The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 22, 1894, Image 1

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Thg Hood Eiver
It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
NO. 17.
i. ,
S. F. BLYtHE'i' Publisher.'-'
i.iV v V!,.: Orrtnr ... ..I. ...ft 00
--V 6txmonths IOC
Three month. , M
. Snleoop7 (Cat.
- Grant Evans, ProprviO'
' - Seoond St., near Oak. flood River, Or,
:'v-';I' ; ,
Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly done.' t
r oaiiisiocuuu uruaraubeeu.
Parts of Missouri and Tennessee
.Train of Cars Picked Off the Track and
if Carried Twenty Feet Away Funnel'
Shaped Cloud Deals Destruction'' to
Everything in Its Path.
'". . i. .Charleston, Mo., September 13. Two
, men were killed and a score injured,
half of them fatally, in a cyclone to-day,
during which a train was blown from the
track. The killed are: - ' 1 '
Palmalia Dempsey of Missouri and
Frederick McClellan of Eldorado, 111.
Among the score of injured only the
- . ... f ollow jijg names could be obtained :
Baggage-master Coyle, badly bruised j
Davis, Eldorado, leg broken ; Dex
"; ter, Centertown, 0., internally injured;
W. H. Decamp, Hamilton, O., side badly
trttr hurt ; A. D. Leming; Alto Pass, 111., fa
v , . tally injured ; H. V. Dexter, Moorehouse,
Mo., shoulder dislocated; F. W. Hum
'.'phrey, -Lenora, Mo., arm broken-J.
" " McClendon, Joplin, Mo., arm hurt; Mrs
' J. W. McColloin, Dexter, Mo., arm
1 ., broken ( .0- H Millen, .Corning, Ark..
" badly .hruised, , , .,...rVr .,.v
It was 3 o'clock to-day when the west
'' bound 'express on the. Iron Mountain
" ' road was struck by a cyclone, and the
, result was one of the most -serious
wrecks ever known on the system.-- The
. train was in charge of Conductor Jack
.Lower and Engineer Andy mil. it Had
' just reached the limits of the city when
- ' , the passengers and crew noticed the ap
: "proaca of a funnel-shaped cloud that
' , was dealing destruction to everything in
... ... .... -Jts path,, uprooting trees and hurling
t?. w-;,'' "-missiles before it.- The train and the
cyclone met,' and the wind lifted the
:,. . " entire train of coached and landed them
: .' ua ' distance of twenty feet from the track,
- r -! - almost turning them' over. Those who
. were not hurt seriously had to free them
' fn l, -selves And rescue the others less fortu
i " " ,; ; nate,'., '. Efforts were made in this direc
V. . tipn, when., "a new danger presented it--.
. V' self.,' Flames were seen in the rear cai
jr " " ".' and, only for the heroic action of i Brake
V man Cartwell; an even worse catastrophe
, .. ..mightjhaye-, been recorded. He hastily
i-ii .'secured ttfheavy piece of timber and bat
tered down the car door, rushed in and
v... exWngifi'Bhed-ther fames. Near by were
5 ' ' a woman and little child, afire, and
Z' hastily catching them; he extinguished
.," the fire, but not until both had been
" severely burned. A little fellow 2 years
: old is supposed to have fallen, out of the
x . window when the, train overturned., He
.. was dead, having been fatally Jaruised.
Aside frOib the train and passengers the
- damage ,dorie-by the cyclone seems -to
have been purely local, and was siignu
' Its path was hot over thirty yards wide,
anddid not extend more than a mile.
' Memphis, kTenn., September, 13. A
portion Of' North Memphis Was swept
by a tornado thjs morning at' 11:30, de
stroying, and damaging property to the
extent of $3,500, killing a negro and in-,
juring two other persons slightly. The
portion of the city visited is the seat of
the lumber mills. The negro, Robert
Cuth, an assistant fireman employed by
the Hardwood Company, in his effort to
seek a place of safety was caught beneath
a falling smokestack.- One hundred
yards ol the Wolf-river bridge of the
Chesapeake and Ohio Southwestern sid
ing was picked up and thrown 100 eet
away! In addition to this work of de
struction ' many negro ; houses ; in the
neighborhood were unroofed or wholly
. wrecked, and the Ebenezer Colored Bap
tist Church was destroyed. The tornado
came from the south, and traveled al
most due north.' It is said by the weather
bureau to have been . purely local, no
warning having been received of its ap
proach. . Corn and cotton in the path of
the tornado were destroyed.' "
" . The Anarchists Active. .
