The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 24, 1894, Image 1

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. It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. v
Sfood Iiver Slacier.
The Glacier Publishing Company.
One year. ,
Six month. '
Three monthi...
Buttle oopjr
....f2 00
1 or
t Cent
Grant Evans, Propr.
Second St., near Oak. . ;. Hood River, Or.
Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly done.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. -
Only a Small Portion of the Northern
Faciflo Grant Affected by the Recent
Decision Santa Fe Makes a Move
Bear Valley Irrigation Company,
Redlands, Cal. The recent appoint
ment of new receivers for the Bear Val
ley Irrigation Company is a result of an
agreement between the European cred
itors and stockholders on a basis which
will leave a fair percentage to stockhold
ers. It is claimed they will get fully 25
per cent of the investment ana the com
pany will be able to resume business
within sixty days, fully reorganized.
The Decision Revokes the Probate and
I . , Distributes the Estate.
Oakland, Cal. A decision was ren
dered in the Murphy will case, holding
that the testator was able to make a will,
but that the priority of the two wills
could not be determined, and therefore
could not be probated. S. P. Hall, one
of the attorneys for the contestants,
said : " The decision is a victory for the
contestants.- -Our object was to secure a
revocation of ' the probate of the will,
and we have succeeded. The decision
revokes the will in effect declares it in
valid, and as a result the estate will be
distributed under the law of succession
that is, to all the children equally.
The estate is worth about $600,000, and
by the will went to the three daughters,
but under the- decision will be divided
equally among the seven children."
Papers on File That May Materially Af
fect the Appraised Value.
San Fbancisco. Papers are on file
with the County Clerk which may ma
terially affect the appraised value of the
state of the late Senator Stanford. The
appraisement made of record two months
ago placed the value of the property at
$17,688,319. Mrs. Stanford has now riled
. a report showing that much property of
the deceased Senator has never come
into her possession, having been pledged
with various banks as security for prom
issory notes, and other obligations. The
latter report of his widow in her capac
ity as executrix shows that claims pre
sented against the estate up to January
last aggregate the enormous sum of $2,
578,891.09. It also appears that the list
' given in the report may not yet be com
plete, as the time for the presentation of
claims will not expire till May 27. Up
to the middle of January Mrs. Stanford
under order of the court had paid debts
of her husband aggregating $99,498.73,
and had registered claims which foot up
the handsome sum of $99,295.30. The
rejected claims may yet be made the
subject of civil suit, so that the action
of the executrix cannot be considered as
:final. ' ,
Only a Small Portion Affected by the
' Recent Decision.
TACOMA.-T-Paul Schulze, Assistant Gen
eral Manager of the Northern Pacific
Land Company, when shown the report
that the decision of the United States
' Supreme Court threw open lands claimed
by the company between Tacoma and
Portland as sent out from Washington,
D. C., said: "The question of the va-
. lidity of the land grant to the company
- between Tacoma and Portland was not
at all involved in this case. The ques
tion involved was whether the grant of
fche Northern Pacific Company for the
JPaciflc division was of prior date to that
tto the Oregon Central Railroad Compa
my, and the lands in this State involved
' : :in this decision are confined to a narrow
strip along the Columbia river in Clarke,
Cowlitz and Wahkiakum counties that
' is, lying within the overlapping limits of
the grants to the Northern Pacific Rail
road Company and the Oregon Central
, . Railroad Company. Incidentally title
. to some other tracts will be affected by
this decision, but only in so far as the
decision will fix the date when the
Northern Pacific grant took effect. For
'.' the information of those who think the
company has no grant between Tacoma
and Portland I may state that we recently
received patents for 85,000 acres of land
an indemnity limitB of the Pacific divi
sion andfor 147,000 acres within the
place limits between Tacoma and Ka
lam a."
Senator Dolph's bill- ratifying the
agreement with the Siletz Indians and
ceding the unallotted lands to the gov
ernment, to be thrown open for settle
ment, has passed the Senate. The ceded
lands will be sold at $1.50 per acre.
