The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 04, 1894, Image 1

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    , '
It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
VOL. 6.
NO. 10.
pfeod Ii ver . (5 Lad er.
The Glacier Fablishlng Company.
. One year , fl OS
bix months , 1 or
Three months ... M
Snirle oopjt f Ceato
Grant Evans, Propr.
, Second St., near Oak. - Hood River, Or.
Sbaving and Hair-cutting neatly done.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
The Situation Yesterday Presented No
New Features.
San Francisco, July 24. The railroad
. strike in California presents no new feat
ures. The Southern Pacific officials now
insist that they are conducting their
regular business without hindrance. It
is true, too, that all or nearly all of their
trains are running pretty regularly.
' The union men at Oakland insist, how
ever, that the strike is Btill on in all its
force, and. that they are bound to win,
or at least be taken back on their own
tortus. In Sacramento the strikers con
tinue to quarrel among themselves, the
trouble having arisen over a public meet
ing of strikers, at which a majority of
those attending voted to return to work
and so notified the railroad company.
A number of strikers at Sacramento
claim this action was without authority.
They insist the strike is still on at that
'4 point. The most important thing to-day
1 was the ordering of Company F of the
State militia from Woodland to Duns
muir on the Oregon branch. The strikers
at Dunsmuir are said to threaten trouble.
Company H at Grass Valley has also
been ordered out. Five companies of
the Fifth Regiment, which is in service
at Oakland, nave been released and al-
.Jewed to return to their homes. It is
"conceded that there is no longer danger
f serious trouble at Oakland.
Saceambnto, July 24. There is noth
ing new here in railroad matters. The
street in the vicinity of the former head
quarters of the railway union, where
crowds have congregated all the time,
was entirely deserted to-night, and only
a sickly light was visible through the
windows. The place was formerly a
dive, but had been closed for some time
before the strikers occupied it. Eight
hundred and ten men went to work in
the railroad shops, to-'day, and 1,000 ap
plications were received. The boiler
shops and ' the molders' shops were
opened for the first time Bince the strike.
The men who returned to work to-day
''poured over the foot bridge into the heart
of the'city in such a body that nobody
dared to say anything about non-union
men. Themilitary was not required to
protect the dinner-pail brigade. As a
, matter of fact there are no indications
V of a strike here whatever. Many of the
worst element of the strikers are leaving
. the city to avoid arreBt, United States
Marshal Baldwin having started in to
corral those on the list accused of con
spiracy, obstruction and other crimes.
, . . , 7,
4. .The Invention of a Brooklynite Tested
y . at Governor's Island.
New York, July '23. W. A. F. Len
nard of Brooklyn, who has invented a
bullet-proof shield, went over to Gov
ernor's Island to-day to submit his in
vention to a test conducted by army offi
cers. The officers did not have the same
faith in the Bhield that its inventor had,
and although the latter urged that he be
made a target of, the officers would not
; consent to it, and the shield was fastened
on the face of some heavy oak planking.
The shield measured 17x13 inches, and
. is 1 inches in thickness. A shot from
, a 4ft-caliber rifle was first fired into the
planking from a forty-foot range. The
bullet penetrated 2 1-10 inches. Another
fired its projectile 2 inches into the
solid wood. Then the aim was directed
at the shield. The first shot penetrated
inches, and the impulse of the sec
ond was checked after a penetration of
inches. Five shots were fired in all,
and none succeeded in piercing the
' (shield. One of the missiles struck on
i the edge of the shield and, chipping off
a piece, buried ltseit in tne wooa. ine
test was conducted under the supervision
of Captain Col ton and Lieutenant An
drews, both of the regular army.
Evicted Tenants' BUI.
