r- -J v.' t 3 f ood ver Slaci er. SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1894. NOTES ASD HEWS. James A. Crossen assumed the duties , -of postmaster at The Dalles Monday. Hon., E. B. 'Dufer and. family are : camped at the head waters of Fifteen mile creek. ' . ,' Mrs. Nolin, a lady 0 years old, was killed uear Dufur last Saturday by be ; lug throwu from a crt in a runaway. , " The total revenue from internal rev- '' en ue since June 30. 1894, is stated at ' the treasury department to b, $30,895. - 001 , again ts $17,708,558 during the same . period last year. J I ; v Farmers are paying harvest hands .$1 25' a- day' In Sherman county, A band of harvesters went out there last, Hveek, expecting to receive $1 50 a day, ... liiid when informed that $1 25 was the . f price, struck and came back to the city . . Mountaineer.' ''''.''.,' ;' Grasshoppers are reported to be nu- merous in the southeastern part of this county. They are the regular old-fash-oned Kansas grasshoppers and cover . the ground, an inch thick in some places, destroying grain, crops, 'garden truck and fruic. . , . . ' . ' :' ' . The London. Standard says that the arbitration party in the House of Com . mons believe that the. 'Government 1 favor and that the prospects are liope- ful, for the adoption of a twenty-five years' treaty of arbitration between the " United States and Great Britain. ' In the work of deepening and im . proving the channel of the upper Hud son, which the National Government has now well underway, the Ross com pany, of Jersey City, contractors, are ; . using a new invention a steam chisel, which cuts the rock away better, more .eafely and more cheaply than it Can be ' done by blasting.1 .- : , : Brig.-Gen. Curry, commander of the National Guard of Washington, was in : the capitol examining a new ride with 'i Adjt.-Gen. O'Brien, when Comniis-sary-Sergeant Thomas Box, who has long had a grudge again ts Gon, Curry, Stepped up. A few words passed, dur log which Box called Curry a liar. The ". general hit the sergeant in the fact and then chased him down the capitol steps jvith bis cane. . Box has been reduced to the ranks. . . ;. .'. ; ' At Wilmington, Do!., July 31, a po liceman was called upon in the midst of the hot spell, with the thermometer at 95, to put a stop to a snowball fight , in the street among some small boys. There had not been a snowfall, nor any -other lapse of nature; but ouly' this: It '' is the practice of the city ice compan ies to sell its waste and pulverized ice ; to boys to make up into balls at a cent a bail. . .;; For five days, last Week, the tern-, ' perature in the state ; of ' Nebras V ka averaged 110 degrees.' . Nebraska's history contains nothing like it. The i wind blew at the rate of thirty miles an hour, and was like a furnace blast 'Every green thing shriveled iu the tor- rid blast. ,- ' ' . , ', , " Scarcely a bushel of corn will be pro- duced Iu three-fourths of the best.coun try in the state. "Many fields are ruiu- d save possibly for fodder, and this only in case rain cornea soon. , ,': . The following proclamation was is sued by Governor Pennoyer: "', "In ac cordance with the provisions of an act ,.- of the legislative assembly of the state : -of Oregon, psssed at . Its seventee nth regular session, entitled 'An act to pro--, tect timber and otaer property from ,.; fire,' I do hereby, make proclamation culling the attention of the people1 of the state to its provisions, and warnjng all persons again ts violating the same." The violtatorof the law is liable to a fine "; -of $20 to $1000. . v : ;. :. ' ' ' 'A communication from the Lowell observatory at Flagstaff, .'