The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 01, 1894, Image 1

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It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
NO. 14.
3ood Iiver Slacier.
. The Glacier Pablishlng Company.
On. year ........ft 00
bx month. I
Three month. , 10
BnKle copy Cat
Grant Evans. Propr.
Second St., near Oak. . Hood River Or.
Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly don.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. ,
Organized Labor Demands Free
Coinage of -That Metal.
Representative Hartman of Montana
Presents Resolutions for the Free
Coinage of Silver, Accompanied by an
Address' of the Labor Leaders. "
Washington, August 24. Representa
tive Hartman of Montana has presented
in the House resolutions for; the free
coinage of silver, which are, regarded by
the free-silver advocates as one of the
most significant expressions in favor of
their doctrine which have been elicited
by the agitation of the past year. The
resolutions have been considered and
adopted during the present session by
-the most powerful labor organizations
of the country, are strongly worded and
,are signed by the' chief officers- of the
various unions. . The signers are J.. D.
Boveriegn, Grand Master Workman, and
John W. Hayes, Secretary and Treasurer
of the Knights of Labor; Samuel Gomp
ers, President of the American Federa
tion of Labor : Marion Butler, President
of the National -Farmers' Alliance;
Henry H. Trenor, President, and P. F.
McGuire, Secretary of the Brotherhood
of Carpenters and. Joiners; P. M. Ar
thur, Chief of the Brotherhood of Lo
comotive .Engineers ; X). A. - Rollinson,
President of the Farmers' Mutual Bene
fit Association; Frank Sargent, Grand
Master Workman, and F. W. Arnold,
Secretary of the Brotherhood of Locomo
tive Firemen, and John McBride, Presi
dent of the United Mine Workers of
America.' ; i '.
-Accompanying the resolution is an ad
dress to the members of organized labor
and all other producers and toilers
throughout the United States. The ad
dress declares " that in view of the gen
eral distress at a time when granaries
are full and in the natural order of things
producers and toilers should be enjoying
the fruits of their labors it seems the
time has come for united action on the
part o r those who create the wealth of
the country." One of the causes which
has brought about this condition, the
address says, is the departure from the
wise bimetallic financial principle of
Washington, Jefferson and Hamilton and
the substitution of the , monometallic
policy dictated by the European money
holders and their American allies.
A review of the financial legislation is
given to show what part was enacted in
the interest of the producing and what
in that of the non-producing classes.
The proposition is set forth that before
the demonetization of silver 3,500 bush
els of wheat or 35,000 pounds of cotton
equaled the annnal pay of a Senator or
Congressman, while to-day 10,000 bush
els of wheat or 100,000 pounds of cotton
barely suffice; that formerly 35,000
bushels of wheat or 350,000 pounds of
cotton would have paid the salary of the
President, while to-day he receives the
equivalent of 100,000 bushels of wheat
or 1,000,000 pounds of cotton, "and the
same proportion applies to all other fixed
salaries and incomes. t . - .