Representative Outhwaite of Ohio,
Chairman of the House Committee on
Military Affairs, has introduced a bill to
reorganize the artillery and infantry of
the army. The plan provides for a corps
of artillery and two regiments of mount
ed field artillery.
President Cleveland has promised to
review the Knights of Pythias at their
triennial encampment in Washington
next August, and General Schotield has
consented to inspect the Knights. This
1b the first time the President and the
commanding General of the army have
so honored-similar organizations. '
Thanks to the sense of equity of the
Mexican government, the State Depart
ment has at last succeeded in adjusting
and providing for a settlement of the
claim of Mrs. Janet L. Baldwin of San
Francisco for killing her husband in
Mexico about six years ago. Baldwin
was a miner, and was killed by outlaws
while on his way to his claim. Although
a nation can scarcely be held account
able for such acts, provided that due
diligence was used to keep the peace and
to protect the lives of BOjourning for
eigners, , the Department of State has
succeeded in impressing the Mexican
government with the belief that the
claim of the widow is a just and equita
ble one, although the amount of allow
ance will probably be reduced from $100,-
000, originally claimed, to one-fourth the
The claim of the Northern Pacific to
control of the tide lands and harbor line
along its land grants in Washington near
Tacoma was denied in a decision by the
Supreme Uourt in the case of rrosser
and others vs. the Northern Pacific. Jus
tice Gray also- delivered this opinion
He held the question to be whether the
charter giving the .land grants to the
railroad authorized it to monopolize the
harbor. The court held that every State
has the right to define its harbor lines
and regulate buildings upon them, since
a general system was necessary, and that
private parties could not be permitted to
control portions oi the lines. The in
junction against the Harbor Commis-
sieners asked for was denied as against
public policy. The lower court was
therefore sustained and the suit dis
missed. , ,
The Committee on Interstate and For
eign Commerce has reported a bill to
license and classify by the boards of lo
cal inspectors the second and third mates
of sea-going passenger steamers. The
bill-also wakes it .unlawful to employ
any person as second or third mate on
Buch vessel who is not licensed. The
penalty for so doing is a fine of $100.
rne inspectors are compelled to grant a
license for one year to any person of
good character who shall give satisfac
tory evidence of the knowledge, experi
ence and skill necessary in loading cargo,
handling and stowing freight and in
navigating such vessels. These licenses
will be revoked or suspended upon satis
factory proof of bad conduct, intemper
ate habits, unskillfulnesB, want of knowl
edge of the duties of his station or will
ful violation of any law regulating steam
vessels. This bill has received the in
dorsement of the entire committee.
Senator White has introduced a bill
to extend the mineral land laws of the
United States to lands embraced within
reservations created by Presidential
proclamations for the purpose that no
lands on any such reservation shall be
open to mineral entry that are being ac
tually used or occupied by any one tor
beneficial purposes, or that are more
valuable for agricultural than for min
eral purposes. Grants of right of way
for canals, ditches, etc., provided for by
the terms of sections 18, 19, 20 and 21
under the act to repeal timber culture
laws are hereby extended so as to in
clude the right of way for poles and
wires for the transmission of electric
power created by water power. 1 No such
site for the location of a power-house
shall include more than ten acres. Rep
resentative Bowers has introduced the
same bill in the House. Bowers said
that the object in introducing this bill
was twofold. First, for instance, applied
to the great San Bernardino forest res
ervation, it would prevent this great
tract lying idle; second, there are a
large number of mountain streams going
down into the valley, and the proposi
tion is to use tne water to develop elec
trical power. - 4
The report of the Committee on Post-
offices, submitted to the House with the
postoihee appropriation bill, shows the
bill carries a total appropriation of $87,-
470,599, or about $3,000,000 less than the
department estimates and a like amount
more than tne appropriation ior tne cur
rent year. The estimated postal revenue
for the fiscal year of 1895 is $84,427,748.
