The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 12, 1894, Image 4

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    4 . -I . X-1 -"0
Leads All.
Ffottl actual analysis made by me, I
pronounce the Royal Baking- Powder
to 'be the Strongest and Purest Baking
Powder before the public. .
- It is entirely free from alum and other
additions injurious to health.
AH other baking powders are shown by
analysis to contain alum, lime or ammonia.
Too Much Walking.
The ease with which a simple thing
can work harm if overdone and the eter
nal vigilance needed to eecore the safety
of children are exemplified in a Bad oc
currence recently reported. Lat fall a
little girl of bix ,ded after several
weeks' illness of spinal meningitis. The
child's death was undoubtedly due to
overexercise - of the most quiet sort.
From early epring she had accompanied
the nurse daily, both morning and after
noon, up and down the long shady street
,on wlnci her parents home stood,
walking qnietly, but continuously, a'
the side of the carriage of her infant
brother. The baby thrived and grew
fut on his restful airing, but the little
girl, as the summer waned, 1 showed
weakness and languor, which developed
into pronounced disease and ended. in
death. ' . ' , .
The physicians decided that the child's
f pine must have been naturally weak,
but the persistent walking was a serious
tax ut any rate, and had in this case pro
duced a mortal result. .A significant
fact in the mutter was. the utterance of
the doctors that romping about the lawn
iu brief periods, with intervals of rest,
w. ii i Id not tave been so harmful as the
uiouotonous tramping. Her Point of
View in New York Times.
What Mrle ttoze Is Dotag-.
That popular prima donna, Mme.
Marie Roze, who has for nearly twenty
years been a. favorite both in this coun
try and the United States, proposes to
retire from the English operatic stage
and will winter in Paris, where she has
taken a large flat for the purpose of
holding classes for English, French and
American students in operatic singing
aud acting. Mme. Roze is rightly of
opinion that operatic deportment and
acting are neglected in the rush to
crowd as much knowledge of vocalism
as is possible into the short time which
artists now give themselves for prelim
inary study. , . V .
Consequently debutantes come before
the public half trained and almost in
variably as inexperienced and incompe
tent actresses. Mme. Roze has deter
mined that the study of operatic acting
snail go hand in hand with the study of
singing, and she will thus inaugurate a
very necessary reform. London Figaro.
Swift, tight. Strong,
Reliable and Beau
tiful. A Hit. arrant w.n
every city and town in Ore
gon asningiuu ami Latino,
bend for catalogue . and
terms. . ,
337 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Only the best do it. There is only one
best The best bran Is f BELTING and
It 'Itlng nd Maltese Cross, Kldgewood and
Wa liiunut 8team and Water Hose. They
hiive 8tMd the tet sin 1855. Every
lo gth Is guaranteed. Demand them ot
your dealer. . .
Gutta Percha and Rubber Mfg. Co.,
Established 1855.
Portland, Or.
should be rich to nourish.
Depleted blood means a pale
face and Anaemia.
the cream of Cod-liver Oil,
enriches the blood, restores a
healthy color, cures Anaemia
and tones up the system.
Physicians, the world over,
endorse it. ,
Don't be deceived by Substitutes!
Prepared " Bowna. S. Y. All Drag-gluts.
Printed with Jaenecke-Ull-man
Ink. PALMER , & KEY,
Agents. , ' '
Baking Powder j
Prof. Chemistry, College of Pharmacy Dep't,
', University of California.
A lady who had spent a great deal of
time in trying to teach her servant girl to
make a good drawn butter gravy, and who
found no little scolding necessary to ac
complish it, called Bridget in to the dinner
table one day and said severely;
"Bridget, this drawn butter gravy is ac
tually bitter!".
"Is that so, ma'am f" asked Bridget sor
rowfully. '
"It is, Bridget. Now, how do you ac
count for It?"
"I do' know, ma'am, but I do be thinkin,
ma'am, that I dhropped a tear intil itl"
Youth's Companion. -
Way Up.