Demoralization of the food-producing
sections is said to have caused the man
ufacturers to lose the markets for their
goods, bo that hundreds of thousands of
workmen have been thrown out of em
plovmenU and the demonetization of
half of the world's volume of money
makes it comparatively easy for capital
ists to'corner and manipulate the other
half. In the review of financial legisla
tion it is charged that all the acts since
the civil war have been in the interest
of bondholders arid against the produ
cers, and the Sherman law is said to
have been repealed at the demand of
European financiers, although a grand
fight was made by the people's repre
sentatives.. ... . ,; ' !' .,'
The resolutions are as follows : " We
demand of the present Congress the im
mediate return to the money of the con
stitution as established by our fathers by
restoring the free and unlimited coinage
of silver at a ratio of 16 to 1, the coins
of both metals to be equally full legal
tender for all debts, public and private,
as before the fraudulent demonetization
of silver in 1873. We also condemn the
increase of the public debt in a time of
peace and the issue of interest-bearing
bonds at any time." ;., : '
Barber ShoD
Talk ' of Another Uprising on the Ha
waiian Islands.: ' '' ,
v San ' Francisco, , August 25. The
United States cruiser Philadelphia 'ar
rived this afternoon from Honolulu,
bringing the following advices . dated
August 12: '. Several days ago it was an
nounced that the cruiser Philadelphia
was to leave here, and about the same
time the Captain of the British ship
Champion stated that his vessel was
about to leave on a two weeks', crujse,
ostensibly to look over the route of the
proposed Pacific cable. On the day fol
lowing these announcements a petition
was circulated by British residents ask
ing that the Champion remain: The
petitioners professed to be in fear of
trouble if left without armed protection
The Champion's commander then agreed
to remain in port, whereupon Admiral
Walker announced that he hal Chanced
i i . 1 . i :iL XT 711 I
nis minu auout gaums wuu tne ruiia-
delphia, and that he, too, should remain
in port.' This unexpected change in the
plans ot the naval commanders caused
unusual comment, The royalists pre
fessed to believe that, had the Phila
delphia left, there would have been an
uprising against the government. ' Men
h iirh in the government counsels, how
ever declared they were anxious for the
Philadelphia to leave, as it would give
them an opportunity to show the royal
ists that the government needed no out
side protection. The wishes of these
confident supporters of the government
were fulfilled yesterday when the mail
from San Francisco brought positive
orders to Admiral Walker for the Phila
delphia to proceed to Mare Island at
The war between China and Japan
threatens disturbance of more or less
seriousness on the islands. A report has
been received of one fight between Chi
nese and Japanese laborers, and further
outbreaks are , feared on some of the
large plantations.
All Maritime Powers Asked to Join In
an .Agreement.' - .
Washington, August 25. The State
Department has initiated the next phase
of the sealing question by addressing
similar notes to all maritime powers in
viting them to agree to an agreement
reached by the United States and Great
Britain relative to the protection of seal
fisheries. This was made necessary by
the award of the Paris arbitration, which
found the United States have no exclu
sive jurisdiction over the seal waters,
and. that these could be protected only
by mutual agreement. By the terms of
the treaty submitting her case to arbi
tration Great. Britain was bound to
agree to the arrangement as to closed
seasons and closed seas imposed by the
arbitration tribunal. . This, of course,
could have no effect upon other nations,
and ships sailing under the flags of Ger
many, France, Russia, Sweden or even
Hawaii were left by the award free to
prey upon the seals anywhere outside
i.ho t. hrno.milo lifen It. frfim A lata Iran omroD
and islands. To meet this the tribunalUeive upon what principle a jury trial is
recommended that an effort be made to
secure the adhesion of other powers to
the same arrangements that bound Great
Britain and the United states.; There
were indications that certain enterpris
ing merchants were making ready to
conduct a raid, on seals under other flags
than out own and Great Britain's, prob
ably the Hawaiian and German flags,
and it was felt to be the only prudent
course to avoid any disagreeable in
cidents in the future by securing the ad
hesion of the maritime nations to the
agreement ; ... ...
The Dominion's Efforts for a Pacific
Cable Praised. :
t r . . , .....
London, August 25. In reviewing its
own articles on the Ottawa intercolonial
conference the Times says : Canada's
keenness for the Pacific cable is remark
able, because she already has direct and
virtually unassailable telegraphic com
munication with Great Britain. The
Canadians in this are working for one
of the noblest ideas they could entertain,
namely, the unity of empire, its security
and its prosperity. As regards the steam
ship scheme the difficulty is with the
Australian colonies, which do not yet
display such devotion to the idea as is
shown by Canada. For the cable scheme
nevertheless there is abundant sympa
thy, which doubtless will develop into
active concurrence. It is expected that
the Earl of Jersey's report will be in fa
vor of subsidies for Atlantic and Pacific
steamers. The idea of an imperial serv
ice promises such solid advantages that
no minor objections ought to be listened
to for a moment. 1 On the contrary it
would be sound policy and good finance
to incur some expense in order to estab
lish it, even although the prospect of its
becoming fully self-supporting is some
what remote. 'The stimulus to imperial
commerce would be immense, and would
indirectly bring imperial advantages far
more liable than any that can be ap
praised in a statistical abstract."
