The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 09, 1894, Image 1

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It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
VOL. 6.
NO. 2.
fefeod Iftver (5 Lacier.
. ...
r The Glacier Publishing Company.
One year $2 00
Six mouths 1 00
Three months ...., W
Snide copy ( Cent
Barber Shop
' Grant Evans, Propr.
Second St., near Oak. - Hood River, Or.
Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly done.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Clever Scheme to Land Foreign-Born
Much Comment Regarding the Attitude
of Tacoma Superintendent of School
in Selecting Teacher.
Tacoma, Wash. There has been much
comment of late regarding the attitude
of School Superintendent James in se
lecting teachers. Some of those inter
ested believe Mr. James is too fond of
young and inexperienced women teach
ers. The principals also have a griev
ance. They seem to think Mr. James
does not consult them sufficiently in
making selections of teachers and in
carrying out the school work. They held
a meeting recently and notified the Su
perintendent of their views, and he is
understood to have replied that he had
not intended to act without their advice.
There is no doubt about the existence of
dissatisfaction among interested persons
as regards the present school manage
ment. The opposition to the removalof
Superintendent Gault still asserts itself,
and Gauit's friends feel that the high
standard of Tacoma public schools ex
isting at the time of his resignation is
not now being kept up. The principals'
objections are being considered by the
School Board. They oppose further re
ductions in the salary of grade teachers
on the statement that the Seattle prin
cipals will do it, which statement they
eay is erroneous. They oppose the al
leged interference of Superintendent
James in school work. When this mat
ter takes form before the public it will
create a lively discussion. In order to
secure a change of policy an increase of
School Directors to one for each ward is
proposed. , ; ,
Offer of Fund to Dig It by the Brewing
and Halting Company.
Seattle, Wash. The Lake Washing
ton canal matter again came up for dis
cussion before the Chamber of Commerce
at its meeting recently, and the offer
made by the Seattle Brewing and Malt
ing Company to give $30,000 in thirty
monthly installments toward the work
was discussed at some length. Some of
the members were in favor of widening
the present canal for the purpose of low
ering the Jake, thinking that this was
hardly the time to build a ship canal.
Tlie ojrejy'Was made for a ship canal only,
however, and others thought the work
could be accomplished by home capital.
The matter was referred to the permanent
Lake Washington canal committee, con
sisting of D. H. (iilman, S. L. Crawford,
A. P. Mitten, George II. Heilbron and
C. D. Stimson, with a request that they
investigate and report promptly.
A Bather Unexpected Order. :
San Francisco, Cal. Orders have just
been Issued from army headquarters for
the movement of the following batteries
of hekvy artillery : Batteries B and M,
Fifth Artillery, now at the Presidio and
Fort Mason, to proceed June 9 to Fort
Canby ; Battery 1, now at Alcatraz, to
co to
Fort Mason. Ul me iwo naileries
now at Fort
Canby one goes to the
a tr AWtxaz. These
Presiaio and
changes are generally made every two
years ! and these latest orders were
whnll v unexDected and have caused con
siderable comment.
Nevada a Permitted Competitor.
Feancisco, Cal. The Nevada
building was the scene of much congrat
ulation the other day over the compro-
! teffected with the fair management
by w
Nevada State building will be al
to enter into tne compeimon
with a view of Insuring displays
,dopted a
1 a rule mat exmoits mtenaeu tor
,ition must be displayed in certain
zs erected Dy ine iair manage-
"TIiq ofTonf nf fi rnlft war to ex-
exhibits contained in State build
The amendment adopted permits
Nevada, the only State building on the
grounds, to come Into full competition for
the award.
Yakima county will ship 600,000
pounds of wool from rroBser this year,
The Everett paper mill has made an
other large shipment of paper to Aus
tralia. .-
. Whitman county's slice of the State
school fund is quite liberal, for its
8,412 children it receives $40,002.
The Oakesdale Council is being ur
gently petitioned not to reissue any liq
uor licenses to the town's saloons.
A survey is being made by a detail
from Fort Walla Walla for an accurate
contour map of the military reservation.
Eeceiver M. A. Sawtelle of the Port
Townsend National Bank has paid out
the 30 per cent dividend authorized re
cently by Comptroller of the Currency
James ti. Eckels.
