The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 06, 1894, Image 4

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S '
THE Royal Baking Powder, be
sides rendering the food more
palatable and wholesome, is, becajise
of its higher leavening power, the
most economical.
The United States Government, after elaborate
tests, reports the Royal Baking Powder to be of
greater leavening strength than any other.
!" Bulletin 13, U. S. Ag. Dep., p. 599.
Before this newer age began
We thought the art tonsorial '
Belonged by right of birth to man
From ages immemorial. . , '
But she has come, with fixed intent,
To prove to all the nations
That man Is not pre-eminent
In barber-ous operations.
Oh, shaving is a sweet delight
' Since she the razor wielded)
My heart unto her charms so bright '
Has altogether yielded.
And. though she thinks 'tis only gush.
My ecstasies amaze her.
I hail her vueen of comb and brash
And goddess of the razor.
Some day, with lather on my cheek
(Such is the plan I harbor),
I shall courageously seek '.
The hand of my fair barber. .
But if she has already found
Some man to love and praise her
Her "No" would "cut" me, I'll be bound,
- More deeply than her razor.
National Barber.
Shall Only the Few Be Saved? '.'
' Down on Madison street, between La
Salle and Clark streets, a sermon is
preached every day and at ail hours of
the day. Not a sound is ottered, but the
words carry a force and effect that are
seldom exoelled in any of the Chicago
pulpits. .' .
The busy surge of humanity often
. pauses for a moment to hear the mute
but eloquent appeal. Men with business
suits sometimes drop out of the crowd
to linger an instant and calculate with
their wonted rapidity the marvelous les
son of a chart Religiously inolined
people hang for minutes musing on the
figures, and at times a sigh escapes
their lips for the condition of this world.
Some take notes. .
The text, as it is a sermon, is, "Go
forth into all the world and preach the
gospel to every creature. " It is a plea
for missions at the top of a chart with
1,424 squares. Each square is about an
inch and represents a million people, all
of them together the population, of the
. world. Each religions organization is
characterized by a different color. The
Protestants number 116,000,000; the
Greek church, 84,000,000; the Roman
. Catholics, , 190,000,000; , the ... Jews,
. 8,000,000; the Mohammedans, 170,
000,000, and the heathens the enormous
number of 856,000,000. The heathen
world is painted suggestively in black.
Right in the center are three white
squares. They look lonely and endan
gered as a little white skiff tossed on the
heaving bosom of the dark and stormy
sea. Only three small squares out of
that vast number to represent the Chris
tian element in this world! And this
only the nominal Christians, for three-
fourths of one of these squares is red,
representing 750,000 professed Chris
tians. All kinds of remarks are made by
the people who look. Chicago News.
The Sole Woman Delegate.
Miss Annie Lincedd was the sole
woman delegate among the 60 who
attended the fourth annual convention of
the National Textile union recently held
in Philadelphia. Miss Lincedd is presi
dent of the Providence union, No. 43,
and master workman of the Knights of
Labor assembly, No. 4,047, of Provi
dence. She is a cousin of Miss Mary
O'Reilly, one of the deputy factory in
spectors of Pennsylvania, and like her
is a student of the labor question and a
bright speaker. The National Textile
union embraces in its. membership all
branches of the textile industry, inolud
ing workers in cotton and gingham
mills, lace curtain operatives and
square weavers and dyers, and the del
egates attending the convention repre-
sented 40, 000 workers. Mrs. ' Martha
Moore Avery of Boston was one of the
speakers. Philadelphia Item.
Australian Aborigines Dying; Out.
The aborigines of Australia are steadily
dylnjr out, although the colonial govern
ment spends a considerable sum on their
support. Victoria and New South Wales
have very few blacks left at all, and the
number lessens every year.
Since 1861 1 have been af
great sufferer om catarrh. I
i tried Mv Uream JSalm.'
and to all appearances ami
cured. Terrible headaches!
from winch I had lona tuf-1
fered are gone. W. J.
Hitchcock. Late Major 17.,
8. Vol. & A. A. Gen., Buf-
jau, jx. x.
Opens and cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays
Paia and Inflammation, Heals the Bores, Pre
tects the Membrane from colds, Restores the
Senses of Taste and Smell. The Balm is quickly
absorbed and gives relief at once.