London, July 24. In the House of
'; Commons to-day Mr. Chamberlain re
sumed the debate on the evicted tenants'
bill. He denied that there was any ne
cessity for exceptional legislation. There
. were no districts in Great Britain in
which the annual number of evictions
v did not far exceed in proportion the evic-
7 ions which the House is called upon to
Weal with in Ireland. The bill originated
ffuin the Irish system of clamor, and was
X !--vjd from the government, not by so-
DUl Dy political aim parliamentary
ncies. It might re-establish a small
. irity of tenants, while it would in-
,he rest to demand further legisla-
' . He suggested that the measure be
fawn and tne evicted tenants in
I i be relieved through the re-enact
i and ext' aion of the thirteenth
I ' pf theb Jactof 1891.
Give the Opinions of Washing
ton Correspondents
Quarrel Between the President and His
Party Friends in the Senate Has
Aroused the Bitterest Feeling Among
Democratic Factions. 7
New York, July 28. President Cleve
land's letter. Senator Gorman's bitter
attack upon the Chief Executive and
Hill's reply have so entirely changed the
aspect of the tariff bill's chances of pas
sage that there is a diversity of opinion
among the Washington correspondents
of the more influential New York dailies
as to the ultimate fate of that measure.
The majority, however, take a gloomy
view of the situation. The following are
some of the expressions of opinion :
The World : The quarrel between the
President and his party friends in the
Senate has aroused the bitterest feeling
among the factions of the Democrats in
and out of Congress, and is generally re
garded as the greatest misfortune that
could have happened to the Democratic
party at this time. What its effect will
be upon the tariff bill cannot be deter
mined yet. - It seems almost certain,
however, that, if any tariff bill is to be
passed at this session, the House must
yield to the Senate. This muBt necessa
rily be so in the Senate, for three or four
Democratic Senators can defeat any
measure which they do not care to sup
port, and in view of Gorman's announce
ment that, if the Senate amendments
are materially changed, the bill will be
defeated, there seems to be no way in
which the differences between tne two
Houses can be reconciled. The failure,
moreover, of the President's attempt to
conciliate Gorman and induce him to
bring about a peaceful settlement of the
controversy on some other basis than
that of the adoption of the Senate bill
serves to indicate that the prospect for
harmony between the two Houses is not
The Times : ' If the sugar trust would
take its hands off of this Congress and
release the Senators who are now disa
bled by it from discharging their duties
as the constitution calls upon them to do
and as the people demand they shall, the
tariff bill would be agreed upon by the
conference committee in a few days, and
it would be a bill free from any sugges
tion that its leading schedules were
shaped by corrupt influences. It is use
less to caucus, for, whatever the caucus
may do, the potent few, who are under
stood to be hopelessly tied up 'and in
danger of being utterly disgraced if they
do not persist in remaining bought, can
not accept any conclusions reached by
the majority. , . ,
The Recorder: There is scarcely a
member of the House who is not con
vinced that the Senate means what it
says ; that it will accept no bill but the
compromise measure that was passed
there. In the House side there is dis
couragement and a foreboding of defeat.
The members say it will probably be a
short fight now, that the House will
vield. but the President is not ready to
give up the struggle yet. It looks to-day
as though the House is almost willing to
yield, and mat tne contest may come to
an end sooner than has been expected.
There is uncertainty about the Senate's
position, and (Jorman's shrewdness in
throwing upon the House the responsi
bility for no tariff legislation, if such is
the outcome of the struggle, is bearing
fruit. The courage of the. members 01
the House has sadly weakened since last
week. They have all listened to the
Senate oratory, and have been deeply
impressed by it; and the Senators claim
to-night that the end is in sight, and
the end will be the Senate bill.
The Herald : Dancers from open foes
and pretended friends surround the con
ference report on the tariff bill in the
Senate on every hand, and it will require
cool brains and steady hands to steer it
back into the conference committee
again without total shipwreck. i The
friends ot tne dm are very mucn aiarmea.