D. A. Mitchell has sued the Tacoma
Railroad and Motor Company for $5,000,
as the result of iniuries sustained bv his
little daughter, Edna, in an accident two
years ago. ,
Fruit growers in the Walla Walla Val
ley are a good deal worried at the pros
nect for scarce heln in the picking spa
son. J ew inquiries are being made lor
The Farmers' Alliance and Industrial
Union is preparing to build a flouring
mill at some point in the raiouse coun
try, having a daily capacity of 160 bar
rels. The location is not yet decided
upon, but it will be either Garfield, Pull
man or Uakesdale. They have a propo
sition from a Minneapolis firm to put in
the machinery, the Alliance to furnish
the building for $12,000 in three equal
annual payments. . It is hoped to pro
cure a bonus from one of three towns
mentioned to assist in making the first
payment. ?
f 'The Secretary of the State Land Com
mission has been instructed to notify
the local tide-land appraisers of Mason
county that in compliance with the de
cision of the Supreme Court in Smith vs.
Forrest. the board must proceed immedi
ately to survey and plat natural oyster
beds. This is a step toward the reser
vation of such beds. The Land Com
missioners by law must receive applica
tions from purchasers of tide lands, un
less the same are shown to be natural
oyster beds, and plats filed by local tide
land appraisers are only evidence to
prove the status of all such lands. Local
tide-land appraisers nave urns tar neg
lected their duty, which, if persisted in.
may result in the loss of tide lands which
should come within the reservation.
Tacoma Total Sanctified Association,
who went crazy recently, has been ad
iudced insane, the examining Dhvsicians
certifying that he was suffering from an
acute mania caused by his attendance
upon a religious society of Old Tacoma
known as the " Sanctified." The physi
cians predict more insanity cases from
the same cause. There has been talk of
riding Lambert on a rail since he has
been locked up. Some of the old Ta
coma residents are vigorous in their de
nunciation of the sanctification follow
ing. - It is understood that Rev. Mr.
Gallagher, pastor of the Atkinson Me
morial Church, whose wife was the or
ganizer of the sanctification movement,
will be separated from her. He claims
there is o such thine as sanctification
of the Wdy. i
The party that' recently went to the
Bohemia mines country to search for
the bodies of the two men who perished
in that vicinity a few months since has
been unable to find them, and intend
returning, It is now the opinion that
the bodies will not be recovered before
the last of June, as the snow still lies on
the ground from ten to twenty-five feet
in depth.
'' The Linn County National Bank,
through the receiver. H. M. Beall. has
brought an injunction suit against the
city of Albany to restrain the city gov
ernment from paying the city warrants.
It is alleged that the city has been pay
ing the policemen cash for city warrants
of recent issue, and that the old war
rants, some ot which are held by the
bank, have not been paid, it will proD
ably be made a test case.
. Dunns the past few davs there has
been a marked improvement in the run
of salmon, and the average catch per
boat is much above the average at this
season of the year. This fact may be
due to the comparatively long spell of
warm weather which has prevailed for a
month past, or possibly the long-ex
pected iour-year run nas maierianzea.
The fishermen and others interested in
the canning business are not, however,
particular as to the cause of the plenti
ful supply, and are happy in the knowl
edge that all the boats are doing well.
Four of Hapgood's men the other day
caught exactly 2,000 "pounds of fish, or
an average of about twenty each, and
many other hauls equally large are re
ported. Considerable excitement has been
caused in the vicinity of Medford during
the past few days by the result of a partial
clean-up of the Miller placer mine, situ
ated about five miles west of that city.
This mine was recently purchased by
Portland parties, and between $12,000
and $13,000 has been taken out as the
result of the past winter's run. A par
tial clean-up of the Sturgis mine, about
iweive nines num luib cii-j, wmii wo
finished last week, produced $30,000 in
yellow metal for its owners. These mines
are considered two of the best placer
mines in Southern Oregon, and the re
sult of the clean-up of both has been
watched with interest by mining men
all over the State. The Miller mine com-
QftA a mA. a!1 f .IT 1 1 lull ia Mn(.
I ered as good as that worked in the past,
only two acres of which has been touched
during the last eight years. The mine
' has been run with only one giant, and
tire present company is making arrange-
' ments to put in two more giants, as there
is plenty of water to run that number
during the winter season.
An Estimate of the Different
Bands of Coxeyites.
It Passe Resolutions Against the Pres
ent Currency System Favors Free
Coinage of Silver and Gold.
