- . .... The Hood River Glacier. , ' : ; :'. , ' ' It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. . VOL. 5. ' HOOD RIVER, OREGON, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 24, 1891. ' , NO. 39. i - r- . '. . 3(ood Iiver (Slacier. PCBLISUKD EVERT SATUBDAT MORNIKO BT The Glacier Publishing Company. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. On. year It Of Mx months 1 W ti....: ...... kj Miviiwia. ....... .,, " 8ii)jla cop ; Cent THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr. Second St., near Ouk. Hood River, Or. Sliaving nnd Hair-cutting neatly done. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ' LATE NEWS. . 1 Alining is booming all over New Mex ico. - Lightning-rod swindlers are getting on ; pretty well among Oregon farmers. The combined American and British sealers on this Coast wili hardly number a dozen this reason. Governor Mdfraw, it seems, has in curred the criticism of Governor MeCon- nell because of apparent indifference to the irrigation congress. Seattle and Townsend are quarrying about harbor facilities with ulterior de signs on i lie sealing patrol fleet. .Their patronage is in great favor. ' . vThe street-car systi m of Sacramento has changed hands. The new owners propose to run the elei trie cars with the water power generated at Folsom. . The Indians are on the war path in the Bunker 1 1 1 1 mining district in Ari zona. Four Indians attacked a pros pernor named Clark,, who escaped to Mammoth and gave the alarm. Thompson Campbell of Butte, Mont., has live sapphires taken from the giz-zard-oi a Montana turkey. The sap phires are all ot good size, ana one ot them weighs about two karats. : There is a general belief that the many stoi ies told about Evans and Morel are ' inventions. I he pubho outside ot the neighborhood where the two outlaws re- " reive sympathy are becoming incredu lous. At a recent meeting of the Directors of ihe Midwinter Fair Association at Portland it was decided to abandon the attempt to make an exhibit at the fair in progress in Han Francisco. The rea son lor this is that sufficient interest has not been manifested in the matter by Orgonians generally. Portland has sub scribed very handsomely with a laud able desire of assisting the State in making a creditable display, but the country towns have subscribed such smal I amounts that Portland has con tributed more than 90 per cent of the sum raised. In view of this state of af fairs and discouraging reports received as to the probable success of the fair the .Directors appointed a committee to wind up the affairs of the corporation anddis tiibuto the funds. The San Francisco Chronicle prints a long article exposing the methods by which the Chinese may evade the exclu- ' sion law through a- system of Jalse cer tificates of registration. It states the Chinese are systematically stuffing the registration books opened under the Mc Creary act. The law provides no pen alty lor the punishment of those who ' reg'isier twice, and on account of thd great similarity of Chinese in features and names many are able by going to different places A registration to secure from two to a dozen certificates of regis tration. . These, it is claimed, will soon have a maiketable value of from $50 to $100, and will find a ready.sale among the Mongolians smuggled into the coun try. The Chronicle declares the Chinese have no trouble at all in securing many bogus certificates. . Oregon's mammoth cave will soon be explored and rendeied accessible to the public. A company has been incorpor ated at San Francisco for the purpose of developing what bids fair to be one of Ihe greatest natural attractions on the Pacific Coast. For years rumors have reached civilization that way back in the mountains of Josephine county, Or., in 1 the wildest part of the Cascade Range was a cave in which one might wander for months without finding an end. These reports came from hunters and ' trappers, who occasionally visited that wild region in search of game, and but little credence was given them. Nothing of anv certainty was known concerning the cave until lour years ago, when W. R. Hearst of the San Francisco Fxam iner sent a reporter, Charles Michelson. : and a photographer to explore its depths. The cave is about seventy-five miles from Grant's Pass, and in order to reach it they were compelled to go by etage ai out fifty, miles and the lemainderof the distance with a pack ' train. From reports given the public by the Examiner party the cave is larger and excels in beauty the great Mam moth cave of Kentucky. The other day John 