The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 19, 1894, Image 2

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    3ood Iiver Slacier.
HOOD RIVER, OR. MAY, 19, 1S04.
For Governor,
For Congress, (
' ' .J. H. HALEY, of Umatilla.
1 For Supreme Jndge,
A. B. BENNETT, of Wasco..
For Secretary .of State
For State Treasurer,
' ' For Attorney General,
' W,. H. HOLMES, of Polk,
For (uperinteadent Public Instruction,
K. V, H. KEID, of Lane..
For State Printer,
JOHN O'BRIEN, of Multnomah.
For Member State Board of Eq.uu 1 1 zatlon,
X. H. LA FOLLETTE., of Prineville. ,
JFor Prosecuting Attorney, Seventh District.,
E. B. DUFUR, of The Dalles.
For Representative,
M. V. HARRISON., of Wasco, .
V, C. BROCK, of Sherman.
For Shertft
X. E. MORSE, .of Hood Rlv,er, -,
For County XJlerk,,
E. MARTIN, of Tb Di.llos.
For Superintendent of Schools, '
' ' For County Assessor,
H. PITMAN, of Duftir,
( For County Treasurer,
R. E. WUUU1AM8, of Te Dalles,
For County Commissioner,
Jj C WINGF1ELD, of Boyd,
For Coroner, '
For Justices of the Peace, Hood River,
M. V. RAND, East Bide,
For Constables, JUood River,
' V. WINCHELL, East Side..
A protectionist friend .asks us bow
-we can defend the dtmocxatio plan of
jputtingraw material ou tlie free list
and protecting the manufacturer. As
we profess to be and are honest in our
beliefs, we will answer the question
isquarely.: We don't defend it, because
,lt is incapable of defense. We will go
;furtber and say tbat tbe Wilson bill iu
its present condition is indefensible,
and getting more so the longer the sen
Ate monkeys with it. Wool and sugar,
for taxable purposes, are identical. If
.one should have a luxitX Xli other
should, and as long as the revenues of
the government are raised by the tuiitf
.system, both are good subjects for tax
ation, because both yield a large lev
.enue and proportionately small protec
tion. Now, having "uiude au opeu,
:free confession and scorned to lie," let
us examine the "raw material" subject
for a moment.' What is raw material?
Wool, cotton, corn, iron, coal, hides or j
.uyimug ui mai iuur most uecuieu- i
.jy not,
The earth is raw material .and
labor is raw material. To illustrate,
iron or coal in the earth .are raw ma
terial, but when the other raw material,
labor, is added, and they .are taken
.from the earth, they become to the
.mine owner the finished product. To
the smelter both are raw material, but
the pig iron resulting is his finished
product. ,8o with wool; the wild
grasses are raw material, tbe sheep the
jnachiue which brings to the wool
grower his finished product. The un
.cleaned wool is to the swurex xaw ma
terial., the scoured wool is to the spin
jier raw material,- tlie woven cloth Is to
the tailor raw material, yet .to each in
turn a finished product. A.ud after the
garment is cast aside it is still raw ma-
terial to the manufacturer of shoddy.
To the manufacturer, to tbe miner, to
.every employer, labor is taw material,
for of that and through that in every
.occupation the finished product is ac
complished. We say .again that the
admission of raw material free of duty,
while any manufactured article is pro
tected, is indefensible,, and ' we say to
our protectionist friend lhat the .only
iraw material ever admitted to the
iUujted S'ates free or untaxed is labor,
and it tinder every party has been ad
mitted free. Every dollar of revenue is
raised on some one's manufactured ar
ticle, because no article is raw material
which has had labor .added to it, When
he labor in this country, whether for
ign or native horn, is protected from
that now out of It, then, and then only,
will the theory ,of protection to Amer
ican labor he stripped of fraud.
Harper's Weekly of this w-eete con
tains 'on the first pag a cartoon enti
tled "The Original Coxey Army," that
is an object lesson. It represents- the
speaker of the house and president Af
the senate on the capitoi teps, while
&n immense procession headed by Caiv
fiegie bearing a banner with the legend,
"Help the poor steel industry;" Wan
tiamaker with another plaintively ask
ing assistance for "a struggling iner
chant," and the lung array of protected
Industries each with "a petition," And
they stepped on the grass, too.
