The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 19, 1894, Image 4

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    Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
"Thlrlch relative of yours, Is he a flislant
relative?" "Yes, extremely distant since he
became rich."
The most Inhuman outrages, outrages wh'ch
would disgrace the savage, man perpetrates
upon his own system by swallowing drastic pur-
f xtives willed convulse hisslomucti. agonize his
i et i lie 8 and weaken his system. Manv people
eonitamlv do this under the impression that
medicaments only which tire violent in their
action, aid particularly cathartics, are 01 any
avail. iTt-parable injury to health is wrought
under this mistaken ilea. The laxative which
most neHrly approach' s the beneficent scion of
nainre Is Hostetter's Stomach Hi iters, whi- h is
painless, but thorough, and invigorates the in
testinal eiiuai Instead u( weakening and irritat
ing it. The liver and the Ktomch share In the
benign dis iiline tnst tnte'l bv this eomprp
h"ns ve inedlidne. whose healthful influence is
felt tiro ighout the sysiem. malarious, rheu
matic, k.dney and nervous lotnplaluts succumb
t0 u ...
Georce Yon wnild marry the b'ggest foot in
th- world if he asked you.woulln't you? Ethel
-r-t )h, Guorgc, this is ro sudden."
to Throat and Lungs must
be preserved or s&re spots
appear and invite the con
sumption germs.
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
heal3 the llnlnrj, strengther.3
tho luns and even over-,
cornea Ciscasod spots in their
early stages. Physicians, tho
world over, ondorso it.
Don't be deseived by Substitutes!
Frepsrad by Scott & Downo, N. Y. All DruceUte.
Swift,' Light, Strong,
. Reliable and Ueau
tiful. A live agent wanted In
ewrv city and town In Ore
gon, Wasliiugtou and Idulio.
bend for catalogue and
v 887 Washington St., Portland, Or.
PFUf DER' s . Vj
Maltese Cross, Ridgewood and Wal
v labout Steam arid Water Hose.
' IW All fully guaranteed.
Gutta Percha and Rubber Mfg. Co.,
Established 1855. Portland, Or.
They all Testily
To the Efficacy
of iht
The old-time simple
i romcdyfrora the Georgia
cwomps and fields ba.'
I sono forth to t::o antipodes
' acto: chine tho skeptical antf
I oonfouncllsg Vio theories oi
' those who depend solely on the
I nhvsiclaa's ck:iL Thero Is no blood
' talat which ltdoesnot Immediately
eradicate. - Poisons outwardly absorbed or the
result of vile dboases from within all yield to this
potent but si in pi 3 remedy. It Is an unequalet)
tonic bnlldsupthe old and feeble, cures all diseases
arising from Impure blood or weakened vitality.
Bend fur a treatise. Examine the proof.
UooKs on " Blood and Skin Diseases " mailed free
DruffgUf Sell It.
Unt war Atlanta. Oa.
The launch CYCLONE, one o'
the speediest boats of its size or
the Coast. Length, SO feet :
depth. 3 feet; beam, 6 1-2 feet.
7 feet from top of cabin to bot
tom of keel; half-glass cabin
This launch, fitted with the
celebrated HERCULES Gasoline
Engine, 8-horse power, in per
fect running order, is offered foi
sale at a great bargain. For
price and particulars address
Portland, Or.
H, P. V, V, No. 544-8. F. N. TJ. No. 621
111 i Hljyi
i I I Kerf J!
. . t Sparrow and Swallow.
Editor Huddaway of the Easton
(Md.) Ledger gives an account of a
most remarkable encounter between
a barn swallow and an English spar
row. Tho 6wallow, as stated to the
editor, had built its nest among the
rafters of the barn of Mr. Denney,
near Royal Oak, in Talbot county.
