K ' " 3ecci iiver (Slacier. HOOD RIVER, OR. MAY, 12, 1S94. DEMOCRATIC'7 STATE ' TICKET:' , For Governor, WILLIAM GALLOWAY, of Yamhill. -.For Congress, S. II. RALEY, of Umatilla For Supreme Judge, A. S. BENNETT, of Wasco.' For ' Secretary of .State,' CHAIILES JNIClvELL, of Jackson, For State Treasurer, . . , , THOMAS h. DAVIDSON, of Marion, For Attorney General, ' i W. H. HOLMES, of Folic. ' For superintendent Public instruction, J). V. 8. REID, of Lane-- - . i . For State Printer, . ;..'".'". JOHN O'BRIEN, of Multnomah. For Member State Board of Equalization) T. H. LA FOLLETTE, of Pnneville, -', JFor Prosecuting Attorney. Seventh District, ' E. B, UCFUB, of The Dalles. For Representatives, ' M. V. HARRISON, of Wusco. V, 0. BROCK, of Shermun, jCOUNTY TICKET- For Sheriff, .- L. E. MOI4SE, of Hood River. For County Clerk, -" V : E. MARTIN, of Th D:.Hes." ' For Superintendent of Kchools,,; AAROJJ FRASER, of Dufur. For County Assessor, H. PITM AN, of Dufur. ' For County Treasurer, R. E. WILLIAMS, of The Dalles. For County Commissioner, J, C. WINGF1ELD, of Boyd. For CorOner, JOHN CATES, of The Dalles. For Justices of the Peace, Hood Rive GEO. T. PRATHER, West Side. M. V. RAND, East Side.' . For Constables, Hood River, ' CHAS. ROGERS, WPft Side. V. WINCH ELL, East Side, VAOES, The 'advocates of a protective tariff lhank upon the credulity of the masses, rfind successfully. The great showman, Karnum, said the 'American people liked to be deceived, and he told the truth. Protection is a pretty word rolls smoothly uuder the oratorical tongue, and does not, from ils sugar .coated taste, give notice to. the swal-; lower that" the real substance of the pill Is "discrimination." The whole theory of protection is that it has a sort .of general financial reaction, which eventually results in benefitting Amer ican labor. First, the masses are taxed to give the American mamiitiutfurer higher prices so that he can pay the American laborer higher wages,, and the laborer, having more money, will consume more of the agricultural pro ducts, and so return the tax through a "home market" to the farmer?, who, by the way, pays the whole bill. It will be wen by this that the furmcr is .enabled, me'aphorically, to lift himself .out of debt and into affluence by, his. boot-straps; simply by increasing his taxation to a high enough point. .The protectionists (we mean the leaders of those who believe in the theory, rrd 1hat whether republican or democrat) know that the cry of protecting Amer ican labor is si w ply a cry of "stop thief" to draw attention from the na tion's plunderers. They put a tariff on wool to protect American wool, a tariff. ,on Iron to protect American iron, a tariff on coal to 'protect American coal, ,and they leave labor on the free list. Why? To protect . American ; labor The Hon. James G. Blaine boasted that "the gates of Castle Garden swung 'eyjer; Inward." Aud this to admit foreign labor in competition with our own. And what is the result? A steady de crease ofTvagesV :Up,' to within :;a few , years the results if immigration. were' unnoiicable for the reason that the im-' jnense area of public laud furnished homes and employment for all. " The overflow of population from the East 8 wept over the Alleghaniea across Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and the Mississippi valley, and the last wave of the tide broke in Nebraska and the Dakotas.; There is no riiore land. There is, no piore room for.'.thevoverllpW". '.Theimt jnigrant now 'comes info direct .edin'e tition with the American' 'faborer, or the laborer already . here.. .