he Hood River Glacier. It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. VOL. 6. . HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1894. NO. 15. 3food Iftver (Stacier. PUBLISHED CTIBT SATURDAY MOKJOHO T S. F. BLYTHE, Publisher.' SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. On. year Six month..,. Three months. 8n(le oopy ...H M 1 00 M Ceato THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr.... 8econd St., near Oak. Hood River, Or, Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly done. " v Satisfaction Guaranteed. . PALACE CAB BUILDERS. Ex-Employes of Pullman and Capitalize Organize a New Company. Hiawatha, Kan., August 28. A com pany of ex-employes of Pullman, backed by capitalists, has been organized to ' build car and manufacture shops here. Brown county citizens have taken $50, 000 in stock and Chicago capitalists $200,000. Louis Myers, President, and ., G. O. Allen, Secretary, will be in Hia watha to-day to select the site. C. O. Allen is the inventor of a new palace sleeping" car, for which Pullman offered him $50,000 and a New York company $80,000 ' and a royalty. The company will be managed on the co-operative plan, each workman to receive a share of the profits, though the capitalists are guaranteed 6 per cent on their invest- . ment before the laborer comes in for his share. The company has control of five patents, and is to manufacture all kinds of . railway equipment. Louis Myers, President of the company, is the archi tect of the initial Pullman cars, and has been in the employ of that company since its organization. Eight hundred ex-employes Of Pullman will come here and begin the. building for the works as goon as preliminary arrangements are made. ;,. .,, '; - .... . . ,, ., ' CUSTOMS INSTRUCTIONS. ' Arrival at the Exterior Port and Not the , Interior Port to Govern. Washington, August" 29. Secretary Carlisle has received a number of tele- - grams of inquiry from customs officers as to the details to be observed in carry ing the new tariff into effect. The re plies were of no special interest with the exception of one, which states on the authority of the decision of the United States Supreme Court that imported goods destined for any interior point will be considered as having been im ported when they arrive at the custom house at the seaboard, or, technically speaking, the arrival at the exterior port and not theinterior port will govern, in determining the time of arrival. " In an swer to a telegram from the Boston cus toms authorities Secretary Carlislisle has replied, holding that no goods which ar rived in port before midnight on August 27 are entitled to -entry under the new tariff act. This applied to goods under government order for -which no entry has been made and to goods in port en tered and also to goods entered for which permits have not been presented. .- Advised to Hold Their Wheat. ' Goldendale, Wash., August 81. M. A. Showers, "the" horseman recently lo cated in Goldendale, has just received a letter fronj L. L. Harris, a grain buyer of Lincoln, Neb., who owns a line of elevators on the Burlington road from Chicago to. . Denver. Mr. Harris says there has recently been a heavy pur chase of wheat by Germans, owing to the poor crop' outlook in Europe. Fur ther, t that there was a much greater shortage of the crop in Europe than was anticipated.- Mr. Harris said he be lieved, if the farmers could hold their wheat until next June, that they would receive three times the present prices of fered. Mr. Showers has great confidence in Mr. Harris, as he believes he is from long years ' of successful experience strictly on the inside of the world's mar kets. Mr. Showers is of . the opinion most of the Klickitat farmers will have to sell, owing to pressure of obligations; but should they manage to hold a part, he believes they will be well rewarded. Wlngf Dame in the Sacramento. San Fbancibco, August; 31. A local firm has received a contract from the government for making' an improvement in the Sacramento river, which will un doubtedly be of importance to steamers and other craft traveling those Waters. Fot years the navigation of the Sacra mento river as far as the capital city has been made difficult by reason of danger ous obstructions at Hickock's Shoals, ten miles below Sacramento. The river cur rents have formed a bar at that point, which makes the river impassable except at high water. Under the contract just awarded it is proposed to construct wing dams from the shores and cut the bar out. With the aid of wing dams it is expected that sufficient current will be created to keep this particular point in the rivei: clear of sand and make the river navigable at all times. . tv. Over a love Affair. . Sas Jose, Cal., August 29. Miss Ada Nichols, the sixteen-year-old daughter of Theodore Nichols, committed suicide miles above Los Gatos, by taking strych- ! nine. No motive is known, but probably it was despondency over a love affair. 