While on the nest the swallow was
attacked by the sparrow, and the
two birds had a furious battle, which
went on sometimes in the air and
rometimes on the ground. iThe swal
low was courageous, but it had not
the wind of the sparrow and finally
had to yield to its antagonist. Hav
ing driven the swallow from the barn,
the victorious sparrow took posses
sion of the nest and contents. -
In about an hour the swallow re
turned to the barn bearing in its
mouth a bunch of something resem
bling lohg horsehairs. ', The bird
went directly and noiselessly to its
nest, threw itself on the back of the
sparrow, and before that astonished
bird had recovered from the shock
caused by the sudden and violent re
turn of its vanquished foe the swal
low put a horsehair noose around the
sparrow's neck' and somehow fast
ened the other end of the lassoo to
the nest or to the rafter. The spar
row soon choked to death on its un
expected gallows, where it hung for
several days. Chicago Tribune.
Stnall Fruit Growing.
In the vicinity of many small towns
there lire good openings for growing
and marketing small fruits. The
grower should plant a good variety
of strawberries, . raspberries, black
berries, grapes, currants and goose
berries, as the longer he is in the
market tho better he can supply the
wants of his customers. It will be a
help in this if , in addition to the dif
ferent kinds, he has two or more va
rieties, one early and one late, and in
some cases a medium variety, in or
der to prolong the season as much as
possible. One advantage with the
home grower is that with good care
his fruit can. be put into the consum
er's hands in a better, fresher condi
tion and at a less cost than if shipped
As with many other things con
nected with farming, the better plan,
usually, is to 6tart on a small scale
and gradually increase as success
and the business warrant.
In order to sell cheaply it is essen
tial to grow them cheaply. As an
aid to this prepare the soil in a good
tilth before planting. St. Louis Re
public. A Command of Temper.
The Duke of Marlborough possessed
great command of temper and never
permitted it to, be ruffled by little
things, in which even the greatest
men have been occasionally found
unguarded. As he was one day riding
with Commissary Marriot it began
to rain, and he called to his servant
for his cloak. The servant not bring
ing the cloak immediately, he called
for it again. -
The servant, being -embarrassed
with the straps and buckles, did not
come up to him. At last, it raining
very hard, the duke called to him
again and asked him what he was
about that he did not bring his cloak,
i "Youmust stay, sir," grumbled the
fellow, "if it rains cats and dogs, till
I can get at it."
The duke turned around to Marriot
and said very coolly, "Now, I would
not be of that fellow's temper for all
foe world." Sala's Journal.
A Bird's Weapon.
Birds, while still in the egg, have a
sharp, horny spike attached to the
upper part of the beak, by means of
which they are assisted in breaking
out of the shell. This prominence be:
comes opposed to the shell at various
points in a line extending all around
the egg at about one-third of the
egg's length from the large end. It
makes a series of little holes, thus
weakening the shell, and when the
chick arrives at a certain stage of
strength and development it has no
difficulty in breaking out. In tho
jommon fowl this little weapon drops
off a day or two after it is hatched,
out on the pigeon and birds that are
.'ed by their parents it sometimes re
gains for two weeks. Detroit Free
Press, i v - '
Sure Preventive of Disease.
The Duchess of Edinburgh is the hap
py possessor from the Russian and su
perstitious point of view of two genu
ine bezoar stones, one of which was left
to her by her imperial father and the
other by her aunt. The bezoar stone is
cut from a very rare animal arid is re
garded as a sure preserver of health and
happiness. Exchange.
The Flower Language.
. Mrs. Murray Hill There was a time
when you called me a daisy, a sweet vi
let and a lily of the valley.
Mr. Murray Hill Yes, that was be
ore you began jawing me every night,
.low, the only flower I wish you were
is a "four o'clock." Thnt ohuta up
sometimes. Texas Siftinga. - ' '
A Burial Swindler . M'hq Fooled Engena
Kelly, Jr., Onee Too Often.
Eugene Kelly, Jr., son of the New York
millionaire banker, is the latest victim of
the burial swindle. Last December he re
ceived notice from Chicago of the death
there of Frank M. Vernon, 19 years old,
whom be had once befriended, in a letter
signed A. E. Peltzer &Co., undertakers. It
was brief and confined itself to a request
that $108 be forwarded to Chicago- to pay
for the funeral. Mr. Kelly sent the money
with a letter inquiring for details. In re
ply he received this letter from A. Jfi.
