4 5" ft 3f ood Iftver Slacier. flOOD RIVER, OR. JUNE, 16, 1S94. THE MAILS. Tho mail arrives from Mt Hood at 11 o' clock A. M. Wedacsdays and Saturdays; de parts ne same days at aooo. For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. St., arrives at P. M. Saturdays. For White Salmon leaves dally at 8 A. M. arrives at one o'clock P. M. -' From White Salmon leaves for Fulda, Gil mer, Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays. Wednesdays and frmavs. , SOCIETIES. Onbv Post No. 18 G. A. R., meet at Odd ' "Fellow's Hall, first Saturday of each month t 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. R. members In vited to attend. M. B. POTTKB, C. J. Hayes, Commander. Adjutant. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. The Dalles has a city election Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Bone are in Portland. Hartley's buteher ehop has a new coat of paint. . L. Neff went to The Dalles Tuesday afternoou. C. Welds has two houses for rent; good location. The mail now comes and departs reg ularly by boat. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crandall of The Dalles spent Saturday here. Frank Watson is home from The Dalles for a few days' visit. S. E. Bartmess is agent for the Bri dal Veil Lumber Company. District court meets again at The Dalles one week from Monday. . B. Hartley has horses and fresh milk-cows to trade for cordwood. t The sale of school bonds has been postponed until the first of 'July. . Hartley's pet badger was shot the other morning ia H. F. Davidson's hen house. If you want to buy a farm, come to this shop and we will give you some pointers. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Neff and Frank Neff came down from M.Dalls Wednesday. ; , ; ; m?-'.- i0'uble moulded doors, $1.75. Mrs. The All . kinds moulding J cent per inch Hood River Mfg. Co A.H.- Jewett Of White Salmon left Thursday afternoon for Goldendale, to be absent for a week. : W. H. Bishop is angaged in building w,,,8 h)uie for L. N. Blowers on hia lots near his father's residence. . ' E. W. and Wils Winans were pas 0enjsrer on th Regulator Wednesday morning from The Dalles. . - ... Miss Irene Callison left on the Reg " ulalor Wednesday morning for her 'P'1 home at Jasper, Lane county. The Misses Inez and Edith Kinney , v- and Miss Nellie McPhersbii of Wasco, " are visiting Miss Olie Hartley, v Both Mr. and Mrs. McCoy have been oh the sick list; Mr. McCoy having had a severe attack of poison oak. - Dr. Brosius and family and Ed. 'Williams took a trip to the Cascade Locks Thursday on the Regulator. Xc. J. Crandall of The Dalles, has the .contract for drawing the plans and .specifications for the new school build- - Georcre Conover, wife and son' ar ias:';. Tlvcd.here Thursday from Virginia, III. -sWTuey are visaing Mr, and Mrs. C K. jahB'ohe'.'-' Elder J. W. Jenkins will preach in the Vallev Congregational church Sun day, June 17tb, both . morning and , T5"yetwng. :Rbund trip tickets to Portland, good for return leu days from date of sale, $3.,- Tickets on sale daily until Sep K g tember 30th. , V ,-. . asw" 'From 8 until 10 o'clock Monday .f evenings the Glacier barber shop will be at the service of the ladles for sham pooing, etc. Our "Whole Wheat Graham" is for sale at all the stores. We guarantee every sack to be made of clean No. 1 ss-- wheat. ' , Hakbison Bros. . Miss Charlotte Roberts, who grad uated the SOth of May at the Pendleton academy, with high honors, is expected home in a few days. Mr. Ed Martin, late candidate for county clerk, has been confined to his bed for a week with an acute attack of inflammatory rheumatism. Mrs. C. G. Roberts was in town sev eral days this week from her home at Mt. Hood. She made a trip to The Dalles, returning home Thursday. The Hood River box factory has the agency for the combination fence made 4f wire and pickets. The best and cheapest fence made., Call and see It. Two crates of berries were sent up the river Wednesday to fill an order from Prineville. If they go through all right that place will take a dozen or twenty crates a day. The railroad between The Dalles and Olilo is not very badly damaged, and if the U. P. gets at it it can be put in . running order in a week. This would , . . open the market to the east for us. I have arranged for handling straw . berries and other fruits the coming sea son, and having had ten years experi ence in the commission business, feel -confident of getting the best returns for my customers. C. Ii. Bone 1 The Union Pacific has 300 men at work just below the Locks, trying to get a grade built around the sliding mountain. Up to date they are not ac- ; eoraplishing much, as the mountain ' caves off faster than the grade can be made. The long flume which is to run from . N. J. McCoy's place will bring water jib far down the valley as A. B. Jones'. The greater part of it is already doney and as the rest is a straight shoot with jrood fall, it will be completed, befure dry weather. Novelty Tea, next Tue"Hy eveninsr, June 19th, in the M. E. t hQrch. Given by the Epworth" League. aII are most cordially invited to attend. "' ; ', Dr., Edgington and family of Wasco, are guests of O. B. Hartley, arriving Thursday morning. Dr.; Edgington is Mr. Hartley's brother-in-law. W. O. Sturgeon and wife left by Regulator Tuesday evening for Kansas, making the transfer on the upper river. Mr. Sturgeon is Capt. Ferguson's uncle. To make the hair grow a natural color, prevent baldness, and keep the scalp healthy, Hall's Hair Renewer was Invented and has proved itself suc cessful. G. D. Boardman while working on his house last Monday, fell from the ladder a distance of twelve feet, dis locating Tiis shoulder. Dr. BroBi us re paired the Injury. , -,,.. The Hood River Box Co. has put In Its machinery and is prepared to roll barley or wlieat. The Co. also keeps on hand all kinds of rough and dressed lumber. Agents for combination fence. The Fruit Growers Union shinped a large number of crates of berries by the Regulator Thursday. . They will be transferred 'at Celilo and received by the express agent at that point and shipped east. ' ' ...... D. F. Pierce has purchased the west half of h. Neff s block and will com mence at once the erection of a dwell ing house and a building for a harness shop. Mr. Pierce came to White Sal mon with the Jewett colony, but has concluded' that he likes Hood River better. , Rev. J. L. Hershner of Independ ence, Oregou, will preach at the -Congregational church next Sabbath. Mr. Hershner is well and favorably known by quite a number of Hood Riverltes who have heard him either at Portland or at state associational meetings. James Feak will preach at Belmont chapel to-morrow at .11 o'clock. Rev. McKeuzie will preach at the Barracks tomorrow at 1 1 o'clock, and Rev. T. G. Hodgson will preach in the evening at the usual hour. From now until the annual conference at The Dalles, the 22d of August, there will be services uotn morning ana evening. The Dalles, after a long spell of wet. has gotten into a state of semi-dryness. i.ue water nas leit tne streets, but it h s left from an inch to four of elickens, flue mud, which will, when it is wonted up oy travel, make a partic ularly fine lot of dust.. Of course there has been considerable damage done to paper and paint, but that will soon be mended, and tne loss will cut no figure. Several of the old shacks along First street have gone out, but in spite of the story of Rosenblatt, about the Umatilla house going by Vancouver, and of some other Blatt about it being afloat, it is still doing business at the old stand, perfectly dry in spite of ttie fact that it nas a very large and very nice Fish in it. The railroad situation is decidedly bad. Between here and The Dalles six miles of trestle have gone outand much oiner damage done. Towards i'ortland the damage is slight, with the excep tion of the distance between the Locks and Bonneville, but-that is bad enough in all conscience. The whole moun tain is sliding, and when or where it will slop no man can tell. As soon as the water goes down work will be com nienoed, and the road will soon be put in condition ior travel, witn tne excep tion of the Cascade Locks slide, and what will be done with that the Lord only knows, and. He won't tell. ' Hawthorne and Rowe, who robbed the store of lays & Crowe, at The Dalles, about three weeks ago, and fled, have been depredating on the stock of the Indians of Warm Springs reserva tion. The Indians becoming tired of tneir woru, went in searcn ot the out laws, tracked them Ao a thicket ard were fired upon from ambush. There were but three Indians present at the time, and in the fight that followed Karpolis, the leader, was severely wounded and has since died. Though badly wounded, Karpolis shot Haw thorne, and he will die. Rowe escaped, but is followed by