. Ariz'.,- an nounces the observation on July 19 of a notch in the terminator of the planet Mars.' The discovery was confirmed " on the following evening. V . A cable . from the European Union of Astrono mers note which is probably the same irregularity, which was first seen in Europe on July 28 by Javelle at Nice. ' It is supposed to be due to the pres ence of mountains on Mars, which it is estimated may he somewhat less than a nine in tieignt. . '' Jim, an aged Indian, of the White ; Salmon tribe, was found lying dead near Jewett's place at White Salmon Sunday last. The body was found at the foot of a bluff at least a hundred feet ' high, and It was first supposed he had fallen over accidentally.' On examining into the matter it was found that he bad struck in the top of an oak tree as v he fell breaking some of the ' limbs. What makes the matter, look suspi cious Is that t he, body could not have ',. been rolled-' into thp position where . it was found, and besides footprints led from the road up to where the body ' lay, and then around to the .top of the hill. The place where the body was found was up" the ravine just east of . .Jewett's place. .The. Indians are con . viuced the old man- was "pushed over the bluff, and their suspicions fall on : an Indian mimed Frank. Chronicle. - There is so much California fruit be '. ing dumped . on the . Portland market now that Oregon fruit does notstand : much show. The California crop is I unusually large, and fruit men of San Francisco are sending great quantities of it to Oregon. ' It is sold at. a price which shuts out Oregon fruit, or com pels growers of this state to sell their producte at prices which" leave little rooin: for profit. Monday morning a Forest Grove farmer took to Portland CO boxes of peach plums, having driven all night to reach tho market at the opeping, and then all ; the i jobbers would, otter him was 2i cents a box. l , A lire oceureti at i;entervuie, vvasn., last week, resulting in the loss-of prop erty to the value of about $10,000. , The following buildings ' were .destroyed: Delmohico hotel, Mercantile - hall and store, Centerville hotel, two story build ing, owned by Bunnell & Co., and the residences of . Mr. . Harvey " and ';, Mr. Crofton, 'the blacksmith and wagon shop of Mr. Harvey and the K. of P, hall. -The loss will be $10,000, and the insurance small. Mountaineer.' . Washington, Aug. 8. B. 8. Pague, Portland's weather man, is almost sure to carry off first prize in the competitive forcasting examination : here. . The record he has made in the service places him at the head of the list, and he stands better than six' other competitors who have been summoned' here. .' If Pague Wins, it means a better position, possibly a transfer to-Washington. , Alabama election returns are in from all. the counties,except twoand the un official coutit gives Gates, In round numbers, a majoritly of 25,000. '- Kolb has carried 33 or 34 of the 68 counties in the state, but the counties carried by Dates being the larger have a major ity of the legislature. The democrats have the legislature by at least 10 ma jorjry in the house and by probably an eqijjal number in the senate. ' , ; The Tariff Bill. ; Washington, Aug. 8. When ; the democratic couferrees adjourned today it was understood on all sides that they would report to the full conference to morrow. . Members of the conference supported the general, faith by their statements; which were more or ' less sanguine or guarded, and depending on the temperature of the speaker..! While the utterance at the time of adjourn ment were not so strong as those which were heard early in the afternoon,' yet they were sufficiently assuring to just ify the statement that, baring the im probable contingencies, the democratic members of the conference will find themselves prepared some time during tomorrow, or at the latest Friday,,' to call in the republican membes of the conference. for a full meeting. Both the. democrats and republicans accept ed this as the approach of the end, and equal to a definite announcement of agreement. . The terms as given .out were: '-' ' " .'- . "'. . - , A duty of 40 per cent ad valorum, on raw sugar, ana 40 per cent, on- sugarsi aiove No. 16, Dutch standard (refined sugar) plus pne-vtifth of a cent "differen tial; 40 cents a ton on. coal, and free iron ore, with slight changes in the metal woolen and cotton schedules.. , , , ;' . Bepresentative Cutching?,of the rules committee, is hopeful that an adjourn ment of congress will occur next week. The Republican steering committee of the senate had a meeting after the adjournment of the senate today, to consider the situation. . The under standing among them ; was that- the democrats were close enough together to allow the tariff bill to be reported ba,ck to the' senate tomorrow.' There were present republicans