1 TERRIBLETAUREGS They Annihilate French Sortie Party at Timbuctoo. IT CREATES CONSTERNATION, Accounts of Other Battle and the Oc cupation of Tlmbuotoo by the French Troops Detachment Make a Sortie From the Town and is Cut to Pieces Pabis, August 30. According to a re port, received at St. Louis the French garrison at Timbnctoo after three days' desperate fighting with the Tauregs and other hoBtile tribes, which had been be' sieging that city, made a sortie. The beleaguering forces in overwhelming numbers fell upon the sortie party, fairly KaiiiuuHuug iin . aui.uewi) iitta vreaieu -1- i i it. . mi. . t ij consternation in army circles, as it is the second serious resistance the b rench have met with in the vicinity of Timbuctoo since . that important Soudanese town was occupied by them early in the pres ent year. A summary of the move ments of the French in the Soudan and the occupation of Timbuctoo is as fol lows : A French column commanded by Colo nel Bannier arrived at Timbuctoo Janu ary 1, and two days later a detachment of troops with Colonel Bannier at their head, accompanied by . Colonel Hugier and the entire staff, Btarted out on a re connoitering expedition, leaving Captain Philipe as senior Captain in charge of the post at Timbuctoo. This t rench de tachment in some manner never fully explained tothe public was surprised in sleep in camp at Dougoi, two hours' march north of Gourdam and three days' march from Timbuctoo. . The Arabs, vilieujr xnutcgo uwuuwu cuu vu awu, armed with lances and knives, entered the French camp by several sides during the darkest hours of early morning, and overturned the stacked arms in front of the sharpshooters, who, being surround' ed, were unable to seize their rifles to de fend themselves successfully. The Arabs massacred nearly the entire detachment, consisting of the Fifth and Eleventh Companies of Soudanese sharpshooters. A French officer, Captain Negotte, though seriously wounded in the head, succeeded in escaping to a platoon of soldiers left some distance behind the main camp to guard captured flocks. This platoon was under the command of Lieutenant Sarda. It retreated to Timbuctoo, bringing with it a few .wounded who had escaped, the massacre at Dougoi. The Tauregs pur nnerJ the retreating soldiers, and rjracti- cally invaded Timbuctoo, which Captain Philippe made baste to aetena pending the arrival of reinforcements. It was stated that at Dougoi the French lost nine officers, two European Ser geants, an interpeter and one Sergeant, six Uorporais ana sixty-one native sharpshooters. For the defense of Tim buctoo Captain Philippe had 100 rifles and six cannons, but this was a very small force with which to hold. a town of 12,000 people, situated amid hot, mov ing sands on the verge of a morass and having a water inclosure about three miles in circumference. " But a column commanded by Colonel Joffer was on its way to remtorce the rrencn at ximouc too, and having sent messengers to the Colonel and communicated with the commander of the French flotilla on the Niger river, the Captain made the best disposal possible of his small force, and with the co-operation of the populace succeeded in holding out until the Joffer column arrived.' This column was com posed of a company and a half of sharp shooters, a squadron of Spahis, a splendid . i iir ' , ' C 1 Airican cavairy, au . auxiliary opauie and two guns. It also included the horses, mules drivers, etc., of the first column. It followed the land route by Sanding. Monipe, Namaph, Ere, Soumpe and Gourdam, and met with a serious opposition during its advance. January 20 a company of sharpshooters marched oaNiafunke, supported by cavalry and artillery. They were confronted by two kilometers - of a swamp, which , sur rounded the village, in front of which were 400 warriors drawn, up in. natue array, xne warriors cnargeo tne rencn force.. The latter in less than fifteen minutes killed over 100 of the Africans. Theothers took flight,: and the village was captured without any loss on the part of the Joffer column. Several such engagements took place, 'cannon and cavalry being repeatedly called into use. February 20 the advance guard of the Joffer column reached