The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 15, 1894, Image 1

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It's a Cold Day When Ve Get Left.
VOL. 6.
NO. 16.
rj': ' ' 3feod Iftver lacier.
S. F. BLYTHE, Publisher.
On. yer......
Six months...,
Three months.,
8nitle oopjr
tl M
... 1 w
... M
, Grant Evans, Propr,
Second St., near Oak.' " flood River,' Or.
Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly done.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. '
That Republic Formally Recog
nized by Cleveland.
Minister Willis Calls on the Hawaiian
President and Presents Him With the
Letter of Recognition of the Republic
by the United States. " V
San Francisco, September 6. Advices
by the steamship Belgic from Honolulu
under date of August 28 say ; "
' Minister Willis called on President
Dole yesterday, and presented him with
Cleveland's letter of recognition of the
Republic. The Cabinet, as well as Min
ister Thurston, were present. Minister
Willis addressed the President as follows :
" The right of the people of the Ha
waiian Islands to establish their own
form of government has been formally
" acknowledged both by the executive and
the legislative departments of the United
States. It seemed proper for me there
fore, so far as I, the diplomatic agent,
had the right to extend to the Republic
of Hawaii, it having been created under
the forms of law and existing without
effective opposition. The action thus
taken has, I am glad to state, been fully
" approved by the proper authorities at
Washington.- As the highest evidence
of that fact I have received an autograph
letter from the President, addressed to
' you as President of this Republic. In
delivering this letter, as instructed, per
mit me to join in its friendly sentiments
' and to express the hope that through
the government now inaugurated peace,
prosperity and happiness will be secured
to all the people of these Islands."
He then presented the following letter
from President Cleveland, signed by See-
retary Great) am,, and addressed to San
ford B. Dole, President of the Republic
of Hawaii: 1 ' ' "
" Great and Good Friend : I have re
ceived your letter of the 7th ultimo, by
which you announce the establishment
. and proclamation of the Republic of Ha
waii July 4, 1894, and your assumption
of the office of President with all the
formalities prescribed by the constitu
tion thereof. I cordially reciprocate the
, feelings you express for the continuance
' of the friendly relations which have ex
isted between the United States and the
Hawaiian Islands, and assure you of my
best wishes for your personal prosper
ity." In reply to this letter President Dole
said to Minister Willis:
" It is with sincere gratification that I
have received the information that the
1 President of the United States has con
firmed the recognition so promptly ex
tended by your excellency to the Repub
lic of Hawaii. Permit me on behalf of
the Hawaiian people to reciprocate the
friendly sentiments expressed by you to
ward this government and to assure you
of our desire that the relations of comity
and of commercial intercourse, which
shall be mutually advantageous, may
ever exist between the two countries.'
The confirmation of the reported recog
nition has taken the wind out of the
royalist sails, and even the most rabid of
them acknowledge that the career of the
ex-Queen is now ended. One prominent
royalist, who expressed the views of
x many, Baid last evening: r
"The recognition is complete. We
must acknowlege that fact. But if the
royalistcommission, consisting of Parker,
Wildemann and Cummings, had never
gone to Washington the Republic would
never have been recognized. They have
ruined the Queen's cause as thoroughly
as though they had taken a request from
the Queen for annexation."
A slight trouble seemsto be brewing
in the government camp in spite of the
recognition news. The Schutzen Club,
an organization originally formed by
German supporters of the provisional
government, but which has since grown
to a large size and has taken in all nation
alities, has sent a set of resolutions to
the government announcing that if some
of their members are not given govern
ment positions at once, the club, as a
body, will withdraw its support from the
powers that be. No answer has been
sent yet, and the matter will come up in
the Council to-morrow. The first elec
tion under the Republic will be held
during the last week in October, when
Senators and Representatives will be
elected. Every inducement is being of
fered to make the natives register, and
they seem to be rapidly falling into line.
