The latest investigations by the United States and Cana dian Governments show the i Royal Baking rior to all others in purity and leavening strength. Statements by other manufacturers to the contrary have been declared by the official authorities falsifications of the official reports. 1 I ' ROYAL UAKINO POWDER CO., What Mra. Lucy Stone Ba Seen. Mrs. Lucy Stone, in enumerating at a woman's club the gains to women she bad herself seen accomplished, men tioned the right to free speech, the right to education, the right to a'.l occupa tions and professions, anil ;t very great amelioration in the laws. Lhe contrast ed the old time, when an irate man at a Massachusetts town meeting, had said: "The public money to educate shesl Nev ert" with the present, when the great universities of Chicago, Yale and Johns Hopkins are opened to women, besides their own s'rhnnls p.tkI orvllpo-ps ' ' GIVE AWAY : A Sample Package (4 to 7 doses) ol Dr. Pierce's -mrv neasani tenets To any one sending name and address to us on a postal card. ONCE USED THEY ARE ALWAYS IN FAVOR. Hence, our object in sending them out broadcast 1 " ON TRIAL. They absolutely cure Sick Headache, Bil iousness, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Appetite, Dyspepsia and kindred derange ments of the Stomachy Liver and Bowels. . Don't accept some substitute said to be " 'just as good." The substitute costs the dealer less. ' It costs you ABOUT the same. HIS profit is in the "just as good." Address for Free Sample, ' World's Dispensary Medical Association, A6. 663 MMla Sr., BUFFALO. Ji. K should be rich to nourish. Depleted blood means a pale face and Anaemia. Emulsion the cream of Cod -liver Oil, enriches the blood, restores a healthy color, cures Anaemia and tones up the system. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. . ,' Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Prepared b Hoot. A Bowne, U. Y. All Drugirlrta Ii you are going to have party, . be Bare to make the cake with HENRY'S V CARBOLIC '.' SALVE gjC The most powerful healing ointment ever disooverea. HENRY'S CARBOLIC BALVK cures sores. " " " allays burns. " " , ' , heals pimples. " , " " cures wounds and outs. : Ask lor Henry's; tae no otner. Be ware of counterfeits. Sold by all druggists,"- 2i cents a box. v FOR LADIES 1 i 10O IN GOLD will be paid by the Koch Chemical Co. for any case of female weakness that will not vield to DR. J. 8. KOCH'S ANTI SEPTIC SANATIVE POWDER. Prioe 11.00 per box. For sale by all druggists, . Blood Baking Powder. , Powder supe 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. THE BROOK. I looked la the brook and saw a face. Heigh-ho, but a child was II There were rushes and willows in that place, And they clutched at the brook as the brook ran by. And the brook It ran its own sweet way. As a child doth run in heedless play. And as it ran I heard it say: "Hasten with me To the roistering sea That is wroth with the flame of the morn, i Ingskyl" . , I look in the brook and see a face. Heigh-ho, but the years go byl The rushes are dead in the old time place. And the willows I knew when a ohild wasL And the brook it seemeth to mt to (ay. As ever if stealeth on its way, r Solemnly now and not in play; , "Oh, oome with me ' : '' . To the slumbrous sea " , " " . That Is gray with the peace of the evening sky!" Heigh-ho, but the years go by, I would to God that a child were II Chicago Record. A SUBTERRANEAN OCEAN. It Is Believed to Underlie Nebraska, Kan- sas and Indian Territory. ... The best scientists of the land favor the opinion that Nebraska, Kansas and part of Indian Territory are situated over an immense underground lake or sea. It is a well known fact that in sev eral places in Kansas whole sections of land have suddenly disappeared, leaving only fathomless lakelets to mark the spot where they were once situated. Proof that there is something peculiar with the foundation of the section of the' country mentioned may be found in the celebrated "tide, wells" of Polk, Butler and Colfax counties in Nebras ka. Polk oounty is best provided with these curious wells, having between a dozen and 20 which roar and ebb and flow with an unseen" tide. ; The roaring of these remarkable curiosities they cannot be called natural wonders, be cause they are the work of man, at least 80 far as excavation is concerned is Caused by the inhalation and exhalation