v. ' imrnmimmrnmrnrnmimmvimtmimmn i No Baking Powder Exhibited World's Columbian Fair Tested So High At the U. S. Gov't Examination For Strength, Purity and Uniformity As the Royal. The official report: shows ROYAL BAKING POWDER chemically pure and yielding 160 cubic inches of leavening1 gas per ounce of pow-, der, which was greatly in excess of all others and more than 40 per cent, above the average. Royal is the favorite In every kitchen and h$ a larger sale than all , others combined. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. , . '. 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. Persevering. "Missus," said a very small boy, "kin I shovel off your snow t" , "Why, the snow's all off my walk." "I don't mean now." "But I've promised another boy to let him do the work the next time it snows." "I don't mean then either. Every place I've been it was just the same way. You have to get yer application in early if you want work these hard times. What I want to know is, can I shovel off next winter's now for ye t" Washington Star. An Awful Thought. "I say, Jim, if dad's hand was as big as that, how we'd have td sufferl" Life. A Mean Practical Joke. When Colonel Singleton was a candidate for congress from one of the hill districts of Arkansas he had a rich experience. He soon ' became the butt of his opponents' jokes, and as there were 10 aspirants for the posi tion his life was an exaggerated burden. ' Once when the candidates ' on horseback were going to meet by appointment in ora torical contest Singleton fell behind, deter mining no longer to submit to their rail lery. The party passed out of sight, leav ing the disconsolate candidate to his own reflections. A slight rain had fallen, and when the party crossed a broad, shallow creek one young fellow conceived the idea of a joke. "Suppose," said he, "that we take off our coats and wait until Singleton comes in sight, when we will put them on, giving to him the impression that the creek is deep. We'll not say anything to him, and he will think that we want him to plunge into the water." . . , The idea was acted on. Pretty soon Sin gleton came along. "That's all right," he yelled, when he ; saw the men hurriedly putting on their coats. "I understand you. Want me to get wet, ehf" He dismounted, and although the day was fearfully cold he took off his clothes, mounted and carefully guiding his horse, he entered the stream. The water was not more than six inches deep, and when he perceived the cruel joke he stood up in his stirrups and began to swear, when his clothes fell into the water and began to float away. In attempting to reach over and regain them he fell and his horse, stag gering, stepped on him. His rage was ter rific, and when he arrayed himself in his garments lie borrowed a gun at a neighbor ing house and chased his political opponents 15 miles, totally forgetting his appointment to speak. Exchange. Irish Wit and Courtesy. A sudden gust of wind took a parasol . from the hand of its owner, and a lively Irishman, dropping bis hod of bricks, caught the parachute. "Faith, ma'am," said he, "if you were as strong as you are handsome, it would not have got away from you." "Which shall I thank you for first the service or the complimentF" asked the lady smilingly. "Troth, ma'am," said Pat, again touch ing the place where once stood the brim of what once was a beaver, "that look of your beautiful eye thanked me for both." Scottish-American. One Was Enough. "You love my daughter?" said the old man. - i . "Love her?" he exclaimed, passionately, , "why, I could die for herl For one soft . glance from those sweet eyes I would hurl myself from yonder cliff and perish, a bleed ing, bruised mass, upon the rocks 800 feet below!" " The old man shook his head. "I am something of a liar myself," he said, "and one is enough for a small family like mine. Tit-Bits. ' Valuable. Auctioneer This book, gentlemen, is es pecially valuable, as it contains marginal notes in the handwriting of Alexander von Humboldt. A hundred marks