The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 12, 1895, Image 3

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    2Koo& Tiver . Slacier.
Th mat! arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o
clock A. M. Wednesdays and (Saturdays; de
parts 'ie same days at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M.; arrives at
i. M. aturaavs.
For White Salmon leaves daily at 1 F, M.;
arrives at 6 o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout liake and Olenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Canny Post, No. 18, G. A. R., meets at Odd
Fellow's Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock p. m. All W. A. B. members In
vited to attend.
M. B. Potter, Commander.
C. J. Hayes, Adjutant, .
Professional Cards, per month ...............$1 00
One ln,ch space, per month. 1 GO
Rates on larger space given on application,
t Business notices in local columns will be
charged 6 cents a line each Insertion; under
the head or "Special Notices" half these rates
will ba charged.
Legal advertisements will be charged to the
party ordering them, at legal rates, and must
be paid for before proof Is furnished.
Boys' suits at the Racket Store.
Ten feet of snow Is reported at Trout
S. E.'' Bart mean Is agent for the Bri
dal Veil Lumber Company. ;
Lou More Is authorized agent for all
newspajiers and periodicals.
Dr. G. E. Sanders at the Mt. Hood
h otel January 22d and 23d.
A large stock of shoes will soon be re
ceived at D. F. Pierce's harness and
shoe store. . , . . j
Mr. Sheets has returned to his duties
in the store of George P. Crowell, after
a vacation of a month or more. . .
Capt. Blowers went to The Dalles
ing of the county commissioners. .
W. B. Perry, A. B. Jones and Rufus
Byrkett left Monday for a hunt
Judge Soesbe went to The Dalles
Monday, where he was detained until
VprliitHilnv hv tliA fuwonri hlop.lfttdA at
, j
snow. ; ( ! : . . :
Warren Turner, who was hunting on
the head of Rock creek during the
week, reports eight feet of snow and
game scarce. ; -
Send in your, orders for trees for
end n ir planting. Prices. $40. $50 and
$55 per 1000, in 500 and 1000 lots, at
Tiilett's nursery-. -
Dr. Sanders is provided with a den
tal chair for his Hood River office. Also
prepared to extract teeth without pain
by the use of narcotized air, called gas.
Mayor Wolf&rd has been confined to
liis house during the week by sickness,
but is improving and expects scan to
lie at bis post in the store of Hanua A
Noone'in ordinary health need be
come bald or gray, if he will follow
eligible, treatment. We" advise clean
liness of the scalp and the use of Hall's,
Hair Kenewer.
The marriage , of J. L. Evans of
White Salmou to Miss Anna Bell Kil
irore took place at Oenterville on New
Year's day. The young couple will re
side at W hite Salmon.
Saturday and Monday of each week
will be our grinding "days during the
full and winter . Our "Whole Wheat
Grabaiu" is for sale at the stores as
usual. .. Harbison Bros.
Mrs. Allen Lloyd, who was visiting
Mrs. Snow, her mother, for a couple of
months, left for her home at Kent,
Wash., about the first of the month.
Mrs. Snow accompanied her as far as
Portland, where she is now visiting.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Armor, Mr. and
3Irs. Temple ton and two daughters,
Mrs. F. H.' Button, Mrs. Woodard and
G. T. Prather united with the Congre
gational church ou last Sunday. Mr.
aud Mrs. Shute and Mrs. Haynes
united with the M. E. church ou Sun
day evening. - :.- . '
G. T. Prather, D. G. C, installed the
following officers of Waueoma lodge,
.No 30,.K.of P.,- January lstr' L. N.
Blowers, C. C; J. A. Soesbe, V. C;
W. H. Bishop, P.; J. B. Hunt, M. of
W.; Geo. T. Prather, K. of H. and S.;
C. 1). Smith, M. ofF.; C. L. Gilbert,
M.of E.;G.-S. Evans, M. at A.; R.
Husbands, f. G.; Scott Peterson, O. Q.
The revival meetings at Belmont M.
E- church have been very successful
and the interest still keeps up. Among
those who have joined the church at
these meetings were the following:
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Potter, Mr. and
Mrs. Scott Boormau, M. P. Isenberg,
Joseph Purser, Charles Wallace. Miss
Edith Eastman, Guy Parrish, Wilbur
Galligan, Miss Bess Isenberg, Will
Isenberg and Will Rogers. ' ;
. Mr. E. Locke, one day last week,
when tbe snow was about three feet
deep, turned out with his team and
broke the road up to the planer. - Next
day tite rotary snow plow came along'
nd covered his trail along the lower,
aide of the railroad track with about
three feet of packed snow. The resi
dents below tbe planer" now come to
town on horseback and have to take to
the railroad track for about a quarter
xf a ntHe.......