The bill cuts the estimates of $17,250,
000 for compensation of postmasters to
$16,000,000; for clerks' salaries the full
id. 700.000 asked is approDriated : for
compensation of railroads the amount is
cut from $26,900,000 to $25,500,000. A
saving of $967,923 has been made by cut
ting oil the following ocean mail contract
routes : Galveston to La Guayara, San
Francisco to Panama, New York to Ant
werp, New York to Buenos Ayres, New
York to Rio de Janeiro. Dissenting
views are reported by Kyle of Mississippi
and Loud of California from the recom
mendation to appropriate $196,614 for
pecial mail facilities on the trunk lines.
They argue that the principle which al
lows the government to discriminate in
favor of individual enterprises is unjust
and demoralizing to the system; that
Postmaster-General Bissell does not rec
ommend a continuance, but shows in his
report that railroads that were previous
ly beneficiaries of the fund and are not
receiving it are rendering as good serv
ice as before. They assert that no Postmaster-General
has recommended an
appropriation of that character, and cite
Postmasters-General Dickinson and Wa
namaker against it.
President Cleveland Will Adopt a Vigor
ous, Unmistakable Policy in Regard
( to Asserting Onr Rights in Central
America His Second Letter.
Mandergon's Army Bill.
Washington. Senator Manderson has
introduced a bill in the Senate to regu
late appointments and promotions in the
marine corps. It provides that the ad
jutant . and inspector, paymaster and
quartermaster of the corps after thirty
five years' service shall have the rank of
Lieutenant-Colonel and after fortyTfive
years' service, when retired, the rank
and pay of retired Colonel. Appoint
ments to fill vacancies in the offices of
adjutant and inspector and paymaster
shall be made by selection from the line
officers on the active list who have served
twenty years or more.
Progress of the Reorganization of the
Nicaragua Canl Company.
New York. So far 105,000 shares of
the 117,000 Nicaragua canal construction
stock have been deposited with the Cen
tral Trust Company under the reorgani
zation plan, and assignments of about
.(ma .will i l rj mu:J 1
44u,uuu nave ueeu paiu ixi. xuia ittttvtre
in the hands of the committee a block
of stock which has not paid the assess
ments, ana which the committee pro
poses to sell at $10 a share, limiting its
sale, however, to the assenting stock
holders. This is more than enough to
pay the floating debt and leave the new
company with a working cash balance
besides. The new company will have in
the treasury $6,000,000 of the construc
tion stock surrendered and about $14,
000,000 of the maritime securities carried
over from the old company. - .
The Forestry Congress.
Albany, N. Y. At the session of the
Forestry Congress reports on State forest
interests were submitted from a number
of States by their delegates. R. U. John
son of California made an address on
the methods in vogue in California in
the matter of forestry reform. He of
fered a resolution that the convention
regarded with approval the national pol
icy of forest reservation inaugurated by
President Harrison and continued by
President Cleveland ; that it urged the
reservation of other Western lands ; that
it indorsed the McRae bill introduced
with that end in view, and urged that a
careful study and investigation of the
subject was not only desiraole, but nec
essary. The resolution was adopted.
Intention of the President to Adopt a
Vigorous, Unmistakable Policy.
Washington. The President has
turned over to the Secretary of State the
preparation of the answer to Morgan's
resolution calling for information rela
tive to the landing of the British troops
at iJluehelds, .Nicaragua. JNo additional
advices from JNicaragua were given out
at the State Department, but there is
reason to believe the President is pre
paring for a vigorous and unmistakable
assertion of the rights of the United
States in Central America, and that the
correspondence will include matters of
later date than the brief report from
Minister Baker of the landing of the
British troops. It is still hoped the con
ditions have been misstated, and that
the troops were landed solely to protect
the lives and property of British sub
jects instead of for the purpose of inter-
ering between .Nicaragua and the Mos
quito government. But there is no dis
position to disguise, the real gravity of
the incident, for, although the British
have often talked of their rights of pro
tectorate and have even threatened, it
has never in this century come to pass
that British troops have actually landed
in Central America since the assertion
of the Monroe doctrine to assert a pro
tectorate. ,
A Strong Sentiment in Favor of Its Con
struction at Washington.
