The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 11, 1894, Image 1

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It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
NO. 11.
I '-
2ooi Iiver (5 lacier.
The Glacier PablisMng Company.
. On. year. .......U OO
6lx months. 1 00
' Three months ........
'- . Bnjfle copy ......... Caste
Grant Evans, Propr.
Seoond St., near Oak. V V Hood River, Or.
Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly done.
"' Satisfaction Guaranteed. - .
There Are More Applicants Than Places
I, ; at San Francisco.
San Francisco, August 1. There are
50O vacancies to be filled in the depart-
jmenta .of the railroad service at West
Oakland presided over by Master Me-
. chanic William McKenzie and Master
Car Repairer W. B. Ludlow, and there
are over 2,000 applicants for the posi
tions. The applications are on file in
Superintendent Wilder's office, and it is
expected that to-day the. successful ap
plicants Tor work -will be notified to re
port for duty. The positions deferred to
embrace the machine shops, blacksmith
shops, boiler shops, car shops and ship
yards. There would have been more
applications, but many of the strikers,
who became prominently identified with
the cause of the American ; Railway
'Union, have given up all hope of getting
back into the employ of the company,
and have.not drawn up their applioa-
' tions. ' ,
Barber SIiod
' ' May Build a Pacific Cable.
, ' Montreal, Que., August 4. The out
.' break of war between Japan and China
' has revived interest in the proposed Pa-
cific Ocean cable between Vancouver and
Japan. C. R. Hosmer, General Man
agerof Telegraphs of the Canadian Pa
. ' cific railway, said in an interview to-day
"f- that sufficient progress had been made
V financially in 1891 for putting through
this scheme, had the Japanese govern
. ment given it .the assistance that was
expected of them. He. 'believes the
present-war will extend to other nations
in the Far East, and that it will result
, in the laying of a Pacific cable either to
Japan, China or Australia, as the exist
ing cables pass through so many foreign
' countries where serious . complications
are likely to arise at any moment. The
distance from Vancouver to Japan is
3,600 miles. A cable is estimated to cost
; Jess than $4,000,000. - .-.'.-
, , ' - The Fire Still Burning.
1 V Milwaukee, July 31. Governor Peck
and party returned this morning from
: Phillips. . .The' forest fires are still raging
throughout the north central part of the
State, and the towns of Fifield, Pren
tice, Medford and Chelsea, besides many
' saw-mill settlements and farming com
munities, are in .danger of being wiped
out, should heavy winds come up. When
the Governor passed through Chelsea
' the authorities besought aid for the fam-
v. ilies burned out. The Governor said the
i unfortunates would be cared for. Fears
are entertained for the safety of the town
- of Morse on the Soo line. It is stated
that half of it has been wiped out, and
v that the rest is threatened with destruc
tion. The wires on the line are down.
' ' Successful Rain-Making.
Yankton, S. D., August 1. Ten days
ago' rain-making experiments were
begun in this county under the direction
of two citizens who visited a Kansas
rainmaker, obtained his chemical form
ula! and received instructions in its use.
One ton of chemicals was consumed and,
last night one of the most voluminous
rain storms of the summer was ushered
in. It extended over an area of twenty
miles square in all directions from the
- experiment station near this city, and
in localities as much as two and a half
inches of water fell. . The rain saves late
corn and insures a half crop of. hay.
V ''.'.".To Establish a Colony.
- Vancouver, B. C August 1'. A co
operative colony is to be established here
at an early date. A large nuinber of
persons have formed a club for the pur
pose of starting one, and. the govern
ment has promised its assistance. It is
f proposed to obtain one of the many
fertile islands up the coast and send a
dozen pioneers', who will build houses
and clear the land.: The settlement is
to be gradually increased from time to
time. The settlers intend to engage in
farming and fishing, the island being
near the halibut banks. ;
Controller's Rank-Note Statement. -Washington,
August 3. A statement
issued by the Comptroller of - the Cur-
rency shows the total, amount of na
tional bank notes outstanding to- be
$207,445,489 ; increase of total circula
tion for the month, 186,182, and for the
: year, $23,789,669 ; amount outstanding
against bonds is $181,050,934; increase
"for the month. $487,350; for the year,
$17,834,641. ,
The Japanese Destroy China's
' Greatest Battleship.
