The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 25, 1894, Image 3

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7 ' 3food Iftver Slacier.
SATURDAY, AUGU8T 25, 1394.
) ;
' Tha mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 11 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
part "ie same days at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A, M.; arrives at
6 P. M. Saturdays.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 8 A. M.;
arrives at i o'ciock r. m.
From While Salmon, leaves tor Fulda, Gil
mer. j.toui iaxe ana uienwooa Mondays,
weanesaays ana r riuavB. - . .,
Canby Post, No. 16, G. A. R., meets at Odd
Fellow's Hall, nrst (Saturday or eaeti montn
hzociock p.m. au jt. a. n, uemuera m
ylted to attend.
M. B. Potter, Commander.
C.J. HAYES, Adjutant. :
Tin cans and wax strings at Dallas's,
The O. B. & N. Co.'s pay car passed
up tn roaa tnureaay. , . . ,.
S. E. Bartmess !s agent for the Brl-
, dal Veil Lumber Uoiupauy. .
' Trimmed and untrimmed Hats at
cost, for 80 days, at Mrs. Hunt's, j
. O. B. Hartley has horses and fresh
milk-cows to trade for cord wood. ;
Langiile & Vox are building a cold
. storage house for the Mt. Hood hotel.
1 J. A. Hanna is hauling rock and lev
eling his lots corner Fourth and Blver
. streets. .!: :
Post master Morse is preparing to
move the post office Into the Morse and
Early building. ' "
We need ten cords of. wood, and will
gladly trade newspaper for it. : Sixteen
Inch stove wood preferred. , ; ,,; j ;
- Asmall lot of wool sold at The Dalles
Wednesday at 10 cents. This is the
highest price paid this season.
i We received a short communication
this week from Tuckers, but as It was
not Signed we could not publish it. : .
Hon. A. R. Bvrkett of White- Sal
moil has about 80 head of hogs, pigs and
shotes, for sale cheap. au46t
' As many of our citizens aire away in
the mountains and at the lakes, the
, town was very quiet during the week.
Twelve of the party camping with
Dr. Brown, at the upper bridge across
Hood river, went to Uloua L-'ap inn
Thursday. . .
Round trip tickets to Portland, good
for return ten days from date or sale,
$3 Tickets on sale daily until Sep
tember sotn.
Langllle & Cox, carpenters, have re'
retitly completed additions to the
houses of John Sweeny and David
Boardtnan of the East Side.
When you want any fruit boxe go
to the Hood River Box Factory. They
also keep all kinds or rough and dressed
lumber. , uraln rolled any day.
We are indebted to Hon. E. L. Smith
for a fine lot of trout packed in Ice
x" from, thj wonderful Ice cave at Trout
Lake, brought in by S. J. LaFrance.
Iryou wish to fence your farm or
door yard, go to the Hood River Box
factory and see their samples.- Thev
are agents for the East Portland Fence
; Improper and deficient" care of the
scalp will cause gray n ess of the hair
nnfl baldness, escape notn oy ine use
of that reliable specific. Hail's Hair
Ren ewer. v,
C. J. Hayes was engaged last week
'surveying for the Hood River Water
Supply company, taking the angles of
the wnoie line or the ditcn, and is now
platting the same for record, ,
Saturday and Monday of each week
will be our grinding days during the
fall and winter. Our. "Whole Wheat
'., Graham" is for sate at the stores as
UBual. . ; . , Harbison Bros.
Mr. A. H. Kennedy, a compositor on
the Arlington Record, made, a call at
the Glacier office yesterday. He was
on his way home from Wind River,
where be has been camping for the last
ten days.
Dr. G. E Sanders will be hereon the
4th. 5th and th of September, with
rooms at the Mt. Hood hotel. He will
give his second talk on dentistry Tues
day evening, September. 4th. , (subject:
Care of the Teeth. .. ; . . '
Bert Graham arrived home Tuesday
from Alto, Washington, where he has
been working with L. NefTs crew of
bridge carpenters on the high trestle at
that place, in is trestle is io reel mgn
and 800 feet long. . -;.
Superintendent Shelley informs us
the apportionment from state and
county this year for school purposes
will be $2.50 per scholar. This is some
thing over two dollars less than the ap
portionment last year.
A petition asking the county com
missioners' court to incorporate the
town of Hood River was circulated du
ring the week and signed by nearly
every voter in the proposed corporate
limits. ' ' '
Dr. G. E. Sanders has purchased of
W.J. Baser tbe steam pump be has
had in use for raising' water from In
dian creek. - Now that the ditch has
come to Mr. Baker, he has no further
use for tbe pump. The doctor has a
ranch on Three-Mile, above The Dalles,
where he will use the pump for raising
water to irrigate his st.awberry ground,
which is as early as any in the state.