Berlin, September 11. The Grau
denzer Zeitung says, while the imperial
party .was at Marienburg last .Saturday,
anarchists distributed revolutionary leaf
l&'s'throughout the neighborhood. ' Be
sides stating the principles of anarchism
the leaflets threatened personal violence
' to the imperial party The police around
Marienburg have adopted the most elaborate-precautions.
Every stranger .is
obliged as soon as he arrives to sign a
document giving the details of his busi
ness, family and residence. ' ' ; " J '
Reason-Why the Trancontlnental Lines
...-v Have Failed.,
St. Paul, Septemberii! official.
of the Great Northern to-night gave the
press the following statement of inside
facts of the recent unsuccessful attempt
to reorganize the Transcontinental As
sociation. The ! representatives of the
transcontinental lines adjourned Satur
day night without having made any de
cided progress in the formation of an asi
sociation. The Oregon, Railway and
Navigation Company was asked to be
come a member of the association, which
was to be established for the maintenance
of rates. The road signified its willing,
ness, and was represented at the meet
ing, but requested before an organiz
ation was made, that it be placed on
terms ol equality wltn tne otber. trans
continental lines bv an equal represen
tation of tickets with the. Southern Pa
cific that other lines through Portland
enjoyed, claiming the right in connection
with its steamship lines to make the
same rates through ..Portland as were
made by the Pacific Steamship Company
through Seattle. It did not ask for dif
ferential fares, but simply for eaual rates.
The Southern Pacific Company declined
to intercnange tramc witn tne uregon
Railway and Navigation Company un
less it would agree to maintain by its
water routes the same rates as made by
the . Southern,.. Pacific over its Shasta
route and ignore the competition of the
racinc bteamsnip (Jompany through
beattie. The Uregon Kail way and Navi
gation deemed this proposition unfair.
and declined to join in any agreement
till it was placed on terms of equality
witn tne other roads represented at the
meeting. The position of the Oregon
Railway and Navigation was fully in
dorsed by the Great, Northern, with
which the Ureeron Kailwav and Naviga
tion has recently made arrangements for
an intercnange ot tramc through Spo
Otherwise the Seals Will 'Soon "be Ex
San Francisco, September 14. J.
Stanley Brown, special United States
Treasury agent for the seal islands, has
arrived from Pribyloff Islands after an
absence of several months. He was ac
companied by several other agents. He
says the seals were in good condition this
year, and the weather was not unusually
unpleasant. The continued taking of
seals in the open sea is tending steadily
to reduce the seals.. , Unless a stop is put
to this seal-killinsr at sea the number of
seals that annually visit the islands will
be greatly reduced. ..."The contractors
killed this year," said Brown, "about
16,000 of the 20,000 that the government
permits to be taken from the rookeries.
Besides these sealers who were taking
seals in the open sea killed 30,000. These
are far too many... At this rate the seals
will be exterminated. It should be- re
membered that, while the government
does not permit the taking of any but
immature males from the rookeries, the
mariners who go after seals in the open
sea kill males and females indiscrimi
nately.. At present, the killing of seals
in the open sea cannot be under the-laws
entirely prohibited. . It is not poaching,
for hunters do not come upon the islands
or within a marine league of them. At
least this is not the rule, it is very for
tunate that Assistant Secretary Hamlin
visited the sealing grounds this year.
He worked very hard to gain an exact
knowledge of the conditions. This was
just what we, who have been visiting the
islands for, years, desired. One might
write , and - speak incessantly, but., he
could not depict all the facts as they ex
ist. Mr. Hamlin is a high official, and
now he thoroughly understands the situ
ation. His report is certain to be a very
important and interesting document."
