'4 3f odd liver lacier. "SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, IS94 THE MAILS. Tha mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 11 o clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de parts 'la same days noon. For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M.; arrives at o r. m. wamraavs. For White Salmon leaves daily at 8 A. arrives at 1 o'clock P. M. From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil mer, Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridavs. SOCIETIES. Canby Post, No. 16, O. .V. R., meets at Odd Voiiow'a Hall, first Haturdav of each month at I o'clock p. m. All G. A. R. members In vited to attend. M. B. Potter, Commander. C. J. Hayes, Adjutant. ... BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Tin cans and wax strings at Dallas's S. E. Bartmess Is agent for the Bri dal Veil Lumber Company. Get your horse and mule jewelry! at Pierce's new harness shop. C. M. Wolfard has let the contract for building barn to George Prather. M. H. Nlckelsen has on hand a full supply of school books, tablets, paper, tc. . Dr. G. E. Banders will be In Hood Jllver every two weeks until further notice W. N. West has secured the services of Henry McGuire, an experienced meat cutter. William Rogers, the photographer, Inst week took some fine views of Par adise farm. J. J. Luckey was engaged during the week setting strawberry plants. , He will set an acre. George Prather and Bert Graham put a new roof on the residence of M. U. Nickelsen last week. Dr. G. E. Sanders will be In Hood River again September 19th and 20th, with rooms at the Mt. Hood hotel. , The Hood River box factory has been kept quite busy lately furnishing boxes for the carloads of fruit being shipped. , , Round li-ip tickets to Poivliiid, good forrelum lea d.iys vom de.io f sale, 3. Tickei x t -ie daily unlit Sep tember SC:1. Whew ym want any fruit boxes go to tire flood River Box Factory. They also keep all kinds of rough and dressed lumber. Grain rolled any day. ' 32. V. Husbands 1 ww prepared to muke all kinds of new work, boots or shoes, at factory prices. First-class work guaranteed. .; Call and ee us. If you wish to fenr your farm or loor yard, go to the Hood River Box factory and see their samples. They are aicentsfer te East Portland Fence Works. ... "XT l 11 , 1 u r Jicaiijr nil Have gtmiit though fnany are gray and few are bald. Hall1 Hair Renewer restores the natural color ami thickens the growth of the'halr. ' ' ' W. E. Tate Tetamed from Sherman ounty Tuesday, where he has been running a threshing machine. - He ays No. 1 wheat is selling there for rtf I v. I Saturday and Monday of each week will be our grinding davs during the fall and winter. Our "Whole Wheat Ornham" ia fnr sale at the storm as usual. Harbison Bros. . Last week Tow Wickens sent five boxes ' Bartlett pears t Oirrten by ex press at "special" rates. Tuesday he jot re' urns. The pears sold for 75 cents a twx and the express charges were $5.85 on the Ave boxes. , 1 The passenger train from ike East Wednesday morning ran into a sand bank near (Vlito, causing the mail car to leave the track and collide with the baggage coach in the reui'. An uri known tramp riding on the front of the baggage car was killed. Two weeks ago the Glacier men tioned that George T. Prather would open au Insurance office, notary and collecting agency in the room with E. V. Husbands' shoe shop, and iee then George has been plum full of imei- Parties who promised us wood on subscription re requested to bring E long. Those hauling Irons the west lde will please deliver Use wood at our I residence, 1 miles west of town; those en the eat sidedeliverat the Glacier office. We will also take wheat on eutacrlptkra if delivered soon. Some Riisehievoag person or persons ut the snaps from the rope on the flag ait the Smith school house, so that the dag cannot be hoisted. Whoever Is guilty of this malicious aiKl n palrlo! Is trick should remember tfeat the law is very severe in cases of this kind, and if caught it will eeitainly go hard with them. A. B. Jones Is setting eat four acres of strawberries, or GO.Oflv plants. Three men expect to set the plants in four days. On being asked if that , wasn't pretty good work, Mr. Jones replied that a good hand could set 5,000 plants when the ground was prepared and the plants dug. - His son, Frank Jones, 4t HA U1MT1T7 a 5 