The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 13, 1894, Image 1

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    ""Tufas' iv-.-: - -y .vcL-fi'w-vrv,-.
be Hood River Glacier.
- -V Mi" " V" -'
--; t.,-:,' ' ; v; It's a Cold Day When We Get' Left. ': .lr"v V ' '::!-
VOL, 6. : : , ; : ; HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SATURDAY. OCTOBER 13, 189k : NO. 20. ,
3food Jftver lacier.
S. F. BLYTHE, Publisher.
On year ff Ml
Blx months.. 1 00
Three month! , , 0
engie oopjr t inn
Grant Evans, Propr.
Seoond St., near Oak. Hood River, Or.
Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly done.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
She Will Ask Congress to Make
Certain Changes... i
'Laws Are Badly Needed Which Will
Establish Closer Relations Between
Alaska and the States They Want a
i Delegate In Congress.' , V . , .'.
Washington, October 6. An attempt
is to be made daring the coming session
of Congress to enact legislation for the
better governing of Alaska. Persons
who. have gone to that Territory and
made investments are anxious to have
.laws which will make secure property,
and which will also establish closer com
mercial relations between the Territory
and the United States. It has been sug-
gested that one of the first steps toward
bringing Alaska into closer communica
tion with the United States and making
' it more useful to the government would
be to reorganize the Territory as others
have been organized and send a delegate
'to Congress to represent it, -who will
. point out the needs of the people to the
, legislators. This idea is combatted by
those who claim that at present there
are" enough white people there to consti
; tute a representative government, and
that the .native population has not at
tained a degree of intelligence to entitle
it to participate in government affairs.
Because of a lack , of legislation the de
velopment of Alaska mines, said to be
very rich, is retarded. Most of the mines
are . of a character that they require a
great deal of machinery to operate them,
and considerable capital must be in
vested before any results can be obtained.
It is possible that during the short ses
sion of Congress there will be no time
for passing adequate laws for the gov
ernment of the Northwest Territory, yet
men who have been pushing the West
for years are determined that something
must be done for Alaska, and her inter
ests will be pressed upon Congress in the
' short session. Even if ho action is taken
it is expected that the way may be
opened for something substantial in the
next, Congress.. ,...'.'
They All Breathe of a Spiritual Bitter
ness Toward China.
Washington, October 6. The officials
of the Japanese legation have received a
" budget of news and gossip by, the last
wail from Japan. The spirit of the peo
ple is shown in the war songs sung, by
the Japanese troops as they push toward
.Peking. The songs were officially com-
piled by Prince Arisugawa. They breathe
great bitterness against China, and de
clare that now is the time to plant the
. flag of the Rising Sun on the walls of
Peking and to illuminate its darkness.
Each verse of the song begins, and ends
with V Strike and chastise China," Va
rious verses describe the Chinese as ar
rogant and insolent, with an army of
"cowards." The Chinese troops' war
songs say of the Japanese:
4 ""They are an undisciplined rabble,
' and however fine their arms look, they
are useless, like fine ladies in pictures."
The Japanese Minister of Finance has
officially made announcement that the
War will not be allowed to interrupt the
internal. improvement of Japan. Con
sequently railway construction is to pro-
s ceed with the same vigor as in peaceful
times. ' The Minister has arranged so
. that the treasury shall keep separate ac-
counts of war expenses and those for in
ternal improvements in order that the
former may not overshadow the latter.
The late customs-house reports in Japan
show that her trade with the United
States is greater than with any other
power. The total trade' last year was
about 4,000,000 yen. British trade, which
comes second, is.600,000 yen.
The Japanese people and press are re
torting to the Chinese Emperor's proc
lamation directing that the Japanese
" wo jen," meaning pigmies, should be
. .3.i.Tfm tVfiiw . laiva Tha rhinoso flfH
beinir called " chau chau. meaning puer-
' ility ; " toupi kau," meaning pig-tailed
vagabonds. "China is referred to as
" mei-so-kuku," the country jn which
the people cannot make up their minds.
The Japanese papers are already print
ing cuts showing the rout of the Chinese
on land and sea,
Barber SIiod
Sensational Testimony Before the Leiow
Investigating; Committee.