- An Indiscreet Missionary.
' Washington, August 23. Some days
ago dispatches from Mexico announced
that Rev. H. R. Moseley, a Baptist min
ister, had been imprisoned at Santillo,
Mexicoj as the result of publishing a
pamphlet entitled " Three Centuries of
Romanism in Mexico." As the Mexi
cans who profess any faith are generally
Catholics, this publication caused great
excitement in the country, and it is
probable the reverend missionary was
arrested by the authorities to preserve
him from harm quite as much as to pun
ish him. At any rate they made no
objections when . United States Consul
Donnelly requested his release, and the
Consul-General notified the State De
partment by telegraph that he had
escorted the minister safely across the
border. ;.
House Judiciary Committee on
! ; ' Their Deportation.
And Declares Public Safety Demands
the Immediate' Passage of the Bill
for Deportation Full Constitutional
1 ' ' Power for the Laws' Enactment.
Washington, August 23. A strong re
port favoring the rigid exclusion and
deportation of alien anarchists has been
made by the Committee on Judiciarv.
The report says:"'" It is admitted on all
hands the question is one of very great
importance, and that legislation on the
subject is called for by every considera
tion of public safety. The committee
advises that, owing to the severe legisla
tion recently adopted by France and
Italy, a great many dangerous anarchists
are making their way to the United
States, and as under existing laws they
cannot be denied admission to our ter
ritory, the United States will soon be
the rendezvous of these human monsters
unless the proposed legislation is speedily
xour committee is of the opinion
the United States is fullv instified bv
the existing conditions in using all its
power to prevent the immigration and
settlement in this country of men who
repudiate all , law, all government and
practically proclaim themselves enemies
of mankind.
" Your committee has no disposition
to hamper the rigorous and prompt ex
ecution of all laws providing for the ex
clusion and deportation of these classes
by unnecessary proceedings and delays.
and is now willing to concede that the
Superintendent of Immigration and the
Secretary of the. Treasury may be fully
trusted to confine the operation of the
law to those justly subject to its provisions."-
The report takes up the various ob
jections made to the proDosed measures.
and disposes of each of them. Concern
ing the objection that the bill is faulty
in not defining anarchy the report says :
"As the meaning of the word is defined
as 'absence of government; the state of
society where there is no law or supreme
power; a state of lawlessness.; political
confusion,' and as its meaning is well'
known, it is considered unnecessary to
encumber -the act with a special defini
tion. ' The committee meets the objec
tion that persons could not be charged
with anarchy and deported without jury
trial by saying: "It would hardly be
contended, we suppose, that the govern
ment ought to maintain a jury at every
port of entry for the purpose of passing
on the qualifications of immigrants who
desire to enter. We are unable to per-
insisted upon in order to deport an alien
whose residence in the country is con
sidered detrimental to the public wel
fare." In conclusion the report states there
is full constitutional power for the en
actment of the proposed law, and that
there is urgent necessity for the imme
diate passage of the bill. ....
i . . ;
The Dude and the Tramp a Produot
' . Our Civilization.
' Baltimore, August 25. Grand Master
Workman Sovereign addressed a large
meeting of workingmen last night, in
the course of which he said : ;
" In America to-day there are 3,000.000
men willing to work who are idle for
want of work to do, molding themselves
or rather being molded into felons and
beggars. Uharity has been strained as
it waB never strained before, but Btill the
cry for bread from starving throats is
heard all over the land. These men are
being turned into tramps. The tramp
has been described as a cross between
poverty and crime, but I think the dude,
a product of our civilization, can justly
be described as a cross between nobody
and nothing. Both are the results, the
outcome of monopoly the monopoly
that, unless it is throttled, will cause the
death of the Republic."
Ready lor the New Law. '
Washington,' August 25. Prepara
tions for carrying into effect the new tar
iff bill are going forward at the Treasury
Department with all possible speed.