Washington. Much interest is ex
pressed at the capital concerning the
ne b from Australia that the authorities
th re are moving to secure cable con
nection with the United Stater. The
importance of this has been emphasized
by occurrences the past year in Hawaii.
There is now a proposition before Con
gress looking to the establishment of
such a line, but Morgan, Chairman of
the Senate Committee on Foreign Rela
tions, said he had no doubt this govern
ment would be willing to co-operate with
the Australian authorities in an effort in
this direction. He said further: "I
expect to see the Pacific Ocean bisected
with a cable. A line has been surveyed
from our Western coast to Hawaii and
found perfectly feasible, and there is
little doubt that the conditions beyond
are likewise good. A cable, such as is
proposed, would be of great advantage
to our commerce, we ought to lose no
opportunity to control the business of
the racinc, and it we would take trie
proper steps, we would secure the rap
idly increasing trade of China and
India, as well as that of the Pacific Isl
ands." He advanced the idea that the
tariff bill ought to be so framed as to
discriminate in favor of those countries
and others issuing Bilver money, and
thought if this was done, with the Nica
ragua canal built and a cable construct
ed, the United States would soon be able
to take the bulk ot the trade ot those
countries from Europe. Sherman coin
cided with Morgan as to the desirability
of a Pacific cable, but said the unsettled
condition of affairs in Hawaii might
have the effect of delaying its construction.
Some of Walla Walla's streets have
never been named.
Chehalis county paid out about
000 for roads in 1893. . .
A project is on foot to construct a small
smelter a.t Hamilton.
- A fruit growers' association is being
orgamzea at WaitsDurg.
The long-distance telephone is to be
extended to Monte Cristo.
Reform has cut down Port Townsend's
annual budget some $3,000.
A plank road costing $6,000 is to be
built across the big Snohomish marsh
Tacoma brewers are drying out and
making merchantable a good . deal of
wheat. ', '
lvThe early-closing agreement at Walla
w ana is enforced with a clause forfeit
ing $25.. . ,
A sample invoice of a ton of the South
Bend tannin extract has been sent to
The Fairhaven Chamber of Commerce
is forwarding resolutions for the pilot
chart to Washington.
The Whatcom Agricultural Association
is agitating the subject of a fruit can
nery and a county fair.
'The Vancouver creamery is turning
out 1,500 pounds of butter per week.
and cannot supply the demand. -
The Supreme Court has affirmed the
decision of Judge Pritchard of Tacoma
that an individual cannot garnishee : a
A citizens' league has been formed in
Port Townsend, which guarantees to re
duce city expenses $15,000 annually if
given control of affairs. ,
Ernest Slim, the Tacoma opium smug
gler, gets off with four months at Mc
Neil's Island. His friends will make up
his $100 fine among them.
Thomas Canboy, the principal witness
in the Manville murder case, has been
put under $1,000 bonds at Olympia on
the charge of having perjured himself
in his testimony at the trial. 1
- The output of the Gray's Harbor lum
ber mills for 1893 is figured by the Ho
quiam Washingtonian at 72.700.000 feet.
There are at present on the harbor about
40,000,000 of logs uncut, all except 7,000,
000 of which have been sold.
The taxes paid to the Klickitat County
ireasurer ior tne months ot January and
February amount to $15,170, or about
one-third of the total for the current tax
year. This is considered a good showing
unaer existing circumstances.
The Interstate Fair matter at Tacoma
is moving along smoothly. The com
mittee appointed recently report that
they are meeting with success in their
collecting trip, and express themselves
confident of raising the money.
