The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 29, 1894, Image 3

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    3(oqcL Iiver Slacier.
The mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 11 o'.
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts rie same clays A', noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A.M.; arrives at
6 P. M. Saturdays.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 8 A. M.;
arrives at 1 o'clock P. M.
From Whit Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Glonwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays. , :
' Canby Post, No. in, G. A. It., meets at Odd
Fellow's Hall, flrst Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock p. m. All (J.. A. R. members in
vited to attend.
M. B. Potter, Commander. :
C.J. Hayes, Adjutant. t ,
Tin cans and wax strings at Dallas's.
S. E. Bartmess Is agent for the Bri
dal Veil Lumber Company.
Get your horse and mule jewelry at
Pierce's new harness shop. .
Lou Morse is authorized agent for all
newspajiers and periodicals.
M. H. Niekelsen has on hand a full
snpply of school books, tablets, paper,
; tC. ' .-v.- i'" ,,' ; . .-.
French calf, custom-made shoes for
$4.50, at E. V. Husbands', the shoe
maker. . '"' '
O. B. Hartley and W. L. Morris
went to Trout Lake, the first part of
the week, to buy beef cattle and hay.
Samuel Collier, chief of the Portland
division of the mail service, has been
deposed, and Mr. J, H. Richardsou is
flow occupying that position.
Round trip tickets to Portland, good
for ret urn I en days from date of sale,
8. Tickets on sale dally until Sep
tember 30th.
O. B. Hartley, Doug Langille and
W. L. Morris are opening a meat and
fish market in the frout room of the
Langi lie house. ,
When you put up your stove, call on
T. C. Dallas for stove pipe. He Is now
engaged making up a lot of it which he
is selling at 20 cents a joint.
When you want any fruit boxes go:
to the Hood River Box Factory. They
-' also keep all kinds of rough and dressed
lumber. Grain rolled any day. j
Hall's Hair Renewer renders the I
liair lustrous and silken, gives it an!
even color, and enables women to put
it up in a great variety of styles, i ...
If you wish to fence your farm or
door'yard, go to the Hood River Box
factory and see their samples. They
are atcents for the East Portland Fence
Captain A. S. Blowers dug his pota
toes last week on his new ground two
miles west of town They were n good
crop for land plowed in the spring,
yielding 100 bushels to the acre.
Saturday and Monday of each week
will be our grinding days during the
full and winter. Our "Whole Wheat
Graham" Is for sale at the stores as
usual. : Harbison Bros.
William Ellis is building a neat one-nd-a-half-story
dwelling house on the
four acres recently leased from Tom
Wickens, on the west side of Phelps
creek. Charley Rogers has the con
tract for the building.
Parties who promised us wood on
Bubscrirtion are requested to bring it
' along. Those hauling from the . west
side will please deliver the wood at our
residence, 1 miles west of town; those
on the east side deliver at the Glacier
offle. We will also take wheat on
subscription if delivered soon.
See the new ad. of O. Welds, hoof
and shoemaker. Mr. Welds is a fine
workman. He made a pair of boots for
George Crowell, six years ago, that
have been worn every winter since and
there is not a break in them. They
seem to le good tor service for several
' years yet .... -
D. D. Rogers ia now making a good
quality of cider from sweet and sour
' . apples. He finds that by grinding
sweet apples with sour apples, half and
half, better cider is obtained than by
working them separately. Hois pre
pared to make cider for 10 cents a gal
lon for persons who bring the apples all
ready for the mill. . .J .,
P. F. Fouts of Mt. Hood came to
town Tuesday with a fine lot of spring
chickens. He had read in his Glacier
that they were worth $3 a dozen and
expected to get that price, but the most
he could get for them was $2.25. Mr.
Fouts lias just finished raising a barn,
20x30 feet, with an embankment and
stables underneath.