The tremendous racket the Senate has
stirred up over the conference report has
frightened some of the members of the
other House who have heretofore been
in favor of holding out. They are afraid
that the Senate may vote to indefinitely
postpone the tariff bill and thus deal a
death blow to tariff reform by this Con
gress. There has been talk emanating
from high Democratic sources in favor
of calling the conference report to the
House, so that the Senate's amendments
could be agreed to at once and the meas
ure could be sent before the country
with at leaBt the title of " A Bill to Re
duce Taxation." What these men are
afraid of is that the Senate will adopt
Borne sort of a motion to instruct the
conferrees to yield on some pet item of
protection that some individual Senator
esteems more highly than party prin
ciples. Many members of the House
are not at all frightened by the noise in
the Senate. They say it is simply the
last " bluff" of the Senatorial conspira
tors, and if the House stands firm, it
can win a complete - victory. It is
saarcely probable that either side will
win a complete victory under the ; cir
cumstances, and present indications seem
to point to a compromise. The compro
mise talked of contemplates lower duties
on coal and iron ore and a remodeling of
the sugar schedule, with an ad valorem
duty only ranging from 42 to 45 per
cent. It is probable that in return for
the concessions the House would make
to the Senate in these items the House
would be given an opportunity to ar
range all the rest of the bill substanti
ally as it pleased. This would result in
large reductions in the textile schedules.
The Tribune : To-day's developments
have made it more apparent that the
fate of the tariff bill is held firmly in the
hands of a little knot of Democratic Sen
ators who are holding out for no sur
render to the House or President. With
the aid of Republicans they can at any
time defeat or postpone the pending
measure, and against their determined
will the edicts of a Democratic caucus
or .of the Democratic President cannot
have the slightest avail. They have only
to remain obstinate to bring the House
to their terms, or to force it to go back
to the country with a record of Demo
cratic promises left lamentably unac
complished and Democratic pledges
cynically violated and ignored.
. Oregon.
Tillamook has a daily mail now from
. The election for Sheriff in Morrow
county is being contested.
There are 2,500 headers at work in the
grain fields of Umatilla county.
' Easter Oregon fruit growers are plan
ning to erect a drier for the fall crops,
to be put up probably at Milton.
The Pendleton scouring mill now ex
pects to handle 4,000,000 pounds of wool
this season. The flouring mills are being
enlarged, and some ' Springfield (111.)
men are looking at the foundry plant
with a view to buying and operating it.
Many of the Indians from other res
ervations, who visited with the Umatil-
las on the Fourth, have returned to their
homes, many of them minus their bright
colored blankets and herds of cayuses.
It is said the Umatilla braves won every
thing in sight at the races.
At Baker City Mendleson & Eustace
made the following sales of wool to a
Boston house : Ninty-seven bags, 40,000
pounds in one lot; Taylor Thompson's
consignment of fortv bags, 14,000 pounds ;
E. T. Springer's, 30,120 pounds. These
are the largest sales made this season.
The wool will be shipped to Boston as
soon the cars can be obtained.
During the past two or three fishing
days the receipts at the Astoria canneries
have been unusually large, and some of
the fishermen have made hauls that ex
ceed anything in the history of the
salmon industry for several years past.
Saturday last John Mattson, who gener
ally earns the reputation of having the
high boat on the river, took 3,300 pounds
of royal chinook fish into Kinney's can
nery, the result of a single drift. Four
of the men emploved by the Cutting
racKing company wjok in over iu,uuu
pounds of fish, and many others are re
ported to have secured unusually large
hauls. Few large hauls are made unless
the fishermen eo out over the bar, and
this venture at certain stages of the tide
is invariably attended with the greatest
danger. General regret is expressed at
Astoria that the big run of fish did not
arrive at a sufficiently early day to en
able the cannerymen to make up the
great shortage in the pack.
A volunteer fire department has been
organized at Garfield. ;
A union is being formed by the har
vest hands of the Palouse.
Five hundred cars of delaved shingles
have left the Tacoma yards for the East.
Prizes amounting to $8,000 will be
offered for the racing events at the State
Fair in North Yakima this fall. .