- They, b.otJi , want the same job, and the immigrant i gets it because be will work the cheaper. The .next year brings ; another !hatctiti who in turn compete for the job, and. get it because they work still cheaper. This result will go on Until wages in this country will reach the level of those in Europe; and the influx will cease, because it will be no longer prof itable to come. It is inevitable under our present immigration laws that American labor must conn to the level of European labor, because, if no arti ficial barrier s raised to keep out the tide of foreign labor, wages, like water, will find a level . Yet while this is go jng on, our friond3 the protectionists, are asking tlie. farmers of the country (who practically pay all -the bills) to pubrnit to taxation to protect American Jabor, keeping in. the back ground the fact that they are also being taxed to protect the foreign laborers that come here to the number of a million a year, "It is a coi)ditioh,viiOt a theory that confronts us." The protected iron and coal industries tmploy forefgujaoor al most entirely. The coal and Iron re gions are practically a foreign country. In the dispatches of May 5th, one from Duluth says: ' . : . Matson, the Finlander who was shot by Deputy Sheriff AI Free, at Argonia, died this morning. Two military com I punier are on the ground."- The miners I are in a state of lYonsty over the killing of Matson, but arentw'ed by the militia, j The great difficulty in handling the siriueis arises trom me met timi limy three-fourths of them cannot talk Eng lish. . ' ,','" :... Here isaspecimen of protected Amer ican laborers?, ''three-fourths of whom cannot talk Kuglisb," and all of whom are in a "state of frenzy"' because one of their number was killed by n sherill while resisting the laws of this country. We are not prejudiced, against foreign ers because Iheynre foreigners, but we are radical in the belief that the time bus, come when the stream .ot immigra tion should be 'run through a strainer. Protection'.' v,to American labor , de mands it! Protection to our system ot government compels, it. Immigration under proper restrictions is a stimulant, but' this country has taken too much. We have been ou a spreesO to speals, aud that wo should be sick in the nat ural result. ' -. f oiimb'N PlEST. The democrate.pf -OjfioiS Iwiv mo'vedf up abreast of the politics i f the luture by embodying in their pialform" a de niaud 'for the releriindtiafBd initia tive'. 'As this fs' al ready '"one of ' the items of the populist ctecdt and. is en thusiastically urged by organized labor, it is evidently becoming a matter of practical importance. Reforms of this kind sometimes move rapidly. It is only seven years ago that Henry George was suggesting the propriety of intro ducing the; Australian ..ballot system into the United States. , Now almost every state iu the' union has a ballot reform law. Seven years hence every state may have - the .referendum,-and the nation s well. : Current events',' rtre $61rtg giant mis sionary work for. this reform', If we' had a national referendum there, would be none of the miserable wrangling and huckstering we are witnessing in con gress over the tariff. . The people would tell what kind of tarili they wanted, and their will would 'be carried out to the letter. President Cleveland would have no embarrassment about vetoing Hilver bills. The issue between him and congress would be submitted to the voters on their own merits, with out' party complications.' Friends of silver would not oppose action jn its behalf to prevent the loss of votes in Uie East, and its enemies would noti: , . . , . . i ' . ... ,. Iin his profession, and is in every way nrohnse comroiruses to con(riliatft the . - . . . . i propose compromises to conciliate tlie West. Every citizen would decide ac cording to his individual opinion, and the will of the majority would prevail. There would be no squabbles m con gress over the question of government or corporate ownership of Iho Nica raguan canal. The people would de cide, and there is not much doubt what the result would be. There would, be an end of filibusteriiig, for if the decis ions