What the Lexow Investigation is Bring
ing:' to Light. '
NEwiYoHK, September; 11. The in
vestigation of the police department was
resumed" to-day1 b the"' Lexow commit
tee of the State Senate. Mr. Goff was
inquisitor-in-chief. He - first stretched
Detective Sergeant Charles A. Hanley
upon the rack. ' The handsome gold
watch' which Hanley carried served for
a text for Golf's internogations, which
were directed to showing the police were
upon too friendly terms with the pawn
brokers for the good of the public, and
that it was not uncommon for pawn
brokers to sell officers valuable articles
at ridiculously low; 'prices.' Goff also
questioned Hanley as to his 'relations
with Jimmy 'McNally, well .known as
" Green-Goods Jim,!', the interrogations
implying the thief taker had, accepted
gifts at the hands of the man whom he
denounced as a thief.' The detective was
asked if he ever received money from
McNally, and made an equivocal answer.
This was followed by the question if he
had . not received , from -. McNally two
handsome banquet lamps. v His reply
was: '-'"' ' Vv- '
"I don't know anvthin? about the
lamps. My' wife got th'em." ';
i -w,. - .
; Want to Sell the Property.
San Fjbanoisco,; September 10. The
State Board of Prison ' Directors are
planning to "place the State' property at
San Quentin upon the market'' and build
a new prison at Folsom witk the ' pro
ceeds. They have made a recommenda
tion to that; effect to the Governor. and
Legislature.' The San-Quentin property
comprises 118 acres, .Objection, is made
to San Quentin because its accessibility
enables persons to 'land liquor,' arms
and opium for contraband distribution
among the prisoners. The directors be
i - . ... t - A 1 1
neve me oaii iueu uu property coma
be turned into residence lots and sold
for J3.000 an acre. r v ,
i . i ' - I ' '7 .
They Enter Into an Offensive
; and Defensive Alliance.
The Mikado Will Do the Fighting and
Corea Will Sell the Army Garden
Track at Market Rates Assuranoeof
Autonomy to Corea. ' . ..,'-''.:;
Washington, September 12. A tele
gram was received at the Japanes lega
tion this afternoon that a treaty had
been negotiated between Corea and
Japan, which authoritatively defines the
relations of the the two countries toward
each other and toward China.
The object of the treaty is" stated in
the preamble to be, the mutual desire on
the part of the Emperor of Japan and the
King of Corea to definitely fix and deter
mine the attitude of each country toward
the other, with a view to clearly eluci
dating the existing relations between
Japan ana uorea, which have been cre
ated by the request which the Corean
government has made to the Japanese
government to compel the Chinese to
evacuate Uorea. To require concerted
action for the more effective accomplish
ment of this object the treaty of alliance
between the two countries was signed at
Seoul August 28 by Oteri. the envoy of
Japan, and the uorean Minister ot for
eign Affairs. The treaty consists of three
articles. Article 1 dehnes the object of
the alliance to be the strengthening and
perpetuating of, the independence of
Corea as an autonomous State and the
promotion Of the mutual interests of
Japan and Corea by compelling the Chi
nese forces to withdraw from Corea and
by obliging China to abandon her claim
to the right to dominate the affairs of
the country. , Article 2 binds the Japan
ese government to carry on warlike
operations against China, both offensive
and defensive. The Corean government
is bound by the article to afford the
Japanese forces every possible facility
in their movements and to lurnish them
with supplies of provisions at a fair re
muneration so far as such supplies may
be needed. By article 3 it is provided
that the treaty shall terminate so soon
as a treaty of peace shall have been con
cluded by Japan with China.
Mr. Jvurino, the Japanese Minister,
said to-day regarding the new treaty be
tween Japan and Corea: "
"We have nothing but the announce
ment the telegram, but my inference
from its terms is that it will prove ad
vantageous to Corea. There has existed
there under Chinese auspices the most
corrupt system of government known.