The Ploolamatlon of the Chinese Em-
' ' ' peror Declaring War. ,
San Francisco, September 5. The
steamship Belgic arrived from Hong
Kong and Yokohama via Honolulu, bring
ing Yokohama advices to August 15 and
Hong Kong to August 1. At Peking
August 1 the following edict was issued
by the Emperor : s ". . .'
" Corea has been our tributary for the
past. 200 odd years. ; She has given us
tribute all this time, which is a matter
known t all the world. For the past
dozen years or so she has been troubled
by repeated insurrections,' and we, in
sympathy with our small tributary, have
as repeatedly sent succor to her aid.
eventually placing a garrison in her
capital to protect her interests. In May
of this year another rebellion was begun
in Corea, and the King repeatedly asked
tor aid from us to put down the re
bellion. We then - ordered Li Hung
unang to send troops to Uorea, and they
had barely reached Yashan when the
rebels scattered. But the Wo Jen (an
ancient name for the Japanese, expres
sive of the greatest contempt) without
any cause whatever suddenly sent their
troops to Uorea, and entered Seoul, the
capital of Corea, reinforcing them con
stantly until they have exceeded 10,000
men. in the meantime the Japanese
torced the uorean King to change nis
form of government, showing a disposi
tion in every wav to hnllv the 1nraanR.
It was found a difficult matter to reason
with the Wo Jen. -
"Although we have been in the habit
of assisting our tributaries, we have
never interfered with their internal gov'
ernment. Japan's treaty with Corea
was as one country with another there
is no law lor sending large armies to
country and bullying it in this way and
compelling it to change its system of
government. The various powers are
united in condemning the conduct of the
Japanese, and can give no reasonable
name to the army she now has in Corea.
Nor has Japan been amenable to reason,
nor would she listen to the exhortation
to withdraw her troops and confer ami'
cably upon what should be done in Co
rea. On the contrary, Japan has shown
herself bellicose without regard to ap
pearances, and has been increasing her
forces there. Her conduct alarmed the
people of Corea, as well as our merchants
there ; and so we sent more troops over
to protect them. Judge of our surprise,
then, when half way to Corea a number
of Wo Jen ships suddenly appeared
and, taking advantage of our unprepared
condition, opened nre on our transports
at a spot on the sea coast near Yashan,
and damaged them, thus causing us to
suffer from treacherous conduct, which
could not be foretold by us.
"As Japan has violated treaties and
has not observed international law and
is now running rampant with her false
and treacherous actions, commencing
hostilitiea herself and laying herself open
to condemnation by the various powers
at large, we therefore desire to make it
known to the world that we have always
followed the paths of philanthropy and
perfect justice throughout the whole
complications, while the Wo Jen on the
other hand have broken all the laws of
nations and treaties, so that it became
impossible to bear with them. Hence
we commanded Li Hung Chang to give
strict orders to - our various armies to
hasten with all speed to root the Wo Jen
out of their lair. He is to send succes
sive armies of valiant men to Corea in
order to save the Coreans from bondage.
We also commanded the Manchu Gen
erals, Viceroys and Governors of the
maritime provinces, as well as the commanders-in-chief
of the various armies,
to prepare for war and make every effort
to fire on the Wo Jen ships, if they come
into port, and to utterly destroy them.
We exhort our Generals to refrain from
the least laxity in obeying our commands
in order to avoid severe punishment at
our hands. Let all know this edict as if
addressed to themselves individually.
Respect this."
London, September 5. A Shanghai
dispatch says, Chinese recruits are ar
riving at Tien ' Tsui,, where they are
equipped. The province of Shang Tung
is discontented, and no sympathy is ex
pressed with the war against Japan.