Washington, D. C. The Bimetallic
League has considered the report of the
Committee on Resolutions. As finally
adopted they declare the league is unal
terably opposed to the further issue of
interest-bearing bonds ; that before cast
ing their votes for Congressmen the
members of the league will require as
surance of adherence to the free coinage
of silver and gold at 16 to 1 and a pledge
that, if a bill providing for such coinage
is passed by Congress and vetoed by the
President, they will work and vote to
pass it over the President s veto ; that.
if -the election of President is thrown
into the House, they will vote only for
the person in favor of free coinage ; de
nounce the present system of national
banks as the monumental monopoly of
the nineteenth century; recommend the
enactment of a system of currency that
will insure a per capita circulation of $60
to be made up by the free coinage of sil
ver and gold at 16 to 1 and the issue of
treasury notes ; assert that the discon
tinuance of the issuance of silver money
and the repletion of the treasury by
bond issues is burdensome on the masses ;
declare that it is the duty of the Secre
tary of the Treasury to coin the bullion
now in the treasury and to pay interest
on the public debt with silver, and de
mand the issue of $450,OOU,000 of non-
interest notes of small denominations.
Speech-making was the order of the day.
Colonel Fiske of Denver advocated the
building by the government of a rail
road from Pittsburg to San Francisco,
and later one to the South, as a means of
assisting the people. The convention
adjourned sine die.
Careful Estimate of the Different Bands
of Coxeyites on the Way.
Washington, D. C. Representative
Davis and H. E. Taubeneck have been
making a careful estimate of the differ
ent bands,., of Coxeyites on the way to
Washington City, and claim that there
are 5,000 men tramping or riding on
boats and borrowed trains toward the
capital. Mr. Davis does not believe in
the wisdom or efficiency ot tne move
ment, and has written a magazine arti
cle in which he points out that the move
ment is a result of currency contraction
and summarized it as " organized want."
If the government should yield to Cox
ey's demands, other armies would march
on the capital with other demands, and
the result would be government by the
multitude. The remedy for the present
state of business he finds in the ballot,
which he defines as recorded opinion.
No Coxeyites have come from Kansas,"
he said in a conversation on the subject,
" because Kansas has expressed herself
properly by her elections, and Nebraska,
which is largely a Populist State, has
contributed no more than seventy-five
men." By imprisoning the leaders, he
says, the authorities have made a swan
out of a goose. The chief danger from
the movement, he thinks, will develop
next fall, when the weather becomes too
cold for men to camp outdoors. Then
be looks tor trouble.
Two Members of the Dalton Gang Taken
by Surprise.
El Reno, 0. T. Two men supposed
to be members of the Dalton gang of
train robbers passed through El Reno
the other day, traveling eastward. The
Sheriff telegraphed to the little town of
Yukon to intercept and arrest them. A
posse quickly organized, and when the
train robbers made their appearance
they were atacked. The defense was
quite as hot as the attack, and a running
fight ensued. One man, Mr. Farrish,
was shot in the groin. The bullet passed
entirely through him. He is not ex
pected to live. An old man named Nel
son was shot in the forehead, but not
dangerously. A number of other per
sons were wounded more or less severely
during the skirmish, among them a man
named Snvder, who was shot in the face
and will die. One of the robbers was
shot and captured, but resisted to the
last, and several of his captors bear cuts
and bruises on the head, which he made
with his six-shooter. The other robber
escaped, but is supposed to have been
hit two or three times, one bullet taking
away a portion of his lip and one strik
ing him in the head. The one captured
is not known here.
The Loss at Wllliamsport.
Williamsport, PA.-The total losses
here as estimated by conservative men
are $3,000,000. This includes $1,500,000
on logs, $250,000 on sawed lumber and
the balance on property throughout the
city. Mayor Elliott has calleda public
meeting to take action looking to the
care of the homeless. Probably fifty
houses along the water front were ren
dered uninhabitable, and the families
are being cared for by the more fortu
nate. It is estimated that the homes of
10,000 people were invaded by the water
and are in such a damp and unhealthful
condition as to make them undesirable.
Those who lived above the flood line are
not allowing the unfortunates to suffer.
There is an ample supply of provisions,
and the city is not in want.
The Senate Committee on Indian Af
fairs has authorized a favorable report
on Wolcott's bill for the opening to set
tlement ot the Uintah and uncompah
gre Indian reservations.
The Secretary of the Interior has for
warded to the War Department a re-
quest that troops in New Mexico be di
rected to arrest Navaio Indians, as a re
port to the department says they are off
tue reservation anu commuting deprecia
tions. .