The suit of Elizabeth Davis against
the Northern Pacific Coal Company for
$30,000 damages for the death of her
husband by an explosion in the Roslyn
mine was decided in the Federal Uourt
in Tacoma by a verdict for the defend
General Otis will make a tour of the
different army posts in the department
of the Columbia in about six weeks. He
will visit Boise Barracks and make a re
port on the advisability of abandoning
that post, which General Schofield has
recommended. .
There is a good deal of scab among the
sneep Danas of Xj&kq county.
Grant's Pass Odd Fellows have sold
the Council a site for a city hall, to be
erected in the spring.
The output of gold in Jackson and Jo
sephine counties last year is put at $1
000,000, and the indications .are better
for this year.
' In the Lakeview land district there
are 2,221,000 acres of unsurveyed lands.
not including Indian reservations, and
zo,uuo acres are in .Lane county.
U. ri. JJeWitt of Harney county is
taking an eight-legged calf to the Mid
winter Fair. The calf, a heifer, is finely
developed, with two organs of genera
tion, same sex ; one head and eight legs :
calved near Harney, and died despite
great care given it Dy tne owner.
The Secretary of War has approved
the plans for the railway bridge across
Young's Bay. ' Mayor Kinney of Astoria
has received the following dispatch from
Senator Mitchell: "Everything all
right. Duplicate license papers are be
ing prepared in the department author
izing the bridge. They will be forwarded
M. XV ' ' UJ ff ....
Seven miles of the Bailey irrigation
ditch have been already completed and
600 feet of the flume built. The latter
will be 2,100 feet in length and the ditch
twenty-two miles. As soon as the flume
is done it is intended to turn in the wa
ter, causing it to follow as fast as work
on the canal progresses. . A dam was
constructed above the point where the
water is diverted from the Umatilla.
river and the flume put down to the bot
tom of the channel. The prospect is
sure for an abundant flow of water along;
the canals of the company. In three
weeks the water will be turned in.
The question of ratifying the contract
made by the 1 Modoc and Klamath In
dian tripes and the Yahoo band of Snake
Indians of Ureeon and their agents
pending action by the Interior Depart
ment. The contract stipulates for serv
ices to be rendered by the latter in pros
ecuting the claims of the Indians against
the United States arising from an al
leged error in the survey of the out
boundaries of the Klamath reservation
in Oregon. It is provided that one agent
be given a commission of 12 per cent of
lands which are valued at $200,000 to
$400,000. Commissioner of Indian Af
fairs Browning recently recommended a
reduction of the commission to 6 per
cent. The out boundaries were estab
lished by a survey made in 1871, and as
a result of the contention which once
threatened to end in a serious conflict
between the Indians and the settlers the
Commissioner recommended a resurvey.
The case will be decided soon. i
Portuguese and British Have a Fight In
Africa Count Herbert Bismarck In
terrogates a Member of the Reichs
tagNo Exposition for Rome. '(
Romk. The Chamber of Deputies ieT
jected a bill providing that an interna
tional exhibition be held in Rome in
' Passed in Committee.'
. Beblin. The Reichstag Committee
has passed the Russo-German commer
cial treaty by a vote of 16 to 12.
Dr. Miguel Will Not Resign. v .
Bbelin. Dr. Miguel, Prussian Minis
ter of Finance, emphatically denies the
report that he intends resigning from
the office. .
The Spanish Cabinet Resigns. -.
Madbid. The Cabinet has resigned,
and the Queen Regent has charged Prem
ier Sagasta with the work of reconstruct
ing the Ministry. The Cabinet resigned
after an exciting sitting, which lasted
seven hours, and which revealed the fact
that a serious divergence of opinion ex
isted among the members on the pro
posed economic and colonial reforms.
Riots of Students in Paris.
