3fd River Slacier. SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1S94. THE MAILS. The mall arrive from MUHood at H o' clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de parts he same days at noon. For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M.; arrives at C P. M. Saturdays. For White Salmon leaves dally at 8 A. M.; arrives at 1 o'clock P. M. From Whlto Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil mer. Trout. Lake and Glen wood Mondays, Wednesdays and Frldavs, ' . . . . SOCIETtES. Canby Post, No. 18, G. A. It., meets at Odd Fellow's Hall, Urst Saturday of each month at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. II. members In vited to attend. M. B. Potter, Commander. C.J.Hayes, Adjutant. . , ,. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Mercury 02 hi the shade Thursday. Cbenowlth is to have a brass band. Teachers' examination at The Dalles August 8th. .C. Welds has two bouses for rent; orood location. Thursday was pay day at the Oregon Lumber Co.'s mills. Warner's barn at White Salmon was burned Tuesday evening. , 8. E. Bartiness is agent for the Bri dal Veil Lumber Company. Wm, Sllngerland of the East Side Is prepariug to build anew house. O. B. Hartley has horses and fresh milk-cows to trade for cord wood. Prof. P. A. Snyder Is having a cellar built upder 'bis bouse by Wm. Ehrch. George Borden has some thorough bred pigs for sale, about two months old. Fred Howe is hauling the rock for the foundation for the new school Louse. . ' Owing to a rush of work, Dr. Cams will remain in Hood River until the 15tb of August. We need ten cords of wood, and will gladly trade newspaper for it. Sixteen inch stove wood preferred. . If you want your boots or shoes re paired with neatness and dispatch, and at bedrock prices, go to O. Welds. . entertainment at the Methodist church last evening.. Admission 23 cents. r. rr! i. l... -.1' ... i ,. i. .... ... the public that 25-ceut dinners will be furnished at the Laugille house. Hon. A. It. Byrkett of White Sal-' mou has about 80 heud of hogs, pigs and tthotes. for sale cheaD. . au46t . Jack Luckey was at White Salmorfi for several days during the week doing blacksmithing work for J. It. Rankin. - Miss Grace A. Graham is finishing a six months' term .as teacher in tbe Crupper district, after a mouth's vaca tion. Joe Aleck now has the contract for' carrying the mail between Hood River "and White Salmon, as well as Cheu owith. Bound trip tickets to Portland, good f3. Tickets on "eale daily until Sep tember 80th. H. H. Totnlinson of the Mt. Hood saw mill last week brought to the Hood River Box Factory 1208 feet f the best quality of box lumber. The Glacier was in error last week when it stated that H. F. Davidson bud traded 11J acres for clearing 5. He gives 5 acres for clearing 11 J-. We will close out our spring stock of Oliver hilled Plows, as follows: $11.50 for No. 20s and $12 for No. 40s. Olinger A Bone. Our 'VVhol Wheat. Omham" Is for ale at all the stores. We guarantee every sack to be made of clean No. 1 wheat. . . Harbison Bros.. The Hood River box factory has the agency for the combination fence wade mt wire and pickets. The best and cheanest fence made. Call and see it me Dony or an unknown man was found last week in a pile of driftwood near Fisher's, on the Sandy road, sup posed to be the remains of Jeff Wil kinson. To prevent the hardening of the sub cutaneous tissues of the scalp and the obliteration of the hair follicles, which cause baldness, use Hall's Hair lie newer. . Tbe Hood River Box Co. has put in Its machinery and is prepared to roll barley or wheat. Tbe Co. also keeps on hand all kinds of rough and dressed lumber. Agents for combination fence. Rev. J. W. Jenkins of the Christian church came down from. The Dalles Wednesday and went out to the Ore gen Lumber Co 's mills, where he held services la tbe school bouse each even ing since. D. D. Rogers and Peter Cordes have brought the water to their houses from a spring owned jointly in Mr. Cordes' field, above his house. This fine spring will give them plenty of water for irri gation and for bouse use. ' Wm. Hengst, while at work on the Oregon Lumber Co.'s flume, Tuesday, received a fall and was quite badly bruised.