The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 10, 1894, Image 3

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    - T.'
Kood Jiver (Slacier.
HOOD RIVER, OR. FKB. 10, 1S94.
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood nt 1 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts tie same days t. noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M. arrives at
P. M.Saturdavs.
For White Salmon leaves daily at 8 A. M.
arrives at one o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon leaves for Fnlda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Olenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
The revival still revives.
B. M. Baldwin was in town Wednes-
' '. ; .
Professor Greene is teaching music
in Forest Grove. ,, , .,
The Oregonian Handbook for sale at
S. E. Baruness'.
Charley Early was over from Chen
owith Wednesday.
Timothy, red clover and alfalfa seed
at Kand, .Dent & Co.'s.
Joe Backus has a brand of religion
that may be classed as a freak.
The K; of P. boys have orgaiiined a
brass band, with Lick Fisher us leader.
Waucoma Lodge K. of P. has added
ten new members to its roll within six
weeks, -. ' - ' : ' -
Mrs. Caroline Rettingen, wife of A.
Bettingeu, Kr., died at The Dalles last
FiiJay. . -
Capfain Coe is repairing' the ' little
steamer Irma, which was wrecked last
summer. , .,
From present indications the royal
strawberry will be ripe in about three
months. i
The fruit growers' union will handle
boxes this year; falling them to its
members at cost. .
We have ten acres of fruit 'land for
sale, Beven acres in orchard, that is a
bargain for some one.
There Is talk' of a box factory here.
We will pay five dollars coin for the
first fruit box turned out of it. "
Double moulded doors, $1.75. All
kinds moulding J cent per inch.
Hood Hivkr Mfo. Co
Washington's - birthday falls on
Thursday this year, and the anniver
sary of the declaration of independence
on Wednesday.
Our "Whole Wheat Graham" is for
Rale at nil the stores. We guarantee
every sack to be made of clean No. 1
wheat. Hauhison Bros.
We have this day closed our credit
bonks, and all persons owing the firm
will call and settle, and save costs. :
Rand Dent &Co.
Mr. W. S. Gribble, who came here
from Can by and looated near Lansrille's
place, is confined to his bed with in
flammatory rheumatism.
The public will please take notice
that we are not in the collect n at busi
ness. We can't collect for m selves
and will not try to for any one else.
Dandruff forms when the glands of
, the skin tire weakened, and, if neglect
ed, baldness is sure to follow. Hall'p
Hair Renewer is the best preventive.
Ed Underwood got up before his
' brother Amos, Tuesday, and in conse
quence got th best suit of clothes and
came to town, the first time in months.
The whist club had its second meet
ing at K. of P. hall Wednesday even
ing, and will meet at the same place
each week duriifg the remainder of the
winter. - .
Glacier lodge of the farmers' alliance
end industrial union, of Mt. Hood,
gave a ba 11 at Bert Graham's new cot
tage, January 29th, which was well at
tended. Judge L. Henry went to The Dalles
Wednesday to attend a meetir?K of the
farmers' alliance and industrial union.
He is president of the association in
this county. ,
A meeting of the stockholders of the
fruitgrowers' union is called for next
Saturday. This is found necessary on
account of the illegality of the election
held a few weeks ago.
Hanna & Wolford have a barrel of
genuine old-fashioned New Orleans
molasses, the good old black kind that
makes gingerbread taste bad when
. there ain't any in it. ,
Insecticides for fruit pests and etc.,
London Purple, Paris Green, I. X. L,,
. WhalS oil soap, powered hellebore,
Prsan insect powdes etc., at the
Hood River Pharmacy. .
Henry Prigge arrived home from the
mid-winter fair Tuesday. He tells us
there is not much to see yet, and that
persons intending to visit it, should not
go bsfore the middle of March. '
Came to my place, about January
1st, a Jemey bull calf, no brands nor
ear marks, scarcely big enough to hold
a brand. If you own him come and
get him. Chas. Chandler.