The constant intrigues of China there
have been a threat to the peace of the
East. The Japanese government has
decided the settlement of this question
on terms of peace to the East. , It has
done so without expectation of territo
rial aggrandizement or exercise ot suzer
ainty of Corea. With the assurance of
autonomy to Corea; which is the design
of this treaty, there will be an opportu
nity for great improvement in her sys
tem of government, internal administra
tion and other affairs. Already she has
advanced from a condition of the rule of
an individual influenced by China, and
has a Cabinet of six members and a
Prime Minister, to whom the ruler looks
for advice and guidance. This change
was made under advice of the Japanese
representative at Seoul. ! ,
' He said he did not think the treaty
could be called a step toward the peace
ful, settlement with Uoina. Uhma might.
he said, have put an end to the difficul
ties before now by consenting to some
improvements in Corean affairs. The
improvement in government institutions
in Corea, he admitted, requires foreign
advisers and counselors, and these might
be Japanese or might be other foreign-'
ers. He did not admit the termination
of the present treaty-by making peace
with unina coma open the way tor a re
vival of the old Japanese claim of suzer
ainty, which, he eaid, Japan had ex
pressly relinquished, for it would put
herself in as bad a position as China by
renewing. ; '..':'.'::
" Corea under the inadequate govern
ment that China gives her,", he says,
" is weak, and other governments, such
as Russia, are constantly threatening to
come in and seize a portion of her terri
tory and .thus cause war in the East. A
guarantee of her autonomy will guard
against this. All great powers will be
interested in protecting her from outside
attacks." o ' - . '
; : '. WAR NEWS HARD TO GET. ' '
- Yokohama September 12. The Mi
kado and several of his Ministers will go
to-morrow night to Hiroschima, the em
barking place of the Japanese troops
sent to Corea. The headquarters of the
Mikadowill be transferred to Hiroschima
after that date. Authentic news of the
war cannot be obtained, , The native
press is subject to vigorous censorship,
and reporters of foreign papers are not
allowed to approach the seat of war. ' It
is also impossible , to transmit private
advices in regard to the warlike opera
tions, as the telegraph lines and mail
routes are controlled by the government.
-New Panama Scheme.
- London',' September 12. The Stand
ard's' Paris correspondent telegraphs:
" The new Panama canal shares are for
100 francs each. Some 300,000 shares will
be offered to the public. If the amount
is not wholly subscribed, provision will
be made with funds in the hands of the
liquidators. It is estimated that the
present issue of 650,000 shares will suf
fice to carry on the work for at least
eighteen months. The terms of subscrip
tions for the new shares are 25 francs on
application and 25 francs more October
15, the remainder to be paid in later in
stallments. - v
It is Said That Jackson Would Not Sign
, the Articles.-
Chicago, September 12. Jackson has
refused to sign the articles to fight Cor
bett. ' Edward Lloyd, representing the
Sioux City Club, met Jackson and his
manager, " Parson " Davies, at the
Briggs House at noon. Lloyd produced
the papers, which Corbett had signed in
New York. Jackson glanced over them,
and at once said they would not do.
", I will fight for your purse and a side
bet of $1,000," he said, "but the fight
will have to come off within three
months." , :
"That's the idea exactly," said Da-
vies. " Corbett is on the stage now, and
we don't intend to advertise him until
next May or June. This agreement calls
for a tight between May 15 and June 15.
Now you people name your place and
make the time within the. next three
months, and Jackson will sign."
J. his Liioyd said he could not ao, and
Davies proceeded to nick flaws with the
papers. He declared the deal did not
look honest. No place was named ; there
was no specification as to whether the
men would fight ten rounds or ten years
or to a finish, and the whole matter had
a pecular look. Jackson chimed in with
an objection to fighting at any outdoor
l want to right beiore a ciuo ana in
a house,"; he said. . I don't want the
affair to take place in a field or tent."
JUIoya became considerably excited
over the fun iiaviea poked at the papers,
but kept his temper and tried hard to
obtain the necessary signatures. He de
clared positively, however, he could not
bring on tne nght in the time specinea
by Jackson.
it's three months or nothing," de
clared Davies, and Jackson added, "That's
risrht." " Well, it's off." said Davies as
he picked up his bat. " I did not like
the looks of this thing, anyway."
It was announced later that Jackson
would leave for New York to-night and
immediately sail for the West Indies,
whence he goes to London.
"It is apparently useless to try to get
a fight with Corbett," the pugilist said
" I could not afford to lie around doing
nothing all winter, while Corbett was on
the stage making money out of the ad
vertisement this fight would give him.