- His injuries, though not se rious, will keep him from work for awhile. ' He is having a bouse built on bis father's place, six miles from town. D. D. Rogers says the coons, wild cat and skunks are plentiful in his neighborhood, and that of morulngs the wagon tracks in tbe road at his place are completely obliterated by the tramp of these animals. Some time ago something took his turkey hen, sit ting on fifteen eggs, and Jumped a high picket fence in gettiug away with her. The party who camped with J. E. Hanita at Lost Lake arrived home Monday. They came la two wagons, aad as they drove through the streets they were neart.il cheered by those who recognized them through. a thick coating Of dual, and sunburn Their answering war wboop made some of us think a wild-west show had come to town. " 1 sA illiam Smith has bought the in tstof 8. J. LaFrance in the Hood liver Box Factory and is now going it alone. We are glad to learn that this Institution is here to stay and is prov ing a success. This factory is a great convenience and something that will be appreciated by our fruit men. Mr. Smith is prepared to make all kinds of truit boxes. We were shown by 8. E. Bartmess a box of raisins that was in tbe Calusa county (Oil.) exhibit at-the midwinter fair. This box of raisins was grown and put up by a couein of Mrs. Bart mess, and brought here by Miss Earl. The fruit is exceptionally large and fine. One day last week a cougar killed a fine five-months old colt for George Booth. Mr. Booth put, strychnine in the carcass and the cougar came and helped himself again to the meat, but as he has not come back since, Mr. Booth fsels sure he killed him. Dr. F. C. Brosius, C. M. Wolfard, Lou Morse, C. M. Gilbert, with their families, and Captain Ferguson, Ed Williamson and Miss Mabel Hodgson start this morning for Lost Lake, where they will go into camp to re main for a week or so. Mr. George Booth sent to town by a neighbor, Thursday, for his mail, who received two letters for him and lost them both on the road between Hood River and O. H. Rhoads' place. One contained a money order. ' The Odd Fellows wllPhave their in stallation of officers next Thursday evening. - It was to have been held last Thursday, but the deputy grand master, Mr. . Barrett of the Locks, missed tbe boat on that date. Mr. Tillett, living on the Pilkington place, bad a dam in Phelps creek for raising water for irrigation. Tuesday night tbe dam was torn out by parties who, Mr. Tillett claims, are not alto gether unknown to him. - Inquiries are often made for country board. Persons desiring to take sum mer boarders might do well to place a small ad. in the Glacier. , R. S. Andrews and Ned Blythe went to the forks of Hood river, Monday, fishing. They returned Wednesday with a good mess of fish. , ' The Oregon Lumber Co. has cedar shingles for sale at C'henowith, Wash., at bedrock prices. . a4 Our hotels are crowded and guests are turned away daily for the want of room. ' . PERSONAL. Miss Mattie Foley returned from The Dalles Tuesday. - Miss Annie Hengst arrived home from Wyoming Saturday, r , , ' - ,' Rev. Earl M. Wilbur of Portland is 'the guest of Rev. Dr. Eliot. Hon. John M. Geariri' of Portland was In Hood River last week, t , ; '" F. v J. Wright left Tuesday for the harvest fields of Umatilla county. Hon. A. R. Byrkett and family aret occupying their bouse .in Hood liiver. W. T. Hibhard arrived home Tues day from Mr. Hibbard's farm near Goldeudale. : s , .. -! R. Lauterbach, postmaster and mer-r chant or vv nite salmon, was in Jtiood River Tuesday. "' Mrs. J. J. Luckey visited her friends, M r. and Mrs. J 11. Rankin, at White Salmon Tuesday. , v . Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hatch of Port land came down from Cloud Cap Mon day and returned to Portland. Mr. Charles Proske, traveling agent for the New York Life Insurance Co. and an old print, was In Hood River during the, week. Mr. James Lantrille returned Mon day from a trip to Kelso, Wash., where he visited his old neighbors, A.L.Wells and John LaFleur. A. B.Jones has rented his farm on Indian creek to Frank Jones and Clar ence Mrirgan, and has moved to town, occupying his bouse on River street. Mrs. CJalvin, sister to Mrs. T. L. Eliot, and her two children, from the East, are visiting with Rev. Dr. Eliot and Mrs. Eliot at their country place. Prof L. B. Sperry of Bellaire, Ohio, made tbe ascent of Mt. Hood July 27tb, and in the evening of the same day registered at the Langille bouse in Hood Riven Rev. J. Li. Mersbner of Independ-1 ,. . . 1 .t. . 