300 In nnfl riiiv Last Monday N. C. Evans had tKel remains of his little girl, Leta. and his father-in-law, Charles W. Plaisted, disinterred and buried In tlte Odd Fel lows' cemetery, where tombstones will be placed over their graves. The bod ies were first buried in the old burying groutid near Lyman Smith's place. Mr. Plaisted had been buried eleven years." . The new harness store and shop of D. F. Pierce is .julte an addition to the business houses of Hood fUver. It is well stocked with everything in the line of harness and saddles, displayed in attractive shape, and is the neatest and best arranged store in town. In theshow window is a handsome model of a horse. It is unnecessary now to so to The Dalles or Portland when anything is wanted in the harness line. van ana see mis new store. Mr. Scales, teamster for the Oregon Lumber company, while hauling heavy logs in the mountains, one day last week, met with an accident that might hVM been serious. The coupling pole of the wagon broke and let the front wheels slip out froud under the load The Ioks spread and pitched to the ground in front, throwing the teamster down among the logs, knocking out several front teeth and bruising him considerably. ' ; Samuel Winans, while alone and at work on his cabin near the head of Dead Point creek, met with a puinful accident. He was on a ladder fixing the gable end of his house, when the ladder gave way, precipitating him to the ground His right arm was broken at the wrist, and he received a bruise on his temple that caused a swelling as large as a ben's egg.a He was brought Into town Thursday night and is now stopping at E. W. Winans, where he is under the doctor's care. ' Miss Madge Warren, while helping to wash the windows of the school room in district 2, Thursday, pushed her hand through a pane of glass and received severe cuts on the arm. The pane must have been broken but was not noticed for the dust that had been allowed to accumulate upon it. The accident will prevent the use of her arm tor a while. . The store of Mays & Crowe, in The Dalles, was burglarized Wednesday morning. A boy named George Obarr, 10 years old, discovered the burglars at work and notified the city marsnal, who succeeded in capturing and jail lug the two tneu engaged in the bur glary. Public Meeting. A meeting of citizens of town and country Is called, to meet in the ware house of the Fruit Growers' Union, on Saturday, September 22d, at 8 o'clock, to consider the question of holding a horticultural fair. Manv Citizens. ; From the Milk. Mr. Ellsworth, who has been in the logging business with O. B. Hartley, C. H. Peaison, who ha been workT ing here for the tompany since May, leit for his home at Trout lake Wed- uesduy. : . , There will be a dance at the boirdiig house here on Saturday evening, Sep tember M. The mills started up ajjjin Wednes day, e :ier a shut dow a for a few days on account of the scarcity of logs. - Mjt t D.-venpoi'tand the Odell broth- er pre now furnishing los for the mill-. Miss Kemp of J he E. -t Side is visit ing the iarnily of M T.on QdelL School closed Fild-y, the 14 th, with a plcnicat the school house; Miss Sears, tweher. The Anule Wrlyht Seminary." The route to the Intel ilate fail' at Ta couia letls directly in front of t'ie beuuiit'ul sroupus of the Aanie W; slit Seminary, that most complete and cuai ruing of tscbooN for yon jg : ladles, which an qrurnient and a credit to the city cf Ti owx. ' Its splendid lot m lion at (be o. ue of i be two principal avenues yven it an advantage which, its officers have not 'xeu slow to iui- piove. and ihe krounds, with tbe.r wealth of i. ;efully (ended shrubs and flowers, ibe'r breadth of terraced lawn, with turf like velvet, b?ve all through the long dry summer made it a thing of beauty and a joy : forever; No oae could find i mora beaut 'ful placa to educate a youug girl, and the care be stowed upon the exterior is a true indi cation of (be tuo'oui:li painstaking work done by the refined and cultured women whose lives aie giveu to this instil ulion. The fall term opened 'i'hur&day, September 13th, with agood at teudauce. Farewell Vance at Jill. Hood. A faiewell dance was given at Harry Mann's on the uight of the 14th, as he It about leaving for Portland. Those who attended were: Mis. O. Sandman, Miss Jasle Hansljeny, Miss Nomla Cooper, Mitss Alice Graham, Miss Clulb