Paris, The lecture of M. Ferdinand
Brunetiere at Sarbonne was listened to
without any disturbance. After Brune
tiere closed his remarks, however, the
medical and scientific students made an
attack upon ths literary students, and
several sharp conflicts followed, finally
the medical students crossed the bridges
and made a manifestation in front of the
offices of the Figaro. It looked as if the
students would make an attack upon the
t igaro offices, but a strong force of poi
lice hurried to the spot, and the students
were driven back to the Latin quarter,
Portuguese and British Have a Fight on
: the Zambesi River.
Post Natal, Africa. A serious en
counter between Portuguese troops and
British sailors has occurred near Tete on
the Zambesi. British parties construct
ing a telegraph line between the British
sphere and Tete, the capital ot a rortu
guese government, have recently been
greatly obstructed by the Portuguese,
and finally Commander Carr of the Brit
ish gunboat Mosquito was sent up the
river to protect the workmen. The Mos
quito landed a party, and they were
promptly fired upon by the Portuguese,
The sailors returned the fire, but with
what result the reports do not state.
The latest reports are Governor-General
Lopez de Mendonic has sent from Quili-
mane, the capital of the Portuguese dis
trict in Mozambique, two Portuguese
gunboats and a strong force of troops,
It is understood that the British com
mander in charge of the telegraph icon-
struction party has also asked that rein
forcements be sent to him immediately
They May be Entirely Expelled
the Republic of Mexico.
Hidalgo. The expulsion of the Jesu
its from Mexico is causing much serious
thought among those having the welfare
of the Republic at heart. The first blow
was struck by the expulsion of the Jes
uits in a college of this city by Bishop
Montes de Oca, and the Jesuits are out
of power in San Luis Potosi and have
been ordered to leave at once. Bishop
de Oca has assigned no official reason for
the action. Matters have been in an
ominous state many months. Many ef
forts have been made to bring peace
again in the divided ranks of Catholi
cism, but have been unavailing. Just
how this will affect the Jesuits and their
interests in the remainder of Mexico is
hard to foretell. It is freely predicted
that it is the beginning of the trouble,
and that this is the first outbreak of a
deeply seated growing opposition to; Jes
uit domination, which is felt in all parts
of the Republic. It is thought the action
of Bishop de Oca will be the sign for an
uprising in many parts of the country
against the'Jesuits, and that if they are
not expelled from the Republic they wili
at least be shorn of a large part of their
power. :
Upon It Was Founded Report of Possible
Russo-German War. '
Berlin. The committee in the Reichs
tag having in charge the German-Russian
treaty rejected the amendment of
fered by the Conservatives, limiting to
one year the time when either party to
the convention shall be entitled to one
year's notice of its abrogation, by a vote
of 15 to 10. The committee then adopted
a number of articles, including that fix
ing the term of duration ot the treaty at
ten years, as originally proposed. Count
Herbert Bismarck in the regular session
of the Beichstag demanded of Count
von Doenhoff (Conservative) an expla
nation of the Tageblatt's statement, al
leged to have been made on his (Doen-
hotrs) authority, that frince .Bismarck
had declared that the rejection of the
treaty would inevitably be followed by a
Russo-German war. Count von Doenhoff
admitted that he did not speak with the
authority of Prince Bismarck, but that
he had based his statement merely upon
hearsay. He had learned, he said, that
Herr Krupp had heard Dr. Schweininger
say that he had heard Prince Bismarck
make a statement to the effect that the
rejection of the Russo-German treaty
would be followed by a Russo-German
Aside from the wonderful interest
which is being created by the variety
knd general character of the exhibits at
the California Midwinter International
Exposition, that enterprise is beginning
to take fast hold on the minds of those
Who visit it as a fountain of pleasure.
The experience at the Chicago Exposi
tion, more perhaps than at any exposi
tion which preceded the Columbian
World's Fair, taught those who get up
enterprises of this kind that the element
6f entertainment must be largely catered
t0 -- - -- - - - r- - . -
It has been found out that in order to
draw the biggest crowds to the exposi
tion, special programmes of entertain
ment must b"e provided, and to that end
the idea of observances tinder the aus
pices of representatives of different
states and different organizations, fra
ternal or otherwise, has been "worked, "
to use the vernacular, for all it is worth.
