The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 17, 1894, Image 1

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The Hood River
, It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
3(ood liver Stacier.
The Glacier Publishing Company.
One year ..92 00
Six months. r 1 OP
Three mouths 60
SiikIc copy t Centf
- Grant Evans, Propr.
Second St., near Oak. - Hood River, Or.
Shaving and Hair-cutting neatly done.
( .Satisfaction Guaranteed.
San Diego talks of a new $1,000,000
hotel. .
An entomologist at Seattle says all the
fruit trees iu that vicinity are infected
with pests.
The recent storm played havoc with
the w histling buoys off Astoria. Five
went adrift.
The whites are purchasing Indian
women by wholesale from iu
Northern Britii-h Columbia.
Governor McConnell of Idaho has ap
pointed delegates to the Transmississippi
Congress. The Governor is President of
the congress.
Iiedondo has been designated by the
Secretary of the Treasury as a place
where vessels mav enter and clear and
customs officers receive duties.
A snowslide in White Bird Gulch.
Idaho county, Idaho, wrecked a Mr.
Thomson's home, ami killed for girls.
Their parents and an infant escaped.
Samuel A. Ames of Riverside, Cal ,
has begun suit against the Riverside
Banking Company to recover l5,000. The
complaint contains some serious charges
against Manager O. T. Dyer.
"The atmosphere of Mexican California
is to be revived at Coronado in April,
where a Spanish fiesta is to nelield. The
sports and mess of tin- participants will
be those in vogue forty years ago.
Arthur Stewart, Deputy Superintend
ent of Streets at Ix8 Angeles, has been
found guilty of embezzling $300. De
partment money was loaned to friends,
and when he made his returns he could
not collect the money.
A party of St. Louis speculators are at
San Diego, which place they have visited
' with the intention of closing the deal
i that has been on foot for some time for
the purchase of gold mines at Cedros
Island and Tanarna in Lower California.
The circulation of petitions through
out Okanogan county, Wash., asking the
I'ostal Department to eetablish a direct
mail route from Wenatchee to Coneon
ully has revived much interest in the
subject of building a wagon road from
Chelan to the' Great Northern railway
down the right . bank of the Columbia
river. A special messenger sent 'from
Chelan to Wenatchee reports that place
alive with interest in this matter, and
all along the line the universal cry is,
we mu.-t have this ruad built. In view
of the expense which would be entailed
and the lact that Seattle would derive a
direct benefit the people led that sub
staulial aid should be given bv that city.
Such a road would secure to Seattle the
whole trade of the Chelan-Okanogan
The Portland Savings Bank, which
suspended six months since, did not re
sume business on February 1, as was
hoped, but the receiver will pay
a 10 per cent dividenil on all depos
its. Of the $2,400,000 of deposits exten
sions had been signed by all but $700,
Oillt, wnen a report was circulated that
the bank would resume on February 1,
and the depositors slopped signing, and
the brokers were buying deposits at 90
per cent of the face value. A number
of the largest depositors, who are able to
wait, would not sign, and were ready to
rush in and draw all their money. This
was not considered fair to those who hail !
signed extensions, and the conr ordered
that. 10 per cent of the dividends be paid
to I he depositors.. The hank was opened
for this purpose February 1. The court
wiil not hasten to throw the bank into
liquidation, and it is hoped that arrange
ments will yet be ma le to enable it to J
resume business, as ihe assets are ample
to pay all depositors if reasonable time
is given. ; ' j
If there is any coal in the vicinity of
Port Angeles, Wash., it is likely to be
uncovered within the next few months.
