MAKE YOU ft OWN SNOW. Be on your Guard. If some grocers urge another baking powder upon you in place of the "Royal," it is because of the greater profit upon it. .This of itself is evidence of the supe riority of the "Royal." To give greater profit the other must be a lower cost powder, and to cost less it must be made with cheaper and inferior materials, and thusthough selling for the same, give , . less value to the consumer. To insure the finest cake, the most wholesome food, be sure that no substi tute for Royal Baking Powder is accepted by you. - Nothing can be substituted for the Royal Baking Powder and give as good results. Two Scenes. i i- oi i r n T Wow, wow, o-o-oughl I'm killed! Boo-hool Me bands are tender, toacher! Boo-oo-oohl - Scene Two A Field. Same Small Boy (same day) Soak der ball in Jiarder, Chimmyl Why doncher put somo speed inter it? Let 'er go! It don't liurt me hands a bit I Slug 'er in! Boston Trav eller. Legislation In Ohio. ' 1 ' T T 1 1 . 1 X - ' in umo a Dm io enaoia women ravoio at all school elections passed the senate on April 10 by a vote of 21 to 6. As a similar bill was defeated by only a few votes in the house, it may be called tip again and passed. The Dayton Herald and Ironton Republican indorse the rnonq-nrp " Only a Step from Weak Lungs to Con sumption, from Depleted Blood to Anaemia, from Dis eased Blood to Scrofula,from Loss of Flesh to Illness. Scott's " Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, prevents this stepfrom being taken and restores Health, Physicians, the world oyer, en dorse itlv;--''J7':':'' ' . Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Prorvared by Soott A Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. BISDON IRON WORKS. S. F. Mining- Machinery, Bryan Mills, Johu- ston Concentrator, Engines, Boilers, Pumps and General Machinery. Kstlmates siren on all classes of Iron work. Address B. H. MOORE, M. JC., v Hotel Portland, Portland, Or. Portland SIXTH YEAR Will open September 24. Prepares for college. Gives advanced English course. Kira nnnnrMl In ivAptim tinnpltnrB Aa WpII AS day soholars. For catalogue address PORTLAND ACADEMY, 191 Eleventh street, Portland, Or Portland Business College, PORTLAND, ORCOON. At r. Jjuuraoira. rm I. A Wasco, CM, Open all (he year. Students ad mitted st an tims. Instruction in ' common school and commercial broaches, shorthand, typewriting, etc, Colleob Joukhal and specimens of penmanship sentrw. Fall term commences September , 1694. Com mercial course, Shorthand courte ana two years' English course. Send for catalogue. For a DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING HOUSE at Oswego, Oregon. Address N, S. KKLLOGii, Os wego, Or. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY. We deal exclusively In 8bcond-H and Machin ery, and have a large assortment of Engines, Boilers, Pumps and General Machinery. Write for latest descriptive catalogue. DANA, ALBEE AWALKER,K.WaterSt.,cor.Taylor,Portland,Or. FOR LADIES ! 100 IN GOLD will be paid by the Koch Chemical Co. for any cave of female weakness that will not yield to DR. J. S. KOCH'S ANTI SEPTiC SANATIVE POWDER. Piiae 11.00 per box. For sale by all druggists. Thousands say that Ely's Cream Balm entirely cured them of UATAKKti ana nay ever. Apply BaIH Wt ist Nostrils. Pries 60 cents. Druggists. Academy F?gaWS LIKE PYGMALION AND GALATEA. Bomantlo Love Story of Novelist Barrle and Miss Mary Ansell, the Actress. James M. Barrio, the famous author who wrote "The Little Minister," may-well be called a latter day Pygmalion. Every one remembers how the irreat sculptor or uy prus carved such a surpassingly beautiful Ivory statue that he lost ms neart to n. In answer to his prayers Venus breathed the breath of life into the cold ivory, and the lovely woman thus formed became the wife of the happy sculptor. Not long ago Mr. Barrle wrote a play which he called "Walker, London," and in which he por trayed his ideal young English girl, free as the air, modest as the violot, full of life and spirits, and a bit of a romp, it is true, but pure as the limpid waters or a spring. After he had created her it does not ap pear that Mr. Barrie prayed to Thespis to breathe life into the voins of bis charming English heroine, but Thespis took the matter into his own hands, and when cue curtain fell on the first night of "Walker, London," Pygmalion Barrle had seen his living Galatea in the person of Miss Mary Ansell, the charming English actress who impersonated his Ideal in the play. Mr. Barrie was too great a lover of a good dramatio situation to allow the Incident to end there. He promptly fell In love with HISS MART ANSELL, Miss Ansell, she as promptly loved him, and this latter day Pygmalion and his Galatea up to