The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 10, 1894, Image 3

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    3(ood jiver Slacier
The mall arrives from Sit. Hood at 11 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts 'ie same days at noon.
' For Chenoweth, leavosi at 8 A. M. arrives at
P. M. Saturdays. .;.
' For White Salmon leaves dally at 8 A. M.
arrives at one o'clock 1. M.
From White Salmon leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout take and Glenwood .Mondays.
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Miss Ann Smith is home from Cali
fornia. County court was in session during
the week. '
Mrs. D. S. dapper went to Portland
last Tuesday.
S. E. Bartmess is agent for the Bri
dal Veil Lumber Company.
Next Saturday Is St. Patrick's day,
all day, hi the morning.
est snow of the season.
For sale cheap, a No. 5 Davis Stump
Puller. Levi Monkoe.
The box factory will be ready to run
about the middle of next month.
Olinger fe Bone have a car-load of
wheat, both for seed and feed.
Mrs. H. L. Moore of New Jersey is
visiting her sou C. D. Moore of White
Salmon. -
Double moulded doors, $1.75. All
kinds moulding cent per inch.
'. liooi River kiva. Co
The town elections in New York,
Tuesday, resulted in sweeping repub
lican victories. .
Coe & Stranahjan have' leen over
hauling the factory plant and expect to
etart up next week.
C. M. Knapp, who came down from
the mills Monday, reports the snow
tall there, for that day, at about three
feet. . - , .
John R. Nlckelsen' was at The
Dalles ' Wednesday and on proper
allowing to the county court had Hall
Avenue, in Belmont closed.
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Ke- !
newer is unquestionably the best pre
servative of the hair. It is also cura
tive of dandruff, tetter and all scalp
wtfections. . ,
The Masons will have a time to
night., winding up at the Mt. Hood
hotel. Tliey are expecting a large
number of visitors from the Locks arid
Tiie Dalles. ,
Insecticides for fruit pests and etc.,
Loudon Purple, Paris Green, I. X. L,,
Whale oil soap, powered hellebore,
Persaii insect powdes etc., at the
Hood River Pharmacy..
Our "Whole Wheat Graham" is for
sale at all the stores. We guarantee
?very sack to bs made of clean No. 1
wheat. Harbison Bros..
' Arkley Lindsay left Thursday after
noon to join his" father In Portland.
They sailed for .California Friday night
where Mr. Lindsay will go into busi
ness and Arkley will go into school.
The Union Pacific will replace the
rails between Portland and The Dalles
with SO pound steel, and is already
getting the rails distributed. This is
done so that heavier engines can be
run over this part of the road.
A telegram from Vancouver to C. M.
K napp, Monday, announced the death
of his father, VV.VH. Knapp, at YVash
ougal on that day Deceased was a
pioneer of Clarke county, Washington,
with whom we wore well acquainted 'i
years ago. . !
At the school meeting in District 2, 1
.Monday, J. t. Armor was elected di
rector and E. C. Miller re-elected clerk.
The clerk's report showed $78 on hand
I ..... ..... '-ni .....1I..1.U I
aiiiu iicaii iris aTuuuuic nil biuimsi
purpose during the new school year.
There are 89 scholar to -draw school
money in the district. .
The Hood River Republican Pro-
. . i i.. . j . j
lecuve ciuo whs organized a tew uays
ugo with a large membership. Fol
lowing are the officers elect: President,
V. L. Gilbert; vice president, H. C.
Coe; recording secretary, J. A. Soesbe;
corresponding secretary, Frank Rogers;
treasurer, W. J. Hauer; executive com-1
nnttae, M. t. Xsenberg, A. fcs. Blowers,
Frank Rogers, Frank Jones and J. A.
Soesbe. -
A sad story conies from Burns of the
accidental poisoning of F. G. Taylor,
who was more familiarly known as
"Skookum," says the Grant county
JStsws. Mr. Taylor was on a prospect
ing tour In the Stein mountain coun
try, and carried a bottle of strychnine
in his pocket (o poison wild animals.