who bad in formation as to the status of tte bill, and they stated that' upon the manu facturingschedule the senate rates in the main obtained, but upon the three principal itemi sugar, coal and iron ore a compromise had been reached. It was from this standpoint that the republicans discussed the bill and the possibility of defeating it. It was first ascertained that every republican and the , populists, Peffer. and Stewart, would vote ugaints the bill, and that Mr. Hill would also oppose it. Three more votes were necessary to defeat it The auouncement was made with di: rectness that both Caffery and Blanch- ard of Louisiana would vote ngaints it, tnougn tney- were not considered cer tain. One of these senators had-asked Senator Allen as to th6 position of him self and Kvle, who voted for .the bill when it passed the senate, and while he has not received a positive answer. the inference was that the populists seemed to think it was a part of their policy to vote againts the bill. With the republican side solid,' and ' Hill, Caffery, Blanchard and Allen voting with ' them, the bill could . not pass. The Republicans had to acknowledge, however, that the prospects of getting all three of the last named were ex tremely doubtful. The ' impression prevailed that the decisive, vote -would be taken, tomorrow, and the absent senators were telegraphed to return to Washington. ' -. . ; c .- . ,: The Country, is Safe. - ' There are still timid souls, toma of them in the" newspaper offices of the country, who think the' sky is about to fall eyery time there is a clap of thund-J cr, and tnat civilization is about to fail every time a gang of hoodlums has to be clubbed into decency. , ; :' ' ' : The World wishes to. reassure all such. The country is safe. Civiliza tion Is not a failure. ' The Caucasian Js not played out, and now and . always his way lies forward. ,' ', ''; :.'...' In America the hope of orderly., gov- j eminent does not rest in bayonets, but in the sense of order inherent and instinctive in the people. It is always safe to trust the people with freedom, because when so' trusted - the human animal is govened to' an always increas ing degree by his natural sense of order. It is no more possible to make any community of human animals disor derly and to keep them so than it is to stop the revolution of the earth, i In numan society, as in a oeenive or ant hill, order is the highest law, governing by and through and over all other laws. Freedom and order are independent the one increasing with - the other. There 'is nothing more certain than that both will continue to increase in America. Those who would check them wjll be crushed by them. , The sense of order in 'the people is the sure guran tee of the safety of society and of free, institutions. Only those whose conscienes makes them cowards have any reason to fear the American people or any disposition to deny their capacity ' for self-government. N.- -Y. World. ..'- -; '.-"-.:,' X Chinaman's Yiews. on the Corean .- " War. r ;:;; '..-,. ' ' ' : St. Louis Kcpublic. ! 'i New .York, Aug, 4. Wong Chin Foo, the Chinese scholar philosopher and literateur of this city', has an opin ion on'the Corean war, and as Wang has made a study of all the leading na tions of the world and of his own, his ideas are interesting. ' Speaking of the threatened war between China and Ja pan, he said: ' " '" '-'In the coming war between China and JapanJ for I take it that .' things have gone too far to be, settled 'save by the arbitration of arms, it will be- the stalwart Chinaman from thd conquer ing nprth who will ' fight the battles and win the victory.'- " .-' ' ;'; . . "There can be no question of the out come of a war between' China and Ja pan, and that outcome will be the utter defeat and humiliation of the islanders. I say this id spite of the learned pre dictions of American v newspaper writ ers, who say that Japan lias profited by Western teachings and is competent. to handle effectively , the modern engines of war of, Western nations, while; con servative China has failed to thorough ly adopt and learn the use of these ad vantages.' . ' ,: ; y z '. J'Eveu' if this were true, and it is not, China" would eventually triumph, by the mere force and momentum of her bulk She has the men' and the mouey. I am glad to see this war. - It is the be ginning of the final and inevitable struggle between the two masterful civ ilizationsthat of ; the. East and the West. ,..''