The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 14, 1894, Image 4

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    Highest of all in leavening
Economy requires that in ; every ' receipt calling
for baking powder the Royal shall be used. It
will go further and make the food lighter, sweeter,
of finer flavor, more digestible and wholesome.
Sleeping In Lighted Booms.
Among the most pernicious habits of
foolishly tender mothers is that of keeping
a light in the room in which little chil
dren are supposed to be trying to go to
sleep for the night. It is true that there
may be now and then an abnormally timid
or nervous child, for whom a light at such'
time is a necessity, but the vast majority
of infants are readily accustomed to going
to sleep in the dark, and the habit once
formed need not be broken over, unless ill
ness intervenes to overthrow all rules and
routine. Exchange. .
Ovid's Recipe for Wrinkles.
, Take equal parts of bean and barley
meal and mix with raw egg. When tha
mass is thoroughly hard and dry it should
be ground to a fine powder and made into
an ointment with melted tallow and honey.
A thick layer of this applied to the face
every night was warranted to smooth out
all wrinkles and make the skin as soft as a
haby's. Exchange.
It is sold on a guarantee by ail drug-
Kista. It cures Inoipient uonsumpuon
and is the best Cough, and Croup Cure.
diseases are caused by Im
pure or depleted blood. The
blood ought to be pure and
rich. , It is made so by
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil.
Scrofula and Anaemia are
overcome also, and Healthy
Flesh is built up. Physicians,
the world over, endorse it.
Don't be deceived by Substitutes!
Prepare J by Scott & Bowne, N. Y. Ail Druggists.
Bee Supplies.
171 Second Street, , Portland, Or.
Send for catalogue.
And GOPHERS Totally Exterminated by
F. A. Cook St Co., Sole Agents, Portland,
flaltese Cross
Maltese Cross, Ridgewood and Wal
" labout Steam and Water Hose.
All fully guaranteed.
Gutta Percha and Rubber Mfg. Co.,
Established 18SS. Portland, Or.
Only Cheap High-Class
PrI $68; superior to $100 machines. Agents
' wanted in every towti. Uood chaiv e for live
men. Wiiie for particula s a d catalogue
Typewriter Supplies. PACIFIC TYPEWRITER
EXCHANGE, Portland, Or. .
Belting, Packing and Hose, Boots and
Shoes, Rubber and Oil Clothing,
Druggists' Rubber Goods,
Goodyear Rubber Co,
' ' 73 and 75 First St., Portland, Or.
WrHe for catnlogne free.
- w WW V . . w .
IA I ArCrifl TheGreat Curo
forCatarrh,Deafness,Cold8, Sore Throat,
Hoarseness, Heartache, Fetid, Sickening
Breath i Kestoros the Voice, Bonse of
Smell, etc. t rit e 60c. all drug gitts or
mall. K. KVOltY Ss C).,TToes,
lti b.. Jirouklyui K.
strength. Latest U.S. Go?. Food Report
Held Up.
"This highway business is getting so bad
i that something must be done soon," said
; the stout man as he looked over his free
' paper and read of another holdup. "Why,
just the other day my daughter was going
home about 6 o'clock when she was stopped
by a man who said he wanted her money.
She just yelled as loud as she could and
ran. There was no one in sight or hearing,
but the fellow evidently got scared and
quit, and she got home all right."
"That was terrible!" said the lean man,
with the serious face.
"It was for a fact," said the stout man.
"Not a circumstance to a case I saw the
other day," said the lean man, as if he did
not care if the subject were dropped right
there or not. ',
"What's that?" said the stout man.
"Fact. Not half as bad as one I saw the
other day."
"What was it?" asked the stout man as
the gang began to listen. ,
"Well, I hate to tell it, but if you insist
on the story I guess I'll have to tell it brief
ly. It happened in the presence of at least
20 people, and I am sorry to say I was one
of them. A little girl not over 5 years of
age was held up and 10 cents and a child's
car ticket taken from her, and never a soul
to offer an objection."
"Why didn't you get up and do some
thing?" asked the stout man indignantly.
"It was none of my affair," said the lean
man carelessly. . . .
" Where was this?" blurted the stout man,
growing fierce.