The House Committee on Indian Af
fairs has decided to grant the request of
the Osage Indian delegation, which ap
peared before it recently, to detach the
Usage reservation from Oklahoma and
attach it to the Indian Territory. An
amendment to accomplish this will be
proposed in the Indian appropriation
bill. , :,
The National League for the Protec
tion of American Industries is opposing
items oi tue xnuiaii appropriation uiii
for the support of parochial schools,
amounting to nearly $400,000. Among
them are the St. uonilaee, .Banning, Ual.,
$12,500; Holy Family, Blackfoot, Mont.,
$12,500 ; St. Ignatius, Jocko, Mont., $45,
000; Kate Drexel, Umatilla, Or., $6,000.
Representative Doolittle of Washing
ton has introduced a bill to appropriate
$100,000 for ascertaining the subterra
nean water supplies in the States ' of
Idaho, Montana, Washington and Ore
gon lying east of the Cascade Mountains
and ascertaining the localities at which
artesian water can profitably be dug. It
is proposed to have the work done by
the geological survey.
Representative Hermann has secured
an opinion from the Attorney-General
which declares that the President can
release any portion of a forest reserve.
The question was raised . in connection
with the Bohemia mining district in the
Cascade reserve. The land office has
prepared a proclamation, to be submitted
to the President, restoring several town
ships in the mineral district. The Pres
ident will sign the proclamation soon.
Mr. Oathwaite's report on armor-plate
investigation directs the Naval Commit
tee to proceed immediately with the in
vestigation. It is to cover all the work
done by the Carnegie Company since its
government contracts began. One thou
sand dollars is available for the use of
the committee in prosecuting its work.
Power is given to summon witnesses,
administer oaths and secure the produc
tion of books and papers. The House
adopted the report. . t
Enloe has introduced a bill to repeal
the civil service act. In the act creating
the commission it is stipulated there
shall be three Commissioners at certain
fixed salaries, and this act still refnains
in force. It was the intention of the
House to make it ineffective, but thfc
mere failure to appropriate money does
not do so. The Commissioners conclud
ed to perform their duties and appeal to
the Court of Claims for the remunera
tion fixed for their service by law. , . '
C. H. J. Taylor, the colored Kansas
man over whose confirmation to be Re
corder of Deeds for the District of Co
lumbia there has been a spirited debate
in the Senate, has been confirmed, the
vote standing 34 to 15. There were no
speeches made beyond a few remarks by
Mr. Hill to the effect that the Demo--
cratic party platform on the subject of
home rule should be observed. The di
vision of the vote was not over party
lines, but Taylor received a larger per
centage of Republican votes than at first,
seemed probable. y.
Delegate Joseph of New Mexico has
introduced a bill to authorize the explo
ration and purchase of the mines within
the boundaries of private land claims in
all Western States. The bill, if enacted
into law, would give any citizen of the
United States qualified to make entries
of public land a privilege of entering
upon any territory embraced within any
land claim confirmed by the Uourt of
Private Land Claims and in taking up ft
mineral claim. .Before making such
claim the locator must tender the owner
of the land $2.50 per acre for it. 1
Chairman Reilly of the House Com
mittee on Pacific Railroads has intro
duced a bill to amend the act creating
an auditor of railroad accounts. It pro
poses an improved system of bookkeep
ing between the government and th0
railroads whichi have received govern
ment aid and are under contract to per
form services for the government in part
payment therefor. He proposes that the
railroads shall transmit to the Commis
sioner of Railroads duplicates of all bills
for services rendered the United States,
and accounting officers of the govern
ment shall notify the Commissioners of
their action on all the bills.
In the Senate Senator Walsh, referring
to a dispatch from St. Paul saying the
locomotive engineers had adopted a res
olution condemning him for introducing
a bill to punish with twenty years' im
prisonment' the obstruction of trains
carrying mails, said he had introduced
no such bill. He had introduced a bill
for the protection of the mail, but he
had no intention of having it apply to
engineers. He then introduced an
amended bill, which provides that per
sons robbing, attempting to rob or ma
liciously obstructing trains shall be lia
ble to a penalty of twenty years' im
prisonment, 'i .
Kyle has introduced a resolution in
the Senate calling for non-intervention
in Hawaiian affairs. It reads : That
it is the sense of the Senate that the
United States shall not use force for the
purpose of restoring to the throne the
deposed Queen of the Sandwich Islands,
or for the purpose of destroying the ex
isting government ; that, the provisional
government having been duly recognized,
the highest international interests re
quire that it shall pursue its own line of
policy ; that intervention in the political
affairs of these islands by other govern
ments will be regarded as an act un
friendly to the government of the United
States." - . - f
Favors Limiting the Powers
of House of Lords.
