The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 15, 1894, Image 3

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    2Hosd Iiver Slacier.
The mall bttIvos from Mt. Hood at 11 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts he snme days at noon. ;
For Chenuweth, leaves at 8 A'. M.j arrives at
'P.M. Saturdays. '"
For White Salmon leaves dally at 8 A. M.?
. Arrives at 1 o'clock P. M. ,
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Ultra wood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
- SOCIETIES. ;:1," . ,'.v.;,
Canby Post, No. 1(1, G. A. R., meets nt Odd
fellow s Hall, tirst Saturday of each month
ttt 2 o'clock p. in., ... All G. A. H. members In
vited to attend, ,
M. B. Potter, Commander.
C. J. Hayes, Adjutant, ..
' Tin cans and wax strings at Dallas's.
The rain Wednesday interfered with
picking fruit. ' , , ;
Are we to have a fruit exhibit at
Hood River this fall? 1
8. E. Bartmess is agent for the Bri
dal Veil Luinber Company. ; ;
M. H. Nickelsen has on hand a full
supply of school books, tablets, 'paper,
. te. ... , . '. V f .-..,,.4,..
Tie. d. "R.. Knndprs will hn In" TTood
.River every two weeks until further
',' notice . ,J j . '
Snow fell and whitened the ground
at the Oregon Lumber Co.'s mills Wed
ueaday. ; ; '.
School becran in town Monday, with
86 scholars in Mr. Gilbert's room and
67 in Miss- Callison's. j . '
W. N. West has bought of; Jack
Luckev the lot on Fourth street next
to the blacksmith shop. i
Dr. G. E. Sanders will be in Hood
River ajrain September 19th and 20th,
with rooms at the Mt. Hood hotel.
School will begin in district 2 next
Monday, with Mi's. If. L. Howe prin
cipal, and Miss Bess Isen berg assistant.
The house recently vacated by C. R.
' Bone, corner of Iiiver and Fourth
1 streets, is , for ; rent. Inquire at, this
'oiHce. ' ' --
The Hood River box factory has
been kept quite busy lately furnishing
boxes for tbe carloads of fruit being
" shipped.
The new grass has started up nicely
throughout the valley since the late
. vains, and the prospects are good for
fun -teen.- :
Round trip tickets to Portland, good
f r return leu days from date of sale,
3. Tici-" on sale daily until Sep
tember Sotta. ,-., (
Wh-in you want any fruit boxes .go
to the Hood River Box Factory. They
ftteo kep all kinds of rough and dressed
lumber. Grt-vin rolled any day.
' 'Buckingham's Dye for the Wiskers
is a popular prepeiation in one bottle,
and colore evenlv a brown or black.
Any person can easily apply it at home. wisu to tence your tarm or
floor yard, go to the Hood River' Box
niciory ann see tneir samples. i ney
are agents for the East Portland Fence
Works. ; ' ' : a i ' ' .- , 1 :
Dr. D. 8. Str-'ter of Portland, a den
tist, of 22 yen s' experience, will be at
the Mt. Hood uotel from Sept. 17th to
4im,- it fin tui.y untj utuiiig iirai.-cuiHS
warranted work will please take notice.
Saturday and Monday of each Week
"will be our grinding days during the
fall and winter.- Our "Whole Wheat
Graham" is for sale at- the stores as
usual. : "Hakbison Bros. ..
' Lou Morse and Captain Coe made a
1rip to Sherman county during the
week. TJie fornier made sale of some
posts and the latter bought a span f
liorses, driving them home by way of
The Dalles. , '
Clarence English last Saturday
taught a salmon "trout in Hood rive',
a little below Indian creek, that' mea
ured 80 inches in length and 'weighed
8 pounds. Hi caught the fish with
a No 8 trout fly. hook. . . . .(
- Mitt. Turner, who has been employed
t the Mt. Hood hotel as cook,1 was
taken to The Dalles last week by Dr.