Fit ti en men are now at work in the creek
bottom on Race street, jut outside the
citv limits, and Messis Griswold and
Hihbard, who are in charge of the work,
are confident that the indications atthat
piint are conclusive evidence that within
a few hundred feet of the surface a pay
ing vein of coal will be found. A dam
seventy-live feet from bank to bank and
ten feet high has been constructed in the
bed of the creek, from which a water
, power sufficient to operate a drill will be
obtained. The formation at the point at
which the drill will be operated is sand
stone, which is discolored by the sulphur
fumes supposed to come from the coal
beneath. Lewis Levy of that city is also
anxious to open a coal mine in that vi
cinity. He asks the citizens of Port An
geles for $20,000 land bonus, over half
of which has already been subscribed,
and in return agrees to open up a vein
of coal three and a half feet wide.
.Nothing was lacking to make the offic
ial opening of the California Midwinter
International Exposition ,a success in
every sense of the word. In the first
place, the sun came tip gloriously, in a
sky as clear as a bell, and all day long it
shone down upon happy San Francisco,
Happy was she in the thought that it
was her lot to be cradled in the lap of a
land where such weather is a midwinter
possibility, and proud was she that she
had to place before the thousands of
people who visited her fair on that day
a program of such incontrovertable ex-
cellence and of such unimpeachable at
The opening exercises took place on
a grand stand especially erected for this
occasion, with a seating capacity of 7,000.
The seats were all taken and tens of
thousands of visitors gathered on the
greensward in front of the speakers'
platform. The total number of people
who passed through the turnstiles was
72,248. Nearly ten thousand of these
were in the procession which marched
in triumph to the exposition grounds.
There were more bands in this street
pageant than were ever before seen in
San Francisco. Halt a dozen of these
musical organizations, occupying a place
on the grand stand, joined in unison in
the patriotic features of the musical
program. , x.
When the opening overtures had been
played, James D. Phelan, the president
of the day, made his address, introduc
ing at its close the Bt. Rev. Bishop
Nichols, who offered up the invocation.
The assemblage stood with uncovered
heads in the warm midwinter sun, with
the green hills towering above thorn, and
not a harsh element in the air blew
across their brows. People from the
East took off their top coats, on this 27th
of January, and made of them cushions
(or their seats. As the bishop called
upon the Almighty to make glad the
heart of everyone present in this land of
aunshihe, fruit and flowers, each visitor
from the snowbound districts undoubt
edly said "Amen. "
The scene was one that no stranger
could fail to be impressed with, and so
it was also when the governor of Cali
fornia, Hon. H. H. Markham, came to
extol the managers of the exposition for
the wonderful things they had accom
plished within the five short months
which had passed since the original con
ception of the idea. On every hand
were material evidences of the beauty
and power of this great Empire State of
the Pacific, nnd when Director General
M. H. de Young, to whose fertile brain
and untiring energy California owes this
exposition when he arose to deliver his
address a mighty shout went up and
honor was thero accorded to whom
was due. Mr. de Young bore his honors
modestly. Best of all, his speech was
short, and when Mrs. de Young was
asked to nreps the button which RVinnlrt
set the machinery in motion, she did so
gracefully, and this was all there was to
the formal ceremonies of the opening j
the great Midwinter Fair.
The act of starting the machinery was
ignalizod by the shriek of every whistle
in the exposition grounds, by the blare
and fanfare of artillery within full sight
of the assembled multitudes. On the
same spot, when evening fell, there was
a graijd display of fireworks, but in the
interim the recreation ground was de
serted, for everybody made a grand
rush as soon as the opening exercises
were over to visit the main buildings of
the exposition and to patronize the con
cessional features. It mattered not that
some of the exhibits were incomplete as
yet, for there was enough to keep all
eyes and all thoughts busy during what
was left of that short afternoon, and
everything, finished or unfinished, was
novel and unique to everobody. .
It was in the concessions, however,
that the holiday spirit of the crowd was
made more prominently manifest; ! The
'40 Mining camp immediately established
itself as one of the most popular institu
tions in the exposition. Seven thousand
people paid their way into this conces
sion on opening day. The Firth wheel
carried nearly six thousand, the Scenic
railway was loaded down all day and
far into the night: the Wild Animal
Arena, the Ostrich Farm, the Indian
Encampments, the Hawaiian Village,
the Vienna Prater, Heidelberg Castle,
the Aquarium, the Sea Lions, the Colo
rado Gold Mine, and the scores of other
concessions did a big business, and
everybody seemed satisfied with the pat
ronage they received.
