' f) t IS Hooc mver iTiacier - it's a Cold Day When We Get Left. ! VOL.5. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SATURDAY. MAY 19, 1894. NO. 51. 2Koed Iftver (5 lacier. i PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY MORNING BT The Glacier Publishing Company. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. One year It 04 8ix months . 1 00 Three months.. W Bugle copy i Cent THE GLACIER Grant Evans, Propr. -Second St., near Oak. Hood River, Or. Sliaving and Hair-cutting neatly done. Satisfaction titiarauteed. LANDS RESTORED. Great Scheme to Put the Idle " Industrials to Work. BRIGHT RAILROAD PROSPECTS The Practical Solution of the Much Discussed Problem of a Line Between .Portland and Astoria. ,, Portland. The prospect of a railroad between Astoria and Portland is at laet very bright. M. Lutz, who represents a French and German syndicate, has been in Portland and Astoria for several days with E. L. Dwyer and others, who are interested in the enterprise, and he and his associates have been investigating and considering the various propositions for a railroad connecting Astoria with Portland. The result is that Mr. Lutz has submitted to the people of Astoria a proposition to immediately build a road from Astoria to tioble upon condition that they put in proper form for delivery to the syndicate represented by him the title to the land subsidies at Astoria and Flavel heretofore offered for the construc tion of such . a road. Furthermore the people of Astoria are required to obtain and give the full and free right of way from Astoria to Goblo, and a contract for traffic arrangements with the North ern Pacific between Goble and Portland is also to be furnished. It is stated that, if these conditions are complied with, the road will be built at once, as the money can be immediately obtained for this purpose. It is believed that this of fers a practical solution of this much discussed problem and will secure the construction of a railroad that win be oi equal advantage to Portland and Astoria. It will be an independent line between the two cities, and it is proposed to han dle the business of all roads on equal terms. i ' ." GREAT SCHEME. A Spokane Man's Plan Whereby He Can Give Work to All. Tacoma. L. C. Dillman, a prominent business man of Spokane, is in the city maturing a scheme whereby he proposes to make a big stroke toward developing Central Washington and at the same t;,nu nffur ri.rlr tn all the nnemnloved laborers in the State. The scheme is to ; dig three big irrigating ditches and pay Ui..hlmMd t.liMir 'Imnrd. clnthinff and expenses and the balance of tueir wages in interest-bearing bonds secured by lauds along the uitches. Mr. Dillman has two assoeiates-J. M. Buckley of Spokane and H. 11. Smith of this city. They have an option on 90,000 acres of Northern Pacitie railroad land in Central I Washington, and propose that the Cham- j ' bera of Commerce of Tacoma, Seattle and Spokane thall each appoint one per- j eon, the six making a Board of Directors to manage Ihe company's affairs. The company, if organized, is to contract for , ' ' . . . nrtrt -.) , the purchase oi ineso ,uw awes m at once sell enough on long installments with a small cash payment to lay in suf ficient tools and provisions to .set the men at work. Mr. Dillman says the land is lo be bought by the company at very reasonable rates. He thinks the enter prise is already assured. One ditch will extend from Priest Rapids toward Pros ser Fails on the west side of the Colum bia river and water 30,000 acres; the second extends from Wallula to Ains worth, embracing 15,000 acres, and the thiid leaves Snake river near Riparia at the crossing of the Union Paeitic rail road, and traverses the Eureka Flat through 46,000 acres. PUBLIC LANDS RESTORED. The Beeord of the Court of Private , , Land Claims. Santa Fb. The United States Court of Private Land Claims, which has just i i nAocJnn 1-iit-Q A i uny.Gprl nf ihir- teen grant claims four in Arizona and the others in New Mexico having a to-1 tal area of 1,876,202 acres. The court confirmed to private ownership 366,627 . acres, and held 1,600,000 as being gov- ; ernment land. Among the larger grants so held to be void and public domain were the Babocomari grant in Arizona for 128,000 acres, the Gervasio-Nolan 1 grant in New Mexico for 575,000 acres and the Corpus Christi grant in Colorado for 696,000 acres. The court in passing upon the Arizona grants held that those made by the State of Sonora