The democratic state convention will
meet, at Astoria April 17th, and the ap
portionment is, made, on the basis of
Hon. A. S. Bennett's vote for supreme
judge. This will give Wasco' county
ten delegates.
- Next Wednesday is Saint Valentino's
day. In spite of hard times the gay
youth will find money to Invest iii
doves, rhymes and pretty nonsense for
his best girl, and the unloved urchin
will get in his deadly'work with the
Tuesday night the heaviest rain
storm that has visited this section for a
number of years prevailed for a couple
of hours. The rain camo down in
sheets, which the wind whipped under
t the shingles and through every crevice
' of window or door in its determined ef
fort to wet things up universally.
D company is in a state of reorgan
ization. The time of, (mite a number
of the boys expired on the 5th. At a
meeting Monday night a number of the
boys re-enlisted enough to hold the
company together for another month.
It Is expeeted that enough new mem
bers can be secured by that time to
PUtiuue the .company forauother year.
At the school meeting in district 2,
last month, 'it-was decided to hold a
short term of one month's school before
the regular meeting in March. : Ac
cordingly, school was to begin last
Monday, and teacher and scholars as
sembled for that purpose Monday
morning, but it was found that there
was no wood in the shed, and the di
rectors being unablo to procure any,
the school lias been postponed until
after the meeting in March. '
To make room for spring stock, com
mencing today and continuing for two
weeks, I. will make a sweeping reduct
ion in winter millinery, laces, handker
chiefs, ladies' underwear, etc.
, , Mks. C.J. Hunt.
Caught in tlio Cogs.
Carl Woods met with a painful but
fortunately not serious accident at the
planer Saturday afternoon. - He slipped
and fell, his arm striking the face of a
cog gearing, which proceeded to take
him in. He put his free hind against
the machine and managed to save his
arm from being drawn between the
cogs. They, however, took a piece of
skin, about three by four inches, from
his arm just below the elbow. Dr.
Brosi us dressed the wound, and in a
few days Woods will be able to return
to his work.'. It was a very close call.
' . Midwinter Fair.
If you intend visiting the great mid
winter fair, call on the nearest Union
Pacific agent, and he can tell you al
about the exceedingly low rate and the
adyantages offered, by this line to San
Francisco and return,, or address W. H.
Hurlbui't,. assistant general passenger
agent, Portland.
There will be a meeting of the stock
holders of the Hood River Fruit Grow
ers' Union Saturday, February 17, 1894,
at 1 p. m., in Hood River, for the pur
pose of electing a Board of Directors for
tho coming year, and for such other
business as may come before the meet
ing. By order of the president.. .
H. F. Davidson, Secretary..
.: BORN. ..:'.; .
At Mt.' Hood, ' January 20th, to Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Hilstrom, a daughter.
In Hood River valley, February 3d,
to Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Sherrieb, a son-
'" ' A Household Treasure.
D. W. Fuller of Canajoharie, NV Y.,
says that he always keeps Dr. King's
New Discovery in the, house and his
family always found the very best re
sults follow its use; that he would not
be without it if procurable. ' G.A.Dyke
mai), druggist, Catskill, , N. Y., says
that Dr. King's New Discovery is un
doubtedly the best cough remedy; that
he has used it in his family for eight
years, and it has never failed to do all !
that js claimed tor it.
A Wrec'i.
The eastbomftl passenger was ditched
between Arlington and t Blalocks,
Tuesday night. 1 The accident , was
caused by a broken rail, and the rail
was broken by rocks falling from the
bluff 6n to it. Seven cars w-cre derailed
and badly wrecked, but fortunately no
one was seriously , injured. It was
Charley Miller's train. ,;' J
, BiicMen's Arnica Salve. ,
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores,1 Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
Frfver Sores, Tetter Chapped Hand.
Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Erupt
ions, and positively cures Piles, ,or "no
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or; money refunded.