Brosius and E. S. Olinger, where she
vyas adjudged insane by the county
court and sent to the asylum. 1
William Rogers, fie photographe
is kept busy nowadays taking pictur
in the rural districts. He photograph
ed the thre-ihiug crew of -Luge; &
Hnrichs while at Henricli's place,
making a good picture, which can ; be
seen at the store of Geo. P. Crowell.' -
T. C. Dallas has lust received a sup
ply of cook stoves, heating stoves and
ranges which he is offering at prices so
kAv for cash that it takes away your
breath. Life is too sbort, he says, to
keep book accounts, and; his -motto
hereafter will be, "Quick sales and
small profits."
Parties who promised us wood on
subscription are requested to bring it
along. Those hauling from the west
side will please deliver the wood at our
residence, li miles west of town; those
on the east side deliver at the Glacier
office. We will also take wheat on
subscription if delivered soon. . t '
J. R. Rank'u, the ferryman between
Hood River and White Salmon, Inst
week found a pole slicking out of the
water in the river, and hauling it in,
found it about twenty feet long, with a
fish net at the end. The net contained
two large salmon, weighing about
twenty or twenty-five' pounds. Owner
can have' the net, but the fish vere
confiscated by the finder. , . . . ;
Monday a man was burning brush
on Capt. Blowers' place two miles west
of town. The day was calm and just
the kind for burning brush; but in the
afternoon the wef wind sprang up and
the fire crossed the road and burned
Huough Dr. Eliot's place and Lyman
Smith's woods pasture. Capt. Blowers
went out, at 5 o'clock with a , wagon
load of men from town, who managed
to get the fire under control and kept
it from going any further. ' ;: ;
A car load of prunes was ' shipped
from this place Wednesday for Omaha,
consigned to Peycke Bros. . It was
made up by B. Warren, W. B. Perry,
W. J. Sherman, E. Lyons, T. E. Wick
ens, Miller Bros, and S. F. Blyths. The
car for some reason failed to arrive
here Tuesday night, as promised, and
the shippers commenced hauling in
their fruit early Wednesday morning,
when, it was discovered the car was not
hre. The fruit was stored in Joe Wil
son's warehouse and Mr. Perry . tele
graphed toSupt. Campbell at Portland,
who sent a car from ThevDalles by the
3 o'clock train. , ; )'
W. J. Campbell has a young 'apple
tree, bearing this year for the first time,
that is hanging lull of the handsomest
apples to be found in Hood River. Mr
Campbell does not know the name of
the apple, as the tree was planted before
he bought the place. It is a large red
cheeked apple of .tine flavor. . Its keep
ing qualities are yet to be tested, but
it looks as if it might; keep till Christ
inns.' '-; I ' -.
Elmer Campbell, while crossing the
creek at his fathers place and carrying
a cross-cut saw, fell and struck his arm
against the sharp teeth of the saw, cut
ling a cash about, four inches long be
tween the elbow and wrist on his right
arm. It was a severe cut, and it will
be some time yet before he recovers the
use of his arm. '
W. J. Campbell and Tom Wickens
finished the improvements at the school
house' in district 2 last week." The up
per room was ceiled ana painted, the
etairway given new supports, and the
house was put in good shape to receive
teachers and scholars when school be
gins, Monday. tli . , '
E. V. ' Husbands, advertis-es in this
issue of the Glacier that lie. ia pre
pared to manufacture boots and shoes.
This will prove a great convenience to
the public. ; No necessity now for go
ing to The Dalles or Portland when
you can't get fitted here with sto.e
BUoes.. .
