The ood River Glacier. . - i Cok Day When We Get Left. ? i T J V W ar 5. Sfocd iivcr S lacier. FROM WASHINGTON TJ Y. Hm,intti. vKitr RATiimur mohnino t Tlie Glacier Publishing Company. I,'.....-.!...... i .. i ii.i. m iitiitii lloilllllU lilVIIIH llll III ionic inx iiM a pist ,,,,,1 equitable mod hi raising revenue. HOOD U1VKU, OREGON, SATURDAY. DECEMUKU KASTEKN MKLANUR 10, 1893. NO. 29. Hcerclnrv liitf clerk t IIM Itll'I ION MIIC'K, i' vrnr M , 'MM , "j llH.'U til-. i, ""'""w 'cm. THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr. '.-..n.l HI., Iirar Ouk. . . Hood Ulr, Or. Hltm ing nn.I Hair .iittliig neatly don. 8tifiiUiim Ouaiantueil. OCCIDKXTAIi NEWS. M... i i i . . ' v HIIN II JlpOl II It'll IIM oi Hie ,,ivv hi'iiiiiimi'iii I,,.. u..., ... i i. . . .. ..." r-,i-1Wl ,ij,u, ,M KOII III All melon, A In, r-ccroliiry Herbert in bin forthcoming ..MrnK lll IIMH I OII-II'HM l) l.lollli mi' inoiicv lor i.iii. iiiok. Imitl,. hIhii ami I'MII lOi pt'UO lllinlN Of hllCHKIIII type, .Wlorney -Gcncial olucv lnm rendered fhi inn ii ii hi 1 1 ... i . . . . . . hi linn I i- llllll IIOII'N IHHIIC I h' inn inn nil- teni'iii currency iiiiiiiiii- ii i f 7 iii.i. i it k ii r il.. ill in. ...... i .... I . .1 . . ' ' I " ' imucr Ihe hank circulallin law. Tim P mou wan addressed to Secretary Car lisle. Tim Treasury I M purt n iif. in h.uih what concerned over tho prospc. t of ( hineno registration uti'li-r tin- iii-w l:iw pUSSI'd IIJUIII thceveof It.ij.HlrllllM-Ut. ,r llllM'Xllll Session Under which the !1l''l",r' "UlMH jllst iss regulation llii' Hiiiiiiohiijon in ilini n, ri.i. ....... .. ill comply with tin. law, Inn ,. nill miy lc mitely ii tit 1 1 the experiment in tried. I HIh iiiIm themselves lire hh much in fl. lark ii h anyone, If (.v should again .. Mir,-, mi-riniuiiiiii would In- awkward 1 1 iu ml ill I Ii.. i .. I. .11; . I .1 ... ......,,,:,,,,,, K,.nl , 1111111111011 (fl'- . ... .iu iioioiiji'ii in registration mid II'IIIIV lOOKI'll IIIIOII It H II .,u ..I ..... I . . ' . . " -'" I" ' soiuu protection, hut lln hulk of llii'in U'.llll.l In. ...... I ...II. ..I 1... ,1 i "; """". i'o i'v uii-ir employers now it h formerly, They do n., ,lM u ri. nine sunny to having llu'ir .liolok'ini.liH lulii'ii for tin- iHii jioM', ,ut thrrc ih no n a-on to Hiiiioi-t' tluil tlilHolii.'i lion will lolili Hland in thi'Hiiyof roiiiplmni'i' willi UII'lllH II Ml,' MX t lllMlilllH'H and tllt'il imorni'VH he not ohilunilc. I ln aiimial rt'imrt of II r-ihvurd I'liikcr Deacon Now in tlie Social .Swim. TIIK WJIITKCAI'S IN TJIK STUM'. I-Hi tro NiiiiiIht of Idle Minci-H on the Mogfbir. KaiDrH Illicit StiJlH Di'Htroycil Ktc. li li'pili'M aro iu m'HHion in I'lm nix, A. J ., from liii of tlu twclvi' roiintii'N of II"1 Ti'iritory to j.iimIi tin. inuttfr of MntfliiMid. Noilh. ru nn.I Ci nlrai New Mexico are eiij.ivmn the liii.'eht milling lioom ever Kim ii, and all il.e work m eniM to lie iu the j.lai er Hold iliiiiK. A niv fiMit vein of coai Iiiih just been dlM..eii'd iu SoiillieiiHlern Aiiona hy I'r. Then. I!. t'liiiiMock, hireetor of the i ........... ..i . . i t i . .. ii.i II III .llllll'K, J . colli N i-eini-iintliracite of excellent fuel iiinlity. M.iny of the fannerx of I'lillnuin, Wa-li., will fatten liojH with their daiii aned wheal, and are wcuriin; them an fiifl iih tioKHjhle, It in eHliuinted that n lll.ulll.l ..I ..i 1 ...ill ... i . . . '' ""hi, mil .l.Mlliru iei JlolIllllH I . Ml vitn l in oi a hortliiu ... JH.I K i A iiihc in now iu iro(.'refH in the Fed eral