The inhabitants regard the war with
Japan as directed against the govern
ment, and not against the people of
China. In Manchuria the people- are
intensely anti-foreign, and urge most
active opposition to the Japanese. A
man was tortured at Ning Po as a Japan
ese spy. The man was not a Jap, but a
native of China. Two Japanese in Shang
hai arrested as spies were surrendered
yesterday to the native officials by the
American Consul. The foreign popula
tion at Shanghai is indignant at this
action. The Chinese claim the right to
arrest Japanese within the limits of the
settlement. The United States govern
ment has instructed its Consuls not to
interfere in any way in the difficulties
between China and Japan.
- ' Receivers Appointed.
Salt Lake, September 6. Judge Mer
ritt to-day appointed S. H. H. Clark,
Oliver W. Mink, E. Ellery Anderson. F.
R. Coudert and J. W. Doane as receivers
of the Oregon Short Line and Utah
Northern road. Judge Marshall on be
half of the American Loan and Trust
Company asked for a reasonable post
ponement in order to allow his clients,
who were trustees of the consolidated
mortgage, to make application for a sep
arate receivership. ... ; ' , .
." Hinckley Pleaded Guilty.
. Moscow, Idaho, September 6. The
Hinckley case was called this morning
in the District Court. The counsel for
the defendant withdrew their demurrer,
and the prisoner pleaded guilty to three
charges of forgery. He will be sentenced
to-morrow morning. Hinckley is the
Deputy Auditor who embezzled $20,000
of the county's money by a system of
bogus warrants. . -
and His Fellow Refugees
Before Judge Morrow.
The Case Will be Decided According to
the Evidence Unless Habeas Corpus
Proceedings Are Begun Depositions
Mot Entirely Satisfactory.
San Francisco, September 7. The
government of San Salvador has ex
hausted its stock of ; depositions, and
Seems to have no oral testimony to offer
in the extradition proceedings now pend
ing in the United States District Court
here against General Ezeta and his fel
low refugees. The depositions presented
o far have not been entirely satisfactory
to the prosecution, inasmuch as a great
deal of testimony has been stricken out
under the ruling of the court that Ameri
can law relating to admissibility of evi
dence must obtain during the proceed'
ings. The first deposition relates to the
killing of Thomas (Jan as, a teamster
whom General Ezeta and Juan Cien
f uegos encountered during their flight to
the sea. . The second accuses General
Cienfuegoa and Manuel Cassin with
shooting at Andros A may a, with whom
Uassin was at war. The third deposr
tion is in connection with the forcible
taking of $2,584 from the International
Bank of Salvador and Nicaragua by Gen
eral Ezeta. Then came a long accusation
charging the refugees with shooting
uesar Aiiaro and tne Hanging ot uas-
simo Henriquez, revolutionists who had
opposed Ezeta's cause. Other charges
of burning houses and shooting other
persons were brought out.
very soon alter the convening of the
court this morning counsel for the prose'
cution announced that it had no further
depositions at hand. Dr. Calderon, the
local Consul for San savador, was sworn.
He testified that documents intended as
evidence against the accused had been
dispatched to him, and would arrive on
the next steamer from Central America.
Upon this . showing the prosecution
moved for a continuance of the case.
Judge Morrow refused to grat a con
tinuance. The defense then moved for a
dismissal of the charges, asserting that
sufficient evidence to hold the prisoners
had not been adduced; This motion,
too, was overruled. The defense after
some delay decided to put in evidence to
substantiate their plea of lack of juris
diction of the United States courts.
Commander Thomas of the gunboat
Bennington was called to the witness
stand. It was the announced intention
of the defense to prove that the prison
ers had really been kidnaped into the
country, their demands to be permitted
to leave the gunboat at La Libertad and
Acapulco having been refused, and that
thev could not be considered within the
urisdiction of the court, inasmuch as
they had been forcibly and illegally
landed upon American soil. Commander
Thomas testified briefly as to the inci
dents of the rebellion in Salvador,, but
was prevented from stating why he had
detained the refugees on board the Ben
nington.' Judge Morrow , finally ruled
that the province of the court was to
consider the prisoners within its iuris-
diction and not to consider the means by
which they nad reached there. In other
words, the court decided not to go be
hind the returns of the United States
Marshal. . This means that, unless re
sort is had. to habeas corpus proceedings
in another court, the prisoners will be
tried on the merits of the evidence pre
sented against them by the government
of San Salvador.