' "Oh, on a street car. The little girl's
mother held her up so the conductor could
take the fare."
The stout man collapsed, and the lean
man continued to look as if he was not' in
any way interested in the case. St. Louis
Sign Language Useless.
Jones went out to the deaf and dumb asy
lum on Thursday to inspect the institution.
Upon entering, he encountered a man evi
dently an inmate, and he at once began to
explain to the man by making signs upon
his fingers that he wanted to look through
the place. The man also made signs which
Jones could not comprehend.
Then Jones made other and more elabo
rate motions, 'which set the man at work
with greater violence, and for the next half
hour they stood in the ball gesticulating
and twisting their fingers without either
being able to comprehend what the other
meant. Finally Jones became angry, and
in an outburst of wrath exclaimed:
"Oh, get out, you idiot! I'm tired of
bothering with you." ' t
Thereupon the' man said, "That's just
what I was going to say about you."
"Oh, you can speak, can you? Then why
in thunder didn't you say so and not keep
me standing here motioning to youf I
thought you were deaf and dumb."
"And I thought you were," said the man.
"I came here to inspect the asylum," said
Jones, "and I took you for a patient."
"That's what I came here for, and I
thought you were an attendant," said the
Here Jones and the man shook bands,
hunted up a genuine attendant and went
away happy. After this Jones will always
use bis tongue first, no matter where he is.
Boston Courier.
, Evidently a Foreigner. , ' ' f
"How will you have your hair cut, sabf"
said the talkative barber to the man in the
"Minus conversational prolixity," replied
the patient.
"How's dat,sah?"
"With abbreviated or totally eliminated
narrations." ,
"Guess I don't catch on yit, boss."
"With quiescent mandibulars." '
. "Which?"
"Without effervescent verbosity." -,
"Let diminutive colloquy be conspicuous
by its absence."
The barber scratched bis head thought
fully a second and then went over to the
proprietor of the shop with the whispered
"I dunno whether that man in my chair
is crazy or a foreigner, but I kyant find out
what he wants, so I kyant."
The proprietor went to the waiting cus
tomer and said politely:
"My man doesn't seem to understand you,
Bir. How would you like your hair cut?"
"In silence." '
The proprietor gave a withering look at
)iis journey man, while the latter began work
and felt so utterly crushed that he never
asked the patient if he'd buy a bottle of
hair restorer. Truth.
The Arnerlcan Way.
Several men in an up town hotel recently
were telling of 'dueling experiences they
had had, when It came William H. Sco
vilj's turn. He is a fine looking, modest
man, with mild gray eyes, and resides in
Hudson, N. Y. He spends much of his
time here and is quite popular. His duel
was thrust on him. Traveling from Paris
to Nice in a car, an Insolent young fellow
made himself objectionable to a lady.
Colonel Scovill told the young man that
he had to stop it or be ejected from the car
on the end of a boot. He then sat near
the lady and saw that she was not mo
lested. At Nice he was waited upon by
the seconds of the young man. He inti
mated he did not care to fight, but re
marked that if he saw the young man in
sulting any lady he would kick him. The
next day the seconds called again and said
their principal wanted satisfaction and
gore. The colonel had them bring him
around. "Now, young fellow, put up your
hands, for I am going to thrash you, if I
can," said the colonel. The young fellow
was knocked out, and the colonel remark
ed, "That will teach you not to be inso
lent to ladies." New York Commercial
Advertiser. .
Roby's Sudden Rise to Unenvi
able Notoriety. '
The "Layouts' Outlawed In the Windy
City Weye Taken Across the Indiana State
Line, and Now 10,000 "Sports" Make
Daily Pilgrimages to Koby.
That America possesses a rival to' the
world famous Monte Carlo is perhaps not
generally known. Such is nevertheless
the case, according to the New York Re
corder, though the new courts of the god
dess of fortune are as yet only a few weeks
old. In the little Hoosier town of Roby are
some of the largest gambling establish
ments to be found anywhere within the
United States. It is estimated that no less
than 10,000 persons visit the town daily for
the purpose of playing at some of the games
of chance which are being run without
even a pretense at concealment.