of c ingress were subject to revision at the polls there would be nothing to filibuster against. There would be no corporation lobbies, for it would be a waste of money ,to buy . legislation which the people might and probably would annul within a year. , California lost the honor, which she might have had, of being the lirst state to adopt the Australian ballot, but we believe that she1 is the pioneer in the referendum movement.' The last leg' Bv? " -"""wr -j for county ordinances.. It may be a j race between California and Oregon to see which will first adopt the principle of -direct legislation for state purposes. When any state has carried the idea that far its extension into the field of national politics will not be long de layed. S. F. Examiner. A DEFUNCT .; WJDO IF. There died a w oman" in Alameda, ' LJt California, thehther'daya woman w had been, married, thirteen times, and perhaps more,' as the number was given I b a sister, who does not, pretend to be ! certain excepi.Ms .to, tne.. tuirteeii, . At the time' Q.c;ljer-eal;lj.,;,lter -jime au Lemon, which suggests that &b,eWQall have jborne yet another squeeze had the fv-.iii,tdi, t li 1 T mull naniu nlnntr TI10 ttll. perstiMouB aay ggeMhat the. nmn-,, be'tf H-as' ntiWtfky, bSut thai -apcnd jvhither the' thirteenth or fourteenth man ; is considered. W-he.n her spirit reaches the gates of the great beyond, the custom officials will have trouble in classifying her. She might get in as essence of Uemon, or spirits of ether one or the other, of her thirteen other halves. Lemon wis the naniepfhcf tvvelflh husband, Snyder of her first, but as she left No. ISnd again took up" the name of Leni'onit iff hfobable that the last was Snyder than the first. For lack otsdmething. nvore substan tial, she embraced spiritualism a short i time ago, and then : Death took her for his own. Her' last "Words, ' as ? she thought of the thirteen deceased and 1 a .,.,...4 r And Phil Metschan is said to be the most popular man on any ticket for state oliice. We used to admire Phil oui self, but ' unless he cau expiain why he has f 128,000' of state money locked up in the Portland banks, he should receive not a single vote. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Congress, Second District,.- " , W7 R. ELLIS, of Heppner.' " i For Governor, - - W. P. tOKD, of Salem. " For Secretary of. State, ' II, it. IC1NCA1D, of Eugene. : For State Treasurer, PHIL MIISUIAN.of Giant county. I'or fenpt, Public Instruction, . , ' G. M. IKW IN, cl Union. For Supreme Judge, : ClfAS. E WOLV'ERTUN, of Albany. ' For Attorney General. ' : ' Ci M. IDLEMAN, of Portland.,' . For State Printer, W. II. LEEDS, of Asliland. ' For Frosecuting Attorney, Seventh District, ... -,iA.: A. JAYNE, of Arlington. For Member State Boajd of Equalization,, iiv, C. YHLLs, ol Jrook county. ' . . For Representatives,' ,. '." '' "T. R, COON, of llood River. , ' 'T. H. McOKEl It, of Antelope. ' - . !.. t ,l , , 'l COUN1Y TICKET. i Fotfeheiiff, 'TIJOS..J, DRIVER, of Wumle. : f-li i . For County Ueri,, , . '- '' fA. M . KELSA.Y, of. The Danes.' ' " Vor Supcrinte'iident of Schools," -i. fc, "iJROY JbHELLLY, of Hood Rier. i For Chanty 'Assessor, - F. II. WAKEFiELDof The Dalles. - . 1 F5ra)unty'Trchsmer, J ' WMlfOltElJ., of ThcDalles. . Fol!C?)umy'tJonnllHsonl,;-'. A. H. BLOWERS, of Hood River. .,. .. i ''-. For Coroner, v -.Sm;'. ' W. II. BUTTS, of Ttie Dlles. . ," -For County Surveyor, : . E. F. SHARP, of The Dalles. For Justices of the Peace, Hood River,. J. A. SOESBE, West Side, C. J. HAYES, Est Side. ' - For Constables, Hood River, J. J. LUCKEY, West Side. . A S. OUN GER, East Side.