Mr. Frank Tilliaon of Viento last
week came near burning his house by
dropping a match after lighting' his
pipe. ' On arising from bed In the
- morning be lit his pipe and dropped
the match to the floor. The bed cloth
ing caught fire, and in the bed was his
baby. His brother-in-law discovered
the fire and rushed in and carried the
baby and the burning bed clothes out
of the house. The baby was uninjured.
There is some excitement at Mosier
over the discovery of a piece of quartz
filled with fine gold. There is quite a
deposit of cement gravel containing
quartz in the hills back of Mosier, and
it is probable the quartz came from this
deposit. The Dalles Chronicle says:
f'The quartz gravel is a very ancient
wash, t he same deposit cropping out on
" . the bank of Hood river at the end of
: - the railroad bridge. The deposit, how-
- ever, has been prospected with no re
sults greater than a few fine colors."
H. J. Byrkett of Trout Lake said to'
a Goldendale Sentinel reporter that
the creamery is a good paying invest-
merit. The butter has found ready
sale in Portland the whole season
through at not less than 20 cents a
pound, besides there was a large local
demand at Hood River. What's the
matter with Hood River as a good
point for the location of a creamery?
The valley is now well watered and
ought to raise - green feed enough
to furnish milk for two or three cream
eries. The devil of the Glacier office
started to school last week. This pro
moted the editor, and he assumed the
duties of first, compositor and set up
the paper last week. Having great
faith in the work of the "intelligent
compositor," he dumped most of his
work into the forms without taking
proof. Several glaring errors of course
crept in, but the worst one was in not
giving credit to an item clipped from
The Dalles Chronicle, in which the ed
itor of that paper stated he had visited
Hood River, and in a drive through
the valley had stopped and taken din
ner at Mr. John Parker's. It was not
ourintentiou to rob Bro. Cradlebaugh
of his good dinner in that way, and
we hope he will lay the blame to the
work of the compositor.
'.Mr. Cates, representing Harris Bros.,
commission merchants of Seattle, was
here Tuesday looking after apples.
Oscar Strauahan took him out through
the valley. He told Mr. Strauahan
that his house was buying apples in
Southern Oregon for 35 and 40 cents a
box and that he expected to get the
same rates here. Mr. Stranahan told
him there would be no use going any
further if he couldn't do better than
that, that he could not buy apples here
at these prices. But he concluded to
go and look at the apples, and after be
had seen what Hood River could do lu
the way of raising apples, he was wiir
lug to pay the prices asked. He said he
had beeu buying apples for ten years
and he bad never seen such fine fruit
as he saw in Hood River.i ;,'
' Prof. C. L. Gilbert has received the
prizes awarded last spring for first best
and second best improvement In pen
manship. Heeley Rand received the
gold medal and Earl Bartmess the sil
ver, medal. The medals are made'
from solid gold and silver plate, fur
nished by our jeweler, J. H. Ferguson.
They were designed and engraved by
Clarence English of this place and re
flect credit on his ability in that line.
The pendant, besides the inscription,
"Penmanship 1894," has a floral
wreath underneath, i with ; two pens
crossed at top and ink well. j
Returns were received ( Wednesday
from the carload of prunes'shipped two
weeks ago to Peycke Bros. Omaha.
The returns, though the best heard of
for any fruit shipped East so far this
season, were far from satisfactory. The
receipts for the 'carload were $200.34,
which just about pays for the boxes
and work of picking and packing, with
nothing left to pay for the fruit. Mr.
Hill of Belmont shipped fifteen boxes
of apples in this car, wtiich did not sell
tor enougn to pay treignt ana com
mission, leaving him in debt 38 cents.
Mrs. L. H. Additon of Lents, Ore
gon, will lecture in tne Unitea lirem-
ren church next Monday evening, at
hair-past 7 o'clock, under the auspices
of the W. C. T. U. Mrs. Additon is
forcible speaker as well as writer, and
comes to us highly recommended.
