The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 21, 1894, Image 1

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River Glacier.
It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
VOL. 5. .
NO. 47.
3ood iiver lacier.
The Glacier Publishing Company.
One year ... , ....IS 00
Six months 1 OP
Three months CO
8Kle copy I Cent
Grant Evans, Propr,
Second St., near Oak. flood River, Or.
Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly done.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Grass-Covered Vessel Sighted
by the Bark Almy.
Goods Shipped In Bond by the Way of
Europe Can Come In Foreign Bottoms
and. Are Free of Duty.
San Fbancisco. The United States
' Circuit Court of Appeals has affirmed
the decision of the lower court in the
1 suit of the government against Dunham,
' Carrigan, Hayden & Co. for the confis
cation of a cargo of nails. Two years
ago, when the Transcontinental Associa
tion of Railways, the Pacific Mail Steam-
L- ship Company and the clipper ship com
bine kept up rates from New York to
San Francisco, the firm of Dunham,
Carrigan, Hayden & Co; discovered that
it was cheaper to ship goods from New
York to Europe and thence by sail to
' San Francisco than to ship by the com
bined railways or steamers direct to San
. Francisco. Acting on this discovery,
....they shipped a bigjot of goods by a Bel
gian steamer to a consignee in Antwerp
in bond. They were put aboard a for
eign sailing vessel there and shipped to
this city. After much of the shipment
. had been landed, Collector of the Port
i Phelps seized the first lot that followed.
1 The lower court decided that Dunham,
, Carrigan, Hayden & Co. was lawfully
entitled to ship as it had, and that such
shipments did not violate the letter of
coastwise laws, which require trade be
tween American ports to be conducted
in American vessels. The United States
Circuit Court of Appeals finally upheld
the lower court. Judges McKenna and
Gilbert .rendered the decision.
. Assessment Declared Illegal After the
Tax Was Paid. , ,
Astoria. The news that the Supreme
Court has reversed the decision of Judge
McBride in what is known as "the Court
street cases," suits brought' in the Cir
cuit Court for Clatsop county to enjoin
the city of Astoria from collecting cer
tain assessments for street improve
ments, and in which Judge McBride de
cided in favor of the city, caused no lit
tle surprise here, not unmixed with dis
satisfaction. Many' of the property
owners interested refused to pay until
the case was heard in the lower court,
but as soon as the decision was- learned
a majority of the assessments were
promptly paid, the opinion being pretty
general , that Judge McBride's ruling
would hold good. Those who took the
case to the higher court were only inter
ested to the extent of a few hundred
dollars, and in consequence the loss to
: the city will be small, as none of the
property owners paid under protest.
The grounds upon which the ruling of
the Circuit Court was reversed have not
yet been learned, but it is surmised that
the ordinances providing for the im
provement of the street were illegal, by
reason of the fact that there was no
Mayor, the President of the Council
having signed all measures passed after
the resignation of Mayor Crosby in 1892
and until the election of Mr. Elmore by
the Council.
Krug's Bondsmen Declared Not to be
Guilty of a Crime.
Seattle. The trial of Henry Fuhr
man, the rich broker, for using the city
funds as an accessory to Adolph Krug,
the defaulting City Treasurer, ended in
a verdict for the defendant. The trial
lasted five days, and was closely con
tested. The specific charge was concern
ing the $10,000 which Fuhrman was al
lowed by Krug to take. Krug was con
victed on this same indictment a few
days ago. Fuhrman's defense was that
he' took the money on deposit the same
as the banks did. It was shown that he
- returned every dollar borrowed and has
made up the shortages of several other
borrowers by putting up about three
times' his proportion of the defaulting
Treasurer's official bond. Ex-United
States Senator John B. Allen and E. C.
Hughes conducted the defense, and
made eloquent pleas for the defendant.
The jury was out but little over an hour,
and returned a verdict of " not guilty."