-" ' ' ' Alas! poor ' Coxey. After : all r-the bluster and noise of getting'three huui dred deluded tramps to Washington, to be told to "ktep off the grass," ; and nothing more. His fame, that bobbed terenely down the river of Time, as prominent as a fleck ot foam, lias gone burst on the ocean of failure. Jrle can now; like Napoleon with bis ten thou- sanxl men, having marched them up the :hillr, he can march thein down again. The other job lots of tramps scattered, over the country can at the j same time tackle the brake beams ton home at excursion rates., . ..(.. I ,'TTnn "rr M T,irun r)ul, .,, in m.n.ll.'l date for prosecuting attorney, is a law- n'nf ,.,nn ..vh. ...1, ,.,,.11 quail tied -lor the place. : tie nas been a resident of this omntyfor a great-number of years and is personally acquaint ed with most of its citizens. The ollice is a non-political oiie, und he , will no (doubt on this account receive, 'as he should, a large vote from his friends regardless of party. , A populist contemporary says it cost the United States $"J2,C00 to bury Sen ator Stanford, and. that the expense of burying u.. dead congressman generally is enormous. This is no'doiibt true; but if, the new crop could only be cut off it would be money well in vested. Senatorial funerals may come high, but of the present crop they would be cheap at any price, fcnch funerals are not luxuries, but necessities. JJucLlcii's Arnica Sulvc. The best salved 11 the world , for CutSif!iweek VWre she 1 duq.jto foal and. some tjime BrniKPg. SorH TTharu R.df ' T.Vhfikii. JrHUiwofi, food. snub. .As boi-ltid oats, bran and yever Sores, Tetter Chapped l lano, I I ... , . , - lhllhluina I Vtrna inrl nil 1. 1 v. T.i..! . on. ',,;,', """"' ' -"PL- ln,lvrpn.. rHa,m ltltU1.'t nerlect mitwetinn m- mnnr.nin,W I u. (, . .- ,, , i -... x.mu-. uij.. ,4?oi saie i ooa Kiver pharmacy.,. ... ... -. .: "Good resolutions are a pleasant I readily, ana . tne blossoms open so eoon with such, a brave, show, cspe- Gxbt But when tho time of ' flowers has passed, what as to the fruit ?-Malot. a -r-.i -fs ''1 A f Saved Her Life. Mrs. C. J. 'WooT.DTtTnai!, of Worthnm, Texas, saved the life of her child by the use of Ayer's Cherry l'ectoral. " One of my cliiHtren' had Croup: v The case wns:al.teiidcd by our physician, aiid wus, supiosed to be well under control. One niRht I was startled' by the child's-Hard, breathing; and on coing to it found it straii-. ciuiff. . . u nati ncany censea 10 ui-uiu Kfauziiiff in had become : that the child's alarming coiiilltioU.i SfS? ri-iven T resniiel be of no avail. Ifavini: .part of a bottle of Ayer's Cherry PuctoraLin the bouse, .1 gave the clilld three doses, at short intervals, ami anxiously waited results. From the moment the Pectoral was given, the child's breuthiiif; grew easier, and, in u short tune, she vas sleeping quietly and breathing naturally. The child is alive and well to-day. and. I do not hesitate to say that Ayer's pierry Pec toral saved her lite." Propmed by Dr. J. C. Aycr &Co., Lowell, If ass, Prompt to act, sure to curra. Cherry Pectoral STOCKII 0L1ER..MKE'I IX G. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of Ike Hood River Fruit Growers' Union in Hood River, Oregon, Saturday, May !Hli, at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose electing one director to fill a va cancy caused by the resignation of N. 0. Evans, i and for the transaction of ot her business. By order of the president.- II. F. Davidson, , secretary. POTl SAliE. Eighty acres, five miles from town; 40 acres in cultivation; 600 trees, prin cipally apple, in full bearing. Ail fenced. ' Good house and barn. Three shares of water in Hood 'River Supply Co. go with the place.' Good well and spring. ; Harvey Ckapper. 1"0K SALE. A. wind, mill, pump tower pump etc., nil iu good order also several horses and (colts. Apply to F. H. Buttou of Ed. ! Hand, Hood River Oregon.: hVll SALli. ; A thoroughbred Jersey bull, for sale cheap for cashv Also have several cows to dispose of.- Mrs. D. K. Ordway. "T ew, ,i JJid winter Jair ' .Tfi.yotl intend vlsitiug the greafc mid- wiiter fair, call on the nearest ifmou racmc 'agent, anq no can ten, you ai about the exceedingly low rate and the agen import! and. DISS0LUTIQ5.