New Yobk, October 4. Mr. Moss, at
torney for the Parkhurst Sooiety, opened
to-day's proceedings before . the Lexow
investigating committee by placing in
evidence ' a chattel mortgage given by
David Kroman to David Kroman. The
first.David has already testified before
the committee that he gave the mort
gage to raise money to give the police for
protection. Policeman Hussey was the
next witness. Mrs. Urchittet, who some
time ago appeared before the committee,
had testified that an officer had walked
her around the streets all night and
taken down her stockings to search for
money. The prosecution tried to show
that Hussey was the officer. "' Hussev
testified that a stool pigeon named Black
had told him that a policeman named
Charles A. Place was the policeman who
took the money. An affidavit from Mack
was read, saying he was present when
Place demanded money in the woman's
store. . Place took the stand, and swore
he never saw the woman or took the
money from : her. He said HuBsey had
asked mm to help aim out by swear
ing that the- woman was disrep
utable. The woman then took the
stand. Her story was a shameful one,
Her children were torn from her bv the
policeman and placed in an asylum. She
was scourged from pillar to post by the
police and Max Hochstein, an East Side
politician. Mocnstein at first under the
guise of a friend advised her to pay the
police, and later insulted and hounded
her. Looking around the courtroom, her
eyes ligntea upon Hussey; sue recog
mzea tne author of her troubles in a
moment, and became intensely agitated.
She Dointed dramatically at the officer.
and half starting from the witness chair,
cried: '
"That's him ; that's him !"
For a moment it looked as if she would
spring at the officer. It was some time
before she became quiet. Julias Mandel,
a restaurant-keeper, testified that Hus
sey had come to him and demanded $100
for protection for gambling. He was ar
rested by Hussev on a charge later, be
ing subjected to much persecution. In
court to-day Officer Hussey accused Nar
berth Pefier, a detective employed by the
committee, of being the author of bis
trouble. - After calling him a foul name,
the policeman threatened to blow Pef
fer's Drains out. Later he denied hav
ing made the accusation or threat. Mor
ris Masch, a cloak manufacturer, testi
fied that clothing had been stolen from
his store. Officers Hussey and Shelby
assisted in finding the thief,but, although
they made arrests and had a strong case,
Masch was not allowed to call his wit
nesses, and the thieves were discharged.
Terrible Suffering by Prospectors Cross-
.. . Ing the Desert. ...,.,;.
San Diego, October 6. Jose Garcia, a
peddler, who has just returned from the
Cocopah country with Quirino Cosilio, a
half-breed, and Fred Cota, a Mexican,
tells of the finding on the desert below
the national boundary of the body of an
American who had died of thirst. , There
were no means of identifying the re
mains, save that contained in the cloth
ing and a piece of an envelope or paper
sack addressed to " James Moore, pay
master A, T. and S. F., Topeka, Kan.,"
a common clasp purse, which held this
paper, and the part of a greenback in it.
The boot was about a No. 6, and the man
did not appear to have been large. ' The
party was three days without water, suf
fering untold hardship, ' but afterward
afforded relief to Margarita Angulo and
Felipe Moseno, two Mexicans, and an
American, supposed to have been Fred
Was8on of this city. Angulo was insane
from thirBt, but all recovered. On the
return trip the trail of another wanderer
was discovered, and certain circum
stances led the party to believe that he
had fallen a victim to the desert, as the
hovering vultures and coyotes bowling
up the canyon among the hills afforded
good grounds for tne suspicion. Much
Buffering is reported on the desert by re
turning prospectors. The" water is poor,
and there is out little of it., -,
First Cargo of the Season.
Tacoma, October 4.The ship City of
Athens sailed last night for the United
Kingdom . with the first cargo of new
wheat , shipped ' from " this port. ' It
amounted . to 1,800 tons. Four, larger
ships have arrived to load Wheat in char
ter for BalfourJ Guthrie & Co.-and Sib
son & Kerr. They are the Androsa; Cap
tain York:. Glehcova and Windsor Park.