offered. Go ingl going! gonel It is yours, sir. (The autograph marginal note by the re nowned scholar was as follows, "This book is not worth the paper it is printed on." at the HOME FROM SCHOOL. Now here I am In the good old place Yes, little mother, I'm here to stay. Let me hold yonr hair against my face ' And kiss both cheeks in the dear old way. Just look at me hard I'm well and strong; Just feel my arms they'll stand the test; I'll go to the kitchen where I belong; Yon go to the porch and rest. - Now hear, little mother, yon dear little mother, Sit under the vines and rest. I liked my teachers. I liked my books. I had my share of the pranks and fun. But my heart came bock to the sweet home nooks And rested with you when the day was done. I used to think what you had for tea; Just what you were doing and how you were ' dressed. And somehow or other it seemed to me You didn't take half enough rest. You sly little mother, you spry little mother, I'm going to have you rest. Dear little mother, it brings the tears Whenever I think what I've let you do. You've planned for my pleasure years and years It's time I planned a little for you. So drop that apron and smooth your hair; Read', visit or knit what suits you best; Lean back in your chair, let go your care. And really and truly rest. You neat little mother, you sweet little mother. Just take a vacation and rest. Eudora 8. Bumstead in Youth's Companion. The Beauty of Wrinkles. " And now an authority inveighs against steaming the face as a preventive against wrinkles, alleging that this is the swift est and surest process by which to pro duce them. "The second layer of the skin becomes attenuated, and there is a decrease in bulk of the superficial lay ers," is the technical explanation which the laity will not understand and does not need to. The simple fact is suffi- cient But why should wrinkles be such a red rag to every woman? They must inevitably come if one lives long enough, and barring the suppression of the habit of frowning and the avoidance of dan gerous cosmetics it seems useless to fight them. 1 Time was when we were taught that they were the lines of character, and time is when character, as shining forth in the expression of the face, makes the wrinkles forgotten. Watch the soul be hind the wrinkles. Take as much care of that as you strive to of the outer layer of cuticle, which is its external sem blance, and the wrinkles will be lost or overlooked in the serene and steady eye and quiet but smiling mouth. "Think lofty things," says a preacher, "and the countenance will show the thought." New York Times. The Natives Had Scruples. Once an amusing story was told me by a South sea trader, writes Mrs. Rob ert Louis Stevenson. He had been in the habit of carrying all sorts of tinned meats, which the natives bought with avidity. Each tin was branded with a colored picture a cow for beef, a sheep for mutton and a fish for sardines. It happened that the firm who fur nished the mutton thought it a good plan to change their labels, that their goods might be more easily distinguished from others. The mark chosen was a red dragon. The natives came with their copra to trade as usual. The new tins were shown them, but they recoiled with hor ror and gave the trader to understand that they had had some religious in struction and were not to be deluded in to eating tinned devil. The trader was forced to eat his stock of mutton himself, for not a native could be persuaded to touch the accursed thing. '; - The Wrong Man. . A debt collector met P , a Bohemian well known at all the beer taverns in the neighborhood of Montmarte. "I have in my pocket a bill for 200 francs which bears your signature." "Is it dishonored?" P inquired. "No." "Then it isn't mine." Diable Boiteux. Hadn't Occurred to Him. . "Yes " said Cholly indignantly, "I can candidly say that no woman evah thanked me for giving her a seat in a horse car.': "But," said the young woman, "did you ever offer a seat to a lady in a horse car?" And Cholly mused and murmured