The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 13, 1894, Image 4

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- 1
THE U. Government Chemists have
reported, after an examination of the
different brands, that the ROYAL Bak
ing Powder is absolutely pure, greatest
in strength, and superior to all others.
Difficulty with Field Sum.
High velocity in field guns is gained not
only at the expense of the carriage, but of
the projectile. The violent forces In the
bore break up projectiles formed of the or
dinary cast iron, and. steel has o be em
ployed for shells, a material not only more
costly but less well adapted to the purpose
for which it Is intended. Cast iron breaks
up readily into small pieces and allows the
force of the bursting charge to have full
effect, while a steel shell is strong enough
to resist the explosion inside it too effectu
ally, is only partially opened, and does not
fly into splinters. , "
Other difficulties also arise In connection
with fuses, and these have in fact proved
so insuperable that the great powers of
the 18-pounder cannot be fully . util
izedas regards shrapnel, at any rate
because a time fuse cannot be made to act
at anything except ordinary ranges. Lon
don Saturday Review. ' - ; i
The Principle of the Kindergarten.
TheGerman Froebel wasthegreutapostle
of the kindergarten, a word wl.lcb means
literally a garden of children, v. here young
human beings are cared for as plants are
cared for, that their growth may be sym
metrical, and that the ripened fruits of
character may appear in due time. He
saw that the infant made constant use of
its eyes, desired to use its legs and arms,
and had a disposition to play; that with
the first indication of intelligence it showed
curiosity, and that Its first connected words
: were in the form of questions. It is be
cause his system of education if( based
upon these facts of the child's natural un
folding that it has proved itself to be the
best, and indeed the only proper training
for young children. Caroline Le Bow in
Ladies' Home Journal.
Sewage and River Water.
Concerning the self purification of riv
ers, Dr. Von Petlcnko states that untreat
ed sewage may with safety be discharged
into a stream if its volume is not more
than one-fifteenth of the river water. This
has been to be true of the sewage at
Ismaning, only five miles below Munich.
New York Times.
Judge J. B. Hill, ofthe Superior
Court, . Walker county, Georgia,
thinks enough of German Syrup to
send us voluntarily a strong letter
endorsing it. , When men of rank
and education thus use and recom
, mend an article, what they say is
worth the attention of the public.
It is above suspicion. " I have used
your German Syrup," he says, "for
my Coughs and Colds on the Throat
and IUngs. I can recommend it for
them as a first-class medicine."
Take no substitute. 0
We have Just issued an elegant 104-page !llu
trated catalogue of
If you are in need of anything in this line, send
us your name and we will send yon one by re
turn man. Aaaress
03 First Street. Portland, Or.
Nature ehoiild be
assisted to throw
off imparities ofthe
blood. Nothing
does it so well, so
promptly, or so
safely as Swift's
For three years I was troubled with mala
rial poison, which caused my appetite to fail,
and I was greatly reduced in flesh, and life
lost all its charms. I tried mercurial and
potash remedies, but to no effect. I could
get no relief. 1 then decided to try
A few bottles of this wonderful
medicine made a complete and permanent
cure, and I now enjoy better health than ever.
J. A. kick, uttawa, .nan.
Our book on Blood and Skin Diseases
mailed free.
Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga,
ITCHING- PILES know by ttolrtaM
like prapiraUqp, cause intense itoMn
when warm. Thts form and BLINIi.
whloh aots directly on parts affected.
HDsoros tumors, auayv imi og, tjnooinig
a permanent mire. Price 600. BrunrlBta
OrmftU DroaixkolX,nUadeiphiaf
Piso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the
Best, Easiest to TJuo, and Cheapest.
oM by DruftrtsU or sent by mall.
ForMlobjallUraavlato. t Ceatt a bottlo. ,
The smooth swart dome of basalt cloud ,
Hangs surd and flawless, withont shade;
Paven with somber waters, load
And hoarse, a floor the wind has laid.
The masts glow dully, and the sails
Glimmer with faint, nnholy light
Against the Iron arch that mails . '
The sky, like specters in the night.
The roaring torrent of the air.
Hurling us onward, writhes and moans.
We cleave the shuddering swells and tear
,Our passage through the flood that groans.