The Encounter Means an End Has Been
Put to China's Fighting on the Seas
' The Japanese Handled Their Guns,
Etc., With Greater Skill. '
; Shanghai, August 1. News has just
reached here, of a desperate battle be
tween the fleets of China and Japan in
which the Chinese "were defeated and
the' Chen Yuen, the largest battleship
but one in the Chinese service, was sunk
and two other large Chinese vessels, said
to be first-class cruisers, captured or de
stroyed. The battle was hotly contested,
but the Japanese Appeared to have
handled their guns, ships' and torpedoes
with more skill than the Chinese. The
Chinese fleet engaged carried nearly 1,000
men, ana a large number are reported
killed or drowned. Later dispatches
say that few, if any, of the Chinese en
gaged in the battle escaped. Two Ger
man officers in command of the Chen
Yuen are reported . to have met death
with the crew. ,
The news of the battle was received
here by private telegram from Tien-Tsin,
If the report is true, of which there is
little doubt, it means an end has been
put to China's fighting upon the seas.
The Chen Yuen must have started from
Taku after leaving the Chinese trans
ports there. ,-.
The two Uhinese cruisers supposed to
have been captured or destroyed during
the engagement which ended so fatally
for the Chen Yuen are supposed to be
the Chen Yuen and the Foo Ching. The
Chen Yuen was a Drotected cruiser, built
at Emswick, England. She had a dis
placement of 2,300 tons. 1 Her armament
consisted of three 8J-inch Krupp and
two six-inch Armstrongs, protected by
splinter-proof shields, several eight
pounder rapid-firing Hotchkiss guns, six
gatlings and four torpedo tubes. The
Foo Ching was also an Snglish-built
protected cruiser, very much similar to
the Chen Yuen. She had a displace
ment of 2,500 tons, was built of steel in
1880, and carried ten guns of about the
same; caliber as those carried by the
Chen Yuen. .'. , "
r Tien-Tsin, August 1. A naval . battle
was fought yesterday between the Chi
nese and Japanese fleets. The Japanese
sank the Chinese warship Chen Yuen.
Two large cruisers, supposed to be ves
sels built for China by Armstrong, were
captured 6r destroyed. The Chen Yuen
was a battleship of 7,400 tons displace
ment, carrying 14-inch and compound
armor at the water-line. Her battery
included four twelve-inch guns protected
by armored breastworks and two small
Krubbs, eleven Hotchkiss cannon and
tubes for Whitehead torpedoes, two 8M
inch and six-inch Krupps and a second
ary battery of Hotchkiss revolving can
non. The Chen Yuen was built for
China at the Stettin works. . She was a
sister ship of the Ling Yuen, t and was
the most powerful ship in the Chinese
Navy with the exception of the Ling
Yuen.' .' ' - ' ',..'
Shanghai, August 1. It is reported
to-day that the Japanese forces attacked
the China position at Yashan Friday and
Saturday last.- The Japanese, it is Baid,
were repulsed with heavy loss. The
Chinese loss was trivial. .
The Investigating Committee to Meet
In Chicago. :
' Washington, ' August 1. The Labor
Commission appointed ' by President
Cleveland to investigate the causes of
the recent strike will hold its first meet
ing at the postoffice building in Chicago
August 15, and will- request railroads,
labor organizations and citizens having
a personal or patriotic interest in the
rights of the question to be inquired into,
and who cannot attend the meetings, to
present their views and suggestions in
writing to the commission prior to the
public hearing. The three members of
the committee have adopted the follow
ing preamble and resolutions : - . - .