that that phase of the question had not occurred to him. Washington Star. Left Out. "I understood this was to be an exclusive affair," said Mrs. Dukane to her husbaM, as they looked around the ballroom, "but I see everybody here." "Oh, no," replied her husband. "The host's relatives are not present." Pitts burg Chronicle. People who do not believe in dog Stones are reauy BUDjeew lor nearaeu commiseration. They have either" been unfortunate in their canine acquaint ances or have not the penetration re quisite for proper interpretation of dog characteristics. It is said to cost less to send the prod uct of an acre of wheat from Dakota to England than it does to manure an acre of land in England so that it can grow good wheat. Queen Victoria is superstitious about nrecious stones. She invariably wears chrysophrase in one form or another and thinks it brings her good luck. ' A western geologist says that Kansas can raise wheat for another 1,000 years before exhausting the necessary proper ties of the soil. " MUSCLE AND VIGOR A .DIFFERENCE Many muscular men suecurabto fatigues borne with ease bv persons far their Inferiors in phys ical strength. Muscle does not Imply vigor. In fact. It is not difficult of proof that athletes do not live as long nor enjoy as good health as the average Individual who Is vigorous that is to say, whose digestion ana sleep are ummpaireu whnm nerves are tranauil. and who has no or ganic tendency to disease. These requisites of vigor are conferred upon tnose lnnerenuy irea, no less than unon those debilitated through wasting disease. Dy a thorough, persistent course of Hostetter's stomach Bitters, the leading na tional tonio, indorsed and recommended by physicians of eminence. It will not endow you wiih the muscle of a Corbett. but it will infuse energy into your syttem and renew the active and neauniui penormance oi hb iuucuuus. averts and cures malarial, rheumatic and kidney complaints, and overcomes dyspepsia, constipa tion, aver irouDie ana uervuuMiesis. The officers of the army are hereafter to have whistles in their sword hilts. They will then be better able to return blow tor mow. PROOF OF MERIT. The proof of the merits of a plaster Is the cares it effects, and the voluntary testi monials of those who have used Allcock's Pobods Plaster during the past thirty years are unimpeachable evidence of its superiority, and should convince the most skeptical. Self-praise is no recommenda tion, but certificates from those who have used them are. . Beware of imitations and do not be de ceived by misrepresentation.' Ask for All cock's, and do not be persuaded to accept a suostitute. Beandeeth's Pills never go astray. Wife -What kind of cards do you think make the best calling cards? Husband laD&ent-minu- edly) Aoes. Sudden changes of the weather often cause pulmonary, bronchial and asthmatic troubles. "Brovm't Bronchial Trochet" will allay the irritation which induces cough ing, giving immediate reiiei. The tax of 2 cents a pack on playing cards Is a aeuce oi a tax. 100 REWARD-S10O. The reader of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure lu all its stages, and that is catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh, being a constitutional dis ease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so mucn taitn in its curative powers tnat tney oner one Hun dred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. bend lor lust ot testimonium. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists ; 75 cents. She (doubtfully) I believe you want to marry me for my money. He (confidently) Try me and see. WATER MOTOR. N .,' One Tuerk Water Motor, new, that will develop from 10 to 15-horse power; can be baa at a sacrifice by addressing Palm eb & Ret, ' Portland, Or. Not a Specialist. " Was It a specialist you went to to have your lungs tested?" "I don't think so. He couldn't find anything wrong witn mem." OREGON, WASHIN6T0N AND IDAHO State War rants wanted Dy H. is. inoble, i-ortiana, ur. A POTTER PRESS. q;.a gao tn.;a k..H. i.kt. ;.t.ii tion: bed springs: will print nine-column folio or six-column quarto; a splendid all round press for country office; for sale cheap; guaranteed in order. Addrpss rALURB E HEY, Portland, Or. Qse Enameline Stove Polish ; no dust no, smell. Try Gbbmea for breakfast. oles in your lungs are the Homes of Consumption Germs. The diseased spots are wiped out with new tissue made by , Scott's Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, and hypophosphites. This acts immediately upon the Lungs and makes, new tissue there. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! prepared by Soott Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. August Flower! Miss C. G. McClavb, School teacher, 753 Park Place, Elmira, N. Y. "This Spring while away from home teaching my first term in a country school I was perfectly wretched with that human agony called dyspepsia. After dieting for two weeks and getting no better; a friend wrote me, suggesting that I take August Flower. The very next day I purchased a bottle. I am de lighted to say that August Flower helped me so that I have quite re covered from my indisposition." Scrofulous Gores formed 6n ihy heck when a young girt My health broke down and I Buffered With kidney trouble. Years rolled on and I failed to get relief. The sores continued to discharge freely, causing much pain. Last summer a friend recommended Hood's Sarsa-arllla. Af ter two months the sores began to heal, my health improved, an appetite came to me and my flesh took oh a good color. Now the sores are all gone, my health is better -than it has been for a long time and my kidney trouble has vanished. Hood'sCures I shall always have a good word lor Hood's S.irsaparillo." Mas. Alvin Babton, Wal pole, Mass. N. B. Be sure to get Hood's. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pills, isslst digestion, cure headache. 25c. per box. 60c ta.. and 81.00 per Bottle. One cent a dose. This Great CotjohCom promptly cures where all others fall. Coughs, Croup, Bore Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it nag no rival: has cured thousands, and will CURB YOU if taken in time. Sold by Druggists on a guar antee. For a Lame Back or Chest, use BHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTERJ250. s HlLOHVikCATARRH 'w&&r&tfsi0r R E M E D 1 Have you Catarrh 1 This remedy is guaran teed to cure you. Price, 60 eta. Injector free. ORATGHED TEN MONTHS, A troublesome skin disease caused me to Bcratchforterj mrviths. and has been IP3S5f55B ;ured by a few days' use of lsSSEasa M. II. Wolit, Upper Marlboro, Md- I was cured several years ago of white swelling in my leg by using ffSgKKSI nd uave naa no tymptomsof re HSfrSgSf turn ot the dig jase. Many prominent physicians attended me ind all failed, but S. S. S. did the work. ruii f. Kiukpatrick, John3oa City, Term. Treatise on Blcod and Skin Dis iases mailed free. Swift Specific Co., 1 Atlanta, Ga. Tie Best Waterproof v Coat In the WORLD ! The FISH BRAND SLICKER Is warranted water proof, and will keep you dry in the hardest storm. The new POMMEL SLICKER i a perfect rldlnz coat, and covers the entire saddle. Beware of Imitations. Don'tl buy a coat ti the rjsh Brand" is not on it.- Ulustra- teil Catalogue tree. A. J. TOWHH, Boston, Mass. 1 MtsMyiii Airfoil. 1 swift' Specific DUVQiniAMQ WANTED tO hANlDLE ilffi' I III U I U I 4 I V U nRrmless. r Liquor, lorpnini, opium ana utnar urug nanus, - " iuid Write for information. IF YOU .WANT TO FEEL A PERFECT CORE PROMPTLY, OF ST, JACOBS Oil WILL DO IT DROP Don't buy any but osiricnes ana an mnas to us. - WATCHES, low Such Bargains From Reliable Houti.' Write for i. FELDENHE'MER, "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A FOUL BAR CAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES SUMMER SNOW for 50 years, the syw,vww on naray peacu ; comes true irora seed seedling peaches are hardi. est. Stands 6 to 10 deg. more cold than others: 30-vr.