5ood Iftver Slacier. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1894. Gloystein, the man who was reported 8 murdered by the populists of Spo kane because of hie republican princi ples, has been discovered at Moro, Sherman county, where he was at work on a farm. - Klickitat county populist ticket: For representative, C.E.Rusk; sheriff, Satu fcihell; treasurer, D. F. Hartley; aud itor, S. H. Mason ; clerk, T: D. Adams; assessor. A. . Willard; school superin tendent, Mrs. Mary Reynolds; coroner, H. D. Young; commissioner, second district,'' A. J. ' Long; commissioner, . - - .third district, John M. Hess. r . Mrs. Charles White of Chamberlain Flat, Klickitat county, u Wash. t was bitten on the little finger by a rattle snake, last week, and now lies in a very critical condition at a hotel in Golden dale. Her arm : is frightfully swollen, has turned black, and her physician is lighting blood poisoning. " ". ' ' The most destructive and life-destroying storm in the history of the country visited parts of, Iowa, Minne eotaxand Wisconsin on the night of the 21st. ' Hundreds of people were killed and whole towns destroyed. The towns damaged or destroyed were: Cylinder, Forest City, Manley Junc Hon and Oelweln, Iowa; Leroy, Spring Valley, Dodge Center, Lowther and Holmes, . Minnesota; and Marsufield, Wisconsin. v . ,.- ,. ... A Mrs. Frank Pierce of Wyoming claims to be the only legitimate child of the late Jay Gould. According to her story, her mother was married to Jay Gould In New York in 1853, and before she was born, in 1854, her moth er left Jay on account of ill treatment, 'and they were never divorced. Mrs. Pierce's husband, who ia the populist candidate for state auditor in Wyom ing, claims to have the marriage - cer tificate and that one of the witnesses is Mill, living. Pierce and his -wife lay -claim to all the wealth of the Goulds, A fire in Portland, last Sunday, de stroyed the Pacific coast w neat ele vator, ' warehouse and contents, the .railroad coal bunkers and content, a vast stretch of wharves, sixty or more freight cars and wheat contents, a -number of cars containing a part of the great plant of the Portland General JSlectrlo Co., about four miles of rail road trackage, and the river steamer Willamette Chief. The conflagration -consumed in round numbers $1,000,000 worth of property. It was pretty fully .covered by insurance. The fire depart ment could do little or nothing to Stay the progress of the flames, - and they completely devoured ' everything in their path, and subsided only from lack of material. The origin of the fire Is not definitely known. The disaster was altogether the most serious that has visited Portland since the great fire ' of August 2, 1873. ' ; Boycotting fourth-class postmasters had become quite common In Penn sylvania till the assistant postmaster general stopped it by discontinuing the offices. The most flagrant case is re ported from LaPlume, Lackawanna -county, Pa. When the term of the re publican postmaster expired a few months ago,, the only democrat in town, a farmer who lived on the out skirts of the village, was appointed to the place. His predecessor, in addition -to being postmaster, carried on an ex tensive business in which a great deal -of advertising was necessary. He dis tributed thousands of circulars dally through the mails, and in that way In creased the ' revenues of the office so that it was made an office with a sala ry fixed at $1,300 per annm. , As soon as he lost the office be bought bis stamps elsewhere and mailed bis cir culars at another office, reducing his successor's compensation . to $300 per year. The boycott did not stop there. .Every republican in town took up the light, and it went so for that the dem ocratic postmaster was not able to rent a room for the post office When As sistant Postmaster General Jones was advised of the situation be ordered the office to be discontinued.. Now the republican patrons are sending peti tions to the department to re-establish the post office. General James A. Varney, who died at Oakland, Oregon, September 20th, was born in Maine in 1825. In 1861 he was appointed chaplain of the Seventh Maine regiment and served in all the battles and engagements of the Pen insula campaign under General Mc Clellan. At the close of the war he re turned to Maine, where be spent sev eral years in business pursuits, leaving that state in 1877 to engage in the sheep business in Oregon with his brother-in-law, Thomas S. Lang of The Dalles. In 1882 he sold his flocks and moved to 'The Dalles, where he resided ten years. In 1891 be became a member and man ager in charge of the Chenowith Park Association, a corporation owning sev eral thousand acres of orchards and Vineyards In the vicinity of Oakland. General Varney was a member of the Trinity Commandery of Knights Tem plars of Augusta, Me., a member of the Loyal Legion, and in 1890 was com- Wander of the depaj-trHcnJ of Oregon, Grand Army of the Republic. For years he was a member of the Oregon state Itoard of horticulture and was high authority on all questions con nected with the fruit