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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 17, 1894)
3eod Iiver (Slacier. HOOD RIVER, OR. FEB. 17, 1894. the &il vee. o uixoor. From present indications Africa, is igoiug to take a hand, in llio money .question, and ttie outlook for silver is .considerably brightented thereby. The jjreat argument ugtiiust eilver, haa been that the production of that metal has increased so much more rapidly than igold, that itsiKelative value has propor, tionatcly decreased. Report conies IVr.tri Africa that indicates a rapid in crease In the output of .gold. Indeed it is premised that, it will reach in a few years ihe enormous sum of $200. OCO.OOO yearly. Should this prove true r should the gold production be in creased by even half that' sum, silver becoming the scarcer metal, if given :an opportunity oy naving us goou character as money restored will go to jar, or perhaps even to a premium at the present ratio. BIMETALLISM. India is in about the same condition :fiiancially and otherwise that the Uul--ted States is. ' Business is at a stand still and a financial panic pervades the land. The United States demonetised .silver a few months ago aud so did India. Is it a ease of Tike causes pro ducing like results? It would seem so. One result of the conditions existing is that the bimetallists have again taken heart, and are organizing cluiis tnrougn .out'the United States. It Is thought that England will be forced ;tojota the United States in another effort to adopt ,ii bimetallic standard. . The income tax is by no means a novelty. It is already an established thing in many states of this Union. In Massachusetts, a typical republican :8tate, there is a law of long standing which taxes all incomes over $2000. In Virginia, a typical democratic state, Pennsylvania taxes the incomes.or net. . earnings of all all corporations, includ ing banks .and insurance .companies. 'The constitutionality of Vhe niussa- .chusetts law was tested and upheld by the supreme court. Hence the idea that the income tux is ''monarchical" .exists only in the minds of the republi .cau editors. Portland Telegram. Some weeks ago we stated that it was useless to nominate Senator Raley for congress fof the fact that he was a banker. We are informed that Mr. Raley is not now connected with the Pendleton or any other bank. This removes ,the only objection that could be made to Mr. Raley as a candidate. We recognize in him a sterling demo crat and an able man, who, whether he carried his party flag to victory or defeat, would carry it with honor to himself and to the party. Dunbar, the smuggler is in jail in Portland. Blum, his fellow smuggler is in Washington accompanied by a lady friend, and is having a high old time. Of the two, Dunbar is the bet ter man. He is a convicted criminal, so is Blum, but Dunbar is neither a sneak nor an informer. The adminis tration will do well to remand Mr. Blum to thejeustody of the U. S. Mar shal, and then let him be sentenced, and set to work. From the dispatches yesterday it is probable none of the applicants for the Portland post office will be appointed, and that a new man will be selected. Beutou Killen, seems to have the inside .track. ' . The ease of J. Q. Smith anainst J. G. nd I. N. Day, was tried at The Dalles ,- Wednesday, the suit was for damages for injury to thejperson of Sinith'ijson, who working for the Day's and got his hand crushed through the careless ness of a fellow employe. The jury brought in a verdict fixing the dam jages at $1154. . ' " The senate is monkeying with the Wilson bill, and by the time it is re modeled by its upper house friends, its father wouldn't know it. Instead of being the Wilson bill, it will come out t the Senate thV billy Wilson, EWS NOTES, The crew of tho U. S. ship, Kearsarge which was wrecked near Aspinwall, jast week, has arrived in New York. Latest statistics give the gold output for 18!)3as about $150,000,000. .This is Hn increase of $12,000,000 over 1S92. Canada wants the catching of seals Jn Bearing sea to be continued under the arrangements of last year. Canada got then, lOO.OOP skins giid. the United States, 7500.' , Bland has introduced a bid in con gress, providing