of immense quantities of air. There are hours, regular and uniform, in whioh the air will' rush out with a loud, hiss ing sound, and again an equal space of time in which it seems that all the air of the Platte valley will be sucked into the cavernous depths of these wonderful wells. ' ' The period of this ebb and flow does not seem to depend upon either the sea sons or the state of the weather, but is thought to have some mysterious con nection with the high and low tide pe riods of the Atlantio and Pacific oceans. A meteorologist of national reputation, who sought to fathom the mystery of the "Platte river tide wells,." and who issued a little pamphlet with the title "Boaring Wells of Nebraska," gave it as his opinion that the roaring phenom enon was in some way connected with the prevailing direction of the wind, being strongest in time of west or south west breezes. The farmers in the three counties mentioned as being best pro vided with these tide regulated, air ex pelling wells believe that the water sup ply is connected with' a ' body large enough to have a regular ebb and flow of tide. All the wells in the oounties of Polk and Butler which are tide regulat ed are of about the same depth, those of Colfax being deeper, but all extend ing to a porous stratum having the same general characteristics. St Louis Re public ''.- ;.' ; A Race ou Stilts. A race on wooderj legs from Bordeaux to Biarritz and back, a distance of 808 miles, was begun yesterday. . Eighty-one stilt runners, entered for this race, left the Hotel de la Gironde at 8 o'clock yes terday morning, being "played off" by a brass band. They were accompanied by a party of bicyclists, whose duty was to ' see that fair play was observed. Among the racers was the Arcachon baker, Silvain Dornon, who. traveled on stilts, or claimed to have done so, from Paris to Moscow.- A quarter of an hour after the stilt racers had set out from Bordeaux a party of 18 women and young girls, also mounted on stilts, left Bor deaux for Cerans, having undertaken to run there and back, a distance of 50 miles, in the day. Cor. London News. - - , . J 1 , - A Suggestion About an Innovation. The old French chateaux are serving as models for some of the beautiful country palaces of rich Americans. ' One not far from New York has, in true pro vincial style, the stables at one end of the long range of buildings which widens at the other into a noble banqueting hall. "All of which . may be very 'old French,' " said a woman recently a guest there, "and there is no evidence of the union of the two portions of the estab lishment, but I could not help feeling that there was a chance, speaking broad ly, of the fly in the dining room having" very recently: left" the stalls of the horses."- New York Times. THE GRAND ARMY'S COMMANDER, Colonel Lawler the Second Foreign Born Veteran to rill the Office. Of the many thousands of foreign born soldiers who fought bravely on the side of the Union during the war but two have ever been chosen command ers in chief of the Grand ..Army of the Republic The first to reoeive the . honor was General Louis Wagner, born in Gessen, Germany, and elected command lei in 1880. The seoond was Colo nel Thomas G. THOMAS G. LAWLEK. Lawler, who Was recently chosen to the high office at the annual encampment in Pittsburg. Colonel .Lawler is a native of Liverpool, England, and was born half a century ago the 7th of last April. He oame to America When a child, and his parents located in Rock' ford, Ills., where poverty prevented his en joying any educational advantage worth mentioning. ( He was a boy of 17 when Fort Sumter was fired upon and was one of the first to volunteer when Lincoln called lor 76,000 men to crush the rebellion. He went to the front with Company E, Nineteenth II' linois volunteer Infantry. When his three months had expired, he re-enlisted and served with distinction in the ranks throughout the war. He was in the bat tles of Stone River, Chiokamauga, Mission Ridge, Bailey's Crossroads and all other engagements In whioh his regiment par ticipated. When he was mustered out as sergeant brevet captain, General W. S. Rosecrans commended him for gallant and meritorious services. He received his title of colonel through a dozen years' service with the Illinois national guard. After the war Mr. Lawler began driving a flour wagon for a living. He was very popular, and when the naming of a post master of Rockford in 1877 was decided by the vote of the town's citizens Lawler was elected by an overwhelming majority, although he was not an active candidate for the position. It was quite a step from the seat of a flour wagon to the postmas- tership, but Lawler made it gracefully and effectively. After an eight years' absence from the postoffice he was again appointed when President Harrison was inaugurat ed. - ' . !