ina Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Wait, Jjm and Johnnie Dimmick,Fred Wish- nil, XiZJUi Keis, Bert bundman. The music was furnished by J. A. Knox. A 1 1 repoi Aood time. ' - ' ' Birthday Parly. ., . Little fiU.v Bimmets," 2 yeais oid, gave a bkthdy party Monday. L'tJe folks pie-ent were: Gladys HartJey, Eva Yates, Dot WaU.FIo.ence Hanna, Efa B.ovlus, Eveiett Knd, Clyde Cud, Dtle Hai'iison, Howard Hauley and. Ellsworth Hanna. ' Lunch was served and all enjoyed themselves. V' . All Free. ,' .,, Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not hawe bow the op portunity to try it free.. Call at the Hood Elver Pharmacy and get a trial bottle free. Send your name and ad dress to 11. E. Buckle n Jt Co., Chicago and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, s well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household In structor, free. AU of which is guaran teed to do you good ad cost you noth- is- -." ' ..; ,, ':."-y Bveklen's Araiea Salve. The best salve In tbe world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores,', Uleers, Salt Itheum, Fever Sows, -Tetter Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Coras and all Skin , Erupt ions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give nertect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 aents per box. For sale by Hood Hiver Pharmacy. ! Dr. E. T. Cams, Dentist, Has returned to Portland. The doctor will return to Hood River November 1st. prepared to examine, fill, extract, regulate and make new teeth; also, crown and bridge work. . ... - ' , Clubbing Rates. ' We can' furnish the New York Weekly Woild with the Glacier, both papers, forJS.50. Tlie prle of the World alone Is ill ynr. PERSONAL. W. B. Perry went to Portland ThuiE' day. . . ., , Judge Soesbe was in The Dalles Monday. - William Boorman and wife went to Portland Tuesday. , .;, . . S. E. Bartmess and family went to Cloud Cap Inn Alondav. Mrs. E. E. Lyons is ill and has been under the doctor's care for two or three weeks. Fred Howe and Tom Calkins started for Yakima Tuesday, to be gone about ten days. J. E. Hanna is up in Eastern Oregon on a business trip, selling posts and corawooa. R. H. Ma reliant, traveling for the New York Lafe Insurance comDanv, was In Hood Hiver Thursday and Fri day. Mrs. Hattio Hanson, who has been visiting lriends in .Portland ror'a couple of weeks, returned to Hood River Saturday. - Mr. C. Bartsch, formerly in the butcher business in Hood River but now located at Eusene, was here for a couple of days last week. Dr. Eliot returned from San Fran cisco last week and occupied Rev. E.M. Wilbur's pulpit in Portland Sunday morning, coming home Sunday night. Dr. D. S. Stryker of Portland came up from Cascade Locks Sunday night and was engaged during the week at dental work, with rooms at the Mount Mood hotel. E. a Miller Is local ed at Scboll's Ferry. Washington county, Oregon We did not know that he had left here uiuil we got a postal card from him asking to have his address changed. Frank W. Tvavers and bride of Lon don, England, were guest? of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Blowers Wednesday and Thutsdav. Mr. T.avers Is a rrrandson of Sir Francis Jobnsoo, lato chief jus tice or tjanaaa. Mr. Wm. Rand and wife visited Portland and Vancouver last we?k, re turning home on Sunday night's train. Miss Alma LeRoy accompanied them and remained to attend her studies at the Portland university. , Homer McFarland and wife came down from Heppner Sunday and are scopning witti Mr. and Mrs. Potter, They will remain here a couple of weeks and then go to California, where they will leside permanently. Monday night the following party S'vived at tiie Lunelle house and went out to Cloud Cap Inn Tuesday morn ing: W. M. Ladd and wife, Frank M. Wanen and wife, W. 8. Ladd and E. R-Coibelt of Portland, and Miss A. C.Jewell of Ann Aibor, Mich. Fred Whitcomb, wife and child, came up fiom Portland Sunday on a visit to his gimiJoiotber, Mrs. 8. A. Hntton, and spe'ti; lite week iu Hood River. Mr. VvnitcaiKO is an emplove of the commission i ouse of Henry Everdior. one of the best men In that business in Portland. Frank Hammond, who has charge of tbe Alblna div'slon of tbe City and Suburban electa io railway, came up from Po-tland Monday. He is taking a vacation of two weeks and concluded there was no better place ttan Hood River to put iu a week of it with old f.leods. - - Supervisor P-'atber la.t week caused the atrer o; wm. Ecc'es, p-e Ident of the O.egoa Lome Co., aod Frank D..venpo.u, foreman at the p'aner, cha.