The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 17, 1894, Image 2

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    3qgcI Iiver (Slacier.
HOOD EIVER, OR. MAR. 17, 1S94,
.... , t- ,. .
Politics are growing more interesting
as . tbe conventions draw nigh.
."Whether the populists will place a
couuty tickt iu the race, or not, re
, .mains to be seen. At present iiamta
of those desirous of going to tlie kjgialn
ture are not mentioned, but for the
-county offices,' the candidates are
vowing out rapidly. On the republi
can ticket, Kelsey, Haight, Sexton,
Phillips and some others are named for
sheriff while the democratic aspirants
.are ' Phirman, Morse -and Kowler.
George Ruch, Chandler, Burget and
.Huntington, would like to face any
democrat for clerk, and Ed Martin the
present deputy is probably that man,
(though several dark horses are ready to
. make the run. It is generally conced
ed that the county coiumitaioiier
should come from .west of The Dalles,
and Captain A. 8. Blowers is mention
for the place to match some democrat
.yet unknown. ' For assessor neither
party has produced a candidate, every
body realizing that tbe lust assessment
ought to last all of us a life time. The
.republican primaries will he held on
the 28th and the democratic two weeks
i'rom today.
Senator Sherman of Ohio is not now
advocating an income tax. He is now
aid to be worth $2,000,000, saved from
his salary. Iu 1870 "Honest John"
was of different opinion. In the sen
ate then he said: "There has been t
.great deal of clamor against the Income
tax. It is tbe tame clamor Unit in
duced the parliament of England in
1816 and 1817 to repeal the Income tax
When a little colloquy occurred here
the other dav between the honorable
senator from California (Mr. Casserly)
And myself on the subject,' I told him
that when the proper time came
' Mi iu 1 , r waa Cilia.
tained by principal, writers on political
economy, by the experience of Great
Britain, and that it is just, and the
most just and equitable tax that is now
levied by the Uuited States ef America,
-without exception. I propose to innke
good that promise." To which we de
aire to add that a careful pei aa) of his
speech will convince almost any one
that he kept that promise. 7
The revolution in Brazil is ended.
De Gama Monday abandoned his own
ship and took refuge In a V'Portiisese
man of war." It was the bloodiest
revolution ever fought to a glorious
close in the newspapers of America
De Gama was struck in the side by a
dinner plate last winter, and the heav
iest gun of the insurgeuts his mouth
'lias been spiked ever since. The revolt
cos, the United States ten thousand
gallons of printer's ink, and the Bra
jslllans some awfully hard feelings to
wards each other. .
We received Wednesday a communl
cation from Mt. Hood with the above
caption. Tbe article did not bear the
author's signature, and hence went in to
the waste basket. Ever since newspa
pers were published, editors have week
after week published notices that all
commtinications must be signed, but it
seerns impossible to make the public
understand it. We do not want the
author's name for publication, but that
we may know who is the responsible
There is mention of Hon. C. W.
Pulton of Astoria as a possible candi
date for congress in this district. It
might as well be understood by our val
ley friends that one congressman and
two senators from Western Oregon is
supposed to fill her. quota, and that
.Eastern Oregon will Insist on keeplug
.Ellis or naming his successor. Mr,
1'ulton has the ability to fill any office
in the gift of the people of Oregon, but
for congress he is short in geography.
If honest Phil Metschan expects to
succeed himself he bad better get the
state money out of the Merchants Nat
ional bank in Portland and into the
state treasury. This thiug of lending
money to a Shylock institution like
tbe bauk alluded to, ' while state war
ranis are indorsed by the state treasur
er; "presented and not paid for lack of
funds," is decidedly ancient. It will
swamp Phil Metschan or any other
man who connives at it.
Most of our citizens received a postal
card from the sheriff within the past
week, stating that the happy recip
ient's taxes were so much, and that tbe
fume would be delinquent April 1st.