Price 2-5 cents per box'.'! For sale by
Hood River Pharmacy. ;
Mr. Charles Chandler of Hood River
Ore., and Miss Belle Milliner, of Day
ton, Ohio, were married at the home of
R.N. Bhepard last Wednesday by J.
M. Coulter, of Chenowith. In the
evening a large crowd gathered to
charivari the' young . couple. The
crowd was asked in, and all participa
ted in congratulating the couple, and
then dancing .began and was kept up
until 12 o'clock. Skxmania ' County
Pioneer. ' - -' '' .' . ' ,
- Will Know Later.
S. W. : LamaroUx, commissioner of
the general land office in an official let
ter to the register and receiver at The
Dalles dated Jan uary 31st, says:
I am in receipt of your letter of Dec
ember 6, 1S93, transmitting the petition
of Edwin L. Rood and others asking to
have r?stored to settlement ud entry
the west half of township one south,
range ten, east, tlie same now being
embraced in the "Casdade Range For
est Reserve," created by the President's
proclamation of September 28, 1803.
The petition is based on the ground
primarily, that the lauds in question
are valuable for agriculture and ; not
such as are necessary to promote the
aojeots of the reservation.
.Action on this petition, with n view
to restoring said lands to settlement
and entry, will not be taken at this
time, as there are now pending before
congress certain bills for the govern
ment and protection of forest reserva
tions, which will have some bearing on
the subject of this petition. .
'', FOR REST.' .J.
; A good farms inquire of A. S. Blow-ers.
i -
Savecl Her Life.
Mrs. C. J. Wooi.dridok, of Wortlmm,
7Y:;:is, snverl the hi- "( her child by tho
use of Ayor's Cherry Pectoral.
'One of my -children hart Croup. The
o;ise wis iifteiidetl by our physician, mid was
supposed l he well under control. One
night I was shirtled by the child's hiird
breadline:, and on going to it found itstran
(rlliia. If had nenrlv censed to breathe,
totalizing that the child's alarming condition
had become possible In spile of themeilicines
given, I reasoned that such remedies would
lie of no avail. H.-ivinir part of a bottle of
Ayer'8 Cherry Peetornl hi (he house, 1 gave
the child three doses, at short intervals, and
anxiously waited results. From the moment
the Tectoral was given. Hie child's breathing
grew easier, and, hi a short time, she was
sleeping quietly and breathing naturally.
The child is alive and well to-day, and 1 do
pot he-dtiite to say that Aycr's Cherry Pec
toral saved her nie." . .
AVER'S -Cherry
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Hubs.
Prompt to act, sure to cure
All Around Painter.
Prices reasonable and satisfaction gnaraa
T. C.
Stoves and tin
ware, kitchen fur
niture, pruning
tools and plumb
ers goods ol all kinds.
Repairing of tinwaro a specialty.
Vrli. Oib'TsTFOOl IN Thl 'vukLU
i -S. BL017ERS & GO.
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hats, (.laps,
Boots and shoes; Flour, Feed
etc. Country Produce .
Bought and Sold.
A.S.Bloweks. W.M.Tates.
23, Freight leave At 11.45. A.M
Kv I, Mall ' 10.i5 r. M.
Ko tt , Local, leTn 8.1" P. M
.' 1, Mall . " i-Ai A. tt
Steamers" from Portland to San Franclnoo,
Ttt ta i3 From Hot
, Forrato and general information oall on
W. II. HL'RLIUTRT. Asst. Gen. Pass. Ajrt.
i SSI Waslndgton St., Portland egon.
Srompt answer and an honest opinion, writo to
& CO. who have had nearly fifty vears'
experience in the patent business. Communica
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation concerning Pntonts and how to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue ot mechan
ical and scientific books seftt free.
Patents taken thronea Mnnn & Co. receiTe
special noticeinthe !S ientl!io Americnn. and
thus are brouirbt widely before the public wtth
ont cost to the Inventor. This splendid paper,
Issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
larcest circulation of any scientific work in the
world. $3 a year. Sample copies sent free.