Secretary Carlisle has already prepared
a blank form of license for custom-house
brokers provided for in the bill, and it is
now in the hands of the printer. Sev
eral clerks . are hard at work preparing
an index for the new tariff. The tariff
volume of the bill lor the convenience of
customs officers will contain both the
new laws and the McKinley law of 1890.
It is expected by the time "the new bill
becomes a law all preliminary work save
that of issuing instructions to customs
and internal revenue officials will have
been done. . ' . .
. The Nez Perce Treaty.
Washington, August 25. The bill rat
ifying the Nez Perce Indian treaty, now
a law, carries with it $1,668,622; $668,
622 is to be paid as soon as the depart
ment can arrange the necessary details.
Representative Sweet of Idaho after sev
eral interviews with department officials
reports the work progressing rapidly.
The division on accounts is preparing a
list of those entitled to payments under
the agreement. The land will be opened
for settlement by proclamation of the
President in ample time. The agricult
ural land is to be sold at $3.75 per acre ;
mineral, stone and timber lands at $5 an
For Once the Japanese Are Routed With
Heavy Loss.
London, August 23. The Times has
received the following dispatch from
Shanghai, dated August 21: General
Tio, commanding the Feng Tien division
of the Chinese forces, telegraphs as fol
lows;. The Chinese Friday attacked the
Japanese forces at Ping . Yang, driving
them back with a heavy loss a distance
of- eleven miles to Chung Ho. The Chi
nese made a second attack Saturday, and
drove the Japanese from Chung Ho,
which is now in Chinese hands. The
Japanese again lost heavily in Saturday's
lighting. Another great battle is ex
pec ted to-dav.
Admiral Freemantle, the British com
mander, has established the headquar
ters of his fleet at Chee Foo, where the
British, Russian and American Minis
ters now are. The Chinese fleet Is en-
'joying full possession of the Gulf Pei
Chi Lei. The Japanese are embarking
troops at Jbusan. .Nothing is known re
garding their destination.
'1 he Chinese force which occupied Ya
shan has evacuated that - place and
marched eastward in . the . direction of
Seoul. The force, which is under Gen
eral Yeh, has been augmented by the
adhesion, of numbers of ' sympathizing
uoreans. The Uhinese lorces are con
verging on Ping Yang. The English line
at the latter point remains in possession
of the Chinese. Nine thousand Japan
ese troops have left Seoul and marched
in the direction of Ping Yang. . Two
German fathers of the Catholic mission
at Si Ning Cou in the southern part of
the province of Shan Tune have been
captured by banditti and held for ran
som. A government posse is in pursuit
of the robbers.
. .Shanghai, August 23. It is reported
there was : a great slaughter of men in
the' battle between Japanese and Chi
nese forces at Chung Ho Saturday, in
which the Japanese were driven from
that place. - ,
It is stated that James Wylie, a Pres
byterian minister, had died from inju
ries received at the hands of Chinese
soldiers. "" i ...: ; .; ;
The Corean Minister is Anxious to Get
: , Back Home. .
Washington, - August 23. Yee Sung
Soo, Corean Minister, and Jarng Bong
Whan, Secretary of legation, left Wash
ington this morning at V 10 -.30 on the
Pennsylvania, limited : for Chicago on
their way home. They will leave San
Francisco on the 28th instant, and. exr
pect to reach Yokohama about , the
middle of September. As the regular
lines of commerce between Japan and
Corea are interrupted, the Minister yes
terday applied to Secretary Gresham for
permission to go aboard an American
warship at some convenient Japanese
port, and that instructions be sent to
Commodore Carpenter to have him and
his Secretary landed on Corean soil.
The State and Navy Departments have
the matter -under consideration, and it
is likely the Corean s will be taken aboard
the Concord, Petrel or Monocacy at
Nagasaki and landed at Chemulpo. , The
only question arising is the taking of a
foreign representative aboard a United
States man-of-war under the existing
condition of affairs in the East, especially
when the United States is pursuing a
policy of absolute neutrality. The Min
ister has a wife and large family in Corea,
and be goes to see them as well as to
learn for himself the condition of affairs
there'. -5 The usual time for leave of ab
sence allowed the Ministers of the
United States is six months.