The amounts, of course, included the
special school tax, but even then, in
some cases it was a stunner. There is
much complaint about the inequality
of tbe assessment, and it really appeals
to have been made by guess, regardless
of properly.. 1
Senator White of California is a dem
ocrat with republican ideas, while Sen
ator David B. Hill of New York is a
democrat who advocates : republican
measures. ' White wants a tariff on
prunes and Hill wants free trade in in
comes. 1 If these be democrats, it is
time that party throws up its hands
and cries "Save me from my friends!"
According , itQ ' the Oreffonkin,' the
taxes in Multnomah county are being
paid in an ' unprecedented inauner.
That paper, with its usual sapiency re
marks that "(lines are so hard that the
tax payers have more money than they
know What to do with, and hence blow
it m for taxes. Shades of the immor
tal Dogberry ! From what depths abys
mal . was tluit prolunctily , evolved?
Hcie we arc all too hard pushed to pay
tuxets while our Portland brethren are
also so hard pushed that they fliiid it a
source, of joy to pay . their taxes, and
this, too iu the face of the fierce threat
of our big contempoaary a few weeks
ago, that Multnomah would secede if
her assessment was not reduced. It is
fortunate that hard times ' came, and
iso'madethe hearts of the taxpayers
bubble over with joy' as they warbled
up to the sherlil's ottk-e with their exu
berance of coin; and at the same time,
saved Multnomah to the common
wealth of Oregon. If any of our read
ers cannot understand this peculiar re
sult of hard times, let liim or her drop
a nickel in the Oregonian slot, and get
an explauation. '.' ' ,: : ,";
The Oregon Bimetallic. League or
ganised recently in Portland Is grow
ing so rapidly as to cause alarm to sen
ator Dolph's friends. Thei r object is to
restore silver and ill order to do d they
are bound to work, for a legislative
ticket, that is opposed to Dolph's re
election. The sentiment in Eastern
Oregon is decidedly-' In
favor of free
silver, and we do not believe a congress
man can be elected who is opposed" to
it nor for thut matter a member of
tbe legislature, if the friends of silver
see fit to make the right.
r Democratic Politics.
' Pursuaht to a call from the chairman,
the democratic county central commit-;
tee met at the court house in The Dalles
March 10, 1884. There were present!
Charles Stewart of Falls precinct, F.M. i
Jaokmin of Hood River. JeffMoHW of:
Mosier, E. Schutz of West Dalles, J.H.
Phirman of Trevitt, S. B. Adams of
Bigelow, Ben Wilson of . East Dalles,
W. Ward of Jeschutes, Aaron Frazler
of Dufur by J. B. Condon, proxy, L.M.
Woodside of Oak Grove, Ed W. Win-
gate of Antelope, H, -Woodcock of
Wamlc; E. Schutz, . Chairman, and
J. H. Jackson v secretary.
- Tbe meeting was called to' order by
Chairman Schutz, and after a "few ap
propriate remark?, the following busi
ness was transacted:
It was recommended ' by the chair
that the apportionment for. representa
tion at the county convention be one
delegate at large from each precinct and
one for every' forty votes cast at the
state and county election in 1892 for
A. S. Bennett for supreme judge, and
one for each fraction of forty above
twenty. '
F. M. Jackson of Hood River moved
that the representation be increased to
one at large and one for each thirty
votes cast for A. S. Bennett, and one
for each fraction above fifteen
J. B. Condon moved to amend the
motion of Mr Jacks6n and make the
representation one delegate at large and
one for each twenty votes cast for Ben
nett, and one for each fraction of twen
ty above ten. Mr. Jackson accepted
tbe amendment, and the motion so
amended was carried by a vote of 8 to 3
: Tbe apportionment fixed by the dem
ocratic central eommittee gives a repre
sentation of 88 votes, divided as follows
Hood River..,
Baldwin ......
West Dalles .
Bigelow .......
East Dalles.. .
Des Chutes...,
.... 5
..... 7
.... 8
.... 8
.n. 3
... 3
Eight Mile 3
Nansene ........