" All this established beyond a doubt
the popularity of the Midwinter Exposi
tion. Since the opening day there has
been an average daily attendance of
8,000 people, or as many as paid admis
sion so the great World's Columbian
Exposition during the first few days
after the official opening. Visitors are
loud in their praise of what they have
seen and are freely predicting' that the
exposition will be an immense success.
The exposition management begin to
feel as if they could take time for a
good night's rest now and again, lor
their undertaking has now been fairly
launched, and they are willing to trust
its drawing powers to prove sufficient for
its satisfactory continuance for the en
entire term of six months.
The great glory of a California winter
is just now at its height. People ruling
jn the open street cars read of the bliz
eards and snow blockades that harass
their eastern friends, and once more the
word of welcome, passes along every line
of eastern railroad : " Come to California,
see the great Midwinter Fair, and get
The State Department has received
information of the death of Dr. J. r.
Hartigan, ex- United States Consul at
Comptroller Eckels hs decided to ac
cept the resignation of Lionel Stagge as
receiver of the Oregon National Hank
No Portland man will be appointed re
Representative Ellis has introduced a
bill to fix the northern boundary line of
the Warm Springs Indian reservation in
Oregon according to a survey made by
1. ti. liandley in 1871
The House Committee on Military Af-
fa'rs has ordered favorably reported
bill to repeal the act prohibiting the re
enlistment of private soldiers who have
served ten years or are over 35 years of
Secretary Carlisle has appointed W.'
r. tiazen of Cincinnati chief of the se'
cret service division of the Treasury De
partment, vice A. L. Drummond re-
signed. Mr. Hazen has been in the
service for years.
The President has affirmrd the finding
and sentence of the court-martial in the
case of Paymaster John Clvde Sullivan,
who was tried in San Francisco and ex
cited great interest. This involves his
dismissal from the service.
Hansbrough, has succeeded in having
the Senate Committee on Agriculture
favorably report his bill appropriating
$1,000,000 for the extermination of the
Russian thistle, although George, Chair
man of the committee, dissented.
Congressmen are becoming very solic-
itoii8 in pressing the claims of thpir dis
tricts upon the House Committee on
Rivers and Harbors as the last week of
hearing draws to a close. A delegation
was before the committee representing
the waterways ot Washington. They
were informed by the committee that it
does not intend to branch out in recom
mending appropriations for new work.
the condition of the treasury forbids.
They have little hope of getting what
they asked tor.
The Secretary of the Interior has sent
to the House a communication from the
Commissioner of Indian Affairs, giving
the names of the settlers upon the Crow
Creek and Winnebago reservation in
South Dakota and the amount of dam
ages they sustained between the time of
the opening of the reservation and the
present time. Secretary Smith recom
mends the appropriation of $116,199 for
the reimbursement of loss sustained bv
944 settlers and an appropriation of $3,
000 to reimburse some fifteen others
whose claims are held for further proof.
The Senate Committee on Naval Af
fairs has authorized a favorable report
upon the hill introduced by Senator But
ler authorizing the Secretary of the Navv
to furnish the naval militia of any State
with avessel not suitable or required for
general service for the purpose of drill
and instruction, with an amendtnenthat
a detail of seamen shall be made to take
care of any vessel supplied for the pur
pose. 1 he bill provides the vessels shall
be lurnished with charts, books and in
struments of navigation.
Representative Doolittle had hoped to
get his Nicaragua canal resolution be
fore the House before the tariff bill came
ip, and had everything fixed to push it.
through before that measure, but the
President got anxious to have his pet
chemes before the people as soon as
possible, and the tariff bill was reported
by the Ways and Means Committee
sooner than was expected. Until th-H
and the income tax are out of the way
there is no hope for any other legislation.