Several other prominent citizens were
indicted on similar charges, and this ac
quittal, is supposed to greatly relieve
them. ' ,
The Strange Report Brought in by the
Helen W. Almy.
San Fbancisco. The bark Helen W.
Almy, which arrived here Friday from
Fanning Island, brought a strange story.
When off the island February 26 ehe
sighted a small schooner, which after a
great deal of effort ran under her lee
and showed a flag of most peculiar de
sign, the like of which was never seen
before. It was in two pieces, and the
lower half was from the American flag,
while the upper half looked like a black
pennant. The vessel had been white
once, but her sides were covered with
grass. The mainsail appeared to be new,
and as for the foresail there was only
half of one, and that was all patches
and holes. The name of the little craft
could not be made out, as she kept a re
spectful distance from the bark. Cap
tain Luttrell thought he recognized in
her the twenty-five-ton schooner Ebon,
whose skipper, Captain Cameron, disap
peared from the Gilberts early in 1893,
leaving some heaw creditors. Cameron
and his schooner were afterward heard of
in the Marshall Islands.
Jury of San Franciscans to Pass Upon
the Question of Its Morality.
San Fbancisco. The trial of Belle
Bava and a bevv of the Cairo street
dancing girls, instigated by the Society
for the Prevention of Vice for the pur
pose of securing a legal determination
of the question as to whether the danse
du ventre is immoral, was called this
afternoon by Judge Conlan. The de
fendants after their arrest several davs
ago demanded a jury trial, and the aft
ernoon was passed in a fruitless effort to
secure the jury. Nearly all those sum
moned confessed they had seen the
dance, and because of previous bias of
mind or judgment already fixed or for
other sufficient reasons were dismissed
as incompetent. After much trouble a
jury was finally secured, ana the case
went over till next week. There was a
great deal of disappointment on the part
of a large crowd which assembled at the
courtroom because the door was barred
upon them, the Judge proposing to con
duct the trial only before the jury, at
torneys and witnesses. It is probable
the young women will be called upon to
perform the dance before the jury that
the case may be determined upon its
Chinese Deported to China Landed in
. British jColuinbia.
Victoria, B. C Yee Lee, Yee Chung
and Fong Chong Yuen, deported from
the United States and shipped to China
by the steamer Tacoma, have been land
ed here with a habeas corpus sworn out
by friends before Justice Drake. On the
arrival of the ship the head tax of $50
was paid for each, and they presented
the receipts to Captain Hill. He re
fused to recognize them, holding that he
had contracted with the United States
government to deliver them in China,
and that as such he was acting as agent
of said government. A writ of habeas
corpus was then obtained and an order
for their release made. The steamship
was delayed nearly all day. This is the
first case of the kind, and will either
lead to a speedy understanding between
Washington and Ottawa or to the depor
tation of all Chineserom San Francisco.
If a sharp lookout is kept, the three
Chinamen will probably be caught en
tering the United States again.
' The Alaska Survey.
San Fbancisco. When the United
States steamer Patterson leaves this port
on the 21st of this month she will have
on board four parties from the coast sur
vey bound for Alaska. ' The parties con
sist of surveyors and astronomers, who
will devote themselves to making' sur
veys on the boundary line between
Alaska and British America. These
surveys have been in progress for several
seasons, and are now completed from
the Arctic regions to Mount St. Elias.
This year work will be finished from
this point south. The United States
steamer, Captain Harber, will be placed
at the service of the surveyors for the
purpose of communication and the car
rying out of the chronometers.
Monterey's Trip to Sea.
Vallejo. The coast-defense vessel
Monterey has returned from her trial
trip with the board of inspection. The
ship ran from fifteen to twenty miles
outside the heads, and for six hours was
under pressure and made about ten
knots an hour. The Monterey carried
about 100 tons more armor than when
last at sea. It was noticed that the roll
of the ship was more even and anything
like a jerky motion had disappeared.
During the trip drills of different kinds
were held.
Neah Bay Seal Catch.