0. Quinn, Thomas T. Williams, .lames L. Gittings and Samuel W. Backus of San Francisco, Thomas H. Morton and A J. Henderson of Kerby- ville, Or., and Alphonzo B. Smith of Grant's Pass filed anicles of incorpora tion of the Oregon Cave Improvement. Company. The capital stock is $500,000. of which 17,000 lias been subscribed. The avowed purpose is to buy and im prove the great Oregon cave, build ho tele, roads, parks and do a lumbering and mining business. '' FROM WASHINGTON CITY. The plan of inspecting immigrants at foreign ports before embarkation for this country provided in the bill of Stone of Pennsylvania has been approved by the House Itommittee on Judiciary. The report upon the Hoi man resolu tion for the investigation of the system of premiums to builders of naval vessels for extra speed, which approves of the system, has been adopted by the House IN aval Committee. The House Naval Affairs Committee has ordered a favorable report on the resolution expressing pleasure and satis faction at the prompt action of Admiral Benham in protesting American com merce at Rio'de Janeiro. A deficiency appropriation of $400,000 tor the expenses of the U nited states Courts, which has been' asked by the Attorney-General, is . being considered by the House Appropriations Oommit mittee, and will probably be granted. ' In the House Ellis of Oregon asked unanimous consent for the consideration of the Senate bill to extend the time al lowed the Umatilla Irrigation Company for the completion of its ranal across the Umatilla Indian reservation in Ore gon. The bill passed. The War Department this year has re ports of the militia from the Adjutant Generals of every State in the Union. The reports show 0,270 commissioned of ficers, 102.012 enlisted men in the Na tional Guard and about 9,000,000 men in the unorganized militia. The Senate Committee on Foreign Re lations has decided to report in favor of the ratification of the treaty with Gre.it Britain for the extension of the treaty for completing the survey between Alaska and Northwest Territory, which was sent to the senate Monday by the f resident. In the session of the Public Lands Committee adverse reports were ren dered on the bills for a survev of lands granted to the Willamette Valley and Cascade Wagon Road Company in Ore gon ; to prevent the consolidation of land offices in Colorado, and to dispose of several abandoned military reservations. Senator Allen has introduced a bill re pealing all laws enacted relating to the coinage or use of silver since January 1, 1873, and re-enacting all laws Telating to silver and in force previous to that by authorizing and directing the issue of United States legal-tender notes and to prohibit the further use of United States interest-bearing bonds. Senator Pettigrew has introduced an amendment, intended to be offered by him to the Wilson tariff bill, providing for the appointment of a commission of five persons to be known as the Customs Commission. The duty of the proposed commission is to gather data concerning tariff rates and their effect on industries in this and other countries and to report its findings to Congress. Special Agent Maher of the Treasury Department was before the Appropria tions Committee, and explained the re quest of the Secretary of the Treasury for if450,000 to enforce the Chinese ex clusion act. This item has nothing to do with the Geary act, but is to furnish means to carry out the law ot May 5, 1892, by policing the border and ship ping home Chinamen caught attempting to enter the United States unlawfully. The Court of Appeals of the District of Columbia has reversed the decision of Judge Bradley iu the Palmetto trade mark liquor case, and Commissioner pf Patents Seymour has scored a point against Governor Tillman of South Car olina. The Commissioner refused to reg ister the trade mark sought by Governor Tillman for ttie brand sold by the State Judge Bradley granted a mandamus to compel the registry. The Commissioner appealed, and the'Court of Appeals ro- verseu juuge urauiey s uecision. There are not enough men enlisted in the navy to properly man the United States ships which go into commission before May 1; and, moreover, the limit allowed by law will not permit the en listment ot a sufficient number, me big cruisers Columbia and Olympia, Marblehead and Montgomery, Atlanta and Boston, Raleigh, Cincinnati, Alert and Marion are all to be manned, re quiring about 1,500 men. About half that number is available. Additional authority will be required from Congress to enlist sufficient men, and secretary Herbert