were void ,r also that the grants made by the Inten dentes subsequently to February 24, 1821, Barber Shop the date of the plan of Iguala, were void this will leave only three claims in An 4 1 A 1 t 1 zona mac can possiuiy oe connrmeu. TO SKI.L NEWSPAPERS. Call and Bulletin of San Francisco Will - be Offered for Sale. . San Francisco. An action has been begun in . the Superior Court that will probably result in radical changes in the management of two of San Francisco's leading daily newspapers. George K Fitch, the surviving partner of the late Loring dickering and the late James W Simon ton in the ownership of the Morn ing Call and Evening Bulletin, filed i petition praying for the appointment of a receiver of the Call and Bulletin prop erties. He asks that the receiver so appointed be ordered to sell the Call property and ten days' subsequently to sell the .Bulletin at public auction or pri vate sale to the highest bidder for cash. Mr. Fitch asks, for a final accounting be tween all the parties in interest. It is said that strained relations between Mr, Fitch and R. A. Carothers, who repre sents the Pickering interests, is the cause of b itch s application for a receiver. LIMIT HAS EXPIRED. Chinese Who Have Mot Complied With . the Law Subject to Deportation. San Fbancisco. The period within which Chinese residents of the United Slates are required by law to register in order to avoid deportation has expired. and all Chinese coolies hereafter who are without proper certificates of residence will be liable to arrest. If the great mass ot Chinese in San r rancisco have com plied with the law, the total number of ircgiMi-rai.iuiia win iw nuuub i wnicii is within 3,000 of the total Chinese pop ulation of the district. A large part of this 3,000 comes under the head ot " ex empts," being merchants or other than laborers, and will suffer no penalty, so that very few Chinese are left who have hot complied with the law. Collector Welborn has hot manDed out his plan of campaign against these few, but will wait instructions from Washington. A further appropriation will be necessary to cover the deportation expenses. Definition of a Chinese Merchant. San Fbancisco. Judge Morrow of the United States Court in a, decision defined what constitutes a Chinese merchant, Quan Gin, a Chinese who claimed to be merchant, had been detained on the steamer Belgic at this port on her return from China. Commissioner Peacock de cided in favor of Quan Gin, and the case was appealed. Judge Morrow held that a Chinese claiming to be a merchant and making application for entrance into the United States on the ground that he was formerly engaged in this country as a merchant, is required by the act of No vember 3, 1893, to establish by the testi mony of two credible witnesses other than Chinese that the applicant was en gaged in business at a faxed place, and that it was conducted in his name at least one year before his departure, so that during the year he was engaged in no manual labor. Quan Gin cannot an swer these requirements ; so he was or dered deported. ' Failure at Stockton. ' Stockton. H. 0. Southworth, one of the .best-known business men of this city, has filed a petition in insolvency. He is a member of the firm of South worth & Grattan, but the failure does not affect the business, as his interest was transferred for the benefit of cred itors last January and is now in the con trol of his partner, who is wealthy. Mr. Southworth gives his indebtedness at $234,000, but he includes claims against corporations on which he as a director is a surety, which reduce his individual debts to $100,000. The available assets amount to $155,000. Accommodation to his friends and a drop in real property account for the failure. Mrs. Shattuok Found Guilty. San Fbancisco. The jury in the case of Mrs. Jane Shattuck, who was on trial here "for over two weeks, charged with the murder of Harry Poole, came in with a verdict of murder in the first degree, and fixed her punishment at imprison ment for life. It is reported that nine members of the jury stood out for sev eral hours, insisting that the death pen alty should be inflicted. Mrs. Shattuck shot and killed Harry Poole, a young man who-was heir to an estate of about $ 100,000. because of his refusal to marry her daughter, Truly Shattuck, who - is recognized to be the prettiest girl in the Tivoli chorus. Judge Bellinger Bars Out Chinese. Portland. United States District Judge Bellinger has ruled in the case of