, H. F. Davidson shipped a carload of in Michigan. , Mr. Bradford is an old
mixed fruit to St. Louis, Saturday, for, sodier, having served in the 2d Mich-'
M. V. Rand of Hood River, and Messrs. , Juan cavalry. , '...
Lauterbaeh, Jewett, Jacobson, Moore, i " McLelian Wsident of- PftHfic
Purser and Rankin of White Salmon,; nStySlferS:
Services will be held at the Congre-'day and Tuesday of this week. 1 The
gational church Sunday at 11 a. m. and doctor is one of the leading educators of
7:30 p. m., by the pastor. Rev. J. L. ; the northwest and is raising; a large
Hershner". A cordial. invitation is ex-j endowment fund for his college at
tended the public. , .. , ' .. ' Forest Groye. He expressed himse'f
.i--r,..i ! as greatly delighted with the fruit and
A party from Douglas county writes Tf ,,;. ....
for information relative to our Water eeaerX ot oa . ' k . ,
power, with a view, of establishing a J. A. Douthit of Pririeville,' fornierlyi
hundred barrer flouring mill. . What editor of tbe Prineville Review, was in
will our citizens do about It? : j Hood River for several days during the
tit t j.,.'.(.u.i?,loij. nii, ! week, looking over the valley with a
daVSrior n e 1 or 1 m S 1 vieW to P"8lng a home and ..going,
day snipped five t.ags, or j jjo pounds . int0 ,he (.ruit l)UHines8- Mr Douthit
"Y ' "y, h f it iios been reading the Glacier and
Portland, and 21o pounds of pelts, con- , thim f d , t.
signed to H. Metzger. . ....j, to our fruit, and is convinced that
W. N.' West, the butcher, has engng-; this is a good locality. We hope' he
ed a professional boulogne sausage ' will tiad a place to suit him and that
maker. . He is an artist in the pro'es- soon he will be prepared to make his
siou,.. and every body likes his work. j home amongst us.
E. V. Husbands is 'now prepared to J. Wright and John Peyton arri
make all kinds of new work, boots or
snoes, at factory prices. rirst-ciass
work guaranteed. Call and see us. '"' ?"''.' 7U ,Kl , " " "
' ' 1 the next day alter his arrival there at
Miss Mattie Fol'y has been sufferiug $2 50 a day and board. The boys are
with a felon on: her thumb. It wa , glad to get back again to Hood . River
very painful, and her tbumb was twice and out of the dust of that dusty coun
lauced before she obtained relief. i try. Mr. Wright says everybody in
Hanna A Wolfhrd have bought Joe 1 town and country up that way look
Wilson's wai-ehouse. situated on the i l,k '" h, ivyorIkl"!f hind a
north Rifle of thn r.iilroafl traoka nnri I
ast of the depot. ., . )r' .
The slaughter houne of the rolnmhia
Packing Co. ut The Dalles was burned
Wednesday night. Loss $3,000; insured :
for $2,000.,- ..i i . x : j
S. E. Bartmess is making Up a car
load of lumber. Send in your small :
orders within the next day or so. j
James B. Crossen is about to open a '
general uierchuudise store at The:
Dalles.. . : m - ' - - .- '. I
Hon! E. L. Smith will fet seventeen ;
acres of winter apples trees this fall. . , j
The Ope Senson for Salmon.' ,
Yesterday wus tbe beginning of the ' aud 50 cents; peaches, 60 "to 75 cents;
open season for salmon and the catch' tomatoes, 50 cents a box; sweet Corn, 10
here was quite good. There is a heavy ; cents a dozen; potatoes, 1 cent; onions,
run of silversides and some chinooks. 2 cents; cabbage, 1J cents; spring c,b.ick
The fall catch gives promise of being ena, $3 a dozen.
the best we bave bad in a number of :
years. Dalles Chronicle, Sept. H. l j -D'company will report at its armory:
The salmon season for the fall opened fttHood River, Oregon, September 26th,
yesterday; but the run will not be large 1 at 7:30 p. m.( fuliy uniformed, armed
and wheels will he almos useless. The j and equipped for ' inspection. . They
water is too clear, and fish are too wary j wlu be ingpected by Capt. J. H. Fergu
to swim into a trap if they have timely j son. - .. .-. ,
warning. Dalles Mountaineer.Sept.ll. ' Bmjklea's Arnica Salve. ; 5 ,
Reception to Rct. F, L. Johns. : ' The best salve irl the world for Cut8
Last Monday evening the people of ' Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, ' Salt Rheum,
the M. E. church tendered their new; Fdver Bore8- Tetter Chapped Hand,
pastor, Rev. F. L. Johns, and wife a ! Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erupt
reception at the house of Mrs. M. J.! ious, and positively cures Piles, ; or ro
Mercer. About thirty' were present, ; Pav, required It is guaranteed to give
, , .x. , . , perfect, satisfaction or rrioney refunded,
and a very pleasant time was had by , irice 25 cents per box. For sale bv
all. Before retiring to their homi-s Hood River Pharmacy.. ;.