- r The .partners!. ip .heretofore existing under the linn name of Jones & Rogers is t.his,jiay dissolved. Mr. Rogers will co ect all debts due the firm and pay all debts owing to it. : C. A. Jones.: ' --1 . a2huul0, . , ,( .'!, .-rr--,Tr XOTICE. All persons are hereby notified that they will be required to pay a rental for any ujiace occupied -by t hern along the line, oil the railroad spur on my home stead. . Mrs. Mattie A. Oiler. Hootl River, Or., April 18, 18U4. Fin line of bath 'sponges at llood River Pharmacy. , . the Will serve OLINGER & during ROM;, the season of 1894 at i Stables,. Hood River Oregon. . - ., DESCRIPTION. ; MIDNIGHT is a coal-black Hamblctonian, 6 years old, 18 hands high, weight 1400 pounds, Sired by Shaw s Hanibietoniau: Dam a (;op perbaWom mare. Midnight is a good dlspo siiflfjned horse, a Toppy driven and quite a trottjr for a noise ot his s.iee, : i. . ; . - 1 Jf fdnigiit. s service tees will be fi for a single servtee, to be paid at time ot service, or 810 for tlie season oue August 1st following service, or $15 to insure with foal payable April 1, ibOa. . Insurance cannot be given after lirst service or other terms. . Maies tailing to catch on single service may be bred by the season by paying tha additional toe. . - . , Graft care will be taken touprevent acci dents; but will not be responsible should thev occur., For further inlormation apply to Eph tJlinger at tlie barn ot F. C. Rrof-ius, owner. ,,,-;.rty! CARE OF YOUNG COLTS., : Tills is the time of, thp year wheu much loss occurs' ito the farmei s in the loss of young foals. A Canadian horse breeder of much ex perience says: Carefully watch your colt, for the first ten day, and see that its bowels act properly, as t.jejtist ten days are the most critical in a loal s cxisUmiie. If you can got them over the first ten days they usually require very little attention It. the mare is ted Judiciously. - , . Theunare should, be fed some two or three . 1, wi 11,111 , bo u to loosen Lije B.,hiiu ttuu uivr I , r Mdc a generous flow of milk, if t.om some uliikiheb,tubstitiite is cow's milk, one- lomth water and a tabhpoonfulof honey to a ipintot milk. Co8mens, diairhcea, and inflamation are the principal ailments a young loal is sub'?ect to. The two,. first careful treatment will overcome; the last is, in most fatal. '?Vlii fifflbwing are- welt tried and the best remedies that have come unde my notice: Costlveness Rectal injections ol lukc-warm water Dvery half hour, or svrup pt rhubarb with a lew drops linseed oil; dose,- tablespoon- ' UIld Jhe advunUSois .ti-cy ao no harm 1 Iiidm-licaa sliould not be stopped suddenly, f tabfespoonfnl brandy with teaspoontul of" 't'Uuture'-wf gentian and two .tublepoonfuls : j lime wiuocjax (jonplul linseed tea every -three. iUOTirS, r-., .. -y. . ., :, w tsl-rtnd out In very hot iwater, to belly; JJWOtheJqgs wellK'p teuspoonfiTl liiuiltinilm In, tw o oil noes of S Iirer. icfcpeat 16"se '!ritwa iWiVir II neceessaryJ .SUMMONS. ... , .In the.Clrcult Courtof the Stuto of Oregon for the County Of Wascd. . Jennie Thomas Plaintiff, 'lUinard-C. Thomas Defendant.) to Minard O. Thomas, the above named de fendent: ' In the name of the state of Oregon, yon arc? Hereby . required to appear and ans wer the. complaipt filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Monday the 2tli day ol May IMO-f, that being the- lfKit day of tne next regular term oCsaJd court: and if I you fail so to answer for want thereof, the iplaliitilfwUl apply to the said court for the re- ' nief demanded in her complaint to-wlt; ,For a Juaiieeofdivoice forever d.solwng and an- niiJiiis liie iiiiurjiigu icutti tun nuw tsAisung between -you mud plaintiff, iuid that plain tiff have the solo custody of the minor child, Willis II. Thomas, and for such' other and further relief as to the court may seem equit able -.