-! When the Rockford rifles were organ ized, he was eleoted first lieutenant. Be became a captain later, and still later was made colonel of the Third regiment, Illi nois national guard.' Soon after the or ganization of G. L. Nevius post No. 1, de partment of Illinois, G. A. R., the oldest post In the United States, Lawler was elected post commander, an office he has held 25 years and still holds. Several years ago he was elected department commander of Illinois end discharged bis duties with rare tact and ability. ' He is one of the bestdrillmastersin Illinois, a born soldier, a strict disciplinarian and a natural leader of men. ,. .. . - TO ELEVATE THE FREEDMEN. Idfe Work of Mrs. Harper, the Colored lecturer and Author. For nearly B0 years Mrs. Frances Ellen Watklns Harper, a venerable colored wom an of education and refinement, has been hard at work endeavoring to better the con dition of her race. She was born in Baltimore : 69 years ago and was one of the few colored children permlttted to go to school when ' old enough to be--' gin the acquisi tion of an educa tion. The school was conducted by her unole, William mts- T- w HARPEB. Watkins, a shoemaker, and by the time she was 14 years of age she had secured a very fair knowledge of the three R's. She then left sohool, but continued studying and learned dressmaking in order to se cure the means needed to fit her for her chosen calling that of a teacher. The condition of her race excited her heartiest sympathies, and when the Maine and Vermont Antislavery society asked her to champion the causa of the enslaved negro she gladly hailed the opportunity. She was engaged for some time In work for the Pennsylvania Antislavery society and for seven years held a position in the Women's Christian Temperanoe union, of which she is still an organizer. In 1860 she gave up lecturing, and after the war devoted herself to work among the freed men. There were other women lecturers of her race who made reputations on the platform, but Mrs. Harper is one of the few survivors. Although she is well along In years, she is aa. interested as ever in the welfare of the colored race and is occasionally seen on the platform. The moral elevation of the colored woman is now her theme, for she believes that "the hand that rocks the eradle is the hand that rules the world," and that the future elevation of the negro is in the hands of the negro's mother. "In endeavoring to build up the home life," she says, "we must reach the mothers of the race." . ..-'.':. Mrs, Harper has also been busy with her pen for years and has written a number of books of poems and a history of the colored wee since it was emancipated. No woman of her race has equaled her as writer and lecturer, it is said. She resides in Phila delphia with her daughter and is a very busy woman for one of her years: ' ' Her Innocent Looking Parcel. A pretty girl, who is the daughter ef a respected citizen of Charlestown and her self a brilliant student in a medical school In the city, went into one of the big dry goods stores the other day to make some purchases, and came away leaving a neat parcel behind her upon the counter. She hadn't gone far from the store when she missed the parcel and hurried back for it:-. "What was in your bundle?" asked the attendant at the desk to which Missr- had been referred by the girl who served her. Miss hesitated a moment and then said, "An arm." A what?" said the startled attendant. -"An arm," repeated Miss - calmly. I am a medical student," she said by way of explanation. "I am taking it home to dissect." . "Do you see the parcel?" -. ' Yes, there it is. " T !'