A particle is applied into each nostril, and is
agreeable. Price, 60 oents at DrnggisW or by
, 68 Warren Street, New York. .
Special Doctors for Chronic, Private
and Wasting Diseases.
Dr. Lieblg's Invlgorator the greatest remedy for
Seminal Weakness, Loss of Manhood and Private
Diseases, Overoomes Prematureness and prepares
all for marriage life's duties, pleasures and respon
sibilities; $1 trial bottle given or sent free to any
one describing symptoms ; call or address 400 Geary
St., private entrance 406 Uwm St., San Francisco.
t:ilKFS WHrHF ill FISF Fill S-
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use I
In time. Sold by dnifnt'sts.
Prince Edward Albert, the Infant Heir to
the Throne of Great Britain, '
If Queon Viotoria, the Prince of Wales
and the Duke of York should die tomor
row, a baby boy who looks exactly like
several million other babies of the same
age, and whose knowledge of life has not
extended beyond the narrow confines of
his royal oradle, would be king of Great
Britain and Ireland and emperor of India.
This interesting Infant is his royal high
ness Prince Edward Albert, only son of
the Duke and Duohess of York, grandson
of Albert Edward, Prinoe of Wales and
great-grandson of Queen Victoria.
If the three people who now stand be
tween his oradle and the throne live and
reign so long as Queen Victoria, however.
the baby prince will be baldheaded and
wearing false teeth before he begins to
way the scepter. The queen is now 76
years of age. She has been monarch of
all she surveys in the United Kingdom for
67 years and seems good for 10 years more
at least. She was 19 years old when she
was crowned queen, and the eldest of her
nine ohlldren, Prince Albert Edward, is
now 63 years of age and a grandfather,
but he seems no nearer to the throne of
England today than he did In 1841, when
he first opened his baby eyes.
Prinoe George, the sailoj duke of York
and father of the infant Prinoe, Ed war
Albert, was born In 1866 and is conse
quently but 29 years of age. He was the
second son of the present Prinoe of Wales,
but became heir to the throne owing to
the death of his elder brother, Prince Al
bert Viotor, in 1892. .With a great-grandmother
of 76, a grandfather of 63 and a
father of 29 between him and the throne,
it will doubtless be many a year before
Prinoe Edward Albert becomes king. If
the present infant, heir to the throne grows
to resemble his father, he will be a very
lively youngster. It is said that when
Prince George was 3 years old M. Adolphe
Beau attempted to take his picture, but
met with considerable opposition from the
playful royal infant, who insisted upon
winking gravely at the artist, first with
one eye and then with the other.
Thus far the present infant prinoe, who
was born June 23, has devoted most of
his time to eating, sleeping and crying,
like less royal, but no less human, babies
the world over. Be sleeps in a quaint
cradle that was made for Queen Victoria
In 1840, and that was used by all of the
queen's children. It is covered with the
richest of lace, and the sheets, pillows and
blankets are the finest that money can
buy. '
Her Nose Salted by a Stranger's Kindness.
A young man who has lived in Canada
and seen what Jack Frost can do when he
is in an angry mood was walking across
Boston common one morning when the
thermometer was registering below zero.
As he passed a pretty girl and glanced at
her face he noticed that the end of her nose
was very white, while the remainder of it
was very red. He recognized the symp
toms in an Instant. The flesh looked as if
it was on fire, except where it was so white,
and there it had the appearance of wax.
He promptly accosted the young woman.
"Excuse me, miss," he said, "but your
face is frozen." , -
"Drozenl" sne said. "What do you
mean?" '
"I mean," he replied, ''that your nose is
frostbitten and very badly too."
Then he advised her to accompany him to
a drug store and have the frozen member
attended to at once. She submitted with
out questioning, for the young man talked
as if he knew what be was talking about.
After getting her into a warm place he
rubbed the tip of the nose briskly with
snow, and the blood came creeping back
into the chilled arteries. Tho patient winced
under the pain, which could not have been
greater if she had had needles jabbed into
every pore of the frozen flesh. She stood it
bravely, enough, however, and when the
circulation of blood was restored the young
man left her in care of the druggist and hit)
liniments, and went on the way rejoicing
that he had been able to save the pretty
girl from disfigurement for life. Boston
Herald. . . .
Valuable Bookmark.