"And do yon find marriage so very ele
vating?" "Extremely so. SiDce I have been mar
ried I have lived on the eighth floor."
Life. ..
' lie Loved Another.
"Oh, George, you love another!"
Such were the words of a fair, pale girl
as she clung to the arm of a tall, handsome
man in the dimly lighted parlor of her fa
ther's home.
He was such a man as women love, and
this fair girl loved him.
They had been sweethearts for months,
and the day was approaching when their
plighted truth was to be redeemed.
Into her heart a doubt had come, and it
had found expression in the opening words
ot this chapter.' -
"Darling," he said chidingly, "how fool
ishly yon talk! You know I do not."
"But you do, dear," she Insisted. "I have
been watching you. and I have seen it."
"How could you?" he contended tenderly.
"There is no one in all the world I love as I
do you." ' .
She gazed fondly into his handsome eyes,
laid her soft, white hand caressingly on his
rich brown hair and whispered her words of
admiration into his willing ear, until he
was so inflated with pride that the buttons
on his beautifully fitting coat began to
stretch their necks.
"How silly of my little girl to say her
Georgie loves another!" he smiled as he
looked down into her sweet face.
She shook her head no less doubtfully
than before. "Come now," he coaxed, "tell
me who this person" is I love more than I
do you." ' ,
She was silent.
"Tell me," he murmured, taking her in
his arms.
"Yourself, George," she sighed hopeless
ly, for she was onto her Georgie, and she
knew that such a love was unchangeable
from the cradle to the grave.
It is a difflcultsmatter, dear reader, for a
handsome man to be in love with anything
else, and don't you forget it, especially if
you are a woman. Detroit Free Press.
A Familiar Domestic.
Matilda Snowball is a typical colored
servant. When she hired out to Mrs.
Judge Peterby of Austin, she remarked:
"1 knows we will git along wid each
udder, bekase I'ze allers so familiar wid
white folks."
Matilda was really not at all stuck up.
Mrs. Peterby put up with a good deal, but
an incident occurred a few nights ago that
resulted in Matilda being bundled out of
the house. It occurred as follows:
"Are you cw inter attend de deception at
Gubner Hogg's , mansion dis ebenin?"
asked Matilda. - - : -
"Yes, Matilda, I am one of the invited
guests." .
"I'ze so glad ter hear dat. You am gwine
in yer kurredge, ain't yer?" ,
"Yes, replied Mrs. Peterby, somewhat
mystified, "but why do you ask?" '
"De female colored order ob de Seben
Myster'us Wise Vargins has been tendered
a complimentary hop at Turner hall by de
Dark Risin Sons of Liberty, and when yer
come borne in yer kurridge yer kin stop at
Turner hall and fetch me home wid yer."
Texas Sittings. ; :
.: Steak All Bight For Once.
Wife (late to breakfast) Mercy! That
cook has ruined this steak! One end is
burned black, and the other end is raw.
Husband (who came down early) 'Tisn't
burned at all just nice and brown, that's
all. The other end is a little rare, but I
like it that way.
, "Nonsense! I'll ring for the cook at
once.". ;
"Cook's sick."
"Then who broiled the steak?".
"I did." New York Weekly.
What Ho Bested On.
Willie (just home from school and very
much excited) What do you think, pa?
Johnny Smith, one'of the big boys, had an
argument with the teacher about a ques
tion in grammar, v
His father What position did he take?
Willie His last position was across the
chair, face down. Truth.;
Has Published Newspapers In Three States
and Otherwise Distinguished Himself.
In these days a good deal ot interest cen
ters about the personality and procedure of
Davis H. Waite, governor of Colorado, and
a short unbiased account of his career may
not come amiss to those who are unable to
ascertain such facts for themselves. The
governor was born in Chautauqua county,
N. Y., and comes of a good family. He
was educated at the famous old James
town academy in the days before it had
achieved the dignity of a "collegiate insti
tute," and when his school days were over
commenced the career of a journalist. For
many years he was proprietor and editor of
the Jamestown Daily Journal, and he was
well advanced in life-when he sold the pa
per out and removed to Kansas.