Tacoma bridge bonds to the amount
of $50,000 have been successfully mar
keted in Chicago, and the cash is avail
Four fractional townships in the north
west corner of Lincoln county along the
south bank of the Columbia will be ready
for filing immediately. They contain
about 40,000 acres, and are reported to
be well rilled with settlers, who will be
glad of an opportunity to claim their
homes. . ,
The completion of the forty miles of
wagon road- from Colville to Metaline,
which will be accomplished within a
week, will result in great benents to
Spokane. The Metaline basin is a fertile
tract, lying between two ranges of mount
ains, and drained bv the Pend d'Oreille
river and other smaller streams. Mead
ows and agricultural lands abound, and
there is an abundance of white pine and
cedar timber. The surrounding mount
ains are seamed with silver and gold,
and along the gravel beds of the streams
rich placer diggings have been dis
covered. , This territory has been little
known until recently, when its richness
was made known by the adventurous
prospector, harbinger of Western civil
ization. Within a week or so the wagon
road will be complete, and even though
ingress and egress must necessarily be
made at the slow pace of wagon teams,
still the new road will open up a great
and rich country by giving it an avenue
to the market of its products.
Orders to the Chinese Gunboats in Case
of Opposition.
Shanghai, July 27. It is reported that
the 12,000 Chinese troops which left
Taku July 20 for Corea, convoyed by
eight gunboats, have landed in Corea.
The gunboats escorting the transports
had instructions to fire upon the Japan
ese if the latter obstructed the 'landing
of this army. The other troops, which
left Foo Chow for the Loo Choo Islands,
are also said to have reached their desti
nation safely. It is stated that, if the
report of the landing of the Chinese
unopposed is correct, the prospects of a
peaceful solution of the disputes between
China and Japan are improved, as the
Chinese fleet of transports and gunboats
could scarcely have escaped the vigilance
of Japanese war vessels, if the latter had
been preparing to oppose the landing of
the Chinese forces. This is said to show
that Japan is now more amenable to the
counsels oi the treaty powers. , ,
Uncle Sam Preparing to Sup
press Them Entirely.
Four Fast Steam Launches to be Pur
chased by the Federal Government
for the Purpose of Breaking up the
- Illicit Traffic in the Deadly Drug.
Tacoma, July 25. The United States
government will take up the suppression
of opium-smuggling with increased vigor,
Four fast steam launches will be pur
chased by it to establish a systematic
water patrol on Puget Sound and the
Columbia river. One launch will be sta
tioned at Tacoma, one at Port Townsend,
one at Astoria and one at Portland. The
customs force in this district will be
augmented by the addition of four active
young men, who are not afraid, and the
launches will cruise constantly. Other
small launches and revenue cutters
owned by the government will be placed
at various places on the Sound to wateh
for smuggling operations. This grows
out of the recent trip here of Assistant
Secretary Hamlin of the Treasury De
partment and J. J. Crowley, Supervising
Special Agent. Heretofore smugglers
have had things much their own way,
owing to the customs officers' slow ves
sels and small force. Leslie Cullom,
Special Agent of the Treasury, says there
will be no further excuse for smuggling
when the new service becomes efficient.
More opium is shipped across the border
in this State than at any other part of
the United States.
A dispatch was received to-day from
Representative Doolittle, saying that the
bill making the buildings at the Inter
state Fair bonded warehouses will un
doubtedly pass both the House and Sen
ate. Many of the foreign exhibits are
already on the way here in bond. F. I.
Thompson owner of the scenic railway
concession, arrived to-day, and has
ordered the construction of his line.
Railroad Selections Approved by the
Secretary of the Interior.
Washington, July 25. Secretary of
the Interior Smith has approved lists of
railroad selections, embracing 196,841
acres of land in Utah, included in a
grant to the Central Pacific, and 5,983
acres within the primary limits of the
grant of the Southern Pacific. The ap
proval has been on supplemental lists of
sections of land made on account of
grants to' aid in the construction of the
the Oregon and California road in Ore
gon, Central Pacific in Utah and South
ern Pacific in California. . .