Timbuctoo, and the column itself' soon afterward, It is in all probability part of the forces of Captain Philippe and Colonel Joffer which according to the advices from Senegal has been 'cut to pieces by the Arabs. It is believed that the garrison of Timbuctoo has since the Joffer column arrived there been again reinforced. - no' confirmation b? the bbpokt. ' Paris. August 30. The Journal des Debate has received a dispatch similar to the one made public to-day. This dispatch , announced that after, three days' fighting the detachment of the garrison of Timbuctoo , made a, sortie. This detachment was composed of two companies. ,. Both reports agree in stat ing that the detachment taking part in the sortie was cut to pieces. Inquiries made on the subject at the Ministry of the Colonies show that no confirmation of the report has been received there up to this evening, and the official in charge expressed the opinion that ' there is no truth in it, claiming that, if fighting had occurred, news would have reached the ministry from Kayes, through which place all news must pass.. The original dispatch fropa Senegal was.received from a private source. The latest official dis patches from Timbuctoo declare the French forces there were adequate to cope with the Tauregs, who, it was added, had been cowed by recent, defeats and were indisposed to resume hostilities. ABROAD. What Foreign Newspapers and Corre spondents Say of-It. " London, August 81. The Morning Post says of the new United States tar iff: "There is a fair prospect that the tariff will benefit the American and English people. Still it is rash to build up hopes of an immediate revival of in ternational commerce. The real, check to our business with the States has been the confusion of American currency and the unsettled condition of public affairs The circumstances under which the new act was passed do not promise perma nent improvement." The Daily .News says : " The tariff is at least a compromise and stop can. sir ing some expression to the national con demnation of extreme protection as pro nounced at the last Presidential election. Business must benefit by ending the un certainty, which has long affected com' merce in and with the United States." THE CUBAN SUGAR INDUSTRY. London. August 81. The Central News agency correspondent in Madrid says : in consequence of the new American tariff the government customs officials in Cuba will apply the maximum to all imports from the United States. The officials expect serious injurv to the Cuban sugar industry, as well as to the Cuban Treasury, from the higher tariff on American imports." ' MUCH UHBBAOB TO GERMANY. London. August 81. The Standard's Berlin - correspondent says: "The United States tariff has eiven much um brage to uermanv. JBaron Marschall. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, will enter into negotiation with Mr, Bunyon on points most affecting Ger man commerce. According to opinion here the effect of the sugar duty will be rather to induce bounty-giving in the countries that raise sugar than to abolish bounties.': v - . ; TALKS WITH ENGLISH WOOL BROKERS. London. August 81. A representative of the house of Windeler & Co., the largest wool brokers engaged in Ameri can trade in .London, in an interview to-day expressed the opinion that the American tariff bill would undoubtedly benefit the English market, which is now feverish an uncertain. Stocks are held firm here, and dealers in the United States are demanding lower prices. The large stock of wools in the United States and elsewhere, he believes, makes a permanent rise doubtful. There is little business now, and the next public sale will not take place Until September 18. The American dealers insist upon cheaper raw material in consequence of their re duced profit. The wool-broking firm of Jacob dV Coi-- concur in -the -views-of Windeler & Co., adding that a recent sale of 2,000 bales has been made to American buyers. Yorkshire houses are jubilant over the passage of the tariff bill into a law, and are confident of in creased business in the future. WHAT CANADIANS THINK OF IT. , Toronto, August 31. The new tariff law as passed by the United States Con gress causes considerable discussion here among business men, and it is generally believed it will have an important bear ing on Canadian interests. The most important feature of the measure, so far as Canada is concerned, is the placing of sawed and dressed lumber and all kin dred materials on the free list. It is thought among lumbermen that the ab olition of duty will mean in the course of the