Every one invited to come and hear a
good lecture. Also, she . will hold a
ladies' meeting at half-past 2 o'clock
Tuesday afternoon, to. which all ladies
are especially invited. " , Com.";
At the meeting held lasf Saturday to
consider the question of holding a hor
ticultural fair it was decided not to
have one.' '"Ir stead, it is suggested that
Hood River prepare exhibits. for The
Dalles fair and the exposition at Ta
coma, and arrange -the display in the
warehouse of the fruit union, where it
can lie viewed bv members of the Press
Association when they pass this point.
The rain Tuesday interfered with the
old soldiers' camp fire advertised for
that day, and the attendance was
small. Comrades Calkins and Hans
lierry and the hitter's family, and Thos.
Pollock, an old veteran of several wars,
and Tom Pierce, a confederate veteran,
assembled at the camp ground on the
hiil, had their beans and coffee, and
voted that they had a good time.
The U. B. Christian Endeavor so
ciety will give a dime social at the
house of M. V. Harrison.Tuesday even-,
log, October 2d. Proceeds to be ap
plied on amount ($10) pledged by the
society. Each member is requested to
leave some money; children 15. cents,
adults 25 cents, or: more, and state at
the meeting just how earned
, The Hood : River Union Endeavor
will hold its regular quarterly meeting
at the UB. church Sunday evening.
A good programme has been prepared.
This is the season of the year when
we i need - rubber boots and shoes.
Hanna & Wolfard havl a full stock of
the Woonsocket rubber goods on sale.
Epworth League will have! a' public
installation of officers at Belmont
chapel Sunday evening, September30,
at 7:30. ,.-.. .
There will be a dance and oyster sup
per at the house of Joseph A. Knox, on
the East Side, Saturday evening, Oct.
. H.' J. Byrkett has boucrht of Rev
C. W. Welis the house and .lot1 adjoin
ing the UB. church for $700.
The warm , rains during the week
have been favorable for the newly-sown
grain and the new grass. " ;
James A. Crossed,' postmaster at The
Dalles, was married to Miss Auburn E.
Story Tuesday evening; ; ; : - -
The Oregon Lumber company con
template moving the planer from the
Parker mill to Viento. " ' ' '
" Wanted 200 cordsf akwood, at
Hanna & Wolfard's, in the next sixty
days. n ' n . - X ;
- . .. f, k
Rattlesnakes in Fodder. , i
One day last week while R.'J.rEUis
and his son Will were hauling in corn
fodder; a bundle came loose and Mr.
Ellis retied it before forking it up on
the wagon. $ The band bursted a second
time and again it "was tied, Mr. Ellis
each time taking the bundle to his
breast with his arms encircling the fod
der. After the third lying it 'was
forked up to Will oh the wagon, when
two . rattlesnakes dropped from ' the
bundle of fodder to the ground in front
of Mr. Ellis. One of the snakes showed
fight, but both were? soon 'dispatched
by the aid of the pitchfork.. Hereafter,
like the woman who habitually looks
for a man under the bed, Mr. Ellis will
Iook-r for snakes before embracing a
bundle of fodder, !!;. ' ;il ' ' , .; :
.. t BORS. ;-:
September 21, 1894, to Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Davenport, a daughter. 1 n
.......... , r ' -' ' , -:!,
Clubbing Rates. ;: '
We can furnish the New York Weekly
VV'oild with the Glacier, both papers, for 82.50.
The price of the World alno is .SI a year. ,
Charley Hayner returned frSm Bril
ls!! Columbia last week. ;
' Hon. A. R. Byrkett started Monday
for Troy. Ohio, where he will remain
for the winter. ; '
Mr. and Mrs. Hibbard have quit the
hotel business and returned to their
ranch south of town. '
Mrs. Lvmau Smith returned Tues-
day from Astoria in improved health.
alter a six weeks' visit.
Dr. G. E. Sanders will be in Hood
River October 3d and 4th, with rooms
at the Mt. .tloou hotel.