Aaron Hohnah, a life long resident of
West Millbury, died a short time ago,
leaving an estate valued at nearly $10,-
000. When the administrator examined
his effects he found among other things
an old fashioned clasp Bible that Mr.
Holman had been in the habit of reading
every morning before breakfast. The
administrator was told that the owner
of the Bible had used a very odd looking
bookmark, and looked to see what it
might be. His surprise was very great
when he discovered it to be a certificate
of deposit of $700 in the Worcester Safe
Deposit and Trust company. The de
posit had been made in March, 1881, and
for ten years the $700 had been drawing
interest at 8 per cent. The old man had
evidently felt wealthy enough to use
this valuable bit of paper as a mark in
his Bible, and thus combined finances
and gospelinside the same covers.-
The Cold, Metallic Grasp of the Avarloe
and the Jerk of Simulated Delight, and
Then There's the Grip of a Friend, Never
to Be Mistaken.
The study of character as indicated by
handwriting is largely pursued both for
pleasure and for profit, experts claiming
that the hidden nature of the most re
served man or woman will infallibly
creep out through the finger ends and
proclaim itself truly to the practiced
eye; that the twist of an "s". or the cross
of a "t" may indicate the soul of a saint
er the instincts of a sinner, while in the
lilliputian dotlet of an "i" may lurk
whole history of hypocrisy or honesty
kindliness or cruelty.
It may be so. It may be that, while
the subject matter is absorbing the
mind, well trained by worldly wisdom
to lie, the unsophisticated soul slips out
in the unguarded formation of the in
finite variety of curve and dash which is
called handwriting. .,
It seems, then, that, though the eye js
the window of the soul, the hand is cer
tainly the door from which it issues
forth into the world, for none need to be
experts to recognize at once the char
acter of man or woman when engaged in
the grand old greeting called handshak:
Variety in handwriting may be infinite,
but is it not so in handshaking? And
as a means to unveil hidden thoughts or
feelings the latter test must surely bf
the better, for people write in truth oi
falsehood and their writing remains tht
same, but if people greet hypocritically
though their words follow their wit. their
hands grasp those they greet as their
hearts alone command.
i Handshaking, therefore, while in gen
eral style it may serve to indicate the
character, may also, by individual appli
cation, mark the true relation in whicb
the factors stand. . ' ,L
Who has not felt the cold, metallic
avaricious grasp, devoid of warmth or
feeling, with which a man of business
welcomes you? Does not something
creep out .of his finger tips, telling you
that while his voice says, "How do you
dor his heart feels. "How much shall I
make out of you?" . . .
Have not all experienced the jerk ot
the man who simulates intense delight
in the meeting, but involuntarily drop?
your paw as if he were afraid it would
burn him? He probably owes you money
and his handshaking tells you that his
joy m the' encounter is all a sham.
On the other hand, many are aware
though the experience is more rare, bow
the grip of a friend whose heart is sin
cere sends a thrill through their own
and in that moment they know that be
reads them as clearly and truly as they
Understand him. Then it is their turn
to drop or retain their warm grasp, a
their instincts dictate. - But their in
stincts alone are their rulers.
Again every one knows, or will know
sooner or later, that handshaking and
lovemaking are inseparable. ' When love
is in the soul, does it not creep out at the
finger tips and tell its tale of gladness or
woe quicker and more surely than by
any other channel? Come, all you noble
army of experts in handwriting, can you
tell "Does my Phyllis love me truly.
though you are shown a gross of her let
ters? And can you mistake that timid
yet trustful pressure of her dainty digits
as they meet yours and linger awhile like
a kiss, then drop gently away like a tear'
Examples such as these prove that in
the shaking of hands individual relations
are revealed and thoughts may undoubt
edly be read. By a more general appli
cation this process may typify character
and broad outline w soul.
Old wise women say that "a cold hand
and a warm heart" are always asso
ciated. Some venture to think that ex
penence proves this to be a fallacy, at
least as concerns the method of shaking
hands. A warm, steady pressure, whicb
reveals the pulsation of life, is surely the
babit of those whose hearts overflow with
the milk of human kindness, whereas a
cold, inanimate touch is the natural style
of those unemotional machines called
heartless humanity. : .