posses from the res ervation and will probably be taken. The outlaws bad a tent stretched and had a stove. . -: Luier. Rowe came into The Dalles Friday morning and surrendered him self to the sheriff. Excursion. There will be an excursion to the Cascade Locks Wednesday, June 20th, on the steamer Regulator. Round trip, 60 cents; children half fare. Call ou M. V. Harrison and get your tickets. NOTICE. ; United States Land Oefice, l .. The DAiii.ES, Or., June 13, 1894. J The law allows each head of an In dian family 80- acres of agricultural land and to each male 40 acres (double the quantity of grazing land). A spe cial allotment agent, Mr. Arntzen, is here and will remain a week or two longer, and any Indians who wish to have lands allotted to them should come immediately to the land office, and be, will assist them in making; proper application. , John W. Lewis, Register. ., . . Irrigation Kates for 1894. The following rates will be iu force from and after May 1st: Each half lot or less 75 cts. Each lot or less ,....$1.50 No deduction for a number of lots will be made. Parties not regular con sumers will not be allowed to use water for irrigation. Regular consumers de siring to use water must first apply to the agent and have time allotted to them; Time allowed will be 2 hours a day t hree times a week. " Street sprink ling is positively prohibited; sidewalk sprinkling, according to schedule rate. The Hjdrant Co. will reserve the right to curtail irrigation whenever it inter feres with household uses. : H- c. coe. . Sewing. Mrs. Annie Morris is prepared to do all kinds of sewing at her home in the Morse & Early building, up stairs. ':' :A ' - born. -; '. '''K - At Chenawith, Monday, June 11, 1894, tq Hf and Mrs. Wm. Lusk,ason. MARRIED. At The Dalles, Monday, June 11th, by W. C. Curtis, pastor of the Congre gational church, Hawley Adams and Miss Marion Overbaugh, both of White Saliuou, Wash. .. .. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land office at Oregon City Or. June 4, 1894. Notice U hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office at Oregou lty Oregon on July 24, 1894, viz:. John T. Mc Intyre. : 1 H. El No. 7884 for the leolnw ,Bot n e y and n w of s e sec 28 Tp 2 sr tie w m. - , , He names the foil wlng witnesses to prove his continuous resldeivee upon' and cultiva tion of, said land, viz. Levi T. Boyd, S. t. Hedges, S. O. Mitchell, J. Wall, all of Salmon, Ureson. ... . JnlB jly21 Robert A. Miller, Register. " AFRAID TO "RISK IT. Bomcthlng-That Made a Bride Hesitate to Blake a Courtroom Marriage. Among the applicants for marriage licenses who wero before Judge Ellei were Fred W. Randall and Bertie Brubaker, who had come up from Beatrice to be joined in matrimony. They were bpth. up to the. requisite age, and Mr. Walkup did not hesi tate to draw up the preliminary affi davits. When he had dotted the last, i, and crossed the last t, the young woman, who had apparently been buried in deep thought, re marked: " '' . "I don't believe I care to get mar ried." : '.. "You don't?" cried the startled bridegroom. ' ' - "No, I guess not," and started out. The young man followed her, and they held biief conversation among the books and papers of the outer office, when Mr. , Walkup, with dreams of an elopement ia mind, suggested that they might have the inner room for a private discussion if they desired. They entered and were for some time engaged in ear nest talk, the bridegroom expectant arguing for all he was worth.'. Final ly the girl gave in and agreed to car ry the affair through, and the judge was called from the bench to fix it tap before she could again change her mind. - "By thunder! it was mighty lucky, and it was nearly unlucky that you had a judge around handy then," ob served the newly married man as he wiped the . perspiration from his brow. . . "What was the matter?" the clerk inquired. "Why, there's some kind of a law suit going on in there, isn't there?" indicating the direction of the court room, from which the voices of at torneys in dispute were heard. It was a case in which one member of a family living in South Omaha was trying xo get money rrom, anotner, and some vigorous family truths were being told. "Well, she had been listening to the way they were testifying about family troubles, and it had scared her out." It was true. .... The dissension bred by marriage in the South Omaha family and wafted over th6 transom