The sundered Barges on our track
Burst in volcanic sheafs of spume
Their white and vivid trails, blown back.
The cold phosphoric lights Illume.
Onr wide wake shines and shimmers: aisles
Of sparkling green begird our way.
And, right and left, flare out, for miles.
The tossing torches of the spray.
, . Edward Lucas White in New York Sun.
Heroism In Big City.
Teamsters and teams, men, boys and
shopgirls were rushing homeward, and
the confusion was enough to paralyze such
as me, for I had just returned from six
months of quiet and peace in the primitive
Suddenly I was forced against a wall by
a lot of people swerving out of the way of
a runaway cab horse. For a passing in
stant the noise was itensified and perhaps
a score of the hurrying boys broke into
run to see what damage the horse would
do further up town. Then the normal
movement of the human stream was re
sumed and I, stemming the tide, made my
my way on down street. At the next cor
ner I saw a stalwart German leaning for
support against a jeweler's window. The
horse had run against him and one side of
his face was lacerated and covered with
blood. He was moaning with pain, but
the passers by vouchsafed only to stare at
him so long as they could see without stop
ping. He was too much hurt to notice my
offer to conduct him to the New York Hos-
pital, which was not far away. So I has
tened to the next corner for a policeman
and was lucky enough to find one.
By the time the policeman came up half
a dozen men and women bad gathered
around the sufferer.
"What's the matter here?" asked the
bluecoat, although I had of course told him
the facts.
"This man's had a fight," said one of the
"Oh, he has, has he?" muttered the
policeman scornfully. ."Well, where'sthe
other fellow?"
"Gone on up the street."
With a grin the policeman took the
wounded man by the arm and led him off
toward the hospital.
I followed across the street and, merely
for curiosity, asked one of the lookers on
what had happened.
"Oh, nothing, except the fellow resisted
and got a taste of the club, that's all."
. Then I went on to the hospital and heard
the sufferer's explanation. He had tried
to stop the runaway horse and had been
struck by the footboard of the cab.
If a man wants to do anything heroic in
New York be should have his own witness
es with him. The chance spectator never
baa any time to stop and explain to In
quirers. New York Herald.
The Spirit of Destructiveness.
It was just luncheon hour the other day
when a truck loaded with a big piece of
glass plate baited before the rear of the
Equitable building, on Nassau street.
There was a windlass geared to the truck,
and from the top of the building a rope,
rigged with pulleys, reached to the street,
Four men were on the truck, and they
fastened the rope to the plate glass, pre-
paratory to hoisting it to a window on the
top floor. -
The work went on briskly and a crowd
of some hundreds had gathered when the
glass began to ascend. When it was well
above the pavement the crowd extended
from the scene of action to Cedar street on
the north and to Wall street on the south.
It was composed entirely of men, every one
of whom kept his eyes firmly fixed on the
The workmen ground away grimly at
the crank, and the plate rose steadily.
When it was about half way up all necks
werexraned to an average angle of about
45 degs., and the angle increased as the
men toiled on. It was a silent crowd. No
body spoke. Each addition to it seemed t
join in the spirit of the occasion, and find
ing a convenient spot iiegan to gaze with a
determination that would not be moved,
It was not until well after luncheon hour
that the glass reached its destination.
The men at the windlass stopped. Then,
after the huge burden hud been carefully
guided through the window by means of
considerable shouting on the part of the
men above, and vice versa, the crowd dis
persed and went back to business late..
nut no sign or reiier was Heaved, lor
there was not a man there who bad not
yearned from the bottom of his heart for
the glass to fall and dash to pieces on the
pavement. New York Evening Sun.
' The Parrot and Bis Food.
Parrots and toucans have no knives and
forks to cut off the rinds of tropical fruits;
but as monkeys use their fingers, so the
birds use for the same purpose tbeir sharp
and powerful bills. No better nut crackers
and fruit parers could possibly be found.
The parrot in particular has developed for
the purpose his curved and inflated beak
a wonderful weapon, keen as a tailor's
scissors and moved by powerful muscles on
either side of the face which bring together
the cutting edges with extraordinary
energy. :
The way the bird holds a fruit einsrerly
in one claw, while be strips off the rind
dexterously with his underhung lower
mandible, and ' keeps a sharp lookout
meanwhile on either side with those sly
and stealthy eyes of his for a possible in
truder, suggests to the observing mind the
whole living drama of his native forest.