Mr. M. VVheeier has been on the sick
list and is now stopping at his daugh
ter's, Mrs. Wils VVlnans. . , ...
Mrs. J. H. Cradlebaugh is moving to
The Dalles. Dr. Watt will move into
her house here October 1st. .
"' Miss Anna Jones of Portland, who
has been visiting Mrs. Hanson, re
turned to Portland Tuesday.
J. E. Hanna returned last week from
a trio to Eastern Oregon, where he
got orders for posts and cord wood. :
The Misses Etta and Stella Parrish
will go to their grandmother's at Al
bany, Oregon, about the first of October
to attend school during the winter. ,
3. W. Morton and family arrived
from Tillamook Wednesday. He will
move to his ranch, the .old Haynes&
Sanders place, as. soon as his goods ar
rive. .. . .. , v ,' , ,. ,.',,-.,
W.B.Perry and daughter returned
from Portland Sunday night, f Mits
Anna Mack ot Portland came with
them and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Perry. ; , ',;.', :
Grand Chancellor J. A. Waddell of
Portland made an official visit to Wau
coma lodge, K. of P., Tuesday evening.
After adjournment lunch was served
at Gerdes' restaurant.
Mrs. Galvin, sister to Mrs. T. L.
Eliot, and her two children, who have
been the guests of Rev. Dr Eliot and
Mrs. Eliot, returned to their homes in
the East on Sunday night's train. j-
'8. ' j: 'LaFran.ce returned Thursday
from Pendleton, where he has been for
several weeks on business connected
with the firm he represents. He will
return to Eastern Oregon next week.
. . Henry A. York, who has been in tKe
employ of Williams & Brosius, at their
drug store in Hood River, for a year or
more, will leave Sunday for Portland,
where he will enter the Portland
School of Pharmacy for a six months'
term of study. . ' -
Revival services begin at the U. B.
church Wednesday, October 3d.- ' . ;
The pastor, Rev. J. L. Hershner,
will preach . at the Congregational
church next Sunday morning at 11
o'clock. . There will be no evening ser
vice, that the congregation may unite
with the Union Christian Endeavor to
be held at the U. B. church. ; . '
' Rev. R. E. Kaufman will preach his
farewell sermon at the U. B. church
tomorrow. Mr. Kaufman will leave
here in a week or two for his old home
in Indiana, and will enter college at
New Manchester. , ; . 1
Eider J. W. Jenkins will preach in
the Valley Congregational church the
first Sunday in October. All the mem
bers are earnestly requested to be pres
ent, as matters of importance will come
before the church for consideration.
The Ladies' Aid Society of the Con
gregational - church held its semi
monthly meeting at Mrs. J. N. Mc
Coy's on last Friday. A large number
we're in attendance and an interesting
tme was had. ; ; : .
Oscar Stranahan is shipping a car of
apples. :'. ;
Dr. E. T. Cams, Dentist,
Has returned to Portland. ' The doctor
will return to Hood River November
1st. prepared to examine, fill, extract,
regulate and make new teeth; also,
crown and bridge work.
A Qnarter Century Test. ' j
' For a quarter of a century Dr. King'?
New Discovery has been tested, and
the millions who have received benefit
from its use testify to its wonderful
curative powers in all diseases of throats
chest and lungs. A remedy that has
stood the test so long and that has
given so universal satisfaction, is noex-
periment. " Each bottle is positively
guaranteed to give relief, or the money
will be refunded. -' It is admitted to be
the most reliable for coughs and colds
Trial bottle free t .the Hood River
Pharmacy. Large size, 50c. and $1... j
: :: '.' j ; ' . i
Only the Scars Remain;';
"Among the many testimonials whlcli I' ;
see In regard to certain medicines perform-' ;
; lng cures, oleanslug the blood, etc.," writes
Uemkt Hudson, of the James Smith !