Tbe populists of the Eighteenth Ohio j
district have nominated Coxey for con
gress. The result of the election wil'
lie eagerly watched by, the nation as an.
JjjdiuitJon of public sentiujewt, -
We used to think that Phil Metschan
was entitled to bis name of "Honest
Phil;" we would-be pleased Indeed to
continue to think o, but unless he
takes the seal from his lips and ex
plains what has become of the people's
money, we cannot do so. We would
like him to say how $128,000 of the
people's money got into the Portland
banks and remained there, or still re
mains there? We would like him to
explain where the $160,000 set aside for
the Eastern Oregon insane asylum is,
and whether or not he is drawing the
interest therefrom? We would like to
have him say whether or not the state
school funds were or were not loaned
out, and if so, was that the reason that
Superintendent McElroy curtly in
formed all inquirers that "the appor
tionment is 70 cents?" We would like
to know whether or not the desire to
keep the use of the money appropri
ated for building the insane asylum by
any possibility had auytliing to do
with the long delay and final refusal of
Metschan, Pennoyer and McBride to
select a bite within sixty days, or to let
contracts for erecting said asylum build
ings. We plainly see thut, failing to
locate said asylum, or to let the con
tracts for building it, would leave $100,
000 to bo taken care of by the state
treasurer. We want information. At
six per cent the asylum money would
yield $19,000 in two years, and the
$128,000 in the Portland banks would
yield $15,300 more. We are moved to
ask these questions because we have
here a state warrant for $150 issued
three niDnths ago, indorsed "presented
and not paid for lack of funds." If
there are no funds, why not? This is
not a political question, or asked to in
jure Melschan's chances of election.
That cannot be done. He will be
But let him stand up and
That the United States is going
through dangerous times is patent to
all. As to the cause, ..opinions are
rnany, but the fact exists. From all
parts of the country bands of unem
ployed men are traveling towards
Washington. Their avowed purpose is
to petition congress for relief, but this
purpose is not sufficient. They are as
persevering as an army of locusts and
are undeterred by any obstacle. So far
they are in a measure law-abiding, in
terfering with property only to the ex
tent of taking possession of freight
trains; but will this always continue?
Certainly, behind this widespread
movement there is brains; there is some
other object than merely to petition
congress. Iu detail, the coramonweal
ers are weak, when united they will be
strong. Tne tiger kitten will become a
tiger, aud the smell of blood once in its
nostrils will make it a daugtrons an
imal. The traveling hordes are not a
disease, they are simply the symptoms,
aud congress and tne administration
win ,,e wise Jndeed lf tbey mak(1 tt cor.
rect aiagnouis of it.
Hon. A. S. Bennett,, the demociatic
candidate for judge of. the suprtme
court, ought to be elicte I and he ought
to have the unanimous vote of Eastern
Oregon. As a lawyer he is the peer of
any in (the state, and will add dignity
and honor to the bench. Eastern Ore
gon is entitled to the position, not hav
ing ary member of the court. The of
fice .is non-political, and for these rea
sons the solid vote of Eastern Oregon
should be cast for hiui.
The spring of 1894 has broken the
record for severe and widely extended
frosts. The entire United States has
been visited by them even to the orange
groves of Florida and Southern Cali
fornia. The entire fruit crop has been
more or less damaged, in some sections
entirely destroyed. So we of Hood.
River cannot complain, though we
have had a sample of it.
Messrs. Peddicor,d and Henry, pop
ulist candidates for the legislature, and
Elton, candidate, for sheriff, addressed
our citizens on the political questions
Wednesday evening. Mr. Peddicord
was the principal speaker and made an
Intelligent and lengthy argument in
defense of tbe party principles. Most
of his positions are tenable, and most
of his arguments. unanswerable.
Guaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised druggist
to ell Dr, King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs aud colds upon
this condition; If you are afflicted with
a cough, cold or any lung, throat or
chest trouble, aud will use this remedy
as directed, giving it . a fair trial, and
experience no benefit, you may return
the bottle and have vour money re
funded. We could not make this ofl'er
did we not know- that Dr, King's New
Discovery could be relied on. It never
disappoints. Trial bottles free tit Hood
River Pharmacy. Large size, 50 cents
and $J.