In the uim Docket he carried a ouan-
lity of cinnamon bark, and the cork
cam out of the bottle. He chewed
some of the bark. D. L. Shirk and
Mr. Wykilff found Mr. Taylor on the
road deathly sick. He was taken to
the ranch of Mr. Peter French, where
he soon expired. .
A Bad Combination.
The combination of boy ' and bean
shooter has been disastrous to the wiu-
,l,,,.u f ,,1........ ....A t T
ahan's house near by.- The damage
will probably reach twenty dollars, and
Mr. Strauahan is hopeful that the boys
will now let his property alone and
take a shot or two at some one else's
wiudow, preferably those belonging to
the parent of the shooter. .
Surprise Party.
Last Friday evening a party of
Methodists and friends, to the number
of sixty, with lunch baskets on arm,
repaired to the home of Mr. Mike Nelf,
taking the inmates by surprise. A
very pleasant evening was passed, one
of the features being the presentation
to Mis. Nelf of a morocco-bound teach
er's Bible, as a token of appreciation of
ier services as organist in the church.
Farewell Party.'
Mr. Lindsay left a few days ago arid
will locate either in Portland or San
Francisco. In either case his son Ark
ley, who came here with his brother,
i Dr. Brosius, will go with him to at
tend eehool. In expectation' of this
Dr. and Mrs. Brosius gave him a fare
well party Wednesday night, to which
a number of his schoolmates were in
vited. Arkley used to push the ink
roller over towards the editor and pro-
pr.etor of th.s paper on press days, and; th'e weut in T knQW
hence is deservedly popular. May his h(JW far in it went but T knQW
lines all fall outside, far outside of a ; it (Mn.t come out. at least it didn't
newspaper office is the best wish we j for a long time Weli , went
can think of for him. about my work with a bullet in my
; " brain, and I felt pretty queer all the
School Meeting. time.
The school meeting in this district, 'didn't seem to have mtich mem
Monday, was well attended, the prin- oryi am sometimes ' I felt pretty
cipal business being the election of a ' queer and heard queer kinds of
director, and Director Prather being noises. One day I sat down to break
elected to succeed himself. Hon. E. L. j fast I'd been feeling better for some
Smith submitted a resolution nullifly-1 time past. I had begun to remem
ing the action of the district in voting ber things. So I was just sitting
bonds, which, on motion, was carried, down at breakfast, remembering
The matter of bonding the district for things and eating buckwheat cakes
from six to eight thousand dollars was with syrup when I felt something
pretty generally discussed, the senti-
ment beimr nraetieallv unanimous for
bonding and building, the only ques
tion being as to the amount required.
Th directors were instructed to exam
ine sites and procure plans and esti
mates for a suitable building, for sub
mission to a future meeting. On mo
tion, the meeting adjourned until 1
o'clock Saturday afternoon, March
17th, at which time the directors will
submit such information as they may
be able to gather.
A Million Friends.
A friand in need is a friend indeed,
arifl not. luau thnn rni million rtannla
, . L . , . . , r i mathematician, astronomer, geolo
bave found just such a friend in Dr. j aichemist, recluse and-eccen-Kmg's
new discovery for consumption-itric Ur Cavenli8h was intensely
coughs aud colds. If you have never 6uy- He had quite a diseased aver
used this great cough medicine, one siorl to all anU especially to female
trial will convince you that it has society. The only way to get him to"
wonaertui curative powers in an dis,
eases of throat, chest and lungs. Each
bottle is guaranteed to do all
that is claimed or money will be re
funded. Trial bottles free. Large bot
tles 50 cts and 1.00 at Hood River"
Phurmacy. , .
Eigbty acres, five miles from town;
40 acres in cultivation; 600 trees, prin
cipally apple, in full bearing. All
fenced. Good house and barn. Three
shares of. water in Hood River Supply
Co. go with the place. Good well and
spruig. ' Hauvey Ckappku.