Lee Hing, seeking admission into the United States, that all Chinese who had left the United States after the McCreary act was passed should have taken the precaution to observe all the require ments of that law as stated, and that they could not now gain admission by claiming they were not posted as to its provisions. The ruling will bar out a number of Chinese now in port awaiting admission. An Unprofitable Cargo. ' San Fbancisco. A cargo of ' coal of the British ship Somali", which arrived recently from Hongkong after an unusu ally long yoyage, has been sold for $1 a ton. The coal, of which there were 5,200 tons, was taken from the Chinese collieries, and it cost at least $8 a ton to land it here. There was no demand for the coal, and it was sold at auction. More Time for the Fair. San Fbancisco. The Commissioners of the Midwinter Fair favor having the exposition extended through July, and the Executive Committee now has the proposition under consideration. A great many of the exhibitors express the in tention of remaining should the fair be kept up after July 1. NEW LEGISLATION Bill Providing for a Change in Our Financial System. CRAMPS' OFFER TO ENGLAND, t Letter to the Secretary of the Admiralty of Great Britain Submitting the Prop osition for Consideration. ; Philadelphia. When questioned about a report from London that the William Cramp & Sons' Ship and ' En gine Building Company had proposed to the Admiralty to bid for the construc tion of some of the new ships to be built for the British navy under the program for the current year, Charles H. Cramp, President of the company, said: "Such is the case, and it is not a secret. In the ordinarv course of business I ad dressed a letter to the Secretary of the Admiralty, offering to build two or more ships under, their program, and I have official acknowledgment of its receipt which is simply a statement by the Sec retary that he has laid my proposal be fore the Board of Commissioners." Mr, Cramp's letter to the Secretary of the Admiralty is as follows : " Sir : I have seen in public print that there is under contemplation a ship-building program for the increase of her Majesty's navy Congress seems disinclined at this time lo pursue in any adequate degree the construction of an American navv ; hence we are free to accept orders from other governments. These considerations im pel me to address vou lor the purpose oi asking opportunity to make tenders for the construction of two or more of the proposed new .ships. The success which has attended our work for the American navy and the remarkable performance of proponing macninery we nave maae speak for themselves. Our development of the most approved appliances and de vices in - hulls and machinery has been so marked as to attract the attention of the naval architects and engineers on the continent as well as in Great Brit ain. Ottering the JNew York, the Co lumbia and the Indiana as object lessons, we do not shrink from comparison with your best builders. It is not necessary to discuss in detail the question ot price. but I will say that for vessels of the highest type our figures would bear scru tinv with those of the concerns princi pally employed in contract work for her Maiestv. it you win lavor me with schemes and plans of say two of the most important battle ships or cruisers in your nrocrram. I will promptly offer suitable tender for their construction." DECADENCE OF MONMOUTH. Threats to Sell the Old Racing Property for Taxes. New Yobk. Monmouth Park has fal len into hard lines. The Sheriff of Mon mouth county threatens to sell the racing association property for non-payment of last year's taxes, amounting to $3,800, and the chance of giving a race meeting over its magnificent stretches before the reform element is sidetracked in New Jersey is not one in a thousand. Begin ning to-day. all the salaries paid to offi cials from manager down will cease, and the only employes retained win be a lew private watchmen. The discontinuing of their services would probably invali date the insurance on the costly im provements at the new track and the buildings at the old. me Jew xora ot- fices at Madison avenue and Twenty- seventh street will also shortly be aban doned. Mortgaged for only $460,000, the association would have weathered the hard times had racing been permitted in New Jersey. The stakes that closed during 1892-3 may be run off at Morris Park the coming season or declared off at the option of the officials. The