BaUding Edition, monthly, SloO a year. Single '
copies, 'jSS cents. IGvery number'contains beau--'
tifui plates. In colors, and photographs of new
houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the
latest desiens and secure contracts. A ddress
JklOJMii & CO, J(EW roiili, aUl BliOADWAT.
kifti til hi a
Kotice is hereby given that the par
tnership heretofore existing between
us is this day dissolved by mutual con
sent. All accounts due us will bo paid
to J. II. Cracllebaugli, and all accounts
against us will be presented to him.
J. W. Wallace.
J. W. Cukteman.
C. A. JO.NiJS.
AriilsDiffili. tesi,
Paperhanging& Kalsomlning.
, iStrictly first-class work only. r
- X II B -
Fashion High Ann Singer
1 ' '-O-i-ta
. .?'i-.fjft.
Five Ycara Guarantee.
Delivered Railroad Freight Paid.
Pull tact of Finest Steel Xtlachmeala,
. ; In Plush Lined Case.
. Our Finest Premium is without doubt the
Fashion Hijrh Arm Singer Sewing Machine.
'Tho "Singer" ha3 stood the test of 40 years
and mada a princely fortune for its inventor.
The Fashion " Singer, however, is an im
provemei.t on the original machine, as it has
all modern improvpmentrf'up to date which
are known or found in a flrst-class family sew
ing; machine
' The automatio bobbin winder winds all sizes
of thread on the bobbin as easily as a spool of
thread is wound, without carp or attention on
the part of tho operator, except to keep tho
treadle moving. Owing to the machine having
what is termed a tight and loose wheel, the
bobbin can be wound without running the
working parts of the machine. This i3 quite
an advantage, as it does nut necessitate re
moving the goods from undorneath the pressor
foot, or even unthreading the machine. ., ..
The needle is short and straight, thus insur
ing great strength : it is also self-setting, re
quiring no caro on tho part of the operator. '
The pressure on tho sowing foot is adj ustable,
ap.d. when tho fowt braised lOTetnovolhe Work
from tho machine, it brings into piny the au
tomatic tension release. Tins takes tho ten-.
Bion from the thread, and tho goods can be re
moved from tho machine without bending the
needja or breaking tho thread. Every operator
ou old style machines will appreciate this. . . 5
Tho woodwoi-k is of either antique oak or
walnut, nt choice o" purchaser.
Each machine 3i furnished with the follow-.,
log accessories an J attachments : . '
Oil can filled with oil, 13 nredlos, 0 bobbins.
Wrench, zuido and cruide screw, lartre and small
dcrew driver, instruction book, foot hemrner,
feller, rufller, tucker, binder, and a set of 4
hemniers of assorted widths. We also furnish
a written guarantee warranting the machine
for five years, -breakage of needles and shuttles
excepted. This show3 tho groat coniidence we
have In tho machine, which v,-e justly claim to
be the best value for tho money ever offered.
How to obtain this Machine. We
will send this machine FREE, (Yciriht
paid to nearest railroad depot, to any one
sending us 40 yearly paid subscriptions, or for
K paid subscriptions and $10.C0 in cash : sold
to subscribers only for 24.50 cah, railroad
freight paid. Sewing machine agents sell this
machine for 555.CO and 63.00. .
Tho following testimonials were furnishod
08. by the manufacturers : .
LAfATETta Spinous, Quincv, E;.-.',' under .
date of June 84, 188B, writes : "I have one of .
your High Arm Sowing Machines. We have
had it about. 3 yoara, and it has proven to be
Just a? ftoofl as represented, it is paid to be ,
onoof the best machines in our neighborhood
Ly all who have seen it,"
Miss Saltae McClei.lan, Vanceburg, 5E7-.
nnderclalo ol: Juno 2.3, 1&1& writes : "Ireoeivefl
t ho machine and am delighted with it. It dot
lovely work. There is not another machine in
our town for which 1 would willingly exehanfra
mine. It. is a perfect gem in ilself. I think I
will be able in fend you some orders by fall.
