The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 12, 1895, Image 2

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    "food Jiver Slacier.
One more week of Pennoyer aud
tlien the Lord will take care of Ore
gon. Heppner Gazette.'
Winesapand lien Davis apples are
quoted above all others in the St.Lou's
market, selling for $3 to 3.75 per
barrel. .
Governor Pennoyer has endowed
Williams college, Massachusetts, with
a scholarship of $3-150 in memory of his
son, who died there last term. The
money is to be used for the support of
needy and deserving students, prefer
ence belitvf given to Oregon students
when suuh are in college.
This town of Long Creek, Oregon,
had a .$00,000 fire Jauuavy 4th. The
town Is without protection against Are
other than a bucket brigade, which or
ganized at the flie. Hood River ?s
bounded on ihe no ; h and e.;st by big
rivers, but the watem in 'them could
not be, used to overcome a, fire in the
town. We have here about every kind
of organization except a fire company
OregoTrEesourees is the name of a
new paper at The Dalles. . O. D. Crane,
the editor, says the paper will be pub
lished in the interest of the immigrant,
that i' we a" twe to' as-lst Nebraska
immigrants in finding new homes, and
are working in conned Ion with the
Immigrant himself, from the lime he
arranges with our Nebraska agent for
freight aud transportation until he is
Anally settled iii Oregon or Washing'
ton, as he may select."
Among the first acts of our new city
council should be an ordinance prohib
iting persons from letting their teams
stand iu the streets unhitched and un-
attended. Hood River has bad too
many runaways caused by this kind of
carelessness. Runaway teams are al
ways a source of danger to life and
property. . If a penalty was Imposed
for neglecting teams and an occasional
fine collected we might have fewer
runawaysiIt might also be we'l for
the town to have more hitching posts
erected. Hitching facilities' are' none
too good, and this may be, one reason
why so many teams are left standing
unhitched in the streets.
The slaie boa'd of eodcviTonhave de
cided wnat .t books s';; '1 be use, in
the pubj'e Schools of O egon for the
nest sii ye?rs. - Most of be books
adopted are published by the A merican
Book Co., end very few changes are
made. The books that have been
changoJ ai'e as fo.1 lows: Maxwell's first
book iu l.-iiguage, InlrodueJon to Eog-
Jish grammar and edvaaced English
grammar have been adopted instead of
Bur.iesHanguage leasoa8f.,1Sjl1's Eng-
jisn g ainmar ana uiarcs normal
grammarH 'eiei'mau'a civil govern
ment, Oregon edi;'oo, has been adopted
jnbteau of Young's classbook.
The legislature will meet next Mon
day. The election of senator is the all
absorbing question. Senator Dolph
lias left his work at Washington to
come all the way to Oregon to look
alter his political fences.. Some of bis
friends concede that his chances for re
election are not improved by his com
ing home at this ii me. .-'The opposition
Dolph in' his own party seeius to be
growing stronger daily, , and it now
looks' very doubtful for imperious J. N.
The republican party. In Oregon is be
ing batily split up over this eleciouof
senator, and if a state election1 was to
be held nextspring the popuPsls would
carry the stale. These republicans
who are so bitterly opposing Dolph's
re-election must be more tlian half pop
ulist, and if they had voted List June
according to their convictions, Dolph
could not now be considered as a can
didate. Our old friend, S. T. Howe, is editing
a populist paper in Texas. He is mak
ing a bright aud newsy puper. In
speaking of his towuk editorially, he
aays:. " . ,' . -
Not.qnite four years ago did Myrtle
Springs first feel the foot of the official
'surveyor' as he checkered its mysiic
face into town lots, and now it boast
of a canning fuc ory, a, large br'ck col
lege commodious hotels, aud one of
the largest nurseries in the state.
To the weakj foot-we and heavy
hearted, who are weary of a life of con
tention, Myrtle Spriugs stands outl'ke
u l.fwiti - A7Kw. li.ra it. n .1 miliuah Kit
community, when all is ottered
you at Myrtle Springs to make life like
a pleasant dream, even to the wild na
tive grandeur ai 'ayed in ail its majestic
beauty. Myrtle Springs sunds
out iu the great stale of Texas like an
oasis, with a soil that will produce any
thing that cau be raised iu the South
ern stales.