first- morgage bonds amount to $dw,uuu and the second to $160,000. It is under stood that the Withers estate holds a controlling interest in both issues. For a dozen years Monmouth and old Jerome were the only courses of note in the East. Then Coney Island, Brooklyn and Morris Park shelved Jerome and politics gav Monmouth its death blow. SOME NEW LEGISLATION. Bill Introduced Providing for a Change in Our Financial System. ' ' Washington. Brookshire of Indiana has introduced in the House a bill pro viding for some comprehensive changes in our present financial system. The bill provides that no greenbacks shall be issued of a smaller denomination than $10 ; that not over one-fourth in value of the amount of circulation issued to na tional banks shall be of a less denomi nation than $10; that coin certificates shall be issued instead of silver certifi cates, gold certificates and the Treasury notes under the act of July, 189U. the bill provides for the issue of coin certifi cates on all the gold and silver coin and gold bullion in the Treasury in excess of $100,000,000 of gold, which is held as a reserve for the redemption of greenbacks. The bill also provides for the issue of coin certificates on all of the silver seign iorage bullion not exceeding $1 for 471J4 grains of pure silver, and that it shall e the duty ot the secretary ot the Treasury to pay out these coin certifi cates in discharge of all the obligations of the United States, except such as are mnrln einreRslv navable in coin. More over, the bill provides that the owner of such cases to grant a temporary injuric coin, gold and silver, may deposit the tion, and is required to hear and deter- WAKll Wl VJ llCMUICl V ll J DUU , treasury of the United States in the sum of $10 or any multiple thereof and re- ceive coin certificates in lieu of the tame, NATIONAL CAPITAL NEWSJ The Guatemalan Minister has received a dispatch confirming the news of the revolution in San Salvador. He stated that the Guatemalan government 'has been and will remain neutral in this emergency, as it did during the last trouble between Honduras and Nicara gua. , ; . j; ' Secretary Carlisle has transmitted to the House a recommendation for an ap propriation of $8,5U0 for better guarding the Seal Islands against poachers and for improvements to the islands. The amount includes $1,000 for fifty Win chester rifles and ammunition and $2,000 for nine telephones to connect the agency rwiui nie tjuaruB at me various rooKeries, lA..;.t. .l. i i .1 i t - Representative Bell (Pop.) of Colorado has introduced a joint resolution to pro vide for the appointment of a joint Con gressional committee " to devise means for the employment of the idle men; of the country, restrict immigration, start up our mines, increase the currency and prohibit the issuing of interest-bearing bonds without the authority of Congress and lor other purposes." United States Ambassador Runyon at Berlin is making an effort to head off an increase in the tariff on cotton-seed Oil, The Bundesrath recommended that the tariff be increased from 4 to 10 marks per 100 kilogrammes. As nearly al of the imported oil comes from this coun try) Mr. Runyon addressed himself ' to the foreign office, and was informed that it was improbable that measures would be adopted by the Keichstag before the adjournment of the session. The regular monthly statement of the public debt issued bv the Secretary of the treasury snows the aggregate of in terest and non-interest bearing debt to have been at the close of business on April 31 $1,017,556,979, exclusive of $619,- 989,795 in certificates and Treasury notes, which are offset by an equal amount; of cash in the Treasury. The interest- bearing debts amounted to $634,041,380; the debt bearing no interest, $380,648.- 569. and the debt on which interest has ceased since maturity, $1,862,030. The increase in the debt for the month of April was $1,160,971. Congressional salaries for April became due on the 4th instant; so the members had their first experience with the new procedure of docking for absenteeism. Up to that night 213 members had filed their certificates showing the number of days, if any, they had been absent. Qn that day about fifty certificates were put in, leaving about 100 unaccounted for. The great majority of members certify .1. 