next few years an export trade upward of $20,000,000 with the United Stat es. Free wool will also result in a considerable expansion of trade. Bar ley, in which Ontario enjoyed a large trade before the McKinley bill became operative, will, it is thought, hardly re vive under a duty of 30 per cent. The same may be said of the egg and horse trade, in which Ontario did a very prof itable business., flax-growing, salt making and bean-growing will probably become profitable industries in West Ontario. On the whole, the new bill is welcomed by business men generally as a harbinger of increased trade between the two countries. - - THE OREGON SHORT LINE. Same Receivers Appointed Who Are Managing the Union Pacific Omaha, August 29. A special from Cheyenne says : A suit in equity for the foreclosure of a mortgage on the Oregon Short Line was filed in the United States Court for the district of Wyoming to-. day. The action was brought in the name of John F. Dillion, trustee, and the defendants are the Oregon Short Line, Utah, Northern, Union Pacific, Ameri can Loan and Trust Company and the i t il. T r : r i.-... i: rru. receivers ui iruv uuiuii x ttuiuu. - iuv amount of' the mortgage is $14,931,000, which was given petitioner as trustee to secure the payment of bonds. . The at torneys for Dillion, who were in court to-day, are Wilson Speyer of New York and Potter & Burke of Cheyenne. John M. Thurston of Omaha appeared for the receivers, while W. R. Kelly of ; Omaha and Judge Lacey of Cheyenne appeared for the company. The whole matter was amicably disposed of in a short time. Judge Biner appointed for the Short Line the same- receivers who are man aging the Union Pacific . Supplementary proceedings will be brought in Idaho and Utah in order to secure like orders from the courts there. This practically unites the Union Pacific system again. , The Exposition Fever. y' ' Los Angeles, August 29. It was defi nitely ,' settled to-day that an Inter national Exposition will be held here from October 15 to January 15." It will be held in Agricultural Park, and a number of buildings, including the main hall, 400 feet long, will be erected at once. ' All the attractions oi the Mid way, the Polish artists' display, the French display and 200 foreign attrac tions have been, secured. THE TARIFF THE TACOMA FAIR Carnival ' Appearance of That f City on Opening Day. BLUE, YELLOW AND WHITE, Extensive Displays of All the Products ; and Manufactures of the Pacific . North west The Cream of the Foreign , Exhibits Are Also to be Seen. ' Tacoma, . 'Wash., August - 29. The Northwest Interstate Fair was formally opened to-day. Speeches were made by the Governors of the States, the Terri tory and the Province the fair is repre- santmg. . There was an immense street parade in the middle of the day, and in the evening there was a pyrotechnic dis play'' at ! the fair grounds. . Altogether Tacoma presented a carnival appear ance. - Blue, yellow and white, . the fair colors, were . everywhere. There were blue, yellow and white sunshades, blue yellow and white buttons and blue, yel low and white ribbons, gonfalons and flags in endless profusion. :i ,. . ' . While the people of Tacoma are re sponsible for the inception of the Inter state Fair project and for successfully carrying it out, they regard it as the joint enterprise oi the commonwealths . i . i i i . .i . . i . -, mm, nave junieu ugetuer iu matte it a success, namely,-Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, British Uolumbia and Alaska. All these have contributed to further the enterprise, and the fair is representative of them. ' There are gathered . together in the buildings of agriculture and horticulture, fisheries' mining, forestry and manufactures and liberal arts, extensive displays of all the products and manufactures of the Northwest. : In a manner never before attempted are shown the resources of this section ' of the country. But a glimpse of what these States have to show was seen in their buildings at the World's Fair. Here are seen the more complete exhibits. - In addition to these displays the fair management has secured the cream of the foreign exhibits that were brought to this country to be exhibited at the Columbian Exposition. . There are six' teen extensive loreign sections in the building of manufactures and liberal arts.t u :'-'::' i v. ' ' . v. .: -,i . i -Amusement , features are. numerous. including many of the best of the Mid way features, at Chicago, such as the Turkish village ; but in addition there are several thoroughly characteristic Western features, such