Roby is situated just over the Indiana
line, east of South Chicago. It sprang into
prominence a few years ago by the estab
lishment of a race course which soon be
came one of the most popular near the
Windy, City. With the influx of racing
men and sports came several shining lights
in the pugilistic world. As it was difficult
to arrange anything but rather tame box
ing bouts within the city limits of Chicago,
an athletic club was organized in Roby, and
fistic encounters were of weekly occurrence.
Meeting with success in these ventures, the
Columbian Athletic club, as this organiza
tion was called, erected a colossal arena
about a year ago to accommodate their
large audiences.
The arena was, however, never used. The
sheriff of Lake county, in which Roby is
situated, put an end to both slugging
matches and racing. ' This action practical
ly killed the club. A few weeks' ago Chief
of Police Brennan, acting under the in
structions of Mayor Hopkins, closed every
gambling house in Chicago and has com
pelled them to remain closed ever since.
Several of the gambling fraternity who still
held stock in the Columbian Athletic club
met and decided to move to Roby, opening
establishments there.
In three days no less than 80 "layouts,"
including roulette, faro, keno, craps, hyron
omus, hazard and various other games, were
shipped to Roby and arranged in the arena
of the club. Gamblers who were not mem
bers of the club hastened to secure rooms
and houses in other parts of the town.
The arena is just outside the town limits
on land owned by the club. It is an enor
mous wooden structure, nearly circular in
form and painted a dull brown. One end
is reserved for offices, baths and a few
Bleeping apartments. The remainder of the
building is arranged like a huge amphithe
ater, with tiers of seats around the sides.
In the center of this amphitheater are the
gambling booths. There are no "lookouts"
to be passed before one may enter this
gigantic den. The heavy door swings as
readily for the novice as for the professional
gambler, and no questions are asked so
long as the visitors conduct themselves in
an orderly manner.
Within the little booths or railed inclo
sures are games of faro, roulette, "Old Hy,"
craps, keno, etc. The faro fiends seem to
form the aristocracy of the gamesters, and
the groups around the faro layouts are
smaller and more quiet than those around
the other tables. Many a man has come to
Roby with a sure system to beat the faro
bank and had to borrow car fare to get
back to Chicago. There are no poker tables
in the main ball, but several of the smaller
apartments have been fitted up for the
"great American game."
At this newly modeled Monte Carlo play
begins about 1 o'clock in the afternoon and
continues until the last train leaves for
Chicago, at about 2 o'clock the next morn
ing. The amphitheater and other rooms
are lighted by electricity. Arrangements
are being made for heating them, these fa
cilities being at present lacking. .
But the arena is not thejpnly place where
gambling is carried on in Roby. In fact,
about every third house is now occupied by
members of the sporting fraternity, and
games of all kinds are running. The town
is crowded with sharpers. Fights, fre
quently attended with shooting and stab
bing, are of almost daily occurrence. ' -
For awhile the trains running to and
from Roby were worked by "skin" gam
blers, "three card monte" men, "thimble
riggers" and the like. The railroad com
pany has put a stop to this, however, and
if one of these men dares to show his nose
on board a train he is unceremoniously
ejected by conductor and brakemen. The
"sure thing" gamblers have dowi estab
lished their stands on the road leading from
the town "square" to the arena and keep
the constable busy driving them away. No
sooner do they disappear from one spot,
however, than they bob up in another, and
the game goes merrily on.
Following the example set by a more em
inent divine, a clergyman having a church
in Roby has made an attempt to purify the
moral atmosphere of the town. He started
by dailj visiting the arena and learning
the names of several of the gamblers active
ly engaged in the games conducted there.
He bad them arrested and brought before
"Squire" Merrit on the charge of being
common gamblers. Two or three of the
prisoners were convicted and fined $30 each,
after which they returned to their stands
at the arena and continued' business as be
fore. In retaliation the gamblers swore out a
warrant for the too zealous clergyman, and
he, too, was charged with being a common
gambler. According to the laws of Indi
ana, a common gambler is, among other
things, a person who frequents any place
where gambling is permitted or carried on.
To frequent a place, according to the legal
meaning of the word, is to visit that place
more than once within a space of two years.