for coining the silver peignorage. It is thought the bill will pass. ' ' A fight has been inaugurated in En gland against the house of lords which promises to knock that august body put,' . '.. ', "''.": i;oiT:t. - '. .. ' In Hood River Valley, Feb. 9th to HJr, cvjid Mrs, J. E. Binus a daughter. THE POP VLIST PL A TFOIIM. The following is the national plat form of the populist party, commonly known as the Omaha platform: 1st. We demand a national currency, safe, sound and flexible, Issued by the general government only, a full Icgul lender for all debis, public and private; and that without the use of banking operations, a just, ' equitable and effi cient means of distribution direct to the people shall be established at a tux not to exceed 2 percent per annum, to be provided as set forth in the sub-treasury plan of the farmers' alliance, or some better system; also, by payments in discharge of its obligations lor pub lic improvements. a. We demand tho free and unlim ited coinage of silver and gold at their present legal ratio ofsixteen to one. b. We demand that the amount of circulating medium bo speedily in creased to not less than 50 per capita. c. ' We demand a graduated income tax. . . .' '":' ' d. We believe the money of the country should be kept as much as possible in the hands of the people, and hence we demand that the national and- slate revenues shall be limited to the necessary expenses of the government conomica'l adautiis-' tered. . ..- " , " ; . - e. We demand that postal savings banks be established by the govern ment for the safe deposit of the earn ings of the people and to facilitate exchange. , 2. The land, including all the nat ural sources. of wealth, is the heritage of all the people and should not be monopolized for speculative purposes, and alien ownership of land should be prohibited. All lands now held by railroads and other corporations in ex cess of their actual needs, and all lands now owned by aliens, should be re claimed by the government and held for actual settlejs only. 3. Transportation being a means of exchange and an actual necessity, the government should own and operate the railroads in the interest of the peo ple. a. - The telegraph and telephone, like the post office system, being a ne cessity for trausmision of news, sliould be own sd and operated by the govern ment in the interests of the people. , i St. Paddy's Day Dance. . Arrangements have been completed for having a grand ball at the Armory Friday night, , March 10th. The fact that Jack Luckev, Henry York, Dick Fisher and P. (J, Maguire, are the committee in charge guarantees that firstelRSS music will be furnished. It will probably be the winding up ball of. the winter und we predict will bring together such a crowd as never before gathered in the armory on similar oc casions. . Quarterly Examination. , These are the persons who are pass ing this quarter's teachers examination for county ccrtiticates: Misses E. M. Ball, R. Morgan, F. Davisj 0. Copple, H. Oilar, L. Johnson, A. B. Thomp son, G. T. Hill, F. II. Fouls, V." G. Cooper, B. B. Sterling, A ..M. Scheler, E. Bonney, L. M. Hinton, E. F. Ward and 8. Ward. Messisj L. E. Farriugton, L. B. Thomas, O. II. Kerns, J. B. Gorham and A; Stogsdell. Death at , the locks. , A party' of masons consisting of Messrs. Brosius, Blowers, Bell, Phelps, L. E. Morse, A. Rahm and R. Rand, went to the Locks, Wednesday to at tend the funeralof Mr. Clark a felow mason, and' one of the stone cutters employed there, who died Tuesday. The masonic funeral services were con ducted by Mr. Morse, the funeral being attendc-d by the masons of the Locks, and his brother stone cutters to the number of 85 were iu the procession. Bucl Urn's Arnica Salve. The btst salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erupt ions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perlect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Hood River Pharmacy. ' To make room for spring stock, com mencing today and continuing for two weeks, I will make a sweeping reduct ion in winter millinery, laces, handker chiefs, ladies' underwear, etc. " Mks. C.J. Ilunr. NOTICE. To the legal voters of West Hood River precinct, irrespective .of party: You are invited to meet in Hood ltiver, Thursday, February 22, 1894, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of organ izing a People's Party Club. All who are in favor of the Omaha platform are invited to join said club. . . - . . Several Voters. M Salary and expends paid weekly from stark KSV PermanentpoBUlon. Escluaivetomtoiy. --ci;; WJ Exporience unneoessary. Peouliarg!f fooinmlsslon to local part. timo aitcnts. Lanrost u of clean. SS-SS.r Kf nursery fortftocrcliara, Mack. V. Intra and itardra. 