-.;' ' .-.';';.-' "Japan, to be sure, is an Oriental na tion, but not a virile one, and she has succumbed (to Western influences and become the entering wedge ' for the Western form of civilization into the East. . "China has a national history of at least 4,000 years and had a printed his tory 3,500 years before a European dis covered the art of type printing.. In the Course of national existence she has passed through mythology, supersti tion, witchcraft, established. religion to philosophical religion. , 'She has a pop ulation of 400,000,000 and not a single dollar of national debt. '1 here are more dollars within her confines with which to buy the weapons of war than in all the balance of the world. bhe is sulll cient unto herself. ., " , "The first gun in a. struggle that it may take a century to settle has been fired ; when the last has Inwn fired there will be but one ruler, one triumphant, conquering race, and one religion in all tins wide world." . ' . - Jaiau la lieady. .. The main , cause for the- present trouble is the internal dissensions iu Corea, which have taken of late a most violent form through the outbreak of the widespread insurrection led by a party called "Togakuto,"- and the ina bility of-the Corean Government to .subjugate it.- As a consequence of this, the present Government of Corea ap plied to China for help- to- pacify the insurrection, and China readily con senting, sent troops to Corea, without any conference with the Japanese au thorities. . Now in 1885, when - there was an attempted revolution in Corea, the Japanese and Chinese troops in Seoul, which were stationed there to protect the people of these two countries took sides and fought, each other, and as a consequence tho trouble wasmueh augmented. So when the treaty; "was Concluded between China and Japan after the troubles were ended, it was agreed on both sides that "neither coun try send troops in' the future into Co rea without first notifying the other, This is called the Tien-Tsin treaty. But in the present case the Chinese Government sent its troops first;- and then notified the ' Japanese Govern ment. In view of this action" of the Chin;se Government and of the con dition of affairs in Corea, Japan sent het troops into Corea in the. first place to protect the Japanese subjects , aud their interests there, which amount-to six times as much as tha Chinese there. I believe this is the legal aspect of the case.-'';. . ; ' ;'. ';-;; ". ;''.' V. I am n'ot a military man, and "can, of course, say nothing as to the best pol icy of ponducting the war with fbiua. But I can say, accordiug. to my1 opin ion, tt.seems to be the, policy of the Ja-" panese government to carry on the. war, in Corea and China, '.and probably make, a straight march to Pekin. If the cablegrams are .correct,'"" .the ..' Japanese troops have already the king of Corea in their custody, and if they succeed in gaining some decisive victories over the Chinese array there, they, or some other army from Japan, will make v a move into the heart of the Chinese Empire. As to consequents of the war, it would be difficult to forcatt without, seeming too sanguine. But I venture to' believe , that it we' get through as well as I hope we shall, Ja pan's place among the powers of the world will be easily secured. She is in reality in much more prosperous con dition than Italy the exchequer is certainly better, her people are more contented, her army; I believe, is much , stronger. We have hope and confidence lu such conditions, and in the great patriotic '. spirit of' the Japanese na tion'. Such are my humble views and sanguine expectations. But Japan and China represent two different princi ples in - Corea. - The . former, Asiatic conservatism';- the latter modern pro gress.. China wants to keep Corea as her subject state; Japan to see her as an independent state. I believe the his tory of Europe, especially of England, as also of Sweden, shows plainly that it is impossiblo for an island nation to possess, tributary states on the adjoining