1. A I 1 i A 1 I 1. ' i iuey uavu uub uwu tujneui. ui an, auu most of those who certify to absence limit-the period to one or two days. - At this rate the total deductions will be small. Representatives are showing an uneasiness in making out certificates, as there is nothing behind their word of nonor to show how many days they have been absent. They feel reluctant to sur render a part of their salaries, and yet ara bound in honor to report the days for which deduction should be made. ? McPherson. Chairman of the Commit tee on Naval Affairs, has favorably re ported to the Senate from that commit tee the amendment to the naval appro priation bill authorizing the construction of twelve new torpedo boats. The amend ment provides that the cost shall not exceed $200,000, and they shall be capable of making twenty-five knots per hour. A premium ot SS,UUU is to added lor speed in excess of .twenty-fare knots, and a penalty of that amount in case the speed of the boat falls below twenty-five knots. Eight of the boats are to be constructed east of the Rocky mountains anu iouron me racinc coast. The Secretary of the Navy in a letter to Chairman McPherson says he would be glad if Congress should determine to authorize the construction of these boats. He recommends the appropriation of $1, 000,000 in case the construction of the boats is authorized. Attorney-General Olney has replied to a request trom the tlouse calling lor in formation as to whether or not stock holders of the Central Pacific and West ern Pacific Railroad Companies, or the successors of them, or the assignees of such stockholders, are liable in any man ner to the government for reimburse ment of the United States for bonds is sued by the authority of Congress in aid of the building of those roads. The Attorney-General says he is not in. pos session ot any facts bearing on the sub ject, and continues : "If the resolution is to be construed as calling for an offi cial opinion on the legal liability of stockholders, I find myself without au thority to accede to the request. It has uniformly been held by my predecessors from the beginning of the government that the Attorney-General is not permit ted to give legal advice at the call of either House of Congress or of Congress itself." v. .- The subcommittee of the Senate Com mittee on Interstate Commerce, consist ing of Senators Gorman, Camden and Cullom, to which was referred the bill to Cermit railroad pooling, has reported the ill back to the committee with impor tant amendments. By one of these that portion of the bill authorizing the Inter state Commerce Commission to modify a, pooling contract between, railroads, which in the opinion of the Commission ers enforces unreasonable rates or unjust discriminations, and giving the commis sion the power to enforce such an order, is stricken out. A substitute is sug gested, which provides that such ,an or der shall be made only alter investiga tion. Instead of giving the commission authority to proceed to enforce the order the amendment authorizes an appeal to the Circuit Court of the United States either by the commission or any person interested. The court is authorized m 1 - J , giving it priority oyer other business of the court. An appeal to the United States ouprema court is also provided for, SAMOAN TROUBLE Treaty Entered Into Between Japan and Hawaii. CANAL COMPANY BENEFITED, Large Part of the Money of the Banco Romano Given to Politicians to Se euro Their Support. , Rome. The trial of the directors and officers of the Bjtnco Romano has begnn in the Court of Assizes. It involves not only officers of the bank, but politicians, whose standing prior to the flight of Di rector Cucilello with 2,500,000 lire be longing to the Rome branch of the Bank of Naples was very high. The invest! gation last -year of the affairs of the Bank of Naples showed a deficit of 3,000, 000 lire in the account with its Rome branch, the sum having been paid out in the course of several years without any other than political consideration. The investigation, which covered all the bonds, showed the utmost confusion in the other institutions. The cash deficit of the Banco Romano was 28.6u0.000 lire, and the illegal notes of the bank's issue since 1883 had reached 64,000,000 lire. A large part of this money is said to nave been given to prominent politi cians in order to secure their election and support. Sienor Tanlengp, Gov ernor of the Banco Romano: Cesare Lazzarroni, the cashier of the bank ; Sig- nor Monsillo Zammarano and three others were arrested in connection with this disclosure, but Lazzarroni, Tanlengo and others were acquitted. The scandal resulted in the