The alleged violations of the laws of
the United: States by the State of Mis
sissippi in issuing warrants bearing si
militude to United States money was
considered at the Cabinet meeting. The
matter was referred to Attorney-General
Olney with power to act. He directed
the District Attorney at St. Louis to com
mence proceedings against the national
bank note firm that printed the war
Senator Power of Montana has intro
duced a bill to transfer the customs
revenue along the Northern border to
the War Department. The object is to
have the border better patrolled, so as
to prevent the smuggling of Chinese and
opium. ;
The minority of the House Committee
on Pacific Railroads, who voted against
the Keilly bill for adjusting the debts of
the Central and Union Pacific, is draw
ing up a report in opposition to the bill
granting an extension of time for 'the
railroads to settle their debts. : , - .
The President submitted to the Senate
to-dav a letter from Minister Willis.
dated June 23, in which Tie reports the
receipt of a protest signed by Liliuoka
lani, earnestly requesting the United
States not to extend its recognition to
any government formed. .
, Land Office Decision Affirmed.
Washington, July 24. Secretary of
the Interior i Smith to-day affirmed the
action of the general land office, reject
ing the applications in the cases of Fer
dinand Garbarro,' Theodore Barlan, Isaac
L. Williams, Serafin Wunderle, Lou
Wark, James Brown, John Anderson
and Timothy Healy to enter lands near
Oregon City, on the ground that a pre
vious patent was given to the Oregon
and California railway. The appeal of
the Southern Pacific railroad in the case
against James Brady, involving lands
near San Francisco, has been withdrawn.
. Controls the Silberhorn Concern.
Sioux City, la., July 23. The Chicago
Packing and Provision Company, one of
the strongest corporations in the coun
try, has secured control of the Silber
horn packing-house in this city, which
has been idle since the financial troubles
here, and will reopen it for business
The house has a capacity of 3,500 hogs
and 500 cattle daily, and is the biggest
institution oi its Kind in the city.
' " Union Men to be Discharged.
Jackson, Tenn., July 23. The Mobile
and Ohio has issued orders that mem
bers of the union in its employ would
be immediately discharged. This affects
several hundred men on the Jackson and
St. Louis division. . .
Chairman Frlck Considers the Decision
of the President Unjust.
Washington, July 25. Chairman
Frick of the Carnegie Steel Company
was before the Naval Committee in the
armor-plate investigation to-day. Frick
asserted that, while the company's out
put in 1893 was more than 3,000,000 tons,
only 5,000 tons was armor-plate. -,' He
left the details entirely to Superintend
ent Hunsicker. Frick regarded the pen
alty levied Dy tne JNavy department as
exorbitant, and appealed to the .Fresi-
dent, as he was permitted to do under
the law. He considered the President's
decision unjust.
Frick said Informer Craig came to him
before the information was given out.
intimating a conspiracy was on foot ; also
received a visit from an unknown elderly
lady, who intimated that for money she
would give valuable information. " If
the government inspectors had done
their duty, there would have been no
trouble," said he. " 1 knew they were
there to see the work properly done, and
depended on them." Frick did not in
dorse the conduct of his men in deceiv
ing the inspectors.
Since taking the armor-plate contracts
the company has invested $3,000,000 in
the plant, and bad never refused to buy
any machinery that was recommended
as necessary.
Willard Hunsicker, assistant to Chair
man Frick, and who had been in charge
of the armor-plate departments, testified
that be had no personal knowledge of
the irauds. Mr. Hunsicker furnished a
statement of the number of armor-plates
made from the beginning of the old con
tract in December, 1889. to June 1. 1894.