had nearly spoiled the hopes of an other couple. Omaha World-Herald. The Afghans. Of all the races with which the English have come in close contact, the Afghans ar the most uncivi lized in riaturefid grain. , They are fierce, bloodthirsty, ' fanatical : and treacherous; their good qualities are of the elementary, domestic kind, and their highest virtue is courage, which they possess to a conspicuous degree. They are uncivilized in the sense that they are without any na tional cohesion or responsibility. Each man is independent of his fel lows and rejects the authority of even tribal chiefs. . No doubt there are in every clan " or ' tribe men of prominence for their wealth or prow ess or cunning, who command a cer tain following. . But their influence is personaland temporary and vanishes as quickly as it has sprung up. In some quiet Utopia, where the individual might be allowed to develop in peace, this intense individuality might be no disadvantage. But it'' is otherwise in a country like Afghanistan, torn with intestine discord and jealously regarded by powerful neighbors. Fortnightly Bjeview. A Woman Buying Stamps. "How many stamns do you sell for a quarter " she said to tho stamp clerk at the postoffice. '' "; "Twenty -five 1-cent ones or 12 2-cent ones, rna'am." - . :Y : "Don't you give back the odd cent change?" - "Certainly." "Y :i -"Are they the Columbian stamps or the old kind?" - , ."I can give you either.". , i "Don't the old style ones camo a little cheaper now?" "No, ma'am." "I. thought they would. They're out of style, you know." . ' "The government receives them the same as the new ones in payment of postage, and many people prefer them." . ' ... "But their red color doesn't match some styles of envelopes." ' "I can t help that.' ' : "Couldn't you sell me a dozen of the old 2-cent ones for 15 cents?" "No, ma'am." ,. ' "Couldn't you on Friday?" "No, ma'am." . - "But that's bargain day in the Btores." ' " . V ' : ; ; "Possibly, butnot at the postoffice." ' "When is your bargain day?" "We don't have any." "Not have any bargain day! Well, I never 1 And my husband told me the postoffice was run on business principles. Why, you don't know the first principles of business." Har per's Bazar. . . . : ' p .. , ... v .. The Faces of Men. .- Physiognomists tell us that the hu man face resembles that of some ani rfial.. Those who remember' the late Henry Bergh will have no difficulty In recalling the equine profile and ex pression of his face. ,.It was .remark able. George Eliot was another blessed with the equine expression' on her countenance. Dickens head and face were often likened to that of a tine dog. r :'-.( ; ' In England and America, where flogs and horses are more thought of and better cared for than in other civilized countries, we find more men whose faces are strikingly canine anij equine in profile and expression. Among successful men we often seo the' piercing eyes and long, bent nose of the eagle. This eagle profile, so seldom found in men of commonplace talents, is much admired by pliysipg nomists, but physiognomists con demn the eagle's face when d woman bears it. The vast majority of men and women of our race resemble sheep, and this accounts for the stupidity and susceptibility of the average man and woman. . But those who think or have been told hat they look like a horse or a dog must remember that there are "balky" horses and some mighty snappy and miserable dogs. Brooklyn Standard-Union.- ' ; A Holy OU. The love of the mai-velous in' the thirteenth century was not lees:, re markable in this age than in those which had preceded it. In the old French account we read of new won ders in Palestinenot mentioned be fore, and of the .Sinai convent we learn that "there lies St. Catherine, virgin and martyr, in a very fair mar ble tomb, which tomb is so holy that a sort of oil from it heals many ills, and the grace of God is shown, in that many wild beasts,, which are on that mountain, live on uothing save by licking the tomb of my lady St. Catherine and by the manna which falls on the mountain." At Tortosa also'-was now shown St. Luke's portrait: of Our Lady; and' at Sardenai a - Syriac 'monastery on , a rock north of Damascus was the mi raculous image of the 'Virgin, which distilled oil from its breast. By spe cial treaty the Templars were allowed to visit the shrine and collect the oil, which was in high repu.te and sold for a great