One sees in that vivid world the watchful
monkey ever ready to swoop down upon
the tempting tail feathers' of his hereditary
foe; one sees the canny parrot ever pre
pared for his rapid attack, and ever eager
to make him pay with five joints of his
tail for his impertinent Interference with
aa unoffending fellow citizen of the ar
boreal community. CornhiU Magazine.
Stories of Great Lack.
Captain Ben Ferguson,, collector on the
ferryboat Hire, is always reminiscent,
The other day the captain said to me:
"You seldom hear of a man making
$90,000 in one night in these days, but I
know of such an instance. Mr. Cole
man, who ran a foundry on Washington
street, near Brook, did it. In relating it
to me he exhibited no delight whatever.
His words were: 'Captain, I made $90,-
000 last night; went to bed early and
slept soundly. ' You know the price of
iron went up, and fortunately I had
enough on hand, which I had purchased
at a low figure, to net me a fortune.' As
Captain Ferguson concluded the story
he told another of how Dennis Long
made $200,000 because the price of iron
dropped out of sight. It was just at a
tune when Mr. Long had failed in busi
ness and told Captain Ferguson that he
was $400,000 in debt. .
"Well," said the captain, "Dennis Long
went up to Indianapolis to bid on the
construction of the city waterworks.
There was but one other' bidder, and
Mr. Long was awarded the contract.
Not long after iron began fluctuating,
and Long's estimate having been made
on the basis that iron would advance
still more in price, it already being high-
at the time, he of course found that as
it decreased he was reaping a golden
harvest, Well, iron wont down and
down. When it stopped, it was worth
hardly anything. Mr. Long, as I said,
made $200,000 by this, and he's been
making money ever since," Louisville
Rats Are Great Travelers;
Rats do not, as one would suppose, re
main on the ship, but get off at various
ports, and after remaining a while ship
on some other vessel for another voyage.
The water rats or wharf rats are great
travelers and make frequent voyages
aroun,d the lakes and even around
the world the latter "as I discovered
while engaged in West India service.
There are here now rats from almost
every part of the globe. Why, I saw
four colossal Jamaica rats, with thein
white bellies, skipping about in the moon
light a few weeks ago, and only yester
day I killed two Indian male rats not
200 feet from where we were standing. .'
Eats are great climbers when they
find it necessary to be so. Upon one of
my voyages not long ag6 we had a long
spell of warm weather, and there was
no water in the hold which the small
army of rats on board could get at. One
night we put some water up at the cross
trees and waited for the result! Well,
the rats just swarmed up the ratlines
and went for the water. We killed as
many of them as we could as they came
down, and some of them jumped over
board and were drowned. But we could
not kill them all, and a few made the
entire voyage with us. Interview in
Chicago Tribune. '
Bismarck's Advice to Students.
Only now, and in a roundabout way,
via Bonn, has the text of the speech
which Prince Bismarck made at the re
ception of Bonn students become known.
The prince confessed that at the univer
sity he neglected study, but added: "The
only thing that I am sorry for on look
ing back to those times is that I could
not later on make up for what I had neg
lected then. What one has learned aft
erward does not remain so firmly in one's
memory. I do not dissuade you from
working, but I am not horrified if my
sons commit studentlike excesses, and
above all things I believe that the stu
dent's life in corporations has this ad
vantage that it somewhat steels the
character by subjecting each to the crit
icism of his comrades.' This is a great
thing. . As long as one belongs to a cor
poration, to the opinion of which one at
taches much importance, one does not
easily go astray. The same thing plays
an important part later on in life. What
is it that is the backbone of German of
ficials? The university and the sword
knot." Berlin Cor. London News. 1
How to Live if You Wish to Live Long.