The clergyman, having visited the arena
several times within a very few days, was
therefore a common gambler. He was lia
ble as such to a fine, to imprisonment, or
to both. The case, however, was never
pressed, the reverend gentleman having de
listed from bis crusade. -
The Spit Simlte.
. There ia a snake belonging to the
small family causidse, inhabiting Afri
ca, that is said to have the power
of ejecting its venom to a short dis
tance. This snake is called by the
Dutch Boers "spuw slang," or spit
snake. When this snake erects its
teeth, the pressure of the maxillary
bone on the gland causes the venom to
flow in drops, and it may be quite pos
sible that by discharging air from its
mouth the poison may be blown some
distance. But this information and
observation of these Dutchmen may be
taken cum grano salis, or we might
fall into the same errors as the ancient
Munchausen; Pliny the elder. New
York Times.
' A Loophole For Escape.
"Thompson, while bicycling yesterday,
rang for a baby carriage to make way. It
did not, and the baby was killed and he ar
rested." .
"How can he excuse himself ?" "
"He pleaded self defense."
"The dickens!"
"Yes. It turned out the baby was his and
teething." Life. ,
Recognized the Symptoms.
"Who has No. 23?" asked the hotel clerk.
"Mr. Hayseed," replied the boy.
"That accounts for it," said the clerk.
"He has just sent down word that he's got
a bad attack of asthma and wants a doctor.
Run up and turn off the gas." Puck.
Is not yellower than that of an unfortunate in
dividual whoe liver complaint has assumed ihe
chronic form. The eyeballs of the KUfferer as
sume a saffron hue, there is dull pain in the re-
glon of the organ affected, the tongue is coated
reath st ur, sick h adaches usua ly t.ut not al
ways occur, and there is sometimes dizziness on
arising from a sitting posture. Const'pntion
and dyspepsia are also attendants of this very
common ailment, always initsaggr vatedform,
liable to breed abscesses of the liver, wh'Ch are
very dangerous. Hosletter's 8tomaoh Bilters
wholly eradicates it, as well at the troubles
complicated with it and which it originates.
In c hi Is and fever, a complaint wtiich always
yields to the B, tiers, the liver is seriously in
volved. This fine alterative tonio removes cos
tiveness and indigestion, rheumatic, nervouB
and kiduey trouble and debility.
Mrs. Hifli Somehow or other I couldn't help
feeling awfully cheap in my new hat ihis m. rn
lng. Hifli Humphl I'll bet a hundred the hat
wasn't troubled that n ay.
Each year finds "Brown's Bronchial Tro
ches " in new localities in various parts of
the world. For relieving coughs, colds and
throat diseases they have been proved reli
able. Sold only in boxes.
"How Ib this, waiter? There are no oysters
in these shells." 'What can you expect, sir,
when we only charge 10 cents a dozen.
As mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole system
when entering it through the mucous surfaces.
Such art cles should never be used except on
prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is tenfold to the good you
can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh
Cure manufactured by P. J. Cheney & Co., To
ledo, O., con taiusno mercury, and is taken inter
nally, acting d rectly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the sys'em. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine It
is taken iniernaliy and made in Toledo, Ohio,
by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
tW Sold by drugiists; price, 76 cents per
Try Germka for breakfast. ' .
Both the method and results -when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. 8yrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach," prompt in
its action and tmly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c
and $1 bottles by all leading drug
gists. " Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. - Do not accept any
V. P. N. U. No. 539 V. N. 11. No. 616
Self-praise is no recommendation, but
there are times when one must permit a
person to tell the truth about himself.
When what he says is supported by the tes
timony of others no reasonable man will
doubt his word.. Now, to say that Ali
cock's Porous Plasters are the only genu
ine and reliable porous plasters made is not
self-praise in the slightest degree. They
have stood the test for over thirty years,
and in proof of their merits it is only nec
essary to call attention to the c.res they
have effected and to the voluntary testi
monials of those who have used them.
Beware of imitations. Ask for Ai.l
cock's, and let no solicitation induce you
to accept a substitute.
Brandrkth's Pills arrest the progress of
Soak Do you always pay as you go? Fresbby
Always. Soak Why? Freshby Because they
won't let mego without.