Peltzer & Co.:"
Dear Sir Through an oversight which we
hone you will car don. our letter to you was not
written from my personal inspection, Having
known young Vernon's relations, I took him
under my care when death was inevitable.
Vernon was very well connected in this city,
his father being a prominent politician and
two uncles in the abstract and title business.
He had when he died but one relation, an un
cle, who. I understand, defrauded Frank out
of a sum of money. You probably know of
his leaving this uncle and starting out for him
self with race horses, two of which he owned,
but lost through gambling. We understand
that one of them, Ratalpo, now owned by M.
F. Dwyer, was purchased for him by a friend
in the east.
As you probably know, Vernon was a re
markably bright young man, well read, etc.,
whose abilities, had they beeu directed In
proper channels, would have made him a
prominent man. Dr. Wilbur Hi ldreth, wlioi
accompanied Vernon, was a physician of note
in Cincinnati. Frank Morris Vernon is bur-.
led in the family vault, in the name of Her
bert William Vernon, in the Waldheim cem
etery, this city. I was with him during his
last moments. Vernon suffered intense agony,
but bore it bravely and spoke of you as his
friend and benefactor. :
The letter said that Vernon's watch and
ring would be shipped by express, and that
Dr. Hi ldreth asked $50 for' his trouble. A
day later a paokage came by American ex
press C. O. D. $50. Mr. Kelly paid the
money, expecting to find the jewelry. He
found only a package of playing cards.
Mr. Kelly then reported the case to the
police. A short time ago Vernon was heard
from in St. Louis, whence he wrote to Mr.
Kelly asking for money. On the police in
spector's advice Mr. Kelly told Vernon to
come to New York. He arrived in due sea
son and was arrested for obtaining money
under false pretenses, was promptly con
victed and sentenced to one year in prison.
Mme. le Genlla' Childhood. '
If Mme. de Genlis' own account of her
bringing up before her marriage is true
she is a remarkable example of a woman
who has learned from experience, and
has contrived even among the incessant
claims of society to repair her parents'
neglect in the matter of education. At
six she set forth with her tnother to
Paris, where she spent ' a few dismal
weeks. After she had two teeth taken
out (tho history of children is always
the same) "they put a pair of stiff
whalebone stays on me and imprisoned
my feet in tight shoes, which prevented
me from walking. They rolled my hair
in curl papers and I wore for the fbst
time a panier. To cure my provincial
air an iron collar was fastened round
my neck, and as I squinted a little the
moment I woke a pair of spectacles was
placed on my nose, and these I was not
allowed to move for four hours. Final
ly, to my great surprise, I was given a
master to teach me how to walk (which
I thought I knew before), and I was for
bidden to run, or to jump, or to ask
questions." .
The private baptism uf her infancy
was supplemented by a .public cere
mony, and then her woes were partly
forgotten in the delight of fetes and the
glory of her first opera. This was "Ro
land le Funeux," and she was fortunate
enough to hear Chaase, the singer who
five years later was ennobled "on' ac
count of his voice and hia beautiful
style." Unlike his comrades he had
some notion of modulation. Mrs. An
drew Lanjj ir. National Review. ;
Jno. Mallow, Esq.,
JVo. tl McLean St.. Mta
Adams, Cincinnati, O.,
writes: "I took sick
with dropsy, lost my ap
petite, could not sleep,
became feverish; always
thirsty, lost all strength,
stomach became pain
ful, breath abort and
had to give up work.