Ezeta was called as a witness in his
own behalf. He denied the charge that
he.caused Henriquez to be hanged, and
said - that he did not know of his death
until informed of it by his officers. Ezeta
added, however, that he thought Henri
quez had been well hanged, because he
was a rebel. He Baid that he killed
Thomas Canas in self-defense, and that
the money taken from the Hank of .Nic
aragua was merely borrowed to pay his
soldiers. General Colcho was also ex
amined, but there are no specific charges
against him. The case went over.
No Further Action Taken by China on
Account of the War.
Washington, September 7. Before
Secretary Gresham left for the West he
had a conference with the Chinese Min
ister concerning the Chinese , treaty,
which was ratified by the Senate a short
time before adjournment. Minister Yang
Yui told Secretary Gresham that, owing
to the war, no action has been taken by
the Chinese government. China has
been officially notified by the State De
partment of the ratification of the treaty
on the part of the United States, and as
soon as the treaty is ratified by Uhina
and official notice given the United
States ratifications will be exchanged by
the two governments and proclamations
issued. No action will be taken by the
United States looking to the enforcement
of the treaty until President Cleveland
issues the proclamation. Then the Sec
retary of the Treasury will issue instruc
tions to Collectors of Customs in accord
ance with the treaty. Secretary Gresham
and the Chinese Minister discussed the
present ' permits of the treaty, and the
Minister was.assured as Boon as the ac
tion of his government was officially re
ceived the United States would proceed
with its part of the contract. .;
Against the Contract System.
New York, September 6. The strike
of carpenters against the " lumping " or
contract system has begun. Fifteen
hundred man are out.
The Officers of the Bank Note Company
' to be Arrested.
' Washington, ! September 6. Chief
Hazen of the treasury secret service re
ceived a telegram to-day announcing the
arrest in St. Louis, Mo., this morning of
Secretary Smith of the St. ' Louis Bank
Note Company. This company, it will
ba remembered, printed and engraved
the 16 and IM warrants of Mississippi,
which bore a striking resemblance to
United States money. The President of
the company will be arrested when he
returns to St. Louis, and Agent Holmes
of the company, who is in charge of the
unicago branch, will also be looked alter,
in the meantime the United states Dis
trict Attorney at Jackson, Miss., is pre
paring a case against the State, Gov
ernor stone and others in the same case,
The Mississippi officials refused to call
in the warrants, but the fact that they
have been declared illegal by the general
government has, it is said, had the effect
of destroying public confidence in them
as money, and the banks refuse longer
to iaKe mem.
Indians In Northwest Territory Prepar-
' ' lng for an Outbreak. ' '
Battlefobd, N. W. T., September 6.
We are threatened with an Indian up
rising. Saturday a settler named Day
brought word that the Indians around
Jackfish Lake had risen and seized all
the guns and ammunitien and horses
belonging to settlers in the neighbor
hood. It is said Gabriel Dumont is there
and is inciting the Indians to make
trouble. That story, however, is not
sustained by any evidence, and may
have no foundation in fact, Thirty of
the mounted police went out there late
Saturday night, and nothing has been
heard as to their movements since their
departure. Much anxiety is felt. The
Indians are non-treaty Indians, and be
long to the Sotos. All the white women
have been removed to one large, house,
which is in itself a sign of danger. . Six
of the young Indians in the Industrial
school ran away two days ago, and are
supposed to have joined their brethren
who are threatening trouble.
Commander Farenholt to Report
as to
, . the Proper Sites, j . i -
Washington, September 6. Repre
sentative Hermann has been in consul
tation with the department - regarding
lighting the Willamette river, as' pro
vided, i for . in the , appropriation , bill.