Ia the Metropolis. .
A representative of the Glacier
visited Portland December 29th, ex
pecting to return on the next Thurs
day, but owing to the storm was de
tained until Monday of this week.
The storm in the Willamette valley
was more severe than here. , For twelve
miles east of Portlaud the" telegraph
and telephone poles were all blown
down. The editor of the TroMtdale
Champion speaks of the storm as a
juvenile blizzard," but we are in
clined to think he put it' a little too
modestly, for if one was to see what
damage it did to the great forest trees
ho would be sure to a. 11 it a regular
"Dakota blizzard." It commenced
snowing in Portland on Wednesday
morning and continued until 5 in the
evening, falling to the depth of fifteen
Inches. All railway traffic in the city
was stopped. .The snow turned to
sleet, which fell for about twelve hours,
causing great damage to shade, orchard
and forest trees. The next- day snow
plows were put to work on the car
lines and in a few' days the cars were
running in the regular order. Owing
to the storm, electric wires in the city
were broken, and for two nights the
city was in darkness for fear of danger
by the broken wires.
While in the city we visited the Sun
office and made the acquaintance of
Captain O'Brien, one of the editors,
Captain O'Brien introduced us to sev
eral of.the printers in the composing
room Messrs. Ed Lamb, Harry Hill,
Darr, Markland, Jones, and others
whose names we cannot now recall
The Sun is but a few months old and
is run by the printers turned out of the
Oregouian office when they got the
type-setting -machines. - The printers
get out a neat newspaper, one that the
people of Portland and the northwest
can well be proud of.;- y ; '
Through the courtesy of Mr. Van B.
DeLashmutt, general manager otj the.
Universal Exposition, we we;e given a
complimentary to the exposition, but
we are sorry to state that it is not so
good as in former times. About the
most interesting part of the show was
to listen to the "spielers." We were
justcnteiing a side show in the mid'
way when we met an acquaintance
coming out who said that it wasn
worth seeing., The .'spieler!' bearing
what was said, died out, "Just what
every one says the best thing in the
We saw tome of W. A. Slingerland's
fine Hood River apples at the com
mission house of Levy, Spiegel & Co.,
and on inquiring the price, found they
were selling for $1.50 a box.
Verv 111 tie improvement is noticeable
in the city; nothing in the way of
building going on. The storekeepers
say they never did a better business
during the holidays thai those of 1804.
So the storekeepers should not com
plain of ha-d times.
Ou our way home we passed through
snow drifts that made it seem l:Ue
passing through a tunnel.
' Edward Elythg.
-i Suite Tccliers' Aisoeiatio-i.
The siale teacbeis' association held
in Po -tlaud during the holidays .was
Hie largest gathering of the kind ever
had in the slate of O-'egoi. Overseven
hundred teachers we-e present from
different par is of the se. Of course,
the representation from Portland was
very 'large, 'but tbe delegations from
Eastern Oregon were wunout pre -dent.
It is probable that one of the
results of the uncommonly large al
tendance from Eastern Oregon was the
location of tbe next association at
Hood River. Easteru Oregon has
never had anything oi the kind hith
erto, aud it is but a just tribute to the
people of that po.ion of tbe state to
g'ye them some recogn'vionj and the'
teachers were the first to do this. This
a vangpraeiit will combine health,
pleasure cul.ue s'uee Hood River
is at Vie 'H-so or Ore-von's na.ional
park, whee health, atmosphere and
sceae -y aie as boundless-as-itiey-are iu-
desc'lbabie. Teachers will in some in
stances tke. a'o.ig their binkeis aad
camping on l tits, that they may recre
ate physically as well as intellectually.
Coi vall's Times. , .
. Nothing but Primes.
J. H. Fletcher of Vancouver. Wash.,
who is one of the most successful prune
growers in that section, says, the Inde
dendent, says that he will dig up all
his fine pear and cher.y trees, which
are bearing as flue fruit as can be
grown anywhere, and fill their places
with prunes. The reason assigned for
this is the fact that the cost of .shipping
green fruit to an Eastern market is
greater than that of sending dry fruit,
inasmuch as it must go by refrigerator
express. Green fruit must be sold im
mediately upon its arrival at its destin
ation, while dried fruit can be held for
a year or more if it is deemed .advis
able. ' -' :
;.. . Boycotting PopiHsts.