The Androsa arrived yesterday. Captain
ljockbart reports that August 6, Z4U
miles southeast of Shanghai, the shin
encountered a terrific gale, which lasted
thirty hours. For twelve hours it as
sumed the proportions of a typhoon.
Two ships were dismasted near the An
drosa, and she met three steamers dis
abled by the storm.' The Androsa lost a
lower mainsail, but suffered no other
casualty. , , - .-, ... it -,... !
; Court of Private land Claims. '
: Santb Fb,' N. M., October 4. The
Court of Private Land Claims has just
concluded a term wherein much im
portant business was transacted. Dur
ing the pastyear the .court confirmed
Spanish and Mexican ' grants in New
Mexico to the amount of 779,000 and
rejected such claims to the amount of
8,840,000 acres. , In Arizona none were
confirmed, and grants amounting' to
195,000 acres were rejected. United
States Attorney Matthew Reynolds of
St. Louis receives much credit for this
favorable showing to the government.
The court will meet again January 25
next, when claims to the amount of sev
eral million acres will be taken into consideration.
The Latest Movement Made by
. Japanese Troops.
The Japanese Hay be Preparing to Re'
slst a Possible Advance of the Bus
sians Into Corea Antl-Forelgn Peel'
lng In Tien Tsln.
; Tien Tsin, October 3. It is officially
announced 5,000 Japanese troops have
arrived close to Possiet Bay near the
Russian frontier. It was reported here
that a Japanese fleet had been sighted
September 39 ten miles south from Shan
Hai Kwan, 200 miles from Peking.: Large
bodies, of Chinese troops have been
drafted to that district the last few days
to prevent the Japanese landing.
Washington, October 3. Officials
here, who have been closely watching
the progress of the war in the East, are
puzzled to account for the landing of
6,000 Japanese troops at Possiet Bay, as
announced officially from Tien .Tsin.
This bay lies directly on the eastern
boundary between Corea and the Rus
sian maritime provinces, it is . not be'
lieved any Chinese troops are in the
neighborhood, as the country is too rug
ged and barren to warrant the plan of
marching the troops overland clear across
Uorea to join tne army marcnlng on
Moukden. and it is considered conceiv
able that the Japanese are preparing to
resist a possible advance by tne Kussian
troops from the north into Corea.
The purpose of the movement reported
from Tien Tsin of the reconnoitering by
tne Japanese fleet on tne Umnese coast
near Shan Hai Kwan is more reasonable
and apparent. Shan Hai Kwan lies on
tne boundary Detween tne umnese prov
inces of Manchuria- and Chi Li at the
eastern end of the great wall which tra
verses China. It is directly on the rail
road building from Tien Tsin to Mouk
den, and as the line is already in opera
tion between it and Tien isin, tne town
is a place of great strategic advantage.
Should the Japanese effect its capture
and land an army, there would be noth
ing in tbe way of a rapid advance on
Peking, the capital, and unless the Chi
nese resistance is more formidable than
it has been so far, the march could be
made in a week or ten days.
Shanghai. October 3. The anti-for
eign feeling at Peking is increasing hour
ly, and tne autnormes nnd it aimcuic to
repress outbreaks of the Chinese popu
lation. Leading Chinese representatives
at Peking fear that, if the Japanese
march upon Peking, tne capital will be
captured, as the Chinese soldiers gath
ered to defend it are dissatisfied and un
reliable.' It is reported Li Hung Chang
has received orders, not to proceed . to
Corea. '. .: .'
London, October 3. A Shanghai cor
respondent of , the Central News tele
graphs : There is no sign in Tien Tsin
that Li Hung Chang's power js waning.
His audiences are well attended, and he
has several thousand well-armed troops,
who protect Europeans. Much anxiety
is felt by foreign residents, as the popu
lace is behaving insolently and becoming
unusually threatening. ' The removal of
the treasure and archives from Moukden
made a bad impression, :,
Japanese Arsenals Are Busy, But Are
Telling No Secrets.
San Fbancisco,' October 8. H. E.