This is generally recognized, and as all
virtues are aped and exaggerated so a
certain class, in their anxiety to impress
their friendships, torture their victims to
the extent of the thumbscrew. . But the
boarding school miss, who will listlessly
lay her hand in yours, must-not be too
hastily judged, for her manner proclaims
that her character as yet is not formed
and matured to the icy cold dame, the
warm, loving woman, or the fast, flighty
fickle and insincere ape.
The man who shakes your hand vio
lently up and down, then drops it with
an air of having, done his duty, suggests
such thoughts as molded into word
might say: "Therel Don't say 1 didn't
shake hands with yon, whatever else you
may say," and thus the fact that he mis
trusts you is implied.
The handshaking of the man who, by
prolonged pressure, causes uneasiness
should probably .be read an overweaning
value of the favors he confers and anx
iety that you should not underestimate
his friendship. , Such a man may be set
down as a victim to conceit, but con
sciously lacking the fuel on which to
feed his master. ' . .
The hasty snatch, and still more hasty
flingaway, is preferable to either of these
modes, for it betrays a self reliant spirit
and a happy indifference to good or bad
repute. The man with this method of
hand shaking is at least no hypocrite, and
that is as near as most men come to hon
esty. ,. ". . .
The absurd Dractice of crivmiz one or
two finerers onlv alwavs seems a deliber
ate insult, and is doubtless so translated
by all students of, handshaking. It is a
glaring proof pi littleness. , The heart
and mind may' be judged to be propor
tionate witn tne part profrereo.
xne metnoa or shaking bands adopted
iy has often been described.
although modern interviewers systemat
ically ignore this and give preference to
minute details of dress and immediate
surroundings, New York Times.
To Dr. Price's Cream Balking Powder at
the Great Fairs. :i . .' ;
For leavening power, keeping qualities.
furity and general excellence the World's
air Jury decided that Dr. Price's Cream
Baking Powder had no equal. On each
of its claims it was awarded a first prize
or a diploma. All tne baking powders
entered for prizes were subjected to a
most exhaustive examination, and the
jury was the best equipped to make the
decision of any ever got together. Their
verdict was supported bv the testimony
of Dr. H. W. Wiley, chief chemist of
the United States Department of Agri
culture at Washington. Dr. Wiley is an
expert on food products and the highest
authority on such matters in America.
This verdict settles a long-debated ques
tion as to which among the many baking
powders is the best. Chicago Tribune.
Note. Since the foregoing was pub
lished the World's Fair triumph has been
confirmed by Highest Award and Gold
Medal at the California Midwinter Fair.
Wasting Valuable Time.
An old farmer died in : a little village
in the neighborhood of Paris. His for
tune, the fruit of years of patient toil,
was invested in a nice compact little
farm; A nephew of the departed, believ
ing himself to be heir, called a few days
later on the lawyer, and before saying a
word about the succession thought it
only right and proper to shed a few tears.
"Poor uncle," he murmured, "so kind,
so affectionate. To think that 1 shall
never see him again."
The notary allowed the young man to
give full vent to his sorrowful emotions,
after which he quietly observed:
"1 suppose you are aware that your
mnele has left you nothing?" ,
"What!" exclaimed the nephew, sud
denly changing his tone. "I'm not down
in the will? Then, why on earth did you
let me stand weeping there and making
a fool of myself for a good half hour?"
Soleil du Dimanche.
To Live an Old Man.
"1 understand young Briefless is about
to marry the daughter of old Bonds, the
millionaire." ' ' . ' - "
, "Yes, so I atu told." - ' ' i !;:
: "Will he give up the law business?"
"Yes.' He will give up the law busi
ness and go into the son-in-law business."
Texas Sif tings. . "..
Her Remarkable Taste. '
"Do you think, young man, that you
could give my daughter all she asks for?"
questioned papa grimly. :.
"I aw think so, sir." murmured the
lover bashfully.. "She says she wnr.t
only me." FxehsnTg
Ik the mighty West, the land that " tickled with
a hoe laughs a harvest;" the El Dorado of the
miner; the goal of the agricultural emigrant.
While it teems with all the elements of wealth
and prosperity, some of the fairest and most
fruitful portions of It bear a harvest of malaria
reaped in its fullness by those unprotected by a
medicinal safeguard. No one seeking or dwell
ing in a malarial locality is safe from the
sconrge without Hostetter's Stomach Bitters.