Whereas, The President of the United
States has appointed the undersigned a
commission to visit Chicago, ID., and
such other places in the United States
as may be proper in the judgment of the
commission, to the end that it may make
full inquiry into the cause of any pend
ing disputes or- existing controversies
between the Illinois Central Railway
Company and the Chicago, Rock Island
and Pacific Railway Company and cer
tain of the railway employes and hear
all persons interested therein who may
come before it; and, . v . .
Whereas, Section 6 of chapter 1,063 of
the- laws of the - United States, passed
October 1, 1888, makes it the duty of the
said commission to examine into the
cauie of said controversies, the condi
tions accompanying and the best means
of adjusting the same and to report . the
result of such examination to the Presi
dent and to Congress ; and, .
Whereas, The questions involved in
such controversies affect all interstate
railroads and their employes; and,
; Whereas, It is desirable that the rec
ommendations of this commission as to
future legislation upon the questions at
issue between labor, whether organized
or unorganized, and the employers there
of should be based upon all facts having
any legitimate bearing upon such ques
tions and should be the result 6nly of
clear' and well-defined public opinion ;
therefore, ' '; i .
Resolved,. That this commission will
meet at the United States postoffice
building in the city of Chicago, 111., the
15th day of August, 1894, at 10 a. m., for
the purpose of taking testimony in rela
tion to said controversies and to hear
and consider all facts, suggestions and.
arguments as to the causes thereof, the
conditions accompanying and the best
means of adjusting the same and as to
any legislation or measures which ought
to be recommended in regard to similar
controversies nereatter.
That all railways, labor organizations
and citizens Saving either a personal or
patriotic interest in the right solution of
these questions, and who cannot conve
niently attend such public hearings as
aforesaid, are requested to present their
views and suggestions in writing, to the
commission at any time prior to the date
ot sucn puouc hearing.
- That copies of this resolution' be given
to the press and be sent to all railways
engaged in the transportation of prop
erty and passengers, being in two or
more States of the United States, and to
all labor organizations. .
That all communications be addressed
to the Chairman of the United States
Strike Commission, Washington, i. -
Messrs. Kernan and Worthington left
the city after the meeting. Both will be
engaged in doing preliminary work be
fore the investigation actually begins.
Discussion of the Evicted Tenants Bill
' Limited.
London, August 3. In the House of
Commons to-day Sir William Harcourt,
Chancellor of the Ehxcequer, moved a
time limit for the discussion of each
clause of the evicted tenants bill, with
a final closure. of the committee stage
August 7. In making this motion Sir
William' said the government regarded
the bill as urgent and appreciated the
necessity that the time allotted for
further discussion of the measure should
be ample. - He was not enamored of ex
ceptional measures of closure, and re
sorted to them with sincere regret, but
the fact that there were twenty-two
pages of amendments to the bill justi
fied the summary procedure. Mr. .Bal
four said that never in the history of
Parliament had there been a proposal
like this. , No ; government had ever
ventured to suggest after only a two
days' debate of a measure in committee
that the House be gagged, yet a Minister
making such a proposition has thought
it sufficient to express regret in a few
perfunctory words, giving as the onlv ap-
froach to a reason for the proposal the
arge number of amendments. So, he
said,' because the House showed a desire
to discuss the bill the discussion must
be stopped. Mr. Balfour warned the
House that such procedure would in
evitably end in the abasement of the
House as a legislative body in the eves
of the country. He moved an amend
ment of regret that the government
should deprive the minority of their
just rights and thereby make a fair de
bate impossible and bring the whole
proceedings into deserved contempt.
Mr. John Morley twitted Mr. Balfour
with.. having singularly moved closure
on the bill constituting the Parnell Com
mission. Mr. Chamberlin said that the
bill had been supported by both sides of
the House ' and only Obstructed, by a
small knot of Irish members. A large
number of amendments to the evicted
tenants bill, he said, were introduced by
Irish .members. If these amendments
were rejected, the government would be
legislating for Ireland against the views
of Irish members. If they were ac
cepted, the bill would be transformed
far beyond Mr. Morley's pledges. Mr.