According to the published appoint
ments, Governor Pennoyer and Ira
Wakefield, populist candidate for secre
tary of tnte, will speak here at 1
o'clock Wednesday afternoon, May
House and lot in Hood River.' Ap-
jp'y to h, S,. Jlovees.
, For Congress, Second District,
W. R. ELLIS, of Beppner.
For Governor,
' W. P. LORD, of Salem.,
For Secretary of State,'
II, R. KINCAID, of Eugene. . ;
For State Treasurer, .
PHIL METSCHAN, of Grant county. . ;
,; For Snpt, Public Instruction,
G. M. IltWIN, of Union.
. For Supreme Judge, ; '
CHAS. E. WOLVERTON, of Albany.
For Attorney General. ' 1
: C. M. IDLEMAN, of Portland.
' For State Printer,
. W. II. LEEDS, of Ashland.
For Prosecuting Attorney, Seventh District,
"A. A. JAYNE, of Arlington.
For Member State Boajd of Equalization,
W. C. WILLS, of Crook county.
For Representatives, , .
T. R. COON, of Hood River.
T. H. McGREER, of Antelope.
' For SheritT, - ,
THOS. J. DRIVER, ofWamic.
, For County xClerk, .....
A. M. KE.LSAY, of The Dalles.
For Superintendent of Schools, - '
": TROY SHELLEY, of Hood River. :
" For County Assessor,
F. H, WAKEFIELD, of The Dalles.
. For County Treasurer,
, WM. MICHELL, of The Dalles.
x For County Commissioner,
A. S. BLOWERS, of Hood River.
For Coroner, ,
W. H. BUTTS, of Tbe Dalles.
- For County Surveyor,
, E. F. SHARP, of The Dalles.
For Justices of the Peace, Hood River,
;. J. A. SOESBE, West Side, . ,
' C. J. HAYES, East Side. '
, For Constables, Hood River,
J. J. LUC1CEY, West Side. ' '
E.S.OLINGER, East Side., v- .. i
Buckles's Arnica Salved J
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Suit Rheunv
Fever Bores, Tetter Chapped Hand,'
Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erupt
ions, and positively cures Piles, or no
pay required.. It is guaranteed to give
pertect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Hood Itiver Pharmacy.
' Unless the wearing and the coming
out of mourning apparel can be ac
complished with decency, it would
show far more respect to the dead if
it were never donned at all.
Over 50,000 Parisians, it is said,
earn a living by picking up and mak
ing use of what other people throw
away rags, bones, metal aud such
It is far easier, if not more natural,
for a man to love all womankind
than, to be permanently devoted and
loyal to a single woman.
An Enduring Publication.
An eminent artist, known for his
plain speaking, remonstrating with
Oscar Wilde on his undue admiration
of his own play, "Lady Winder
mere's Fan," 'remarked: "I much
doubt whether stich a work could
live after the present season. Now,
the 'School For Scandal' has lasted
100 years and is as popular to-day as
ever it was." ; "Ah!" murmured Os
car, "but so is 'Bradshaw's Guide.'"
San Francisco Argonaut.
Masculine Management -
Little Dick Go ask mamma if we
can have these crusts she was goin
to throw away. . '
Little Dot I don't want crusts.
Little Dick Neither do I, but if
we ask her for 'em she'll give us a
big piece of - ginger cake. Good
Questions For Shoppers.
Did you ever wait for change in a
bargain store? Did , you ever get
home and find that you had omitted
to wait for said change? . Did you
ever lose a ' brahd new purchase bo
fore -taking a cent's worth of good
out of it? Did you ever see an article
just like one that you bought 10 min
utes ago marked 20 per cent less iu
some other store? Boston Common
wealth. AVER'S
A Bright Lad;
Ten years of age, but w ho declines to give his
name to the public, makes this authorized,
confidential statement to us:
. "When I was one year old, my mamma died
of consumption. The doctor said that I,
too, would soon die. and ail our neighbors
thought that even if I did not die, 1 would
never be able to walk, because I was so
weak and puny. A gathering formed and
broke under my arm. J hurt my linger and
It gathered and threw out pieces of bone.