-old trees sfiil fcrar-BEAR WHEN OTHERS FAIL. If Interested in Trees. Fruits, Roses, Ornamentals, twite for Or. chard Book, Guide, prices will save you money, and MORE: mistakes. A Pointer Wheatsuc. bu.,apples ti; 30c. apples mutrtay $2 wheat. OLD OAK PROCESS Whole Root trees are carefully propagated re gardless of cost by Hie one known method that gives fruitful, long, lived trees. Tliey "live longer and bear better." Sec. Morton. They GROW one customer planted 16.300 Without Losina a Tree. ou can't get better nt any price, nor equally gooo roriess money; ours are the LOWEST PRICED Nurseries in U. S. for good stock sent world wide during 69 YEARS, liead the thousands of lntters from customers who order year af ter year. Men do not as a rule send the second, the third, and even the 20th order, If not fairly dealt with. YOUR ORDER we wantit.wlieth er for one tree or one million, be cause we have the stock to fill it looo acres Nurseries. Tested, and hardy, 1st Choice sorts 30,000 acres Orchards in 21 States, we ship everywhere, ship all Winter l3Cool Storage rittt rntiuni. eiarta bhu s NimstKits uhunahuv vu,, u z&, Louisiana, Mo, or Rocknort, lit i.lllUlJIlilllMilKlimittNlillllilltJIIIIttilllllHIIiillml WATER MOTOR FOR SALE. One celebrated Tuerk Water Motor; new; will develop 10 to 15-horse power. Water is the best and cheapest power to use, and the"Tuerk" is the best and cheapest; motor in the market Will be sold at a sacrince. Address PALMER & Ely, Portland, Or. PERMANENTLY CURED OR NO PAY. No PAY UNTIL cured. We refer to 5,00( patients. No operation. No DETENTION FROM BUSINESS. .Write or call for circular and bank reference. Examination tret. TheO.E. MILLER CO., Marquam Building, PORTLAND, OREGON Incorpora'ed Capital nd Surplus, $1,000 000. Dp. Evorv'a . tf wa ... w , , QATAR R H TheGreatura for Catarrh, Deaf ness.Colds, Sore Throat, Hoarseaees, Headache, Fottd, Sickening Breath t Uestoros the Volco, Bense of Smell, eto.l rk-0 50c. all druggists or tfO UtU bt.t Urooklyu, IS. V MRS. WIHSlOW,S-HHu,?a - FOR CHILDREN TEETHING -Far sale kr all Urun-Ut. 86 Cent, a b.UU. (MASQUERADES, PARADES, IWI AiUATECR THKA I HIC4I.S. Everything in the above line. Costumes, Wigs, Beards, Properties, Opera and Play Books, etc., furnished at greatly reduced rates and in supe rior quality by the oldest, largest, best renowned and therefore only reliable Theatrical Supply House on the Pacific Coast. Correspondence so licited. Goldstein & Co., 26, 28 and 80 O'Farrell street, also 822 Market street, Ban Francisco. Wt supply all Thealcrt on the Coast, to whom we re speotfully refer. MOTIVE POWER I UrnpHI TO GAS and ntnuULLO GASOLINE PALMER & KEY, San Francisco, Cal. and Portland, Or. DR. GUM'S IMPROVED LIVER PILLS MILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. A movement of the boweli each day Is necessary fof health. These pills supply what the system lacks to make It regular. They eure Headache, brighten ths Eves and clear the Comclexion better than cos metics. They act mildly, neither gripe nor sicken aa other pills do. To convince you of their merits we will mail samples free, or a full box for 25 cents. Sol pverywneio. ttosaiuco aloo. ix x-nuaatMiMua, YOU WANT THE BEST. oenu ior our uftiaioi?ue or XCINCUBATOS Best makes. Low prices. Easy pay- meni8. Aaaress w. j. Aseacu, fVipUU VHUIUlUltVi N. P. N. TJ. No. 530 -S. F. N. TT. No. 607 l r 1 1 IIIUIIU P. o. Box e!7. AS NOTHING ELSE CAN DO. IT IF YOUR BUSINESS DOES NOT PAY Chickens are easily and successfully raised by using; the Petal u ma In cubators and Brooders. Our il lustrated catalogue tells all about it. the Petaluma If you want strong, vigorous chicks a Pitg 1 Tfjtas We are Pacific Coast Headquarters for Bone and Clover Cutters, Mark ers, Books, Canonizing Tools, Fountains, Flood's Roup Cure, Morris Poultry Cure, Creososone the great chicken-lice killer and every other article required by poultry raisers. See the machines in operation at our exhibit with the Norwalk Ostrich Farm, Midwinter Fair, hatching oi rggs. uaiaiogue iree: u you want u, write rbTALUMA INCUtSATOK CO. 760 752 764 766 Main street, Petaluma, Cal. Clocks and Silverware