-s?o'- (nem wiuh oot.truci.lug the roi'd. 1 je flnoie, where it coshes iKe ro?d on iiie H?yiies' bill, bad so.-ung a leak and wcbeil out the road, and the si'pe. visor chived ihat the company wese too slow i n making iea'is. De fendn,s appeui id before Juc-'.-e Soesby Thuisdiiy aud weie hoed $13.. C P. Hea'u appeced for tbe ate and Pierce Mays for deeiidant . Xhe c. ss will be a 'pealed to .lie c'cuii ooi' t,. Mr. Einil Shan no received today a colony of Australian lady buTp from California, which he will turn loose in some of the orchards on Mill creek. Tjese are very distinctive to the San Jose seale, and this vicinity should have several colonies of these insects to rid fruit trees of this pest. Moun taioeer. i ' . Cootrtct to cleiir thi'ee ao. -. more or le' i, on WMtoldeor Hood rive, a. me mouh of Dfn"hcieelc Cla.'lnr coas'sU of o.,k grubs, a few rocks, and some hcalieriu? t'-er 1 iie slashed. G.wind mast be put in couduion i-eadv for the plow. Contract to be complei d byt 6l5lh of April nex Any perou wish ing to look at the wovlc mam do so on or be fore the 27 ch of the p e i. t mouih. The r ,lit to reject any or all pio; o -i . Ion is rfr,e ved. P. A. BNVDEIt. INFLUENZA, Or La Grippe, though occasionally epi demic, S always more or less prevalent. The est remedy for this complaint is Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. "lMt Spring, I was taken down with 1 Grippe. At times I was completely pros trated, nd so difficult was my breathing that my teas t seemed as if confined in an Iron cage. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began taking it tiffin relief followed. I could not be lieve that the effect would be so rapid and the cure so complete. Itistrulyawonderfulmed icine." Wtlliams, Crook City, 8. D. AYER'S ' Cherry Pectoral P r o mpt to act , 8 u r e to c u r e xTO LET. SOMETHING NEW IN CHEMISTRY. Beef Preserved and Kept Pure by Per- . meat Ion of Ozone. A. writer in a Minneapolis newspaper relates with great circumstantiality how a party of diners in a hotel were surprised and just a little horrified to learn that the roast beef they had eat en was twenty-one days old, and had been lying1 exposed to the sun for that length of time. They were reassured when they were informed that the meat had been subjected to a permeation of ozone, and by this means "preserved as well as purified." , The diners will probably learn be fore they gain the information from this column, says the New York Mail and Express, that they encountered something entirely now in chemical ac tion, and if any one of them has the courage to try it ' he can very readily prove the assertion. Ozone is one oi the principles of oxygen. Prof. Loew says it is one of the greatest oxidyzers known, or, as ae once expressed it, "a sublimation of that portion of our at mosphere which supports life, and at the same time helps burn us up." Dr. Julius Edmund Doetsch, who died about ten years ago, claimed to have been the inventor of an ozone-producing apparatus which would "ago" any dead or living thing brought in contact with it. He took two gallons of raw spirits fresh from a still and by run ning a current of pure ozone through it caused the liquor to taste and smell precisely the same as the vary same quality of liquor, with an actual age of ten years. Dr. Doetsch believed that if living animals lived in an atmosphere of ozone they would become old men and women at the age of ten and twelve years. He proved that to treat animal meat with the pure gas would have the same effect on them as though they had been exposed to the atmosphere we now breathe for as many days as there were half minutes in the artifi cial process. . Loew and Doetsch are authorities on chemistry. . The western writer may be or he may not. At all events he ev idently knows more about eatic-j a din-, ner than he does about "ozone." He or one of his friends can try the effect of it by shutting himself up in a small room and breathing the pure gas for twenty minutes. If the Doetsch theory is correct, a little wrinkled old man, bald headed and decrepit, will come out to announce in piping treble that he has aged forty years in twenty min utes. ' " TRADE UNIONS IN ENGLAND. Over a Million Members In 590 