appointment of an offi cial committee to investigate the whole subject; The commission reported last November, involving Pietro Laxava, Minister of Uommerce, and the follow ing Deputies : Count Machele Amaddir, lormeny under secretary ot Mate; rie- tro del ueichio, a close friend of ex- Premier Giohtti; Fillippe Gavallini, Duke Gennaro di San Dan to: Augusto Ahasi; .Baron Iriovanm Aicoltera, Min ister ol the interior under Unsni : sie nor Bruno Chimirri, ex-Minister of Ag riculture and of Justice and a number of others. The prosecution of the di rectors and officers of the Banco Romano was then ordered. SCARE IN SAMOA. A Renewal of the Fight With the Na tives Feared. Auckland, Advices received here from Samoa say that a body of Atna warriors, who were marchine on Apia. caused a great scare April zz. as soon as the news reached the authorities a force of government troops was sent to intercept the advancing warriors. The government troops remained out all nieht. but the rebels were not found W hen these advices were forwarded from Samoa the situation was still uncertain. and a renewal of the fight was feared. The negotiations of the foreign Consuls with the natives of Atna and Aana are likely to prove fruitless, as several of the conditions on each side have already been broken. Numerous parties of Atna warriors, who .recently started out to join the rebels of the Savau allies of the government, have not yet returned to their homes. The British cruiser Caroca arrived at Samoa April 21. ' Titles and Honors for the Worthy. London. Sir Wilfred Lawson, the Radical Baronet and general reformer, moved , in the House of Commons that hereafter the bestowal of titles and other honors by the Queen should be ac companied with statements of the serv ices thus rewarded. Bir William Har- court, Chancellor of the Exchequer, said that he regarded the motion as inadvis able. Many men undoubtedly gained honors that they did not deserve, while others who were deserving got nothing at all. At the same time the motion in question, if carried, would cause endless heartburning. The motion was defeated. Japan and Hawaii. ' .Vancouveb, B. C.-rOriental advices per Empress of China say that an im perial ordinance was promulgated on April 12, which sets forth the terms of the new treaty entered into between Ja pan and Hawaii. The treaty of 1871 is abrogated, Hawaii thereby surrendering extra-territorial jurisdiction. In future Japanese subjects shall receive the same treatment as Hawaiian citizens with one exception ; the privilege of owning real estate is withheld. Panama Canal Company Benefited. Pakis. The court has confirmed the arrangement by which the executors of Baron de Reinach will pay 1,155,000 and and Dr. Cornelius Herz 1,500,000 francs to the liquidators of the Panama Canal Company. The adoption of this arrange ment will put a stop to the extradition proceedings against Dr. Herz, who is in England. , i , Step in the Right Direction. London. In the House of Commons the church patronage bill passed its sec ond reading. . The bill stops the sale of the next presentations to church livings, places restrictions upon all sales of liv ing and empowers the Bishops to pre vent improper persons from being insti tuted in benefits. Sir William Harcourt regarded the bill as a step in the right direction. ' Will Rule Again for Awhile. Belgbade. The civil tribunal has ap proved King Alexander's proposal to make ex-Kins Milan Recent durinc the six months of his tour abroad. THE MIGHTIEST HUNTER. IIi C. Hanson Contests Wade Hampton's Claim to That Title. - Theodore Roosevelt, in his "Wilderness Hunter," credits General Wade Hampton if South Carolina with- beina "the might iest hunter Amer ica has ever seen" and gives some ac count of the net result of his hunt ing. From this It appears that the general bus him self killed or been in at the death of . 500 bears, of which at least two-thirds have fallen by bis own hands. Just before tho war he killed 63 bears in five months. Once he killed four bears In a day, at another time three and frequently two.. His largest bears weighed 408 and 410 pounds. He has also had HUNTEH HANSON. . ' the fortune to kill some 10 cougars or mountain lions. Mr. Roosevelt's claim for General Hamp ton was not allowed to go unchallenged. It met the eye ot John R. Coe of Napa, Cal., who knew of a mightier hunter than the brave old southern general, if not the "mightiest hunter America has ever seen." This was H. C. Hanson, a sheep raiser of Humboldt county, who labors under the disadvantage of having but one arm and a crippled left hand, of which he can only use the Index finger and about an inch of the middle finger. Mr. Coe sent Geoeral Hampton's record to Mr. Hanson and asked him to makea similar statement of hisown prowess. Here is the reply: "1 have with my own hand killed. 