Keller, of Philadelphia has arrived from
Tokio, Yokohama, Kobe and other , Jap
anese points, where' he has been for three
months. ' " The arsenal at Tokio," . he
said, "is as busy as it can be, and no
body is allowed there. Strict secrecy is
preserved. I dined with Iwasaka, the
richest man in Japan, who recently gave
6,000,000 yen or $250,000 to aid the war,
and became quite intimate with him,
but he told me he could not, acting in ac
cordance with the policy of the Japanese,
give any facts about the war. ' Every
where x tound tne same secrecy oDserved.
I met freauentlv Count Matsueeta. the
James G. Blaine of Japan and ex-Prime
Minister, and nis son,- witn whom 1
graduated at college. Both told me the
policy was to give nothing out that could
give the .Chinese an insight into what
was being done. . uoing trom Jtiong nong
to Shanghai. I met four English gunners
who had been engaged for a Chinese war
ship at $100 a month and five years' pay
to their families if killed. An English
Captain was with them, who was to re
ceive much greater pay. The Chinese
are engaging all the Englishmen fighters
they can, and they are paying them big
sums. In Japan it is believed to be the
intention to move immediately on Pe
king and capture it before winter sets in.
The Japanese see they have got to do it
quickly, or it will be much harder later."
: t' Questions for Diplomacy..
: London, October 3. The Standard's
correspondent at Paris says:' The Poli
tique Coloniale, reflecting the views of
the Minister of the Colonies, gives, ex
clusive of the questions of Egypt and
Madagascar, a list of eleven outstanding
difficulties between France and England
connected with frontier and similar dis
putes in various African colonies. Many
of these have practically been settled,
and none of them would lustily a rup
ture, unless one country was bent upon
picking a quarrel with the other, which,
the paper says, is not the case.
The Expected Advance Will Take Place
" ; October 20.
Portland, October 3. Press dis
patches received yesterday confirm the
statement already made that commodity
rates from the East are to be raised in
the near future. .The following is the
text of a dispatch sent out from Omaha
" The Missouri river roads to-day an
nounced that after October 20 all freight
rates to Portland and adjacent points
will be advanced 7 to 26 per cent. This
is a discrimination in favor of San Fran
cisco, though the object is a mystery."
Local freight men had not last even
ing received official notification of the
proposed advance, but feel satisfied that
the change will be made. ; The following
dispatch was received- from Kan iran
cisco last night:
" " Inquiry among the local ' railway
agents resulted in the confirmation of
the statement contained in a dispatch
from Omaha to-day, which announced
that after October 20 all freight rates to
Portland and adjacent points would be
advanced 7 to 26 per cent. All of them
united, however, in disagreeing with the
proposition that the raise in freight rates
had been ordered with the intention of
discriminating against Portland."
"It is simnlv a case." as one of the
railroad men remarked, "of an attempt
to get tair pav tor the worx done. Here
tofore it has so happened that Portland
has had very low rates', and these in spite
oi tne tact that she had not those ad
vantages in the way of possible sea com
petition in ireigbts to and from the East
which should tend to keep rates down.
It has now been agreed by the companies
that something like a fair profit should
be exacted on business which has here
tofore been done practically for nothing."
The Commissioner of Railroads on Gover-
1 " ; J, ment Ownership. .
Washington,. October 3-, General
Wade Hampton,' Commissioner of Rail
roads, was at his desk to-day for the first
time in several weeks, having returned
from an extended trip over the govern
ment roads which are under his super
vision. .'.The Commissioner says he en
countered in California a great' deal of
clamor for government control of not
only the Union and Central Pacific roads,
but of all the roads. . Both of these propo
sitions are opposed by the Commissioner,
who will submit his report to the Secre
tary of the Interior November 1.
In the first place." ne said, " the
bonds on these roads are not due until
1898, and the government cannot fore
close until that time. If the government
should foreclose, it, having only the sec
ond mortgage, would be compelled' to
pay the first mortgage,-amounting to
many millions.' A government such as
ours cannot operate railroads. In auto
cratic governments' it is possible, butnot
in this. The demand for. foreclosure of
the Pacific road does not come from the
best-informed people of the Pacific Coast,
although it has got to be a very popular
movement m the West."