The best physicians in
Cincinnati, failed to
help me. My limbs and
body were swollen to
enornions size, and I
was suffering terrible
- , TT -,. agony. Tba doctors all
JOHN MALLOW, ESQ. could not get well
again, that I was liable to drop dead at any
moment. My wife sent for the priest, to pre-
fare me for death. While waiting for death,
remembered reading of your 'Golden Medical
Discovery,' and thought I would try it as a lest
hope. When I had taken three bottles, I wns
almost well. The swelling entirely disappeared
and I was soon able to resume work. My
health is better now than it baa been in
twenty-five years."
aw a miomntAA Vvtr nil Hmi0W
Risto. It cures Incipient Consumption
WX i the best Cough and Croup Cure,
iocts! 'andNjS? ''gffCi fm)fZ2
$1.00 Bottle. Ql lllifll
So Badly Crippled With Bheumatism
That He LoHt All Power of Feet and
Legs Hon He Was Cured. ' s
From the San Francisco Chronicle.
M. E. Douglas, a young man who owns
and runs a harness shop out at 2612 Mis
sion street in this city, tells a tale of a
remarkable oure of rheumatism after tie
had suffered for several years, and had
almost given up hoping that it could be
cured. That Mr. 1)ouglas' cure is per
manent is amply demonstrated by the
fact it was effected two vears ago, and
rheumatism has not troubled him at all
since that time.
It was in regard to his recovery that a
Uhronicle reporter called upon Mr. Doug
las a few days ago. The young man told
the following story :
"About four or five years ago I began
to oe much troubled Dv severe pains in
my feet and ankles, and it annoyed me
so greatly that I could only keep at work
with difficulty. I bgan to think that I
was standing on my feet too much, and
would nave to manage to do easier work.
I was in a harnessmaker's shop then.
About that time I read of a disease of
the feet which is contracted in the Ger
man army. I decided that I had the
same disease, and read up the remedies
used for it and tried them. Of course,
they did no good. I then tried hot wa
ter' bathing, and also used mustard wa
ter. I got some relief from the bathing,
but it was only temporary, and my
trouble was constantly increasing. At
last I went to a physician, and he gave
me a prescription, but it did no good. I
was now so badly off that the acute pain
had gone up beyond the calves of my legs.
I used to have to sit down very often, and
frequently when I would try to stand I
would fall right over. I completely lost
power over my feet and legs, and was al
most paralyzed. Finally I determined
that I would have to let the disease wear
itself out.
"You see, we are aU natives of Can
ada. My father, mother and I used to
liye at Woodstock, Ontario. , We got the
Woodstock Sentinel Review, which con
tained & number of reports about the
wonderful properties of a medicine called
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
I thought that, if one-quarter or one
tenth of what was said about them was
true, they might do me some good. v We
got $2.50 worth of them, and I began to
take them without much regularity and
without thinking much about their cur
ing me. I just took t hem when I thought
of it, two or three at a time as they hap
pened to come handy. I was also suffer
ing from a severe attack of piles, which
gave me a great deal of trouble. After
I had been taking the Pink Pills awhile
I noticed that the piles left me, and, then
my rheumatism just went away from me
so easily that I hardly thought of it un
til it was gone. I had given up all other
treatment, and was taking nothing but
the pills ; so it must have been the, pills
that cured me. I took more, and in fact
take some still. We alwayff keep them
in the house now. They give your cheeks
a fine, healthy glow, and keep you feel
ing well all the time. My rheumatism
was completely cured, and has not troub
led me for two years. k
" My grandfather, John Douglas, is
still living in Canada. ' He was quite
well acquainted with this very Dr. Will
iams who first compounded the pills, and
knows that he has the very best of stand
ing in the community.
" I cheerfully recommend the Pink
Pills, and I think that any one who
takes them is sure to receive benefit. As
I said, we still keep the pills in the house
all the tima, ai d would not be without
them." i. "
Mr. Douglas is 26 years of age.' He
has been in San Francisco for the best
part of his life. He is well and favor
ably known by a great many San Fran
cisco people.- Any one of an inquiring
frame of mind can find him at work in
his harness shop at 2612 Mission street.