He first located at Lamed when the
town was a collection of small one and two
story frame dwellings, and the house
which he built was noticeably the finest
residence in the place. He interested him-
self in Kansas politics and was elected tt
the legislature, where he served one term.
The mineral discoveries of the early eight
ies attracted his attention to Colorado, and
in 1881 he "packed" a printing plant into
the mountains to Ashcroft, near Aspen,
then the newest mining town in the state,
where for a time he issued a small weekly
called the Ashcroft Herald.
When it became evident that Aspen was
destined to become a bigger town than
Ashcroft, Mr. Waite went there and estab
lished the Aspen Times. This paper has
since become a daily and now belongs to
Governor Waite's son-in-law, B. Clark
Wheeler, who is a mining man, a state sen
ator and a personage of considerable influ
ence in the Populist party. Mr. Waite
married a second time when he was about
60 years old and is now the father of a boy
young enough to be his grandson. His
wife was a widow with grown children, and
one of her sons; Harry Maltby, is now the
governor's stenographer. .
In Aspen Governor Waite was particu
larly noted for his opposition to drunken
ness, gambling and other forms of vice,
and as justice of the peace he was especially
severe upon those guilty of such offenses.
In politics he was formerly a Republican,
but since the inception of the Populist
movement he has been one of its most vig
orous supporters; In common with most
Coloradans he is in favor ot the free coin
age of silver, and it was at a convention of
silver men that he made his famous "bloody
bridles" speech, as it has since come to be
designated. : '
Arrested by His Wife.
"Is the officer in command in?" asked
a women in the Twenty-second district
station after she had pushed a large
sized man up the stone steps from the
"He is," said the lieutenant, advanc
ing toward the woman. '
. "Well," said t the woman, and she
clung with a tighter grip to the man's
coat collar, "this is my husband, Jona
than Foster, who has failed to support
me for several months. When he gets
his money he spends it and refuses to
give me any of it. I resolved to prose
cute him, and had a warrant issued for
his arrest by Magistrate Pole last March.
The police were unable to arrest him,
and I myself have performed the task."
When Mrs. Foster finished her re
marks she handed the warant to Lien
tenant Wolf and informed him that her
husband was a pensioner.
. Foster was ' searched and forty-five
dollars of pension money was found on
him, and a few seconds afterward when
the celi door closed him between stone
walls his wife walked out of the station
house looking highly pleased. Phila
delphia Times. '
He Recovers.
The Youth Does a man ever get too
old to take any interest in life?
The Sage Oh, yes. But he generally
recovers by the time he is 25. Indian
apolis' Journal. ... '
gives you a feeling of horror and
dread. There is no longer necessity for
, its use in many diseases formerly re
garded as incurable without cutting.
The Triumph of Conservative Surgery
is well Illustrated by the fact that
DIIDTIIRP or Breach, is now radt
nUr I UflE caiiy cured without the
knife and without pain. Clumsy, chaf
ing trusses can be thrown away ! They
never cure but often induce inflam
mation, strangulation and death.
TIIMftpc Ovarian, Fibroid (Uterine)
I Ulll wllu and many others, are now
removed . without the perils of cut
ting operations.
other diseases of the lower bowel, are
permanently cured without pain or
resort to the knife.
QTflNP ,n tno Bladder, no matter
J I u ll i. how large, is crushed, pul
verized, washed out and perfectly re
moved without outting.
OTDIPTIIDC of Urinary Passage Is
O I niu I UI1U removed without
cutting in hundreds of cases. For j
pamphlet, references and all particu-
World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion, 663 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y.
It is sold on a guarantee by ail drug-
gista. It oures lnoipieni uonsumpuou
nd ia tke best Cougk aaA Croup Cure,
A Hatter of Business.