songs were stingy and a few bright
words of welcome were spoken by Mrs
Bishop, to which .Rev. Johns respond
ed in a very touching manner. . There
were also appropriate speeches by Rey.
Barnhart and W. P. Watson. -
Tho School House; ' ' ; '
The bonds for the nsw school house
were sold to parties In Tacoma rt pre
senting an Eastern banking house.
It was then found that the returns of
the election voting on tho bondi
pot been properly certified to.
hnd l-
papers have since been 'fixed tip and
forwarded, and it is expected that niw
the money for the bonds will soon be '
forthcoming. But it is thought by the
directors that tlie season is too far ai"'
vanced for work to begin on the build
ing, and it will .lively be. postponed
until spring. ' , '
' la-id for Rent. 1 '
25 ncresf on shares. ,18 rfRd3' for sow
ing to wheat. Apply to J. E. Feak,
Hood River. . . - , ...
i v- ., .-i , .', ,:J:j
... PtT .Sale. Xi
Hay, fodder, cows, household furni
ture, etc. . Removal from the valley
necessitates immediate sale. '. ... . -V
W. F. Soesbe.
Dr." E. T. Carns, Dentist, ' : "
Has returned to Portland. The doctor
will return to Hood River 'November
1st. prepared to examine, fill, extract,
regulate and make new' teeth; also,
crown and bridge work.
Mr. Cook of the Vancouver nurseries
was in Hood River yesterday.
Miss Etta Phillips of Mosier is visit
ing tier sister, Mrs. Ji. V. Husbands. ;
Miss Eva Blowers is at Chenowith,
visiting her sister, Mrs. Charles Early
Capt. Blowers was at The Dalles last
week attending commissioners' court.
W. J. Baker and daughter went to
Portland on Thursday's afternoou
train. -',;' .1, , . ...j
Mr T. Bishop arrived home from
the harvest fields of Sherman county,
Tuesday.' ' ' . " ,
F. S. Hammond of Portland, former
ly a resident of Hood River, is visiting
irienoH nere. . y
Mr. Oscar Fredenburg of.Mt.V Hood
passed through Hood River on his way
to The Dalle4, Wednesday. ; '
Miss Mary Frasier went to Portland
during the week to assume her duties
i as teacher in the Harrison street school.
Mr, Em il West, of Sherman county,
came to Hood River' Tuesday and is
visiting his brother, W. N. West, the
butcher. . . " . ' . .,-
Rev. J. L. Hershner, of the , Congre
,' gational church, has moved into one of
Captain Coe's houses on State street,
the one formerly occupied by Rev. Gilt1.
I- Mrs. C. L. Henderson is now in Chf-
i cairo, stopping with a niece. ' Part of
1 her time she lives with her son, John
. L. Henderson, at Bay St. Louis, Miss.
She and her sister, Mrs. Stevens, ex-
pect to return to Hood River next
spring. .... '.."L
! J. A. Bradford,' station agent at
Latourelle Falls, was her last week
T,. TVTnr. who vpni olH npio-hhorH hnpk.
ms,f ftaturaay irom umatiiia county.
: .vx.u.u&a.
l",t,,,er- lutoierauie, afiu
covers everything.