Hood's "Sarsaparilla calendar for 1895
Is out and may be obtained at the drug
store. It is one of the moat beautiful
tbe firm has ever issued. . The calendar
is not only beautiful, but it is also use
ful, as it presents all tbe desired in
formation concerning astronomical
events during the year. If your drug
gist does not have the ealendar it may
be obtained by sending six cents in
stamps to C. L Hood A Co., Lowell,
Mass.;:; ' v- -- ;
School clerks in districts where It Is
necessary to levy a tax should . not
tieglect to send to the county clerk for
a statement of the assessable property i
in their districts, so that meetings to ;
vote-taxes may be held in time to have
the levies placed on the tax roll for
collection the coming priag. The
county clerk will not furnish these lists
unless tUey are applied for. Ten days'
notice Is required for a school meeting.
R.. S. Andrews1 house was broken
open by tramps during the time he was
absent and teaching in Pine Grove
school. The tourists evidently passed
a night in the house and made them
selves at home. They feasted on the
best in the house, which happened to
be potatoes straight, and left a huge
pile of potato skins ou the dining table
as a sou veuir of their visit. They took
away with them some clothing, a comb
and brush, and other articles necessary
for comfort on the road.
Canbv post, G. A. R., elected the
following officers for the ensuing year:
C. J. Hayes, commander; Thomas Mc
Donald, senior vice commander; Jos.
Frazier, junior vice commaander; L.
Henry, quartermaster J. H. Dukes,
surgeon; W. H. Perry, chaplain: M. B.
Potter, officer of tbe day; D. G. Hill,
officer of the guard. The officers will
be installed as soot as tbe weather will
permit, at which time the Ladies' Be
lief Corps will install their officers for
the year. i J:
Hon. E. L. Smith is very desirous of
obtaining samples ot our best apples for
the important meeting of fruit growers,
including officers and members of the
American Pomological Society, to be
held iu Portland the last week of the
present month. Seven apples of each
variety will suffice, but they should be
without spot or blemish. Where par
tics do not feel like donating, Mr.Smlth
will pay a fair price for any samples
deemed suitable for exhibition.
Last week, during the worst part of
the snow storm, a gentleman coming
into town from up the valley observed
e',.,ht kinds of wild birds, all evidently
enjoying themselves. There were
robins, blueiays, meadow larks, yellow
hammers, English sparrows, ground
sparrows, snow buntings and chick-,
edees. This certainly tends to show
that we are not going to have a very
long or hard winter.
TTrtnd TM vor Vina had Inaf. nriA dav of
good sleighing during the present Wp
snow, and that was last Monday. The
night was clear and cold, with the
thermometer at. 20 above aex, and
bright moon'.lght an ideal night for a
sleigh ride. Several sleighing'es
went out from town that, some
going as far as C. E. Markham's.
The weather for i he pest week.except
Mont'ay ni&ht, has been qu te mild.
Tuesday snow fell to the depth of )0 or
12 inches, but Ja uie eveaing it tu.oea
to lata. The uains were stopped a$a!n
on Tuesday, but the road was opened
Wednesday and has since been clear.
There Is no wind to tke off the snow,
which has settled to about 30 inches.
School will open In district 2 as soon
as the weaiher will permit. Mrs. H.L.
Howe has still another month to teach
to finish betterra, but as she is not In
srood health, it is expected that Mr.
H. L. Howe will teach out the term. ' If
the weather is not too bad, school will
begin Monday next.
Lyman Smith arrived home from
Astoria during the week. William
Smith has gone to Astoria to take his
father's place In running the planer in
McGregor's bcx factory. Dovranoe
Smith will have charge of the Hood
River box factory during bis brother's
absenee. .
The gradual but it resistible settling
of this deep snow Is working untold
harm to young orchard trees by strip
ping them of their small branches and
in some cases breaking down the trees.
This can be avoided to some extent by
tramping down the Snow around the
M. V. Harrison went to The. Dalles
Wednesday and expects to return to
Hood River today. He will be in
Hood River for tiie colleciiou of de
linquent faxes from the Mill to-the
20th ot this month.