- "Would you mind stepping into the office and taking it yourself?" asked the attend ant with a shiver. V "Not in the least," said Miss . She took up her "arm" with a smile, left the store and continued her way home arard. .Boston Glob. HARD TIMES. It is not merely the fact that a million men are said to be out of work, with conse quent loss of time, place and money, that makes the times seem so tough, but there are other aggravations superadded, grow ing out of the willful neglect of so many. that make the times seem hard, indeed. If better times were at hand and good places open to all that are now idle, there are thousands who would be totallv unlit to go to work by reason of the neglect of some infirmity wnicn totally unfits tnem to accept a proffered chance. What better opportunity could there be to get their physical condition in good shape than the eniorcea idleness gives tnem. . to do so is making profit out of misfortune; not to do so is making hard times so much harder. It is poor logic to make anything bad grow worse, and it is no economy at all to, save expense by sacrificing health. A man wants brawn, muscle and brain in as near ly a nerfect condition as is nossible to eain a victory in the battle of life. It is mostly irora a beginning in little things that the greater ones accumulate and finally over whelm us. There is hardly one man who labors witn his muscles, irom the skilled mechanic down to those who labor with the nick and shovel, but has some bodily ailment neglected. What costly trifling it 18, loottea at irom results, f or example: the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles are all under constant strain from the nature and demands of their work. Aches and cams must ensue. These, nee lected, soon reach the chronic stage of stinenea limbs irom contracted muscles. How many old mechanics have bent backs and backaches we know. This is simply a condition of neglected lumbago, which had it been treated in time could have been cured in ten minutes by St. Jacobs Oil. This is also true of all the minor aches and pains. So certain a cure ought certainly to be in every workingman's house to make nara times ngnter. . The Scar on Senator Hill's Face. Senator Hill is seldom accused of ro mantic tendencies, but judged by the story of a mark he bears the New York statesman has a wide streak of chivalry when it is once reached. Mr. Hill has on the left side of his face, close under his ear, a long, narrow scar. In some lights it is quite plain, then again it is hardly to be seen. When its owner was an up country lawyer, he had to prosecute a well known man in the same town who dissipated the fortune of his ward and had in addition inflicted other wrongs upon the girl. When the case reached Mr. Hill's attention, it aroused his wrath as well as his professional zeal. . During the trial he scored the offender most un mercifully and after an especially scath ing speech went to" his office. : The en raged oil ender followed him, entered the office and before the lawyer could even turn had slashed him vigorously with, a knife, making the scar, which the sena tor will carry to his grave. Kate Field's Washington. . ...... ' "There's one thing about me that I don't understand," . said V Tommy thoughtfully, "and that's why it is that making marks on wall paper is such lots of fun and making 'em in copy- bofcs in school is such hard work. " ' . HAUNTED I A haunted house In these nractlcal and unro- rnantic days is something of a rarity, but an in- uiviuuiu nauniea witn we ltiea tnatnisaument is incurable is a cersonatre f recraentlv met with. Disbelief in the ability of medicine to cure la only a mild form of monomania, although in some cases repeated failures to obtain relief irom many ditterent sources would almost seem to justify the doubt. Hostetter's Stomach Bit ters has demonstrated its ability to overcome dyapepsla( constipation, liver and kidney trouble, malar'al complaints and nervousness, and its recorded achievements in the curative line ought at least to warrant its trial by any one troubled with either of the above ailments, even although his previous efforts to obtain re medial aid have been fruitless. Used with per sistence, the Bitters will conquer the most ob stinate cases. - 1 . Abut the time a man forgets to kiss his bride good-bye he also neglects to fill the wood box Deiore starting to worjt. . Fall Medicine Is fully as important and as beneficial as SDrintr Medicine, for at this season there is great danger to health in the varyin g tem perature, cold storms, malarial germs, and the prevalence of fevers and other serious diseases. All these may be avoided if the blood is kept purev the digestion good, and the bodily health taking Hood's 41. V .,- barilla Sarsapanlla.. 