this cable should be landed in Hawaii with the consent of the. United States, it would be found that, if an emergency should arise, the United States could not send a single order for the movement of any of its warships over it. Great Britain seeks with this cable to strengthen.its military arms, The permission wnicn is sougnt for in this message of President Clever land. I can assure vou. will never be granted by the United States Congress." FARMERS IN SESSION. Natlonwl Federation in the United . States Organised . Chicago, January 18. In accordance with a call issued some time ago a repre sentative body of "farmers from different parts of the country to-day organized the National Farmers' Federation of the United States. Its constitution, as adopt ed, aims to bring all farmers' organiza tions into actrve co-operation in pro moting their common good ; to furnish a means of communication between or ganizations or between isolated farmers ; to bring farmers into closer relations with the national and State Depart ments of Agriculture and experiment stations ; to provide for farmers' reading a course of study; to provide for the distribution of literature which will help to a better citizenship; to a more pro found and practical knowledge of agri culture and a more thorough under standing of the questions relating to good government, legislation, the laws of trade and the relation of agriculture to other pursuits, and to promote such other objects aB the federation may deem best accomplished, by a general co operative movement. The following of ficers were elected : President, J. B. Furrow, Iowa; Vice President, F. R. Palmer, Illinois; Secre tary, Milton George, Chicago; Treas urer, W. R. Hostetter, Illinois. . The organization is to be non-political and non-secret. The Cup Challenger. Glasgow, January 16. Shipbuilders Henderson were torday ordered to pro ceed with the construction of Dunrav en's new yacht. It is to be finished by May.- The work is to be concluded with the strictest secrecy. ' PEOPLE'S CHOICE The Officers Who Will Serve the State for Four Years. THEIR FAC SIMILE PORTRAITS With Brief Biographical Sketches of the ' - Men Who Proved to be in Sympathy With the Masses Governor William P. Lord. ' ; ; ' ' Governor William P. Lord was born in Dover, Del., in '1838. He graduated from college i'n"1860ustas the country was passing through the period of heated disputes in and out of Congress destined to terminate in the rebellion. War was declared just as young Lord had com menced the study of law.--Patriotism was stronger than mere personal con siderations, and he enlisted promptly in the service of his country as Captain of the First Delaware Cavalry. .Through meritorous service he was later promoted to the rank of Major, and served with distinction until the end of the war, '. y : ) Secretary of Stitt I governor- - f8 - - ' . Sopt. Public Instruction , . ' lyj V . . . ' 2 'S. V01,. 1 pi when he resumed his interrupted legal studies. He was afterward appointed Lieutenant of the Second Artillery and detailed for service on the Pacific Coast, In 1808 he resigned from the army and commenced practicing law at Salem. Or, In 1878 he was elected State Senator ,for Marion county, and resigned to accept tne uigniuea positionot Judge ot tne su preme Court in 1880. For fourteen years Judge Lord was universally recognized as one of the most distinguished jurists on the Coast. As Chief Executive of the commonwealth of Oregon William f. Lord will undoubtedly add new lau rels to those which have already crowned his life and fill the gubernatorial, chair in a manner creditable to the State which elected him. j Harrison B, Kincald. ? II. R. Kincaid, Secretary of State, wat bjtn in Indiana in 1836, and crossed the plains to Oregon as a pioneer in 1853. He settled at once at Eugene, where he remained for two years. In 1855 he was imbued with the prevailing mining fever and tried his luck Tn the gold camps of California. Not finding the life to his taste, Mr. Kincaid returned to Eugene,. and has since been a prominent char acter in the world of journalism as well as in political affairs. In 1860 he waB both compositor and editor of The Peo ple's Press, an influential journal of that time, and in 1864 commenced the publi- cation at Eugene of the Oregon State Journal, a newspaper which is recog nized all over the State as one of the leading framers- of public opinion in Oregon. Mr. Kincaid was clerk in the United States Senate from 1868 to 1879. Since 1881 Mr. Kincaid has resided in Eugene and devoted himself to editorial work. He is looked upon as a man of splendid intelligence, sound ideas on all public questions and unblemished char acter. . - - - G. M. Irwin. " G. M. Irwin, Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction, was born in Ohio.and received his education at