price in Europe. It is often mentioned in the inventories of churches in France as one of the treasures of the church. Edinburgh Review.. . .. t It Fetched Him. ' - ; A down town lawyer borrowed a book from a friend in the same office, took it home and forgot to return it. Several times he was remind3d of this by the owner of the book and as many times forgot to put it in his pocket when he left his buse. At length, etung . to desperation hy-his friend's gibes, he sat. down, and, ad dressing a postal . card to hdaself at his residence heyrotQ . on the back of it tlftis; '"If you do not aten3. to that matter within 24 hOurs,' you may ex pect the worst," ''There '"' he said grimly, "if that , desn'tL fetch me, nothing will." t - , . ' - , -,-. It did fetch Aim. It 'fetched him out of a late, sleep tho r.ext morning immediately after tho'postman's first visit to explain to 'his white faced, terrified-wife that. 'sho was not likely to be. made a widow. He offered ex planations an! 'took the book back, but he is not sure that his wife does hot believe -that he has committed some crime or in some way got into the clutches of a blackmailer. New York Times. " ... -" The Deadly Cutlery Trade. ' A foreign statistician has recently compiled figures relating to the bane ful effect of the unavoidable inhala tion of metallic dust by cutlers and file cutters. Assuming, he says, that in the case, of an ordinary active ex istence in a; healthy atmosphere the number of deaths per ICO.OOOailificers is 100, the figure of . mortality result ing from consumption and other lung complaints among the first named workmen would be 383, and among file sharpeners !. Tho death rate prevalent in the cutlery trade would, it seems, be much heavier were it not that the allied handle manufactur ing trade is included in the statistics. Altogether the number of fatal ter minations to : pulniopary diseases among cutlers and file cutters is nearly equivalent to the? aggregate deaths among fishermen from . all causes, including accidents, which are numerous. London Iron.:. , , . Eeal Balm of Cllead. The real balm of gilead is the dried juice of a low shrub, it is said, which grows in Syria. It ia very val uable and soa:cv for the amount of balm yielded by one shrub never ex ceeded CO drops a day. According to Josephus, the balm or balsam of gil ead was one of -the presents given by the queen of Sheba to King Solomon. The ancient Jewish -physicians pre-, scribed it evidently for. dyspepsia and melancholia. Philadelphia Ledger. . . A Latter Day Marriage, v Down ton So you are-really going to be married? - : - Upton Yes, it's"all fixed. , , We've rented a furnished flat, and I've hired a dress suit for the occasion, and Marie has ' borrowed . her - cousin's wedding rig, and a new caterer has agreed to lend us his plaster of paria show cake, provided I mention, hia name in the papers. New York ' Weekly, -1 . Speaks through the Boothbay (Me.) Register, of the beneficial results lie has received from a regular use of Ayer's Tills. He says: " I was feeling sick and tired and my stomach seemed all out ot order. I tried a number ot remedies, but none seemed to give me.' , relief until I was Induced to try the old rella 1)19 Ayer'g Pills. , I have taken only one box, but I feel like a new man. I think they are the most pleasant and easy to take of anything I ever usedbelng so finely sugar coated that even a lilld will take them. I urge upon all who are In need of a laxative to try Ayer's. Fills.. They will do good." : For aU diseases of the Stomach, Liver, and Bowels, take AVER'S -PILLS. Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Every Dose Effective T. C. -DEALER IN - Stoves and tin ware, kitchen fur niture, pruning; tools and plumb ers goods , of all kinds. Repairing of tinware a specialty. C. J. HATES, SUBTETOR: All work given him will be done cor rectly and promptly. He has a few good claims upon which he can locate parties; Doth farming and timber lands. February, 18SJ-1. ...... ; A. S. BENNETT. , A1TO USE Y-A T-LA W-' OP FICE IN SHANNONS BUILDING CORN ER OF COURTAND SECOND STREUJT, The Dalles, Oregon. J. F. WATT, M. D. Physician and Surgeon . JlOOD RIVER, OR. . Is especially prepared to treat Diseases of osc and Throat. . . Local surgeon for Union Pacific Ry. DtiFua & Menkfee, ' , Attorneys-at-Law,, Chapman Block, oVer Postoffice . . THE DALLES OREGON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act