continent when there are powerful ri vals in the neighborhood. Japan knows it is Impossible to keep Corea as her possession in', view -of the1 presence in the neighborhood of Russia and' China. She ' therefore is quite honest in her avowal that she wants to see Corea free and independent ' From wn at I can gather out of the accounts in the na tive press, it seems that the country is all one in the advocacy of a strong-pol icy in the present case. ''The people of Japan do not like to see their personal and business interests jeopardized, and there is no question that. the. govern ment is: fully backed by the people in its present aggressive policy; ; - As to the relative fighting strength of these two countries, there is no ques tion that numbers and resources are on the side of Chinaj while skill, enthu siasm and patriotism are on the side of Japan. ' I believe the drilled battalions of China are only th6se belonging to the immediate government of Li Hung Chang, while the rest, though inex haustible in numbers, are very poorly paid, armed' and drilled. ' In justice to Japan it ought to be said that small though she looks when compared with China," she yet has 41,000,000 people, and her treasury and, credit are in the very best condition.'. Her people are prosperous, contented and patriotic. I have no doubt, if any, need was felt, that the people will be able and willing to consent to the increase of the taxes or to the issuing of government, bonds. The standing army of Japan numbers 100,000, and it is second to none I be lieve except to those of the few first rate powers of the world. : I am sorry to say we have not as good a navy, but it will certainly compare favorably with the Chinese -navy in' its outfit, and I venture to think that it is far superior in skill. If patriotism and enthusiasm count tor something, as here all believe they do, then I believe there could be no comparison bei ween the two. A Jap anese in Springfield Republican.';,, GEO. P. CEOWELL, Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established , llous: iiilhevalley.J . DKALEK IN . - . Dry Goods, ' Clothing, ' . ' AND . v-.' " , .' J. General Merchandise, Flour and Feed. Etc.. ... -. HOOD RIVER, . -.' - - OREGON. .Only , tho Scars Remain. ': ('Among the many testimonials which I ee'e la regard to certain medicines perform- . lug cures, cleansing the blood, etc.," writes IZEXitX Hupson, ot the James Smith . Woolen Machinery Co.( Philadelphia, Pa., " none -impress me more than my own case. Twenty yenrs ago, at the age of 13 years,' . I had swellings come on -my legs, which broke and " became running sores. Ourfamilyphysiciancould do me uo good, and it was teared that - the bones ; would be affected. At last, my good 'old mother -nrgod me to try Ayer' '. Sarsaparilla. ItooktlirC8 bottles, tlie sores healed, and I havo not been troubled since. Only tlie . scars remnin, and the' memory of the past, to remind me of the Eood Ayer's SarsaparlUa has done me. I now. - weigh two hundred and twenty pounds, and ( ; am In the best of health. I have been on the road for the past twelve years, have noticed . Ayer's Sarsaparilla advertised In all parts : of the United States, and always take pleas ure In telling what good It did forme." ;: ' . . For the'enre of all diseases originating la Impure blood, the best remedy Is . , AVER'S SarspparHIa Prepared by Dr. J. 6. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others, will cure you V H i P fe m fe im to Bartrrs DEALER FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MATERIAL. Wall Paper, Paints,; Oils etc. . A lar'ge supply of, and Exclusive Itight to sell -.;-. - v Celebrated liquid colors and tinted leads. Undertaking a Specialty. , Not a member of a "trust" but of an association, devoted to advancing the interests of the profession.and will sell as cheap as anyone not In tho association' il S " A B -'.. :' .. - . - .... v ;.-.. . HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE Olioicest Heats. Ham. Bacon, lard,' Game, ' Poultry, Also Dealers in VEGETABLES AfD FRUITS. ; Corner , of Oak and Fourth Streets, - '- Hood River Oregom HAITHA 'Sz "WOLF ARD, . ' ' DEALERS IN x i .