Bake Oven.....
. Oak Grove .....
Wamic .'.
Antelope. .....A.
A motion was then adopted that the
primaries be held in the different pre
cincts on March 31, 1894, between the
hours of 12 o'cleck m. and 7 p. m., ex
cept in Wainic. -preeiucti and it was
agreed that Wamic bold its primary on
the 29th day of March, and that all
precinct elections be held as pearly as
possible in conformity to the laws of
tbe state governing general elections. ,
Upon the recommendation of the
chair, the time fixed for holding the
county convention will be April 10,-
1894, and the convention will be held
in the court house in Dalles City at 10
o'clock a. m. of said day.
It was movsd by F- M. Jackson and
seconded by J. H: Phirman that the
secretary of tbe committee be required
to furnish a Copy of the minutes of this
meeting to the "vHood Rivef GjUcieb
for publication. .. The motion was car
ried by a unanimous vote.
It was moved and seconded that the
secretary be required to offer a copy of
the minutes of .this meeting to each of
the county papers published in .this
city for publication. , The motion was
carried, and there being no further'
business, the meeting was adjourned
without date.
J. H. Jackson, Secretary.
A Californian, Mr. Thomas a Faulk
ner, has written a book entitled "From
the Ballroom to Hell." Faulkner is an
old dancing master"' and his 'opinion
concerning the ballroom is entitled to
weight; but we rise to ask where, he
got his pointers on the other place. . '
A Household' Treasure. v'',i,'''."
D. W. Fuller of Catiajoharie.N.'T.,
gays thai he always; keeps ?Jr? KLWg's
new iisuuvery hi iue uouse, uiiu .uis
liimiiy always 'vuDXi mo .very-oust re
sults follow its. use;. Bajt JSe. wouldjipt
be without it if procurabie',",,,(jDiyke
man,, druggist, Catskill, N,- Y.,.,says
that Dr. King's New Discoyery is un
doubtedly the best cough remedy; that
he has used it in his family for eight
years, and - it has never failed to do all
that is claimed for It.'.-;; ; - Si as; '
Spelling In Dreams. j ,..
That incorrect spelling may be said
to be inherent in the understanding
seems to be proved by the fact that
when bad spellers see inscriptions or
written sentences ' in their'- dreams
the words are misspelled as they
would misspell them.: A notoriously
bad speller once related ifchat he had
seen 4h a dream a great black, cat
with a collar round his neck bear
ing the inscription, "King. Solomon's
Cat." ,,:;:,, ,r.---.j .-; a
"That is very Interesting said a
friend, who was curious to see if by
any chance correct orthography had
been revealed to, the dreamer) along
with his vision. "Won't you please
write that sentence down for me, just,
as. you saw it on the cat s collar"! ,
The dreamer took - a pencil and
wrote, .VKing Soliunan's, Catte.!V
Youth's Companion. - x.
3 W..
, . . . What a Newsboy Thought,
Two dirty, ragged, wicked little
newshova sat nn.ln tha mdi1 cnllnrV-
. The play was "Hamlet," Theourfam
fey op the lastactt Hamlet had klfjd
tue tai fjauaius j tneryiioen! is ay-
jing by. poison;: Laertes writhed at
the feet of the princely Pane, mm-.
self dying of secret hurtB.o; Neither
boy had spoken nor movedfrom Jhls
position, clutching the grimy railing
with grimier hands The crowd about
tnem rose noisily. , it was time to go.
Then the younger of the two spoke, j
w eyes Dig wim excitement: y , j,
"Golly l Wouldn't that make a
hully extry to holler?" Kate Fields
'. How Tree Reitrlet Wind, j 'j1
There are pines so lofty that thfly
resemble cathedral towers, and roots
of a pine tree are peculiar and resem-
hln tliA rlnvvtt of hird. , Thv f'linD'
j to the K bt Boii of m B0U
with an animal -like grasp that defies
the wildest winds to shake them, from
their hold. The oak is always made
stronger by the wintry winds whicjbi
cause its roots to strike still deeper
into the soil until the hold is so great
that nothing can uproot it or cause
it to lose its hold. Boston Transcript
av InterpmiHtoiM ' sH..