Everyone likes this one so much." -
Hewry JORDAJf, I.L'jlersbnrg, Ky., under .
date of June iitt, lHs;2, writes: " Your Premium
Machine ia the bsst one I ever paw: I would
not give it for a:iy of my neighliors', some of
whom have nid SCO for their ticwing machine.
I will teil all of. my neighbor,-) about your ma- .
National Souvenir Spoons.
7 , jpt, 1 1
These Spoons are full sizo and beautiful
specimens the eii2,Taver's art, and are
made of nickel silver and .heavily plated
with pure sterling silver. '.Iheycomo half
dozen .in. a set,- all di-ferently engraved.
The bowl of eaeh spoon lias a lining of "22
karat gold, which- gives them a bountiful
appearance; each set is complete in a satin
lined case. Nothing could be more appro
priate as a gift than a set of National bou
venir Spoons. ...
We will Give this 'Full Set FREE
to any one sending us 3 new paid-up yearly
subscriptions: or for 2 new paid-no yrly sub
scriptions and i.00 in cash added; or it will be
sold to a subscriber for ;2.o0 euh; uonveted.
prepaid in every instance.
4 i
I (I ft lit f a-
' v ft 1 v"CCV t
rl r ' - l -I? '
The Prsther, Buildmg,Sscond u Oak Sts.
tiers ma44 an arrangoment with the
mtllehots theiorioeof books namod beloir
ivieh vrljl psable us to PTlvo any two of thena
wrrf FREfli Co nubicrfbr who will raneir
and pay iholr subscription in adyancs ,
Offer NO. IWo will give two of the
Eound Books below FREjS with ono now sub
scription paid in advance. - :
Offer No. 2We will give two of these
Books to subscribers who will pay up their
back subscriptions now, and two more Books
If thoy will pay for another year. - ' ; 1
Offer No. 3 to paid Up subscribers and
readers: We will giro one of these Books to any
reader who presents at this office twoof the
Coupons below and 20 cents any book may be
seleoted but each order for each Book must
be acoompanied by two Coupons. . -
tWESIY CENTS and TWO of theso
Coupons prosenteti at tho Olllco of this
paper will eritltlo the holder to ono
boolt from the list frUn bulow. Ech
hook beautifully bound in cloth and
If to be sent liv mail, ndfl 10 cts. for
po&tatro. Money maj be ia stuuips If
r desired.
These Books have been carefully selected.
Mid Are all 'by well known They are
plegautly bound .in cloth, with gilt back and
titles. The regular retail price is threo times
the figure we ask.
Married Beneath TTlriu By .Tames Payn."
MarveL : By "Tho Duohes."- k
Mary St. John. By Hosa Nouchette Croy.
The Matchmaker. By Beatrice Iteyuoida. " "
Michael BtrogofC. By Jules Verne.- '
A Modern Circe. By "The Duchess;"
Mona's Choice. By ill's. Alexander.
My Danish Sweetheart. Bv W. Clark RussclL
My Hero. By Mrs. Forrester
I'he Mysteries of Paris. By Eugene Sue.
KeiUe's Memories. By Bisa Nouchctto Carey.
Old Curiosity Shop. By Charles Ijickcns.
Did House at Sandwich. Bv Josepii Uatton.
Oliver Twist. By Charles Dickens.
One Life, Ono Love. By Miss M. E. Braddon.
Only the Governess By JKosaNouchotte Carey.
The Pathhnder. By J. C'euimoro Cooper. -
pilgrim's Prores. 1-y John Bunvan.
l'lie Pioneers. By J. Feuimore Cooper.
Plutarch's Lives.
Poe's Talcs. By Edgar A. Poe. f.