If I hurt myself so as to break Jhe skin, it
was sure to become a running sore. I had
to take lots of medicine, but nothing has
done me so much good as Ayer's Barsapa
rllla. It has made me well aud Strong."
T. D. H., Norcatur, Kaus,
AYER'S SarsapariHa
Prepared by Dr. J. O.Aycr&Co., Lowell, M ass.
Cures others, will cure you
Notice is, hereby given that there
will lie a meeting of the stockholders of
the Hood River Fruit Growers' Union
in Hood River, Oregon, Saturday, May
19th, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose
af electing one director to fill a va
cancy caused by the resignation of N.
C. Evans, and .for t he transaction of
other business. By order of the pres
ident. H.F.Davidson,
Eighty acres, five miles from town;
40 acres in cultivation; 600 trees, prin
cipally 'apple, in full bearing. All
fenced. Good bouse and barn. Three
shares of water in Hood River Supply
Co. go with the place. Good well and
spring. Harvey Crapper.
A wind mill, pump tower pump etc. ,
nil iu good order also several horses and
colts. Apply to F. H. Button or Ed.
Rand, Hood River Oregon.
A thoroughbred Jersey bull, for sale
cheap for cash. Also have several cows
to dispose of. Mrs. D. K. Ordway.
' v Midwinter Fa!r.
, .If you intend visiting the great mid
winter fair, call on the nearest Union
Pacific agent, and he can tell you al
about the exceedingly low rate and the
adyantages offered by this line to San
Francisco and return, or address W. H.
Hurlburt, assistant general passenger
agent, Portland.
The partnership heretofore existing
under the firm name of Jones & Rogers
is this day dissolved. Mr. Rogers will
co ectall debts due the firm and pay
'all debts owing to it. C. A. Jones.
t.-- a21-ml9.
'iAll persons are hereby notified that
they will be required to pay a rental for
any space occupied by them along the
line of the railroad spur on my home
stead. Mrs. Mattie A. Oiler.
;liood River, Or., April 18, 1894.
"! Fine line .of bath sponges at the
Hood River Pharmacy:
. Will serve
during the season of 1894 at
BOJSE'S Stables, Hood River
Oregon. .i
MIDNIGHT Is a coal-black Hambletonian,
6 years old, 18 hands high, weight 1400 pounds.
Sired by Shaw's Hambletonian: Dam a Cop
perbottora mare. Midnight Is a good dispo
sitioned horse, a Toppy driven and quite a
trotter for a horse of his size. .
Midnight's service foes will be $5 for a single
service, to be paid at time of service, or $10 for
tiie season due August 1st following service,
or $15 to Insure with foal payable April 1, 1895.
Insurance cannot be given utter tiriit service
or other terms. Mares lulling to catch on
single service may be bred by the season by
paying the additional fee.
Great care will be taken to prevent acci
dents, but will not be responsible should they
occur. or further Information upply to Eph
dinger at tbe barn of F. C. Brosius, owner.
This is the time of the year when much loss
occurs to the farmers in the loss of young
foals. A Canadian horse breeder of much ex
perience says: ' ,
Ctirefully watch your colt for the first ten
days, and see that its bowels act properly, as
the lirst ten days are the most critical in a
foal's existence. If you can get them over the
first "fen days they usually require very little
attention if the mare is fed Judiciously.
The mare should be fed. some two or three
weeks before she Is due to foal and some time
otter soft food, such as boiled oats, bran and
linseed that has been boiled for twelve hours
or longer, so as to loosen the system and pro
vide a generous flow of milk. If from some
cause the marc should not nhave sufficient
milk the best substitute is cow's milk, one-
lourth water and a tablespoonful of honey to a
pint ol' milk.
Costiveness, diarrhoea, and lnflamatlon are
the principul ailments a young foal is sub?ect
to. Tlie two first careful treatment will
overcome; tlie last is, In most fatal.
The following are well tried and the best
remedies that have come undt.' my notice:
Costiveness Rectal injectidns of luke-warm
water every half hour, or syrup of rhubarb
with a few drops linseed oil; dose, tablespoon
ful. Nothing acts more powerfully than in
jections, and the advantage is they do no
harm. ;
Diarrhoea should not be stopped suddenly
tablespoonful brandy with teaspoonful of
tincture of gentian and two tablepoonfuls
lime wuter in a cupful linseed tea every three
hours. - '
- lnflamatlon Apply blanket, thickly fold
ed and wrung out in very hot water, to belly;
rub the leg well; give teaspoonful laudanum
in two ounces of water. R'epeat dose in two
hours if neccesMiry.