: 1 ,, . The St. Louis Market
In the St. Louis market, last Mon
day. Pacific const fruit was quoted
"higher, and healthier general feeling
noticeable " in consequence of dimin
ished receipts and improved condition
of fruit.'.'! Bartlett pears sold at $1.50
to $2; Duchess and buerre hardy at $1.25
to $1.7o. Gross prunes, W) cents to $1 a
box; German prunes, $1.25 a box.
G'apes, $1.50 to $2.75 per 40-b. crate'. ;
. ..Hood Kiver Kolail Markets.
Butter, 50-cents; eggs, 15; .apples, 25
- . Inspection. . :
;' ;', '.; County Court. , - '
j; At tlie regular session of the county
court held last week the following busi
ness of interest to this section was trans
acted: '''-.'' '
'- Iii the matter of the appointment! of
a stock inspector, E.C. Fitzpatrick, tlie
present incumbent was re-appointed.
The bills of D. A. Turner, Geo. Bel
linger and F. M. Jackson, appraisers,
were passed over until next term.
Petition ot T. 1. Williams lor license
to sell liquois at Cascade Locks denied
oecause me petition aia not contain a
nlj0"ty of the legal voters of the pn-
C'nCt. ... ., , : ' r : J P
i Petition of T. W. Lewis and D. Nel
son for license to sell liquor at the Locks
granted and license issued.'' A
; Petitions to sell liquors of N. A. j, An
derson, Badder and McKenzie, and Ed
Bergerson granted.. r . y ;'' '. . ! '
Petitions of Thos. Sully" and P. Mc
Ellaney denied, not having a majority
of names in the precinct. " . . ! ;
! M.' Levisity was granted a peddler's
license for three months. " '
Petition of P. A. Snyder and others
for county road denied on account of
its irregularity, i , ' : . - :
- Edward Martin was appointed to. in
spect the sheriff s books": from July i,
1890. .- :' ts. t i ': '-..'i -r: I
H. C. Coe was allowed a rebate of $42
; on his taxes. ' :'".'.'".. :.::': ., ." '.:':-. v
In the matter of paying fees by
county officers, the following entry is
made in the journal. "The attention
of county officers is called to- section 6
of an act relating to the paing over of
taxes to county treasurer once a, week,
and also to section 9 of an act relating
to payment of fees by clerks and sheriCs
to county treasurer. The penalties pro
vided by law will bo strictly enforced
for the nonpayment of fess- and taxes
collected by them.:, J. ,. : ;
,,-.' v-''Across tlie (Jolumbia.
, Captain Wallace' of thef Skamania
Pioneer last week gave the southeast
ern part of his county a write up, and
the, following is an extract from what
he had to say . of our neighbors, the
Underwood brothers: ' ' ' '! ; , (
"The Underwood farm consists of a
section of land, being 320 acres of gov
ernment land and 320 acquired by pur
chase from the railroad. The iowners
of this. magnificent body of land are the
Underwood brothers, Amos and Ed
ward, pioneer settlers, who could have
entered land as homesteads in almost
any part of the state at the time they
settled on their present home. The lo
cation of this farm is one of great scenic
beauty; and must be seen to be proper
ly appreciated. .-. The view from, tlie
Columbia, while picturesque, would
not be attractive to 'an agriculturist, as
huge .cliffs of basaltic rock line, the
Washington shore - at this place. The
White Salmon river, the dividing line
between Skamania and Klickitat coun
ties, empties into the Columbia at this
point. ' The level plateau is reached by
a good read up the hill on the west
side of the White Salmon river. When
the level is reached every indication of
a prolific soil is observable. The view
from the edge of the bluff which sur
mounts the river is grand. ' Looking'
south, across the Columbia, is seen the
town of Hood River, While the valley
of the same name stretches away with
,a gradual rise until it reaches the base
tof Mt, Hood, towering high above the'
clouds, a white-capped cone of ice and
snow glistening in the sun. A fine
view qf .the Columbia river, for about
ten miles east and for about ' the ' same
distance westward, can be enjoyed. 1 ''
"Looking north, a fine view of White
Salmon river is had, terminating at the
base of the snow-clad peak of Mount
Adams. It is seldom so many scenic
attractions are to be observed from one'
point The view from this point would
amply repay the lover of nature for the
trouble of reaching the elevation nec-
essary. ' . ... .. ' '
"Amos, the elder of the Underwood
brothers, is at present chairman of the
board of county commissioners, and is
a public-spirited citizen, y Having
crossed the plains in 1852, he came on
directly to the Willamette valley, and
j from there to' this county, where he at
once took part in public aflairs. At the
outbreak of tlie Indian war he prompt
ly volunteered and was in the famous
tour days' battle at Walla Walla, fur
pishing his own horse, arms and am-,
munition. After the war was over he
arrived in time to take part in the out.