Emigrants, bear this in mind. Commercial
travelers soiourning in malarious regions should
carry a bot'le of the Bitters in the traditional
gripsack. Against tne effects ot exposure, men
tal or bodily overwork, damp and unwholesome
food or water, it is an infallible defense.- Con
stipation, rheumatism, biliousness, dyspepsia,
nervousness and loss of strength are all reme
died by this genial restorative. .
Lucifer That new method of making shades
uncomfortable is a flat failure. Satan How's
that? Lucifer The people look at our imita
tion ice man and just laugh.
Allcock'b Pobous Plastees are unap
proachable in enrative properties, rapidity
and safety of action, and are the only re
liable plasters ever produced. They have
successfully stood the test of over thirty
years' use by the public; their virtues have
never been equaled by imitators who have
songht to trade upon the reputation of
Allcock'b by making plasters with holes
in them and claiming them to be "just as
good as Allcock'b," and they stand to-day
indorsed bv not onlv the highest medical
authorities, but by millions of grateful pa
tients who have proved their efficacy as a
household remedy.
Beware of imitations. . Ask for All
cock's, and do not be persuaded to accept a
Bbandkkth's Pills will purify the blood.
" Don't yon think Binkles has
a very breezy
manner r- 11 you reier to
in airing his opinlens, I do.
you refer to the delight he takes
Spiritual, Liberal, Social and Political Reform'
era Books: send for catalogue. W. E. Jones.
ai Aider street, Portland, Or.
orci$ exjoys
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing; to the taste, and acts
fently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
jiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. : Syrup of Figs is th
only remedy of its kind ever nro-
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt im
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists., Any reliable druggist wh
may pot have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. I)o not accept any
substitute. i
We offer One Hundred Dollars' reward for any
case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's
Catarrh Cure. ... ... F. J, CHENEY & CO., ,
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che
ney for the last fifteen years, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obligations
made by their firm. WEST & TRUAX,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 76
cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Die Enameline Stove Polish; no dust no smell.
Tbt Gibmia for breakfast.
in time, if you are a suf
ferer from that scourge
of humanity known as
consumption, and you
can be cured. There is
the evidence of
hundreds of liv
ing witnesses to
the fact that, in
all its early
ataees. consump
tion is a curable
disease. Not
everv case, but a
large percentage of
cases, ana we dciicvc,
fully 98 per cent, are
cured by Dr. Pierce's
ftnlden Medical Dis
covery, even after the disease has pro
rressed so far as to induce repeated bleed-
txeme emaciation and weakness.
Do you doubt that hundreds of such cases
reported to us as cured by " Golden Med
ical Discovery " were genuine cases of that
dread and fatal disease ? You need not take
our word for it. . They have, in nearly every
instance, been so pronounced by the best
and most experienced home physicians,
who have no interest whatever in mis
representing them, and who were often
strongly prejudiced and advised against
a trial of "Golden Medical Discovery,"
but who have been forced to confess that
it surpasses, in curative power over this
fatal - malady, all other medicines with
which they are acquainted.. Nasty cod
liver oil and its filthy "emulsions" and
mixtures, had been tried in nearly all these
cases and had either utterly failed to bene
fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little for
a short time. Extract of malt, whiskey,
and various preparations of the hypo
phosphites had also been faithfully tried
in vain.
The photographs of a large number of
those cured of consumption, bronchitis,
lingering coughs, asthma, chronic nasal
catarrh and kindred maladies, have been
skillfully reproduced in a book of 160
pages which will be mailed to you, on
receipt of address and six cents1 in
stamps. You can then write to those who
have been cured and profit by their ex
perience. Address for Book, World's Dispensary
Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
: An agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC
Boia ny uruggists or sent oy man. zoo., ouo
and J1.00 per package. Samples free.
JLkw XL U f or the Teeth and Breath,26o.
will not develop uniformly
unless - they get sufficient
nourishment, They will be
thin, weak, hollow-chested.