Bodies Their Incomes and Expend. tares One of the leading features of a re cent issue of the Labor Gazette of Lon don is a brief summary of the statistics of trade unions for the year 1892, given pending the issue of fuller details in the report of the chief labor corre spondent, now in the press. The re ports of 599 separate unions have been dealt with, 432 of which are registered and 117 not registered, while 105 have branches numbering in all 7, SOS, mak ing up an aggregate of 1,237.307 mem bers. The total income of these socie ties dealt with was about 58,000,000 and the expenditures about 875,000 less; 298 societies, with a membership of 745,048, paid unemployed benefit to the amount of nearly 82,000,000; 303 societies, with 1,103,641 members, paid in dispute benefit 82,300,000; 103- unions, with 585,389 members, paid in uiak al lowances over 81,000,000, and 88 unions paid as accident benefit to disabled members 889,000. For the purpose of comparing 13P2 with the previous year only 381 unions are available, that be ing the number supplying returns for. both yearR. The increase of member ship on these 381 unions during 1G92 was 32,101, or a little over 3 per cent, upon the membership of 1891. The to-: tal income of the 381 societies showed, however, an increase of 21.8 per cent. There Was also a very considerable rise in expenditure, amounting, in fact, to pearly 44 per cent, upon the' outlay of 1891. The chief share of this increase was due to heavy demand upon the un employed and dispute benefits, which in 1892 absorbed 81,900,000 more than in 1891. ' ; Particulars are also given with re gard to cooperating farming in Eng land and Scotland in 1S91 and 180:2. Forty-seven societies have . made re turns, showing that a total of 4,092 acres was being farmed in 1893, an in crease of 121 over 1892. The capital employed in 1893 was 8450,000, an in crease of 829,000 over 1892, and the net loss sustained amounted to 82,190, as compared with 83,410 in 18v.J. England's State Plate. England's collection of plate for use at state occasions at Windsor castle is something fabulous in value. Its dis play surprised even Bussia's crown prince himself. It it generally reck oned to be worth about 2,000,000, and it is no unusual thing at a state ban quet at the castle to have plate to the value of half a million in the room. There are two state dinner services, one of gold and one of silver. The gold service was purchased by George IV., and will dine 120 persons. The plates alone of this service cost over 12,000. On state occasions there are usually placed -on the dining table some very beautiful gold flagons, cap tured from the Spanish Armada, which are now, of course, of priceless value, while the great silver wine cooler, made for George IV., and weighing 7,000 ounces, always adorns one corner of the apartment. As sideboard orna ments there are pretty trifles in the way of a peacock of precious stones, valued at 50,000, and a tiger's head from India with a solid ingot of gold for its tongue and diamond teeth. . Magnetized Side Arms. A peculiar result of the use of the dynamo-on board English warships has been noticed. The marines, when in the discharge of their duty around the dynamo, have worn side arias. ' These become magnetized, and when the ma rine as a sentry passed the compass, that also became charged. , The conse quence has been to forbid the wearing of side arms near the dynomo, GEO. P. CROWELL, Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established Houoi In .the valley .J . ) t DEALER IN Dry Goods, ? Clothing, and; General Merchandise, Flour and Feed. Etc.. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. WATER NOTICE. H Allwc!rre.j i- edueoa ihe iii i d!y of rseo Bon; , .uya-ile ue niorfch .larOvdice. Io every i'.;b .ieie p? vuiet Knot made b fo e sic i of the mo.iiii ..e .i lerw )I be shut ofl'r lid o.-e osU-r ?-rteci befoie " w h be a.-i'iii in net ou. Al mouey jv ,ub!e o C. Well!, a. .i: ffjoe Uiop. Tum roiea v be g, icly &c ..e ed . 3 lie.e. f e . ' A. S. ELOWEiiS. Ma-Jie,-. GUARDIAN SALE. H. Lage, guardian of tbe person and estate of Nancy Stanley, will sell, by order of the county court, on Saturday, October 20th, on the premises to the highest bidder, the home stead of John Stanley, deceased, containing 139 acres. This property lies about two miles east of the town of Hood River, on the Colum b a river. ; " ' ' .