Right of Citizenship Given to Sailors of
the United States Navy. . ; ,
San. Fbancisco, October 3.-r-In com
pliance with a recent. -act of Congress
Secretary Herbert has recently promul
gated a general order which gives to sail
ors of the United States navy the right
of citizenship..,, This order has been for
warded to every vessel of the navy and
to each naval station with instructions
that it be published at general' muster
and copies conspicuously posted.. . The
order sets forth .an. apt of Congress grant
ing to enlisted men of the navy the right
of citizenship after five years' service
without any previous : declaration, the
same as provided for in the case of the
United States army and marine corps,
The granting of , this suffrage to the
United States-navy will permit about
two-fifths of the enlisted men to become
citizens, and already ' a large number
have procured their citizenship papers.
It is reported' from 'the-New York navy
yard that fully 1,000 sailors have secured
their papers since Secretary Herbert's
order has been issued. '
, ; After Fifty TTears.of Strife. -;
San Fbancisco, October 3. After .fifty
years of strife- and twenty-seven years
of litigation the famous Alvarado ranch
case has virtually past out of the courts.
To-day was the last day for the payment
of the costs of the Suit. The costs of
the suit were $102,000 and the amount
caused much dissatisfaction among the
litigants, but on .the advice of their at
torneys the amount was paid, and; the
litigation is probably ended. The rahcho
consists' of 17,000 acres of land lying be
tween San Francisco and San Pablo Bay,
and forms one of the boundaries between
Alameda and Contra Costa counties. Its
estimated value is $1,700,000. : " '; "
,',' Train Rotbery Prevented.' ;
St. Joseph,,. Mo., V October 3. Lee
Jones and " Scar-faced Charley " Frizzle
were arrested here to-day,' charged with
conspiracy to rob the Chicago, Rock Isl
and and. Pacific, train. - They, were . be-
traved bv one. of their own band. A
week ago it was planned to rob a west
bound Rock Island train and blow it up.
if necessary.1 This was postponed ana
last night finally abandoned, the would
be robbers learning that the police were
after them.'.;;;,-,,..;--,. v;j , V '
1 ' .'7. ' Competition in Beer. : -- ' 1
San Fbancisco, October - 3. Within
the past two months two plants have
been established in this city for bottling
Eastern" beer, and the brewers of Mil
waukee and St. Louis are endeavoring
to eom pete with - the local brewers by
supplying bottled beer to families, ho
tels and restaurants at the same price
per dozen as that charged for local bear.
The Receipts at the Treasury
Department for September. ,
But It Is Estimated, However, That for
' the Fiscal Tear There Will be
Surplus of Between Fifty and Sixty
' Million Dollars. ,", - it-. i;;
: Washington, October 2. The first
month's receipts of the Treasury Depart
ment, namely for the month of Septem
ber, under the operation of the new tar
iff law were made - public yesterday.
The 'aggregate receipts for the month
were $22,621,288, as compared with $24,-
582,758 for September, 1803. 'As com
pared with August, 1894, when the re
ceipts from internal revenue assumed
abnormal proportions because of the
large withdrawals of whisky in antici
pation of the increased tax of 20 cents
per gallon, there is in round figures a
decrease of $18,000,000. According ' to
the estimates upon which the new tariff
bill was based it was to producee, xclu
sive of postal revenue, from sugar $43,
000,000 a year, and from the income tax
placed at a minimum figure $15,000,000
per year. - No revenue from either of
those sources is shown in the current re
ceipts of the month of September, for
the reason that the income tax does not
become operative until January 1, 1895,
and three or four months' supply of sug
ar was imported prior to the new law
in anticipation of the ad valorem tax
placed upon it. Upon the basis of the
estimates submitted, and upon which
the tariff bill was framed, the revenue
from the two principal sources customs
and internal revenue each was put
down at $179,000,000 per year. ' For the
the three months of the present fiscal
year the receipts nave been $97,848,174,
againBt $79,379,417 for the corresponding
months of 1893. Of the receipts for the
current fiscal year to date, $36,797,243
have been from customs or at the rate of
$140,000,000 , a year, and from internal
revenue $58,944,916 or at the rate of
$232,000,000 a year. These two items
alone show an excess of the total esti
mate of $370,000,000, upon which the
tariff bill was based, leaving the mis
cellaneous revenue of $20,000,000 as a
surplus. From present indications, when
revenue from sugar and the income tax
begin to be received and customs and in
ternal, revenue receipts assume their
normal conditions, as they are now
gradually doing, a surplus of between
$50,000,000 and $60,000,000, at the pres
ent ratio existing between the receipts
and expenditures, is indicated. Even
as the situation is now shown for the cur
rent year to date the expenditures ex
ceed the receipts less than $1,000,000. -'
British Naval Officer's Account of the
' Horrors of Modern War.