513 bears. The largest, a crizzly, tipped tha scale at 1,500 pounds. The smallest grizzly I have killed weighed 750. I have often killed brown and black bears weighi ng from 800 to 1,000 pounds. I- do not remember ever killing an oldor grown bear as small aa Hampton's largest. . The number of panthers or mountain lions shot and killed by me is 803. The largest of that number measured 11 feet and 9 inches on the ground. I have killed deer up in the thousands; also lynx, wild cats, coyotes and foxes. I never kept a rec ord of what I have killed, but am satisfied it would take four figures to express the number. , ' "I never trapped any large game. I al ways thought it was taking an unrlue ad vantage. I could not state the number of . bears and panthers killed by the use of my dogs, as I never kept a record of any killed by visiting hunters, and I never shot whea I had visiting hunters with me unless I saw it was necessary to save lifs of men or dogs. Three, bears and one panther is the most killed by me in one day's hunting. -1 have often killed two and three in one day. One year I killed 228 bears and 80 panthers, besides other game." , . . Mr. Coe says Hanson counts his acres and sheep by thousands, and that to protect his flocks he has fought Indians, beari, lions, panthers, etc., but he is withal notti rough, . uncouth backwoodsman, but a modest, un- -assuming Christian gentleman. Trimming Lamps. -Trimming a lamp is now a science. Aa someone says that the cake made by a lady is always better than any other put on the counters, so lamp trimming needs hands of accuracy and refinement. Keep cheese cloth squares for wiping off the lamps. The wicks should be trimmed with the sharp edge of n visiting card or with a poker heated redhot and passed over the wick. . This last method is a lit tle troublesome, but It removes the charred part evenly. Wicks used for a long time. even when they do not become very short, grow thick and are apt to give forth an unpleasant odqr. They should be removed once a month at least. In duplex burners one wick should be trimmed in the oppo site direction from the other. Round wicks should be trimmed toward the cen ter. Burners should he wiped free from bits of charred wick and drops of oil ev- ery day. Every now and then they should be boiled in strong soapsuds, to make them perfectly clean. When they have been nsed a long time, they need replacing. Philadelphia Ledger. Hospitals. Hospitals, as we now understand the term, are of modern growth. True It is, as Mr. Burdett tells us in the historical section of "Hospitals and Asylums of the World," that in the records of Egypt and ancient India we find allusions to institu tions that foreshadow the hospitals of later times, and even our asylums for sick an imals are borrowed from the east. An inscription engraved on a rock near the city of Surat tells how Asoka, a king who reigned in Gujerat in the third cen tury B. C, commanded the establishment hospitals in all his dominions and placed one at each of the four gates of the royal city of Patna. Six hundred years after this Fa-Hian, an intelligent Chinese traveler who visited India in 889 A. D., records that Asoka's hospitals still existed and flourished, but the successive floods of conquest swept all away, and by the be ginning of this century only a hospital for animals remained of all the pious king's foundations. Quarterly Review. - ; , Queer. , Thomas M. Queer returned to his family at Wooster, O., the other day after an ab sence of 41 years. His return was we I- -corned by his wife and one daughter, tha only surviving members of his family. Queer is over 80 years of age, and as hi feared that his days on earth were drawing ; to a close he resolved to visit his old homt before the end came. - Saved Her Life. A Webfoot woman who started to jump into the Columbia river to drown herself suddenly remembered that she bad left tho cat in the pantry and hurried back home. Bhe afterward said, "The idea of my strnp gling in the water and thinking that the cat was licking the cream off my milk in the pantry at that minute was more than could beajf." i ...-.-i'-r- 1 '