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil
and Hypophosphites, over
comes the tendency toward
thinness and makes children
strong and healthy. Physi
cians, the world over, endorse
Don't be deceived by Substitutes! -
Prepared hj Soott Bowns, N. All Druggist -
IOO IN GOLD will be naid bv the Koch
Chemical Co. for any cate of female weakness
that will not vield to DR. J. 8. KOCH'S ANTI
dox. r or sate oy an druggists.
cents in stamps
(Jasli Store
414-418 Front Street, San Tranclseo, Cal. Will
send in return 1 emb. Handkerchief, 1 pair
ladies taffeta gloves, tan or gray, 1 pair 25c
Fancy Hose, 1 ladies' or girls' untrimmed Hat,
our cnoice. ana one copy 01 Home vircic.
contains many thousand pictures and prices
telling how to get over hard times. Mention
this paper,
Whv iiuflfer when I will
send you Free, a full eize $1.00 bottle of my
Asthma Cure, if you will imply pay express
charges on delivery. A valuable Treatise ou
Asthma, Bronchitis and Hay Fever mailed free.
Dr. B.W.HAIB, H33 W.4Ui HU Clncinnatl.O.
Woman'. Bar. Frisod. New Falls Absolutely
Hfe. The Gr.l Prenoh Iuhmim Keiu.dv.
Purtly Vegetable. Marvelous Testimonials. Kew mod-
Itat bonk "Woman's Friend," and ooapon for 1 Box Free.
PH. MUKAT MEP1C1ME 0O4te h S.l, claelnoaU, a
- Hxkculxs Gas or Gasolini Strains .
But Power for the Purpose.
Palmer fc Key, S. F., CaL and Portland, Or.
H Three doses only. Try it.
It's Hood's that Cures
The combination, proportion and process
by which Hood's Sarsaparillaispreparedare
peculiar to itself. Its record of cures is
unequalled. Its sales are the largest in the
parilU w o r 1 a . x ne
testimonials re
ceived by its pro-
prietors by the
hundred, tellina
the story that VWV8V
Hood's Sarsnparilla Cures are unparalleled in .
the history of medicine, and they are solid facta
Hood's PillS cure Constipation, Indigestion.
W. L. Douclas
Z.L73 Boys'SchoolShqex
3' Be5TPqN60M.
Tea can save money by wearing ta
XT. L. Donglas 83. OO Shoe. -Because,
we are the largest manufaoturari et
IMS graaeor shoes In the world, and guarantee tiiair
value by stamping the name and price on tfee
bottom, whlob protect yon against high prices as4
the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom
work in style, easy fitting and wesVlng qualities.
We have them sold everywhere at lower prioesfor
the value given than any ether make. Take ao sub
stitute. If your dealer cannot supply yeu, ws aaa.
r V Ask for Tickets via .
Big Four Route.
e. 0. Mccormick, d. b. martin,
Pass. Traffic Manager.. -. Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Agt.
Thorough system and instruction; good teach-,
era; low terms; short time; positions to com
petent!. Mail orders carefully and promptly
attended to. For further particulars call on or
address KDITH A. BROWN,
42 Hamilton Building, Portland, Or.
Portland Business College, -
A. T. ijuiBTBoira. Para. 1. A. Vasoo, Sse,
Open all the year. Students ad
mitted at any time. Instruction in
common school and commercial
trsashas, shorthand, typewriting, etc. Colleos i
Jotjbnal and specimens of penmanship sent free.
U Best Home I
Best Home Remedy for Female Diseases.
Lady Agents wanted in every town. Address
Cal. Uterine Tonic Company, 4U
Sutter street, San Francisco. ;j
Manufacturing Jeweler
Ann .
All kinds of lewelrv made to order and re
paired at reasonable rates. Rooms 8 and 10,
n'ji Washington street, Portland, .Or.
' lfever has trouble with bread made with
It is absolutely pure. CLOSSET oi DE VERS, the
makers, Portland, Or., guarantee every can.
,. ' 834 Alder street, Portland, Or. -
Bank and OfflnA-Rftlllnira Pmrto (IradpN Vmlt
Dipping Baskets and aU kinds of Wire and Iron -
ir or, eeno. lor catalogue. .
Bolect Boaiding School for Girls. Eighteenth. '
year. Nineteen teachers.
or illustrated catalogue address
BEV. EDW. B. CHURCH, A. M., Principal.
Cut this out; It won't appear again
GAS and
zEnsra-iirsriEs. . .
PALMEB & fiEY, M Francisco, Cal. and PortlaM, or.
VP. N. O. No. 564 -8. F. N. U. No. 641
--hiLSiver'r eteP Beem a burden? You need