; Woolen Machinery Co.; 4
Philadelphia, Pa., "nono
impress me more than my :
own case. Twenty years ,
ago, at the age of 18 years, ,
I had swellings come on 1
my legs, which broke and ,
became running sores.
do me no good, audit was i
feared that' the bones
would be affected. At last, '
my good old mother !
urged me to try Ayor's !
Sarsaparllla. I took tlirco ' '
bottles, the sores healed,
iHj and I . hare riot been
troubled since. Cnlytlio
sears remain, and the1
memory of the past, to
remind me of the good
, Ayer'g Sarsaparllla has done me. I now .
weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and
am In the best of health; I have been on tho
.road for the past twelve years, have noticed :
'Ayer's Sarsaparllla advertised In all parts
of the United States, and always take pleas- ;
lire lu telling what good it did for me." .'.
For the cure of all diseases originating in'.
Impure blood, the best remedy is ., ' i
AYER'S Sarsaparilla
Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. J
.'Cures others, will cure you
1H m
n I
l3 P
fill Kfjb
m I
There Is Much Corruption Among
.. ; . ',. High Officials.
Scandals That Approach ttory Close to the
t- Doors of the Imperial Palace
' : Office Obtained Through - j
1 ' - Bribery. '
: The corruption in Chinese public life
is so general that it has ceased to ex
cite any comment among tnose wno
are familiar with the workings of that
bureaucratic system, so perfect in
theory, so ' lamentably deficient in
practice. It is generally believed by
foreigners, however, that the emperor
and the highest officials, like the vice
roy, Li Hung Chang, are not ' to be in
cluded among the class of corrupt
officeholders; but a recent incident
serves to show that the young emperor
has not escaped this defilement that
taints all parts of the Chinese public
service. This incident, says a Shang
hai letter in the New York Tribune, is
the appointment of a new taotai of
Shanghai. For months there have
been rumors of a change in this im
portant official place, but no one knew
exactly the facts. Recently the Pe
tting Gazette came out with the notice
that January, 11 last ,-Lu Peh-Yang is
appointed taotai of the Soo-Sung Tai
circuit." , Jt may. be necessary to state
that .though his gazette appeared a
few days ago, it really represented tho
bffiiial ; acts of the emperor and the
heads of the different boards for Jan
uary 11. There are no reporters in
China eager to send out appointments
by telegraph the day they are made.
Three or four months is the usual time
consumed in getting any official action
before the publie in the pages of the
court organ. ' ' ' '!
The circuit mentioned includes
Shanghai which, by reason of the
large foreign settlement and the great
increase of foreign trade, has become a
very important place. Usually such an
office is filled from a numlier of minor
officials who are designated ; as ''ex
pectant ' taotais." Those who know
the "pull" of each candidate can de
termine pretty accurately who will be
the lucky one to win a coveted office.
But in this case all the calculations of
experts were upset by the naming of a
man who was not only not included
among the expectant officials, but who
was unknown to any mandarins. , The
Gazette throws no light on the secret
of this outsider's appointment, : but
diplomatic gossip declares that he se
cured the place by bribing one of the
emperor's favorite eunuchs.
One "may imagine the rage of the old
Viceroy Liu,, .of . Nanking, in whose
province Shanghai is located, when he
heard that the man he had recommend
ed had been "turned down" to make
way for the protege of a palace eunuch.
But Liu is a diplomat to his finger tips.
He received the new taotai with great
ceremony, and suggested in his court
liest way that the post was one which
required great experience, t because of
the necessity of constant association
with foreigners. Tho proper thing for
theuew official to have done was to re
ply' that he was sensible of this, and,
therefore, relied on the viceroy to aid
him, and also to suggest an experi
enced deputy. Instead of this polite
reply, the new taotai answered that he
was aware of tho difficulties, but he
fancied he could meet and overcome
them without asking anyone's aid. The
old viceroy would have enjoyed order
ing the upstart to receive a hundred
blows of the bamboo, but he dared
make no manifestation of anger.'