. . Trout Lake Valley. : j with the hated sex. To Mr. Caven-
ThisliRsbeen a pretty good winter dish's town house, in Gower street
for outdoor work. Not much cold few visitors were admitted. : The
weather and snow about three feat deep "favored ones wher crossed its thresh;
atits worst. At this time there are in-: old reported that hooks and the nec
dications of an early spring. ; essary apparatus for a science stu-
f!inH Vp..iW,ii i.uo mri hnnwonrl dent were its chief furniture. Tem-
fi!ng in 2-'-10, and Mr. Wegstein
haj purchi se I improvements on the
p.uoe originally taken by Mr. Junkers
in 32-6-11.
Joe Aerni, jr., is attending school at trials." calls our attention to many
Bethany, Oregon. I evidences that the early Romans, as'
Chas. Pearson is partly laid up from a well as the Greeks, worshiped to
wound in his foot caused bv an un- terns. The Old Testament records
lucky stroke of an ax. ,
Dan Kaegl has a curiosity in the do
mestic animal line. Several weeks ago
a cow adopted a pig. The two con
trived to gel together whenever the pig
wanted milk, and the attachment be
came so strong oi the part of the cow
that she was ready to .fight for her
baby. The pig seems to be equally af-
fectionate, but its filial regard is most
hkely a love of cream. - ,
The populists hereabouts seem
reconciled to tho notion of county
bonds. Necessity is a great reconciler,
Card of Thanks.
J?or the kindness and sympathy of
our friends and citizens of Hood River
during the sickness and death of our
grand daughter, Dolly Pearl Brown
we tender our sincere thanks and
heartfelt gratitude.
Mb. and Mes. J. M. Curkier.
Midwinter Fair.
If you Intend visiting the great mid
winter fair, call .on the nearest Union :
Pacific agent, and he can tell you al
about the exceedingly low rate and the
advantages offered by this line to San
Francisco and return, or address W. H.
Hurlburt, assistant general passenger
agent, Portland.
In Hood River, March 7th, to Mr.
and Mis. Sam Kerr, a son-.
Bncklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve In the world fur Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum,
Fjver Sores, Tetter Chapped Hand,
Chilblains, Corns and alt Skin Erupt- j
ions, and positively cures Piles, or no !
pay required, it is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale, by
H(K)d River Pharmacy.
There will be a meeting of the stock
holders of the Hood River Fruit Grow
er's Union in Hood River Saturday
March 17th 1804, at 1:30 p. m., for the
purpose of discussing the question of
erecting a suitable building, add such
other business as may come before the
meeting. By order of president.
; JI. F, Davidson,
The Freak of a Bullet.
There used to be a hotel clerk in St.
James, La., who had a remarkable
story-of the freak of a bullet. He
told it with great warmth and with
such an air of truth that it would be
hard to believe that he had fabricated
it. The story, about the way he used
to tell it, was thin: ,
"I got my memory back and a bul
let on the tongue in a jiffy. Yes, sir,
a jiffy. Look right there between
piump uown on my tongue.
! inere Boes tnat blamed eye-
that blamed
tooth,' said L
j " -What's the
aaid my wife.
matter, William?'
I ".'Eyetooth dropped out, I reckon,'
said 1. . ;
"Then I brought the eyetooth down
between my teeth and took it out
j-with my fingers. Well, sir, it wasn't
no eyetooth at all, but a bullet. You
bet I was surprised. It was thesauie
; bullet that had gone in between my
-New Orleans Times-Demo-
A Singular Man.
'I'l.A k-l sv. I I nnmr f'rt.... .T'. T. .......
i J
speak was never to look at him.
Talk, as it were, into a vacancy, then
it was not unlikely that he'might be
set going. Nevertheless men were
a trouble to him and womon an in
tolerable nuisance. We mention this
i as an eccentricity, but there are
j doubtless many men who share his
; prejudice. He avoided communica
! tion with his female housekeeper by
depositing notes on the hall table.
! A female servant he would never
see. If an unlucky maid showed her
self she was instantly dismissed. In
his villa at Clapham he had a second
; staircase built so that he might pre
i vent the almost inevitable encounters
pie Bar.
Animal Worship.
Mr. J. McLennan, in his paper on
"The Worship of Plants and Ani
show many indications of animal
worship r. the Israelites, which
must have lasted for ages before the
prohibition inculcated in the second
line of thedecalogue was formulated.