But in the meantime the friends of the
Nicaragua canal are not idle. They are
working in committees and among their
personal friends everywhere, and votes
are being gained for it every day- It is
a pity that the resolution could not have
iieen acted upon and the committee gone
to Greytown to investigate the work so
as to have been able to report by the
time the House was again ready to do
something besides talk.
Whether the Pacific Mail Company
will carry out the terms of its contract
with the government for cariying the
mail between New York and Colon is a
matter of considerable doubt among
Postoffiee officials. The contract made
two vears ago provided for a change in
service February 1 of this year from
"ending a steamer every ten days to
weekly trips. - The Postmaster-Gener I
has received a communication from Sec
retary W. H. Lane of the Pacific, Mail
Company, stating it is questionable
whether the company can meet its re
tirements, but no action on the com
munication has been taken by the de
partment. If the contract is not carried
out, the Postmaster-General has the
power to impose a heavy fine. A like
ondition of affairs exists in the mail
service between San Francisco an Hong
kong, for which the Pacific Mail Com
pany also has the contract. The change
in that service is from thirteen to twenty-six
trips a year.
The House Committee on Military Af
fairs will report favorably the bill of
General Curtis of New York, which re
vises the regulations for enlistment in
the regular army and is designed to
Americanize the troops. Its most im
portant provisions are that no men shall
be enlisted in time of peace except
American citizens or those who have de
clared their intentions to become citi
zens; that the mio must be able to
speak, read and write the English lan
guage. These rules do not apply to In
dians. The official reports phow that
over 37 per cent of our soldiers at the
present time owe allegiance to foreign
governments. Candidates for enlistment
must be under 30 years of age. Under
the existing rules the enlistments are
for a minimum of five years and the
length of service restricted to ten years.
The committee recommends all enlist
ments be for terms of three years, nnd
no man shall re-enlist whohas not served
honestly and faithfully during the first ,
Of seventy-nine suicides in Boston
last year sixty were women.
The World's Fair expenses amounted
at Chicago to over !26,U00,000. ,
New York city brewers have given
$10,000 to relieve the unemployed.
Proceedings for the dissolution of the
Chicago gas trust, it is said, are contem
plated in Illinois.
A gold nugget weighing 156 pounds
has been found on the Campion property
at Breckinridge, Col.
: The merchants of St. Louis are paving
the school tax, which they have been
fighting in the courts." ,
There was a decrease or '-' per mile in
the net earnings of the I ids of the
country the past year.
' A syndicate of English capitalists has
bought the tusk gold mine near Klack
hawk, Col., for l500,000.
The largest dwtillery in the world is
to be built at Terre Haute, Ind., as
rival to the whisky trust.
The Mississippi Legislature voted
down a bill tor the esiablishment of
disabled Confederates' home.
A Baltimore packer will erectin Omaha
one of the largest vegetable and chicken
canning factories in the West.
Surprisingly favorable results are said
to tiave resulted trom experiments in
feeding wheat to hogs in Kansas.
Baltimore (ire insurance underwriters
have raised the rates because of the al
leged inadequate fire department.
1 The estimated revenue of Chicago for
this vear will be about $8,000,000. Last
year the revenue was $1,000,000 more.
Malignant tonsilitis, due to cigarette
smoking, caused the death of Commo
dore C. H. Colt of Hartford in Florida.
The silver production of the United
Mites last year is estimated at ou.uuu,
OnO ounces, against 65,000,000 ounces in
The total property loss of Kansas City
by fire last vear was about $763,715, with
insurance involved to the amount of $4,-
According to Secretary Carlisle the
people of Utah owe the United States
725.555 lor the expenses of prosecutions
since 1875.
The Mayor of Cincinnati has been au
thorized bv the Council to expend $100,-
000 for impr iveinents to give work to the
In Rhode Island they still ring the
Statehouse bell to call the Legislature
together, it is a large belt, and can be
heard all over the State.