This showed a total of 1,506 plates, of
which 905 were shipped, 153 condemned
and 448 were on hand. Of the 905 shipped
662 were regular armor-plates and the
remainder were small plates. Most of
the plates condemned had been con
demned by the action of the company
itself. . ' ,.. '; ... ..
McGulre's Scheme to Foreclose the Union
Paclflo Mortgages.
Omaha, July 24. It was rumored this
afternoon that Delegate McGuire had a
scheme for having the government fore
close the mortgages on the Union Pacific
and have this railroad operated by the
government in the future, as has been
advocated by the Knights of Labor. Mc
Guire seems to think this could be done
without further delay if only Congress
will take action upon the matter, and if
this Congress does not do the right thing,
be thinks the next Congress will be made
up of more friends of the people, so that
the people, as well as the railroads, will
receive some consideration at the hands
of the government. The leaders now
here are in hearty sympathy with Debs,
and express themselves as willing to do
all in their power to assist him in making
an able defense. Among other things to
be considered by the Executive Board
while in Omaha is the question of form
ing labor militia companies, and from
the expressions made by the members of
the General Executive Board it is quite
probable that an order will be issued ask
ing all members of the order to become
members of the State militia in the
various States of the Union. , 7.
South Carolina's Dispensary Law to be
- Again Enforced.
Columbus, S. C, July 23. Governor
Tillman stated to-day that he would is
sue his proclamation reopening the dis
pensaries August 1. He says he is de
termined to enforce the law more vigor
ously than ever. The Governor ex-
nlained his position, saying the decision
against the constitutionality of the law
was due to the political prejudices 01 the
Supreme Court. He said that the decision
did not affect the act of 1893, the non
enforcement of which since April 17,
when the decision was pronounced, he
explained by saying that he had deter
mined not to leave the saloon men an
opportunity to bring a test case. He ap
pears to take it tor granted that justice
Gray, who succeeded Justice McGowan
July 20, is settled in his opinion as to
the law's validity. Gray was President
of the State Senate when the law was
passed, and assisted in its enactment.
The Governor's proposed action causes
the greatest anxiety. 5
Playful Geysers.
Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone
Park, July, 23. A telegram received
here to-day from a reliable source says a
shock resembling an earthquake was
felt at the Norris geyser basin at 4 a. m.
The new crater geyser, which has been
quiet for some time, broke out with ter
rific force, throwing rocks weighing
twenty-five pounds to the height of 200
feet. Steam rose 500 feet, and was ac
companied by a roar equaling the com
bined exhaust of a thousand locomo
tives, which could be heard ten miles.
Every gevser in the IS orris basin played
for hours. '
British Columbia Trouble Settled.
Nanaimo, B. C, July 24. The trouble
in regard to wages existing between the
miners of this district and the manage
ment of the colliery, which threatened
to close down the mines and throw out
of employment 1,500 men, was virtually
settled to-day by the miners in mass
meeting assembled agreeing to work un
der the existing rates until the end of
the year. -
Honors for Canadians.
London, July 24. The Canadian
marksmen at Baisley have won about
550, besides cups and trophies. The
corporation of London gave fifteen prizes
to the colonial and Indian volunteers
making the highest scores. In what is
known as the grand aggregate the Cana
dians won all but one.
War Between China and Japan
Seems to be Inevitable, r
Mongolian Empire Is Now Making Every
Preparation to Assert Its Claims of
Rights In the Corean Peninsula A
Missionary's Opinion.
Shanghai, July 23. China continues ;
to make preparations to assert her claims
in Corea, and from present indications it
is judged that war will be inevitable
unless Japan recedes from the position
she has hitherto maintained. Orders
were recently issued for 12,000 Chinese
troops to prepare for departure for Corea.