The Klickitat Republican is credibly
informed that all applications for loans
on real estate now made to outside
companies by residents of that county
are required to state the politics of the
applicant. The inference of course is
that capitalists will hot lend money to
populists nor in counties or states un
der populistcontrolJLV' t-
Books Received at Hood Uiver Library.
Tbe Hood River Library Association
has commenced business. M. H.Nick-
elsen, librarian, received the following
books during the week:
Vol. 7 of Cooper's works, presented
by W. B. Shu to of the A. O. U. W.
Vol. 8 of Cooper's works,' presented
by Mrs. W. B. ShuCe of the,-M. E.
church. ' -' ' '
"Clerical Life," "She," and "Struck
Dowu," presented by C. J. Hayes of
the Grand Army. .;
"Bostou Monday Lectures," 6 vols.;
"Koot Prints of Time," J yol.ii'Are
Miracles Credible," 1 vol; presented
by Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Hereto ner of the
Congregational church.. '' , , ' ; " -.
The Carlisle', currency' hill' was de'
feated hi the house Wednesday bv a
vote of 124 for aud 120 against.
: When Oregon .Was Unknown.
Natural as it is now to regard Oregon
as thoroughly American and ; never to
think of this great. commonwealth as
other than a part and parcel of the
United States, there was. a time .when
this section of the country, .vaguely
described as the Northwest r- an - un
known region, given oyer in the pop
ular mind to remorseless savages and
all manner, of fierce and dangerous
beasts seeming to have but small
chance of ever becoming one of the
United States of America, aBd shar
ing the prosperity which- has .since
blessed the nation.
In the United States senate, in 182-5,,
Senator Benton made a speech. , con
taining the following expression, which
will show how the people of that day
regarded this region. .Mr.,,"" Benton
Said: . :. ;-;,'.,-. ,f.::l .. .:'- .
"The ridge of the- Rocky moun tains
may be named as a eon venien,, natural
and eyelasting boundary. Along.. this
ridge the western limits pf the,,ppb.Uc
should be drawn, and the statue of the
fabeled god, Terminus, should be erept-j
ed on its highest peak,.- nevers to; .be
thrown down. ; . ...
Years after, it is well known, Benson
.changed1 his,. yleefjof the great West
.utnope 'douJtiliejd.what '8. sentiments
had been and' now his great 'influence'
was exerted. r Even as late aslWgSen-,
ator VViUth'pp quoted, the sgptipjehts
of Benton and approved of itf; aiqidfcde
clared that ,"th,ls country wciiild.. not be
straitened for elbow ; room iii th, West
for lOOO years; that .neither tha West
nor tne country at large had any- real
intei'est in l'etainiQg Oregon." This
seemed to be the sentiment common
to AmeV'caa statesmen clear up' to , the
very dste that the, patiioiic, far-seeing
old missiooaiy. Dr. Marcus Whitman,
mncie liis perilous winter jou'oey fi-om
O'.'eson to WeshJngton, D. C., . in the
winlcof 1842-'43. V
He, at that l me, found the secretary
of suiie, Daniel Webstei', busy nego
tiating with Eoglaod for ; a .trade, in
which Oregon wai to pass to Great
B 'tain. The stanch old missionary
entered an earnest protest, and plead
ed wiih Webster lo slay his proceed
ings until be should' demonstrate the
practicability of tfce overland trip as
well as ihe territoiy the UnLed States
was then in danger of losing. ' ' .'