31 jtf'IOi - TiWaimtToii now. while 1 V X 'Mr v.d fruit Hxnisiry la eo.u jfrft important. ia ci-hui MVMieiltMi free. BBOWS BUOS. CO., nur- Mj jro!labl reliable. Name this paper. Ed.) J, A Sudden Death. .. Charley Mercer, commonly known as French Charley, was found dead in his room in The Dalles at 1:30 Tuesday morning. Charley had resided in The Dallas since 1800 and -was known by everybody. He was a good-hearted, kindly old mau, a relic of bygone days, but the rugged and honest .worth. of the old man made him many friends who sincerely regret his loss. Peace to your spirit, old friend, and may. it find abiding place where your old calling need not be pursued. A blizzard swept over the middle and Eastern stales,-beginning Monday and keeping up for two (lays. In Okla homa, many persons were frozen to death, not being properly sheltered. Aa the storm swept on eastward trains were tied up, railroads blockaded and s!rtet-car traffic in the cities suspended. In places the wind reached a velocity of 70 miles an hour, and the snow, which ranged from nine inches to two feet on a level, drifted in places len or fifteen feet deep. It was the most ex tensive blizzaifat has visited the East in many yea., reaching from the gulf lo the lakes, and sweeping across the country from Oklahoma to New York. - -. ; "..'-.'."' The following, clipped from the dis patches, shows the severity of the storm in Oklahoma: , "Reports of suffering and death come in from all parts of the territory. Mrs. Fannie C. Spencer, a homesteader near Cross, was found frozen stiff. Many persons are living in tents and their condition is awful, James Mulligan, near Perry, was found frozen to death, and his partner, Harvey Newcomb,died from exposure. At Ponca, Mr. Cramer and two children were found froze-i stiff in cayotes' burrows, ten yards from their abode. Colonel Henry Melton, a cowboy, who was with Buffalo Bill at the world's fair,, was discovered by a party of hunters, early this morning, dead under' his horse. At Auadarko two ludian pupils were found yester day buried under a snow bank. Upon beiiig taken to a house one of the chil dren immediately expired. The other shows signs of recovery. This evening a report reached here of a family named Sears being found near Woodward frozen to death, but no particulars were ootained. Word comes from Cross that Sherman Stone and family, -consisting of his wife and live children, were found sitting about a stove with their throats cut from ear to ear.. The fol lowing note, found on'a table near by, from Stone, gave the horrible story of the murder and suicide in connection with the storm: - - ' " .'Our wood is all gone. Mollis is frozen to death, and the rest of us are freezing. I have killed my family, and now I kill myself to prevent further suffering. God have mercy on us.' 'Stone was a homesteader and lived in a tent, it is thought that after the snow melts, hundreds of dead settlers will be found along with the remains of thousands of cattle." , - ' . , . . . fousd. . A shawl, call at;iIusbands"shoe shop- Ajbracelot. ' Owner can have same by proving property ands paying for this notice. Apply at this office. i Midwinter Pair. - If you intend visiting the great mid winter fair, call on the nearest Union Pacific agent, and he can tell you al about the exceedingly low rate and the advantages offered by this line to San Francisco and return, or address W. II. Hurlburt, assistant general passenger agent,' Portland. ,, ESTBAY. Came to ray place, January 24 t.h, a dark brown horse, white spot in fore head, black points, no brands; about 13 hands high, seven or eight years old. Owner will pay charges and take him away.. ,F G. Milleu. Bpeaks through the Eoothhay (Me.) Register, of