Aside from the very important and
controlling influence of inheritance, of
diet and of temperate habits, the points
to be learned from the few statistical
data attainable are that longevity is pro
moted by a quiet, peaceful life in a re
tired and rural community, where there'
is freedom from nervous strain and wor
rying and excessively laborious toil. The
business man, with increasing cares and
responsibilities, the mill operative toil
ing hard to keep together the souls and
bodies of, himself and his family, the
politicians, the hardworking professional
men, are not the chief contributors to
the centenarian ranks. Dr. Holyoke in
deed became a centenarian, but his ex
ample has rarely been followed by his
professional brethren. Boston Medical
and Surgical Journal.
Where "Sterling" Came From. "
Sterling signifies money from tho le
galized standard of coinage of Great
Britain. According to one theory the
term originated as follows: It is a cor
ruption of Easterling a person from
north Germany, on the continent of
Europe, and therefore from the east in
geographical relation to England. The
Easterlings were ingenious artisians
who came to England in the- reign-of
Henry HI to refine the silver money, and
the coin they produced was called mon
eta Ea8terlingorum the money of the
Easterlings. New York Evening Sun.
v Lightning and Rain.
It is popularly supposed that the sud
den downpour which usually follows a
bright flash of lightning is in some way
caused by the flash. Meteorologists have
proven that this is not the case and
that, exactly to the contrary, it is not
only possible but highly probable that
the sudden increased precipitation is the'
real canse of the flash. St. Louis Re
public. ; ' -'
Why Fogg Is Puzzled.
"There are two things," remarked
Fogg in a contemplative mood, "that I
don't understand, One of these is how
the world got along before I came into
it and the other how it is going to get
along after I have left it." Exchange,
Against a man's happiness by his stomach, the
enemy may be pacified and brought BpeeUtly
and easily to terms. That potent regulator' ot
digestion, Houetter's Stom ch Bitten, disci
plines the rebellious organ thorounhly. Indi
gestion arises from weakness of the stomach,
and the food in it, for want of the poer to di
gest, decomposes and n eld i ties giving rise to
teartburn, tlatitlence and pain, betides a multi
tude of symptoms both c hangeful and perplex
ing. But peace soon reigns when the great sto
machic is resorted to and used with persistence.
Dvspepsia gives rise to morbid discomposure of
mind, and even sleeplessness and hypochondria
in chronic cases. To the complete dismissal of
these the Bitters is fully adequate. Liver- com
plaint, constipate n, debility, rheumatism and
malaria are completely subdued by this genial
medicine. "
When thejhunter seeksibruin hejprefers to do
so ou bear ground.
There is no place where Alicock's Pob
ous Plastebs do not. prove their value.
George Augustus Sala, the well-known En
glish writer, writing of his trip aoross the
Pacific, says:
" I especially, have a pleasant remem
brance of the snip's doctor a very experi
enced maritime medico indeed, who tended
me most kindly during a horrible spell of
bronchitis and spasmodic asthma, pro
voked by the sea fog which had swooped
down on us just after we left San Pran
cifco. But the doctor's prescriptions and
the increasing warmth of the temperature
as we neared the tropics, and in particular,
a couple of Allcoce's Porous Plasters
clapped on one on the chest and another
between the shoulder blades soon set me
Bbandeeth's Pills always act uniformly.
Talking about women being nighty I Look at
bank colliers.
Use Enameline Stove Polish; no dust, no smell.
Tbt Gebmea for breakfast.
Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery.
Ana wnen you near
that it cures so man;
diseases, perhaps you
think "it's too good
to be true."
But it's onlv rea
sonable. As a blood
cleanser, flesh-builder,
and strength-restorer,
nothing like the " Dis
covery " is known to medical science. The
diseases that it cures come from a torpid
liver, or from impure blood. For everything
of this nature, it is the only guaranteed
remedy. In Dyspepsia, Biliousness; all
Bronchial, Throat and Lunar affections: ev
ery form of Scrofula, even Consumption (or
uiig-ui-ui.uia; in lis earner stages, ana in
the most stubborn Skin and KcaJn Disease
if it ever fails to benefit or cure, you have
your money oaca.
T-hft worse vnnr f!nt.nrrTv tli n mnm m
need Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Its
.. ......... V . u .1 w . J w uu
ijtuiicwio unci -ifujuu unnii iur a case OI
"n-n.U J 4.1 TT 1 ii .
If I
5ot8 Clw. ,w;
60cts., and Cffi
One oent a dose.