The story of the; terrible ' ti ip made
by Whitman is too well known in this
country to. need repeating".--v It was a
great event in haiiou'al hisfor.' Great
boU.use b access. cL; Q-.t bea. use it
was ilmelv. ' Htd action been defet red;
even for a year, little or nohlfg; jcould
have. lieen accomplished. , i-r;
Dr. Whitmstti Was toldf "It is impos
sible tb citJK tha' great plai ns - dur-
ing;the wliite11,." tfjwWjI,
m Ust'go.' 'A't history records' lib nloije
ima'ddc''6hd'pertl6iis jorne; flccomi''
ptibhed neither tofjaaoqhj nior tor po.Ut
ica-1 power, nor for. any expectaiioa of
leward. Thus regarded,, it calls for
honois which the old! patriot and herO j
hes never yet received from the ' !ALncr--icin
people. "'. -. ' . ,
It is a remai-kajle fact that ym J800
up to )843 tueSiaiesmen of the, land
had a very poor idea of thevalue of
our Pacinc holdings. ,rirom time, to
iime congrebsmen introduced bills for
the - otrspnization and pioteotion . of
these .difctaat possessions, but. , they
were always . voted down or pigeon
holed. T'ley were never ai'oused to
any lmpo. taoce of tbe question -until
toe heroic ride, o' Mr. Whilmad- in
J8'3. True, a beiter feeling had gtad-
ually been growing. The burning'
eloquent words of Whitman and his
bi a ve act of leading a whole, ai my -tif
settlers to Oregon and. his return tilp
s.iiied the blood of the nation". ' Jt was
then we heard the ciy of "Oregon 5-
40 or ogbt." It was then, that cou,r.
giessmen bean to appreciate - whal
they bad nea.iy lost. '." :'' "
" The Silver Lake Horror .
A large crowd, was assembled at
Christmun Bros.' hall, Silver 'Lake,
Klamath county, to attend -aChrist
mas tree. While the festivities were at
their height some one climbed upon a
bench,, from wfelcb-poitrt he esiweleiM
to get p. better view of what wa&golng
on. In doing so nia bead, struck
lamp hansrinz from, the celling, o.Ver-
turn 1 ng --ife-'f- Th'e'oi fMra mediafely.;
caught fire; r-and every thing--in the
room being dry and of aju;' fn'flanablaw
nature; it was soon .a nss of flaeKTj
Koine one snoutea, "isnut tne aooranqtf
keen nlliet- It nan lift nut. : niit .fflif K-ii
X' -l , " - r. r . .i3l"r'
inis time, noweveiv tne contusion waB-
80 great that the people began' scram
bling in a wild endeavor "to reach (he
door, i Women and children were tram-'
pled under footu- .;Tbere was only-ime
door to the hall,. and. the fire being ber
t een the majority of the crowd and
the door, - many people' rushed bead
long into jthe'flatttes. .The 'following
named, persons were killed:' Mrs; John,
Bulck, Freddie and. the . baby;-: Mrs;.
Owsley, Lillie and Bruce, J.' J. Buick '
and his daughter, Mrs. Snelling; Mre.
Howard and two.. children:. .Wood
Hearst ' and wife; Mrs. Ceshow, Frank
West, ;wife and two children; Ed
Roweu, Miss McCauley, . Jt:-Xabrie
and child; Mrs. Ward, sr., Mrs.Ui F.
Abshier, Frankie Horning, Mrs. Payne,
Mrs. Ettie W'ilHams and child; - W.
Clay Martin and wife; Robert Small,
his mother and sister; - Roy Ward's
child, Ira Hamilton, atld. Mrs. Gus
Schroeder and child. The fi ve injured,
who aro. likely to 'die, . are: Mrs. T. J.
Labrie, Bob Snelling and sister, and
Ed Payne and son.
Mr. M.: Willis informs us that he re
ceived a Linkville paper giving a more
complete account of the disaster. Four
cousins of Mr. Willis perished in the
fire. , . -.