Port Townsend. Latest reports from
Neah Bay place the total catch of the
Indian sealing fleet at 1,441. This un
usual luck is accounted for by the fact
that the natives were fortunate enough
last week during the pleasant weather
to get into the midst of the sea herd mi
grating to the breeding grounds in Behr
mg Sea, and ceased their slaughter only
when their ammunition gave out.
New Informations Filed.
Walla Walla. Informations have
been filed against J. K. Edmiston in two
new cases by the Prosecuting Attorney.
Both charge him with receiving money
on deposit when the Walla Walla Sav
ing Bank was in a tottering condition.
Both informations allege the money was
received the day of the suspension, in
cluding $150 State money.
The Notorious Bill Dalton is
Fatally Wounded.
Why the Reports of the Trial Should be
Culled of the Filthy Passages One
of the Evils Exposed.
Chicago. There is trouble brewing
among the students at the Woman's Col
lege, a section of the Northwestern, Uni
versity in Evanston.' The young women
are now allowed to read only those pa
pers from which all accounts of the
Breckinridge-Pollard case have been
clipped, and as a consequence many
harsh things have been said and many
indignant tears have been shed. " Three
weeks ago the newsboys in Evanston
suddenly experienced a boom in busi
ness. Every morning and evening the
carriers staggered toward the Woman's
College under a huge Dile of DaDers. and
returned empty-handed. Just what it
was the girls were interested in was lor
a time only surmised, but it has leaked
out that it was the racy accounts of the
famous breach-of-promise case that the
young women were after, baturday
night the Dean, Emily Huntington Mil
ler, and an assistant surprised a roomful
of young women listening with bated
breath while one of their number was
reading the most sensational part of Col.
Breckinridge's confession. Whe the
newsboys went heavily laden to the col
lege next morning they were unceremo
niously ejected by the janitor without
the sale of a paper, and the girls have
not since been allowed to see a paper
except those from which all reference to
the case has been clipped.
Wenatchee-Conconully Mail Route.
Washington City. Senator Squire
is working hard in the endeavor to se
cure a new mail route from Wenatchee
in Kittitas county via Knapp's Ferry,
Lakeside, Chelan, Methow river, Vir
ginia City, Ophir, Malott, Clover and
Ruby to Conconully, a service which is
greatly desired by the people living in
these towns and along this route. Bet
ter mail facilities are greatly needed
throughout that section, and petitions
from that section have been supple
mented by one from the Seattle Cham
ber of Commerce. Seattle is the natural
base of supplies for Okanogan and Kit
titas counties, and many of her citizens
who are interested in mining and in the
development of the country would be
benefited by this service. All these facts
have been laid before thp Postmaster
General and, it is hoped, will have the
desired effect. ,
The Supply of Wheat. ' '
(Washington City. The report of the
Secretary of Agriculture in reply to the
resolution of Senator Pettigrew, calling
for a statement of the visible and invis
ible supply of wheat, has been .submit
ted to the Senate. The total supply
March 1, 1893, was 610,000,000 bushels.
Amount in farmers' hands March 1,
1893, and the visible supply March 1,
1894, amounted to 729,000,000 bushels,
which he gives as the total amount dis
tributed and available for distribution.
The apparent discrepancy is 119,000,000
bushels. The supply on hand March; 1,
1894, was 190,000,000 bushels. The prob
able consumption from March 1 to July
1, 1894, he puts at 121,000,000 bushels,
leaving 69,000,000 bushels available for
export from March 1 to July 1, 1894.
Bill Dalton Fatally Wounded.
Guthrie, O. T. A dispatch to United
States Marshal Nix states that Marshal
Carr met Bill Dalton and several of his
gang of outlaws near Sacred Heart Mis
sion in the Pottawattomie reservation,
and a pitched battle with revolvers en
sued. Bill Dalton and one of his men,
named George Thorn, were fatally
wounded, but the others escaped. Dep
uty Marshal Carr also received a dan
gerous wound. It was thought the Dal
tons were preparing for a raid on the
banks at Purcell and Tecumseh. Bill
Dalton is the last of the notorious Dalton
brothers,, and is said to have been a
member of the California Legislature at
onetime. ;
Kearsarge's Commander Convicted.