The county court, Wednesday, va
cated (he lownsiie of Idlewilde annex,
an addition to Hood River, reserving
only a road through the townslte to
the Lombard Co.'s ice house.
Hon. E. L. Smith has shipped to
Jay Guy Gewis, for exhibition at Sac
ramento, a box of sample appies from
the orchards of Henry Pr-gse T E.
Wickens and M. V. Rand.
X. N. Sleeves, indicted for the mur
der of George W. Bayers in Portland,
has been found guilty of manslaughter.
Frank G. Miller rein- ned Wednes
day from a three-weeks' visit with rel
atives iu Washington county.
T. J. Watson is up from Portland for
a few days ou business and pleasure.
A little girl of Pat Williams, Indian,
died Tuesday night.
George T. Prather weut to The Dalles
Thursday. .
A Good, Social Time.
The Odd Fellows installed their new
officers for the ensuing year and gave
a supper Thursday night. The follow
ing officers were installed: Noble
grand, E. W. Udell; vice grand, M. F.
Sloper; secretary, L. E. Morse; treasur
er, W. C. Iddings. ,
The supper was prepared by the la
dies' aid society of tbe U. B. church,
aud we all know what that means.
Every one pronounced it one of the
best that has been given for many a
day, and judging from tbe way tbe
guests "took in" tbe situation they
know a good thing when they see it.
About one hundred plates were served.
Tbe Odd Fellows desire to thank tbe
ladies for their interest in making the
gathering such a grand success.
Following' the installation was a
short literary -programme of music and
recitations. - Bros. L. E. Morse and J.
E. Hanna laid aside their dignity for a
time aud entertained the audience
with school-boy recitations. Meigs
Bartmess sang songs, also the Misses
Fobs and Copple. Mathew Sloper fa
vored the audience with a recitation,
Scott Peterson select leading; W. C.
Iddings gave a appropriate recitation,
then supper, after which a Jolly good
Ume until the wee sma hou.s.
Casualties of the Storm.
Willie coining dowa tbe Adams'
bill, Dick Naleigh got his uew sleigh
tipped over and blockaded the road for
some time. He finally ot things right
ed with small loss, even of his temper.
Will Isenberg, while shivering and
shaving in a cold room, cut himself
witliiu iin luck of liis life, 1. if lie
had cut an inch deeper he would have
cut his throat.
H. C. Bateham, while shoveling
snow from the roof of his house, was
caught in a slide, but having a good
footing stemmed tbe tide and escaped
being hurled to the depths below. .
'. A stranger in town, while going into
A. S. Blowers' store, had a narrow es
cape of death. Just as he was enter
ing the door a huge icicle 3 feet long
and 6 feet wide fell from the eaves above
and just grazing his head felt with a
crash on the pavement.
H. F. Davidson came near being
drowned on account of tbe snow hav
ing blockaded the big . flume, so that
the whole body of snow or a portion of
his farm was suspended above the
water. It looked like any other part
of the field, but had no bottom to it.
. ' S. E. Bartmess was struck by asnow'
ball three feet through while shoveling
snow from bis roof. He took it good
naturedly, however, and went on with
his WOrk. ...-.;.-:'.;'..!.
Mr. Clark Voorhees forgot to open
his gate just before the big storm, and
as a consequence, being unable to either
open the gate or take it from its binges,
he attempted to climb over, but in de
scending on the other 'side he ' impaled
himself ou a picket. . As he had no
wife to call to bis assistance he bad to
hang there and kick until the picket
gave way. i,:.
The Military Ball ,
On New Year's eve the dancers from
far and pear gathered at tbe armory to
enjoy one of tbe most pleasant affaire
of the kind ever given in Hood River.
Company D sustained the .well-earned
reputation of its dances being always a
success, and about forty couples held
merry sway until 5 o'clock inthe
morning. The music furnished by
Field's Cascade orchestra was voted
the best ever engaged here. The sup
per was served by Mrs. Seymour.which
is a 8ufficieut guarantee that it was
good. Tbe boys will probably give an
other ball in February.
Dr. E. T. (Jams, Dentist.
Has returned to Portland. He will be
in Hood River again about the first
of March, prepared to do all kinds
of dentistry work examine, fill, ex
tract, regulate and make new teeth;
aiso, crown ana oriage worn.
Hat fob Balk. Best quality baled t'mothy
bay for sale at my place, one rai'e weit of e'-
moot. . Jal-3- I- CA8TN i.l
T. T. Dallas has turned his plumbinx busi
ne a over to M. A. Cook, a practical plumber.