' An analysis of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pale People shows that they
contain in a condensed form all the ele
ments necessary to give new life and
richness to the blood and restore shat
tered nerves. They are an unfailing
specific for such diseases as locomotor
ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance,
sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous
headache, the after ettects ot la grippe,
palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow
complexions, all forms of weakness either
in male orlemale. link rills are eokt
by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid
on receipt of.price (50 cents a box, or six
boxes for IfZ.oU) by addressing Dr. Will
iams' Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y.
ere. Books, Caponiziug
' ,
Hay Forks, Rakes. Scythes,
: ZB8 WASrlllNU I UIN SI.,
tS" Cut this advertisement out, and
Printed with - Jaenecke-Ull-
man Ink. PALMER & REY,
'...' . v MAN. .. "
The late Hon. James W. Husted, so long
Speaker of the Assembly, of the State of
New York, was noted. for vigorous oommon
sense. In January of 1890 he wrote from
the Assembly Chamber: . .. '
. " I desire once more to bear my testimony
to the value of Allcock's Porous Plas
ters. I have used them for twenty-five
years past, and can conscientiously com
mend them as the best external remedy
that I have known. I have them constant
ly by me, whether at home or abroad. My
family as Well as myself have found them
to be a sovereign remedy, both for external
and internal troubles. I never had but one
kidney difficulty in my life, and the appli
cation of the plasters cured me in a week.
I desire, as I said before, to bear my testi
mony in a public way to their efficacy, and
I know of no better way of doing it than
bv giving vou mv neisonal experience." '
Bkandbeth's Pills are a vegetable pur
"Grindem is a usurer, I understand." "Usurer!
Why, hen he looks at you he looks at you with
"Brown's Pronchial Troches" are of great
service in subduing hoarseness. Sold only
tn boxes; '
It's the absurd creation that women wear on
their heads to the theater thut men can't over
We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for
any case of cxUrrh that cannot be cured by
Hall s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHEN HY fe CO., Prop?., Toledo, O.
. We, the undursik'ned, have known F. J. Che
ney for the last fifteen years, and believe him
perfectly hoiioranle in all b ihintsi transactions
mid tin and lly able to carrv o t anv omijjRtiou
made by their Hru. vfEST & TRUAX,
Who'esale Drncirlfts. Toledo, O.
Wholesale iruglxt8, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Curj is taken internally. aciing
d r ctly upon te blood and mncou- surface of
thesyiem. Price. 75 cents pt-r bottle. Bold by
all druggists. Testimonials free.
G'liird yourse'f for summer mnlarla. tired
feeling, by using now Oiegon 11 ood Purifier.
Use Enameline Stove Polish: no dust no smell.
Tbt Gurmka for breakfast.
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
fen lly yet promptly on the Kidneys,
aver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50e
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. I)o not accept any
AV. L,. DOJTfiT.ASS mn Bnm
equals custom work, costing from
ft " oesr value lor tne money
in the world. Js'ame aadprice
uun;)co oa ine Dottom. .Every
pair warranted. Take no substi-
;o. toe local papers for full
description of our complete
ior laaics ana gen-
v.rajcn or scna tor Jt
Insirated Cctalogtt
giving in.
ocr ay mail, postage lree. You can get the best
hirrMini rC Hanh, ...U 1. l rJ
Chickens are easily and successfully
raised by using the Petaluma In
cubators and Brooders. Our 11-
' lustrated catalogue tells all about it.
v jmi, v vol,
lion i Duy any dui tne retaiuma u you want strong, vigorous chicks
We are Pacific Coast Headauarters for Bone and Clover Cutters. Mark.
Tools, Fountains, Flood's Roud Cure. Morrit
Poultry Cure, Creosozone the great chicken-lice killer and every othei
article required by poultry raisers. See the machines in operation at
our exhibit with the Nor walk Ostrich Farm, Midwinter Fair, hatching
ostriches and all kinds of rggs. Catalogue free: if you ant it, write
reiALumA invubatuk vo
760 762-764 76fi Main street, Petaluma, Oral.