Labouchere asked what was the use of
discussing the bill week, after week. It
was certain to be rejected by the House
of Lords. It would be better to have
the soonest possible appeal to the country
to settle the question whether the House
of Commons was the master of the
situation or whether its members were
the subservient and humble servants of
hereditary laws. Balfour's amendment,
protesting against the brevity of time
allowed for discussion, was rejected.
The Unionist members ot the House
of Commons have decided to abstain
from further action on ' the evicted ten
ants bill and to refrain from moving
amendments standing in their name.
They will take no part in divisions on
the amendments yet to be considered.
Many of them are McCarthyite motions.
Thus the bill is likely to be virtually dis--posed
of at the end of the week.- The
opposition may possibly raise a debate
on the third reading of the bill, but
they will move no amendments. ... . ; .
Japanese, Government Gives Its Report
- ot the Situation. t
Yokohama, August 1. The following
official statement of the difficulties be
tween China and Japan has been issued
by the Japanese' government: .Japan
and China were approaching 'a settle
ment of the difficulties when China sud
denly suggested that Japan withdraw
her fleet from. Corea and give formal
compliance with the Chinese demands
by July 20; otherwise the whole Chinese
force were to land, and a sea advance
upon the part of China would be made.
The Japanese regarded this as an ulti
matum, but, acting under the advice of
the friendly powers, agreed to the pro
posals in the principle in an amended
form, at the same time declaring that, if
the threatened Chinese advance -were
made on July 20, it would be regarded
as an overt act. ..It is conjectured the
Japanese commanders were instructed
to be on the watch for "the Chinese war
ships and, seeing the latter advancing
July 27, opened fire. The Japanese do
not'believe the Kow Shung, the Chinese
transport sunk by a Japanese cruiser,
was Hying the .British nag, but were
liKino- the flatr as a ruse. The Japanese
indignantly deny the charges of brutal
ity brought against the officers and crew
which sank the Chinese transport.
Japan Has Formally Notified
the Other Nations.
Vessels of Other Powers Will Henceforth
Carry Contraband Articles of War at
Their Own Peril Minister and Con
, suls Recalled. . - v
- London, August 3. A dispatch just
received says Japan made a formal decla
ration of war upon China to-day. ' Lord
Kimberly, upon receipt of notice from
the Japanese Minister that, war had
been declared, wired all the British rep
resentatives abroad to warn the captains
of merchant vessels of the fact in order
that they might form their cargoes ac
cordingly. Any contraband ware com
prised in the cargoes will be handled at
the risk of the owners of the vessels.
Tokio, August 3.-r-The Japanese gov
ernment has informed a representative
of the foreign powers here that a state
of war exists between Japan and China,
This is regarded as equivalent to a decla
ration of war., ;
minister and consuls recalled.
London, August 3. Private dispatches
say that Japan has closed her legation
in Peking and recalled her Minister and
all her Consuls from China.
Shanghai, August 3. 12:30 p. m. In
consequence of the declaration of war
upon China, proclaimed by Japan yes
terday, the Japanese Minister will leave
for Tokio to-morrow. - The Japanese nag
was- hauled . down from the consulate
here to-day. '
'."'." from the land side. , , .' : '
Shanghai, August' 8. A number of
heavy guns have been added to the artil
lery at Taku harbor in the last three
days, and submarines have been laid in
expectation of an attack from the Japan
ese fleet. Great alarm is felt at Taku,
as the people there' believe that any day
may bring several Japanese war .ves
sels and a bombardment. The steam
launches of the Chinese, customs service
are scouting along the coast to ascertain
whether or not the Japanese are ap
proaching. Their officers report 'that
several Japanese cruisers have been seen
in the Gulf of Pechili. - The ability of
the Taku forts to withstand a bombard
ment is doubted. The forts were not
built to resist the , fire of , modern
guns. Six Chinese transports, packed
with troops, sailed on Monday from
Chee Foo. They were conveyed by three
warships. ... . ...