Industry. .The following tribute , to his memory from the Times-Mountaineer can be sub' scribed to by all who knew him in this section: "General Varney's life was re- mark-ably pure, blameless and useful, and wherever be sojourned his neigh bors became his warni and admiring friends. .Although he had almost reached the mark or three score yeans and ten, his manner of life bad been so temperate and correct that his appear a nee was that of a man under 50, and his bearing erect and soldierly." '. The democracy of New' York nomi nated Senator Hill for governor by s acclamation against his repeated and persistent declinations. On the roll call for nomination, after all other can ldates had been withdrawn In favor of Hill, Bourke Cockrau interrupted by springing on a table and thundering out: "All who are in favor of the nom ination by acclamation will say 'Aye.' " There was a mighty shout, and to the same summons for ' those ' opposed, "No," there was not ft , voice heard, Then, turning to Senator Hill, who was chairman of the convention, he said: "Sir, the people summon you to your duty." It is wounderful what a hold this man has upon the democ racy and the people of the , Empire state. The platform adopted endorses the Cleveland administration and de nounces the income tax. Hill may be elected -governor of New York In November, but his boom for the presi idency will get no further. ' The West and South will nominate the next can didate, and these sections will send solid delegations to the national con vention against David B. Hill.. The Frankfort Literary Society. Editor Glacier: Since the vex atious berry crops, along with the high hopes which they early inspired, have again vanished into the where, oh where? and the mightiest flood that has rolled down the Columbia for the past age, together with many of the sedate calculations of men, have again found their way to the sea; and the long autumnal evenings having again put in their appearance, '. shortening somewhat the hours of labor, we sug gest that you appoint about next Fri day or Saturday night for the reopen ing of our literary exercises at the school house In district No. 2. Such societies, if properly carried on, are a real benefit to a "community, bright ening up and electrifying all who take part in or attend . them. And as tbey lead to the study and perusal of books, an4 ; to connected thinking, they broaden one's views and are a real means to the acquisition of knowledge and to social good fellowship generally. And the rural toiler who, after his long summer of .wearing and monotonous labor, is too stupid or too cranky to find any pleasure or recreation in such entertainments, deserves to ' live in a rat-hole all his life. . The school children delight in such occasions for speaking pieces, singing, etc; the young men for the opportu nities afforded them for taking their sisters (of somebody else's) out for a walk or a drive, and also for pluming their half-fledged wings in the debate, preparatory to their more daring flights that are shortly to take, place in the halls of congress. The young ladies like to come, to read, to sing, and to why, because other people come, of course. The married ladies come for recreation and for the great amusement of hearing the men make spread eagles of themselves. The married men well, judging by a single specimen, I should say that they too long to be again in the : arena contesting the ground with a stubborn opponent, and revealing to their amazed and astonish ed hearers the fact that a great genius may be hid beneath the rustic garb of an insignificant farmer. . Yes, truly, the chronic old grumbler who would fail to find any pleasure or recreation in all this deserves to nass his life in a rat-hole. .. Tedhick. ' 'A Success. : The sociable given by W. P. Watso'i j and family last Monday evening was all that one could wish for. The house was beautifully decorated; the walls were completely covered with dahlias, roses and other flowers. The tables were a thing of beauty. The lunch was simply sumptuous; there was no end to cake and melons and fruit. The speaking and singing were excellent, and all went home feeling that they had spent a pleasant evening and that Mr. Watson's family knew just how to eutertaiu. The receipts were $7.25. One Who Was There. , ; sThis is the way the wheat market is in Pendleton according to the East Orgonlan: "Wheat is worth less than twenty-five cents a bushel in , this county and some grades, last year's wheat, is selling as low as fifteen cents a bushel. This naturally discourages the producers, and we expect to see wheat production hereabouts decrease fully fltty per cent. The farmers would have been better off if they had produc ed none this year." , - ' ' Bucklea'g Arnica Salve. , i . , The best salve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erupt ions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give peneci satisfaction or money ref unded. i-nceza cents per dox. or sale rwr hnv Knl aalo hir Hood River Pharmacy, The Power of. the Press. Colonel Pat Douan is temporarily re siding in