Several parties started Wednesday
for the hop fields of the Yakima coun
try. Among those going with teams
and carrying passengers were M.Willis,
William R. Tillett and B. F. Shoe
maker. ' In Tillett's outfit were Guy
Pilkington, Lew Isenbergand Richard
Gibbons. Mr. Shoemaker took with
him his two boys and Harry Hans
berrv. Success to you, boys, and may
you all come back capitalists.
Thomas McDonald returned Wednes
day from an extended visit to relatives
near Wasco, Sherman county. He has
two nephews, William Pugh and La
fayette Barnett, residing there, srho are
among the extensive farmers of this
section of big wheat fields, where har
vesting is still In progress. Two weeks
ago Sherman county whs .-.visited by a
n!n fall that made the roads muddy for
three days. ,
. Dr. U. E. Sanders delivered his first
of a series of lectures on dentistry Wed'
nesday evening. Owing to the fact
that the evening was the warmest of
the season, and many of our citizens
are away In the mountains, the audi
ence was not so large as It snould nave
been. Those who attended were well
; From Oklahoma, Wash;
William Orser of the Oklahoma set
tlement, near C'henowlth, Wash., was
in town Monday. He reports good
crops In his neighborhood. The settle
ment had a fine crop of strawberries,
which commenced to ripen about the
4th of July; making them just right
for late berries. : Black-cap raspberries,
wild, were plentiful, and now the woods
are full of wild blackberries.
Oklahoma settlement is in the upper
part of the Little White Salmon settle
ment, seven miles from Chenowith. It
derived its name from the grand rush
for government land that was made
here two years ago, which was likened
unto the rush to Oklahoma. . When
the boomers learned that they had to
work their claims to make them pay,
most of them abandoned their places
and left ' the ' country. ' Government
land can yet be taken In this settle
ment Mr. Orser or David Schock will
gladly show intending settlers over the
valley free of charge; but, Mr. Orser
says, no bachelors need apply. . Fam
ilies are wanted, so that schools can be
established and supported. ' ' ':
The new wagon road up the valley
from Cook's Landing on the Columbia,
known as the West Side road, is so far
completed that wagons can travel it.
Mr. Orser and family and Bert Veatch
and wife will start next Monday for
the Yakima hop fields. They will go
with their teams, prepared to camp out
on the way. .
The little child of William Wallace
of Chenowith was quite sick the first
ipart of the week. - y
A Strange Light, i
Mr. E. W. Winahs reports that on
Sunday evening last, at the hour of
9:15, while he was at John Busklrk's
house, a mile below town, he witnessed
a strange phenomenon.' in the sky.
Looking to the north, towards Mount
Adams, the sky was red, while to the
south a horizontal streak like an elec
tric light was seen in the heavens,
about where a bank of clouds might
rest, stretching from the northwest to
the southeast. The light kept up for
about fifteen minutes, ' sometimes dis
appearing by sections and the whole
line reappearing again. Others wit-,
nessed the light, and its western termi
nus was seen in the west. ' In the- fif
teen minutes the party watched the
light it dissolved in sections and reap
peared again probably a dozen times.
No clouds were in the sky at the time
and the wind was calm. Mr. Aud Wl
nans, who came down Monday from
his place above .The 'Dalles, says the
light was seen there and was thought
to be a search light thrown from the
war ship Monterey now lying at As
toria. This could not be for the reason
that parts of tbe streak of light were
seen to disappear in a cloudless sky.' .
' Protracted Sleeting. .. .
The protracted meeting held at the
Valley, Congregational church this
week by the Christian Church has de
veloped considerable Interest and will
be continued' through. the coming
week, the services beginning at 7:45
On Sunday there will be a basket
meeting in the grove, to which all are
invited. Elder J. Wi Jenkins will
preach at 11 a. m, 2:30 p. m. and at 8
o'clock p. m. , Subjects: ."Regenera
tion, or the changes necessary- to enter
the kingdom of God;" "Christ the
Creed of Christianity;" "Baptism, its
Action, SubjectS'and Design.", ', '
Bring your baskets and enjoy the
day in the worship of the Lord: ;
: Teachers' Certificates. '
The following persons were awarded
certificates by the county examining
board recently in session at The Dalles:
Fist grade Miss Julia Hill, J. M.