break at the Cascades, and garrisoned
with others . the Attwell house iri the
anticipation of the Indians crossing the
river to burn and destroy; but after
"holding the fort"- for two days,: the
steamer returned from The Dulles with
.soldiers,' who blew their ; bt;gie, and
warning the Indians of their approach,
tbe latter . incontinently fled. in 1804,
-A,mos .Underwood settled upon i bis
present farm, . and twelve years later
was joined by liik younger brother Ed
.wpd..". .. . :
. ,. , ',s ' ' : ''- '
,.' A Household Treasure. i
t. W. Fuller of Canajoharie, N. Y.,
says that he always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery in tho house and his
family always found the very best re
sults follow its use; that he would not
be'withoutit if procurable. G.A.Dyke
man, druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says
that Dr. King's New. Discovery is un
doubtedly the best cough remedyf that
he has used it in his family for eight
years, and it has never failed to do all
that is claimed for it. . ' ,
Or La Grlppo, tlioutrh occasionally epl
'rtnraio, ia always moro or loss prevalent. ,
.Tlo lipst.rmoily for- tliid complaint
- is-' Ayor's- Cherry Pectoral.
v i"I.nst Sprlnp;, I was taken down Villi
.La Grippe. At times I was completely pros- '
trated, and so clifllonit was my brealhing
, that my breast seemed as If confined in an
' iron .cape., I procured a bottle of Ayer'9
. Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began
taking it than relief followed. I could not be.
llevo that tlie effect would be so rapid and tlie
cure so complete. It is truly a wonderful med
icine." W. H. Wim-iams, Crook City, 8. D.
Cherry Pectoral
Prompt to act, sure to cure
IAii .... (,"; - .
Successor to K "L. SmithOldest Established
' Houss Intlie valley.
Dry ! Goods, 1 Clothing,
General Merchandise,;
Flour and Feed; Etc..
hood ritsr;'
. It is very essential that those who have fruit
to ship advise ns of the, kind and .quantity
they will have to ship as tar aheAd as possi
ble. The markets are uo hunting the fruit,
but the fruit must hunt the market this fall. '
Fine fruit can be sold at a profitable figure
if properly handled. Poor fruit must he kept
at home, or somebody will lose money. " - '
;i Gome and see treat our office near the depot."
Wo will not ship your fruit if we can't make
yon some money. . ' '. :
. llegular office hoursj Wednesday' and Sat
urday afternoons. ,
..... H. F. DAVIDSON.
. Secretary Hood Kiver Fruit Growers'Union.
To Whom It May Concern:; '. , ' .," ,
Notice Is hereby given that a petition to in
corporate the town of Hood River will be pre
sented to the Hon. Commissioners' Court at
Its September term, 1804. Said corporation to
be bounded as follows: 1 ; ' '
All that tract of land In sections 25 and 26,
85 and 8C, township 8 north, range 10 east, W.
M., bounded on the north by the O. R. & N.
company's railroad, on tho west by the west
line of the N. Coe donation land claim, ex
tended to a stream known as Indian creek, on
the south by Indian creek, and on the east by
the east bank of Hood river. .. ,.,.'
H6od River, Oregon, Aug. 20, 1804. ;, j '
Twelve acres,! hillossonth west of town; two
acres cleared, balance scattering ouk and
brush, not hard to clear. I'rice$300. !