will probably lay the matter before that body. Representative Abbott of Texas has introduced a bill for the coinage of silver in the Treasury on a new plan. The Secretary is to coin into standard silver dollars or minor coins not less than 2.UOU,000 ounces a month of the silver purchased under the Sherman act. Ihe coin certificates issued under that act are to be redeemed in either gold or sil ver, according to which metal is held in the largest quantities in the Treasury, and the Secretary is to issue coin notes to the amount of the seigniorage of the Sherman act upon the plan apparently devised to place gold and eilver on equal looting. Responding to' a resolution which passed the Senate, the Secretary of the Treasury has sent to the Senate a state ment showing the names of bond sub scribers offering 117.223, whose subscrip tions were accepted, together with the amount subscribed for and the amount allotted at that price. The statement also gives the list of those offering to purchase at a higher price and the list of those not considered for various rea sons. Among the allotments on the 117.223 bids are the following: Hanover National Bank, New York, 11,420,050; Kuhn Loeb & Co., New York. 1,420,- 050; United States Trust Company, New York, $2,330,700; f armers' Loan and Trust Company, New York, $1,893,400; Union Trust Company, New York, i2,- 306,70n: New York Life Insurance Com pany. N ;w York. S 2.840,050. The above allotments were the result of scaling the original bids to the extent of 5.331 per cent or the amount. In the aggregate this class.iB $40,704,700. All bids at fig ures over the 117.223 amount in the ag gregate to $60,295,800. THE MIDWINTER EXPOSITION." Nearly 200000 people have passed the turnstiles of the California Midwinter Exposition during the first two weeks of its existence. This fact establishes the sure success of the Exposition from the standpoint of attendance, and tho verdict of the thousands who make up this grand total has been unanim & in favor of the success of the Exposition from every point of view.,. Since the opening day, Jan. 27, no special effort has been made to draw the crowds. It has been the aim of "the Ex position management to let the many features of the Exposition speak for themselves, and exclamations of sur prise and satisfaction have been heard on every hand. -The exhibits are now' practically all in position. There are no holes in the floor, so to speak, and it is noticeable by those who visited the great Columbian -Exposition that even ihe exhibits which were seen there ap pear to have taken on new form here ia San Francisco, and the exhibitors havo undoubtedly profited by the experience gained on the shore of Lake Michigan. The largest spaces in the center of the great floor of the Manufactures and Liberal Arts building ere occupied by Franco, Germany, Russia and Italy. Each of, these countries is represented by a display of artistic and useful man ufactures which has never before been seen outside of the great Columbian Ex position, and in most instances tho dis plays brought from there have been augmented by new supplies brought across the Atlantic and across tho conti nent especially for this display. - ? But in the midst of ail this that is not new to everybody, there is so much in the Midwinter Exposition that is uni versally unique aad novel that there is nothing, of the "old story" about it. The American section is particularly proUfic in novelty, and it occupies tho largest space assigned to any one coun try, so that the international character of the Exposition by no means shuts out the glorification of home industries in this beautiful industrial fair. The Palace of Fine Arts has already proved to be a revelation. Such a dis play of pictures has never before been' seen.in this part of the world. This de partment did not depend on Chicago for its pictures, though it got a great many of the best that were shown there. On the walls of this building are hung later pictures by well-knowii American, French and German artists, and promi nent among them are something like a hundred of the works of the best artists of the Pucific Coast. Connoisseurs say that the Midwmtor Art Palace is tw best arranged picture gallery that the world has ever seen,, and it certainly i3 well adapted for the purposo to which it is put. , ''V In the eyes of Eastorn visitors the cit rus display naturally attracts the most attention. It seems to be good for East ern eyes to encounter a pear as big as a baby's head and peaches almost as large, to say nothing of so many oranges in heaps and