I will try London for awhile." ;
Washington. September 12. Cham
pion Corbett talked freely to-night con
cerning Jackson's refusal to sicn articles
for a fight under the auspicies of the
, , 1 , , ,11 , - i , n
oioux juy Aimeuc juid next year, uot
bett insisted that Jackson's objections
to the conditions of the articles that they
failed to point out the place of fighting
and duration of fight were very trivial
and ought not to have any consideration
in the minds of people. He pointed out
in this connection that in his fight with
Mitchell there was no certainty regard
ing the place and time of the fight, even
the day before the battle.
'Will you accommodate Jackson by
agreeing to fight him within' three
months as he desires?", Corbett was
asked. i . - - -
" Certainly ; I will fight him in three
months, or in two weeks, and even to
morrow, if it were possible," repiiea
Corbett. ' ' " ,
Twelve Bodies Have Been Taken From
. the Wreck.
Paris, September 11. The disaster to
the Paris and Cologne express train at
Apilli, between Noyon and Chauny, yes
terday was more serious than at first
supposed. The first estimates placed
the number of persons killed at ten, with
twenty injured. Twelve bodies have
already been taken from the wreck. The
accident was due to the slow shunting of
a freight train at Apilli. The engineer
of the express saw the cars on the line,
and reversed the engine. The shock of
the collision was borne by the three front
cars. As soon as the accident became
known a priest and others hurried to the
railroad station, and did everything to
assist the dying and injured. The re
port that the station master at Apun
n aa committed suiciae by lumping in
front of the express train when he saw
the collision was inevitable turns out in
correct. The station master ran along
the track to signal the express and the
freight train, and was caught 1 between
the two trains and killed. . It . seems
certain there were Americans among the
killed or injured.
; Date of Issue Postponed.
London, September 13. A correspond
ent of the Standard at Paris says: ."The
issue . of the new Panama canal shares
has been postponed from September 18
to September 22! Thirty million francs
will be expended in the first instance at
the Culebra cutting. It is estimated the
present issue will suffice to carry on the
work eighteen months, perhaps longer.
Several thousand workmen are already
assembled at Panama awaiting the re
sumption of work. -
' San Francisco Bank Scandal.
San Francisco,. September 14. The
Pacific Bank has begun suit against
Charles Montgomery to recover almost
$50,000, borrowed from the institution
during his term as director of the sister
bank, , the .People's Home . Savings.
Montgomery is now under indictment
for criminal acts while running the Peo
ple's Bank affairs. . Several other di
rectors of the People's Bank will be
brought up for trial on grand jury in
dictments. ,
Military Interference.
military interference in Madagascar is
inevitable unless the Hova government
comes, to time. , . ;
The Executrix Has Succeeded in
Straightening It Out.
When It Has Been Finally -Distributed,
the University Will he the Richest in
American-Its. Facilities and Scope to
be Greatly Enlarged.
San Francisco, September 11. The
Examiner says Mrs. Stanford has paid
off the last of the debts due from the
Stanford estate and has thus early got
its great properties in almost perfect or
der. She is now anxious for a distribu
tion of the estate, so that she may se
cure personal control of the millions of
which she is now executrix. She is
ready to proceed with the expenditure
of a lrge amount of money to greatly
increase the revenues and enlarge the
facilities and scope of the university. As
soon as a distribution is ordered-, she will
begin operations in a new field. . Then
under her personal supervision the erec
tion of several hundred thousand dollars'
worth of new buildings and the early
expansion of the university to three
times its present magnitude will be
begun. She is ready to begin this work
early next spring if the estate can be
distributed by that time. The eBtate is
nearly ready for distribution, except for
three claims that are pending. " One is a
suit for $75,000, involving a horse, which
is pending on appeal, and another is a
suit for $7,000 brought recently for books
for the university. The other claim is
the $15,000,000 claim against the Stan
ford estate, which Attorney-General 01
ney has presented on behalf oi the gov
ernment to Mrs. Stanford as executrix.
This suit is an annoyance to Mrs. Stan
ford, because so long as it is unsettled it
will prevent her from spending a dollar
of the estate in behalf of the university.