New York. To a correspond ent of the J3t. Louis Republic he ex pressed his views on the power of the press: ' ; ; "We speak of England, France, Ger many, Russia and the United States as the 'great powers,' " said he, "but among all the powers of earth the press stands . easily first and greatest. If every journalist fully appreciated his power and his responsibility, and every journal were known, to. be absolutely truthful, honest, fearless and incor ruptible beyond the reach of wheed ling bribery, or intimidation; wearing the dog collar of no partyf section, sect or faction; patriotic .and nonpartisan; always for the right and against the wrong a union of all the newspapers would be the highest terrestrial illustra tion of omniscience and omnipotence. "Such a combination could overturn any principality, throne or dominion under heaven, as a herd of Texas steers might upset a child's array of tiny tin soldiers. . It could establish and main tain any sstem, cause, creed or insti tution the editors chose to support. "Civilization culminates in the power-press, and the bounds of civilization are limited by the circulation of the daily papers. There is no civilized speech nor language where their voice is not heard or their influence is not felt. A few weeds soaked in bilge wa ter, or a little calomel rolled in sweet ened dough, with plenty of printer's ink, will make a millionaire of any pauperistic quack-in five years, whether it is the brains, hearts, livers, lungs, kidneys or gizzards of newspaper read ers his humbug panacea claims to re generate. ! I ',,)-r, "A few thousand acres of iron, coal or timber, a fair flatboat harbor, or two or three intersecting railroads, with reasonable circumjacent possibilities and abundant advertising will builda city out of nothingness anywhere in a decade There is no enterprise or busi ness, benefaction or villainy that can not be pushed into triumph, or driven to failure, by the newspapers.., Great reputations are. created by them out of nothing and wrecked by them for amusement. In this country govern ors, senators and even presidents are made by them often out of material intended for tinkers and peddlers, base ball players, gamblers, shysters, pick pockets and thugs.". 'i i ; ; ' Another Railroad. Another railway scheme is in con templation which may yeld quicker and better results for the people of Goldendaie and this valley than the Vancouver and Yakima. That is an electrlc'road to be built up the Klick itat river, with feeders to extend to Goldendaie and other Important points.; The principal shipping trade of the road, besides the passenger traffic, which would be considerable would e in grain, lumber and wood. ,. The way would be down grade with loaded cars, and about all the power required would be a sufficient quantity to return the empty cars. . Mr. .Nesbitt received a letter a few days ago that gives positive information that the road will be built just as soon as the locks are completed. From all reports It it pretty , certain that the locks will be in use in less than a year, and if all, works as ex pected the people of Goldendaie may soon hope to be connected with the outside world. Goldendaie Sentinel. ; A Vanishing Army. An entire army corps has disappeared from the ranks of ths Grand Army within the past year. From 397,223 in 1893, the membership of the order Haa fallen . to 309,034. The i decline be gan two years ago, and is expected to continue steadily until the last old sol dier has laid down his arms. But the prospect is one which the veterans can contemplate without gloom. Theirs Is not the case of an ordinary decaying society, declining in numbers through bad management or lack of interest. Death alone thins the ranks of the Grand Army. As the numbers grow less, the pride and . enthusiasm grow greater. , When there were four hun dred thousand men wearing it the bronze button might not have, been considered a supremely high distinc tion, but as the honor becomes rarer it will be more intensely prized. There is one member of the Grand Army now to every two hundred inhabitants of the United States. Ten, years hence there may not be more thau one to a a thousand. In that time, when the old soldiers are no longer courted by politicians and tempted to turn their glory into coin, they wll constitute as near an approach as we shall have or ought to have to an aristocracy, San Francisco Examiner, C. WELDS, BOOT AND SHOE SHOP First Door West of Post Office. . Bnots'and Shoe made to order. Repairing neatly done, and at Bedrock Prices. , . ' U AH work first elans. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. , e29: , .... O. WELDS, Proprietor. . FOR SALE. , Sixty acres, 1 miles from town. Valuable Improvements and plenty of water for irriga tion on the place. Extra early and frostless location.' Three 'acres In strawberries and other things coming. See me personally on the place for full information. . i, sep22 T, It, QOON, HADES ON EARTh. The Nnw Fenal Settlement Which Win Succeed Siberia. A St. Petersburg letter says' that it has been decreed by the-czar's- govern ment that Siberia is too good for con victs, and as soon as the neW Trans Siberia railway has penetrated its gloomy depths it will be turned into a "paradise" for agricultural settlers and mining1 sharps, while nihilists and oth er refractory members of Russian soci ety will in the future be accommodated on the island of Sagahlin, off the coast of Russian Manchuria, the eastern ter minus cf the czar's possessions, north of Japan.' So revolting and horrible to civilized nations is Sagahlin that the czar consented to its adoption as an open air prison only after the assassi nation of Carnot and the discovery of the recent plots against his own life. The people and the convicts of Siberia never speak of the island cher than "the hell of Saghalin," and its climate is said to be so much worse than that of Siberia as to rob this appellation of an exaggerated character, even in the mouths of these lost ones. The island is separated from the main land by the Gulf of Tartary, and its -eastern coast is washed by the Sea of Okhotsk. The governor of Manchuria has reported that a human being not born on the island cannot live moro than a year there. There is no means of escape ex cept in the winter, when, if a prisoner can manage to make his way one hun dred miles north from the prison, it is possible to reach the main land over the ice. The ice bridge is guarded; still, two or three prisoners have es caped by dodging behind masses of snow and ice, or, what is far more prob able, by bribing officials. At the pres ent moment the most interesting colo nist of Sagahlin is Sophia Bluh stein, a f ull-bloofled Russian, in spite of her German name. She first achieved crim inal renown by pressing her attentions upon the shah of Persia during the latter's visit to St. Petersburg. Sophie had avowedly no intention of adding his majesty to her list of admirers, but sought his acquaintance merely for the purpose of relieving him, if possible, oi some of his diamonds. . She was foiled in her efforts, but succeeded in having her private car attached to the shah't special train. For this piece of enter prise she Svas banished to Siberia for a year, and while there organized a band of cutthroats and robbers whose ser vices she controlled on the continent after their terms had expired. She i. said to be the sharpest criminal living, and in sending her to Saghalin the Rus sian government claims to have con ferred - a lasting benefit upon the wealthy classes. LONGING ;- FOR QUIETUDE. - A St. Louis Preacher's Plan by Which People Will Have Some Kust. -i A judge in Topeka has restrained a man from playing the organ more than one hour a day. "Blessed are thi peacemakers." The musical publii will never know what suffering they inflict upon their fellow creatures wlu; are not gifted with the deep sense o1 harmony.' . To live next door to an un: conscious sinner Who is making maideu efforts to writi" "iusic out of a French horn, or to have the head of your bed against a wall act as a sounding board while an innocent maid in the next house is tantalizing a piano, seem to create the crime of justifiable profani ty! The Topeka judge is a "Daniel come to judgment," says Rev. John Snyder in the" St. Louis Globe-Democrat.- While he recognizes the necessi ty for a certain amount of musical practice, so that the blessing of music shall not perish from the earth, just as he would acknowledge the need of a fixed amount of human suffering in the training of barbers and dentists, yet he has equally measured the limits of hu man endurance, and said to the incipi ent violinist . or ' budding organist: "Thus far shalt ye corner and no farther." In all seriousness, I think that the perfection of civilization will be reached when people shall learn the art of living together without noise. This is the problem that all great cit ies must strive to solve. I would ban ish every : bell ' from city steeples. ' Clocks and watches have made them obsolete. I would declare that every dog troubled with insomnia is an .un endurable nuisance. - I would extermi nate every cat that uttered a musical note after ten p. m. I would relegate to the suburbs every parrot that dis cussed his family affairs before sunrise. The nervous wear and tear of crowded city life is hard enough to bear with out these preventable troubles. In the ideal city all those amateur pianists, violinists and French horn blowers, who are preparing to trouble the fu ture generation, will be shut up in a suburban retreat, where they can only make each other suffer. , Brass bands will bo taxed to the point of extermi nation, and the only musicians permit ted within the city limits will be those permanently afflicted people who play those diminutive instruments on the street corners, which can only be heard in the "dead waste' and middle of the night," : on account of their constitu tional weakness. '"These, instruments should : be encouraged, because they feebly represent the form and appear ance of music "without the substance thereof." , ' ' - - .," ' Grim Presents for the Czar , !. . The czar has had a good many un pleasantnesses