The preparations we're hurriedly com
pleted, and Friday last the soldiers went -
on board the transports that will convey
them to the peninsula. To guard against
contingencies the transports were con
veyed by eight gunboats, the command
ers of which were instructed to fire upon
the Japanese should the latter attempt 1
to obstruct the landing of the Chinese. '
Warlike preparations are also being
made in other directions. A s trong body
of troops will soon leave for. the Li Chee
Islands. It is the government's intention
to employ the Canton and Nankin fleets
in harassing the Japanese coast if actual ,
hostilities are commenced. Orders have
been sent to every Chinese province call
ing upon them to furnish 20,000 troops
to support the government.
London, July 23. A dispatch received ,.
this evening from Yokohama says it is
stated that Corea demands the' with
drawal of Japanese troops from the pen
insula before considering the reforms
proposed by Japan. The Japanese gov
ernment? is much surprised by this de
mand. Corea has never before been so
firm, and her present attitude is regarded
as proof that she has been influenced by
China to defy openly Japan's wishes.
Negotiations have been in progress lor
Beveral days between Tokio and Peking,
but their tendency is not generally
known. . .; ' ' ; ,
London, July 23. A dispatch to the
Times from Shanghai says war between
China and Japan is considered certain.
London, July 23. A reporter visited
the Japanese Legation hereto learn, if
possible, whether the report was true
that war had been declared between
China and Japan in regard to Corea. No
official denial or confirmation of the re
port could be had, but the whole staff of
the Legation made no attempt to disguise
their delight at the thought of war with
China. At the Chinese Legation it was
stated no news of the declaration of war
had been received. It was added that,
if the rumor were true, the first report '
of the matter would come from Japan,
and not from China. , Another visit was
made to the Chinese Legation to-night. '
The officials stated no late news had been '
received owing to an interruption of the
cable service. The latest information
received at the Legation was that 10,000
Chinese troops would start for Corea.
Japan had rejected the proposals made
by the British Minister, although the -latter
had counseled a peaceful settle
ment of the dispute. The Chinese gov
ernment had thereupon declared that,
unless the Japanese troops were with
drawn from Seoul and Chemulpo, China
would break off negotiations. The offi
cials, further questioned, said they dis
credited the rumor that war had been
declared. Inquiries were also made at
the foreign office, but it was stated no
news had been received there. ,
Pittsburg, Pa., July 23. "The thou
sand or more missionaries in China will
have to leave when war with Japan
begins," said the Rev. W. H. Chalfant
to-day, " as all foreigners will be treated
alike." Mr. Chalfant has lately returned
from an eight years' stay in Shang Tung,
a province of North China, where he was
in charge of a Presbyterian miBsion. lie
is thoroughly informed upon the con
dition of affairs in that part of the globe,
and says war is inevitable, it will in- .
volve Russia, Great Britain, France and
Germany. He says :
" Kussia has long desired to gobble the
Corean kingdom to have seaports on the
JLast open the year round, those she has
now being closed by ice in the winter.
While China is fighting Japan, Russia
will jump in after Corea. This will draw
Great Britain into th fray. France will.
then be obliged to join forces with Kussia
to protect her possessions in Toncuin.
Japan will not then have to fight r.lone, '
for Germany stands ready to help her."
Mr. Chalfant mentioned as an xld cir
cumstance that he had often soen Chi-
se soldiers carrying muskets which
had been used in America during the re
bellion. ' Worden's Disclaimer.
Woodland, Cal., July 24. When Sam
uel D. Worden was asked in court to-day
as to the truth of the rumor that he had
made a confession, he indignantly denied -it,
and wrote and signed the following -statement
to the press and the public:'
" I saw yesterday an article purporting
to convey to the public the idea or im- ,
pression that I have made a confession
in regard to the derailment, if it was de
railed, of a train in Yolo county on July '
11. 1 wisn 10 asK an me newspapers in
California in my name to deny as utter
ly false any and all such statements as
tending to give the public the idea that
I have admitted my participation in this, ,
one of the most damnable efforts to
swear away my life. Iam innocent my
self . either as a principal or an accessnrv.
of any such deed or act with which I am '
charged." ... - -