the Ohio Wes leyan University. His early years were spent in Illinois, and he enlisted in the army from that State upon the outbreak of. the war and made a meritorious record for himself in manyof the his toric battles of the great rebellion. In 1880 Mr. Irwin came to Oregon, and has since his arrival been prominently con nected with the educational affairs of the State. For many years he was President at the Blue Mountain Uni versity in Eastern Oreeon, and that in stitution prospered, under his super vision. Since 1888 Mr. Irwin has been active in political affairs, and was an elector on the Republican Presidential ticket in 1892. His election as Superin tendent of Public Instruction,, for which position a bitter fight was wacrad. set the stamp of public approval upon Mr. Ir win's career in Oregon. . ' C. M. Idleman. .. . C. M. Idleman, Attorney-General, was born in the Buckeye State 37 years ago, and his early education and initiation into the practical affairs of life were had in that State. His first start was made in the railway mail service on the Balti more and Ohio line, He devoted all the time at his disposal to the study of law, and in 1883 was admitted to practice in the courts of Ohio. Mr. Idleman came to Oregon in 1885, and in copartnership with two well-known jurists established the firm of Johnson. McCown & Idleman. This firm immediately took high rank in the profession, and Mr. Idleman has perr sonally conducted many important cases with distinguished success. : Profession ally and socially Mr. Idleman is reearded as one of the brightest and most talented young men of the State, and his election to trie nigh omce of Attorney-General is universally looked upon as a just recog nition of his merits. Phil Metschan. Phil Metschan, State Treasurer, was born in Germany, but came to this coun try at an early age, and possesses all the distinguishing traits of a stalwart Amer icanism combinedwith the genial, frank manner for which the Teutonic character is noted. Mr. Metschan located at-Cin cinnati on his arrival in America, and has since resided at different, times in Kansas, Colorado and California.- He commenced life as butcher, but has since been engaged in extenf-ive mercan tile affairs, and is to-day looked upon as a leader in public affairs. During a long residence in , Grant county : he filled many important offices with great credit. He was County Treasurer of Grant for three terms and County Judge from 1882 to 1886. In 1890 the Kepublican party, recocnizins his ster ling ability and purity of character, nominated Phil Metschan for State Treas urer, and he filled the office so success fully that he was renominated and re elected in 1894 by a large majority over his Democratic and Populist opponents. - V. W. H. Leeds. '''-''' . W. H. Leeds, State Printer, was born in New Jersey, and is still under 40 years of age. In 1877 Mr. Leeds moved to Ta coma, Wash., "where he engaged in the newspaper and printing business until 1878," when he took up a permanent abode at Ashland, establishing the Ash land Tidings, which stands to-day among . the leading journals of Southern Oregon. Not only in that section, but throughout the entire State, the Tidincs has become a household word as a strong, brainy journal. Until his nomination, for State Printer by the Republicans in 1891 Mr. Leeds had always refused to run for any offlceT He is well equipped for the posi tion to which he was elected, and will bring the result of years of practical ex perience to bear in the discharge of his duties. Through his journal Mr. Leeds has for many years been the mainstay of his party in Jackson, Josephine, Lake and Klamath counties, and his selection for the office of State Printer by the Re- publicans is only a well-deserved reward for his work. v. . r . " . Bryan's Seigniorage Coinage Bill. Washington, January 18. Bryan of Nebraska has introduced a bill in the House to provide for the coinage of the seigniorage. A feature of the bill pro vides that any person presenting to the treasury greenbacks or treasury notes and demanding their redemption in gold or silver for the purpose of embarrassing the government, iniuring its credit or .compelling or securing an iseue of bonds shall be guilty ot a misdemeanor, and upon conviction be punished by impris onment for not less than five years. The Cruiser Oljrnipla. . San Fbancisco, January 17. The great 8,500-ton United States cruiser Olympia will, it is said, be turned over to the gov ernment on February 1. Only a few fin ishing touches are necessary", and when she arrives at the navy yard she will be ready for service after shipping her stores and ammunition. Reported Landing Near Wei Hal Wei. London, January 17. A Che Foo .dis patch says it is rumored the Japanese have landed in Shang Tung near Wei Hai Wei, and that the British fleet