11 - e : eiroe, vregii, -nus auoepieu uie can or the Riverside Congregational Church of Hood River and will enter upon his work here Sept. 1st. , ; Mrs. Vanderpool of Prineville, moth er of Mrs. W. Todd, who is in poor health, came here a month ago, hoping the change would benefit her, but so far there is not much improvement. C. A. Sburte with his family andi father came down from Arlington Sat urday and "have been In camp at Cbas. Reed's place. They have been black berrying in tbe mountains and Friday went into camp on Green Point. Rev. John Morrison of Calvary Pres byterian church, and Mr. John Bain. cashier of the Oregon Loan and Mort gage uo., came up from .Portland, Wed nesday, with their families, and are eampedat the upper bridge of Hood river. . A arty from Portland,' consisting of W. . Fowler, J. M. Budleman, A . J. Porter and Miss Annie Johnson, who have been in camp at Sandy Flat, re turned to towu Monday, stopping at the Langille house, and went down on the Regulator Tuesday morning. - Ice from the Glaeicrs of Mt. Hood. The Mt. Hood Ice Co. is now pre pared to furnish glacier ice direct from Mt. Hood to the Citizens of Hood River. It will be on sale this (Saturday) morn ing.. Look out for the ice wagon. ' Mf. Hood Ice Co." From Trout Lake. Hon. A. R. Byrkett of White . Sal mon was in - town Wednesday. He had just returned from Trout Lake,, where, last week, be drove his band of horses and cows to feed upon the green pastures of that neighborhood for the summer. He reports about one hun dred campers there, from Portland, The Dalles, Goldendale .and Hood River. The hay wop, now being har vested, is good. 1 ' " Losses on Strawberries. Returns' are in from the strawberry shipments from Hood River, and the losses sustained by our fruit growers can now be computed. The 1500 crates shipped East to Denver and Omaha just paid the freight. The. crates alone cost $300, besides tho cost of packing and picking (2 cents a pound), and other work. A very small part of the crop was picked and 'shipped, some growers wisely choosing to let their berries rot ou the vines rather than take the chances of shipment under the ex isting circumstances.! A mistake was made in not shipping more of our ber ries to the Montana markets by way of Portland. The Portland commission houses were not long in finding out the markets there, and our berries were shipped by them, but our fruit growers did not reap the benefit. Mr. A." B. Jones shipped one crate, his first, to Helena, on the 26 th of May, the day before the railroad closed,which netted him $7. After the fall in prices in Portland, he made another ship ment to Helena on the date the berries were shipped to Denver that did not pay the freight. This was bis last shipment and they netted him $3.50 a crate. Mr. Jones' crop was estimated at 600 crates. He had contracted with parties in Wyoming for 200 crates at $3.60 a crate delivered on the cars here. He had received the same prices from these same parties for the two years previous. The season of '04 was a dis astrous one for ,the strawberry men of Hood River, but undismayed, they are preparing to plant more acres of the same fruit, knowing they will make good their losses in the future. ,, :, - Family Reunion. The children and grand children of Mr. William Boorman gathered at his house Sunday, September 29th, to the number of thirty-five. After a good dinner, music, songs and recitations were indulged in by the younger folks, and a general good time was had. Mr Boorman has sold part of his farm, in cluding the residence, and this will be the last gathering of his family under the roof of the old homestead. . Hop Pickers Wanted. Mr. William Harrison of North Yak ima, brother to M. V., writes to J. E. Hanna that hop pickers are wanted in the hop fields of the Yakima country. The picking season begins about Sep tember 1st. Prices same as last year, $1 a box. ' ' ' CHURCH NOTICES. Rev. J. W. Jenkins of The Dalles will preach in the Valley Congrega tional church tomorrow morning and evening at tbe usual hour. There will be no preaching services at J-'ine wove or iselmont tomorrow, but services will be held in the Barracks in town this (Satuiday) evening and tomorrow morning and evening, by the Presiding Elder, R. C. Moter. After Sixty-seven Days. The first through trains east and west passed through Hood River yes terday morning at 4 o'clock, 67 days from the date of the stoppage of trains by tbe high water. Tbe trains passed each other at Mosier, just as Mr. Neff and his gang of bridge builders com pleted the lust bridge near that place. Runaway