- . . ' : " i ' ' '.'' :' 1 -' . V "f "''". "';.:; -. , '.;:.N;.:: 'v '" HOOD RIVER, OREGON. : WE TTIE DECIDED ; That thirty days is as long as ,ve can credit , goods, and would respectfully . ; ; request our patrons to govern' themselves accordingly. - ' " - Directions for Mixing the Acme Compound. . .. Weigh out ten pounds of the Compound and put it-in a barrel or large ket-' tie; then pour on five gallons of boiling water gradually, until the mixture iaof the consistency of soft soap stirring ' it all the time. Atter. it is thoroughly dissolved add tlie balance of the water (forty-five gallons), hot or cold hot pre-' ferred. - Do not boil the mizturc. It is then ready to apply-Sg Be sur and have your kettles or barrel clean (also your spraying tank) and tree from other mixtures, In order to avoid clogging your spraying nozzles. -Donot spray when the trees are mouit. For Codlin Moth use No. 2, and spray immediately after. ' the blossoms drop, then again four weeks after, which will destroy all other in sects that may, appear. Apply by means of a spray pump or a florist's syringe. ' -Testimonials. ;a " Coralitos, Cal., March 26, 1894. Watson, Erwin & Co.: I used one hundred pounds of your Acme No. 1, and it had the desired effect: it not only gets away with the insect but it cleans up the tree and leaves it in a healty condition. I will guarantee it will do just what it is;recommended to do. Yours truly, ; . . . -- ' ' -( , . . J. E. Mortimer. , Niles, March 14, 1804. I have had six years' experience spraying, and used . various washes to quite an extent. . For the last two seasons 1 have used Acme Insecticide, and find it the best wash, and that It gives tlie best results of anjr I ever used. It is a very pleasant wash to use, tfhd easily prepared.- -, .- , '-. ':".. Joe Tyson. WZLLXAUS & BROSIUS. SUMMONS. In Justice's Court for the rrecinct ot Mosier. State of Oregon, Wasco county Ss. . - Rand, Dent & Company vs. J. A. Sltigleton. To J. A. Singleton, 'the above named do fendant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appeafbeforo the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace for the precijict aforesaid, on the first day of Septem ber, 1894, at 2 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the office of said Justice.ln said precinct,to answer the above named plaintiff In a civil action. The dcfendant,will take notice that if he fail to answer the cpmplalnt herein, the plaintiff will take Judgment against him for the sum of eighty-seven dollars and seventy-seyen cents (187 y7) and cost of this aotion. y ;. i" ... ., ., " - TI10S. HARLAN, ; : a-: .'. '.'-''''-;. Justice of the Peacs. ; ' Robt. Rayd. Atty for plaintiff. , ' , Will serve during the season of -ISM nt OLINGKU & BONE'S Stables, Hood River Oregon. .. -.' - '-'' - - '."'i ' DESCRIPTION'. ' MIDNIGHT is a coal-black Hamblctonian,4 6 years old, 18 hands high, weight 1400 pounds. Sired by Shaw's Hainbletonian: Dam a Cop- perbottom mare. Midnight Is a good dispo- sitioaed horse, a,,Toppy driven and quite a trotter for a horse of his size.-. Midnight's service fues will be $5 for a single service,' to be paid at time of service, or 810 for the season due August 1st following service, or $15 to insure with foal payable April 1, issio.. Insurance cannot be given after first service or other, terms. -, Mares fulling to. catch on single service may be bred by the season by paying the additional fee. -. : Great care will be taken to prevent acci dents, -but will not be responsible should they occur.' For further Information apply to Eph Ollnger at the barn of F. C. Urosius, owner. IN - ASSESSMENT, NOTICE. . Stockholders of tho Hood River Fruit Grow-. ers' Unlon.take notice: An assessment of 10p.r ; cent (or 60 cts a share) on the capital stock of the corporation has been levied by tho Board of Directors and ; is how.. :due. .Leave th unwunt and get your receipt ot the store of A. S. Blowers A Co. : ' II. F. DAVIDSON, Secretary. FOR SALE. Eighty acres, five miles from town; 40 acres, in cultivation; 600 trees, prin cipally " apple, in full . bearing. " All fenced.' Good house and barn. Three shares of. water in Hood River Supply Co. go with the place. Good well and spring. Harvey Ckappek. THE SAINTS' REST, ' . AMESVILLE.- WINES, . LIQUORS CIGARS. GYRUS NOBLE WHISKY . , . - a specialty. . i