About twenty-five beacon lights are to
be established . along the river, and in
structions were prepared to-day and sent
to Commander Farenholt of the light
house district to make an examination
and report as to the proper Sites.
Portland,' Or., September 6. Com
mander Farenholt, United States navy,
inspector, of the thirteenth lighthouse
district, with headquarters in this city,
stated yesterday that in accordance with
orders the Columbia river ' light vessel
No. 50 would be replaced on her station
about four miles to the southward of the
entrance to "the Columbia river. The
tender Manzanita towed the light vessel
from Astoria across the bar on that date,
but because of bad weather she was re
turned inside the .bar to anchorage off
Fort. Stevens, and will be replaced on
her station as early as practicable. , ,.
The Contempt Proceedings Against Him
: Continued. " .
Omaha,' September 6. The trial of
Bishop Scannell for contempt of the Dis
trict Court in refusing to open St. Paul's
Church at the court's order was con
tinued to-day. The Bishop was called
to the stand, but refused to testify, as he
was the defendant in a criminal action,
and was sustained by the court. Later
the Bishop was examined by the defense.
He testified to the conversation he had
held with his parishioners, and which
had been offered in evidence by the
State. His version differed in no material
respect from those preceding him. He
stated that he had refused to send a
priest, as requested by the committe, or
to open the church for school purposes
until thev had settled their grievances
and made arrangements to pay their
debts. - The case was continued to Sep
tember 17. , '
Indications That the Corean Minister
. . Sympathizes With China.
San Francisco, September 6. If the
attitude of the Corean Minister, who is
this city, toward the two Oriental
powers now engaged in war is any indi
cation of the feeling which Corea enter
tains for its neighboring nations, then
Corea is the firm friend of China. The
Minister arrived here from Washington
few days ago on his way home, lie
had intended to sail on the China, but
became ill and had to postpone his de
parture. He declined the services of an
American doctor, and also spurned the
services of a Japanese physician, who
offei ed to attend him. Minister Soo sent
Chinatown and engaged a Chinese
doctor who cured him. The Minister
then engaged . passage on the Belgic,
which sails September 8, but changed
his mind on learning that the cousin of
the Japanese Emperor, Prince Komatsu,
also' intends leaving on that steamer.
Minister Soo will wait for the next
Revolt of Arab Tribes.
Aden, September 7. Rumors reached
hereof a revolt of Arab tribes in Yemen
district. The Arabs are reported to have
blown up several official baildings.
Tne .Enormous Losses in and
Around Hinckley, Minn.
No Thought of Property Losses The
Care of All Has Been to Heal the Slok
. Clothe the Naked and Bury the Dead
Governor Nelson's Proclamation
St. Paul, September 4. Later details
simply confirm the reports already re
ceived as to the magnitude of the Hinck'
ley disaster." The most conservative es
timates of deaths in the six towns of
Pine county is 362, and from that the
figures go up to 1,000. Although the
exact number of dead will never be
known, enough is known to make this
one of the most appalling disasters in
American history. More have perished,
but never so many in so terrible a man
ner. As to the property loss all thoughts
have been of the dead only a few could
be made to talk about their business
ses.- It is probable that the loss at
and around Hinckley will exceed $2,000.'
000, although no careful estimates have
yet been made, nor can they be made
where all papers and records have gone
up in the same flames that so Quickly
devoured an tne nouses, tne vegetation
and almost the land in a large section of
Pine county. The rains to-day cleared
the air somewhat from smoke, but they
were not heavy enough to entirely quench
the fires, which would break out on the
slightest provocation if they had aught
to leed on. Ut tne nres across in Wis
consin less is known here np to mid'
night, but there was no loss of life re
ported, and it is hoped that it is over,
Notwithstanding to-dav's shower, how
ever, the ground is dry and parched, and
all vegetation is so dry that it would
ignite easily and burn with terrible
rapidity. ...
governor nelson's proclamation.1
St. . Paul, September 4. Governor
Nelson to-night issued the following
proclamation: v
" Information of an official character
has reached me that the villages of
Hinckley, Sandstone, Mission Creek and
the neighboring towns and farms have
been destroyed by fires : that hundreds
of lives have been sacrificed, and suffer
ing and destitution are on ve'ry band;
that the survivors of this terrible devas
tation are in immediate need of food.
clothing, shelter and everything that
makes existence possible. This appall
ing disaster appeals to every heart of
generous impulses, and the case is one
that demands response from every good
citizen of this State. Now, therefore, I.