'Mvlittlebov fourteen years old had a terri ble scrofula bunch on his neck. A friend of mine said Hood's Sarsapa-rilla cured his little boy, so I procured a bottle of the medicine, and the result has been that the bunch has left his neck. It was so near the throat, that he could not have stood it much lenger with out relief. Mrs. Ina Hood. 324 Thorndike Street, Lowell, Mass. Get HOOD'S Hood's Pills are prompt and efficient. 25c. It is sold on a guarantee by all drug gists.; It cures Incipient Consumption and is the best Cough, and Croup Cure. .. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal ff ?o3Sf nur.nn Da 'cvi-Vf""! Sffff Passages, Allays Fatn n.nd Inflammation. . HAVmr (tfly! Restores the Menses of Taste ana smell. ApplyBalmintoeach nostril W Jil.X UUOH.,W HttlBiloi,!-.!. MRS. WINSLQW S Consnmntlvea and people who have weak lungs or Asth ma, should use Piso's Cure lor Consumption. It has eared thonsands. It has not Injur ed one. It Is not bad to take. It. In the best oouffh svrun. . . - IH . . ' II gold everywhere. Jeae. IT r TBT nooas ma , am CM Cures & mm Sooth i no syrup. - tAI null IIRFH TrITKIMQ J II Midsummer Honors . California, in her golden prime, never before achieved so grand a triumph as at the Midwinter Fair just closed. Among the honors conferred at the fair was bestowal of the highest award including gold medal, on - ' Dr. Price's Baking Powder As at the Columbian Exposition in Chicago, $ie award to Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder at. San Francisco, was for highest quality, demonstrated by expert analysis, under direction of U. S. Government ; Chemists; The requisites, in each instance,, were superiority, in leavening power, per' feet purity of constituents, uniformity and, wholesomeness. . - Dr. Price's is thus confirmed and permanently established as positively the Best Baking Powder Ever Made ; DORRIS' SHOE STRINGS. On Dorris' feet Are the smallest of twos. But surely some elf v Has enchanted her shoes, v. For, wherever we teo, Walk, row or ride, ... In church or at tennis. Her shoes come untied. , . i At times it is trying, :' ' But what can I do . , When poor Dorris murmurs. ' . "Oh, bother that shoe!" So down I must flop - In the dust and dirt To tie up the shoe . . v . Of that dear little flirt. ; These precious girl tyrants! We cannot rebel, Tor even their ribbons , ' Are ailed with their speU. -- Since old-fashloncd aprona No longer they use, ; . They tie a poor man . ' . To tho strings of their shoes. ' . -' Vassar Miscellany. A LIFB INSURANCE POLICY. Every man ought to have one, but a long step toward that is the possession of All cock's Porous Piasters. . It is certain that they prolong life by relieving the strain that comes from continued Suffering. ' ; ' Manv a man can endure a sharn disease better than he can the wear and tear of pains, little in themselves, yet constant in their strain upon the system. - a weaK oacit, stillness oi tne joints, sore ness of the muscles seem to many un worthy of special notice. Yet they do not a little . to exhaust the powers of physical endurance. : Alloock's Porotjs Plabtbbs relieve them at once, and no wise man will fail to use them on the first sign of pain. It is a very small premium that he has to pay- ' : - . iSRANDEETH's .TILLS win cure inaigestion. Subscriptions taken for all miners, macrazines and periodicals at lowest prices at Northwest News Company. J. F. Handley 4 Co., 1E0 First street, Portland, Or. , ; . . , . . ; " T nfdrl -von S5 to vote for muT" 'Ye-LSnh!" " Then why didn't you do itT" "Well, suh, you see- nit was ais way ; ae yutner teller, nt paia me10." -. -.. .... ENGRAVING ! ! PRINTERS 8H0ULD KNOW that the oldest and best Photo-engraving oflice in San Fran cisco was established In 1877 by the Manager of the DEWEY EN GRAVING CO., Who has secured the latest and best Improve ments.secret processes and a full complement of the most approved machinery, photo ap paratus, powerful elec tric llebts.. etc. Havinsr pioneer Co. turns out the highest class of work promptly, reliubly and at uniformly moderate prices for all kinds of engraving. ' Publishers helped .ogetup special Issues. Job printers and others should send for samples, estlmutes and information. S..T. Dkwk. Manager, 220 Market St.,- 8. F , Cul. Mil n la e ) From Face, Neck and Arms in vnn r-su i live 111111u1u9w11.11 nuifnxi, Bi-MnvF without pain or injury to the in otoc i nniia skin. Send stamp for circular. SUPERFLUOUS . Loeaj agents wanted. NUDB.NE ""a 1 uira . -Rnnm 19. ThA Vrni. ' ' J dome, Portland, Or. A NOVELTY Protection from watch pick- Dockets. Invisible; will not wear out. Price. 