' THjt battle at yashan. :
Shanghai, August 3. The Chinese
are strongly entrenched 'at YaBhan, and
the J apanese are unable to dislodge them,
having been repeatedly repulsed . with
heavy losses. ' The Chinese losses have
been small. Ffteen hundred Japanese
are said to have been killed. ' The North
China News confirms the report of the
ghting at Yashan. It says that the
Japanese brought up for the attack
every available man, almost denuding
Seoul of troops. The successful defense
made by the Chinese was directed by
European officers. - - ,
Miitsu Hito, Emperor of Japan. ' ,
The war between
Japan and China over
Corea makes the rul
ers of these countries
of more than usual
interest. Mutsu Hito, 1
Emperor of Japan, is
about 42 years of age.
He succeeded his fa
ther at the age of 16
years, and was ' re-
ntnrprl trt full nnwpr a
if year later.- The Em
peror is a gentleman
EMPEaoai japa. f mien, edu-
. cated in the sciences
and arts. He knows the minutest de
tails of his kingdom's needs, opens Par
liament and delivers his own addresses.
Hie court is the center of culture and
talent, the men who surround him being
men of brilliant minds knowing well how
to assist in guiding the government. The
.Emperor enjoys life in all its. phases.
The Kow Shung Incident Supposed to
5 , Have Caused It. ' ...-.'. v
' Washington, August 3. -A cablegram
announcing the arrival of the United
States steamer Monocacy at Nagasaki,
Japan, received by Secretary Herbert to
day, is the only official news that has
come to the government from the repre
sentatives of China and Jajban, and the
surmise of official dispatches being ob
structed purposely amounts to a convic
tion. The Monocacy was at Chemulpo,
Corea, with the Baltimore, and it is sup
posed she ran over to Nagasaki for coal
and supplies. It is thought here the ac
tion of Japan officially notifying the
British government of the existence- of
a 'state of war between Japan and China
was precipitated by the Kow Shung in
cident. . Had such notice preceded the
sinking of the ship, Japan would not
have, incurred liability to Great Britain
and been obliged to apologize. In effect
that notice is equivalent to a declaration
of war, or at least it imposes the same
obligations upon neutral nations. By
this stroke Japan doubtless has seriously
embarrassed China in her efforts to sup
plv herself with warlike equipment in
other countries. Just what the effect
will be on Chinese treaty ports cannot
be foretold now. Japan has taken the
ground, that they are practically foreign
settlements, and therefore has disclaimed
Mill If rs-23H,
any intention to interfere with them, re
garding them as outside the scene of
hostile operations. It is believed, how
ever, China will now proceed to close
the more important treaty ports, begin
ning with Shanghai perhaps, by obstruct
ing the entrances. i
The British. Government Will Safely
" Guard Her Interests.
London, August 3. The Earl of Kim-
berley, Minister of JForeign Affairs, re
ceived ' a dispatch this morning 'from
Hugh Fraser, British Minister in Tokio,
announcing the declaration of . war,
Kimberley was visited this afternoon by
the Japanese Minister, ' who personally
communicated ' to him a similar an
nouncement of the "declaration. The
Earl, upon receiving from the envoy
official notice of the declared war. de
clared that Great Britain would remain
neutral in the matter, although the
British government would take steps to
safely guard British interests in the far
SLaat. bo lar as the sinking of the trans
port Kow Shung, flying the British flag,
is concerned, the envov was informed
that Great Britain- awaits the statement
of the English captain of that steamer
peiore maemg any reply to the apology
offered by Japan. The government will
hold a Cabinet meeting within the next
two days to consider the attitude of
Great Britain to the Corean question.