In one of the Utica schools the oth
er day the teacher gave' out some'
abbreviations for the children of; a
class to write. Among them were
M. D., B. C. and B.' A. When she
looked over the papers of one of the
pupils, she found that M. D. was prop,
erly scheduled "physician," B. C. re
ferred to the period "Before Christ"
and B. A. indicated "Before' Adam."
Utica Observer. . ; ' '. -r
. ' . yr Part.of Tree feUMM , '"
There are .no, .of,, Jtree that
cannot ' be utilized for the benefit of
man or animal and vegetable life,
and neither the stem nor boughs are
alike, yet neither can be said to differ
in many of their characteristics ad
the elements governed by natural
law. Boston 'ATanscnpt.
No Hope.
Frank Do you know hdw"! eatM
cure May of loving me f
Belle No; if she loves you, her
case is plainly hopeless, Kate Keii'
wasmngron. . . .,.?;, ,.n
For Ydars
Bay CAitRia E, STocKWELiiy of Cheste.,
Held, N. H., "I bs "atflicted WKli
. extremely severe pain in the lower part of r
tbe chest. Tlie feeling was .as if -! oa
weisht wu.-laiil- '
on a SDOt the li,r
of iny hand. Iburj, si
- mg me aiuicm, ine
Jwrsplratlon would"
- stand ia .drops eu ,
myfac.nnd iffwa
agony for me to
'make sufficient -
cllOTleven tlil-.,
pe. TUey 'time" ''
: suddenly, at sujr
"'" hour of the day
uight, tasting irow.;.if
thirty .minutes te-'M
half a day, leaving aj suUlen!y4-outy fory
several .days alter, I was? 4tite'Aynw-,j;
trated and sore. Sometimes the.attaeks;.,
were almost daily, then less frequent , -Atter ..
about four years of lhli suflering, t wal'"
-taken-down' with bilious twhottrleVerlVnd3'1
r. . .,
.ojmy.oiu ironuio i erer ezpeneneea, 1
At. the first of the fever, mjr mother gve url
me Ayer e rms, my noctor recpramenpjng.
them' as' being' better thnn futythjnf he
could prepare.' I continued taking these
Pills, and so great was the benefit derived '
that during nearly thirty years have, had'
e but one attack of my former trouble, which v1
yielded readily to the same remedy." :
Prepared by Pi'. 3. C. Ayer & Co., Loifll,
Every Dose Effective
Working Days of the World.
" The Working Da.ys of Different
iTations". forms the subject of some
Interesting data given by a Polish
statistician. . Orthodox Russia, with
her v numerous saints' days and secu
. ja holidays, naturally stands at the
head of the list as the least laborious
of civilized nations.; . .
1 rjhe names of the, countries enum
era;" i,th jthe iumber of their sta
tutxiry r wjcSrlcing days, are tlius given:
Interior V Russia, . 2(37; Canada, 278;
Sc6t)and( 275; England, .278; Portu
gal, 23. ; Russian Poland, 288 ; Spain,
290; Austria and the. Russian Baltic
provinces, 295 ; Italy, 298 ; Bavaria,
Belgium, Brazil . and Luxembourg,
S00; Saxony, France, , Finland,' Wur
temberg. Switzerland, Denmark and
. Norway, . 302 ; Sweden, 304 ; Prussia
and Ireland, 305; Umted States, 30C:
Holland, "308, and Hungary, 312,
If these figures be approximately
correct, they are, to say the least of
them,, hot a little surprising, While
the orthodox Russian, who knows
his saints' calendar by heart, is the
least laborious, the Hungarian car
ries the honors for unremitting in
dustry if he indulge in only one day's
reltjcai;ipii exclusive rpf .the whole
year's Sundays. Ixxlz Gazette. 1 ;
"" 1 . A tuminoui iree, . '
- One of th most remarkable of trees
or shrubs grows near some springs
about 12 miles north of Tuscarora.