: London, October 2. A British naval
officer attached to the Chinese naval
squadron which was engaged in the fight
off the month of Yalu river has written
a letter to ' the Graphic, which is pub
lished in that paper to-day. In this let
ter the writer gives additional details of
the fighting, and says : . ' '
;"On board the warship Chen Yuen
the fighting was awful. The decks and
the space around the guns were strewn
with human fragments. ' Three of the
five men working a four-ton gun were
blown up by a shell from the Japanese
warship Naniwa Kan. The fourth gun
ner was shot while trying to' escape from
the turret, and ' the fifth1 stuck to his
post. This man fired three rounds at
the Naniwa Kan one shell entering the
engine-room of the Japanese ship and
another smashing her forward bridge.
The Naniwa Kan then hauled off. The
Chinese Admiral rewarded the surviving
gunner with a present of 1,000 taels. A
shell glanced from the steel deck of the
Chen Yuen and went through her tower,
shattering everything within. 1 A Lieu
tenant, who was in the act of speaking
through the tube leading to the , engine
room, was blown into atoms, and his
head was left hanging to the speaking
pipes.' Huge fragments of armor and
the teak backing thereof were , driven
inboard by the shot, crushing a large
number of sailors into a shapeless mass!
A European engineer, who was in the
act of groping about in an endeavor to
repair a steam pipe, was drenched- from
head to foot with the blood of an assist
ant, who was disemboweled while stand
ing by' his side by a shot from the ene
my's ship. The Chen Yuen arrived at
Wei Hai Wei the day after the fight in
the same condition in which she left the
battle. No attempt had been made ' to
wash the blood from her or to remove
the corpses which strewed her decks.''
The writer expresses the opinion that,
if the European rulers could have seen
the decks of the Chen Yuen; they would
have foresworn war henceforth and for
ever, , !,,,-'
.1 .- ;.r Letter Carriers'. Inspection. ' ,,j; '
, Washington, October 3. Acting Postmaster-General
Jones sent a letter to
Postmaster Hessing at. Chicago to-day
concerning the inspection of letter car
riers in that city next Sunday. - He says
that, owing to the work of the carriers
and the interruption to business, an in
spection on a week day is impracticable,
but says that, as they must under the
law be inspected, such inspection should
be brief and entail as little labor on the
carriers as possible. Mr. Hessing is di
rected to have the inspection take place
at the postoffice and the several stations
without parades or unnecessary demon
strations. . , ,
f Gentleman Jim" Indites Fltzslmmons
an Elaborate Epistle. , , s , . ,
Boston, October 2. Under date of to
day Corbett wrote Fitzsimmons as fol
lows: ' l '"' '
"In reply to your communication to
day I desire to state that I am the heavy
weight champion. .of the world. I won
that title not by defeating middle
weights, but , by , , battling , with ; every
heavy-weight that stood between myself
and John L. Sullivan. , I dispute your
right to claim a battle with : me at the
present time, because, while you are un
doubtedly the best middle-weight in the
world, your record gives no right to a
place in my class.- I propose, to enter .