Despite the explanation and apology
of the Japanese for the Kow Shung affair,
the greatest indignation is still felt by
shipowners and other persons interested
in the Eastern trade. They insist' that
the government must press . Japan for
ample compensation and for assurances
of better faith in the future. The Ad
miralty has ordered Vice-Admiral Fre--mantle,
who commands the British
squadron of the ; Asiatic coast, to ap
proach Chinese and Japanese ports, and
while observing strict- neutrality, to
watch the progress of operation. . .. .. .
Marine Insurance to Japanese and Chi
nese Ports at War Rates.
San Francisco, August 4. War hav
ing been declared between China and
Japan, the marine insurance. companies
which have agencies in this city will not
write any more policies for merchandise
shipped from San Francisco to Japanese
and Chinese ports, unless a special war
risk is included. It will make no differ
ence whether ,. goods are shipped in
American or foreign vessels. The senti
ment among underwriters, especially
those who represent foreign marine in
surance companies, is that merchandise
will be safer in British bottoms, and
risks on such will probably -be the light
est of all. AH the foreign marine in
surance agencies in this city are anxiously
awaiting instructions from their home
offices as -to" the rate of war risk to be
charged. Large quantities of merchan
dise are shipped from San Francisco to
Shanghai by the steamers oi the racinc
Mail and the Occidental and Oriental
Companies. The merchandise does not
go direct, but is transhipped at Yoko
hama by a line of Japanese steamers.
Merchandise going by that route will be
subject to a heavy risk., ; ; t
Agreement Reached by River and Harbor
:r Conferrees.,
Washington, August 2. Dolph has
had a rather hard struggle, but he has
pulled out of the conference committee
with all' the Oregon appropriations in
the river and harbor bill. Practically an
agreement to that effect has ' been
reached, and the agreement will prob
ably be reported to-morrow. The amount
for a boat railway at The ualles has
been reduced to $100,000, but Dolph says
that will be sufficient to acquire the right
of way and begin the work. The main
thing is to have it started. ' The other
appropriations for Oregon remain undis
turbedi Washington is also fortunate.
Every increase made by the Senate re
mains in the- bill, as also does the pro
vision made for the Lakes Union and
Washington waterway. The Oregon and
Washington delegations are feeling very
jubilant. Oregon has a $400,000 increase,
nearly double the amount in the House
bill, with the entire amount for the
completion of the work at the mouth of
the Columbia. . Dolph says boats will be
passing over the dalles of the Uolumbia
in four years.
To Segregate Coal Fields. -
Washington, August , 2. Governor
Hughes of Arizona, who is here, states
the long-standing friction between the
Navajo Indians and the ranchers and
stockmen is in a fair way of settlement.
His efforts to have the San Carlos coal
fields cut off from the White Mountain
Indian reservation will, he believes, re
sult in the coal fields being segregated
and thrown open to the public for settle
ment and development. All Arizona
Legislatures during the past ten years
by joint resolution and all the Governors
in their annual reports have urged, the
segregation of these coal fields, there be
ing no other coal within. 300 miles.
. To Change the Boundaries. .,'.- -,
Washington, ; August 2. Caminetti
has introduced a bill in the House au
thoring the Secretary of the Interior to
change the boundaries of the Yosemite
.National Park when it is shown that
lands more suitable for agricultural,
mining or other purposes are included
in it and are not required for the public
interest, or which comprise the territory.
located lor mining purposes Deiore the
establishment of the park. ,
A Supplementary Statement to
the Minority Report.
Mr. Harris, the Kansas Representative,
Would Like to Have the Government
' Operate a Transcontinental Line He'
Opposes the Rellly Bill. ' .
Washington, ' July 31. Harris of
Kansas, a member of the House Com
mittee on Pacific Railroads,' has sub
mitted the following supplementary
statement to the minority report against
the Reilly bill : , : '
" " I fully concur in the foregoing (Boat-
ner's) views of tiie "minority, except so.,
far as the opinion is expressed that the
government should, in the event of fore
closure, proceed to Bell or transfer the .
property acquired to some other corpora
tion or company, as indicated and sug
gested in the Pattison report.