piles and buildings that thers is a great gleam of yellow before them nil thft xvViiA. TVtn rtvfT.lrv Ka:waati t.Via Northern and the Southern Citrus Fairs, both of which are held in the Exposi tion grounds, has teen happily produc tive of the best displays in this line that have ever been made, even in Califor nia. The Northern Citrus Fair awarded its premiums during the past week. The Southern Citrus Fair does not open until Feb. 20. The buildings devoted to this class of displays are proving quite as popular as some of the main Exposi tion buildings,' and California citrus fruits are getting the best advertise ment they have ever had. One feature of the Exposition which has emphasized itself since the opening day is the excellence of the electric illu minations. " The system of arc lighting is as complete as anyone could wish, and the incandescent system is well calcu lated to arouse the enthusiasm of the most latent soul. In these beautiful' midwinter evenings, whether the moon shines or not, the entire Exposition grounds are 03 light as day. Long lines of incandescent lights stretch the entire length of each of the main iui d nji and outline all their architectural points. The dome of th3 Administration build ing is -outlined against the deep blue sky, the straight lines of the Mechanio Arts building are . clear cut ;, against ' the background of the night, the classio outlines of the Fine Arts palace enhance the effect that structure always has, and the peculiarly effective architecture of the great palace of Manufacturers and Liberal Arts seems never to be soen at better advant age than when its thousands of incan descent electric lights are lightoi. The Horticulture and Agriculture building, however, is the one that seems to attract most attention in this partic ular. This is perhaps due to the fact that its lines contain more curves and more architectural eccentricities than any other, but it is undoubtedly due in a larger degree to the ijreat flood, of licht whicn pours througa the big glass dome that surmounts the building. Vis itors seem at a loss to decide whether the prettiar picture is presented by day, when the deep green of California's mid winter foliage lends its aid, or at night when artificial light plays so prominent a part. All are agreed, however, that the California Midwinter International Exposition is the prettiest World's Fair that has ever been held upon God's foot stool, and the concessionaires, many of whom have staked their all to cross the continent and share the success of this kidusjfiaj venture, ajid who smt b cog- ceded to be good judges of the promise of such an exposition, are united in the opinion that this fair will be an immense success, and that that success will be readily recognized without cavil and without the local jealousies that have too often surrounded similar enterprises. FOREIGN FLASHES. More than 2,700 Jews have started from Odessa on their way to England. . The Italian bank circulation will be increased by the issue of 125,000,000 lire. The French navy is to be strengthened by the addition of 101 swift torpedo boats. .. , France voluntarily pays $80,000 in demnity to Italy for the Aignes Mortes massacre. ; .- . ' Hon. Joseph Chamberlain denies any knowledge of a Unionist scheme for home rule. The number of books published in England last year was 6,382, says the lxndou .telegraph. France is uneasy over the political significance of Bismarck's reconciliation with the German JLtnperor. The Pope is said to be preparing to issue an encvclical on Uathouc Poles in a tone conciliatory to Russia. The Austrian Cabinet has decided to introduce in the Reichf-rath a bill in creasing the tax on corn flour to 7 francs. Fewer German emigants left the port of Hamburg, the great point of embar kation, last year than in any year since 1870. I ,. The tax of 10 francs a year on cycles, which was imposed in France last April, yielded in the nrst Halt year over 780, 00:1 francs. - ; The French authorities of Corsica have forbidden lingh.-h and German doctors to practice their profession in that island. The Appeal. Court in Dublin has granted to Michael Davitt a certificate in bankruptcy, thus rendering him again eligible to sit in Jfariiament. Only five out of the thirty-three mem bers of the new Standing Committee on Customs Duties in the French Chamber of Deputies are not protectionists. For the first time in her known his tory the city of London has fallen be hind the rest of England and Wales in the rate of population for a decade. Henceforth all Russian emigrants en tering Germany en route for the United States must be healthy, and if over 10 years ot age, be possessed ot 400 marks in cash. . 