XSK Price on iNf THIIVU MI-MKF.ll. FIRST AND MORRISON SIS., PORTLAND, OREGON. cellars. Free Packing. Free EXTRA COUNT (11 forlO.) STABKBR0 fci 5" wuit5E'iiE5j,aBmSfea--Mrr 1)onTLose Heart. PLANT FERRY'S SEEDS this year, and make up for lost tima I t erry's seen Annum lorism wm j give you many vaiuapie uiuia . auoui woac to raise ana now to j raise it. ItcontHinsinrornia-i v tion to be had from no others . source. Free to all. . .D.M.Ferry & Co.. Detroit, Mich. Bladder, Urinary and Liver Diseasos, Dropsy Gravel and Diabetes are cured by HUNT'S REMEDY THE BEST KIDNEY AND LIVER MEDICINE. HUNT'S REMEDY Cures Brlght's Disease, Retention or Non-re-Side DrineiI'ain I" the Back, Loins or HUNT'S REMEDY Cures Intemperance, Nervous Diseases, Genera Debility, Female Weakness and Excesses. HUNT'S REMEDY Cures Biliousness. Headache, Jaundice, Sour Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation and riles. HUNT'S REMEDY ACTS AT ONCE on the Kidneys, l.lver and Bowels, restoring them to a healthy ac tmp.and CURES when all other medicines fail. Hundreds have been saved who have been given up to die by friends and physicians. so I, i) bt a I.I, iKiT;;is-rN. DOCTOR . SB. THE GREAT CURE FOR INDIGESTION AND "constipation. Regulator of the Liver and Kidneys A SPECIFIC FOR Scrofula, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Neuralgia And All Other Blood and Skin Diseases. It is a positive cure lor all those painful, dell cate complaints and complicated troubles and weaknesses common among pur wives, mothers and daughters. The effect is Immediate and lasting. Two or three doses of Dr. Pardee's Remedy taken daily keeps the blood cool, the liver and kidneys act ive, and will entirely eradicate from the svstem all traces of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, or anyother form of blood disease. No mediclno ever introduced in this country has met with such ready sale, nor given such universal satisfaction whenever used as that of Dr. Pardee's Remedy. This renjedy has been used in the hospitals throughout the old world for the past twenty live years as a specific for the above diseases, and it has and will cure when all other so-called remedies fail. fitinrt in, lumnhW nf ... 1 , g who have been cured by its use. Druggists sell y . v."v yvi wvbic aijt lb ailU U COUV1HCCU. 1 For sale by MACK & CO., 9 and II Front St., San Francisco. PICE SILVER JS ALL righ t, but it is not ahead of bread made with QOLfeEP WEJT mum FEWBEI" Every can Is guaranteed pure. - . . . , WE WW TO 35 PER WREK TO WORK FOR US thus making IS 12 to 35 per week; parties preferred who can furnish a horse and travel through the country; a team, though, is not necessaty ; afew inuniiuieii iu towns Hna cuies; spure Hours mav be used to good advan tage. B. F. Johnson & Co., 11th and Main streets, Richmond, Va. DRO-PSY PositlT ly Cured with Vegetable Bemedici , """""nas oi cares, cure oases pro nounced hopeless br best physicians. From HrsttlnM irmptoms disappear: In ten day atleaat two-thlrdi Ml symptoms removed. Send for free book testlmo- uure. -xea jays Treatment free by mall. If yon order trial, send lOo. In stamsa oroar Dostaore. Tin. Ti.w hrhh A-ar.wa - SlTAIl Ordflrtrlal VAtnm t.hla .il..Fil.nlnnt a.. ' Free bv Hail On receipt of onb Dollar MHOLE GARDEN. L-etu-i mail you our uiuptrutt-d iaiaiusuj winch will iell you all about it. Miim-t Heed hiki flunk Co. (SherwOOd Hall Nllrsrv Cn V 4-27-0 Ma..B..ma. Street, San Francisco, aejecteu Seeds a specialty HAVE ITCHING PItES known by znoistnr like perapiratieyi, cause intense itching when warm. This form and BLIND. BIiEfiDINCt or PROTRUDING TpTiVK. yield at onck to DR. EtO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY, which aats direotly on parts nffectwf, absorbs tumors, allays itching, eflfeottnff a permanent eure. lVioo COo. iruelrrta Ormii. Dr. Sosanko, Philadelphia, Pa YOU GOT PILES Plso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the Best, Kftsiest to Use, and Cheapest. Sold br druggiste or sent by mail. O'M'FY l La U Mnnfl An rain