Only Three Errors That Need to Give
. ; Any Concern. .
Washington, August 25. The legisla
tive and engrossing clerks of the Senate
have been comparing the statement of
errors in the tariff bill in various papers
to-day, and say there, are only three
errors that need to give officers of the
treasury any concern. These are the
paragraphs relating to free admission of
alcohol in the arts, the diamond sched
ule and perhaps the omission of a period
in the paragraph relating to stamping
foreign manufactures. ' : .
in the case of diamonds they believe
the construction placed will be that in
tended by Congress, and they will pay
the duty imposed on precious stones.
As to the other errors enumerated it is
claimed that by no system of construc
tion can the alleged mistakes . be made
to either impose higher duties or allow
the free admission of the articles named.
Members of the Finance Committee are
of the same opinion. . ...
Another California Railroad.
San Francisco, Cal., August 23. The
United States Railroad Company has
incorporated with a capital of $5,000,000.
It purposes building a railroad up the
San Joaquin Valley from Stockton to
Bakersfield. It is particularly described
in the petition as follows : Commencing
at Stockton, San Joaquin county, and
extending in a southwesterly direction
through the counties of San Joaquin,
Stanislaus, Merced, Madera, fresno, Tu
lare and Kings and thence in a southerly-
direction through Kern county to
Bakersfield, with branches from the
main line to the towns of Modesto, Mer
ced and Fresno. Also to acquire, hold,
trade in and use all such real estate and
othsr property as may be necessary for
the construction and maintenance of
such a railroad and for all stations, de
pots, sidings and other purposes neces
sary to successfully construct, work and
carry on the business of such a railroad.
The road shall be for transportation of
passengers, mails, freight and express.
The length is 250 miles. There are 50,
000 shares of stock, valued at $100 each.
The Great Labor Leader Before
c. the Strike Commission.
The Announcement Made That There is
Now on Foot a Movement to Form a
1 United and Grand Railway Organlza
- tiou An Earnest Recital.' -
Chicago,' August 21. President E. V.
Debs "of the American' Railway Union
was a witness before the Strike Commis
sion to-day . The courtroom was crowded
from bench to doorways. " Now tell us
in your own way, Mr. Debs," said Com
missioner Wright, "what you know of
the Pullman strike and results." " '
Leaning forward in his seat,' the tall
leader of the great strike began in a
low, clear voice a recital which gradually
became more earnest and forcible as he
proceeded until it developed into almost
an oration. He told of having received
word that a strike in Pullman was im
minent and of his coming to Chicago to
investigate "I found," he said, " the
men were working for the Pullman Com
pany at, wages upon which they could
not live. " I found salaries had been cut
time and again until skilled mechanics
were working their lives away for wages
not sufficient for day laborers ; that the
town of Pullman was so schemed that
every penny the workingman made found
its way back to the company. In fact,
I found ' the workingmen of Pullman in
a pitiable condition, and determined I
would do all in my power as President
of the American Railway Union to im
prove the condition of these men. The
strike followed, ordered by the men
themselves. Then came ' the boycott
ordered by the duly elected delegates to j
our convention, and then followed the
railroad strikes, ordered by the various
local unions, each of which had a griev
ance of its own."
" Would the railroad strike have oc
curred if there had been no Pullman
trouble," asked Commissioner Wright.
' No ; the Pullmau strike was the
prime cause. We desired to stop full
man's cars and shut off his income, thus
forcing him to arbitrate, but the railroad
men had grievances of their own. The
General Managers' Association had been
organized with the avowed intention of
giving assistance to the railroads in la
bor troubles. .-Its evident aim was to
driveorganized labor from .: existence.