"Mr. Bong," said the secretary of
the Fearful Accident Insurance compa
ny, "be sure and drop in at . old Cur
mudge's as you pass this morning and
express your sympathy over the loss of
his brother in the railroad accident yes
terday. Express mine also to him." '
"But old Curmudge had no brother
in the accident, " said the canvasser.
"What has that to do with it?" said
the -secretary cheerily. "All he can do
is to tell you so." . i, .
"But it might unnecessarily alarm
him1, persisted the canvasser.
'''That's the point: that's exactly the
point," returned the secretary cheerily.
"Alarm him as much as possible. His
own policy runs out next month, and it
is one of our duties to remind our pa
trons that in the midst of life we are
surrounded by accidents." London
Tit-Bits. . '
The word indeed was his fad, and the
young woman , got tired of hearing it
One evening he began a story. ,
"1 have," he said, "a very clever
friend indeed"
"In Deed?" she interrupted question
ingly. '
"Yes, indeed," he reiterated inno
cently. ' " . -.
"In Deed?" she repeated. , i , r
...yyes." -iv-- . . ;
'l beg your' pardon,'.' she "said;
ifwbere is ' Deed?" And then he tum
bled indeed., Detroit Free Press. 's
The most inhuman outpaces, outrages wh'eh
would disgrace the savage, man p rpe.rates
upon his own system by swall wlgdratl' pur
gatives which convuhe hitMomacn, Hgoniz. his
inietiitt'8 and weaken his system. Manv veople
convtHiiilv do ihm und"r the impression lhat
medicaments only which are violent in their
action, a d particularly caihxrtics, are ol any
avail. Irr, parable injury to heaith iswousht
under this miftaken l.iea. The laxative whi h
moft nearly Mpproach a thebeneli'-elitie Ion of
nature is Hostetter's S omach Bl ters, whl h 1b
painless, but lioronch, and ini itrnrates the-in-testiual
canal instead of weakening and irritat
ing it. The liver and ihe tom-ch share in the
benign dis ipliue mst tutel bv this compre
hensive medieine. whose healthful influence is
felt tnro iRhout the system Malarious, rheu
matic, k dney and nervous omplaints succumb
tout , . '
3allf r (looking at a picture) Doe vour mam
ma paint? Mttie Son Ye; buti-beis though
with that an' is puttin'on the ponder now.
She'll be down iu a minute. ,
Both the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
fently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
aver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and ; truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. , Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one ' who
wishes to try it. I)o not accept any
eubstitute. ; ,; . . : ; .
Hay Forks j Rakes, Scythes,
tfj&" Cut this advertisement out, and
' Printed
man Ink.
Ajf ents. ,
with Jaenecke-Ull-;
" Knowledge overcomes ignorance as sun
light darkness." , In the same wayALi
cock's Porous Plasters have overcome the
prejudice of people who are opposed to
every remedy of the kind. Their success
is testified to on every hand by those who
have used them and those who have seen
them used. -
For more than thirty years they have
won the highest praise from people of
every nationality in every country. Suf
ferers from rheumatism, indigestion, stiff
and sore muscles have told of their value,
and friends who have seen the relief xnd
returning health have added their praise of
Allcock's Porous Plasters. The result
has been that opposition has ceas .d and
they stand supreme.
Bbakdbeth's Pills can always be relied
upon, ,
The milk of human kindness
Is never under ban :
Though oft, through human kindness,
It tastes some of the can.
For bronchial and asthmatic complaints
and coughs and colds "Brown't Bronchial
Trocheit" have remarkable curative proper
ties. 25 cents a box.
This spring's particular fad is evidently to be
the formation of companies for milking power
out of running wattr and peddling it by elec
We offer One Hundred Dollars' Reward for
any case of catHrrh that cannot be cured by
Hall s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENKY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che
ney for the ast fifteen years, aud believe him
perfectly honoranle in all b sinesH transactions
and tinauei lly able to carry o t am obligation
made by their Hrui. WEST & TRCAX,
Who'esale Drnegists. Toledo, O.