4, 30, 36, 48 and 19 Inches Wide,
fUHILftllU, UHtlaUll.
send it when you write. . , ,
( Mot uuiiiei nuuT sooth noi a
j Tarsal; brail lruaUU. & Cents a bttl.
Only a Scar Remains
Scrofula Cured Blood Purified by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "
' "It Is with pleasnie that I send a testimonial
concerning what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done
for my daughter. It is a wonderful medicine
and I cannot recommend it too highly. Sarah,
who is fourfeen yeats old, has been
Afflicted With Scrofula
ever since she was one year old. For five yean
she has had a running sore on one side of her
face. 'We tried every remedy recommended, but
nothing did her any good until we commenced
using Hood's Sarsaparilla. My married daughter
advised me to use Hood's Sarsaparilla because
Hood'ss? Cures
it had cured her of dyspepsia. She had beeu
troubled with that cotnpMiit since childhood,
and since her cure she has never been without a
bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla In the bou-e. We
commenced giving it to Sura i a"out one year
ago, and It ha conquered the running sore.
Only a Scar Remaining
as a trace of the dread ml disease. Previous to
taking the medtoiue her eyesight was affected
but now she can see perfectly. In conneotlou
with flood's 8arsaparillrt'we have used flood's
Vegetable Pills, a'ld find them the best." Mrs.
Maiua Gkiffin, Xenia, Illinois. Cet Hood'9
' Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick headache,
indigestion, tillousness. Pold by all drujgists.
Baker & Hamilton
Creameries, Cheese Factories and
Cold Storages. -
Creamery, Dairy and Cheese Factory
Machinery, Apparatus, Fixtures
' and Supplies.
Sharpies Russian and Belt Power
Cream Separators.
Winners of the only diploma and medsl be
stowed on Separators at the World's Columbian
Exposition. Chicago.
flans, estimates and specifications furnished
on application. Strictly first-class goods at bed
rock prices.
Write us for descriptive catalogue and for in
formatiou. , . ,
Sacramento. TtOi Angeles
1 San Francleco.
Is Biire death to Oronnd Sqn
Pocket Gonhers. Rabbits a id i
mals that burmwiu liiegriound. Win- il
ole. sale Hfirl eerrjilti. Prlia 1A nar 1IK) Al
bombs; b xefl for shipment. Hnmiile W
cartridges, wi'b d reeiion. f r ustug.senlrce . a,
application For sale by 8H . liLDd KX.TEKMI
NA'f'OE CO., Moscow. Idaho.
Belting, Packing and Hose, Boots anoV
Shoes, Rubber and Oil Clothing,
Druggists' Rubber Goods,
Goodyear Rubber Co.,
73 aud 75 First St., Portland, Or.
, Write for catalogue rREi.
To the person or club return. ng us tne lmgei
number of
Certificates on or before June 1, 1894, we will
give a cash prize of $100, mi't to the "ei lirtn-M
numerous other prlz s r rnglng from to ;ft in
Cash. CLOSSET & DBVEKS, Portland, Or.
KNOW Unit the oldest
and btst Photo-engrav-lug
office hi bun Fran
cisco wus established'
in 1877 by thn BJftiinger
ol the DfcWKY KN
URAVING t'O , wlif
bus secured the latest
aud best Improve
m nuts. cret processes!
ttnd a full complement
of the most unproved: .
machinery, photo ap
paratus, powerful Hec
trie llenta.. etc. Hnvlncr
S. F. Mechanics- Institute Medal. !nS experience un5
m. BUDerior artiata. ihia.
pioneer Co. turns out tbe highest class of work
Dromotlv. reliublv and at uniformly mnrlpmiA
f trices forall kindsof engraving. Publishers helped
o get up special issues. Job printers and others
should selia for sum plea, estimates and information.
4. T. Dswky, Manager, 320 Market St.. S. F,CuL
I Best Gouku ByruD. Tastes Good. Use I
la time. Hold d? druggists.
ilrrel", lfl;
ill ant- tfM
iEtfuii)lrf6eo j