She had planned to begin spending
several hundred thousand dollars in en
larging the institution next spring, but
she will be unable to use any of the es
tate bequeathed to herself or the univer
sity by her husband until a--distribution
is ordered, and this the Probate -Court
cannot authorize until all claims, are- ad
justed. -. ' ? .
Mrs. Stanford has stated that alt of
her property and all of the estate willed
to her by Stanford is with the exception
of a few comparatively small bequests
to go to the university, and that when
the estate comes into her private' posses
sion it will be used for the ' university
during her life, as it will 'be after-her
death. There is an ample, income to
keep the university coins at Its Present
cost of about $200,000 a year, and -the
great properties deeded to the university
by ' Senator Stanford, Palo AIto raven
and stock farm, Gridley ranch and Vina
ranch, yield a large revenue, which has
never been quoted. Mrs. Stanford .can
besides this give to the university 'from
the private fortune that was.hers'TJefore
Senator Stanford's death and from her
allowance of $10,000 a month from "the
estate. But for the large amount of cap
ital and larger revenues necessary for an
enlargement of the university, she', is
waiting for the distribution- of ;the es
tate, of which she is executrix:, and
which was appraised at $17,000,000., This
includes a bequest of $250,000 to the Uni
versity and that of $300,000 to Thomas
Walton Stanford of Australia, which has
been turned over to the university by
Mr. Stanford. The university can ob
tain nothing from these bequests until
the distribution is made. As soon' as the
distribution is effected Stanford Univer
sity will at once have added to its avail
able income the interest on $17,000,t)00.
It will from that time have practically
the income of the entire Stanford' for
tune, which in "times of ordinary-: pros
perity would exceed, it is stated qo .good
authority, $1,900,000 a year. ; Its income
will be three times that ol Harvard; the
richest of the American universities.
and greater than the University of -Ber
lin. , . -.v -v. 'j;r .'
Given Back Her Speech,
W infield L. I., . September, lL-A
house belonging to John Zelinka of this
village was struck . by lightning .during
the storm Saturday night... A bolt-went
through a two-foot brick wall intp the
dining room, where Mr. Zelin'ka, a neigh
bor and Mrs. Fisher, a visitoifwere dis
cussing the storm. It seemed to pass
between Mrs. Fisher and her ." thirteen-year-old
daughter Mary. who. had, been
deaf and dumb for over eight years.
Mrs. Fisher and her daughter sat 'mo
tionless for several seconds, when the
tittle girl got up and, pointing her finger
to her ear, said: mamma, l heard
that; let us go home." This is the first
time, it is said, that she has spoken since
an attack of scarlet fever left .her deaf
and speechless. - '
Declared to be Unfounded.
El Paso, Tex., September 11. There
seems to be absolutely nothing in the
story of the massacre of the Interna- J
tional Boundary Commission east of El
Paso on the Rio Grande. The only com
mission in the field is in command -of
Paul Cunningham, with a military es
cort, working west from Fort Huachuca,
A. T. ' The. commission to i e-establish
the river boundary east of El Paso is not
in the field. . . ,');;;'
Opposes Geronimo's Removal.'-' "
Washington, September ll.-Ex-Gov-
ernor Zulick ' is in the city, and has
written a letter to the President vigor
ously opposing the removal of Chief
Geronimo and nis Apaches from Mount
IT T I A 1 1 , 1
vernon rarraeK8 in Aiapama, Where
they are now confined, to their former
reservation in Arizona, I
The Action Taken by Spain in Regard '
to Our Exports.. , ' . .
Washington, September 12. Consul- ,
General Williams at Havana under date .
of August 24 has sent a dispatch to act- , .
ing Secretary of State Uhl, a copy of
which was yesterday sent to Secretary ,
Carlisle, giving the translation of a tele
gram received the day previous by the
Governor-General of Cuba from the '
Minister of the Colonies at Madrid df- :
recting the latter to replace the duties . :
on American products on that island and
Porto Rico as soon as the new tariff bill
went into operation. This is the first -
official notification received by the Treas
ury .Department of the restoration of
duties by any country which was a party
to the reciprocity agreement provided ;
for by the McKinley law. This action
of the Spanish government will reim
pose duties on many articles exported to
Cuba from the United States, including -
meat in brine, bacon, hams, lard, tallow,,
fish, oats, starch, cotton-seed oil, hay.
fruits, woods of all kinds, agricultural '
implements, ice, coal, etc., and will re- '
store the reductions made on corn, ;.
wheat, flour, butter, boots, shoes, etc.