This Great CfcPOHCuBH promptly cures
wnere tui otners mil, ougn, croup, sore
Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough and
Asthma. For Consumption it hns no rival:
has cured thousands, and will CXJHB too if
taken in time. Bold by Druggists on a guar
antee. For a Lame Back or Chost, use
Have vou Catarrh i This remedv is ffnaran-
teed to oure you. Price, 50 eta. Injector tree.
Baking PowifeP
Purity and
To Introduce our Powder, we have de
termined todlstribute among the consom
rs a number of CASH PRIZES. To
the person or clab returning usthelargest
Dumber of certificates on or before June 1,
1891, we will give a cash prize of 100, and
to the next largest, numerous other prizes
I tanging from. S to 1 75 IN CASH.
ER, Leading Jew
eler of the Pacific
Northwest, keeps a
large stock of all
BADGES on hand.
Best goods at low
est figures. Badges
made to order.
"iM44imii i iiW
- . .va mill 'i "'- rt'iiftfli.. 1
What You Read e Qrt
About Hood's 15 wO
The testimonials published in behalf of
Hood's Sarsaparilla are not purchased,
nor are they written up in our office,
nor are they from our employes. They
are simple atatementa of facta from peo
ple whom ': Hood's ' Sarsaparilla has
cured, published without sensationalism
or fictitious headlines. They prove pos-
ltively that Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses
absolute merit and that
Bold by all druggists, fl per bottle; aiz tor 15.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, Jaundice, bit
lousness, sick neaaacne ana inaigesiion. zoo.
' TUB Best
In the
Th FISH HHAWFl SI.IHKF.R In warranted water
proof, and will keep you dry in the hardest storm. Thel
new POMMEL SLICKER U a perfect riding coat, andl
covers tne entire saaoie. tsewareoi imiiauoaa. iwnu
buy a coat if the "Fish Brand" Is not on it. I11nstra-I
Ited Catalogue free. A. J. TOWEK, BQBton, Mass.
A movement of the bowels eaoh daT la necessary for
health. Then pills supply what the system lacks to
mue it reg-uiar. xney oure asHaune, oriKuieu tu
Eyes and dear the Complexion better than os
metics. They act mildly, meither Eripe nor aloken as
other pills do. To oonvince you of their merits we
will mail samples free, or a full box for 28 cents. Soli"
vat j woero. siosaniro acq. vh nnim"iw,
Portland, Oregon.
A. P. Armstrong. Principal.
J. A. Wesco, Secretary.
Kf Beautiful Catalogue Free. JLM
cored. We refer to 6,000
patients. No operation. No
.Write or call for circular and
bank reference. Elimination trn.
marquam building,
Incorpora'ed Capital and Surplus, It, COO 000.
Amk Tour Dealer For
Plug-Gut Smoking Tobacco.
WEBB CO., Seattle, Wash., Agents.
Gravel and Diabetes are cured by '
Cures Brlght'a Disease, Retention or Non-re
tention of Urine, Pains in the Back, Loins oi
Side. .
Cures Intemperance, Nervous Diseases, Genera
Debility, Female Weakness and Excesses.
Cures Biliousness, Headache, Jaundice, Bom
Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles.
ACTS AT ONCE on the Kldneva, Uvei
and Bowels, restoring them tn a hAnlthv nr.
tion. and CUKES when all other medinlnK
lau. Hundreds hare been saved who have beei
given up to die by friends and physicians.
Chickens are easily and successfully
raised by using the Petaluma In
cubators and Brooders. Our II-
lllHtrfl.tA1 f.atQlnCri,a tulla all aKn... 4.
f t VJ
Don't buy any but the Petaluma if you want strong, vigorous chicks
We are Pacific Coast Headquarters for Bone and Clover Cutters, Mark
ers, Books, Caponizing Tools, Fountains, Flood's Roup Cure, Morris
Poultry Cure, Creosozone the great chicken-lice killer and every other
article required by poultry raisers. See the machines in
our exhibit with the Norwalk Ostrich Farm. Midwinter Fair, hatching
ostriches and all kinds of rggs. Catalogue free; if you want it. write
760 762-754 7S6 Main street, Petaluma, Cal.
feower haa no
second chance. If
you would at first suc
ceed, be sure and start with '
Ferry's Seed Animal for 1894
contains the sum and substance
of the latest farming knowl-
euge. .very planter snouia
nave it- bent iree.