At a comparative late date "Jehovah
was worshiped under the popular
symbol of a bull, while the 12 oxen
upholding the laver in Solomon's
t,, n waII nn th bnma nrWr,.
ing the altar were (lrawn from tlie
1 prevalent bull worship." Modern
research has also proved that the
cherubim were represented in the
j form of winged bulls. M. Lenor-
i mant, in his famous book on the
Beginnings of History, " says that,
during the time of the kings and
prophets, "most assuredly the cheru-
, biin, as there described, are ani-
! mals." Popular Science Monthly.
BlaHftachugetts First Coins.
Coinage was begun in Maryland
and in Massachusetts in 1652. Joseph
Jenks, "the Tubal Caine of New
England," made the dies for Massa
chusetts. By them the famous "pine
tree shillings" were struck.
I II was pacified into submission to the
i invasion of the royal prerogative by
j being told when he asked what tree
j was represented on the coin that it
j WftS royal oak which saved his
majesty's life. Who can guess with
out looking at the coin whether the
story reflects hardest on the artist or
the king; whether tho artist made a
good pine tree or the king's forestry
was at fault? Age of Steel.
. Traveling lu Uussia.
An izvostshik who was driving me
one day through St. Petersburg a
nmnTilA Trinfu nrrA limn o4-fcT-Tvfw1 n 4-
the entrance to four different streets
an(1 ordered back by the mounted
police because his majesty was ex
pected to pass that way. "Is this
thoroughfare closed to us too?" I
asked as the policeman made sighs'
to us for the fourth time to retreat.
"Yes, your honor, it is," replied the
driver. "The little father is a little
timid. " Con temporary Review.
Oplnioim hh to SalumnuderH.
As to a salamander, the ancients
were divided iu opinion, some aver
ing that he ate the fire up, the rest
that he was so cold that he put the
fire out. either of which procedures
was sufficient to meet the circum
Btences. Ijondoi) World.-
Into the woods my Master wont.
Clean forspent, forspent.
Into the woods ray Master came ,
' Forspent with love and shame.
But tho olives they were not blind to hiuu
The little gray leaves were kind to hi iu,
ff he thorn troe had a mind to hiui.
When into the woods ho came.
Out of t he woods my Mas; er went.
' And he was well content;
Out of tho woods my Muster rame.
Content witli lci'.l li aud shame.
: When and shame would woo him last,
k From.uudor tho trees they drew him last,
'Twos on a trca they slew him last. (
When out of tiie woods lie came.
. ; ... . Sidney Lanier.
Explanation of a Sword Trick.
A trick in which a sword is appar
ently passed through a person's ab
domen is explained as follows : The
sword employed is a thin, flexi
ble, dull blade. The prestidigitator,
whose body the sword will simply
pass around, but not pierce, carries
concealed beneath his vest a sheath
that consists of a hollow tube, semi
circular in shape, the two extremities
of which are bent in contrary direc
tions in such a way that they are
situated in the same straight line, tho
two orifices opening in front and be
hind at right angles with the abdo
men. .. This tube runs around the
farther side of the man, who, appear
ing instinctively to grasp the point
of the sword as if to protect himself,
directs it into the metallic tube. The
flexible sword makes its exit between
the tails of the coat. It is necessary
to operate rapidly, so that the spec
tators shall not have time to see that
the length of the sword has dimin
ished, the curved line that it follows
not being tho shortest passage from
one point to another. Cincinnati En
quirer. ' A Deaf IVlan at the Opera. -
When opera was running in New
York, there was no more attentive
member of the audience than a
slight, fair man, who was perfect in
dress and had a pleasant . suavity of
manner. He was always present
with his wife, but it was noticed that
they rarely talked together, and he
never seemed to take offense, as so
many of the audience used to do, at
the talking and laughter in the
boxes. He was stone deaf. He en
joyed color and dancing and pictur
esque groupings, and he went to the
opera to see it. He could sometimes
get the gist of a sentence by watch
ing the lips of a speaker," but he had
not even that comfort at operas
where the .-singing was! done in tiei--man
and Italian. --New York Sun.