Manv Chinese in New York have dis
carded the laundry business and devel
oped into merchants. The Oriental goods
aie popular in ttie metropolis
The Baltimore American expects the
proposed electric, railway between Balti
more and Washington to be in operation
belore the summer ol next year,
A bill is to be introduced in the New
York Legislature to provide for the es
tablishment in cities ot 7D.UUU uihabi
tanisof free public bureaus of employ
ment. ; ' ,
The troubles in the Mansfield mining
district in Pennsylvania are at an end
apparently. The Slavs, who ran thing
as they pleased for awhile, have been
cowed. . . ,
The railroad emplovesof Pennsylvania
have formed an association to combine
on candidates for the Legislature. It l
c aimed that 100,000 men will vote to
gether. The official returns show an increase
in exports from Canada for the past s'x
months of nearly $4,000 000. The im
ports for the past six months increased
$5(10,000. , .
The speech of Senator Jones of Ne
vada dniing the silver debate will till
ninety pages of the Congressional Rec
ord, and a special number has been as
signed to it. -
On the proposed subway to cross the
city of Boston !5,000.000 are to be ex
pended Passengers will be carried from
Park Square to the Union station on
Causeway street in four minutes.
The petitions presented to Congress
against the Wilson hill hear the names
of 1.250,000 persons, the largest number
of remonstrants ever known in the cast
of a pending scheme of legislation.
The New York State Railroad Com
mission intends to ask legislaiion giving
it power to act as arbiter in grade-cross-
ng matters. X lie idea comes from Mas
sachusetts, where it has been successful.
Judge McAdam of the Superior Court
of New York, who has probably granted
more divorces than any living Judge, has
ruled that if men set traps to catch un
faithful wives they cannot get divorces.
Judge Dundy at Omaha has issued an
order reducing wages on the Union Pa
cific system. The average reduction per.
man is $3.62 per month. The employe
are enjoined from striking against the
Ut. ; - f.
The Law and Order League at Jackson
ville, Fla., has resolved to make it lively
for the principals, aiders and alienors in
he Covbett-Milchell fight. It hoid- that
the injunction granted by Judge Call was
an evasion of the prescribed statutes.
and if the State authorities do not very
soon bring the matter up for review iii
the bupreme Court, the league will do so.
The peculations of James Anderson of
Indiana, a well-connected lad of 18 years,
who is employed as a messenger in the
Treasury vaults at Washington, proves
more serious than was at first supposed.
They am mnt to H794 as far as ascer
tained, ami the inquiry is still in prog
ress. .When the thelt was first discovered
it was Supposed to amount onlv to a few
dollars, and at the request of the Treas
ury officials publication of the fact was
suppressed. Anderson had access to the
silver vaults for the puqiose of showing
visitors nirougn. ne pnea open me
wood work of some of the silver chests
near the lattice work, slit the bags con
taining : the silver dollars and helped
himself to a few dollars at a time as he
'wanted them.
Berlin intends to annex some rich sub
urbs, ,:' ...
The English naval estimates for 1894
amount to 7,000,000. ' . :
The Queen of Afghanistan has decided
to adopt European dress.
Paris may follow Manchester's exam
ple and become a seaport.
Thousand's of peasants are in a starv
ing condition in Hungary.
A pedigree hook of high-bred cats has
just been published in England.
A comparison of French exports shows
a great decrease in the year past.
Kossuth says his " History of Hun
gary " is almost ready for the press.
People in England are fined 40 shil
lings for walking on a railroad track.
Sweden will spend $2,700,000 extra for
five years in building new war ships.
Londoners pav a trifle over 4 a head
in taxes, local and national, per year.
Premier Crispi expresses great desire
to end the commercial war with trance
. It has been definitely settled that Eng
land is to buy ttie trunk-line telephones.