the beneficial results lie has received from a regular use of Aycr's Tills. Ho says: " I was feeling sick and tired and my stomach seemed all out of order. I tried a number : ot remedies, but none seemed to glvo ma relief until I was induced to try the old relia ble Ayer's Pills. I havo taken only one box, but I feel like a new man. I think they are the most pleasant and easy to takeot anything I ever used, being so finely sugar coated that even a child will take them. I ' urge upon all who are In need of a laxative to try Ayer'g Tills. They will do good." : For all diseases cf tho Stomach, Liver, and Bowels, tako , ' 8 Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Every Dose Effective XWmm '' FOft ;3AlJB.t,-,-, ' A 4 spring 3 seated mountain hack; new. A. 8. Blowers & Co. fcg VXM S2SS S. i" For sale at Hood It'vrr Pharmacy A. S. BENNETT. , ATTORN EY-AT-LA W. OFFICE IX Hi! ANNO'S BUILDING OORNEU OF COURT AND SECOND STREET, The Dalles, Oregon. , J. F. WATT, Physician and Surgeon HOOD RIVER, OR. ,;.'.'V Is especially prepared to treat Diseases of jNose ana xnroat. ,. ; Attorneys-at-Law, Chapman Block, over Postoff ico ; THB DALLES OltEGOK.. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vauconver, wash. Jan. 10, 1S94. Notice is hereby given that the following named sett ler has tiled notice of his inten tion lo make final proof In support of his claim and that said proof will be mad before V. P.. Dunbar Commissioner United States Circuit Court for District of Washing ton at (ioldendalc, Washington, on February 2(1, lliH viz: ' K .', ... George B. Lyle. Pre-emption Declatory Statement No. 28CS, for tuc s e 'A. sec a, ip 4, n r jz east, win. mer. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of, said land, viz: Tiuirmoii K. -wriglit, John T5 Klmmone, Frank K. Reynolds,. Lewis C. wright, all of Lyle P. O., wasli. JnliiiblV John D. Uhogkoa-. EegisUr . , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June t, 1878. - United States Land Office, ' Vancouver, Wash., December 10 1803. Notice is hereby given that in complianc with the provisions of the act of CoiiroHS of June S, 188, entitled ''An act for the sale of timber lands iu the states of California, Ore gon. Nevada and Wash.Ter..". Peter L. Oamer- on of White Salmon county of Klickitat slale.of Wash., has this day tlieu In tins oiliee nis sworn statement N. lWOo. for the purchase of the.lotsl,&2.A-.;se ueK & n ol sec. no. (i in tp.'No. 4 iioi'tli, l'ungcNo. 11 tast. and will offer troof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural ouruoscs and to establish Ins claim to said land before th Register ai.d Receiver of this olficeat Vancouver w ash., on luesday tptoe 'ffta ouy oi eoruar j ,aw4. lie names as witnesses: Frank Lane, G. A. Thomas; liuward t ordice, all of While Sal mon ivaoii, Gtoige, Uiluiur, of (iilmcr P. O. wash. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to lli their claims iu this oifice on or before aaidiith day. of February 1MM. AcM tlfJb John D. Geoghegan, Register. NOTICE FOK PCELICATIOIf. Land Office at The- Dalles, Or., Feb. 7, 1804. Notice in hereby eiven that the t'ollowing numed settler has filed notice of his intention to make Until proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Keislor and iieceivcr U. land oflice at Xuo Voiles Or., on March iu, lt!)4, viz: bimpson Copple. Hd..3eC2 for the u ivswwn w and n e 4 n w Vi sec. Tp 2 n r 10 e w'in. 3te names the followinsr witnesses to prove his coniinujus 1'ei.iuence upon and cuitiva- tiiii in, baiu jciuu, v i.; . in jLjini 'tr:iiitii, William Ehrck, William is. Divers, floury D. HtruiKlit, all ol'iiood River Or. f blOmcl . John V. Lewis, Register TOil SALE. House and lot in Hood ply to ; A. S. River. Ap- B LOW EES. HAW FURS. I wili pay the highest market value for all kinds of raw fills during the season at Hartley's butcher shop. ' . If. 1). Lamjills. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land OftlcefttjVancouver wash. . Jan. 17, ISM1 Notice is hereby (riven that the followinR named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make commutation final proof in support of nis ciaim, ana iiiat sum prooi win ua mane rmiore uie ieisier ami j veiieiver ,u. ft. juana Office at Vancouver wash, on Thursday MarcB",15, 1891, viz: " I'eter C. Cameron. - . Hd. No. 8877 for the n w 1-4 n w M tec 24 and n ; n e 1-4 tmd a e 1-4 n e 1-4 mi 2S Tp 5 a r 10 e w m: H names th following witnesses t prov her continuous residence upon and cnltiTH ion or, cam lanct, viz: u. A. i nomas, uobrt w. Fordyce, of white Salmon wash. George W. Gilmer, Charles V. Giltner, Gilmer, of wah inpton. -nao f b24 John D. Gkoohboas, Rlteri THE SAINTS' REST, AMESYILLK CIGARS; CYllUS NOBLE WHTSKY a specialty. FURNITURE- AND ' MATERIAL. ll-PamfrPal . f largo supply of, and BSB3H1 flEBk OPPrl 5WBR3 BfV. AWflB ' Celebratod liquid colors and tinted leads. ; Uadsrtaking a Specialty. Prepared to furnish at once, a tine class of curtlus, also u cheap grade . but neat and substantial. JOBBERS AND EETAILER8 IN Corner of Second CELEBRATED Acorn and Charter Oak Stoves and Ranges. Gun?, Ammnisitloa and Sporting Goods, Iron, Coal, -Blacksmith Supplies, Wagon maker's Material, Sewer Pipe, Pumps and Ppipe, ' Plumbing Supplies. 1 , That thirty days is aa long as we can request our patrons to govern themselves accordingly. .' - P: and Form And a Complete Line of BRUGS, CHEMICALS AID MED IGIIES. YOURS FOR HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND TETE ' CIiicest Meats, Haza, ,: . -:Eacon, lard, Gkuaie, ' V . Poialtry, Als 2alrs in' v ; ; ' VEGETABLES D, FRU ITS. Corner of Oak and Fourth Streets, - - - - Hood River. Ow.jfow. R. E. SALTMARSHE & CO., AT THE EAST ENB STOGK YAEDB, : -DEALEKS IN Hay and Grain in Car load Lots or Less. Live Stock Eougjit and : ; ' Sold,; ' ' And stock in transit fed, watered and given the best of cure. : THE DALLES, ; - ; - OREGON. SUMMONS. In Justice Court of Wasco county, state of Or egon, for Baldwin precinct. Charles L. Morse, plaintiff, vs. Ricnard Bowen, de fendant. To Richard Bowen, the t.bove named defend ant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear before the under signed, a justice of the peace in said precinct, in said county and Mate, on the 24th day of February A. Vi, 18W, at 10 o'clock in the fore noon of siiid day, at his office -in said precinct to answer the complaint of Charles Ij. Morse, founded upon an account for labor and material " furnished by him, in driving and banking acertaln lot of telephone poles at Hood Kiver, Wasco county, Oregon, and for labor and services in driving said poles, performed by Charles Johnson, M. F. Loy, Clarence Morgan, Sterling Dark, Andy Band, Frank Watson, Maltv Dukes, T. H. Emerson, dinger fe Bone, Will Rankih, Bert Rankin, F. W. Barbee, T. C. Dallas and L. E. Morse, which accounts have been assigned to said plaintiff, who is now the owner of the same, and wherein he demahda the sum of one-hund.ied and eighty-two dollara and fifty cents, and his cosU and . disbursements herein. This summons is served upon yon by pub lication in tne Hood Kiver Glacier, a newspa per published weekly at Hood River, Wasco county, Oregon, for six successive weeks, by order of the undersigned Justice of the Peace in and for said precinct and county, which or der was duly, made and entered on the 2Gth day ofDecember, 1803. . , Joseph A. Knox Justice of the Peace for Wasco County Or., Baldwin Precinct, 1 DEALER IN : ALL KINDS OF BUILDING J Exclusive Eight to sell itO, Mo. ;a,nd Federal Streets, dehaker Wagons, and Carriages ; Osbb Reaper and Movrtrx. i It AGENTS FOR in, m Hi . Company's Agrricitltnral Implement and Machinery. EAREED WIRE..': ' credit goods, and would respectfully AffiiteliOiipiIsi HOOD RIVER, '- ' : THE. - "REGULATOR - LINE." IsBeBesJoiaMl Aeloria Navigation Co. Through Freight and Passenger .-.Line-- The steamer Ilegulator trill ran tri rekl trips, lekvlug Th DftTlM Itta- cectifig with ieRtnt Dslles Cttf. Aft turning, will lav PertIBT3clj Thu-edayo, nnd BattirLij, conneetittf with steamer Regulator at the Locke. All freight will come through without delay PASSENGER RATES. One way Round trip., .?2 00 3 00 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at. any time, day or uight.' Bliipmpnts for way landings must be delivered be fore 5 p. m. Live stock shipments so licited. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, , General Agent. B. F. LAUGHL1N, Qaneral Manager,"1 THE DALLES, OREGON 9