Washington City. The court-martial
in the case of Commander Heyerman,
commanding the Kearsarge, found him
guilty of negligence in suffering his ves
sel to run upon the reef and inefficiency
in the performance of his duty. He is
sentenced to be suspended from duty for
two years on waiting orders, but to re
tain his present number of commanders.
Because of his long and faithful service
all the members of the court recom
mended clemency by the reviewing au
thority. ' ' ;
Affecting Oregon School Lands.
' Washington City. In the matter of
the appeal of the State of Oregon from
the decision of the Commissioner of the
General Land Office, rejecting its appli
cation to select certain school indemnity
lands witbin the limits of the grant to
the Oregon and California railroad, the
Secretary of the Interior reverses the ac
tion of the Land Commissioner. The
Secretary's decision will affect numerous
similar cases before the department as
well as reopen others already decided by
the department.
To Prevent Poaching.
Washington City. The Committee
on Public Lands has agreed to report
the Lacy bill, which fixes a heavy fine
for poaching in Yellowstone Park.
The annual distribution of seeds by
the Agricultural Department is practi
cally completed. The amount distrib
uted is 30 per cent greater than last year.
Each Congressman received 3,000 more
bags of seeds than in any previous vear,
The appropriation for the present fiscal
year was $135,400.
The Committee on Indian Affairs has
decided not to move the Utes from the
Colorado reservation. A substitute bill,
which is a compromise, will be reported
to the .House. it will not become a law
until the Utes agree to its provisions. It
will provide for keeping them on the
western end of the reservation, giving
them one township in JNew Mexico,
They will be given a quarter of the pres
ent reservation.
; Secretary . Smith has transmitted to
Congress an adverse report on the House
bill providing for the restoration of 1,861
square miles of land in Yellowstone Na
tional Park to the public domain. The
Secretary says the segregation of the
land is the result ot obstructing the en
forcement of regulations of the govern
ment in the park, owing to squatting by
poachers, trappers and other undesirable
characters. . The boundaries now hxed
are satisfactory to the department. ; No
good reason for the proposed change is
Senator Carey is encouraged over the
prospects of the bill for cession of 1,000,
000 acres to each of the arid-land States
and Territories to be improved by irri
gation. The general expression of opin
ion by members favors the bill. There
is little doubt that it will be favorably
reported soon by the (Jommittee on jfub
lic Lands. Mr. Carey believes the bill
will receive the unanimous indorsement
of the committee. Senators Dolph and
Vilas favor the bill, and say it provides
for an experiment in the right direction
and may lead to a solution of the ques
tion of what is to be done to reclaim the
arid lands.
Mr. Grosvenor of Ohio has introduced
in the House a resolution calling for a
special investigation of Governor Till
man's action in seizing railroad property
and telegraph lines engaged in interstate
commerce and with armed force and vio
lence establishing a censorship of "the
daily and weekly press of the country
and prohibiting the transmission o( news
dispatches to the newspapers.. The res
olution directs the Committee on Inter
state and Foreign Commerce to inquire
by what law such acts had been commit
ted and whether the laws of the United
States had been violated. In his remarks
on the resolution Grosvenor said this
was the first time in the history of the
government such a censorship of press
dispatches had been established. The
resolution was referred to the House
Committee on Interstate and Foreign
uommerce, ot which w ise ot : vug;
Uhairman. . , , :
A bill introduced in the House by
Wolverton of Pennsylvania abolishes
the office of United States Circuit Court
Commissioners, and repeals the laws
authorizing appointments thereto. The
Attorney-General is authorized to divide
the States and Territories into as many
Commissioner districts as he may deem
necessary and change the boundaries of
such districts or create new districts
when required. The President is au
thorized to appoint on the nomination
of the Attorney-General a sufficient
number of Commissioners in the dis
tricts, to hold office for four years. The
Commissioners are to have the same ju
risdiction now.conferred on United States
Circuit Court Commissioners, and will
be authorized to try with a iury of six
all offenses punishable with fine or im
prisonment and sentence the defendant
with the same effect as if the defendant
had been convicted in the United States
District Court. . .