The Prairie. By J. Fenimorn Cooper.
A Prince of Darkness. By h lorenco Warden.
Queeniu's Whim. By Ilo.'a Nouchotte Carev. .
fhe Reproach of Annosiey. By MaxwOilGray.
tienzi. By Sir B. Buhver Lvtton.
liobinson Crusoe. By Daniel Doloe. . ...
Itomola. By George Eliot. - . ' ;
Kory O'More. By Samuel Lover.
tfartor lteyartus. By Thoma3 Carlyle.
The Scottish Chiefs. By Miss Jane Porter.
1'he Sealed Packet. By T. Adolplius Troliope.
Second Thoughts. By Khoda Broughton. - 1
pelf Sacrifice. By Mrs. Oliyhant.
the Sketchbook. liy Washington Irving. '
Silence of Dean Maitland. By Maxwell Gray.
Son of Port bos. By Alexander Dumas.
Si. Katharine's by tho Tower., By W. Besant.
wiss Family Robinson.
this Wicked World. By Mrs. N. L. Cameron.
The Three Ghranlsmen. By Alexander Dumas.
torn Brown at Oxford. By Thomas Hughes.
Twenty Thousand Leagues Undur the Sea. By
Jules Verne.
J-wenty Years A.f tor. By Alexander Dumas.
ro Years Before the Mast. By H, H. Dana, Jr.
fJtmte Max. By Bo? tfonoheMe Carey.. .
Bndercnrrents. By "The Duchess."
Biider Two Floss. By Ouida.
Ptaiiti? Fair. By W. M. Thackeray.
The Vioar of Waksileld. By OUvor goldsmith.
tiheVk-omte de Bragselonno. By Aloxander
Dumas. : '
Vivian tho Beauty. By Mrs, Annio Edwards.
Wee Wife. Bv Hosa Noachetto Caroy.
VeTwo. ByEdnaLyaU. 1 v-
Tho White Comjiany. By A. Conan Doyle. -Willy
Keilly. By William Carlton.
The Witch's Head. By II. is'MT Hagstfsrd. :
l'he Woman Ia White. By Wllltle (jolltas. ,-.-A
Woman's B'ace. By Florence Warden. .
A Woman's Roart: By Mrs. Alexander. ' -A
Woman's War. By Charlotte M. Braeme.
Won by Waiting. By Edna Lyall.
fhe Wooing O't. By Mrs. Alexander
The Good Luck Coffee Spoon shown here
bears all tho emblems of lue'J, naraely, tho
tour-leaf clover, horse shoe, wish, bone, bow
fenot and forget-me-nots. This spoon is made
of 3olicl Coin Oliver. One of those spoons
makes a beautiful souvenir present.
V,e will give one of those
f poon3 free to any ono sonfl-
mj; us 4 now paid-up yearly
subscription?, or for 2 new
paid-up yearly subscriptions
and $1.25 m oash; or it will be
sold to a subscriber for 82.25 in
cash. 10c. postage must be
audod in each oaite. .
Souvenir Spoon
Columbus Souvenir ' Tea
Bp ions are now all the rase ;
orerybody should, have one.
Wo show a beautifully en
graved spoon, bearing an ex
cellent bust of Columbus and
engraving of the vescel of Co
lumbus landing on our shores.
' This spoon is triple Biiver
plated, oxidized, and the bowl
is gold lined ; it. will be iven
free for one now paid-up
yearly subscription j or it will
be sold forbde. Sent postage
prepaid in each case,
Th Famous Elgin and Vifaltham Watches
are offered FREE to those of our
, . . readers who are willing to go 1
to a little troufcia to . !
obtain them.
Itis not nocrasary to nee epaoe la telling enr
readers what the islsluaud Walthaia Watcae
are. The great American JClgiQ and WalthsM
watoh Cue. are known tbu world cvtr.faa
their name on a watch stamps it as first-Mass
and reliable iu every particular.