as Indian vil- 3. where the aborigines are Bhown at work and play, and typical lumber and mining camps. ' A beautiful natural park occupies one corner of the large ground. It comprises forty-five acres of the wildest and most picturesque of Washington forest scen ery. Boaming at large in it are tame elk and deer. On a small lake in the grounds are Indians in their dug-out canoes. The situation of the grounds has prompted the admiration of all who have visited them. Sloping away to the Sound, a magnificent view is commanded of the water, of the fir-clad hills and of two mountain ranges the Cascade and Olympics.' Rising far above the jagged, snow-capped peaks of the former range is Mount Tacoma, 14,444 feet high, over shadowing.the very grounds. The lair buildings, interspersed with those of the many concessionaires, are clustered around the grand court, in the center of, which is a small lake. Building the fair and putting the en-. terprise on its feet was an undertaking involving . no small amount of determi nation and hard work. ' The difficulty of securing money was the first obstacle encountered. To start the ball rolling Governor McGraw, the Mayor of the city, professional men, laborers and me chanics turned out one March day, took off their coats and started clearing the grounds with their own hands. Their actual labor accomplished much, while the force of their example had a good effect in securing money to go ahead. . Floods and strikes set matters back somewhat, but indomitable Western enterprise and determination eventually triumphed, and there is now opened to the world an exposition greater by far than any previously attempted west of the Mississippi, excepting only the Mid winter Fair. The cost of the buildings approximates $300,000; the liberal arts building alone cost $135,000. The ex pectation is that 500,000 people will visit this exposition before the gates close on November 1. The fair management is as follows: Henry Bucey, Director General ; J, An thony Gorman, Assistant General Di rector; Executive Committee, G. L. Holmes, George P. Eaton, C. H. Dow, George Stone, A. Gross, A. J. Hayward, G. R. Osgood and F. K. Lane. . , Coiner of the Mint. V ,, San .Fbancisco, August 29! A. T. S potts, ., who was recently appointed corner of the mint of this city, will as sume:' his ; new duties next Saturday. Judge Charles M. Gorhman, the retiring coiner, will close the business of his de partment . Friday , . afternoon. , Judge Gorhman was appointed by President Arthur, and has held the office continu ously for twelve years. During his ad ministration of the coinage department of the San Francisco mint he has coined $273,500,000 in gold and $39,500,000 in silver, a total of $313,000,000. The me chanical wastage since he took charge has been only 4 per cent of the .allow ance permitted by law. Judge Gorhman has held office in the mint longer than any of his predecessors. GOVERNOR WAITE ARRESTED. Charged With Opening and , Reading Another Person's Letter. Denveb, August 29. A warrant was issued to-day for the arrest of Governor Waite on the serious charge of opening and reading a letter addressed to Mrs, Likens, formerly matron at the police headquarters. The warrant was issued by. United States Commissioner Hins dale, who also issued warrants for the arrest of President Denis Mullins of the Police Board, Chief of Police Hamilton Armstrong and Kate Dwyer, matron at police headquarters. . The charge is opening mail and also conspiracy under statutes Nos. 3,892 and 5,440, the penalty for which is a fine of not over $10,000 or two years' imprison ment, or both. The complaint was made by Mrs. Likens, and was investigated by rostomce inspector McMechen. Mr. McMechen laid the matter before United States District Attorney Johnson, who this aiternoon drew up a lormai com' plaint against the four persons men' tioned. This was presented to Commis sioner Hinsdale, and he issued the war rants, which were placed in the hands of Marshal Israel's assistant. Shortly all the parties named were arrested and taken before Commissioner Hinsdale. Governor Waite created quite a scene in the uommissioner's rooms. He was highly indignant, and when Deputy United States District Attorney Rhodes stepped toward him with extended hand, the Governor met him with a cold stare. Governor Waite pleaded "not guilty," claiming he had not opened the letter, but the contents had been read to him. The hearing of the case was set for to-morrow, and when it was sug gested that bail be fixed at $5,000, the prisoner sprang from his chair, paced the floor and