J une 3, 1878. ' United States Land Ofllce, ? ..' The Dalles, Oregon, Month 2i, 1894. Notice is herobv triven that in compliance wilh the provisi us of the act of Contrress ot June 8j 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands lu the States of California, Ore gon.Nevada and Washington Territory," James 51. Hoae.' of Hood River, coun v of Wasoo. state of Oregon, has this day tiled iii this ollice his sworn statement No. , for tho purchase of lots two, three, four and nine, of section thirty. In township No. one north, range No. nine east, W. M., and will ofl'er proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for Its timber and stone than for agricultural pur poses, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ollice at The Dalles, Oregon, on Monday, the 11th day of June, 18!U. . He names as witnesses: Herbert Ellsworth, Marion Loy, George. C. Jdnes Jrand John Div ers, all of Hood River, Oregon. . . Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their claims in this ollice on or before said 11th day of June, 189f. . Johst W. 1 K vis, Register. ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTKJE. Notice is hereby given that the nn-dersig-ied, executor of the estate of El mer E. Griftin, an insane person, has filed iii the county court of thexstate of Oregon for Wasco county, in probate, a full, complete and final account as audi executor; and that he intends to and will, 'on Monday, the "th day of May, 1894, apply to the Honorable George Blakely, Judge of said court, for an. order allowing, approving and settling his accounts, discharging him as such executor and exonorating him from further liability as such executor. ' Wm. Btjskirk, Executor of theestate of Elmer E. Griffin, insane. . .. THE SAIHTS' REST, , at A ME S V I LLB. wines, : ' : ' ' ; - CIGARS. CYRUS NOBLE WHISKY - a specialty, s RAW FUKS. I'will pay the highest market value for all kinds-of raw furs during the season at Hartley's butcher shop. H. P. Langille. , THE ::-:v; 4 T? TCTaTTT A TOT?. T.TWR mii.o Tlnllnn Tlrcrrllnnf! - 0. 1110 urn, ruiiMM d Navigation Co. Through Freight and Passenger Line. ,y - ; The steamer Regulator will run tri weekly trips, leaving The Dalles Mon days',' Wednesdays, "rind Fridays, con necting with steamer Dulles Qity. Re turning, will leave Portland Tuesdays with steamer Regulator at the Ldcks.' All freight will come through without delay , -'' ' . : 'r ,r. PASSENGER One way Rou n d tri p.: . .".. . ...'. RATES. .$2 00 .. 3 00 FreighltT-Bates Greatly f Beduced. " Shipments 'for' "Portlandreceitfed at any time, day , or iiight., Bplpments for way landings miijjt je$tiy,ered be fore 5 p. th. ;'Llve...itrijijeots.ao-'. licited. Gull tin or a'deg . . , , , W. q; ALLAiVAY, '' : Geueral Agent. B. F. LAUOITL1N, THE ' D AXLES,' itjf NSftEGON Is a dapple gray,5TS'Vttnipi'fe'tf weighs laOO.pbiinds, three-quarfco?ifjw!f; 4 years old On May,plh, 18pi,:is fre; iiiy blemish es and diseases arid Is a fle..Sraf',!iorse, gen tle and Kind, a good traveler,' and is Qwned by - -. " - tffHN SWEENY, OF HO.QD RIy.R, OR. Rocliambean, wiH make theseison, at M Sweeny's place, but ;ill .be a-jjHogd River Fridays antl Saturdays. T'ermsf :slnle serv ice S3 cash. To insure S10. In -case ' of fatlure service following season, freer1 .'JV-'fr, ' AGENCY FOR : KBRADLEYsMFjqAiFCO; CELEBRATED IBOOra&SHOES THE BIGGEST BOOT IN THfisiWOfiU) fj THAOE MARK COPVlflfiilTfYV.. ' ';' '" i.s. BLewiliifl. Dry Goods,. Grocerfej HwlgSp Coots and shor'Mojjjl'drc , etc. Country .T&tfucet': ''' .'-. V:'. ." ' . . isougni anu doiu A.S.Bl.OWEKS. . W'.Jl. Yates. TO PRINCIPAIiPOINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH EAST BOUND FROM HOOD RIVER. No. 23, Freight leaves at Np. 2. - Mail - " -." -.11.45. A.M 1U.0 ! P. M. WEST BOUND FROM HOOD BIVKB. No 27 , Local, leaves at. ' 8.15 P. H No. 1, Mail . " ' 4:43 A. M THROGH SLEEPERS RECLINING CHAIR. 1 CARS AND DINERS. r- Steamers from Portland to San Francisco every 4 days. , " 19 For rates and. general information call on. DBPOV TJCKBT AOXKT, , ' ' . ' . . . W. II. HURLBIJRT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. . 25f Washidgton St., Portland egon. R. E. SALTMARSHE & CO.. " ' AT THE ' iiXLU I ULW U i UUiV I ILLLUU) DEALERS IN " ITT ' 1 ! nay ana ram m var load Lots or Less. flT'fyV 1 Ittf A' 'ft And stock in transit fed, watered and: , given the best of care. " i THE DALLES, - OKEGOK. -