Au International Postage Stamp. 1
The German government is about to
place a proposition before the European
countries relative to the issue of an in
ternational postage stamp. It is be
lieved that such a stamp - would be a
boon to all who carry on a foreign cor
respondence; At present, if any one
wishes-: information ' from a foreign
cbontry', he-is unable to send a postage
stamp- for 'reply, since no counti-y
will receive-a-foreign stamp as postage
on an Outgoing letter. One is there
fore; compelled ' to depend upofa. his
cotrespofldent's generosity to pay the
return ' postage.' -The" - United .States
Consuls In Europe; for example, are: in
receipt of thoUsaads of letters of. in-
qoiry every year, and not one of which
contatiis.postage tor tne reply. Tne
Gts-man m,inisier.of.posts has designed
suchan international , stamp and has
aAan'gd 4plah forite adoption: The
stamp Will contain" the names; of all the
(Jouotriesjin ivhiph its Value as hposiasei
is; reconized,; togefcher. ... with.-.a-,
"table givijig its value in the money of
each 'of those countries. -Tt!'Is "' thotrght
that onlycertain European countries
will adoptthis system, put it-is to. be
lope'd the'!United States" will enter the
agreement. Scieotiflc American. ' '
-'r-! . . .: ' .. -J' A
nn a isnowuouiiu xra'n.
a iTbe'Uiilon Pacific traia that arrived
Sunday morning had many severe ex
peiieuees.' It met' with :several : snow
alides be'tween The Dalles and Portland,
and for 36 'hours "the ' passengers Were
without food except when the train
Officials pibvided for them. There was
the ;usual kicker present who' refused
to. accept ihe cold lunch that the con
ductor distributed. The train got fast
iu the snow near Bonnevi'le, and the
engine with a "round motion" could
not remove the snow. 'v T '"' ".''
i ' The express car on the traia ' was1 re
poited to have been robbed byhe pas
sengers and several tui keys taken from
it and cooked- while .-the .train "was
blockaded. 'As , 'far as could be
learned, nothing was stolen from the
express car, but Mr.' Day of Cascade
Lpoks kindly gave to the conductor . of
the t lain sufficient canned goods and
oiher provisions to keep thepi'senge.'S
ia food for a week... . , .- . ..
': That the utteotion o the office s of
ihe train Was appreciated was empha
sized by the cheers and cong ratulations
given the conductor as he finished as
sisting trie passe age -s rrem the train,
There were on the tra'n 300 people of
many .national!! ics, and prioi" to arriV'
ing in Portland a unanimous resolution
was pSssed'p'rai'slhg the officers. Port
iu.i !iii;u';ftaw;ia i -t. ,u vj. Jrv
oat j TM StJLonM Republic. Free
" The "twicer-week',' St. Louis Re
public will be sent FRP1E FOR ONE
YEAR to any person., sending, before
January 31, 1805, a club of three NEW
yearly subscribers; with $3 to pay for
the same. Already the clans are gath
ering for the fray in 1896, and 1895 will
be full of interestinc events. The skir-
niish lines will be thrown out, the ma
neuvering done and the plans of cam
paign arranged for the great contest "in
'96. The remaining short session "of
tne democratic congress, to be tollowed
shortly by a republican congress with a
democrat in the presidential chair will
be productive of events of incalculable
interest. In fact, more political his
tory will be--constructed during" 1895
than in any year since the foundation
of the government, and a man without
a newspaper win De line a useless luma
In the- movements of public opinion.
You can get three subscribers for the
Republic dv a.few minutes' effort. - Re
member in the Renublio subscribers cet
-a paper twice a week for the price of a
weefciy-ronry $1 a year.; Try .it,' at
ONCE,, and see how easily it can be
done.,.-. If you wish a package of sample
copies,, write' for them. Cut. out this
4 advertisement and sendwith your or
der. Address the St. Louis Republic,
St. Louis, Mo. - '' -.'
"The chrmpionbetir hunter, John
Hinton of Oroofc County, . killed 13
boar in about six weeks during Novem
ber and December. Moro Observer. ..
EOnly the Scars Remain,
'Among the many testlmonlala which I
In regard to ceftalu inedielnea perfprnv.
cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes
sax flvoos, Ofc-.the Jamej Brfiltli..
j: 'TVooten Machinery Co.,'
PUlladelphla, ra., "nono
impress me more than my '
ownieaaa. Twenty years
ago, at the age ol 18 y ears,
I had swellings come on
my legs, which broke and
became ynnnlng sores. .