1 The fortune of Cecil Rhodes, Premier of Cape Colony in Africa, is set at some where from $60,000,000 to $75,000,000 alt made in the diamond mines of that country. The French Senate by a vote of 132 to 84 agreed to give votes to women en gaged in business at elections for tribu nals of commerce. This is the begin ning of woman's suffrage in France. ' Orders for 250 locomotives and several thousand railway carriages have been given by the Russian government to Austrian and Belgian firms, presumably required for the Transiberian railway. There was a decrease of 7,000,000 lire in the Italian customs receipts during last month, while the revenue from in direct taxation t-hows a total falling off of 1,000,000 lire in the last six months. Even Bulgaria, with her 100 or less miles of coast line on a small inland sea, has caught the naval fever, and the gov ernment has just voted a sum equal to about $5,000,000 for the establishment of a navy. ' ihe political leaders in the Basque provinces of Spain will send to Mr. Glad stone a gold-mounted casket containing an address and a sprig from the historic oak of Guernica, the symbol of Basque liberty. A government decree has been issued at Madrid abolishing the obligation of a special passport for entry to tlie Phillip- pine Islands, which for centuries has ir ritated foreign visitors and closed the archipelago. Attention was called in the House of Commons the other day to the .injustice of maintaining the Church of England establishment in India by taxation raised almost entirely from persons of the Mos lem and Hindoo faith. . A "commerjial museum" is about to be established at Tangier, Morocco, in which manufacturers and merchants from all countries may exhibit samples of those of their wares which they think best adapted, to the Moorish market. Women typewriters, who have hith erto been employed in the government offices in London as supernumeraries, are according to a decision of ihe treas ury Department hencelorth to be incor porated into the regular civil service. Three clergymen of the Church of England went over to the Church of Rome in the course of one week of last month. Fourteen English clergymen have thus changed their church since the judgment in the noted Lincoln case. Though Jules Verne's works of scien tific fiction have sold by the hundreds of thousands and returned millions of francs to the publishers, they have earned for their author only $4,000 a S'eai not even enough for him to buy the house he rents at Amiens. A resolution in favor of birching bad hoys instead of sending them to prison has been sent to the British Home Sec retary, signed by a number of Magis trates. The proposition is to birch boys under 16 for all offenses at the discretion of the Magistrate. ' The Governor of Sierra Leone tele graphs confirmation of the report of an other engagement between French and British forces on the frontier of Sierra Leone, and says several weie killed on both sides, and that the French attacked the British, whose force consisted en tirely of natives. Touching on the af fair, the Pall Mall Gazette says: " We cannot have these things happen weekly. io time should be lost in settling the affair with France." EASTERN PARAGRAPHS. Iowa legislators cannot agree on a liq uor bill. A bill designed to put a stop to "treat ing naa ueen mirouuceu in uie luassa chusetts Legislature. The insane law of Minnesota has been declared unconstitutional, and 470 in mates have a right to new trials. . The Montreal Hebrews are organizing a society for the purpose of assisting des titute Jews and bringing others to Can ada. Sackett, the silhouette artist, who eloped with an Jilkhart (Ind.) heiress, has been arrested at Topeka. The girl nas been returned to her home. . The Woman's Home Missionary Soci ety of the Philadelphia Conference has memorialized (Jongress against ihe ad mission of Utah as a State. The State of Mississippi is proposing to discontinue tho penitentiary lease system and to establish a farm on which its convicts will bo employed. : ' Tree-planting on the streets at Or lando, Fla., is encouraged by a bounty oi ou cents tor eacn tree in good condi tion after one year of growth. .. v The hard times have induced the pre' sentation of a bill in the Massachusetts Senate to prevent attachment of grave yard lots and tombstones tor debt. A bill has been introduced in the Mas sachusetts Legislature to empower cities and towns to make and distribute elec tricity