Carroll. v AT' .
Second grade Miss - Lida Johnson,
Miss Nellie Butler, Miss Bess Isenberg,
Miss Millie Parkins, Miss Farrelly.
Third grade Miss Nora Turner, Miss
Annie Thompson, Miss Edith Peabody,
Miss Florence Lewis, Mise Ruch, Miss
Naomah Smith. :. ? ' i j
, . For the Conference.
Tuesday, the following persons left
Hood River to attend the' Methodist
conference at The Dalles: Mrs. W. H.
Bishop, Mrs. N. ' J. Mercer, Mrs. B.
Warren, Miss Madge Warren, Mrs. M.
H. Nickelsen, Chris Nickelsen and
wife. The party all went by the Reg
ulator. Later in the week they were
joined by Mrs. A. R. Byrkett, Mrs.
Flagg and Mrs. Faulkner.
... BORN. v.;
August 20, 1894. to Mr. and Mrs. J.E.
Feak, an eight-pound boy.
I Uucklca-8 Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, . Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Bores, Tetter Chapped Hand,
Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erupt
ions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale . by
Hood River Pharmacy. - ; v
i . Clubbing Rates.
We can mrnlh the New "York Weklv
Wot Id with the Glacier, both papers, for JI.5Q.
The prloe of tbe World alene Is SI a year..
M. Willis started for Yakima Wed
nesday, s
A. L. Phelps and family started for
xaKima Tuesday.
Rev. Father Bronsgeest of Ths Dalles
was nere Wednesday.
' Rudy Cradlebaugh and Roy Slocum
went to Trout laKe Sunday.
S. E. Bartmess and family and Miss
nan went to Trout Lake Tuesday.
:' Mrs. Haynes started Thursday for
Tillamook to visit relatives at her old
Miss Winnie Champllu of Portland
is visiting her grandfather, Mr. George
iiootn. -
A. G. Phelps has been appointed by
Ulstrlct Attorney Jayne as n is deputy
lor vvasco county. .
Dr. E. T. Cams left Saturday for
Portland. He will return to Hood
River November 1st.
W. H. Bishop and Thomas McDon
aid went to The Dalles yesterday to at
tend tne conference.
Dr. G. E. Sanders and wife of The
Dalles were guests at the camp of Hon
VV. ti. Wilson during the week..
M. V. Harrison, who last week was
laid up with a bruised, hand, is around
again, but ms nana is yet painrui.
Miss Maggie Bishop took the east-
bound train Wednesday for uenx, ur.,
to visit her old home, sister and mends.
Miss Emma Prltchard of Portland Is
visiting her mother, Mrs. A. E. Stran
ahan, and aunt, Mrs. George P. Crow-
ell- ....... , . . .
A letter from Miss Irene Calllson to
her uncle, M. Willis, states that she
will start for Hood River about the 30th
of August. , . ,
Mrs. Sarah Gray and Miss Josie Rog
ers arrived yesterday from Puget sound
on a visit to their parents, Mr. and
Mrs, E. C. Rogers.
Rev. R. E. Kaufman, pastor of the
U. B. church of Hood River, went to
The Dalles Wednesday to be a spec
tator at tne contei-ence.
Miss Carrie Crowell arrived here
Wednesday from East Tennessee to
visit her brother, George P. C.owell,
whom she had not seen for thirteen
years. ....
Miss Alma Toole has taken a claim
of government land In the Divers set
tlement, near the Rowley' place.'and
C. J. Hayes is engaged surveying the
land for her. . ,,. , ... . .
- Mrs. Horace Richmond of Mt. Hood
went to Portland Wednesday. .-.Her
husband went down a month or so
ago, and they will make their home in
Portland for the winter.
: J. L. Atkinson, ft prominent citizen
of Portland, and arl Jackson, propri
etor of the Portland Sash and Door
Factory, : came up Wednesday and
went out to Cloud Cap Inn Thursday.
Charles Bayard and wife came down
from The Dalles Tuesday In their own
conveyance and that night camped at
Lage's place. Wednesday they went
out to Sandy Flat. Other parties from
The Dalles will follow.
A nnrfv ponslBtirnr of W. f!. Ftrran.
ahan and wife, Mrs. Stranahan's sister,
Mrs. Potter of Minneapolis, Florence
and Grace McKinley and Miss Lucy
Pritchard of Portland, and Clarence
English went t Sandy Flat Wednes,
day of lust week and are expected back
tomorrow. "; ,
Rev. Mr. Rigby and family of Fossil
arrived in The Dalles today and put up
their tent in I. C. Nickelsen 's yard.
ae is a member or tne m. confer
ence and dime prepared to camp out.
which he prefers to living in a house.