of late. Among a num ber of documents awaiting his signa ture, which had been placed on his ta ble, says Vanity Fair, he found a sen tence of death against the emperor of all the Russias, to be carried out in twenty-four hours. '. It was stamped by the "Society for the Liberation of the Russians," and it was impossible to dis cover how it had found place on the czar's table. A few days later the czar found a skull in one of the bedrooms, on the frontal bone of which was writ ten "Alexander." , Gen. Tscherevin, who is in charge of the palaces, re cently dismissed all . of the emperor's servants and replaced them by old soldiers. He also made a thorough ex amination of the palaces and grounds, with a view of discovering any secret passages that may exist therd, . . , , ....... .- . ., -... . . 2j2Cllerrt Tea.cls.exs, ; ' lBea-CLtifTa.1 . SuLZXo-u.ria.Ingfs. v SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES, ; ; i , Address,. . MRS. SARAH K. WHITE. Principal. HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE Choicest Meats, Ham, acon, lard, Game, Poultry, Also Dealers in VEGETABLES MD FRUITS, f , Corner of Oak and Fourth Streets, - - - - Hood River, Oregon. HANNA & -DEALERS IN HOOD RIVER, OREGON. ' AGENTS FOR- " ' Woonsocket Rubber Boots and Shoes. The Best in the World. j- We have a large line In stock. v Call and examine goods. , ; 4 . "WE HilVZ XDECXIDIEIJD That thirty days ie as long as we can ; x ' - request our patrons to govern themselves accordingly. , , - Sood: EiT7ftr ""H .TTn: rTr'e Directions for Mixing the Acme Compound. Weigh out ten pounds of the Compound and put it in a barrel or large ket tle; then pour on five gallons of boiling water gradually, until the rqjxture is of the consistency of soft soap stirring it all the time. After it is thoroughly dissolved add the balance of the water (forty-five gallons), hot or cod hot pre ferred. Do not boil the mixture. It is then ready to apply. Be sur and have your kettles or barrel clean (also your spraying tank'l and tree from other mixtures, in order to avoid clogging your spraying nozzles. Do not spray when the trees are moigt.- For Codlin Moth use No. 2, and spray immediately after the blossoms drop, then again four weeks after, which will destroy all other in sects that may appear. Apply by means of a spray pump or a florist's syringe. ' Testimonials. Coralitos, Cal., March 26, 1894. Watson, Erwin & Co.: I used one hundred pounds of your Acme No. 1, and it had the desired effect: it not only gets away with the insect but it cleans up the tree and leaves it in a healty conditiou. I will guarantee it will do just what it is recommended to do. Yoiirs truly, -: i. ' ' - J. E. Mortimer. Niles, March 14, 1894.-1 have had six years' experience spraying, and used various washes to quite an extent. For the last two seasons 1 have used Acme Insecticide, and find it the best wash, and that it gives the best results of any I ever used.- It is a very pleasant wash to use, and easily prepared. ,1 ' ' , ' ..... Joe Tyson. . WILLIAMS & BROSIUS. A FRIERS D Speaks through the Boothbay (Me.) Reenter. of the beneficial results lie has received from a regular use of Ayer. Pills. He says: "I was feeling sick and tired and my stomach seemed all out of order. I tried a number ot remedies, but none seemed to give me relief until I was Induced to try the old relia ble Ayer's Fills. I have taken only one box, but I feel like a new man. I think they are the most pleasant and easy to take ot anything I ever used, being so finely sugar coated that even a child will take them. I urge upon all who are In need of a laxative to try Ayer' Pills. They will do good." For all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels, take AYER'S PILLS Prepared by Dr. J . 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Every Dose Effective The Annie Wright Seminary; TAC0MA, WASHINGTON. 1 884. Eleventh Year. 1 894. A Boarding School for Girls, with Superior Advantages. Trb InsTmmo X MORAL -'" (Smiionnr Grro CuxrnL V INTELLECTUAii J or TO Ammioi to tei ) PHYSICAL ( Broiim WOLFARD, credit goods, and would respectfully ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Stockholders of the Heod River Fruit Grow ers' Union.take notice: An assessment of 16 par cent (or 50 cts a share) on the capital stock of the corporation has been levied by the Board of Directors and is now due. Leave th mount and .get your receipt at the store of A.H. Blowers & Co. ' H. F. DAVIDSON, Secretary. FOB SALE. Eighty acres, five miles from town; 40 acres in cultivation; 600 trees, prin cipally , apple, in full bearing. All fenced. Good house and barn. Three shares of water in Hood River Supply Co. go with the place. Good well and spring, .. Harvey Chaffer. f OB SALE. ' House and lot in Hood River. Ap- -ply to A. S. Blowers. C. J. HAYES, SURVEYOR. All work given him will be done cor rectly and promptly. He has a few good claims upon which he can locate parties; Doth farming and timber lands. February, 1894. . , . Land for Rent. 25 acres on shares. 18 ready for sow ing to wheat. Apply to J. JE. Feak, . Hood River. '