date will be married as soor as Pygmalion is strong enough to travel. . Miss Ansell is said to be one of the most winning and beautiful of the younger ac tresses of the "natural school" in England. She has been on the stage about two years, and ber youth, beauty and unquestioned talent have won for her a high place on the English stage. Her first appearance was with William Terriss in "Harbor Lights," after which she began a tour with her own company in ''The Love Story." Her success was Instantaneous and very nattering. Mr. Barrie was born at Kirriemuir, Scotland, 84 years ago. He was graduat ed from the Edinburgh university as an M. A. in 1883 and then turned to jour nalism. His first book, "Botter Dead," appeared in 1887. He has published half a dozen others since ana nag won a world wide reputation in the portrayal of quaint, humorous Scotch character. He has also written several successful plays. A recent attack of Illness loft him in delicate health, and he and his Galatea will take a long wedding tour, which may Include a visit to Novelist Robert Louis Stevenson In Samoa, V JLand Tenure In England. The facts with regard to land tenure ir the United Kingdom are such, one would fancy, as should rivet the attention of ev ery thinking man. "Of the 73,000,000 aores in this country," says The Financial Reform Almanack for 1802, "50,000,000 are 'owned' by less than 15,000 persons, and of these 60,000,000. no less than 80, 00,000 are owned by 1,000 persons." It is estimated that, leaving out blocks of un der an acre in extent, some 180,524 per sons practically "own" the whole of Eng land, Ireland, Scotland and Wales; that 10,000 persons "own" two-thirds of Eng land and Wales, 800 two-thirds of Scot land, And 1,600 two-thirds of Jroland. . , . JEth) Allen's Sword, . The sword of Etlian Allen, preserved In the National museum at Washington, is an old fashioned blade about 7 inches in length and slightly curved- The handle is made of horn or bone And is some seven inches long. The mounting is of silver, marked with gold, but tba latter U par tially worn off. A dog's bead of silver forms the end of the handle, and from this to the guard runs a silver chain. On one of the silver bands of the venerable leath ern scabbard is the name "Ethan Allen" engrossed in large letters; on another band, "E. Brasher, Maker, New York," while on & third band appears the name 'Martin Vosbnrg, 1775." , ... V Statistics In France show that during the last flow years the population has ab solutely depressed, An American Girl's Adventures In Old Mexico. , DISCOVERED A POCKET OF GOLD While Sketching In the Wilds of Chihuahua She Fell Down a Hill and laterally Tum bled Into a Fortune Full of Pluck and Expedients, ' ;' " ! Miss Doria Kemp is a lucky young woman. She went out to sketch In the hills of old Mexico, and while looking for a brook fell into a bed of gold . nuggets. She jumped from poverty to comparative riches in the twinkling of an eye. Her find netted her $9, 700. Miss Kemp is now on her way to Paris, where she proposes to study art in the hope of becoming a great painter. Miss Kemp's life up to the time of her great discovery was not a "particularly happy one. She was the only child of a New England farmer who moved west during her girlhood, and she was left an orphan at the age of 18 in the mining regions of Colorado. She engaged at Lead- ville as companion to a lady in search of health and traveled with her to old Mex. ico. The invalid was a hard mistress, and the companion finally left her service at Chahariparl, a remote settlement in Chihuahua. Miss Kemp had saved a little money from her earnings and decided to' stay in Chahariparl for awhile and rest. Her host, a German named Miller and an Italian servant were the only people in the place who could speak any English. ; The story of her discovery is best told in her own words: ''One afternoon I started out from the town with my sketchbook under my arm, and after a brief walk came to a rolling, rather steep hill. , Curious to see what was beyond, I went on up and over Its brow. Before me lay one of the wild est scenes I have ever seen. The sound of a stream came up from the depths of blue below. It sounded tempting, and I start ed for it. As I went on down the sides I tore my skirts in the jagged undergrowth, but I kept on and on, marking my way by breaking low limbs. i 1 soon came Jn sight of the stream and was turning to make my way to the left to find a slant ' MISS DOB I A KEMP. : ;'' " that would take me to the bank of it when I found myself sinking down and down. I reached out for something to clutch, but something always gave way, and I finally landed on a sandy bit of beach in a little core that the horizontal wall pf