One Tuerk Water Motor, new, that will
develop from 10 to 15-horse power; can be
bad at a sacrifice by addressing
Palmer & Ret.
, ; Portland, Or.
Dse Knameline Stove Polish; no dust no smell.
Perfectly Cured of Impure Blood
by Hood's Sarsaparilla
" Our little baby boy is now almos1; two years
old. When he was about six weeks old there
appeared a breaking out on his head and breast.
A doctor said it was scrofula, but his treafment
failed, and we called upon three other physi
cians, who termed it salt rheum or eczema.
Even then he grew worse. A crust would gath
er on his head as thick as a quarter and puff up
with corruption. Then it would come off, tak
ing the hair with it. About three months ago
we resolved to try Hood's 8arsnparila and
Hood's Olive Ointment. To-day we are happy
to say that Burtron is now
Entirely Well.
The sores have all disappeared and his hair is
growing nicely. He has only taken one bottle
of Hood's Sarsaparilla and used one box of Oint
ment. David A. Kino, HarveyvlUe, Kansas.
Hood's PUIS are prompt and efficient, yet
easy in action. Sold by all druggists. 25o.
Is a Baking Powder that leads
all others in purity and leaven
ing power. Ask your grocer for
list of prizes, or write to
, ' Portland, Oi.
February 1 .
15 ,
March 1
" 15
.1 per cent
15 , "
8 "
TOTAL ..65 percent
We have paid to our customers In 76 clays.
Profits paid twice each month; money can be
wunarawn any lime; zu to fi,uw t-au ue mTcawu,
write tor lntormation.
viShhk ak CO . Rnnlinn and Brokers
18 and 90 Broadway, New York.
f equals custom work, costing from
$4 to $5, best value for the money
i In the world. Name and price
lampea on me Dottom. livery
pair warramea. lake no sudsu-
lo. face local papers for full
description of our complete
!L,lincs for ladies and gen-
iim .rijj uemcn or send tor 11-
giving in
structions haw tn nr.
derby mail; Postage free. You can get the best
bargains of dealers who push our shoes.
l-O Dr. Williams' Indian File
Ointment will cure Blind,
rW Bleeding and Itching Pues.
mm It absorbs the tumors, allays
the Itching at once, acts as a poul
tice, elves instant relief. Dr. Will
iams' Indian Pile Ointment Is prepared
Piles ana itching oi tne privaie
nverv box is warraniea. by arug-
. bv mall on receipt of price, 60 cents
Proprietors, Cleveland, Ohio.
Free by Mail
: On receipt of Onb Dollab
A Whole Garden.
.Let us mall you our Illustrated Catalogue whfeb
will tell you all about it. Sunset Seed and Plant
Co. (Sherwood Hall Nursery Co.), 427-9 Bansome
Street, San Francisco. Selected Seeds a specialty
M0C WINCinWC Soothing;
Wot sale by all VrunUta. S& Cents a battle. (
Chickens are easily and successfully
raised by using, the Petal u ma In
cubators and Brooders. Our il
lustrated catalogue tells all about It
Don't buy any but the Petaluma if you want strong, vigorous chicks
We are Pacific Coast Headquartersfor Bone and Clover Cutters, Mark
ers, Books, Caponizing Tools, Fountains, Flood's Roup Cure, Morrit
Poultry Cure, Creosozone the great chicken-lice killer and every other
article required by poultry raisers. 8ee the machines in operation al
our exhibit with the Norwalk Ostrich Farm.'Mid winter Fair, hatching
ostriches and all kinds of rggs. Catalogue free; if you want it, write
, 760 7fi2 754 75fi Main street. Petolmna, Oal. .
M. W. 80OTT, Esq.. of the U. S. Marshall's
Office, Atlanta, Go., writes: "For many
?ears my wife has been a constant sufferer
rom indigestion, sick headache, nervous pros
tration and all other complaints that the fe
male sex is heir to, and, after trying many
remeaies anu uuciiira
with but little or no re
lief, I persuaded her to
try Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription and 'Gold
en Medical Discovery.'