Knute Nelson, Governor of the State, in
view of this awful calamity which has
befallen our country and by virtue of the
authority in me vested, do hereby appeal
to all liberal and public-spirited citizens,
to all municipalities and to all religious
and benevolent institutions of this State
to take immediate action toward secur
ing contributions to relieve the prevail
ing distress. I hereby appoint the fol
lowing State commission authorized to
receive contributions of money and sup
plies and to expend and disburse the
same: U. A. fiiisbury of Minneapolis,
Kenneth Clark of St. Paul, Matthew J.
Morton of Winona,' Hastings Hart of St.
Paul and a Duluth man yet to be
named." i, ..,..-
Coreans Bald to be Waging a Guerrilla
' Warfare Against Japanese.
London, September 4. A dispatch to
the Times from Shanghai to-day says
the Japanese Marquis Saigone landed at
Chemulpo August 28, and congratulated
the King of Corea upon having attained
his independence.;1 The dispatch adds
the Japanese hold at the present the
Provinces of Seoul, Whang Hai and the
country around the treaty ports. The
remainder of the country is said to be in
possession of armed bands of Coreans.
It is stated the feeling against the Japan
ese in Corea is increasing, and the na
tives are commencing to wage a guerrilla
warfare against them. : , . ;
London, September 4. A Tien Tsin
dispatch says an imperial decree has
been issued rewarding General leh and
other Chinese officers for their victory
over the Japanese troops at Ping Yang.
A Shanghai dispatch says five war
steamers will convey the- troops to be
sent to Formosa. The work of extend
ing the Chinese fort works on the coast
is being pushed with all haste. Skir
mishes between Chinese and Japanese
troops are occurring at several points in
Corea. In every case victory is claimed
by each side. -
London. September 4. The Times
will print to-morrow this dispatch from
its Chee Foo correspondent : The sec
ond Japanese fleet has assembled in the
Harbor of Dautilas, Southern Uorea.
The entrance of the harbor is guarded
with torpedoes. The Chinese are cruis
ing from port to port in the Gulf of Pe
Chi Li. The hostile'armies at Ping Yang
are quiet. ,. . ;
Boat Railway at the Dalles. "
Washington, September 6. Instruc
tions have been sent Major Post by the
War Department to make an examina
tion and report upon the right of way
for a boat railway at the dalles of the
Columbia river. If the prices are reason
able in his judgement, they will be ac
cepted. Where unreasonable, the Attorney-General
will be asked to begin
condemnation proceedings.
He Says Pearl Harbor Is All That Could
be Desired.
Washington, September 4. Rear
Admiral Walker is in the city for the
purpose of laying before the Navy De
partment his information acquired in
his recent trip to the Hawaiian Islands.
Speaking to-day of the affairs in the Isl
anda, he said : .'. .
"Everything was quiet at Honolulu
when I left there in August, and there
was no prospect of an outbreak. The
new government seems to be firmly es
tablished and thoroughly competent to
take care of itself, unless there is inter
ference from the outside. Pearl Harbor,
where it is proposed to establish a United
States coaling station, is a beautv. It is
one of the finest harbors in the world,
and is large enough to accommodate all
the ships afloat. AH it wants is the re
moval of a little bar at its entrance.