exclaimed: - "I will not eive bail.' I am Governor of this State, and the . proceedings are had to interfere with me m the admin istration of my office. I will not give bail. You may send me to jail, but I will not give bail." finally the Oommissioners accepted the Governors personal recognizance to appear for trial in the sum of $100. " THE QUEEN FLOATED. The Damaged Steamer Lifted From the Rooks Near Cormorant Island. Pobt Townsend, Wash., August 29. The steamer City of Topeka arrived from Alaska to-day with late news con cerning the stranded steamer : Queen. Sunday evening at high tide, after the Queen had been relieved of . the freight in the forward hold, the ' anchors and chains taken ashore and several hundred tons of coal discharged overboard, she floated off and was beached at Alert Bay, ten miles distant. A bowlder had pene trated her forward compartment, knock ing off a plate and admitting a large vol ume oi water, but the damage could not be ascertained until the tide had fallen, which would have been yesterday six hours after the Topeka left. Captain Carroll told the nasseneers he was un able to ascertain the extent of the injury, and that he might possibly patch up the aperture and return to the Victoria dry dock for repairs. Two of the excursion ists decided to return and come down on the Topeka, and the others stopped by the vessel and will continue north on the next trip 'of the Topeka. The officers of the Topeka think the Queen more seriously damaged than at nrst re ported, and that it will require much abor and expense to put her in first- class condition. . . A. Lordeaux of Duluth, one of the Queen's passengers who came down to day, said that the shock of the vessel go ing on the rocks was scarcely felt, and that few, realized that the ship . waB aground until next morning. The beach all along Cormorant Island is sand ex cept where the accident occurred, and that for hity or sixty feet is strewn with sharp jagged rocks. The passengers are encamped ashore, enjoying the novelty of the excursion. - WANTS A DIVORCE. Mrs. W. K. Tanderbilt Considering the Advisability of Instituting Suit. New Yobk, August 29. A Paris dis patch says: Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt has under consideration the advisability of instituting proceedings for a divorce. The difficulties, it is said, nearly reached climax some months ago, when the party on the yacht Valiant in the Medi terranean separated. About ten weeks ago Cornelius Vanderbilt went to Lon don to stop further proceedings, but was unsuccessful. Mrs. Vanderbilt is repre sented by Colonel William Jay of New York, who is now in Germany. A prop--osition is said to have been made by Mrs. Vanderbilt for a separation on the basis of an annual allowance of f 300,- 000, the custody of her children and the possession of three houses at JNewport, Islip and New York.1 It is said that Mr. Vanderbilt ottered no objection, but would only consent to terms less liberal than those asked by Mrs. Vanderbilt. She has refused his proposition, and fur ther discussion is postponed until the arrival of Colonel Jay in Paris. Mr. Vanderbilt veEterdav declined to dis cuss the matter further than to say that he had instituted proceedings in divorce. African Steamship Line. ' Philadelphia, August 81. The first direct steamship line between America and the west coast of Africa has been chartered in the State of New Jersey. It will be known as the African Steamship Company. About half of its stock is subscribed, and the boats will ply month ly between this city and Liberia, begin ning about October 1. The company, which will receive a subsidy irom the I Liber i an government of $10,000 a year, ' intends to carry the United States mail. RUSSIAN CYCLONE Towns Razed and Many Crushed" by Falling Buildings. . ACROSS THE SEA OF AZOF. Two Parties of Amerloan Tourists Are . Supposed to Have Been on the Sea at tha Time Impossible for Days Yet to Compute the Damage Done. ' St. Petebsbubg,' August 28. Words cannot describe the wind that swept across the Sea of Azof yesterday. It is impossible for days yet to compute the ' damage done, but it is certain that 1,000 " ' have perished, some by drowning, others v by being crushed under falling houses. " The excitement is great among the Ameri-, ; can colony in this city, for it is feared , k that at least two parties of American -tourists were on the Sea of Azof at the . time the wind did its deadly work. AH . j the afternoon there has been a string of v callers at the American ministry asking, t almost begging, for news from Odessa,. ( whence