'1 imes-Mou u taineer.
F. P. Wegstein of Colfax arrived
here Monday on a visit to Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Cradlebaugh. and Tuesday
went to The Dalles. Mr. Wegstein has
been connected witn the Farmington
and Colfax banks for five years and is
an old friend and acquaintance of Mr.
and Mrs. Cradlebaugh. He Is return
ing from an extended trip to Cali
fornia. ....-! -
Delayed Correspondence.
The following correspondence was
intended for last week's issue, but came
in Friday noon, several hours too late.
Correspondents will please bear in
mind that our paper goes to press at
noon Friday, and communications
should be in the day before or early
Friday morning to insure their inser
tion. ,)..'. ' "' -"
Alven Hersbey is building a house
on the south half of his place, he hav
ing sold the north half which contain
ed the house....
M. A. Cook has the lumber on the
ground for a new barn. "
The big tent which for the last few
months has done service for a' barn on
H. E. Bateham's place has given place
to a new barn and stable. He has also
nearly completed a good stone cellar.
' Mi Hunt has taken the contract of
clearing five acres for O. L. Strauahan
adjoining Ai '.B. Jones j On Indian
creek. ' . .' '
'Five teams are kept busy hauling
wood from the east, side to town, which
shows not only-that the owners did
not lie idle last winter, but that consid
erable clearing is being done,' '
Last Wednesday was an enjoyable
day for the members of the Riverside
Congregational, Pine Grove and Union
Sunday schools as the three united in a
picnic at the Corum place on Neil creek.
Tbe day was spent in fishing, singing,
eating and swinging, especially the lat
ter, and several of the sturdy oaks,
after being s' rained to their utmost,
gave way and suffered amputation of
their limbs. u ' 1 -
", Belmont, Aug. 16, 1894. The mem
bers of the Epworth League desire to
return thanks to all who so kindly
donated refreshments for .' the social
given the eveniug of the 14th; also, to
those that assisted with the programme
Mr. West, qur genial butcher, prel
sen ted the ladies of the Belmont Ep-
worth League with meat for sandwiches
for their social. There was regret, how
ever, that Mr. West was not there 'to
enjoy the sandwiches and night caps.
; The social given by the Belmont Ep
worth League for the benefit of the
pastor's salary was a pleasant affair and
a financial success. Cash ' received,
twelve dollars.
' The programme on the evening of
the 14th, at Belmont, was greatly en
joyed. Mrs. Woodworth of Portland
favored the audience with two , selec
tions which were sung so sweetly that
an encore was given,' to which she
cheerfully responded. Miss Van Wyke
gave a select reading, . which was so
well rendered that one almost thought
the lady just over' from the Emerald
Isle. Little May Summerville was
well received in her recitation VMy Pet
Rooster." Vocal duets by Miss Ingalls
and Miss Hansberry were sweetly sung.
Mrs. Judge Baird, who has been the
guest of Mrs. Armor at Belmont, ' re
turned to her home at The Dalles va
steamer Regulator. , ' ' -
Cow Killed.
A cow belonging to Mrs. James Lan
gllle, which had been wearing a board
over her face to keep her out of mis
chief, was killed near the Ice house
Thursday. As the pay car came along
tha cow ran onto the, bridge and the
engine was stopped close to her. The
cow couldn't cross tbe bridge, and as
the engine was in the way she couldn't
retreat, and to get her out of the way
the engineer was obliged to knock her
in the head with a pick and tumble
her off the track." '
Dr. E. T. Cams, Dentist,
Has returned to Portland. The doctor
will return to Hood River NQvember
1st, prepared to examine, fill, extrnct,
regulate and make new teeth; also.
crown and bridge work.
-.- Union Services.
Rev. Dr.. Hetzler of Salem, Oregon,
will preach Sunday, August 26th, In
the morning at the U. B. church and
in the evening in the Congregational
church. Mr. Hetzler is the superin
tendent of the American Bible Society
of Oregon, Washington, Idaho uud
Montana. ' : . ; '
, From Trout Lake. '
S. J.: LaFrance and family arrived
home Tuesday from Trout Lake, after
a week well spent at this delightful
summer resort. Mr. LaFrance thinks
a week not long enough ' to rusticate
there and contemplates . building a
cabin for summer residence.. The party
visited the ice caves and explored them
thoroughly, A great many campers
are at the lake.