the prize ring once more and then retire,
whether I win or lose, and I want my
next contest to be with the best man in
the world.-1 do not consider you that
man, and I do not propose to meet vou
and then after having defeated you be
told by your friends that you are only a
middle-weight after all. I care nothing
for the past history of the ring or its ob
solete rules. ; My future is in my own
hands, and I do not propose to be told
by you or any other man living what I
am to do. I consider Steve O'Donnell a
better man than . you are, and he will
prove it when he meets you. If you ac
cept his challenge and defeat him, then
you will not have to worry much about
securing a contest with me. You say
that O'Donnell is a fourth-rater, and
that you are sincere in vour desire to be
champion of the world. Then you should
remove the only obstacle that stands be
tween you and met especially when he
is so easy. I am prepared to post $5,000
with any reputable man or newspaper
in this country, to be paid to vou in case
I refuse to fight you after you have de
feated O'DonnelL- Mr. Brady has posted
$1,000 with the New York Herald in evi
dence of O'Donnell's good faith. You
do not need to wait thirty days for me
to pay any attention to you, for 1 do not
propose to do 'so. If you are sincere,
then vou had better ar ranee a match
kwith O'Donnell at once, for the sooner
you do the sooner you will get the chance
you seem to desire so much a meeting." .
,; , ..THE KAISER'S. VIEWS. , .... ... ; ,
What He Thinks Tha; the Modern Bat-
i "' tie Ship Should Be. - " V
London, October 2. Edward Reed, M.
P in an interview to-day gave an out
line of a conversation which he recently
had with the Emperor; of Germany on
the subject of war between China and
Japan. " Mr. Reed said: ; '
"The Emperor expressed "clear and
E renounced views on the situation, which
ave been remarkably fulfilled through
the results at Yalu. ; His Majesty recog
nized, the value of strong armor, and
particularlv dwelt upon the efficacv of
an armor belt reaching virtually from
stem to sterm, but he emphasized his
opinion that it was of the utmost im
portance that a vessel in action should
be given the greatest possible scope of
gun fire." ' " --j ; . . ""
The Emperor at the time of his inter
view with Mr. Reed gave to that gentle
man a portrait of himself with his sig- -nature
indorsed on its back. Preceding
the imperial signature were these words :
"In the modern battle ship the- dis
tribution of weight necessitates, : a com
promise between armor and artillery.
Give her a full all-around belt, and after
that always decide in favor of artillery."
Mr. Reed expressed his opinion that
the Yalu battle was remarkable for, its
emphasis of the value of speed and ar
mament multiplied by the quick-firing
gun. -f ;"--; '' --...
Raisin Growers to Ship Their Produet
-fi j , East for Storage. , , -
' San Fbancisco, October 8. The raisin
combine that was threatened by the dis
agreement of the California producers -and
the' New York and Chicago fruit
brokers has been broken, and the yield
of the San Joaquin Valley is being rapidly
shipped eastward. ' The raisin combine
refused to sell this year's crop, except in
California, intending to force Eastern
buyers to come to California and make
their purchases. The Eastern dealers
refused to do this, and there was a dead- .
lock, i The raisins were stored at Fresno
until the warehouses became overcrowd
ed, when the combine discovered it could
store the product in the East as cheap as
in California, and the raisins were ship
ped to central points, St. Louis, Chicago
and New - York. -.. The product . will be
stored at these' points to await a call for ,
it when it Will be marketed by the com- -bine,
i' Fifty-seven carloads left for New
York, and maybe more will follow. ' Up
to September 30 the following shipments
of fruit to Eastern points were made:
Raisins, 208 carloads; other dried fruits
including prunes, l',100 carloads; de
ciduous green fruits, 6.600 carloads ; can
ned fruits and vegetables, 1,000 carloads.
'i' ' '' The Anrachlsts Active. " ' '.
London, October 2. A dispatch to the
Chronicle from Vienna says that an Ital
ian anarchist has been arrested at Cairo,
charged with an attempt to murder the
Khedive. It is alleged that he went
from Italy to Cairo for that purpose, and
that the Italian police authorities warned
the Italian Consul at Cairo of his com
ing. - A dagger was found in the posses
sion of the man when he was arrested.
' . An' Italian Society; ..v
Pabis, October 2. Eight anarchists
were arrested at Marseilles to-day on -a
charge of plotting the murder of Signor
Durando, the Italian Consul, and an at
tempt to blow up the Italian consulate.
Letters found in the lodgings of the pris
oners showed that they were connected
with an , Italian ' brotherhood, having
ramifications in London, Trieste, Genoa
and other European centers.