for light, heat and motive power. The Connecticut Board of Health will vigorously prosecute irregular medical practitioners, disregarding any injunc tions which may be obtained by the lat ter. -1 Senator Gray has announced a bill to enable purchasers at judicial sales of railroads organized under the laws of the United btates to organize new corpora' tions. - -V ' The Committee on Harbors and Rivers will give an appropriation to improve San Pedro and Port Harford, but not as much as. the Secretary of War recoup mended. The joint committee of the Massac.hU' setts Legislature has given woman suf frage a black eye by reporting adversely on the proposition to grant municipal 8Uitrage to the ladies. . 1 The Legislature of Kentucky has had before it for some time a bill providing for the compulsory education of the youth of the State, but the bill is not likely to become a law. A Chicago dispatch to the Philadel phia Times savs: Prophecies of ruin in the World's Fair district of the ritv to follow the departure of the great show have not been tuluiied. . . -.. A dispatch from Ottawa. Ont.. states that there is a large amount of distress in that city, and the City Engineer's of fice is besieged every morning by men who hope to get a job at stone-breaking. A company of Canadian capitalists are going to stretch a cable from below the Niagara Falls to Table Rock on the Canadian side on the plan of the Ferris wheel, it is proposed to run cars across every twenty minutes. v .: " Secretary Carlisle has called for the resignation of H. H. Lawrence, assaver of the mint at San Francisco; P. B. El lis, assaver of the mint a.t Cursnn (;ihr and E. B. Zabriskie, melter and refiner of th mint at Carson City, Nev. With the money from the sale of bonds the Treasury Department is pavingsome of its deferred obligations. Sugar boun ties to the amount ot 11.D00,U00 have been awaiting payment for some time. They are now being paid at the rate of fioo.uoo a day. - A gambling resort, frequented only bv women, was raided in New York city the other day. Many fashionably dressed women were present and became panic stricken when the officers appeared, and several attempted to escape by jumping out of windows. They were allowed to depart unmolested.' The-bill by Terry, making railroad corporations citizens of States in which their lines may be for legal purposes, re ceived a favorable vote in committee. Under the existing laws according to re cent decisions of the Supreme Court the habitation ot a railroad is in the State where its principal office is located. The House Judiciary Committee has referred back to the subcommittee Mc Cann'g resolution calling for an investi gation of Judge Jenkins' action in en joining the Northern Pacific employes irom stnicing. xne subcommittee is in structed to inquire whether there are any charges that Jenkins was influenced by corrupt motives. : Collis P. Huntington was before the Senate Committee on Railioadsthe other day, giving the committee information about the Pacific railroads. C. P. Hun tington made a suggestion to the com mittee in the shape of a bill looking to the reorganization of the Central Pacific system. His nroposilion is the comnnnv shall give ft mortgage to the government covering all its property, in considera tion of which it may issue U34.000000 2 per cent bonds, to run 125 years, to he applied nrst to the replacement ol the mortgage bonds of the Central Pa cific and California and Western Pacific railroad, amounting to $27,853,000; also to the redemption of bonds issued on account of the California and Oregon railroad, amounting to $30,000,000. The bill contains numerous provisions look ing to the protection of the government interest in the road. C. P. Huntington after his argument before the Railroads Committee of the Senate in favor of the extension of the Central Pacific indebt edness by issuing bonds payable in 125 years, bearing interest at 24 per cent, was asked by a newspaper correspond ent if he would state in writing over his own signature just what his proposition was. tin replied sententionsly and per haps a little bit facetiously: "It. is a proposition to use the credit of the United States, none of its money, and pay off the indebtedness. That is all I can say sew." THE IRISH WIDOW. Mrs. Maeoosin Tnt on Her Creen Shawl and Goes to the Opera. "Thim op'ry singers gives me a pain, Mrs. McGlaggerty." "How is that, Mrs. Magooginf" "They nuver lurn nawtbin at all, at all." ' i "Is that so, rlow, Mrs. Magoogin?" "Yis; id is, Mrs. McGlaggerty," said the widow, with a spiteful sort of