Washington. September 12. Secre
tary Carlisle in a letter to-day, addressed
to Senator Caffery of Louisiana, officially
decided that under the new tariff law it
wilt be unlawful to appoint inspectors, '
weighers and testers of bounty sugars -under
the McKinley act, and further,- ,
that, Congress having made no appropri- .
ation for the employment of such of
ficials, the laws of the United States pro- , r "
hibit the employment of such persons to ;
serve without pay.
The letter does not decide the main
question in which the sugar growers are
interested, which is whether the sugar
bounty for this vear earned nr to the
time the tariff bill went into effect would ; ,
be paid. There seems little doubt, how
ever, that he has no authority to pay the
bounties earned this year before the
tariff bill went into effect. The law savs
it shall be unlawful after the passage of
the act to pay such bounties. The only s-
recourse left to sugar growers for boun- , ;
ties earned will be to sue in the Court -
of Claims. '.
Washington, September 12. Secre
tary Carlisle decided to-day in a letter
addressed to the Collector of Customs at
New York that the " reciprocity" condi-,. '.
tions attached by the new tariff bill to .
the provision for the free admission of
lumber did not apply to the Dominion ' :
of Canada.
London, September 12. At to-dav's "
session of the Concrress of Associated
Chambers of Commerce the chairman in
his speech predicted beneficial results ,,,,
from the new American tariff law.
Want a New Rating Rule. ...
London, September 11. The commit- .
tee appointed by the Yacht Racing As
sociation to consider the racing rule, as
sisted by naval architects George S.
Watson. William Fife. Jr.. A. E. Pavne
and Dixon Kemp, resolved to-day that
negotiations should be entered into with
the New York Yacht Club for an inter
national rating rule. Failing to accom-.:
plish this, it is proposed to modify the
present rule in 1895 so that it can be-
ceme a law in 1896 by placing a premium
on the depth of the quarters and on
beam, thus insuring greater bulk of
under-water body. -,
Eckel's Annual Report.
Washington, September 11. The an
nual report of the Controller of the Cur
rency was made public to-day. It is a
record of the work of the Controller's .
office, and shows that the total number
of accounts, claims and cases settled dur
ing the hscal year ended J une 30 last was
33,165, involving $280,602,902. By com- .
paring the work of this ofhee for the past
three fiscal years an increase in the vol
ume of business since 1891 in round
numbers of $104,000,000 is shown, with
an increase in the last fiscal year of $74,-
000,000. ,
Back Pay of Letter' Carriers. .
Washington, September f 11. The
claims of the letter carriers for back
pay, for which judgments were rendered
by the Court of Claims and for which .
appropriations were made in the last '
deficiency bill, will be paid at the,treas- .
ury. ine vast majority ot these claims,
however, are still, pending before the ;
Court of Claims ; but it is expected when
the court meets October 22 judgment in
those pending will be quickly rendered, :
based on the decisions in former cases.
General Booth Coming Here. -
i London, September 12. Detachments
of the Salvation Army from all parts of
London assembled at Euston railroad
station to-day to bid farewell to General
Booth, who started for America. The
General will reach New York about
October 20 and proceed to the principal
Northern and Western cities : of the :
United States- until reaching San Fran
cisco and finishing his tour at Seattle,
Wash., December 28.
Customs Rule Abolished.
London, September 12. The postbf-
fice customs rule prohibiting the im
portation of unmanufactured tobacco by
sample post nas been aoonsnea oy rost-master-General
Morley. Hereafter sam
ples of unmanufactured tobacco, if not
over four ounces in weight, will be de
livered by postmen direct on the pay
ment of the customs charges of 9 shil
lings. . ;
Corbett to be Indicted. .
New York, September 11. It is 'now
known almost definitely that in his
charge to the jury Judge Dupuy will de
clare that the grand jury must find in
dictments against James J. Corbett and :
James Courtney, who fought a six-round
contest at Edison's laboratory Friday.