. 1 Ourfamllypbyslclancould
do me uo good, and it was
feared tlint the bones
would be affected. At last,
my good old mother
urged me to try Ayer's
Sarsaparllla. I took tlireo -bottles,
the sores healed,
and I. have not been .
troubled since. Only the
cars remain, and the
memory of the past, to
remind me of the good
Ayor's SarsaparlUa has done me. I now -
tw?Igh two hundred and twenty pounds, and
an in the best of health. I have been on the
Toad for the past twelve years, have noticed
Ayer's Sarsaparllla advertised in alt parts
of the United States, and always take pleas
ure in telling what good it did for me." . . ' ,
For the cure of all diseases originating In
Impure blood, the best remedy is
AYER'S Sarsaparllla
Prepared by Dft J. O. Ayer & Co, Lowell, Man.
Curesothers, will cure you
! j I'.i" -. . .... . -
... Excellent Tesic!b.ers,
. Address,. y - ..
i k , '.. MRS. SARAH K. WHITE, Principal,
That thirty days is as long as we can credit goods; and would respectfully :
request our patrons to govern themselves accordingly.
And a fine line of
Try a box of Ihe Four Seatone, elegantly perfumed, at 25 cents.' Colgate' '
superb 2-bit Soaps aud the old standard PEARS and CUTICURA la any
quantity. '.,..., ',.,, .. ., . '-, ' ; '' .
Quality rather than Quantity '
.'.'-,..- , ' - Our motto in every line. .' ' ? :" , - : !t
Woonsocket Rubber
.The Best in
We have a large line In stock.
0. ;BV IIARTLEY.', -1'.- .. . : ' . U.:..y-:. II. D. LANGILLE.
V-jivi . . DEALERS IN '
Fresh and Cured Meats; Presh and Salt Fish,
Grain, Hay, Fruit, Vegetables, Butter, -;
Eggs, Hides Pelts, Furs, etc., etc.
; ' x- r-
Business Done on a STRICTLY CASH BASIS.
, ; .T liE B IT
Choicest Meats, Ham,
' Bacon, lard, Game, r
. Poultry, Also Dealers in
Corner of Oak and Fourth Streets, - - - - Hood River, Oregoa.
Two choice lots, with good residence, In the
town of Hood River, will be sold at a bargain.
Inquire at tha Glacier office. set
. !: : . , .
Land Office at The Dalles. Oi-egoWDeeember
10. 1H94. Notice Is hereby eiven that the fol-
lowinfr-named settler liaj filed notice of hla.
intention lo mane nnai proor in suppon oi
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before ReeUter and Receiver at The Dalles.
Oregon, on January 23, 1895; viz:
Clarence P. Knapp,
Hd. E. No. 4148, for lots 1 and 2, and south
northeast Quarter section 2. township 1 north.
range 10 east. W. M.
lie names ine loiiowing witnesses u prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
8. M. Baldwin, George Booth, John Lents,
J. N. Lentz, all of Hood River, Oregon.
aid J An. . mwiiEj, negiswr.
20 Acres of Fruit Land
for Sale.
I have for sale 20 acres of unimproved land
that I will sell on reasonable terms. It is of
tha best, nnalitv for aDDles and other fruit.
The land is easily cleared and can be watered
from the Hood River Supply Oov'g ditch. For
further particulars, call on or address
- it T. r' w A rIT.' tj
dl5 ; V Hood River, Oregon.
t'lf - S - v- " - . - -' -
The Annie Wright Seminary.
tacoma, Washington.
1 884. Eleventh Year. 1 894. .
A Boarding School for Girl, .
with Superior Advantages.
This Ivstttutioi
Attcvtiov to tn
) MORAL . (
bulk goods just arrived.
Boots and Shoes.
the World:
Call and examine goods.
.'-.' DUFUR & i MENEFEE, .!? u
Attorneys-at-Law, ! "
Chapman Block, over Postoff ice
-LO Acres!
Near town, good land, plenty of water, at
bargain. Talk to me.
oc20 ' . T. R. COON.
The Glacier office has received a good as
sortment of Legal Blanks Deeds, Mortgages,
Leases, etc. and will hereafter have the same
tor sale.
Carpet Weaving.
. -.. .
Prices 12 and 17 cents per yard. Residence
on the Newton Clark place; .
: Nickelsen. L'uckey will hereafter do all
plumbing and repairing, connecting to or de
taching from water mains. .
d22 A. 8. BLOWERS, Manager. ,