It is six or seven feet high,, with a
trunk which at its base is three times
the size of an: ordinary man's wrist.
It has numberless branches and
twigs, and resembles somewhat the
barberry!. Its truly wonderful char
acteristic is its luminosity, which is
. so great that on the darkest night it
can be plainly seen a mile away. A
person standing near could read the
finest' print by its light. . .
I Its foliagej is extremely rank, and
Its leaves resemble somewhat those
lirf : arbmajtc; jiay free "... in ; shape,
e'ffup ?plqrf.(. .;TL luminous prop
erty ia due feV. gummy substance,
hicji can be transferred to the hand
by rubbing and with the tranfer the
pnoEphorescent light, while that on
the leaf, disappears.; The luminosity
is thought . to be due to a parasitic
,f6rIlL.T'e.''indaris' regard it with
superstition and will not come near
it even in daytim . They give it a
name which means ."witch tree."
Horticultural Times, "i, ,
: . English View of Our Cook.
' The American is an admirable cook
in theory; in practice indeed, he
may fail The rush of modern ideas
is too g . eat for him. "The sewing ma
chine, the reaper and the corn ele
yafor take up too, ; much time-i The
application ; of , ejectricity,and steam
to the arts of peace and the ever pres
ent cares brought on. him j by the
working ot the est constitution in
the world distract him from his boil
ing and his baking. He has indeed
the same interesting reason for neg
lecting his clam chowder and his
baked pork and beans, that most in
genious and admirable of all Ameri
can kitchen products, that our King
Alfred , had for letting his hostess'
cakes burn immersion in the pol
itics of his country, !' ' . .. ' .
Nevertheless the hativebbrn Amer
ican has mvented greatly. Clam
phowder' itself, as a mere work of
art, reflects as much credit on his
nation as vol au vent a financiero
brings honor to France. Black and
yhf ': '- ::.
A SaeeAMfait A'rtUiU '-S ' .
A lerk-from-ene-of the govern
ment departments was in Detroit re
cently visiting a friend. ' ,
"Who's the party 1 saw with you
ryesterday t'! asked a citizen of the
host.' c !;' i ,'..--:?-.'.-'.
"He's from Washington," was the
'rather indefinite reply..-
'What does he do there?"
. "He's an artist": . '"--
- 'Why, Some one told me he was a
government employee." r
. "Heis." ."-'. v-:.';.'-r.
1 "He isn't much of an artist, is he?"
'Of course. :Why notK'' "
.' VBecause if he were he wouldn't be
In the government employ ." x s
"He is just the same, and a 'first
class artist too. t. ' ' -'".'"? v.-,
irff.'Whatdoeshedo?" - ' ,
HedrawSi''. r-- . -
" irf'Draws what?'-; '-
v ''Eighteen hundred dollars" every
year." Detroit Fre Press. -u - . -
.i'l-W-'M VAi,tt -i--r, ;-'--' .'.k.
'!'''' Hiuty. Beading-. '-...'
i Many women ? read a - magazine
sketch or a novel in the same fever
ish way in which they hurry from a
committee meeting to a tea and from
the tea to : reception. -' "Oh, dear,
why, did I turn to the last page?' ex
claimed a girl the other day, who had
spoiled a good story, by her hasty
anxiety to know the end. ' It was one
of those stories where the last para
graph contains some charming and
most surprising revelation. jac-
hiagB;;:'A:,'..-'n ';x. ,.,:-VT " ': ;., ; ,
rd Water,
A nne Iava lo it f nrn.s-
thfwatt where you
iJive now son orxiara'f .
, . - T " ... " . " ,
Tl girt ejttered some on th' lamp
ohuey the other night, ai it broke
all to pieces. r-Good News.