Wholesale Druigitts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. tuning
d r,ctly upon fie blood and mticou- surfaces of
the sy-iem Price. 75 cents per boitle. Bold by
alt druggists. Testimonies free.
Guard yourse'f for summer malaria, tired
feeling, by using now Oiegon B ood Purifier.
Use Bnamellne Stove Polish ; no dust no smell,
Try Girmea for breakfast.
Oregon Blood Purifier.
jhe:adache costiveness.
And GOPHERS Totally Exterminated by
V, A. Cook & Co., Sole Agents. Portland
Bee Supplies.
171 Second Street. , - Portland, Or
gjt" Send for catalogue. ,
Belting, Packing and Hose, Boots and
Shoes, Rubber and Oil Clothing,
Druggists' Rubber Goods,
Goodyear Rubber Co,
73 and 75 First St., Portland, Or.
Write for catalogue free.
uir iiiiiit vmi toworkfor us
WW I" If All - thus making SIS
1" to W3S pf.r week: narties preferred
who can furnish a horse and travel through the
country! a team, though, is not necessary; a few
vacancies in towns and cities; spare bours max
tie ued to good advantage. B. F. Johnson d
i,o., ma ana Main streets, iiicnmona, va.
Dr. Williams' Indian Pile
Ointment will cure Blind,
Bleeding a.d Itching Piles.
It absorbs the tumors, allavs
tueircmng at once, acts as a pout
tice. elves instant relief. Dr. Will.
iams' Indian Pile Ointment is nrenared
for Piles and Itching of the nrfvate
parts. Every box is warranted. Bv drug
cists, bv ma'l on reeoint oi nr'c". So cents
rroprietors, l ieveiuna, unio.
o. v f v.. 543 w c v n Vo l 20
ll HSE" 11 ii
Chickens are easily and successfully
raised by using the Petal u ma In
cubators and Brooders. Our il
lustrated catalogue tells all about it.
r i
Don't buy any but the Petaluma if you want strong, vigorous chicks
We are Pacific Coast Headquarters for Bune and Clover Cutters, Mark
ers, Books, Canonizing Tools, Fountains, Flood's Roup Cure, Morris
Poultry Cure, Creosozone the great chicken-lice killer and every othei
article required by poultry raisers. See the machines in operation ai
our exhibit with the Norwalk Ostrich Farm, Midwinter Fair, hatching
ostriches and all kinds of rggB. Catalogue free: if you Kant it, write
760 752- 764 766 Main street, Petaluma, Oal.
24, 30, 36, 48 and 72 Inches Wide,
send it when you write.
Frlb7alllniclt4. 6 Cets a bvttU. , 1
JM8. A. C. Medlocls
Orleans, Ind.
Good Reason for Faith
Cured of .Scrofula by Hood's
Scrofula permeates humauity. It is thoroughly
Infused into the blood. Scarcely a man Is
, free from it,in one form or auother. Hood's
Sarsaparilla cures scrofula promptly, surely,
permanently. Tuousauds of people say so.
For instance, read th's:
M.I am justifies in thinking Hood's Sarsaparilla
a splendid medicine by own experience with
it. I was a great sufferer from scrofula, hav
ing dreadful sores in my ears aud on my
head, sometimes like large boils, discharsrlng
all the time. My husband insisted tliar.'I
take Hood's Sarsaparilla. Of ihe first bottle -
My Appatita Improved,
and I felt somewhat better. So I bought another
bottle, and by the time it was half gone the
- scrofula had entirely disappeared. I am
now entirely free from scrofula auj was
never In better health.- Hood s Siii'saparilla
" also cuied me of a ter-ible m in iny 8i le,
- caused by neuralgia of the heart. " Mua. A.
C. Mkduwk, Orleans, Indiana.
Hood's Pills cure liver il's, constipntlon,
biliousness, jauiulice.suiH'l.g. suon.