Some light on the corrupt purchase
of official posts is shown by a case in
the same issue of the Peking Gazette,
which records tho appointment of the
Shanghai taotai. It records the inves
tigation by an imperial censor of the
charge of securing tho place of literary
special examiner by a metropolitan
official. Curiously enough he adopted
preci.ely the same method as that of
the taotai that is, ' he bribed a palace
eunuch. The latter agreed to use his
influence as well as that of several of
his companions, but he stipulated that
notes must be given for certain amounts
to each, and that these notes must be
cashed at a certain bookstore when the
applicant received his commission.
Ting-W'ci-Chih. tho man who yearned
to be oxaminer, had his ambition only
partly gratified, a3 he secured only a
small cxaminership at Shensi, instead
of ! the important post at Szechucn,
which he Applied for, ' So he refused to
pay the palace eunuchs. When they
came with their notes to the book
store they were curtly told by the pro
prietor that Ting had left no money,
and that he had said he did not pro
pose to be blackmailed. This made the
eunuchs furious, and they raised such
a commotion that 1 the police were
called.:"' The bookseller, fearing public
ity, shut up his shop and tried to bury
himself until the Etorm should blow
over, but a censor who witnessed the
affair began an investigation that re
sulted in many damaging facts. Then
he called upon the throne to appoint a
commission of inquiry. , . : . . , : '
Three high officials were selected,
and tho result of their work shows the
peculiar methods by which the ear of
great personages Is reached. Ting, it
was shown, lusted after the post of
special examiner of Szechucn during
the examinations held in honor of the
empress dowager's sixtieth birthday.
He saw two friends, who recommended
him to the bookseller. The latter
agreed to move the ' machinery. He
knew a schoolmaster, whose friend was
a tailor, and this tailor was on terms
of intimacy with a barber in the palace,
and the barber knew a eunuch whose
duties were to examine the emperor's
food before it was taken from the
kitchen to the imperial table. The
eunuch was reached by this circuitous
chain of people, but he failed to accom
plish what he promised. Instead of
getting the examinership at Szochuen,
which is one of the most lucrative in
the empire, ho obtained only the post
at Shensi, which carries- with it some
honor but precious little coin. Hence
his refusal to nay and the resulting
scandal. -
Successor to E. L. Smiths-Oldest Established
House In.the valley.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
- i - AND . ..
General Merchandise,
Flour and Feed. Etc., . ;
All water rents are due on the first day of
each month, payable ne month in advance.
In every case where payment Is not made be
fore the 10th of the month, the water will be
shut off and one dollar added before it will be
again turned on. ; All money payable to C.
Weld, at his shoe shop. These rules will be
strictly adhered to hereafter. -' -A.
S. BLOWERS, Manager.
' H. Lage, guardian of the person and estate
of Nancy Stan'ey, will sell, by order of the
county court, on Saturday, October-20th, on
the premises to the highest bidder, the home
stead of John Stanley, deceased, containing
139 acres. This property lies about two miles
east of the town qf Hood River, on the Colum
bla rivr. , ... -,,?
Land Office at Vancouver, Washington,
September 12, 1891. Notice is hereby given
that the following named si? i tier has riled no
tice of his lnten ion to make final proof in
support of his cairn, and that said proof will
be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner
U. 8. Circuit Court lor District of Washington,
at Goldendale, Washington, on October, 29,
1894, viz: t , -
. , ' ; ' Harvey J. Byrkett, ; -
H. E. No. 6677 for the S. of N. E. 54, and E.
of S E. J4, section 10, township 0 N., It. 10
East, Will Mer. ...... ,
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said land, vizj
Hod G. Mosier and William F. Chatfield of
Goldendale P. O.. Washington, and Frank M.
Coate and William F. studleman of Trout
Lake P. O., Washington.
. JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register.