- : - LAND FOR SALE.' Twelve acres, 8 miles southwest of, town; two acres cleared, balance scattering oak and brush, not hard to clear. Price $309. au25 r . JOHN KELLEY. LEGAL BLANKS. The Glacier office has received a good as sortment of Legal Blanks Deeds, Mortgages, Leases, etc. and will hereafter have the same for sale. FOR SALE. Two choice lots, with good residence, In the town of Hood River, will be sold at a bargain. Inquire at the Glacier office. sel Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that by order of the county court of Wasco county. Oregon, made and entered on the 23th day of August, 1894, on and after. . Monday, the first day of October , 1894, I will oner at private saie, at the store of A. S. Blowers & Co., in the town of ,Hood River, state of Oregon, the following described prop erty owned by the estate of Elmer E. Griffin, Insane, to wit: The north half of the north west quarter and the north half of the north east quarter of section twenty four, iu town ship one north of range nine east of the. Wil lamette Meridian, containing one hundred and sixty acres. I will sell said premises to the person mak ing the best offer, for cash. Dated August 28, 1894. ,. ' '- , WILLIAM BUSKIRK,.. Administrator of the Estate of Elmer E, Griffin, insane. . : , 0. R. and N. CO. E. McNEILL, Receiver; ; . TO THE ; Gives the choice of TWO - TRANSCONTINENTAL . . Via , . . Via . - - SPOKANE, DENVER, Minneapolis OMAHA ; and ; ' . . . : and ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to All East ern Cities. EAST BOUND FROM HOOD RIVER No. 2S, Freight leaves at . 11.45. A.M No. 8.. Mail 1U P. M WEST BOUND FROM HOOD RIVER. '': No 27 , Local, leaves at : 8.15 P. M No. 1, Mai) . " , . .. 4:42 A. M OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every five days for , SA N FRAN CISCO. For full details call on O. R. 4 Ni Agent, Hood River, or address - 't ' , , W. H. HCRLBURT, Gen'l Pass. Agent, ' Portland, Or. TIIE "REGULATOR LINE." Navigation Co Through Freight and : Passenger , Line. The steamer Regulator will run tri weekly trips, leaving The Dalles Mon days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, con necting with steamer Dalles City. Re turning, will leave Portland Tuesdays Thursdays, and Saturdays, connecting with steamer Regulatftr at the Locks. All freight will come through without delay . j PASSENGER RATES. One way.... $2 00 Round trip 3 00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. - Shipments for Portland received at any time, day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered be fore 6 p.m. Live stock shipments so licited. Call on or address, . W. C. ALLAWAY, ' . General Agent, B. F. LAUGHLIN, . ;.. - General Manager, THE DALLES, OREGON T. C. DALLAS, ; DEALER IN ' , STOVES AND TINWARE Kitchen Furniture, .- PLUMBERb' GOODS. Pruning Tools, Etc. . Repairing Tinware a Specialty. A. S. BLOWERS & CO., -DEALERS IN 11 Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, , FLOUR AND FEED. Country Produce Bought and Sold. AGENCY FOR' . BRAD LEY& METCALF CO! CELEBRATED BOOTSs SHOES ESTABLISHED 1843 TtHE BIGGEST t x TBAfiE MARK C0PYRIGHTE& , : .- , FOR SALE. I have for sale two fine Fruit Farms and the best hay farm in the -valley. Plenty of rnnr ning water on all of them. Will sell any or all of them. Also, fine residence and lots at different prices. Call on or address . - . A. 8. BLOWEHS, , aul8 Hood River, Oregon1. E. V. HUSBANDS, 6 Only shop in town doing machine work. Lowest prices guaranteed. Prather B'ilding, Hood Riverj Or. A. S. BENNFTT. - . ,:. A1TORNEY-AT-LA iF. OP FICE IN SHANNO'S BUILDING CORN ER OF COURTAN D SECOND STREET, The Dalles, Oregon. Dcthttb & Menkkeb, , ! Attorneys-at-Law, Y Ghapman Block, over Postoffice . THE DALLES OREGON. TO FRUIT-GROWERS. It is very essential that those who have frnlt to ship advise us of the kind and quantity they will have to ship as lar ahead as possi ble. The markets are uot hunting the fruit, but the fruit must hunt the market this fall. Fine fruit can be sold at a profitable figure if properly handled. Poor fruit must he kept at home, or somebody will lose money. Come and see us at our office near t he depot. We will nqt ship your fruit If we can't make you some money.. . . . ,t,.' . Ke ular office hours, Wednesday and Sat urday aiternoons. H.F.DAVIDSON. Secretary Hood River Fruit Growei s'Uuion. 3 00T IN THE WORLD