" The agents of the State for the per
formance of a public duty have, as
r ule, proven incompetent and dishonest ;
incompetent in protecting the rights and
Interests of the public, and dishonest in -using
the powers entrusted to them
wholly for selfish ends and for the pur
pose of building up vast private fortunes
at the expense of the people. In- the
ease of the Pacific railways the object
of the original act was stated to be ' to
promote the. public interests and wel
fare,' and to that end subject to altera
tion, amendment or appeal. Hence the
subsidies of lands and moneys were
placed in the hands of the companies as
trustees for the accomplishment of that
object. Their breach of. faith is un- .
paralleled and undenied, and their sole
excuse is that they did only that which
other companies did and followed the
common custom of railwav builders and
managers. 'Why then enter into such.'
an entangling alliance and, permit or
risk the sacrifice of public duty and ,
functions to private avarice, greed and
bad faith? . . V . . .
. " I believe that foreclosure of the gov-
ernment lien should at once follow de-
fault in payment, in that a' complete
transcontinental line should be acquired
and operated by the only competent and
legitimate powei1 the people through .
their government. Such will be the in-
nuence oi this action that probably no
further changes in the transportation
system of the country would be neces- .
sary. but that everywhere the public
duty and its performance will be recog
nized as paramount, and that capital '
honestly invested will be satisfied with
a fair and reasonable compensation, .
honestly and justly earned.".
A Striker WJU Now Answer to the
..: ( ' Charge of Murder. ' c -. j
Sacbambnto, July 31. A special dis-
patch from' Woodland this afternoon says
a few days before the ditching of the
train on the trestle several members of .
the union called upon Rev. Father Grace
and asked permission to be allowed to go
up on the dome of the Roman Catholic -Cathedral
in Sacramento for the purpose
of making certain observations and giv
ing certain signals. Father Grace, know
ing the mission of the men to be unlaw
ful, refused to give his' consent. Not
withstanding this refusal a union man.
equipped with a marine glass, was seen
on the lofty roof of the cathedral July
11 before .Engineer Ulark took the ill- ..
fated train out of the depot. This man, ,
perched high against the blue sky, was
there to see whether the men who were '
to wreck the mail train, carrying the .
Pullman cars and twenty United States
artillery soldiers had done their hellish
work. As the train, the first to attempt
the blockade since the strike was de
clared, moved out of the depot, this
man, three-quarters of a mile away, sig
naled the fact to some of his fellow-con-" v
spirators stationed where they could,
unobserved themselves, observe his mo-
tion. His first signal was: i
"The train is crossing the Yolo bridge."
Then there was a pause as he -watched :
through the glass the progress of the
train. It was a pause long enough tor
trestle No. 2 to be reached.. Then-when ,
the engine and tender bumped over the ,
ties and threw a headlong somersault -from
the bank into the slough, scalding -and
burying poor Clark in the mud and
crushing four soldiers to death, this man -on
the top of the dome signaled exult-
mgly that the bouthern Facihc (Jompany
had been thwarted in its attempt to send
Pullmans over the road. That is what
lawyers for the prosecution say occurred
on that gruesome day. From that day
until yesterday this man, who knew the ,
train and all on board were soon to plunge
off the trestle, and who held his peace
because he approved oi the murder so
long as it ditched the hated Pullmans, -was
hunted for. He left a trail that was '
followed persistently and determinedly,. '
and yesterday the hand- of the law
clutched him by the collar and wrote
"murder" against his name.
Existence of Trusts Unconstitutional -
Washington, July 31. Hutchinson of
Texas has introduced a resolution for an
amendment to the constitution to give
Congress jurisdiction over trusts. The
amendment proposed --. is ; as follows:
"Trusts and.monopolies dealing in agri
cultural products or other articles of
prime necessitv shall not exist, in thn
United States, and Congress shall have
' x e .1 j l i .
power i,u eiiiurcH mis urucie uy appro
priate legislation."