Novel lleartrap.
The early settlers of Bethel, Me.,
were much troubled by black bears,
who killed the sheep, robbed the bee
hives and raided the cornfields.
farmer,- whose corn, being in the
hiilk,'aitracfe"d "a
tub of new rum and molasses in the
field. The next morning he found a
large bear stretched out besidd it
beastly drunk.' The tub was' empty.
When brun woke up. he found him
self securely chained. '
It was an unfair advantage to take
of a beast who only followed the ex-'
ample of many of the settlers when
rum .'and molasses were at hand.
Youth's Companion.
TIio Odor of an Old Library. '
The library has its own odorto
the born student as alluring as that
of the salt and springing waves to
the born sailor. Old leather, a curi i
ous dampness, grave and wise nntiq
uity embodied in a scent. Habitues
of the Athenteum library know it in
its perfection when they climb the
corkscrew stairs and grope through
the narrow, echoing galleries and
half lit rooms packed to the ceiling
with faded, dirty volumes whose
very names are a lesson in ancient
history. Boston Commonwealth.
The Evil of Humors.-
"So," said Mr. Donegan. "they've
been printing the funeral notice of a
man that wasn't dead yit? It's a nice
fix they'd bo in if he had been waii of
these people that .believe i very thing
they see in the newspapers. "-Exchange.
' .
A Good Recommendation.
Resident Healthy? I should say
it was. 1 Why, there's only . been one
death here in 10 years.
' Visitor Who Was it died?
Resident Dr. Barker; died of
starvation. Exchange.
Some women are so devoted to the
man they love that they become sel
fish to others in his behalf, demand
ing of them what he is unentitled to
and what they have no right to claim.
The death rate in , London in 1891
was 21.4 per 1,000 of the population,
which compares favorably with other
large towns, Liverpool rising as high
as 27 per 1,000.
Marshal Breza once accidentally
killed a relative while both were rab
bit hunting and ever afterward
would swoon at the sight of a hare.
great gain to health if they would
walk to and from their places of
business in preference to riding. . '
' It is not always safe to be' too con
fident in your assertions, even to tin
ignorant man, for he may get the
better of you in an argument. -
After a year's trial in the St. Pan
eras vestry district ol London, mu
nicipal electric lighting has proved a
financial & uccs. '
ties of this graceful .
compact, busby specimen TlrMred,
pinch off tlie top of the plant when
young. This will cause shoots to start
out all along tho stein. When tho plant
has sent up a leader a few inches high,
pinch it Oif again, and thus repeat the
operation of pinching while " the plant is
growing until the desired form is at
tained. On the other hand," fuchsias
may be trained on trellises. Indeed this
ia preferred by many. They cart . be
trained over an upright trellis, but Shee
han thinks that the best form is that of
an umbrella. His directions are as fol
lows: . ' .
Secure a strong, vigorous plant, and
allow one shoot to grow npright until
about two feet high; then pinch off the
top of the shoot. It will branch out and
form a head, each shoot of which, when
sufficiently long, may have a fine thread
or hair wire attached to the tip, by which
V) draw it downward; fasten the other
lod of the wire or thread to the stein of
the plant, and all the shoots will then be
pendent. When each of these branches
has attained a length of eight inches,
pinch off tho tip, and the whole will
form a dense head, resembling an um
brella in shape," and the graceful flowers
pendent from each shoot will be hand
some indeed. Remember to keep he
stock clear of side shoots in order to
throw the growth into the hea'L
- Saved Her Life-
Mrs. C. J. Woor.rjRroon, of WortTiarn,
T(!X!is. saved the bits i Her child by the
use of Ayer's Cherry l'ectoral.
"One of my children had Croup. The
rise wis attended by our physician, and was
supnoxed to lie well under control. One
Hi trltt I was startled by the child's hard
breiithhiu, and on going to it found it strau
plin. It hud nearlv ceased to breathe.