Accident. A runaway happened last Saturday which seriously damaged Mr. Thomas Pollock, who lives some three miles from town, near the road leading to Tucker's mill. ' Mr. Pollock was com ing to town In an old rickety dog cart. When on top of the hill south of Dr. Adams' drug store the horse took fright at something and ran furiously down the hill, upsetting ' the vehicle and j kicking till the cart was badly demor- alvzed, - Mr. Pollock was violently thrown to the ground, striking on his left shoulder. He remained uncon scious till W. P. Watson and others who witnessed the accident picked him up and carried him into Dr. Adams' drug store. The doctor, who was ab sent at, the time, returned at that mo- ment and npon stripping and carefully examining him, found no bones broken, but the ligament which binds the col lar bone to the shoulder blade was torn loose and grating could be felt on mov ing tbe clavicle. The doctor gave him tbe necessary treatment and sent him home W. P. Watson kindly volun teering to go for a buggy and take the old man home. As Mr. Pollock is 78 years old and quite feeble, the doctor says it will be a long time before the injury heals. Bucklea's Arnica Salve. V The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt , Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped : Hand, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erupt ions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required.: It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Hood River Pharmacy. Kwallnwftd Confientrnted Ltb. A three-year old child of Mr. M. A. uook, living two mnes soutn 01 town, Wednesday of last week . swallowed some concentrated lye. Mr. Cook had "been moving the kitchen part of his bouse to join the main part, and things were piled promiscuously on the kitch en table. The lye was placed in the center of the table, where it was thought to be out of the child's reach. During the momentary absence of the mother, the child, a little girl, man- aged to reach the lye, and came run ning to her mother with the box of lye in her hands, crying and saying it burnt her tongue. The child has suf fered greatly since, but is improving, and bears its affliction patiently. It was one of those unfortunate accidents for which no one is to blame. Mr. TV. J Baker's Orchards. Among, the many In Hood River val ley who Cultivate their .orchards as it should be done none are more success ful than Mr. W. J. Baker. Mr. Baker is a model orchardlst. He cultivates thoroughly, and his 3,000 trees, mostly apples of the Yellow Newtown variety, make good returns for the care and at tention bestowed upon them. Most of his time is spent in his orchards at work among the trees, and he says they should have his wJhole time. Jle makes a study of his work and finds there is always something to learn, ad he takes pleasure in imparting the knowledge he gains to his neighbors. An adept in pruning, it is worth while for any one interested in fruit raising to walk with him through his orchards and take a short lesson in this the most difficult to learn of any branch of the business. In picking apples, Mr. Baker does not strip a tree clean at one picking, but believes in gathering the fruit the same as peaches and strawber ries are gathered he ripest first. This gives the apples left on the tree a ehance to fill out and prevents the destruction of many fruit spurs that will come off when apples are picked before their time. Hia method of treating the cod lin moth is to trap them by tying ban dages' around the trunks of the trees. Every ten days he goes over his or chards and destroys tbe worms that are found sheltered under the ban dages waiting for wings to fly away and sting more fruit. Mr. Baker has a fine apple house in which he keeps the fruit till -spring, when prices are al ways good. He sold every box of last year's crop for $2 a box delivered on the cars at Hood River. He is now pre paring to build another apple house, and will add to it as his trees come into bearing. Mr. Baker is enthusiastic in his work and his success is deserved. . ; , ,. From Belmont. , Editor Glacier: Wednesday E.C. Rogers and family went blackberrying on the mountains. On their return, in coming down the steep bill at Mr. Brown's place, . the neck-yoke ring broke and let the wagon onto the horses. The team started to run, com menced kicking and were soon unman ageable. Mr. Rogers, giving the lines to his wife, tried to bold