Ho sooner had this association been
formed than a systematic reduction of
railroad wages all over the country be
gan. The men were ready to strike, and
telt they had cause, Dut tne trouDie would
not have come when it did had it not
been for the Pullman matter. The time
was unpropitious. I did not order the
strikes ; I had not the power. The men
did that themselves. But I do not wish
to shirk any responsibility, and am will
ing to say I heartily concurred in and
approved of the action taken by the
men. As to violence i. nave always con
demned it. I have written and spoken
against it, believing and knowing a
strike cannot be won by violence. As
to the telegrams sent from our office
counseling violence I know of no such
epistles." ''.,-
"What about the 'Buy a gun' tele
gram?" asked a Commissioner.
' That is easily explained. The tele
gram was sent by the private secretary
to a friend in Butte, and was merely a
playful expression. It was sent as such
and so understood."
Debs then said that within five days
after the strike was declared the union
had the railroads beaten. "They were
paralyzed," he said. "But injunctions
were sown broadcast, and shortly after
ward the officials of the American Rail
way Union were arrested for contempt
of court. . That beat us. About this
time General Miles came to Chicago, and
called on the General Managers' Associ
ation, and the next day was quoted in
an interview as saying he had broken
the backbone of the strike. Now I con
sider that call of General Miles as vul
garly out of place. He had no more
right to consult with the General Mana
gers Association than he had to consult
with our unions. I might say, too, it
seems strange that all our letters and
telegrams were made public property,
while not a line of the railroads' corre
spondence was published. If it had been,
I think we could prove the General Man
agers at the secret meeting declared they
would stamp the American Railway
Union out of existence.'? ,
In reply to a question Debs said the
union had taken every possible means
to prevent riot and disorder, and added :
" We objected to the presence of Fed
eral troops, and not State troops and po
lice. If I remember rightly, no serious
outbreak occurred until Federal troops
arrived, as their presence inflamed the
He told of the trouble with railroad
brotherhoods, and continued:
" The brotherhoods haveoutlived their
usefulness, and for that reason I left the
firemen's organization. They were jeal
ous of the American Railway Union.
There is now a movement on foot to
form a united and grand railway organ
ization. Within a few days a proposi
tion will be submitted to the other rail
way organizations, whereby the officials
of the American Railway; Union and
other unions shall resign with no possi
bility of election to office. The principal
cause of strife being relieved, an organi
zation will be effected, if the brother
hoods will consent, which shall include
all employes." . .r 1 1 .
t " What is your opinion as to methods
pf preventing strikes?" asked Commis
sioner Worthington of Debs. ;- --v :
" My own idea, and it is the idea of
the union, is to notiiy au the railroads
of the country. A power like that pru
dently managed would avoid strikes.
The railway managers would recognize
the wisdom of treating it fairly and
meeting it in a conciliatory spirit."
" Do you believe a strike is justified
that interferes with publicconvenience?"
"I believe striking is justifiable, no '
matter wnat tne result, when it resists
enslaving and degrading."
"' Do you believe in government own
ership of railways?" asked Mr. Kernan.
, "Yes, sir; I believe that government
ownership is decidedly better than rail-,
road ownership of the government."
Debs was followed by P. P. Morris
Bey, First Grand Master of the Brother
hood of Railway Trainmen. . The broth
erhood, he said, did not believe in sym
pathetic strikes, ' but individual. The
witness believed in the government own
ership of railroads. ., ,-'. r ,
E. E. Clark of Cedar Rapids, Grand
Chief of the Order of Railway Conduct
ors, told of the hostility between the
brotherhood and the union. . . . ; ' ;
' The Strike Commissioners hava noti
fied George M. Pullman to appear and
testify, and Will also call for several
members of the General Managers' As
sociation. 7 r '
Mrs. MbLeod Baldwin Receives Indein-
. - J , nlty From Mexico. -
Washington, August 24. A celebrated
case, which has occupied a good part ' of
the attention' of the State Department -for.
years and has also figured in Con-.
gress several years, has just come to ti
successful termination, and the Mexican
government has placed with the State
Department to the credit of Mrs. Mc
Leod Baldwin the sum of $20,000 as in
demnity for the assassination of ' her
husband. Mr. Baldwin was superin-
tendent or manager of the Valencia
mines, in August, 1887, while making
a tour of a group of mines belonging - to
a party of American capitalists he was
fired on by two desperadoes and badly
wounded, and sought refuge in a tunnel.