All orders la that line left at Dallas' stole will
receive prompt attention. - Ja29
Wm. TUIett Is still In the uursery business,
with a good stock; of homegrown trees. If be
la oat of what you want, be can supply you
with the following varieties irom one of the
largest nurseries In Oiegon: All kinds of cher-y
trees; Spltsenberg, Qano, Ben Davis, Red Del
aware, Hyde's King of the, West, Tompkins
King', and other leading varieties of apples.
Would be glad to'quote prices Ion lots of 500
and 1000 ties. Drop hira t. postal for terms.
The Hood River Box Factory has plenty of
apple boxeb on hand. . v :
, For sash, doors, moo'dlngs. bracke s, com
bination fencing and turning, jo to the Hood
Rive." Box Factory.
Wm. T.lielt has ordeied apple tiees of the
fol'ow og varieties 8P;0 Sp-tieobu'-g, 2000
B?.ldt :r, JOCJ No tbe -a Spy, anu T" y-p.vea-sUU),
Aople fees, It is eiUl, wi't be
sea -ce ; a the spr' ig, and .;t be loovei plaa.ers
to o-cfer early.
For Sale Forty acres nnlmproved land,
east aide of Hood river, 4 miles from towD.
Will sell 5 or 10 acre tracts cheap. Inulie at
Glacier office. .
The Portland Sun Is for sale every day at
the post office after the ai rival of that rain
from Portland.
A Legislative Ses'ou
Provotes more newsp..oer coirineot ii;sr.!
most aoyo. her subject of publ ci"iet .. The
last two Vejoa iw-a)at ng uoO ciaforded
much maier al for not ,i j d vcjvtoo. aod'
the next general avembiy w 11 m do evcep
tlon to tne re'e. Wha.ever occn-s the publ-c
known that tbe Daily and Weekly Cap tal
Jon '.ml of Sttlena wi". give co.i-ect 'epoitsof
its work ai well as ,rie jgeot d'scossoaor
the !i!e. If you Wi-nt to 1 uow wn t )s-done,
kiv t doie pud wby. you ajoi-td eud tiie
O-.i: i Joi".' iu'. Hlh .net). -t OueCe it D. ly
pi shed o i .he J'.ic ltc cops , a ji' in co.i
duteii ..; eitt o-' I le lyoi'e. TheDa-'v
wi'' oeheut you ft ve-o lo: foui- moo Jih io
8I, one iponili o. 25 etts. T'.-e Weet'y
L:-, ce,i earceu ol aye.ii'. y e . .ie D,', .v
li Is p. yH'e cp -b la nf venea, r. d &a pa er
wilt ,e 'ot -'ie. you. t-we exiiiie . Po -tivel"
"iin ,m,v uo ,)." . 'i'he jou apl 's p.
r.Kxiei j new- 'pe.' en o j .od; a ..'eot's.
li 'xco'idor. nt fn the e-es of i'.ie eo'e
'i o. ii. rsweHrs In a i ,.ne o seose. iti
ft ie .i .- -e lone.- .tou-e. Ms
ei- o wo. k w'll ie douu'y i-'te.ei. v-r iuis
wi. Ujr. Oicer it ato .
bom Ui os., Kd'uu s SaletrOr.
On 10 Years' Time,
Or for cjsh. cheap, a Columbia 1'ver Fruit
and Stock Farm, laclad. ug tocl.. ready for
busloe r 8 acres In Oich:d; jood land
ing; rnnnlng waler. loe en ng yea's compel
sale. Inquire at G'acJer office. jal2
Cemetery Notice.
Deeds to lots in Waueoma Ceme ery (for Oa G.ove) can be had by apn' ng to
Geo. T. P.-ather, K. of I" A S., Koh,i of
Py b as. '' JaoU
Special School Meeting
Notice is hereby given to the togal voters of
School D;s. let No. 8 of W o county s ate of
Orejou, i hat a Special Scliool Meeting o: sa,d
d s. i.-twll beheld at Disi. 'el school house
on tiie
gSth day of January, 1895,
At 2 o'clock iu tbe afternoon, for the follow
ing obJecU: :
Toio.ea t.'.s to pay ineest on K"A. ) bonds.
To vote a tax to pay indebdne .j.
To voe a tax to pay teachers.
' Dated til's 10 b day o.Jaousty, 1ST j.