the brake. Tbe team turned across tbe road, up setting -tbe wagon on the whole party. Charley, one of tbe boys, jumped and cleared tbe wagon, but Mr. and Mrs. Rogers fell underneath and were badly bruised. The wagon was wrecked and the berries were made into jam oil the spot. The horses ran down the hill, but soon came to a stop, and Charley overtook them near tbe old mill. He procured , Will Crapper's wagon and started home with the folks, but just above D. H. Crapper's place a brake block came off and tbey bad to chain a wheel; then a breast strap broke and tbey came near having auotber run away. John Rogers hud taken a near cut for borne and rode down the flume, with no better luck. John got along swimmingly till , be came to a low bridge too low to duck under, and be jumped out. . Failing to pick out a soft spot to alight, be was badly bruised and got a severe cut on his arm. His bat went down the flu sue. The family finally arrived borne, glad to fiud that no bones were broken. Mr. John Smith is building anew houoe; Ue had a well dug and got water in ten feet. - Wm. Boorman has sold 110 acres 1 f his farm to John W. Conn ill of Midi igau for $4,500. Mr. Boorman will re main 011 the place till next spring, when Mr. Council will move here with his family. '" . . .'. ' Frank McFarland and J. Kennard returned Wednesday from Trout Lake with fish enough to supply the whole neighborhood in the vicinity of Bel- niOUt. :' ' ' '. : Three of tbe young ladies of Miss Sbepard's Sunday school class at Wood lawn are visiting her at Belmont. Belmont. The Ad ranee (juard. Rev. Brown of the First Presbyterian church and Rev. Miller of the Second Presbyterian church, of Portland, came up on the Regulator Monday, , with camp equippage prepared to camp for a mouth in the mountains. . Tuesday their goods were hauled out to the up per bridge on Hood river, where they established camp, and their families followed Thursday. This is said to be but the advance guard of a host of campers that will follow if tbe glowing reports of Rer. Mr. Brown, who has been up before, are confirmed. . , Installation ferviccs. Belmont Temple, No. 15, will have an open installation service Monday, August 6th. Also, a very interesting programme. Those who have ever been entertained by the Templars will not need a second invitation. Channel Shifted. The steamer Regulator now makes her landings at the old place, above Button's meadow. The middle and west channels of Hood river, just be low the railroad .bridge, seem to have been filled with sand by tbe late high water, and tbe channel is now on the east side. James A. Langille says if a jetty was put in the current could be thrown on this side, which would soon cut a' channel that would allow the Regulator to land at the foot of First street for a month yet.' Mr. Langille and Will Rand say they will put in the jetty. ' :' ' ' Good Work. L. NefFs gang of bridge builders, .who have been working from daylight till dark every day, including Sundays, for 45 daj's, worked from 6 o'clock Thursday morning until ' -the ' bridge near Mosier. was repaired for the pas sage of the through tarlns at 4 o'clock Friday morning. Thursday was the hottest day of the summer, and, some thing unusal for the country, the beat kept up all night. The men all stood tbe long hours and heat in good shape, and went to bed at 8 o'clock yesterday morning. At noon they were roused up and went back to work. : Fatal Accideut. Thursday afternoon, while Philip Riner's gang of bridge men were at work on the bridge just this side of Mosier, the wench, ' or nlggerhead, flew out of tbe drum on the pile-driver engine, and falling .through the bridge, struck T. F. Moore, who was at work underneath, on the head, crushing his skull. The injured man was immedi ately brought to Hood River and med ical aid summoned, but the blow was fatal, and the man died at 11 o'clock tbe same evening. Mr. Mooore was a farmer, aged 33, living at Mt. Hood, and leaves a wife and two children. His wife was sent for, but arrived too late to see her husband alive. His mother, living at Woodburn, Or., was also sent 'for. Mrs. Moore and two children arrived in Hood River at 9 o'clock yesterday morning, Will Gra ham bringing them down, i Irrigation Rates for 1894. The following rates will be iu force from and after May 1st: . Each half lot or less ..'