' 1 Real Estate Transfers.
Mrs.Mary E.Chandler has purchased
of Henry Van Assalt the west half of
the northwest quarter of section 10, in
township 2 north, range 10 east; con
sideration $1,400.
J.J. Luckey has bought the 40 acres
of S. B. Crockett,' 1 miles west of
town; consideration $2,000. . !
S. B. Crockett bougbtof J. J. Luckey
two lots in the town of Hood River;
consideration $1 ,500.
Twelve acres, S miles southwest of town; two
acres cleared, balance scattering oak and
brush, not hard to clear. Price 8-100. ' !
au23 ' '. ' ' JOHN KELLEY,
. The Glacier office has received a good as
sortment of Legal Blanks Deeds, Mortgages,
Leases, etc. and will hereafter have the same
for sale.
AH persons indebted to the Hood River Hy
drant Company prior to August 1, 1894, must
settle same at once, as delinquent accounts
will be placed in an attorney's hands for col
lection.; H. C. COE.
, Is Mars Inhabited. '
During the next two or three months
we shall hear a great deal about tbe ap
pearance of Mars as seen through . the
big telescopes of the world. The Schia
parellt "canals" will .be observed and
photographed with more care than
they were in 1S92 by even the famous
Italian whose name tV.ev bear. J
It has been pretty well established
that Mars has an atmosphere,' that its
poles are capped with snow, covering
at times almost the entire frigid zones
of the planet, and that its temperate
and torrid zones are divided Into seas
and continents. ; But we have no good
grounds as yet for believing that Mars
is inhabited by animate beings of any
kind, or that even tbe lowest forms of
vegetation have an : existence there.
Perhaps we shall learn something defi
nite about these matters before tbe
close of the year. - , .
Mars will soon be in opposition and
the planet Is also ' near perihelion. At
tbe time of opposition on October 20 it
will be only about 40,000,000 miles from
the earth. This is some 5,000,000 fur
ther than it was at tbe opposition ot
1892, but the "planet is so much further
north now than It was then nearly 33
degrees that It can be studied to much
better ,ad vantage by American and
European observers than was possible
two years ago. , '''.'.
Though the most favorable time for
studying the planet is nearly two
months away, a number of astronomers
are already at work on it. At the new
observatory at Flagstaff, Ariz., two or
three discoveries have been made that
are of considerable Importance in deter
mining some of the disputed questions
concerning the planet. Prof. Wm. H.
Pickering, -who is at Flagstaff with
Prof. Lowell, writes to Astronomy and
Astro-Physics that the gray regions
south of By rtic Minor have hills and
valleys aud that they do not therefore
represent the surface of an ocean as has
generally been supposed. He has not
been able, to satisfy himself that the
general color of the district is due to
vegetation, but he is inclined to that
opinion. ' , ' '
Prof. Lowell also makes a report of
his observations, ' and It is perhaps
even more important than his - col
league's He was able to make out the
Schiaparelli canals early in June, or
over four mouths before the time of op
position. . This he reports as unprece
dented, but ascribes it mainly to the
site of the observatory, 7,000 feet'high
and considerably further south than
most observatories The air is compar
atively 'clear on account of the eleva
tion, and that is of course a great ad
vantage. : It was such as to enable him
to make out a dozen of tbof.e "cauais"
two mouths and a half, Is the way
Prof. Lowell puts It, before the summer
solstice of Mars' southern hemisphere
At first "Mars assumed his old-fashioned,
.orthodox appearance, 'quite
guiltless of canals and such like inex-
plicapabilities, an appearance which
the admirable drawings of Mr.-Green
have raised to the rank of portraiture
and to the finality of which the Royal
Astronomical Society, by its skepticism
of Schiaparelli, has done so much to
commit itself." But a few nights later
"the disk began to show symptoms of
heresy to these established Anglican
views, until finally in the best mo
ments, under better air, the planet's
surface came out with all the clear-cut
character of a steel cngraviugas Schia
parelli and Terby have described it."
The professor devotes a considerable
portion of his article in Astronomy and
Astro-Physics to a description of these
canals as he saw them. A vast vernal
freshet seems to be in process now on
the planet. The , polar snow- cap is
melting fast, or rather disappearing.