is cruising in the waters in the vicinity, Watching the movements of the invad ing force. DEFENSE OF CHINA Manchurian Princes Take the Matter in Their Own Handsf LI HUNG CHANG'S INFLUENCE They Find This is Necessary in Order to Prevent the Intrigue of Chinese Of ficialsChinese Stragglers Become Savages. Lost to All Human Feeling. ' London, January 15. The Times has this dispatch from its Tien Tsin corre spondent: ; ' ' ' ' The Manchurian Princes have taken the defense of the country into their own hands. The intrigues of the Chi nese officials aim to thwart them ; hence a conflict that paralyzes the executive power. Li Hung Chang, though relieved of all functions except that of Governor oi tne province, still indirectly influ ences the officials. Chinese arriving from Manchuria report that the country be- . i. .. vni- i t : tt. i- (-VVGC11 tut, iivcib iaiu BUU iJlilU J1U iu desolate. No houses are standing. The timber has been burned, and towns and villages, erstwhile populous, are without a vestige of life. . Only scattered groups oi irozen corpses are seen, .food ana fuel cannot be trot. The wounded suffer terribly. The movements of troops on" both sides are hindered by the exhaus tion of the supplies, which the country people at first supplied through fear. The stragglers from the Chinese army, who have taken refuge in the hills and forests, have become savages, lost to all human teeung. , TUB AfiUTM TW TTTW UTlfT.n London, January 15. The Central News correspondent in Tokio quotes a dispatch, dated at Hai Chang yesterday, from Lieutenant-General Katsura, who represents niai one pornon oi uenerai Sung's army left Yong Kow January 8 for Kaiping and another portion marched in the direction of Hai Chang. ' The enemy's main force retreated Janu ary 10 to Ku Ho Hee. The Japanese cavalry is now scouting for the Chinese. Dating his dispatch at Kaiping, yes terday General Nogi reports that his scouts say General Fing with some 10, 000 Chinese is in the vicinity of Tsaicho. Other Japanese commanders report a ' large force of Chinese in the vicinity of Yeie Kow and Lao Ya Ten. uenerai men, wnne escaping in a car riage January 10, passed within fifty me ters of the Japanese, who killed his him a prisoner. ' The Chinese peace envoy, Chang Tin Hoon, arrived in Shanghai this evening with a suite of fifty-six. The Cantonese oppose his going'to Japan, and declare in their placards that he will disgrace China. DECLARATION FROM RUSSIA. St. Petersburg, . January 15. The Novoe Vremya savs to-day in a leader on the Eastern war : " If the friendly and peaceful repre sentations of Russia's diplomacy be not considered, she will be compelled to sup port her claims on Oorea with force of THE TONG HAK INSURRECTION. London. Januaty 15. The Tokio cor respondent of the Central News says : in a dispatch from Jusan Uaptain Ta- kubakan yesterday reported that the! Tong Hak insurrection in Junt Sen Do has been suppressed. A captured spy declared that the insurgents would prove tne sincerity ot their surrender by be heading their principal chiefs and forty others. The Captain and the Corean authorities examined the Tong Hak prisoners, who declared that divisions had occurred among them, when the Japanese sailors and Corean soldiers at tacked them and completely terrified them. THAT ATHLETIC MATCH. The English Are Determined, and Will Bring It Off if Possible. London, January 16. The permanent Secretary of, the London Athletic Club was shown a dispatch detailing the reply of Chairman Williams of the Athletic Committee of the, New York Athletic Club to the interview with Holman, Honorary Secretary of the London Ath letic Club. Mr. Parker said: . " I cannot at present speak officially. but I am sure that of the dates given, September 12 and September 21. the committee would prefer September 12, for the university members of the team are obliged to go back to their studies at the opening of the term in October. ' Twelve letters which I have received to day have confirmed our previous belief tnat the meeting in may would be im possible. But something has to give way in order to arrange for the interna tional meeting, and the London Club's autumn meeting, September 28, there fore, will probably be abandoned. The London Athletic Club will send a team from within the limits of its own mem bership, and will make the best fight possible. The greatest interest is taken in the match among members of the club, and the opinion is that too long a period has elapsed without an interna tional contest." ' Some of Cook's Gang. 1 ". ' Little Rock, January 17. Jim French and Sam McWilliams, two of Bill Cook's gang of desperadoes, held up and robbed the store of W. S. Nash of Fort Gibson to-night, securing a small amount of money from the cash drawer. They also took a supply of clothing, and rode away unmolested, - .