The first state day, that celebrated un
der the auspices of the Vermont Society
of the Pacific Coast, was such a decided
success that the commissioners for other,
states are now vising with each other to
surpass the record made by Vermont
day on Saturday, March 8. The.Ver
monters had an advantage in securing
the presence of their home governor,
Hon. Levi K. Fuller, who came on
across the continent especially for this
occasion, and who is now doing the
glorious climate to the best of his
ability. . -
The next great state day is Michigan
day, which" comes on Monday, March 12.
The Michiganders are also-fortunate in
having a prominent representative of
their state to make a lion of. General
Russell A. Alger, famous soldier, leader
in Grand Army circles, a possibility in
the way of presidential timber, is now
here in San Francisco, and has planned
his itinerary so as to be here on Michi
gan day. General Alger will be the
orator of the occasion, and around him
will center some very interesting cele
brations. The Grand Army element of '
San Francisco recognize him as a leader,
and the military order of the Loyal
Legion will unite with others to do him
honor on this occasion. Grand prepar
ations are being made for the celebra
tion of St. Patrick's Day, which comes
next week as well, and so there will be
coming along one after the other during
the entire term of the exposition special
fete days and grand gala occasions
which which will keep the fair, from
becoming : monotonous, and which Is
sure to roll up the gate receipts in a
very satisfactory manner. . r
One of the most prominent features of
these special occasions is the grand dis
play of Pain's fireworks which is made
in every instance, and which is a de
cided novelty on the Pacifio Coast.
Heretofore, pyrotechnics have not been
indulged in on such an elaborate scale,
and the eyes of those who have never
been east of the Rocky mountains have
been literally opened by the displays
thus far made by the wonderful work
of the' Pai company. These displays
are varied on each succeeding occasion,
and are made local to the state or the
organization under whose auspices the
special observitnce is being conducted.
In this way the pictnre of Vermont's
governor was presented in fire, and the
coat of anus of the Green Mountain
state also had a place on the programme.
Ueneral Alger's portrait will play a part
on March 12, and Michigan's coat of
arms will take its turn. True it is that
everybody is kept in excellent good
humor and made to feel that special
days are something more than a mere
name in this connection.
But perhaps the most wonderful of all
the successful efforts which the exposi
tion management has made to please the
public is to be found in the great Bonet
steel tower, which occupies a central
position in the grand court, and which
has excited the wonder and admiration
of all beholders. This tower is built on
the model of the great Eiffel tower of
Pans and reaches a height of 273 feet.
On its summit is an immense search
light, the largest of the great search
lights which were used at the Colum
bian exposition. But it is the electric
illumination of the body of this tower
from base to summit that makes it so
remarkable a show piece. Nothing of
the kind has ever before been attempted
in the history of expositions. The Eiffel
tower was not illuminated in this way.
Not only are the outlines cut out against
the blackness of the night in lines of in
candescent lights, but the sides of the
tower are resplendent with electric rep
resentations of beautiful rosettes, of the
shield of California, of the coat of arms
of this great' empire state, and of the
typical grizzly of the Rockies. All
these are brought out in vivid colors and
the effect is one that cannot be easily
described. . , The tower is in reality a
pillar of fire by night, and can be seen
for miles . around San Francisco, and
from far out on the Pacifio beyond the
Golden Gate. .
This wonderful tower is very popular
by May, as well as be night, for its elec
tric elevator carries thousands daily to
the upper of the three galleries which 1
lurround it, and from this point of van
tage can be obtained the best possible
view of the exposition and its surround
ings. No more beautiful birdseye view
can be imagined anywhere on the face
of God's green earth than this view
from the top of the Bonot steel tower.
Strangers from abroad stand as long as
the guards will let them, drinking in
the beauty of the scene, and again and
again they ascend the lofty outlook and
seem never to tire of the experianca.