Kealiztufr that the Hind's alarumijr condition
had become possible in spite of the medicines)
pi von, I reasoned that such remedies would
be of no avail. Havlntr part of a bottle of
Aver's Cherry Pectoral in the house, I gave
the chihl three doses, at short intervals, and
anxiously waited results. From the moment
tlie Pectoral was given, the child's breathing
grew easier, and, in a short time, she was
sleeping quietly and breathing naturally.
The child is alive and well to-eay. and 1 do
not hesitate to say that Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral saved her life." ' .
Cherry Pectoral
Treparsd by Dr. J. C. Aycr &Co., Lowell, Mass,
Prompt to act, sure to euro
T. C.
Stoves and tin
ware, liitchen fur
, niturQ, pruning .
tools and plumb
ers goods of all kinds.
Hcpair'nffoftlnwAre a specialty.
Salary and expenses paid weekly from start.
Permanent position. Exclusive territory.
Experience unnecessary. Peculiar
ad vantages to beginners. Liberal
commission, to local part-
' " " li? -WJ Com
hardy.reltabto Jffit JLK&&
nursery S' ifor tho orchard.
stock, .tf? XJv X- lawn and garden.
5 Wo want you now.'while
the fruit industry Is so
advancement. Outfit and full par- i'j
Wvmen. Portland, Ore. CThis house Is .
reu&bie. Name iaiaptnwi-. -w yra
All work given him will be done'oor
reotly and promptly. He luin a few
good elaims upon which he can locate
parties; both fartuing and timber lands.
February,. 1894. -
: , A 1 TORN EY-A T-LA W.
The Dalles, Oregon. -
J. F. WATT, M. D.
Physician and Surgeon
la especially prepared to treat Diseases of
Nose and Throat.
Local surgeon for Union Pacific Rj
, ; ... Attorn eys-at-Law, v
Chapman Block, over Postoffice
CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a answer and an honest opinion, write to
iVtlO., who have had nearly fifty'
experience in the patent business. Coramunica- v
tions strictly confidential. A II ami ho ok of In
formation concerning Patents and bow to ob
tain theia sent free. Also a catalogue of mechan
ical and scientific hooks semt free.
Patents taken throu.-rh Munn & Co, receive
special notice in the Scientific American, and
thus are brought wiuely before the public with
out copt to the inventor. This splendid paper.
Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
laivest circulation of any scientific work in the
world. a year. Sample copies sent free.
Building Rditiou, monthly, $2.50 a year. Sinple
copies, cents. Every number contains beau
tiful platen, in colors, and photographs of new
houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
MU-NN & CO., Nbw York, 3tfi Broadway.
leBfe.PoMl Moris
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
The steamer Regulator will run tri
weekly trips, leaving The Dalles Mon
dnys, Wednesdays, and Fridays, con
necting with steamer Dalles City. Re
turningwill leave Portland Tuesdays
Thursdays, aud Saturdays, connecting
with steamer Regulator at the Locks.
All freight will come through without
delay" '. '' - - r; .
One way .............. ....$2 00
Xiound trip........ 3 00
Freight -Rates Greatly
Shipments for Portland received at
any time, day or night. . Shipments
for way landings must be delivered be
fore 5 p. m.'.. Live stock shipments so
licited. Oa.ll on or address, '
General Agent.
General Manager,
House and Sign
ArMic Decorfc tecoM,
Paperhanging& Kalsomining.
. Strictly first-class work only.
Dry Goods, Groceries. Hats, Caps,
Roots and shoes'; Flour, Feed
etc. ; Country Produce
Rought and Sold.
A.S.Hi.ownits. W. M . Yates.
No. 23, Freight leaves at
So. 2, Mail ;
lt.4.'.. A.M
10.0 i P. M.
.Li P. M
No 27 , Ijocal, leaves at
No. 1,. Mail " 4:42 A. M
Steamers from Poitlund U San Francisco,
every 4 days.
Titt lo iIFfoi Europe.
For rates and general information call on.
W. H.IIL'RLBURT. Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt.
24 Waahidston St., Portland egon.
Kay and Qrain in Car
load Lot3 or Less.
Live Stock Bought and
A.nd stock in transit fed, wstred and
given the best.of care.