the tourists were to have started '' on the regulation sight-seeing trip across the urimea, visiting sebastopol, Balak- ava and the other famous battle scenes. The parties were separate, but it is ., Crobable they started within twelve,,, ours of each other, and according to the : ' schedule of these excursions they would have reached the Straits of . Hertch yes- terday morning, going thence by steam- .. -boat north to Berdiansk, where they would take a train back to Odessa. It ' is said the leader of one of these parties ' had proposed a trip a short distance : north from Temruk into the Lake of the ; Black Cossacks. If his party branched off that way, they have unquestionably perished, tor the storm raged almost : , along the entire east coast of the lake. "! It is hoped some lucky chance delayed : the excursionists so that they could not reach their embarking port to-day. , At a late hour there was still no gen- ' eral report of the disaster on which to 1 ' base surmises oi the Americans' saletv. f i The reports received recount wide havoc. , The wind was first felt at Nogaisk. No-' , gaisk is peopled by fishermen, who were ' out on the water, i When the hurricane ' had swept out to the north a terrible - scene was presented. The village was razed overturned as if an immense plow had been pushed through it. Ly ing everywhere were women and 'chil- - dr en, dead or in the last agonies.' The shallow waters of the Sea of Azoff were ' lashed to such a height that it was plain -: every fishing boat must have been sunk. .. Ihe cyclone swept on to the northwest after wrecking Nogaisk. Its path seemed ' ' to have been unusually wide, for at Ma--. riopol it devastated the country- to a i point eleven miles inland, and had its outer edge far upon the sea. Mariopol ' was practically blotted out of existence. -Not three houses in 100 are left stand- ; ing. It is estimated, that -300 persons -perished in this place alone. North of there the cyclone made a sudden turn , , to the east over Dolga "points. Its left edge inflicted slight damage to the town - of Berdiansk. Houses were unroofed -. and a dozen persons killed by falling u timbers. . Once at sea. the storm made its full ; fury felt. ' Of the steamers that touch at the port of Berdiansk not one had come in at the hour of the latest report. . . ' Grave fears are expressed that every craft on the sea has gone to the bottom, and that every passenger has been killed. When the windswept over the northern - ' end of Azof it took a new course, and ,: going southerly along . the coast of the land of the Black Cossacks, Temruk and Achuev were ravaged, each town being almost totally destroyed. Telegraphic communication with this district is bus- .' pended, and it is impossible to learn the -extent of the destruction, but at least ' 1,000 persons must have died on the two shores. The storm, as nearly as can be ' ' learned, seemed to suddenly cease its force near Temruk, and passed off with .. . comparative quiet southerly over the black Sea. " ;' ' . PREPARED FOR THB BREAK, Another Johnstown, but Without the .... .". Loss of Life. .. 'r..'fj V Silma, August 28. Gohna Lake, which has for some time past been threatening ' to break its banks and sweep down the valley, at the head of which it lies, has ' broken the dam controlling the waters. " Thousands of tons of water poured ' through the valley like a cataract, sweep- ' ing everything before it. Huge bowl- ders were swept along like pebbles, trees were uprooted and carried on the crest of the flood, and villages along the valley j were swept out of existence in an in stant after the roaring torrent of whirl ing waters struck them. '1 he rainfall during the monsoon has been heavy, , and the lake .rose with great rapidity. The percolation at the dam became very . -heavy, and the engineers who examined - it decided that its breakage was im minent. To repair it was impossible,', and the government at once took steps :'' to prevent loss of life when the break came. Elaborate railway and .tele-- i graphic arrangements were made, and when the dam started to go out the people nearest the point of danger were carried by the railroad to places of safety, while those farther down the val ley were notified to pack up their be- . longings and be prepared to leave their homes when called upon by the govern- ' ment to do so. The call was soon issued " and the people taken away. .Sowhen,,, the flood really came the valley was deserted by everybody.- To this wise foresight of the government is due the fact tnat great loss of life was averted. J