Three bills are now being considered
looking to the collection of $100,000,000
indebtedness ot the Uentrai and Union
Pacific Railroad Companies to the gov
ernment. Two of them are now before
the House Committee on Pacific Rail
ways. One was introduced by Geary,
another by Brown and a third by Boat
ner. The Geary bill provides for the
foreclosure of the' government's mort
gage on the two roads and the appoint
ment of a committee on the part of the
government to manage the roads. Geary
says his desire is to make the men who
have grown rich out of the railroads pay
the government what they honestly owe.
rom what can be learned the iJrown
bill is not likely to be agreed upon, but
after it and Geary's bill have been thor
oughly discussed a new measure will be
reported embodying the features of one
or the other. The Boatner bill also pro
vides for. judicial procedure to compel
the companies to make restitution to the
government. .:
Caminetti has introduced a ioint res
olution authorizing the President to in
vite all the nations of the Western Hem
isphere to a conference on the financial
question. The preamble of the resolu
tion recites the fact of the community
interests existing in the Western Hemi
sphere; the continued depreciation of
silver; the default by Guatemala; that
Mexico and the governments in Central
and South America may take similar
action, and asserts that the various in
terests of the United States are threat
ened with loss. Then follows the resolu
tion. By it the President is requested
to invite representatives of American
Republics to meet in Washington, whose
object it shall be to " obtain relief from
the conditions which have caused the
demonetization of silver." The second
partis: " The convention shall be for
the purpose of drafting a treaty or treat
ies on the subject, to be thereafter sub
mitted for ratification to the nations
represented, calculated to secure to
them such recognition of silver from the
nations of the Eastern Hemisphere and
to provide regulations governing the pro
duction thereof and maintenance among
themselves of such a standard as will re
store permanent financial conditions and
protect their common interests.
The Behring Sea Bill in the
House of Commons.
That Country Urges the Establishment
of a Legislature to Deal With Scot'
tish Affairs Dictator in Peru.
London. The Behring Sea bill intro
duced in the House provides that the
arbitration award shall have effect as
enacted by this. act. Anyone contra
vening this act will be guilty of misde
meanor within the meaning of merchant
shipping act 54. Any ship violating this
act is liable to forfeiture. The court
without prejudice to any other power
may release such ship upon the payment
of a fine of 500. The Queen in council
may make, revoke or alter orders carry
ing into effect the nrnvisinns nf fhia aof
nd any one contravening the regula
tions 01 bucii oraer snan De liable to a
penalty of 500. The order of the Queen
in COimcil maVTirnvin'ft that annh nffinnra
of the United States as are specified may
exercise powers unaer tnis act similar to
those exercised by a British naval officer
in relation tr "Rrit.inh shina Tha oM i.
to become effective May 1, and any ship
Bailing ueiure us publication snail De
freed from forfeiture.
That Country Urges the Establishment
of Home Rule'.
London. In the House of Commons
James Henry Dalziel made a motion
that it was desired, while retaining in
tact the power and supremacy of the
xinperiai .rariiament, to establish a .Leg
islature for Scotland to deal with Scot
tish affairs. Tn onadUnn nf Viia rnni-inn
vUA.g ' J . J IJIUblUU
he said nobody would say that the House
of Commons was so congested that a
new and bold dfinartnra wa.s Tiproaaarv
The government's proposal to appoint a
granu committee lo aeai witn Scottish
affairs was only a temporary expedient.