This bar is all sand, and can be easily
taken out in reasonable time and at '
small expense. It was thoroughly sur
veyed while 1 was there bv Max Wood.
one of our officers." ' - ' '
" How about annexation?"
"Oh. I can't sav anvthintr on that
subject, except the sentiment among the
eopie ior annexation to the . United
tates still appears verv stronir. Bv th
way, Honolulu is a most charminsr nlace. '
and I had a most delightful , experience
there." ,
Gougas Speaks Upon Shotgun or
Justice." . ( .... ;
New York, September 4. Fully 1,000
men and women listened to an address
by Mrs. Helen M. Gougar of Indiana at
tho auditorium in Prohibition Park,
Staten Island, to-day. The announced
subject was : ' :.;,;' -:
The Shotgun or Justice? Which
Shall the Laboring Classes Have in the
settlement of strikes and the Battle Ba
tween Capital and Labor?" ,
Referring to the poverty in the great
cities and suffering in the great tenement-house
districts of the city, Mrs.
Gougar said there were thousands of.
acres of land in the suburbs of New York
held for speculative purposes, and added :
" If I were the Almighty for only five
minutes, I would take all this property
from the land speculators and give to
God's children in the tenement houses
of New York a place upon this earth and
some of the gospel of fresh air and sun- -shine."
- . ,
The Railroad Will" Now be Built into
Aberdeen on the North Side.
Aberdeen, Wash., September 6. '
Chief Engineer E. H. McHenry and Di- '
vision Engineer C. H. Bihler of the
pforthern Pacific railroad were in town 1
yesterday, and arrangements were made ;
in regard to completing the extension of '
tne JNortnern racinc railroad on the 5
north side of the Chehalis river to this
city. The citizens agreed to do most of -the
work, and active preparations are
being made to begin at once before the
fall rains set in. The people show com
mendable enterprise in undertaking the
present tasK, considering tne times ; but,
as they wanted the railroad and th
only way was to build it, they decided ,
to do so. spirit of this kind will build
anything in the way of railroads or
cities, and Aberdeen's future is assured.
. Cannot Enforce the Law. ,
Washington, September 6. To-day a ,
number of gentlemen representing the
National Wholesale Druggists' Associ- i
ation had a conference with Secretary "
Carlisle and Commissioner Miller of the ,
internal revenue bureau on the free
alcohol section of the new tariff bill.
Secretary Carlisle explained the dilemma,
in which he and Mr. Miller found them-
selves. The law is a mere skeleton with
out money or machinery to put it into
operation. Altogether he could not see
how it was possible to enforce the law.
Band of Outlaws. ' ' V
Guthrie, O. T., September 6. -News
has been received here that a band of
outlaws raided the Indian settlement of ,
St. Stephens in the western part of the
Territory, killed an Indian and looted
the stores. Marshals and a posse gave '
chase, and had a battle with the outlaws. :
j i . L ; i ...
auring wmcn one on each side was -wounded.
The outlaws escaped, and ;
are now being followed by a strong posse. '
. The World's Fair Medals.
Washington, September 6. Bids for '
furnishing blanks and striking in bronze
the 33,555 medals of award . for the
World's Columbian Exposition were
opened at the Treasury Department. '
iuai oi me ocovuie manuiacturing uom-
pany of Waterbury,
Conn., at $22,000
was tne lowest,
.. Must be of Age.
Washington, September 6. General
Schofield has ordered that hereafter in
view of the small number of vacancies
in the army and the consequent restric-.
tions upon recruiting no person under ,
the age of 21 will be enlisted except they
be musicians or to learn music. -
. That Contribution Circular. , .
Dublin,' September 7. Freeman's f
Journal says the origin of the circular
appealing for contributions to the Irish ,
fund has been traced to the London com
mittee of the Irish National League.
An Ignoble Ending. -
Chicago, September 7. The celebrat-"
ed Viking ship, which crossed the At
lantic and was exhibited at the World's '
Fair, sank in tha rivar dnrino a tnrm
i Monday.