She was so out of heart,
she returned the answer
that it would be like
all the rest of no good;
but on my account, she
said she would try it, so
I got one bottle each:
and before she had used
half of a bottle she felt
that it was benefiting
Mrs. Scott.
her, and Bhe has continued to improve ever
since, and now thinks it the most wonderful
remedy on earth for her sex, and recommends
it to all suffering females. She has not been
so well In ten years. ......
I write this without any solicitation and
with a free, good will, so that you may let all
who may suffer know what it has done for
her." Sold by medicine dealers everywhere.
Abreastofthe Timet.
Jguranaisaucaior. -
Successor of the
should own this
Dictionary. It an
swers all questions
concerning the his
tory, spelling, pro
nunciation, and
meaning of words.
Itself, it also
gives the often de
sired information
concerning eminent persons ; facts concern
ing the countries, cities, towns, and nat
ural features of the globe ; particulars con
cerning noted fictitious persons and places ;
translation of foreign quotations. It is in
valuable in the home, office, study, and
schoolroom. -
The One Great Standard Anthority.
Hon. B. J. Brewer, Justice of U. S. Supreme
Court, writB : " The International Dictionary is
the perfection of dictionaries. I commend it to
all as the one great standard authority."
Sold by All Booksellers.
G. & C. Merriam Co.
Springfield, Mass.
pmnctPrfnSoiPanSj DICXIONflRY
BSP-Sencl for free prospectus.
The 2-ton Aermotor Steel Truck weighs 175 pounds, has 16 inch
wheels with 2-inch face. When three of the wheels are on the
door, the other end one is about 1 inches from the floor, thus
enabling it to swivel easily. The body is 28 inches wide by 50
inches long. A bottom board easily put in to make the bot
10m tiftht. If stakes are required, narrow boards can be put in
glanting over the outer rail and under the inner one; or, if wide
boards are uswi, they will practically make side boards. By
making these stakes long enough and putting in end ones in
flie same way bulky material may be handhtd.
We are making this offer to show a sample of our work. We
want to show how nice a thing we can make, and how reckless
we are in the matter of pneoa. This Steel Truck is furnished at
3.60 cash (2 cents per pound), and 2 copies of advertisement -Ko.
4, as per conditions named in Mo. 4. This is adv. Ho. 6.
, . FOR ','
and : ;. : :-A ,; :
Regulator of theLiverand Kidneys
Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum, Neuralgia
. And AH Otber Blood and Skin Diseases.
It Is a positive cure for all those painful, deli
cate complaints and complicated troubles and
weaknesses common among our wives, mothers
and daughters.
The effect is immediate and lasting. Two or
three doses of Dr. Pardee's Remedy taken dally
keeps the blood cool, the liver and kidneys act
ive, and will entirely eradicate from the system
all traces of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, or any other
form of blood disease. .
No medicine ever introduced in this country
has met with such ready sale, nor given such
universal satisfaction whenever used as that oi
Pb. Pardee's Remedy.
This remedy has been Used in the hospitals
throughout the old world for the past twenty-"
live years as a specific for the above diseases,
and it has and will cure when all other so-called
remedies fail.
Send for pamphlet of testimonials from those
who have been cured by its use. . Druggists sell
it at $1.00 per bottle. Try it and be convinced.
For sale by
9 and II Front St., San Francisco.
PositlT ly Cured with Vegetable Remedial
Have ourad thousands of oases. Cure cases pro
aounoed hopeless by best physicians. From nrstdoH
irmptoms disappear: In ten dayiatleast two-thirdi
Ml symptoms removed. Send for free book testimo
nials of miraculous cures. Ten Jays' treatment
tree by mail. If yon order trial, Bend 10c. in stamps
or pay postage. Dr. H.H.G-rebn Sons, Atlantic.
If you ordertrlal return this advertisement, to as.
to35 per week; parties preerred
who can furnish a horse and travel through the
country; a team, though, is not necessary; a few
vacancies in towns and cities; spare hours may
be used to good advantage. B. F. Johnson s
Co., 11th and Main streets, Richmond, Va.
Consumptives and people
who have weak lungs or Asth
ma, shonld use Piso's Cure for
Consumption. It has cored
thousands. It has not injur
ed one. II is not bad to take.
It is the best eough syrup.
Bold everywhere. Sac -
Tin t J r n
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