emphasis on the "yis" and the "is." "They comes over here ivery year," she continued, "an sings them sangs and rukes in our mooney, nn -livil shkure th' wan wurrud av our lan pewage they larns to spake, Mrs. McGlag Iterty. Wan cud ushkuze tliim fur not be ing able to shpake anny but Oitalyun th' i.isht toime they kem over ov th suchond, but mebbe but they've bin comiu year in on year out, an, begorry, they talks th'dago yet an, won't condayscind to Jabber any thin but Friuch. "Be all that's good and howy,Oi'll nuver go to see thim again until they Inives their garibaldis an polly voos beholnd an comes down to talkin rale sinsible Yoo No i ted Shtates that's good enoof fur anybody, Mrs. .' McGlaggerty. Oi wint to hear thim the other noigbt wid me daughter Toozy. She hurd that her futball play'r was in town takin another gerrul to th' op'ry, an begor- -ry nawthln id do her but she moost go and make me spind rue foinefoor dollars to take her up in th' balcony th' way she kud shtab his ribs, as my b'y Tammy say fwbin he manes poipin a body off keepln an oye an him, as id war, Mrs. McGlaggerty. Loike th' dauged fool Oi was, Oi put an me green shawl an 1813 Impoire theayther bonnit an wint wud her. . "There was two opries 'Plinlimmin an Balky' an 'Cabby Leary's Roosty Annie' and belaive or belaive me not, Mrs. Mc Glaggerty, but Oi kudn't undershtaud a single wurrud in aytlier wan uv thim. Oi -thought th' Plinlimmin was Joe Immett's big Foundnewland dog an that Balky was , somebody else's dog, but divil th' mut was on id at all, and I was railly disappointed. There was nawthin butstngin in th' op'ry, an Oi'd sooner hear Katie O'Donnell sing 'The Harrup uv Tara' ur Mickey Dooley sing 'The Man That Bruk the Bank at Mon key Charley's' than all uv thim put togeth er. Ol was verry sarry, though, fwhin Oi saw th' beyootiful assimblage that Oi had left me doimmd at home on th kitchin mantelpiece, because there was nawthin but doi minds there., Yurra my, Oi thought they'd bloind me, they shpartled sol Id's a wondher they didn't set foir to th' house, Mrs. McGlaggerty. . "Toozy ped no attlntion to thim, though she was lukin fur her futball play'r. An id's a gud thing fur himself that she didn't ketch him, fur she had blud in her oye, Mrs. McGlaggerty. She towit me she was goin to throwvitreel an him, but Ol think id was a bottle av Johnny Joomp-opp co logny wather that she tuk along wud her. Oi'm glad, though, fur his sake that he wasn't there. Oi had no vitreel, Mrs. Mo Glaggerty, but Oi hilt a shtove led lifther in th' heel av me hand uudher me shawl, and heavin help him afl Oi had met him, ' -Mrs. McGlaggerty." New York Mercury. One Loclcal Woman. Priscllla If Jack is good tempered and Tom isn't, why did you decide to marry Tom? Prunella Because if I marry Tom, Jack will give meu wedding present. If I marry Jack, Tom won't. Truth. Question of the Hoar. . "Upon Afric's sunny strand they wan dered, two daughters of the forest in all simplicity. Strewn upon the beach were tbe shat tered fragments of the stanch ship that bad been torn in pieces by the cruel waves the night before. i Presently they paused, shuddered and averted their faces. At their feet lay the corpse of a woman, her golden hair all bedraggled with tbe brine, her blue eyes staring to heaven. "Lookl" cried .the tall native. They turned again. ' "Verily it seems" Tbey were fazing in each other's faces. and the lips of one spoke for the hearts of both. "like crinoline yet. They still make their skirts fearfully wide." With a parting glance at the remains of tho European they retraoed their steps.- Detroit News-Tribune. Woman's Last Look. ' . 'When a woman has got her bonnet and gloves on and is perfectly ready, with her parasol in band, she always goes back," says a cynical person, "to a mirror to take a last, fond farewell. Every woman does this, but few are honest enough to confess f it. "For my part," continues this frauk as well as cynical individual, "I don't mind telliug yon that I myself am not satisfied with one last look. 1 invariably take four. The second is for my brother or or some other young man that's nothing but just. The thim is for my friends that's only generous and tbe last is tor the woman I don't like, and wbodoesn't like me that's human nature. If the fourth satisfies me, then I assure you I never take any more." ' Loudon Tit-Bits. A Fatal Remark. But surely," urged Binks, "seeing is be lieving." ' ' "Not necessarily," responded Jinks. "For instance, I see you everyday, but as to be lieving you" He never finished that sentence. Drake s Magazine.