ChairmiB. Eoa'dof D recioi.
' AUesb M. H. Nickclsbs, OiSirtei C'e;x.
' Forty acres nnlmproved land, on the east
side of Hood river, 5 miles from town. Price
flOperaere. Inquire t Glacier uffica.
New Year's Greeting.
Hood Riveb, Jan. 8 1895. Editor
Glacier: It was on New Year's day
that wife and I, Mr. Stranahan and
wife H. C. Coe and family, and Mr.
Parker and family were invited to a tur
key dinner at the hospitable home of
tbe veteran soldier, Bussel Pealer, and
during the last half century of New
Year's dinners we never enjoyed a
better one; but then his worthy spouse
is an expert in that line. '
And now, Mr. Editor, a brief resume
of this worthy couple may have its
worthy imitation lesson . Their advent
into this beautiful valley was in the
early seventies. Strangers and penni
less, yet nothiug daunted, they rented
for a couple of years, and by industry
aud economy they saved a small sum
and secured an eighty-acre tract upon
which they have continuously resided
till tbe present. They have one of tbe
pleasantest homes in this valley, well
improved, with forty acres in cultiva
tion, which is leased to neighbors, as
Mr.' Pealer ' Is not physically able to
work it. He lost his health during
four years' service in the war of the re
bellion, and only at the earnest solici
tation of friends did be apply for apen
sWn. To those competent to judge,
never was there a pension more worth
ily bestowed. For - years we have
known his plucky spouse plow or spade
tiie garden; and tend and market tbe
prbducts'Of the same. Of late years
his health bag so far improved that be
is able to do considerable work. We;
his guests, visited his well-filled barn,
strolled through his orchard and found
apples on the ground under the trees
iu perfect keeping! atd htsti but not
least, we visited his frost-proof larder
filled with green and cauned fruits,
jellies and jams and several varieties of
the choicest home-made cider and
wines, all the handiwork of! his estima
ble wife. i.
All things earthly have an end, and
so had this social greeting. At parting
all joined in wishing this worthy
ceuple many happy returns of such a
pleasaut greeting.
' W. Penn Watson.
Elder J. W. Jenkins will, preach in
the Vullev Comrretrailonal church on
Sunday, January ISth, instead of the
20lh, as formerly announced.
- Services at the Congregational church
next Sunday at 11 a. m. The pastor
will preach on "Supernatural Answers
to Prayer."
Sunday school at the Valley Con
gregational cliurch each Sunday at
10 .SO, except on c'lurch days, when it
meelsat 10 o'clock. "Come, now, let
us reason togeter, suith the Lord."
Regular services are held at the M.
E. barracks- morning and evening of
the first Sunday of each month: in the
evening the remaining Sundays of the
monUi, Tbe fourth Sunday evening
occupied by T. D. Gregory.
. Jli. JOHNS. -
' ' ' Letter List.
The following is a list of tbe letters
remuinin? unclaimed in this office
January 1, 1895:
Cox, Mrs Ne'lie Ostman, Herman
Har.-is, Lee Stokes, Chas
Lane, Thos Sikes, E T
Leary, W L ' Turner, Mrs Jane
Lane, CC Vanhooser, Mrs C
Lellan, L M Walker, J W
Kirby, Link Watson, Mr
McCornick.Robt L Watson, T A
Maon, L H Witheral, J M
Oppenhoff, H
Stockholders' Meeting,
'Notice s hereby given that the second an
nual meeting of the stockholders of tbe Hood
Klver Fruit G owe, V Union will be held at
their office la Hood River, Oregon, on Sa.ur-
day, JanuMy 12, KS5, at 10 o'clock a. m., for
the purpose of electing a Boaid t Di ec o: s
for the ensuing year and transacting such
other business as may come before tho meet-
in j. By order of the piesldeot. .
H. F. DAVIDSON, Secretary.
- SnUnlyNrw.
Abrtatt tiht Tima.
'A Grmni Mihmur.
Successor of the
fttftnrimrri of tha
i-;tj'i -II . IN V. 8. Gov't Print
ing umct, tne u.B.
Supreme Court and
of nearly all the
School books. :
Warmly com
mended by every
State Superinten
dent of Schools,
and other Educa
tors almost with
out number.
A College President write. I "For
" ease with which the ay find. th
" word sought, for accuracy of deflnl
" tlon, for effective method, in indi
" eating pronunciation, for terse yet
comprehensive statements of facto,
" and for practical use m a working
"dictionary, 'Webster'. International'
" excel, any other single volume."