the moun tain's base made at the edge of the stream. "I was not hurt, My fall had been gradual, I had fallen through a growth that covered the side of the hill above me full 80 feet. I scanned the sides of the rock that made the cove, - There was no retreat except through the brook, ' I was not worried, however, and as it was early sat down to sketch the canyon as it stretch ed away in the blue depths. While con templating the view I absently picked" up pebbles and threw them into' the water. One of them I happened to notice as I held it in my hand. It was of odd shape and peculiar color where the dried earth didn't cover It. -1 washed it off In the stream. ' It looked suspiciously like gold. I looked where I had been sitting, and there in an oblong rift of the ' rocks was a hatful of just such clods as I held in my hand. ' I had seen nuggets of gold, but had never heard of them in such quantities as met my gaze. Hoping it was gold, but not sure, and with thoughts or Monte Cristo- like splendor in my mind, I made my way around the point pf rock to find a way pack home wjth the nugget securely fastened In my dress. , The water, was up to my shoulders, but I succeeded n get ting around; then, marking carefully with bits of paper the way, I made up the hill again and gained the house much the worse for wear. I put on a dry dress, and seeking Miller showed him my find, ask ing him, with a calmness 1 certainly didn 't feel, what It was. He scanned it carefully and said! . . " 'It's purtygood gold.! Where 'd you Ket "I rather stammered that I had found it In the creek's bed a short distance from the house. Thoughts of the treasure, if it were one, being filched from me caused this little deception. I thanked him and went to my room. To get the rest of the nuggets from where they were and take them safely to a place where I could dis pose ol them gave me much to think on. I finally decided to trust the Italian, who seemed grateful for various little kind nesses of mine to his wife. I promised bim $50 for his services, and he swore to keep my secret. "We went to my gold mine with pick and shovel, bags and a rope, and after eight or nine hours of hard work exhaust ed the pocket. . It made about 80 pounds of dirt, which we divided into two packages. 'J he next day the Italian secured a cart, and we started for the railroad, which we reached after a six days' trip, , I gave the Italian live or six ounces of the most solid of the stuff and had the rest packed n a stout box. While at the station I met a traveling salesman to whom I confided. He advised me to take it to the City of Mexico, I lacked f 10 or 113 of having money enough to pay my fare, but he loaned it to me, saying I could sepd it to him. I arrived safely In the city, and with the assistance of an American at the hotel I had the stuff melted, and after the customs and license were paid it netted me $9,700. On the advice of the same gentleman I invested in a small cultivated coffee plantation near Minatitlan. It was profitable, and I sold out last year." , Its Curious Formation la the Full Buys of a July Son. Two solid bodies, one yellow, sulphur, Che other black, cafbon, unite under cer tain circumstances to form a colorless liquid called sulphide of carbon, which must be handled with much precaution on account of its great explosive prop erty. The soluble property of sulphide of carbon renders it valuable to take spots off of garmenta If its odor -is more disagreeable than that of benzine or turpentine, it has at least the advan tage of being dispelled quickly in conse quence of the prompt evaporation of the. liquid. There is nothing equal to it to take off spots of paint on clothes. It does not do it, however, without creat ing great fear in persons who use it for the first time, fov they see on the very place where, to their great pleasure, the paint had disappeared a large white spot, the nature of which is hard for them to define, and the more they brush the more unsightly and the larger that white spot grows. Is then the garment lost? No, for fortunately after a few moments the spot melts away never to show again. - It was snow and nothing mora . The sulphide of carbon in evapo rating takes heat from the cloth and surrounding air, and the result of that is a sudden lowering of temperature suf ficient to freeze the vapor of the atmos phere. ''; ' ' . .Without operating on your clothes yon may make the experiment in the following way: Fill a small vial with sulphide of carbon, taking great care to do it far from all flame or heated stove. Then close the bottle with a cork stopper through wbichyou have previously bored a small hola . In this hole place a piece of blotting paper made up into a small rolL The