..75 cts. Each lot or less $1.50 No deduction for a number of lots will be made. Parcies not regular con sumers will not be allowed to use water for irrigation. Regular consumers de siriug to use water must first apply to the agent and have time allotted to them. Time allowed will be 2 hours a day three times a week. Streetsprlnk lingis positively prohibited; sidewalk sprinkling, according to schedule rate. The Hydrant Co. will reserve the right to curtail irrigation Vhenever it inter feres with household uses. H. C. Coe. A Household Treasure. D. W. Fuller of Canajoliarie, N. Y., says that be always keeps Dr. King's New Discovery in the house and. his family always found the very best re sults follow its "use; that he would not be without it if procurable. G.A.Dyke man, druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New Discovery is un doubtedly the bent cough remedy; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has iiever failed to do all that is claimed for it. Saved ;.Her Life. Mrs. C. J. Wooldkidoe, of 'Worthara, Tfixnu. saved the life of lier child by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "One of my children had Croup. The case wr iittended hy our physician, and was' siiptmsml to lie well under control. One nitrlit I was startled bv tho child's hard bre;itliiiif, and on Ruing to It found it stran plliifr. It had nearly ceased to breathe. lteallzlnR that the -hild'a nlarmlnir condition had become possible in spite of the medicines Riven, I reasoned that snch remedies would he of no avail. Having part of a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In the house, I gave the child three doses, at short Intervals, and anxiously waited results. From the moment the Pectoral was given, the child's breathing prrew easier, and, In a short time, she was sleeping quietly and breathing naturally. The child Is alive and well toiav, and I no not hesitate to say-thnt Ayer' Cherry Pec toral saved her life." . Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayor & Co., Lowell, Uau. Prompttoact, sure to cure A. S. BENNETT. AITORNEY-AT-LA W. ; OP FICE IN SHANNO'S BUILDING CORNER OF COURT AND SECOND STREET, The Dalles, Oregon. J. F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon , HOOD RIVER, OR. Is especially prepared to treat Diseases of Nose and Throat. , 1 Local surgeon for Union Pacific Ry. Dufub & Menefee, Attorneys-at-Law, Chapman Block, over Postof f Ice THK DALLES OREGON". THE - "EEGULATOR LINE." & Navigation Co. Through Freight and Passenger Line. ; : The steamer Regulator will run tri weekly trips, leaving The Dalles Mou- Udays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, con necting with steamer Dalles City. Re-, turning, will leave Portland Tuesdays Thursdays, and Saturdays, connecting with steamer Regulator at the Locks. All freight will come through without delay . . PASSENGER RATES. One way $2 00 Round trip... 3 00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at anytime, day or night Shipments for way landings must be delivered be fore 5 p. m. Live stock shipments so licited. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, ' General Agent, B. F. LAUGHLIN, ; .-..,. , General Manager, ; THE DALLES, OREGON T. C. DALLAS. DEALER IN Stoves and tin ware, kitchen fur niture, pruning tools and plumb ers goods oi all kinds. ' Repairing of tin ware a specialty. AGENCY FOR BRADLLY&METCALFCO? CELEBRATED BOOTS SHOES ESTABLISHED 1843. TTHE BIGGEST TRUE. MARK COrYMOITEA A. S. RUMS & GO. DEALERS TU Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, Caps, ;' Boots and shoes; Flour, Feed etc. Country Produce Bought and Sold. A. 8. Blowkes. ' W.M.Yates, TO JLuXj PRINCIPAL POINTS V . ... EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH EAST BOUND FROM HOOD RIVER No. 28. Freight leaves at - 11.45. A.M No. 2. Mall '', 10- r-.M WEST BOUND FROM HOOD RIVFR. No 27 , Local, leas at 8. 15 P. M r 1 Moil " 4:42 A. M THROGH SLEEPERS RECLINING CHAI R CARS AND DINERS. . Steamers from Portland to San Francisco every 4 days to For rates and goneral information call on DEPOT TICKET AGENT. W. H.HURLBURT. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. FOR SALE. House and lot In Hood River. Ap ply to A. S. Blowkbs. FOR SALE. Fresh milk cow for sale. Also, ona Polled Angus bull, 3 years old. J, Graham, Mt. Hood. C. J. HAYES, SURVEYOR. . ; All work given him will be done cor rectly and promptly. He has a few good claims upon which he can locate parties; both farming and timbtr lands.. February. 1894. - ' WANTED. Farm to rent. Apply at this office.