The desperadoes called upon the un
armed miners to surrender Baldwin or
they would fire on them. To save the
li ves of the helpless Baldwin surrendered
himself on the promise that he would
be allowed to nav a ransom and ao freeJ
The bandits put him on a mule, hurried
him down the road, and m a lew min
utes shot him through the brain' and
disappeared. The Mexican government
renounced responsibility for the assassi
nation, and it has taken seven years to
determine otherwise; t
. The six assassins who participated in
the crime were promptly killed. Mrs.
Baldwin claimed an indemnity of $100,-
000 through, the United States govern
ment, and Secretary Bayard wrote some
strong dispatches on the subject to Mr.
T. B. Con ley, American Charge d' Affaires
at the City of Mexico. & -v u-i?
How the Long Island Road Will Gain
: Entranoe Into New fork. '-"'
New York, August "22. Ground, was
broken to-day at the New York end of
the new Blackwell's Island bridge, which '
is to furnish the Long Island railroad ah"
entrance into New York city. There
was no ceremony. The bridge will have "
a capacity of four railroad tracks, if ;
need be, besides a roadway arid foot ;
walks on either side. The spans over . '
both channels of the river will each be
855 feet. ; The span on the island will be 7
635 feet between the centers of the piers.
Ihe distance between the renters of the .
two extreme piers will be 2,865 feet. It
will reach squarely , across the river,
reaching the Long Island shore at
Ravens wood and forming . a junction ,
with the Long Island railroad at Bunny
side, midway between Long Island City '
and Woodside. The approach on the -Long
Island side will be by a. steel via
duct. In order to furnish a more direct
route to Manhatten and Brighton Beach
a "cut-off" will probably be built con- '
necting with the Manhatten Beach di vision
of the Long Island road., It is
calculated that passengers from the
Union station at Third avenue and Sixty
fourth street, New York, can reach Man
hatten Beach in forty minutes without
changing cars. . This is a reduction of ,.,
more than 60 per cent. By most routes
there are disagreeable changes. When
the New York and New Jersey bridge is 1
completed the Long Island road will be '
able to tap directly all the greater roads ;
centering in New "York., - ;
HOPS IN EUROPE. . " ; .,
Germany Will Not Require Any From
. This Country.', ' ; :' -;
Washington, August 24. The Ameri
can Consul at Hamburg, Germany, fe-
ports to the State Department that the
hop harvest, which is but a ' few weeks' '
off, will equal the yield of the most
favorable years in the past, and in conse- .
quence American hops, which have been
extensively used in Germany during the '
last year owing to the small local yield,
will find few, if any, buyers in the Ger-.
man market. Reports from England are
of similar tenor, and it is thought likely "
ii... i : 1 1 : i iL i
bum x-jui ujj win laist) mure iiups una
year than will be required lor home con- '-ii
sumption. , '. ,.;., '. .-.-.i..
Elections in Norway.
London, August 20. The Times' Ber-k
lin correspondent says advices have ;
reached Berlin from Christiana,' Nor- .
way, showing the election of delegates 11 ' '
in the districts of Tromsoe and Finmark iya
indicates no change in the Norwegian-it v
political situation. ' .'"'.: ; ; ?
Bank Dividends Declared. - - "
Washington, August 21. The Comp
troller of the Currency has declared divi
dends in favor of creditors of insolvent
banks as follows : Fifteen per cent of
tne uoiumma JjanK, jxew Whatcom,
Wash., and 10 per cent of the Linn''
County Bank, Albany, Or. .'"... ,i,
". Professor Herman III. '
New York, August 20. Prof. Her- '
mann, the magician, is seriously ill at
his home in White Store. It was re
ported to-night that his condition it very
r r . 'i
it '-f