paper must reach to the bot tom of the bottle and about an inch above the oork. Within 15 minutes you will see the outside of this paper cover ed with snow, the quantity of which gradually increases. The liquid has risen through the pores of the paper as the oil of a lamp through the wick. Whea it gets to the open air, it evaporates, and the water contained in the surrounding atmosphere, being brought to a temper ature below 83 degrees, has been frozen. If you divide the paper outside of the bottle into several pieces, you obtain flowers and most charming effects. You may make the experiment in summer and in the full rays of 'the sun. The re sult will be obtained then more prompt ly, evaporation being more abundant St Louis Post-Dispatch. THE LAND OF PROHISK Is the'mighty West, the land that " tickled with shoe laughs a harvest:" the Kl Dorado oi the miner; the goal of the agricultural emigrant. While It teems with all the elements of wealth and prosperity, some of the fairest and most fruitful portions of it bear a harvest of malaria reaped in its fullness by those unprotected by a medicinal safeguard. No one seeking or dwell ing In a malarial locality Is safe from the scourge without Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Emigrants, bear this In mind- Commercial travelers soiourning in malarious regions shonld carry a bottle of the Bitters in the traditional gnpmcK, Against ine ejects oi exposure, men tal or bodily overwork, damp and unwholesome food or water. It is an infallible defense. Con stipation, rheumatism, biliousness, dyspepsia, nervousness and loss of strength are all reme died by this genial restorative. Mrs. Ciimso So thev married in haste, did theyf Mrs. Cawker Yes, love; bat they are repenting In Sioux Falls. ' , For over a quarter of a century, Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has been effecting cures of Brpnphial, Throat an4 Lung affections. Weal; Lungs, Bleeding from Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, all linger ing Coughs, Ppnsumption, pr Lung Scrofijla. and kindred maladies, are cum by fa REDUCED TO A SKELETON, Mrs. MiRA IiH8, of Sardis, Big Stone Co,, Minn., writes ; " One year ago was given up by Biy family physician ihd friends l all said I i must die. ' Mv luncs were badly affected, anq body reduced to a skele ton. My people oom. menoed to give me your 'Medical Discovery' and I soon began to mend. It was not long before I became well enough to take charge of my household duties again. - I owe my recovery to Dr. Pieroe's Golden Mrs. Mills. Medical Discovery.' DR. UEBIQ & CO., Special Doctors for Chronic, Private ajid Wasting Diseases, Dr. Llebig's Invtgorator the greatest remedy for Seminal weakness, Loss of Manhood and Private Diseases, Overcomes Prematurenessand prepares all for mar-riaire life's duties. Dleasures and resrjon- sibllities; Si trial bottle given or sent free to any one describing symptoms; call or address 400 Geary St., private entrance 406 Mason St., San Francisco. BUI IB CLOTHING Men's Suits at $8.50, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $20.00. ' Men's Overcoats, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00, $18.00. . Young Men's Suits, $3.00. $4.50, $5.00, $8.00, $10.00. Boys' Knee-Pant. Suits, $1.25, $1.75, $2.50, $3.50, $4.00, $S.00. Oregon Wool Socks, 3 pairs for 50 cents. ' v . White Laundried Shirts, 50 cents. - : If you can't see us, write for goods. ' ii FMflOyS,'' BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. FOUNDED 1870. A boarding and day school tor boys and young men, under military discipline. Seventeenth (17) year under present management will open September 18. Thor ough preparation lor college and scientific schools. Commercial Course, ACA DEMIC, PREPARATORY AND PRIMARY DEPARTMENTS. For Catalogue and Full Particulars. J. W. HILL, M. D., Principal, P. 0. Drawer 17, Portland Or. "IT 18 IGNORANCE THAT WASTES EFFORT." TRAINED SERVANTS USE SAPOL O f MALARIA I H Three done only. Try 1t. - II yoa are thinking abomt buying plaster, remember that you will place It upon your body and oannotget a plaster that will be too good for you. . . Allcock's Pobous Plaste is the but plaster made. Your druggist may have some other plaster on his shelves which he is anxious to get ria or, or else some worth less imitation purchased at a low price for the purpose of substitution. Do not ac cept his " Just as good " plea, insist upon having the genuine. Allcock's Pobous iTLASTiB has no equal. -Bbandbith's Pills can always be rellsd upon. - - - Warsaw, 111., has a man whe has not closed his eyes for eighteen yeais but h is not on th pouse torce. t , DOUBLY BLEST. The Northrop & Stargis Company make The finest flavoring used in cake. And housewives who their extracts try Will never any other bay. Besides good value they receive. Before the grocer's door they leave, ' A coupon which enables, FREE, . The bolder to acquire, you see, ' - . A souvenir of those qaeer days When Portland viewed with dread smut A mighty flood of waters flow , . Where now the ladies shopping go. DB. C. E. Obiokb cures catarrh, throat and lung aiseases, etc. jueaicine oy malt or express, xuiau aim iuurribvil, ruiuuiiu, uregou. Progressive Literature. W. E. Jones. 