The Sr.Ot.tish mpmhflra nf t.ha TTroiao V,aA
voted for home rule for Scotland. They
entertained no anti-English feeling, their
sole object being to procure for Scotland
legislation that was impossible under
existing conditions. The House adopted
the motion 180 to 170.
Da Gama Will Not be Permitted to Land
' in Buenos Ayres.
Lisbon. The Portuguese government
has informed Admiral da Gama. who is
at Buenos Ayres a fugitive with a num
ber of his followers on board the PortU
fflieSe war shins "IVTinrlolln a-nA llKnna.
que, that it cannot permit the Brazilian
t ' . i i i
reiugeea to iana anywhere excepting on
Portuguese territory, and then only on
filich COnditinriR that thov pontiAf vatnra
to Brazil in order to intervene in the
civil struggle. The Portuguese govern
ment in SAnHinC onnfho. ura r ohin
m..VUU TT CWi U 1 1 1 VJ
Buenos Ayres in order to assist in the
1 . . i -r. .i .
removal 01 me Brazilian insurgents to
Portuguese territory. The insurgents
on hna.r1 f.h Pni-fn
at Buenos Ayres are said to be in a de
plorable condition, many of them suffer
ing from wounds and" diseases. Two
Cases of vellow fever were HispMroron1 nn
the Mindello. ,
Inquiring Into the Currency Question.
London. The Central Associated
Chambers of Agriculture have decided
to immediately represent to the govern
ment the urgent importance of the cur
rency question ; also to ask the Royal
Agricultural Commission to institute
special inquiries into the bearing of the
currency question on agriculture. . Re
plying to a letter from a gentleman in
the city asking that the government deal
promptly with) the currency question,
Premier Rosebery writes that the sub
ject is engaging the attention of the
Cabinet. Mr. Smith has secured May 1
for the discussion by the House of Com
mons of a resolution on international
Two Presidents and a Dictator.
Lima, Peru. Ex-President Caceres
has been proclaimed Dictator of Peru,
the situation being that Peru just now
has two Presidents and a Dictator. Con
gress and the people are hostile to Ca
ceres, but the army is with him. He
was one of the candidates for the Presi
dency. : The city is in possession of the
troops, who are supporting Caceres, and
it is reported that Senor del Solar, the
constitutional President, is a fugitive.
The banks are closed, and all business is
suspended. The soldiers are patrolling
the streets. :- 1
; Ide's Justice in Samoa. '
London. Private advices are received
from Samoa that seventeen chiefs were
summoned before Chief-Justice Ide and
obliged to withdraw their complaints,
against the government. The chiefs,
however, stuck to the protest against
disarming the natives, which they
strongly resented. The trial of Alipia
and other chiefs of the Aana tribe ended
February 2, the court pronouncing sen
tence of two years' imprisonment at
hard labor on Alipia and $50 to $100 fine
against the other chiefs.
To Relieve the Unemployed.
Madrid. The government has re
solved to establish public works in the
provinces ot uadiz, Uranada and Anda-
usia for the relief of the thousands of
workmen now unemployed.
An Ignorant Norwegian Who Discourses
Like a Beecher When Inspired.
The Scandinavian folk of the Puget sound
region have been strangely affected by tut
preaching of one Edward Braekhus, 9
young Norwegian of slight education, who
claims to be inspired by the Holy Ghost.
An Intelligent Norwegian newspaper pub
lisher says Braekhus preaches the word oi
God more lucidly than any clergyman he
has heard in this country. And yet the
only difference between Braekhus style ol
preaching and that of a trance medium, ac
cording to his own statement, is that no
spirit controls him save the Holy Ghost.
Braekhus is not a spiritualist in the sense
that he affiliates with that sect, but he has
the temperament of a first class trance me
dium. He is very nervous.