D. M. Ferry & Co.,
W2 IX per 100 square feet. Make a good roof
for yearn, and any one can put it on.
GUM-ELASTIC PAINT costs only 60 cents per
al. in bbl. lots, or H&O for 5-gal tubs. Color
ark red. Will stop leaks in tin or iron rools
that will last four years. Try it.
Send stamp for samples and fir! particulars. .
39 and 41 West Broadwav. New Yrnk.
Local agents wanted.
Brooklyn Hotel
208-212 Bush St., San Francisco.
This favorite hotel is under the management
of CHARLES MONTGOMERY, and is ass good if
not the best Family and Business Men's Hotel
in San Francisco. ,
Home Comforts! Cuisine Unexcelled I
First-class service and the highest Etandard oi
respectability guaranteed. Our rooms cannot be
mrpassed for neatness and comfort. Board and
room per day. J1.25. 11.30. 1.7S and hoard
and room per week, $7 to $12; single rooms 60o
uii. rree ooacn 10 ana irom notei.
Printing Material and Machinery
For sale at lewest prices and moBt advantageous
terms at
Palmer & ReyType Foundry,
Cor. Front and Alder Streets,
Wrltfl for Drlcefl and tArmi hAfnra hnrin r Alna.
where. -y-
' FOR ' ' , . '
' : AND .
A .
Regulator of the Liver and Kidneys
Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum, Neuralgia
And All Other Blood and Skin Diseases.
ft III It WMtHm) PMM, fA all V, , 1 f -1 ... ;
1 , . -" mi mwo umiiiui, ueil-
cate complaints and complicated troubles and
weafenaaiaAS efrt mnn umn.. n.l
and daughters.
ine enect is immediate and lasting. Two or
three doses of Da. Pakdeb's Remedy taken daily
kenns tlm nnnl lha Una a.. 1.1 ..
lye, and will entirely eradicate irom the system
all traces ot Scrofula, Salt Rheum, or any other
form of blood disease.
No medicine ever introduced in this country
has met with such ready sale, nor given such
IIIDVAYVn MtlalantlnTi . 3 - . .
- - . ... nucucvei ueeu as uiai OI
Dr. Pardee's Remedy. ,
Thtll mmuliT nua luuin .. .... ,1 I . 1 1 I . .
"J "wu uacu IU IUV ilUBUl IHLS
thrniicnniit tho 1H mrt.lH f,. - ti. .. .
" o ...... uu. Nui L C 11 L V-
bve years as a speciflo for the above diseases,
and it has and will cure when all other so-called
remedies fail. v
Send for pamphlet of testimonials from those
JTh? f,aTe bee? by lts use- Druggists sell
it at 11.00 per bottle. Try it and be convinced.
For sale by
9 and II Front St.. San Frsnim
WE m -,r.u.v
- - ' " r week; pnrues preferred
who can furnish a horse and travel through the
country; a team, though, is not necessary; afew
vacancies in towns and cities; spare hours mav
be used to good advantage. B. F. Johnson &
Co., 11th and Main streets, Richmond, Va.
Send for onr Catalogue of
Best makes. Low prires. Easy pay
ments. Address W . c. Beach.
Kipon, California.
WANTFIlNi,ameand adarefs 01 every sheep-
. . n . . ouwhci i-oijwiii biiu an umers in
terested in sheep shears that want to save monev.
Our prices will interest you. Bend vour name
on a postal card. BAKtR & HAMILTON,
Ban Francisco.
Everything in the above line. Costumes, Wilts.
Beards, Properties, Opera and Play Books, etc.!
furnished at greatly reduced rates and in supe
rior quality by the oldest, largest, best renowned
and therefore only reliable Theatrical Suvvlv
House on the Pacifc Coast. Correspondence so
licited. Goldstein A Co., 26, 28 and SO O'Farrell
street, also S22 Market street, San Francisco. -We
supply ail Theaters on the Coast, to whom we re
spectfully refer.
N. P. N. V. No. 626-8. F. K. XJ, No. 0f