-andjust. - , : ; . ,; . : - This summons is served uqon you by pub lication thereof In the Hood Elver Gi.ACiKii u newspaper of general circulation published j weelilyjat HoodKiver Wusco County, Oregon, J by order ot the Hon. W; S Bradshuw Judge of said Court, whicn order was duly made at Chambors in Dalis City. Wasco county, Ore gon, on the 5th day of April lto i DUFUll & MltNEl'EE. 1 Attorneys for Plaintiff. advantages offered by this linq.to San Fnytcissco and return, or address W. ft.' HurlbuVt, assistant general passenger DEALER FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS OF BUILDING '- MATERIAL. ' , , . Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc. , A large supply of, and Exduute RvjM to sell . Celebrated liquid colors and tinted leads. Under-taking a Specialty.- Not a member of a "trust" but of an aKocintion, devoted to advancing the ntcrests of the profession, and will sell as cheap as anyone not in the association ; THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR HAKNA & JOBRER8 AND RETAILERS IN HARDWARE, TINWARE, Etc, Ft. Corner of Second CELEBRATED . .-......... Acorn and Charter Oak Stoves and . Ranges. Guns, Ainitiniiition anil Sporting Goods, Iron, Coal, Blacksmith Supplies, Wagonmaker's Material, Sewer Pipe, Pumps and Ppipe, Plumbing Supplies. '-. .. , - ' ' . ' -. .. ',.'" .: f. .- That thirty days is as long as we can credit ' goods, and would respectfnlly ; - ' jj request our patrons to govern .themselves accordingly. Directions for Iixinjy tho Acme Compound. ; , Wciwh out ten noiinds of the Comnound and nut U In n barrel or Wire ket tle; then pour on live gallons of boiling water gradually, until-the mixture Is of Vv A the consistency of wilt soap stiri mg it all the1 time. Atrev it is thoroughly i s r;-, dissolved add the b lUuce of the water (f rty live g illom), hot or coll hot pre-K a ferred. Do not boll the mixture. It is then ready to apply. W Be sure and, .j. have your kettles or barrel clean (also your spraying tank) and tree from other mixtures, in order to avoid clogginir vour spraying nozzles. Do not Hpnai when, the tree are moist. For Codlin Moth use No. 2. and spray immediately after the blossoms drop, then again four weeks sects that may appear. Apply by means Testimonials. Coralitos, Cal., March 20, 1894. Watson, Erwin & Co,: I used pounds of your Acme No. 1, and it had the desired etlecl ; it not on with the' insect but it cleans up the tree and leaves it in a hcalty i -will irniirantee it will do iust what it is .. - ' J. E, WOBTIMKB.' '" - N lies, March 14, 1894 I have had six years' experience spraying, and used various washes to quite an extent. For the last two seasons 1 have used Acme Insecticide, and find it the best wash, and that it gives the best results of any I ever used. It is a very pleasant wash to use, and easily prepared. . :.' . .. Jou Tyson. ' . WILLIA11B l BMOSIUS. ..... . -, - ...... : ,j '. . , ,1 ' .'-, , . j i , J" f. I'll, RAVE CONSTANTLY ON HANT) THE 1 13 J Poultry, Also Dealers in ' f VEGETABLES AMD" FRUITS. Corner of Oak' and Fourth Streets, - - - - Hood River, Oregon pq. ax . in. B?ijn ikb DEALER IN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, , ( , STATIONERY, GLASSWARE, . r LAMPS, BLANK-BOOKS, SCHOOL " SUPPLIES,' ' BOOKS, PERIODICALS, NOTIONS, CANDIES AND TOBACCO. The Prather, Buildirig,Second &Qak Sts. Bartrness, IN WOLFARD. c1- I and Federal Streets, Stisdebakcr Osborne papers and Mowers. AGTNTg FOR - j "eoiiijnj'7s Agricultural Iinpleinenta. v, .t ,, S(j , ".ul 3Iacliiiierj'. j r BARBED WIRE. V after, which will destroy all other -m ot a spray pump or a florist's syringes one hundred Iv gets away ? ltd' leaves it in a hcalty condition. I recommended to do. Yoilrs truly, aip opan aucxMnj mwM hj rmansBe man ' i t l A, f i 1' - ifi s' ( ! i ... .A . V.'