Braekhus is 21 years old. He came to
this country two years and a half ago from
a farm near Aafjoren,. in the district of
Bergens Stift, in Norway. He went to live
with his uncle at Utsalady, opposite Seat
tle, and finally became a helping hand in
the Norwegian Orphan home at Paulsbo, '
Kitsap county. He was there about six
months when he began to be seized with
fits. When he was about to have a fit, he
would kick and fight and keep four or five
men hustling to hold him. After strug
gling for a time he would quiet down and
begin preaching like a Beecher or a Parker.'
He is not an educated man, having had
only a common school training, and be
cause he spoke fluently and strung choice
logic along the thread of his discourse the
Paulsbo people thought, him a wonder.
That was about the holiday time. Peo
ple visiting Paulsbo went home and spread
the news, and people crowded in from the
surrounding country to hear Braekhus
preach. Many people cried all night about
their sins after hearing him, and Norwe
gians who had been enemies for years be
came friends after hearing Braekhus and
followed the Christian injunction to love
one another. .....-','
Fits, however, didn't agree with Braek
hus, so he consulted a Seattle physician.
Medical treatment helped him, and he got
stronger. Then the Norwegian ministers
took him up and brought him to Tacoma.
His "preaching spells" or "fits" in that
city have broken Braekhus all up, anti her"
will have to seek rest.
As a rule, it requires church music and
congregational singing to give Braekhus a
fit or preaching spell. When he hears the
music and singing, he begins to shiver and
tremble. He gesticulates and moves nerv
ously about and usually frightens away
any woman who happens to see him. As
the spell comes on he would probably in
jure himself if he were not held by from
two to three men.
After wrestling with his attendants for a
few minutes Braekhus becomes limp and
has to be supported to a sofa which is
placed upon the platform, and stretched
out at full length he preaches in a strong,
pleasing voice, always using his mother
tongue.. The Rev. Mr. Steen of Astoria
and the Rev. C. Christensen of Paulsbo
supported Braekhus to the sofa during sev
eral of his appearances in Tacoma.
Five of the leading Norwegian Lutheran
ministers of the northwest have made a re
ligious diagnosis of Braekhus and unite in
the belief that it is the Holy Ghost that
speaks through him.
Told of Edward Blake.
One day a near friend ventured to sug
gest to Mr. Blake that it would be politic
to unbend a little in short, to have more
of Sir John's bon camaraderie. Mr. Blake
listened, gentle and without vanity, as
great men are apt to be, and said that he
would willingly oblige if his friend would
tell him how. The friend felt embarrassed. -It
was one thing to suggest a lack in a man.
but another and wholly different thing to
suggest a remedy. However, he would da
his best. He urged upon the Liberal leader
the necessity of a little jocoseness, a notic
ing of everyday affairs and not this con
stant absorption in great matters.
"Well," said Mr. Blake patiently.
"Well," replied" his friend in despair,
looking about for a moral to adorn his tale
of advice and noting the fierce snowstorm
blowing against the windows. "For in
stance, as you go to the house this after- ,
oon you will be sure to meet some one you
know battling along in the storm on Par
liament' hill, and he is equally sure to say you about the snowfall. That
will be your opportunity. Say Jauntily,
'Oh, that's snow matter,' and see how
amused and pleased he will be."
Mr. Blake laughed, repeated to himself
"That's snow matter" two. or three times,
and his candid friend felt that a beginning
had indeed been made.
Later on Mr. Blake ventured out. As
he - crossed the plateau the snow whirled
about his stalwart form and tossed freez
ing particles into his face all unheeded, for
the statesman was deep in thought. Fi
nally he bumped against a man walking
in the opposite direction. It was a prom
inent member of his party.
"I beg your pardon," gasped the man.
"I didn't see you, Mr. Blake, for the snow
in my eyes. We are having sharp weather,
are we not?"'
"Ohl" said Mr. Blake, rousing and dimly
feeling that this was his cue. "That's'
that's that's immaterial." St. Louis Re
public. , . . i , '
A Lack of Coincidence.
Downer I am glad it is good form not to
wear a watch with a dress suit.
Upper Why t
Downer Because I never have my watch
nd my dress suit at the same time, Life.