291 Alder street, rortiana, or. , , . HOW'S THIS I We oiler One Hundred Dollars' reward for anv case of catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's uaiarrn uure. r. J. uuit-MSY & CO., Toledo. O. We. the undersigned, have known F. J. Che ney tor tne last niteen years, and believe him perfeotly honorable In all business transactions ana nnanciauy awe to carry out any obligations maae oy meir nrm. wtur dt tkuaa, w noiesaie Druggists, Toledo, o. WALDING, KINNAN dt MARVIN, , Wholesale Drue-plats. Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intemallv. actinir directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of me system. Testimonials sent iree. nioa 70 oents per DOttie. boia Dy an druggists. Use Enamellne Stove Polish: no dust no smell. Tbt Gkrmka for breakfast. In Hot Weather Something is needed to keep up the appe tite, assist digestion and eive p-nnrl. honlth. ful sleep. For these purposes Hood's Bar? Bupaniia is peculiarly aaaptea. as a Dlood Sarsa parilla . purinerit nasno equal, and it Is chiefly by its power to make nure blood that It has won such WVsVtfc&fcvX'v fame as a cure for scrofula, salt rheum and uiucr Biinuar aiseases. Get flood S. Hood's Pills cure headache and indigestion. Wig iter Anaorreeable Laxative and NKRVE TOOTH. Bold by Druggists or sent by maiL 25o..6dc--J and 81.00 per package. Samples free. Tr TTaS The Favorite TOOTH P0TO81 liU 1J. V for the Teeth and Jireth,(i, You Will surely find that in every particular there is no superior among all baking pow ders to PMIJM V the W.L.Douclas S7 vUfllT 13 THE VEST. CORDOVAN. rM.5-0 FlNECAlF&rftNSAROU POLICE, 3 Soles. 2.1.5 BOYS'SCHOOliHOEa - - LAD1ES. OCMU UK VMIMLUttUH WMPOUOLAS. BROCKTON, MASS. 1 Yon enn save money by wearing: the W, I,, Douglas ta.OO Shoe. uciwuie we nrm Mm uu-gvBB msDaiaemmi ni this gradaof shoes In the world, and n-iiarantAA thniv value by stamping the name and price o tt uoiwjm, wmcft prowxH you against high prices aad th -1 . I . work In style, easy fitting and wearing aualltles. We have them sold everywhere at lows the value given than any other Biake. Take no sub- sunue. u your aeaier cannot guppiy you, weoan. Cook's Musical Institute SFnpo0wRTpeNrS encing Quite a " boom " because of the remark. able sucoesses of Miss May Cook, both in Europe iiu 111 tut, J-.OSL, ns n wuutri piMUlst. ruf mux- ougn methods this school is unsurpassed. AT WHOLESALE PRICKS CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS Blue Cornsr, Morrl'on snd Second Sit , POETLAND, - - OREGON. Hood Giires m(50.fOB; A CASE IT WILL NOT CUReTl DO YOU FEEL BAD? DOES YOUR BACK ache? Does every step seem ft burden? You need MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY. l,llEl)GE, ' Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used.. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with 'ess expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial ' properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. . TRAVEL? IF SO, YOU WILL FIND THE BIC FOUR ROUTE THE BEST LINE VESTIBULE TRAINS. ELEGANT DINING CARS. QUICK TIME. Ask lor Tickets via Big Four Route; e. o. Mccormick, o. b. martin. Pass. Trafflo Manager. ' ' Gen. Pass. & Tkt. Ag-L . CINCINNATI. HERCULES Engines ; GAS and GASOLINE -NOTED FOR SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH, ECONOMY -ANI SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP In Every Detail. These enirines are aaknowlAriirAri Vtv Avtwtri n. glneers to be worthy oi highest commendation for simplicity, high-grade material and superior workmanship. They develop the full actual horse power, and ran without an Electric Hpark Battery; the system ol Ignition is simple, iuex. pensive and reliable. . .. For pumping outfits lor irrigating purposes no better engine can be found on the Paclllo Coast ' ....(.,. i For hoisting outfits for mines they have met with highest approval. For Intermittent power their enonnmv is nn. questioned. . . . . MM MANUFACTURED BY ' PALMER KEY TYPE FOUNDRY, Cor, Front and Alder 8t.t PORTLAND, - OREGON. Bend for catalogue. . ' ' , . P. N. U. No. 660 8. F. N. U. No. 637 MEMm CIIUFX WriHIf All HSi (All? I Best CouKh Syrup. Tastes Good, Use in time. Boia Dy aru&frtsts. " r " DO YOU S rlARIN . ' swrSf 4 . sari