Those are the watches we offer below, ana we
trust such of our readers who aeed Ik Watah
will rtad our various offers oaielnlir. We
hven't space to show the diixerent puttersf ef
ca.5a made (eomo 125), but we euarantoe that
any watch purchased or obtained as a premium
from us will be of exactly the name value and
description as tho sample shown, both as to
case and movement, although the patterns of
the case may vary ; but ail the designs of
Elgin and Waltham watches ure beautifully
and artistically wrought, as becomes the repu- .
tation of these great companies.
The regular retail price of the watches off er
ed below is nearly 50 per cent, more than ours,
as we purchase directly from theseliing agents
of the manufacturers. An Elgin or Vv althaiu
can be ordered as deirfrh
Our No.
1 is a genu-
Tho oaso is made of solid cold in two Diates.
streiifrthened in the centre with fine composi
tion metal. The manufacturers guarantee tMs
wet oh to wenr tor tifiof n venrp.
We will Give tills Watch FREE, delivered
prepaid, to anv one who will send us 26 now
paid -up yearly subscriptions, or tor 13 paid-up
yearly Mibscnption and 9 m caeh additional
or we will sell it outright to a Buhfcnber for
only m-easlu-dehvHrod prepaiil m all cases
ing case or
open face as .
desired fstat a
which), wit
accurate, I
?owcled movement, stem winding and set
ing and all improvements. This walch is
pood enough for anybody and is satisfaction
itself. Many thousands m use.
. Ve will Cive this Watch FREE, charges pre
paid, to any one who will send usl new pain-up-yearly
subscriptions, or tor 10 paid-up yearly
subscriptions and &0.50 cash additional: or wili .
Sell it to a subscriber lor S11.C0 cash, delivered
free in each instance. - .,
Our No. e T3TN." "sMi-'rroMiif
beautifully W st-ndard(jua1-fimshed,
wit.Fi uf V ay, tu enafh.
ease made g I , l s eied i.y a Mft
of two plates Wlmh plate .of fine
ccmposition meiai: 'me mani'fncturr
guarantee this case for twentv vcar-'. Ti
works are genuine Waltham or Elian, sccord
ing to choice, which is a sufficient guarantee -of
excellence, and are 7 jeweled, stem vi:idni
and setting. A lovelv rtresenf fnr a latlyi
Wo will Oive this Watch FREE, delivered
preoaid, to any ono i-enumg us 7 now pa d-up-yearly
subscrintions, or lor 10 new p.-ud-uj)
yeany subscript ions and 810 iu cash adf.ed; or
it wiii be bold to a subscriber lor S15.50 cash, -delivered
prepaid in all instances.
No. 1 is a solid silver Ladies' Elgin er
Waltham vvaich, Bevea
jeweled, stem viiiuinijc
and setting movement,
with ad '.he latest im-
firovcmentR: will wr-sra
ltelime. The Walch will
be (iiven FREE,"
delivery p re
paid, to any o: a
sending us
new poid-up
yearly sausorijk
tions, or tor 11)
n e w paid-up
yearly subscrip
tions and 5t6.0
watch will
be sold to any
subscriber for
$11.50 cash, de.
livered prepaid
in all instances,.
rvv 'LvVi la
If-tr LJ "I'll
Any of our reader", either lady or gent leman,
who want a reliable walch and wuunavett
little leisure tuna can roadjlv get us the num.- -bar
of subscriptions necessarv to enable therfl
to get one ot the above standard watchee
mthout any cash, outlay..
' '" ' compenBo-
ting safety
ine itllKin - g S . 1. - i) a 1 a u o e
o r Walt- : Pmion. stem
ham oocn ft I 11 w i n d i n
I "in tne- IH BCf f'tf ptu?
I woiks aie V V"- V and a11 ilu"
I 7 Je-nels, OvA fjtfj provements.
jj ITo. ' J , 1- !
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t - '