10 cents (stamps). Sent free by return mail. W.S.WOODRUFF, 219 Bush Street, San Fran cisco, California. , .'"v. "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL. BAR GA IN." MARRY A PL AI N G I R L IF SHE USES (KIMBALL a WRITE FOR CATALOGUE, TP, PIANOS and KIMBALL & CO., FREE. MALARIA! Three doses onlv. Trv it. BUY YOUR GLOTHIEf G - .. . - ... .. . Men's Suits at $8.50, $10.00, $12 50, $1500, $20.00. ' ; Men's Overcoats, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00. Young Men'B Suits, $3.00, $4.50, $5.00, $8.0C, $10.00. ' . A ; Boys' Knee-Ptrnts Suits, $1.25, $1.75, $2.50, $3.60, $4.00, $5.00. Oregon Wool Socks, 3 pairs for 50 cents; , ... , a White Laundried Shirts, 50 cents. " 1 . Write for Price List and send orders by mail. "FAMOUS," From the Midwinter Fair. A lruHj,i,ri, Couis Club. .- One of the principal clubs of St. Louis includes in its constitution a bylaw which provides ' "that the members' wives, daughters and lady friends shall have the right to enjoy the privileges of the club," and by this provision is tho organization distinctive among its kind. So generous is the sentiment that one readily forgives the "lady, friends" of its wording. ' The plan to admit women to the club was at first ridiculed, then ' bit terly opposed and .finally accepted with the proviso that if found detrimental to the interests of the club the women would meet the fate of the Chinese. But the results have shown that what was considered to be a doubtful experi ment has been the means of building up an institution the like of which is not to found in the. country, so the members claim. It is the boast of the officers that no woman dwells In the city so pious that she would not wish to be known as a friend of the club, nor one of the boys that does not consider it an honor to be connected with the club. They have a membership of 7";9, a clubhouse valued at $300,000, a fine library and accommo dations for 1,000 guests, and the name is the Mercantile club. Exchange. : - i Stats or Ohio, City of Toledo,! . Lucas County. . j ' Fbank J. Chkney makes oath that he is the senior partner ol the firm of F. J. Chkney A Co., doing business In the city of Toledo, coun ty and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and everv cbrs of -Catarrh that nAnnnttia cured by the use of Hall's.Catarbh Curs. - FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 6th day ot December, A. D. 1886. --SEAL.- A. W.. GLEAHON, ..... v - ,.; :. . -. - - ifotary Public. . Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. - ; i , . ; f. CHENEY & CO., :: ' . ; i . . - - - xoieao, v. jlW-'Sold by druggists; W cents. , Try Gismia for breakfast. ' Use Enamellne Stove Polish; no dust no smell. Lai $3 SHOEt-'o- THE BEST. , QUEAKIN 5. CORDOVAN, .feoFlNECAlf&lftNSArlt 3.?P0L!GE,3SOLESfc Z.1.7 BuY&CHDfflfHOEl - 'LADIES IIASO II 7S .SEND FOR CATALOGUE! W-L.-DOUCSLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. ' T can iit. moaer r we.rtag tha W. Ih DsiiIm S3.00 Mhse. : Beeai-M, we are the largest maanfactnnn at this gradeof shoes la the world, and guarantee thei-r value by stamping the narae and price the bottom, whlek protest you against high prleM ana the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal eustem. work In style, easy fitting and weitrlng qualtttea. Weharethara sold ererywhere at lower prices fee the -ralueglTxnthan any other make. Takenorak aututa. it roar daalar cannot supply yea, we ana, CALIFORNIA UTERINE TONKP w Best Home Remedy for Female Diseases. Lady Agents wanted in every town. Address . Cat. Uterine 'I'onlc Company, 406 Sutter street, San Francisco. N. P. JSC. V. No. 569 r-8. JP. H. TJ. No. 64 ORGANS. PACIFIC COAST HEADQUAR tes: 836 Morriton Street, Mar- quam Building. -Mfg.. PORTLAND. OREGON. t ' . DO YOU FEEL BAD? DOES YOUR BACK ache? 'Does every step seem a burden? 'You need MOORE'S: REVEALED REMEDY. AT WHOLESALE PRICBK CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS Blue Corner, Morrison and Stcond Sis., POETXANB . . . - bboV