The Emperor of Germany ha become
interested in the American game of
poker. . '
In no country has the marriage rate
declined eo greaily in recent years as in
For commenting too freely on govern
ment plans the Moniteur de Rome has
been suspended. .
In the opinion of the London Times
the new American bonds are not likely
to be taken in England.
The Liverpool overhead electric rail
wiy has proved a great success in its op
eration 8itce last march.
Russia and France are preparing for
an interconferring of honors during the
coming rranco-Kussian tetes.
The Japanese Emperor has iust re
ceived from the Kaiser of Germany as a
present a norse valued at ify,uuu.
f From all accounts from Germany the
young Aaiser made all the advances for
reconciliation with Prince Bismarck.
Mr. Balfour in his speech at Manches
ter announced that England has now on
hand two scares trance and Russia.
Brigandage has become more common
in Spain in consequence, the authorities
say, of the large number of unemployed
During last year 13.647 fewer emigrants
lett the United Kingdom for places out
ot Jiurope than during the previous year,
, The grandson of Lord Byron child of
the hapless Ada has succeeded to the
Karldom of Lovelace by the death of his
A new kind of fuel, made from solidi
tied petroleum and other materials, is
now being extensively inanuiactured in
r ranee. ,
The French customs revenue for 1893
was 28,000,000 francs below the estimate
and 2i,000,000 francs below the revenue
it 1802.
The French Chamber of Deputies has
rejected 347 to 90 a motion to reduce
the taxes of farmers cultivating their
own fields.
' The Prussian budget for 1894 shows a
leficitof $16,000,000, mostly due to in
creased war expenses in a time of pro
loucd peace. , -
The amount of money received an
expended lor the rehet of the miners
luring the recen-t general strike in Eng
land was 101,714.
The government of France is convert
ing its per cent bonds into 3) per
ents in order to save 1 pr cent in the
annual interest charge.
The Belgian army has a soldier 6 feet
6 inches tall, who is allowed double
rations, on recommendation of his Colo
nel, on account of his size.
Gladstone is so admired in Spain that
all parties in the Basque provinces have
sent to him at Biairatz a neighborly
message aiid a symbol of liberty, i
The next Universal Exposition opens
in Antwerp on May 5 of this year. The
next after that, as far as at present
known, will be the Paris Exposition of
Berlin cab drivers to the number oi
between 400 and 500 have struck against
i police Older requiring them to wear
hite glazed hats as a distinguishing
mark of their calling. ;
The Kussian government, which. aban
loned the idea of an income tax. some
time ago, has now determined to impose
i tax upon the rental of occupied houses.
to be paid by the tenants. .
It costs Great Britain $20,000 toscraoe
the barnacles off the bottom of one of
its big. men-of-war and repaint it, and
this has to be done twice a vear in the
case of nearly every vessel. .
There are some signs in Russia of a
relaxation of the authorities toward the
peasants and Socialists. A greater meas
ure of economic justice is hinted at in
many public documents.
The Czar in a telegram to the Governor
of Moscow expressing thanks for New
Year s congiaiulations says: " Mav God
grant peace, re t and general welfare to
all nations, and more especially to mv
own dear country." ,
Paris, not satisfied with the river Seine,
seeks a shorter cut to the open- sea, and
a ship canal to Rouen has been proposed.
There would be no great physical obsta
cles in the way, since the points are only
about seventy miles apart. .
According to an advertisement con
tained in the Danish Government Ga
zette, published in Copenhagen, two big
volcanoes are for sale. They are situat
ed in Iceland, and are the principal at
tractions of the island. The owner asks
for them the sum of $400 apiece.
A concession has been secured by an
American for the construction of an
electric railway between Tokio and Yo
kohama, a distance of about thirty
miles. Two American engineers are said
to be now on their wav to Japan in con
nection with the matter.
Bow tbo Bonea of Dead Chinamen Aro
Returned to Their Native Land.