Twelve acres, 0 miles southwest of town; two
acres cleared, balance scattering oak and
brush, not hard to clear. Price $300. '
The Glacier office has received a good as
sortment of Legal Blanks Deeds, Mortgages,
Leases, etc. and will hereafter have the same
for sale. , .. ,., i?-.
FOR SALE.j-..;
Two choice lots, with good residence, in the
town of Hood River, will be sold at a bargain.
Inquire at the Glacier office. sel
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that by order of the
county court of Wasco county. Oregon, made
and entered on the 28th day of August, 1894,
on and after .,. ...':.
Monday, the first day of October,, 1894,
I will offer at private sale, at the store of A. S.
Blowers & Co., In the town of Hood River,
state of Oregon, tbe following described prop
erty owned by the estate of Elmer E. Griffin,
Insane, to wit: Tho north half of the north
west quarter and the north half of the north
east qua ctv of section twenty four, in town
ship one north of range nine east of the Wil
lamette Meridian, containing one hundred
and sixty acres.
I will sell said premises to the person mak
ing the best offer, for cash. i ",
Dated August 28, 1894. ' & i
Administrator of the Estate of Elmer E.
Griffin, Insane. , ,.
C. R. and N. CO.
, E.' McNEILL, Receiver.
". ... ..'; Gives the choice of . x
S3 : 0 TX ' IT E S
Via i ;,;: .. Via -
Minneapolis OMAHA
AND "-' ' - 4 - ' AND
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East-
ern Cities.
; No.-- 23,- Freight leaves at 11.45.- A.M
No. 2. Mail " , 1(U P. M
'.No 27 , Local, leaves at ; 8.15 P. : M
No. 1, Mail ' " ' ; 4:12 A. M
Leave Portland every five days for
For full details call on 0. R. A N. Agent,
Hood River, or address ' ' ' ; '
. , , W. II. HURLBURT,
', , i . Gen'l Pass. Agent,
'" " Portland, Or.
Navigation Co.
Through" Freight , and
Passenger Line.
The steamer Regulator will run tri
weekly trips, leaving The Dalles Mon
days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, con
necting with steamer Dalles City.' Re
turning,:, will leave Portland Tuesdays
Thursdays, and Saturdays, connecting
with steamer Regulator at the Locks.
All freight will come through without
delay ;
One .....................
Round trip..
$2 00
.. 8 00
Freight Rates Greatly;
."; Reduced. ,
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or night. Shipments
for way landings must be delivered be-;
fore 5 p. m. Live stock shipments so
licited. Call on or address,
".'"' General Agent.
... General Manager, ; . '
- I Kitchen Furniture, ,
;.,'.' Pruning Tools, Eta! '-'i ,
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
', - DEALERS IN ---'
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Bold.
I have for sale two line Fruit Farms and the '
best hay farm In the valley. Plenty of run- '
ning water on all of them. . Will sell any or
all of them. Also, fine residence and lots at '"
difierent prices. Call on or address
A. 8. BLOWERS, - '
au!8 - - Hood Uiver, Oregon.
Only shop in town doing machine work..
Lowest prices guaranteed. ' ,
Prather B'ilding, Hood River Or.
'.. . JufcU.M
A. S. BENNETT.' ' '
; ; ;? , A1TORNEY-AT-LAW. I
The Dalles, Oregon.
. . . . Dl'FCtt & Mbnkfbb, .--, '
... Attorneys-at-Law,
Chapman Block, over Postoff ice
It Is very essential that those who have fruit
to ship advise us of the kind and quantity
they will have to ship as lar ahead as possi
ble. The markets are uot hunting the fruit,
but the fruit must hunt the market this fall.
Fine fruit can be sold at a profitable figure
If properly handled. Poor fruit must he kept
at home, or somebody will lose money.
Come and see us at our office near the depot.
We will not ship your fruit if we can't make
you some money.
Regular office hours, Wednesday and Sat
urday afternoons. - st
Secretary Hood River Fruit Growers'tnion,
KvC !.iL' 7'