;. : . -... . i A; Urawlug loom Idyl. :
: - fitrephon-i-Will you , accept this
ring as an - emblem qf my. love, be
cause it has no ending? . , . v , ,:
Phyllis No; because it is also , an
emblem of my love, for it has no be
ginning. Harper's Bazar. . .
' 1 DEALER IN ',-.-' -": -;--'-,., .;.'
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
;.A large supply of, J&cWtfeAi tyeH
.-. :!; Celebrated liquid colors and tinted leads. - .
Undertaking a Specialty,
Not a member of a "trust'.', but of an association,' devoted to advancing the
interests of the profession , and wllsell as cheap at) anyone not in the association-
HijaDWE, TINWARE, Etc Ftc.
. . - Corner of Second ,'and Federal Streets.
Acorn and Charter Oak
Stoves and Ranges.
6mm, Ammunition and Sporting Goods,
, ' Iron, Coal,' ' . .
Blacksmith Supplies,' ' v '
. Wagonmaker's Material, '
Sewer Pipe, ,
, . Pumps and Ppipe,
Plumbing Supplies. - "r
i ' ' . , i , , ( , 1 ' ij j , i . '
That thirty days is as long as we can credit goods, and would respectfully
,. request our patrons to govern themselves accordingly.' -
Prescriptions and
Private Formula
And a Complete Line of -r , v ' . j i
,,,, v, , YOURS FOR HOOD RIVER, ' '
Choicest Meats Ham,
Bacon, lard, Game,
, V Poultry, Also Dealers in ,
' Corner " !of i6ak 'aW'.Fourtbbnet
sup m,E s;i:r::,t:K'r'H
:y,C::': 'and ; tobacco. . '' .
The Prather, Building,Secbnd Oak;Sts.
Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. Feb. 7. 1894.
' NntlAA In hrehv crlven that the fodowinir
namea Deuier nus nioa nonce oi nis lnienuon
U make final proof In support of his claim,
and that said proof w(ll be wade before tbe
Register and Receiver t. 8. land Oltlce at
rue Jjaiies or., on Maron zu, vm, Tizt : .-
, , rilmpson , Copple. . -. 1 ' "!'
Hd. 8(162 for the n w Ms w'iwn w ii arid
n e n w sec. 2S Jp 2 n 1 10 w m.
lie names the following witnesses to Drove
his conl Inu Mis residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land,, viz: Christian, Dethman,
William Ehrck. "William 8. DiversHenry 1).
StntiRht. allot Hood Kiver Or. , -
iDioinci7 John w, lewis, uegister
Land Office at Vancouver wash, Marchl, 1894;
Notice Is hereby gi ven that the. folloyln'('
named settler has fi led notice of her intention
to make com n Atlon nnal proofln support of
her claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Regl&ter and Receiver U. 8. Land Office
at Vancouver wash, on April .7, 1884, "viz:
, Mary Howelli . ; j
H. E, 8805, for the 8 e sec 15 T.p ?n r U aw
m, ..." , . '. ,'.
She namesthe following witnesses to prove!
ner coniinuous residence upon ana cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: Mrs. C. F. Patterson, of
Portland Oregon,' Henry Johnston, Carl,
Miller, of White Salmon Wash. E, B. Craw
ford, of Cascade Locks. Oregon. .
mc3ap7 John D. Ueooheoan. Register.
' FOR SALE. ,?. "?"
House and lot in Hood River. Ap
ply to A. 8. Bmwui,
Studebaker hg-.
-Its-.ww -and
, -., AGENTp FOR .
Hleli, Lewis & Staw
Company's Agrlcnltnral Implement
and Machinery. ,
- ;' - 1 - - VJood River," tfegom.
":y .,v r'i.. s N'i.'
1 . '., $''. ' Pialtjr. v., ii
L will pay the hit-best iriarltet vlue if
fbr all kinds' of raw fors durthg the ;
aeftson at Hartley's butcher shop.' '''-
H. D. LanoillIu,
,-p-V-jfcV',JiM'i rtf s li ;.'.