The One Great Standard Authority.
Boa. 9. t. Brewer, Justice of the TJ. S.
Supreme Court, writes: " The International
Dictionary is the perfection of dictionaries.
I commend it to all a. the one great stand
ard authority." . ,.
XK saving of three emit ptt day for a
year will provide more than enough money
to purchase a copy of the International.
Can you. afford to be without it? -
0. 6s C. KEXRIAX CO., Publisher,
Springaeld, MasaV.&.A.
war RctiA to the pnbllsheis for frte vsmphlrt.
ar Do not buy eboap reprints of ancient editions.
Saved Her Life.
Mrs. C. J. WooMmrooR, of 'Worthani,
Texas, saved the life of her child by tha
use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
"One of my children had Croup. The
cuse wits attended by our physician, and was
' supposed to lie well under control. One
nli:lit I was startled by the child's hard
breathing, and on going to it found it stran
gling. It had nearly ceased to breathe.
Keallzlng that the child's alarming condition
had become possible in spite of the medicines
given, I reasoned that such remedies would
be of no avail. Hnvlnu part of a bottle of
, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the house, I gave
the child three doses, at short intervals, and
anxiously waited results. From the moment
the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing
grew easier, and, in a short time, she was
sleeping quietly and breathing naturally.
The child is alive and well to-day, and I do
not hesitate to say that Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral saved her life."- .
Cherry Pectoral
Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mnts,
Prompt to act, sure to cure
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established
Jtiouse llltue vuiiey.j
Dry Goods, Clothing,
General Merchandise,
Flour and Feed. Etc.,
Notary PcMc an! Ins. Agent.
I represent live of the best Insurance com
panies. , . .
Collections made and real estate handled on
favorable terms. .x
Office In Prather Block, Oak St.,
h First Door West of Post Office.
Boots and Shoes made to orders Repairing
neatly done, and at
Bedrock Prices.
All work first class. Satisfaction guaran
teed or money refunded.
seW C. WELDS, Proprietor.
Kitchen Furniture, ;
Pruning Tools, Etc.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
., I have for sale two fine Fruit Farms and the
best hay farm In the valley. Plenty of run
ning water on all of them. Will sell anjr or
all of them. Also, fine residence and lots at
different prices. Call on or address
, " A. 8. BLOWERS,
aul8 Hood River, Oregon.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
Navigation Co. Y
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
The eteamer Regulator will run tri
weekly trips, leaving The Dalles Mon
days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, con
necting with steamer Dalles City. Re
turning, will leave Portland Tuesday.
Thursdays, and Saturdays, connecting
with steamer Regulator at the Lock.
All freight will come through without
One way.....". ......$2 0t
Round trip...... .V.'.v.... ........ S 0
Freight Rates Greatly
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or night Shipment
for way landings must be delivered be
fore 5 p. m. Live stock shipments so
licited. Call on or address,
General Agent.
General Manager,
0. R. and N. CO.
. E. McNEILL, Receiver.
Gives the choice of
Z3 0 TJ" T El' s
I '
Minneapolis OMAHA
AND ; . .AND. '
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities. ,, n. .
eaSt bouSd from noon riveb
No. 28, Freight leaves at
No. a. Mail . ' .
11.45. A. AC
10.06 P. M
No 27 , Local, leaves at 8.15 P. M
No. 1, Mall
42 A. M
Leave Portland every five days for
For full details call on O. R. A N. Agent,
Hood River, or address
Gen'l Pass. Agent, ,
, Portland, Or.
Eighty acres, five miles from town:
40 acres in cultivation; 600 trees, prin
cipally apple, in lull netinng. All
fenced. Good house and barn. Threer
shares of water in Hood River Supply :
Co. go with the place. Good well anil
spring. Harvey Ckam'kr.
All work given him will be done cor
rectly and promptly. He lias a few
good claims upon which he can locate -
parties; Dota farming aud timber lands.
February, 18D4. .
To btiy or lease a piece of ground suitable for
a nursery. Further particular at the Gla
cier office. dlo
The undersigned hag on hand a good va
riety of choice
at Hard Times Prices.
Grafting and budding done to order,
octl . H. C. BATEHAM.
Twelve acres,!! miles southwest of town; two
acres cleared, balance scatterlngcak and
brush, not hard to clear. Price J300.