Resignation of the Ministry Regarded as
a Move in the Interest of Premier
Paris. In the Chamber of Deputies
during the debate of the question
whether the Minister of Public Works
had authority to allow employes of State
railroads to attend the congress of rail
road men the Premier demanded the
adoption of the order of the day. The
motion was rejected by a vote of 275 to
225. Premier Casimir-Perrier thereupon
left for the Palais Bourbon. The Minis
ters left the private room in which they
had been conferring, and proceeded in a
bodv to the Palais d'Elvsee and formallv
tendered their resignations to President
carnot. The attitude of Premier Casi
mir-Perrier tends to confirm the most
general belief that he rode for a fall in
this contest, as he seemed to do in the
recent Toussaint debate, under the in
fluence of the approaching election for
rresident of the Kepublic. He is ap
parently beincr abetted bv President
Carnot, who thus has broken the pact
entered into when 31. uasimir-ferner
accepted the Premiership. . On that oc
casion M. Carnot promised that he would
not stand again for the Presidency, and
that he would support in every way in
his power the candidacy of M. Casimir
Perrier, who thus would almost inevita
bly become the President of the Re
He Favored a Great Limitation of the
Powers of the Lords.
London. Lord Rosebery spoke the
other evening in Birmingham to the
meeting which had just inaugurated the
Midland Liberal Federation. He hoped
that the Liberal conference in Leeds, he
said, would speak emphatically in favor
of a great limitation of the powers and
rerogatives ot the Lords. This would
e in the interest not only of constitu
tional legislation, but also in the interest
of the Lords themselves. Joseph Cham
berlain had been a great turncoat. Once
he was an advocate of disestablishment,
and was hostile to the Lords. Neverthe
less he recentlv had made an animated
defense of the Church of Scotland.
The "Lords admired hia dexterity, but
Mr. Chamberlain was not talking seri
ously. His hostility was not serious,
but the mere legerdemain of a wander
ing rhetorician. Referring to the deser
tion of the Welsh members of Parlia
ment, Lord Rosebery said that the Welsh
disestablishment bill would be passed
before the government's appeal to the
country. If the discontented Welshmen
did not believe in the government's hon
esty and honor, the sooner they carried
their threats into execution the better.
He never would consent to be a Minister
on sufferance. 1 v
A Conflict Has Probably Occurred With
the Rebels.
AtCKiiAND,NEW Zealand. The steam
ship Monowai from Samoa May 17 brings
important news. When she sailed a
large portion of the government's army
had been sent to the front, and the reb
els were massed at Atua, the battlefield
of 1888. A conflict between the rebels
and the government troops was then
probable at any hour. The King when
the steamship arrived had given the
Aana party until May 19 in which to
submit. In event of their failure to do
so the Savaii natives and a portion of the
Tuamasaga natives were to attack them.
The British warship Curaco and the Ger
man warships Buzzard and Falke were
at Apia. It was understood, however,
the commanders of these vessels were
without orders from their governments
as to how to act in case of emergency.
The attitude of the rebels was defiant,
and it is expected an engagement has
been fought before now.
i An African Treaty.
New Yohk. The Herald's Brussels
dispatch says that a treaty concerning
the Congo Free State,has been concluded
between King Leopold and the British
Minister to Belgium. The KiDg aban
dons to England a small strip of terri
tory in the region of the Upper Congo,
thus giving England access northward
to the Nile. In exchange England grants
the King until the end of his reign the
left bank of the Nile up to the 17th de
gree. This is considered the best African
treaty concluded for many, years, and is
a master-stroke of diplomacy on the part
of the King, as it shuts out the French
from the new basin and places the Congo
Free State under the obligation of fight
ing the Soudan Dervishes.
Seven Anarchists Executed at Barce
: lona, Spain.
Barcelona. Codima, Cerezuela, So
gas, Bernat, Viliaruba, V. X. Villarubia
and Mir, the anarchists, were executed
recently outside the citadel of Mons
juich. Sogas and Cerezuela joined' in
the prayers of the priest, but their com
panions shouted revolutionary cries. The
anarchists were placed in line with their
faces to the wall of the citadel. At the
first volley from the troops only four of
the convicts fell dead, and a second vol
ley was necessary to kill Sogas and Codima.