In the Circuit Courtof the State of Oregon
for the County of Wasco. . -
Jennie Thomas Plaintiff, ")
Minard C.Thomas Defendant.)
To Mi nard C Thomas, the aboveTiamed de
fendent: In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and ans
wer the'complaint filed against you in the
above entitled suit on or before Monday the
28th day of May 1894, that being the first day
of tne, next regular termof said court: and if
you full so to answer for want thereof, the
plaintiff will apply to the said court for the re.
lief demanded in her complaint to-wit: For a
decree of divorce forever dissolving and un
nullimf the marriage -relati ns now existing
between you and plaintiff, and that plain
tiff have the sole custody of the minor child
Willis H. Thomas, and for such other and!
further relief as to the court may seem equity
able andjust.
This summons is served uqon you by pub.
lication thereof in the Hood River Glaciku,
a newspaper of general circulation published
weeklyjat Hood Kiver Wasco County, Oregon,
by order ot tlie Hon. W. L Bradshaw judge of
said Court, whlcn order was duly made at
Chambers in Dalles City. Wasco County Ore
gon, on the 5th day of April 1894.
. - - , ' Dufur & Menkfke.
Attorneys for riaintiff.
Wall Paper, Pafnts, Oils etc.
:- A large supply of, and Exclusive Might to sell '
Celebrated liquid colors and tinted leads.
. Undertaking a Specialty.
Not a member of a "trust" but of an association, devoted to advancing the
ntr ests of the profession, and will Bellas cheap us an yone not in the association
Corner of Second
Acorn and Charter Oak
Stoves and . Ranges.
Guns, Ammunition and Sporting Goods,
Iron, Coal,
Blacksmith Supplies, '
Wagon maker's Material,
- Sewer Pipe,
- Pumps and Ppipe, . ' .
( Plumbing Supplies.
That thirty days is as long as we 'rah credit goods, and would respectfully
request our patrons to govern themselves accordingly.
Hood il3.admQ.eic3rs
Directions for Mixing the Acme Compound. .
Weigh out ten pounds of tlie Compound and put it in a barrel or lurjie ket
tle; then pour on five gallons of boiling water gradually, until tlie mixture is of
the consistency of soft soap stirring it all the time. After it is thoroughly
dissolved add the balance of the water (forty-five gallons), hot or cold hot pre
ferred. Do not boil the mixture. It is then ready to apply, fifej?" Be sure and
have your kettles or barrel clean (also your spraying tankl and tree from other
mixture's, in order to avoid clogging your spraying nozzles. Do not sprafwien
the trees are moist. For Codlin Moth use No. 2. and spray immediately after
the blossoms drop, then again four weeks after, which will destroy all other in
sects that may appear. Apply by means of a spray pump or a florist's syringe.
. Testimonials. '
; Coral itos, Cal.. March 26, 1894. Watson, Erwin & Co.: I used one hundred
pounds of your Acme No, 1, and it had the desired effect; it not only gets away
with tbe insect but it cleans up the tree and leaves it in a hcalty condition. I :
will will do just what it is recommended to do. Yoiirs truly, ,
. i , J. E; Moktimeh.
Niles, March 14, 1894 1 have had six years' experience spraying, and used
various washes to quite an extent. Kor the lust two seasons i have used Acme
Insecticide, and find it the best wash, and that it gives the best results of any
I ever used. It is a very pleasant wash to use, and easily prepared.
. ; , - ' ..... Jon Tyson.
Choicest Meats," Haxn,v
Bacon, lard, Game,,'
V;'. Poultry, Also Dealers in":
Corner of Oak and Fourth Streets,
. 3. -'''ITIOKIBI-iSBnisr-
:7 : . :" '' " ) ' V,
The Prather, Buiiding,Seconcl & 0ak Sts.
and Federal Streets.
and Carriages
and Mowers.
Lewis k tar
Company's Agricultural Implements
and Machinery.
Hood River,' Oregon.