, KWB'.v- . : JOHN KELLEY.
Tlje Olacier office has received a good as
sortment of Legal Blanks Deeds, Mortgages,
Leases, etc. and will hereafter have the same
for sale. ' k .'.-.. . , , . , ; .;
Two choice lots, with good residence, In the
town of Hood Itiver, will be sold at a bargain.
Inquire at the Glacier office. ,. ... ael ;
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that by order of tbe
county court of Wasco county. Oregon, made
and f ntered on the 28tli day of August, 1894,
on and after : ' ' "
Monday, the. first day of October, JSS4
I will offer at private sale, at the store of A. b.
Blowers & Co., In the town of Hood River,
state of Oregon, the following described prop
erty owned by the estate of Elmer B. Griffm.
Insane, to wit: The north half of the north
west quarter and the north half of the north.
east quarter of section twenty four, in town
ship one north of range nine east of the Vr !l
lamette Meridian, .containing one .hundred
and sixty acres. . "
' I will Rell said premises to the person mat
lng the best offer, for cash.
Dated August 28, 1894. ! '
Administrator of the Estate of Elmer I-i
Griffin, Insane. , ' "" ' '
0. R. and
E. McNEILL, Receiver,
Gives the choice of ! ;
' ANJJ " AND ' :.
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities. :
No. 23. Freight leaves at :; 11.45. A.M
No. a. Mail 1 ,, " , , , . 10.00 P. M
No 27 , Local, -leaves at , s 8.15 P. M
No. 1, Mail ... " 4:42 A. M
. , Leave Portland every Ave days for .' . :,
; For full details call on O. R. fe N. Agent,
Hood Uivr, or address' ':. '
. (,.,; . W. H. HURLBURT, '
Gen'l Pass. Agent,
Portland, Or.
i ; ; -the
Tlie Dalles, Forflana & Astoria
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
. Passenger Line.
- The steamer Regulator will run tri
weekly trips, leaving The Dalles Mon
days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, con
necting with steamer Dalles City. . Re
turning, will leave Portland Tuesdays
Thursdays, and Saturdays, connecting
with steamer Regulator at- the Locks.
All freight will come through without
delay. ; -i-H, ?,'.",
One way...": ..2 00
Round trip..,.. 3 00
Freight Rates Greatly
Reduced. , ;
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or night. Shipments
for way landings must be delivered be
fore 5 p. m. Jjive stock shipments so
licited. , Call on or address, '
; :'; ;. '); w. c. allaway,
. . General Agent,
' General Manager, ' ,'
,;'..-v DEALER IN- ' '.
- Kitchen Furniture,
,-- v.. ' ' Pruning Tools, Etc-''.";
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
A. S. BLOWERS & :'.q'0.,
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country I'roduce Bought and Sold.
I have for sule two fine Fruit Farms and the
best hay tarm In the valley. Plenty .of run
ning water on all of them. Will sell any or
all of them.. Also, tine residence arid. lots at
different prices. Cull on or address
. .,, ,.. A. S. BLOWERS,
aulS .. - Hood River, Oregon.
Trivia T)aa4 nl niinn nnAi n v
r ii m iuiii h mww.
Only shop in town doing, machine woi k. .
Lowest prices guaranteed.- " - -v
Prather B'ilding, Hood River, Or.
' v A 1 TORNJE Y-A T-LA W.
The Dalles, Oregon. ' , .
Chapman Block, over Postoffice
House and lot in Hood Rierj Ap-
ply to " : . A. S. 'BloWkrb.
Fresh ruilk cow for sale. Also, ne
Polled Angus bull, 3 years old.- i
; - J. Graham, Mj. Hood.
' 11 Turtrlr cr rcn Viim -J17 ill ho ilntio onr.
vant 1 r anr rfftrt rt lxr 1-To Ihiu fonr
good claims upon whi ih he can locate
parties; ooxn larniing ana umoei Janas,
February, 1894.
1 il ir.