He Hag Made His Mark as a Writer and a
Man of Ideas.
Very few people know where or when
John Swinton was born. It is a fad of his
not to tell, and none of the many scribes
who have added salt to their porridgo by
writing about him has ever been able to
find out. A shrewd gucsser nominated
Haddingtonshire, Scotland, as the place
and the first year of tho third decado of
the present century as tho approximate
time, and for thoso who are curious in
such matters this guess must suffice. It is
moderately certain that his father was a
j Scotchman who brought his family to
America some time prior to 1845, settling
in Illinois as one of tho pioneers of tho
town of Warsaw, where he died.
John learned typesetting in his youth
and as a young man worked at that trade
in many eastern, western and southern
cities. He was a bookish sort of fellow, and
desiring to fit himself for a literary career
took a classical course at a Massachusetts
seminary, intending afterward to go to
Yale. His money ran out, however, and
he went back to the printer's case, at
which he worked for several years in the
south and elsewhere. He was in Charleston
when the free state war broke out in Kan
sas, but he hastened west and joined the
John Brown forces to fight against slavery.
He remained in Kansas until 1857, when
he went to New York and entered a med
ical college. While studying medicine he
wrote several scientific articles for tho
New York Times, on which paper ho ac
cepted an editorial position and soon bo- ,
came managing editor under Henry J.
Raymond. At the close of the war ho re
signed the managing editorship on account
of ill health, but continued to write edito
rials for The Times until the death of Mr.
Raymond. When Charles A. Dana bought
the New York Sun, he made Mr. Swinton
chief of the editorial staff, and in one ca
pacity or another he has written for The
Bun with more or less regularity ever since.
For many years Mr. Swinton has been
known as a radical, a socialist, a commu
nist, and his speeches on sociological and
economical topics, in which he presented
the convictions he could not advocate with
his pen in the papers for which he wroto,
have been full of a vigorous fire all his" ,
own. But it has been his misfortune never
to ho taken seriously in these matters,
though no one ever doubted his sincerity,
even when, to gain untrammcled utter
ance, he started a weekly journal of his
own, called John Swlnton's Paper, devot
ed nominally, actually and honestly to the
interests of the working classes. Though
he gained a respectful hearing, he produced
no permanent impression. When he had
published the paper for four years and sunk
in it the savi ngs of 25 years, said to amount .
to $25,000, he was forced' to retire or run
In debt, and tho latter he refused to do.
How It Worked.
A well known borrower, whose credit
bad daily grown nearer the ground and.
worn out in forty places, met an acquaint
ance the other day on the steps of the city
"I say, Tom," he said, "lend me five dol
lars for a minute or two. I'll give it right
back to you."
After some hesitation the money" was
handed over and handed back promptly.
Then the same performance was gone
through with on one dollar, two, ten and
twenty. .
"That's all, thank you," said the bor
rower, starting oft.
"Hold on!" exclaimed the lender. "Tell
meVvhat you mean by that monkey busi-
"Oh, nothing much," was the reply;
'only it's been so long since I have been
able to borrow anything under any circum
stances that I was afraid I had lost my
grip' entirely. Thank heaven I have some
little credit left. Will you lend me a
quarter until tomorrow?"
His scheme was a success. Detroit a ree
Press. ' i
. The Puritan Way. j
The old Puritan way of dealing with de
linquents is pretty nearly effaced in New
England, where sinners have their way
much as in other parts of the country.
But a curious outcropping of the old sum
mary manner was observed in Hingbam
the other day. The oldest church in
Hingham is known as The Old Ship. It
is very smart looking for its years, and
has a curious spire and weather vane,
and on the ceiling beneath a mariner's
compass painted with great exactness,
the Old Ship is the center of interest
to visitors, who wander about its well
kept grounds and meditate in the old
colonial graveyard, for except on Sunday
the church is closed. - "
But on the doors are nailed two long
written statements. These are naturally
taken by visitors for descriptive history of
the building, and the eager visitors run to
their perusal. On the contrary they find
posted the names, with full descriptions.
of delinquent pewholders and their ar
rearages, is ewijorKiyening&un. ,
An Easy Way to Polish Finger Nail.
"Polish your nails with your fingers,".
says a manicure. "The friction of thai
flesh and the little oil which exudes from
the pores get up quickly a healthy circu
lation beneath the nail, making it rosy, and
fingers impart besides a better actual pol
ish than the chamois rubber," -