The disappearance may be caused in
part by evaooration, but their telescope
furnishes them direct evidence of the
melting process, i As to whether fresh
or salt water is produced, he cannot
say, but this is a vital question for the
theory ot irrij'tttion byjneans of Sclua-
pareiirs . irrigating canals. These ca
nals are supposed to be tilled at the
vernal freshets caused by the melting
of the snow Caps. There is no sign of
cloud, he says. '.'Although the air is
probably charged with vapor, it does
not condense into cloud or fall as rain
or snow. Here we have a raison d'etre
for the canals. In the absence of spring
rains; a system of irrigation seems an
absolute necessity for Mars if the planet
is to support any . life upon its great
continental areas."
It is evident that Prof. Lowell is very
much inclined t l elieve that Mars has
not only vegetable but animal life, and
that, the alleged discoveries of Prof.
hJchiaparelli are in reality irrigating
canals. . ', , ' - --..The
results of the observations being
made and to be made in the next two
or three montlis by other ustronomers
will be awaited with interest by the
public as well as by theseientinc world.
St. Louis Republic.
- A Million Friends. - , '
A friend in need is, a friend indeed,
and not less than one, million people
have found just such a friend in Dr.
King's new discovery for consumption
coughs and colds. ' If, you have never
used this great cough medicine, one
trial will convince you that it has
wonderful curative powers in all dis
eases of throat, chest and lungs. , Each
bottle is guaranteed to do all
that is claimed or money will be re
funded. Trial bottles free. ' Large bot
tles 50;cts and $1.00 at Hood River
The Board of Directors of School District
No. 8. of Hood River, will receive bids for
heating the sqhool building until Augusta"),
1894. Bald proposals will be for steam, hot air
and hot water in their respective capacities 1
for heating said building. Flans and specifi
cations can be seen at M. H. Nlckelsen's.Hood
Blver. The Board reserves the right to reject
any or all bids. Address : 1 ! . ' 1 ,
; - '(; T. C. DALLAS, Chairman.
. Hood River, Ang. 1, 1894. j
Or La Grippe, thoutrh occasionally epl- :
lomic, is always more or less prevalent.
The lot xrmoriy for tin's complaint
is." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
"Lust Spring, I was taken down with
La Grippe. At times I was completely pros
trnted, and so difficult was my breathing
that my breast seemed as If confined In an
Iron cage. I procured a bottle of 'Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral, and no sooner had I began
taking it than relief followed. I could not be
. llevo that the effect would be so rapid and the '
cure so complete. It is truly a wonderful med
icine." W. H. Williams, Crook City, S. D.
-C:-.; AYER'S.; ;V:
Cherry Pectoral
Prompt to act, sureto cure
. THE '" '
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
.: The steamer Regulator will run tri
weekly trips, leaving The Dalles Mon
days, Wednesdays, and Fridays, con
necting with steamer Dalles City. Re
turning, will leave Portland Tuesdays
Thursdays, and Saturdays, connecting
with steamer Regulator at the Locks.
All freight will come through without
delay ., '" ' "
Round trip.........,.......!
.$2 00
.. 3 00
Freight Rates Greatly
Reduced. :
, Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or night. Shipments
for way landings must be delivered be
fore 5 p. m. Live stock shipments so-'
lie! ted. if Call on or address,
' W. C. ALL AW AY,
!..,.. -: General Agent.
! ' General Manager, ; '
Stoves and tin
ware, kitchen fur
niture, pruning
tools and plumb
ers goods , of all kinds.
Repairing of tin ware a specialty. "
Aftriorv rnn -,
A. S. RMS .HO.
.... Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps;
i Boots and shoes; Flour,' Feed
' etc. Country Produce
. ' Bought and Sold.
A. S. Blowers. W.M.Yates
E. V.
Only shop in town doing machine work.
Lowest prices guaranteed.
Prather B'ilding, Hood River, Or, .
" 7 ,':'' r- Jul21,94 7 7 "'" .
; The Dalles, Oregon. ' -
J. F. WATT, M. D. !;
Physician and Surgeon
Is especially prepared to treat Diseases of
Noso aud Throat. f ; .
, Local surgeon for Union Pacific Ry.
, dcfcb & Meskfbb, , . 4
Chapman Block, over Postofflc
House and lot in Hood River. Ap
ply to A. S. Blowers.
Fresh milk cow for sale. " Also, one"
Polled Angus bull, 3 years old. ,
; J. Graham, Mt. Hood.
All work given him will be done cor
rectly and promptly. He, has a few
good claims upon which he can locate
parties; Doth farming and timber lands.
February, 18i)4. . . . ,
The new w;ater Co. hereby gives notice that
all water rents will be collected by the former
collector, C. Welds, the same, as heretofore,
until further notice.