Chicago is advancing in cosmopolitan
pretensions. Heretofore only in cities on
the Pacific slope has the honored Cek-stiul
custom oC disinterring the bones of dead
and buried Chinamen and shipping them
back to tbeir native land been practiced.
The ceremony has recently been performed
in Chicago, however, and the interesting
rites are described at length by the sapient
Tribune of that city.
To an American the ceremonies are novel
and interesting. Before a grave is opened
four lighted candles are placed, two at the
head and two at the foot, and kept burn
ing until the bones of the dead have been
taken out. The undertaker, standing at
the head, recites a few incantations and
performs a short religious service. He is
dressed iu the robes of his office, which are
described as being gorgeous in gold trim-
piings and embroidery. After the bones
lave been lifted from the grave they are
dipped into a kettle or jar of boiling oil
made of aromatic herbs and roots, and then
carefully wiped off with soft cotton cloths
acd dried. It is claimed that the hot o 1
soaks into the skeletons and preserves them
so that they will last thousands of years.
Further preparation consists in the wrap
ping of each bone in a Lcavy piece of mus
lin and labeling it. The tin box Is m ide
just large enough to hold the skull and
trunk of the, body intact. The smaller
pieces can be packed inside and around
these. If a single bone or sliver of a bone
is missing, it must be accounted for in a
written certificate signed by the under
taker. Six or eight of these tin boxes will
be placed in a wooden case for shipment.
Each box bears a card giving thjs namo of
the man who once wore flesh on them as
well as the names of the persons to whom
it is consigned. ,Wben- it is received by '
them, the. bones are taken out, examined i,o
see that they are right, placed in a stone Jim
made expressly for the purpose and buried.
1'ronioted to Washington From the 31111.
tary Department of Wisconsin.
General Joseph Bodwell Doe, who hits
been appointed by President Cleveland to
succeed General L. A. Grant as assistant
secretary of war,
has been adjutant .
general of the Wis
consin national
guard since the be
ginning of Govern
or Peck's admin
istration, and has
never had any mil-'
itary experience
beyond that gained
by his 15 years'
connection with
the militia, to the
command of which
he was advanced
by regular promo-
. ; GENERAL doe. tion from a posi
tion of a private in the ranks. He iB too
young to have served in tbo civil war. He
was little more than 10 years old when Lee
surrendered at Appomattox, and a West
Point cadetship never came his way.
General Doe is a resident and native of
Janesville, where he was born March 8,
1855. He was educated at Racine college,
graduating in 1874. He is a lawyer, and
has won his way into the front ranks of tb
profession in Wisconsin with a regularity
very similar to that which has attended his
gradation in the militia. He has something
of a reputation as an orator and is reputed
to possess good judgment and considerable
executive ability. His long service in tbs
national guard and his great familiarity
with its requirements have helped him
greatly in promoting its efficiency, and bis
administration of its affairs has been satis
factory to officers and men.
Secretary Lamont is reported to have saiq
some time ago that he did not wish to make
a change in the office of assistant secretary
until be could find u man who would prao- .
tically relieve him of all the military rou
tine work of the office. . General Doe's
friends think he is just the man the secre
tary wanted, an opinion that is indorsed by
Governor Peck, among whose warmest
friends and most trusted advisers General
Doe has been. ,
. A New Fire Kxtlngnlslier.
A new material, which has been intro
duced iu Unglaml under the name of
vulite." has given some remarkable
results as a fire extinguisher For this
purpose, although it is a liquid, it is
much more effective than .water inas
much us it freezes only at a very low
temperature and exercises no injurious
effects on fabrics or timber A large
tire made with . highly inflammable
materials was , extinguished , almost
immediately by a small charge of tne
preparation. It is also likely to come
into nse as a protector for the skin of
those who are exposed to intense huL
A very convincing feature of the merits
of vulite is that after it has been applied
material that was previously comimsti
ble will uot ignite. Lonisvilie Courier
Journal. '