WANTED. - A poaltl.m on a flirm or ni-iir a BnTurTan rest
flenoe aa an ornament, aud to pump water, sprinkle lawna, carry
water np etairs, out wood, cut ked, run a dyuamo lor eleoti-to
that l ,
Like this which d(V
Zino and Aluminum,1
nnnllmrfxl nrtr) Till 111 ad a
light tho eye bnd add
dd. Mv service con be
Innumerable comforts
to any home, are fur
nished at prices wlthlu
reach ot all. CypreFS,
Fine or Galvanized
Steel Tanks,wlih grace
ful galvanized stool
substructures a SDec
had vflrv cheat), if taken now,
during the slack season. Ap
ply to my parents, the Aer
HQTnm Company. 12tli. Rock-
well and Fillmore streets,
Chicago. N.B. I am always
at home and steady. Ours
Is the largest family of its
kind in the world, and
never has one ot gone
wrong. We are also a
laity. We furnish gal
vanized stool stock
tanks that do not leak
most powerful family,
with marvelous endur
and make muu holes
at loss than wooaen
ance. We have iron coa
ones cost.
The Aermotor Co.
proposes to distribute
stitutions (or rather
Steel ones) but are
Tery sensitive, being vis
ibly affected by a breath
of air. We stanf high
nnrl hava trrfat in
$500 CAS.
fluenee. iwlng aM to
persu'&dv water to run
tip hill. In fact, we are
superior beings, hnv
lug been placed by
our creator between
the ear. h and heavens.
Our titoel has been tried
in many a tilt and
towers above every
thing everywhere. W
are industrious beyond
the best essav I
written by the M,
wiw, son or ,
of a far
mer or
mill au
EiiEweriiiB the ques
tion"Wili: SHOIJLD
NOTlilt." For con
ditions of compe
tition and amount
and numbers o
sinee we work Si
hours a day and more
than 8C5 days in the
year, we are untir
ing in our vigilance
we rtand over yon
day and night. We
prizes send for par.
A ticulars to th
Jx Aermotor Co...
are economical
vond anvlhins
Chicago, v ti.
its tranhev
at San Francis,
co, Kansas City,,
Ijncoln. Ntb..
the earth or in the wet.M
Into our nysiema
Sioux Gity, Iowa.
n-'C torn air.
V'rltequick. we
are go Ids &st.
jn i uneapoiis jbui- -fjuo,
or 65 Park:
Hace.N. V.Ciiy.
Bladder, Urinary and Liver Diseases Dropsy
Gravel and Diabetes are cured by
Cures Bright's Disease, Retention or Non-re.
tentlon of Urine, Fains in the Back, Loins or
Cures Intemperance, Nervous Diseases, Gener
Debility, Female Weakness and Excesses. .
Cures Biliousness, Headache, Jaundice, 8ou
Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles.
V I ft AT ONCU on the Hldiirvt. t tyt
and Bowels, restoring them to a healthy cv
tion, and ('( Kl S when all other mediciuet
fail. Hundreds have been saved who have beer
iven up to die by friends and physicians.
. 80L.B BY ALL i UHI4iIN'l S.
'ts-.;i . SHOULD PUT 1 -' - '.
Into their platform. To use It is a measure of
health, pleasure and economy.
srequais custom work, costinir from
r.' $ to S6. best value for 1 hi,
i in the world. Name and prico
a stamped on the bottom.
cnnni1r1otXilPau"wa"'anted. Take no substi-
b uiui.jj.Natuto. See local papers for full
If fcWCWcOjjjwwW Catalogue
utui snusrasas!ssasss-' "
derpy; mail. Postage free. You can get thebest
bargains of dealers who push our shoes"
Oonsnmptlve and people
who have weak lungs or Asth
ma, should nse Piso's Cure for
Consumption. It has cared
thousands. It has not Injur
ed one. It Is not baa to take.
It is the best cough syrup.
Bora everywhere. SSCt
o- I f I VMStG
on I w 1 XWIt