Court, at Yuma which iiU'ectn the iHiinidary hue lietween Ari.ona and Cal ifornia, mid it in believed by Home that it will remit iu .bowing tliat Yiiina in in California. OwiiiK I" tins HU'kneHM of one of tin? jurom in the Kviuim runo on trial at .lark- hiii, Amiulor county, Cal., the trial Iiiih lieen HHtitiiied until .lanuiir)' The juroiM who were mvorn in are now tle u.HinliiiK their pav. The .siiiieiii.i Court of California Iibh refiiMil I'harlcH Wfifr a new trial. Welder iH the dry-Hood merchant con victed in tNiiT.iineiito of obtaining immIn by fiilff and fraudulent iretenm m I'roin the l'liiladclhiii lit iu of Sharlcnn ltron, sixty h'IIIith on theHoulli fork of the Kern river in California have lieen hi veil with an injunction by Walter Kmikin, w ho clainiH irioi'ity in' the line of the water, which ban been diverted by tht'Mi Hcttlerrt iibovo, Later reportM from the nliip (ioNford ftate that, very little injury Iiiih been done, to the hull bv the. action of the wulri, andthiit the attempt to niine her, which the tun 1'VhHckh and Itelief will undertttke, will iirobably result KUeceeH-lullv. Another bridiii acroHH llm MiHuluuii..,! will be built near St. liniu. TexiiH jieoiilo (lenittiid a cut in railwuv ratcH to attract immigration. Khode. Inland Iiiih voted bv a. j.iii in lavoroi Jiiurality flectioiiH. .several thenterH at Cin.-inm.t; I,,,,.,, Hiied a Itn al union for damaL'eH for l.v. - "j "in. TIuj tlrivewayn of Central Park. New 1 oik, aru to bo lighted by incandi-Ht'ent A "conciH.!" report of tho Worlds air in twenty-five voIuiiich in to )hs iiub llHhed, The Khiihuh State lioard of Dentintrv ih proHccutiiiK the unliceiiHed (leiitiHtH o'f that State. The I'reHidcnt ban removed I'ontmanter IhtiiuiiH of Toneka (or violatim. (ervice law. TI JTIiKLY I'KltiSONAL ConHiderable utir has been caused in Hocii ty ,y the conveiHion V Ho-1 , "V .... 11 VmA "l Kt- """.John .""riey, v.iiiei Mfcrctary for Ireland. Colonel IiikitmoII cIohch bin lecture on i.iiiconi wiui tiicH) wordn: wan the yrandei-t FOKEION FLASHES. NewSystem of Management for tlie Uank of England. PEIMIiOSE LEAGUE OF E5GLAND It INIV I uj. .!.... .1 it .. ll V War ,,iv..N ih l. . ..i , .. . i . . . " 1,10 ""WiKiHltt- , - ; ' " "uiiui- Mm- m iiKeiy to iianH an act urov d in? for Ii" ii and opi'iauonn of the rmy, and in biennial mionH. 1 rov"""Klor .ii. "ii in in n iHiicvoteil Cfpeciallv 1.1 1... .... .... I ........ juogu 'kh iii woik on the Hta-coiiHt defeiiHt'H. Now that. Indian warfare in irai ncally at an end. the L'radiial cum 'filtration of the iirmv on the pen coact and front iiTH Hhotild 'follow. The work oi lormying thirteen of the larger sea pons reieii'iH niau ifft-t I v ticccHMirv the of the inf .nti v ' i.n.-.i ui in. i ue niiai mrengtli i me ariny in - i ii oiiicerH and U5 778 eniiKted men. I he Secretary recom iiiciin.H mi' repeal ol the law lixing ti n j earn an me maximum period of enli.-t mem ami a re.liiction of the period of niM cniiHlin 'lit to three yearn. TI,' adopt ion oi the new magazine rifle irtth niiiHi important Htep hi nee the clo-e of tbe civil war. i he entire infantry force win ne . i n i j .(.,-, i hiii, ii,,. new arm be- lore the clone of t lit I here ih one child deticndent on ,.10r. ity tor Hiipjiort in every 100 inbabitanU hi .ie i oi'K city. I he Hale of Columbian IioHtAt.e Mtnmr.!. ....n ..... f i,v i,rw lliHleaU oi iZ.W0.0M. .iu .....I l ....... ... t: .1 " ' ' .'.'. .-vii epiuillllLetl. a wtiaiing cantain nav 100 ul,..i..u were Kiiieti antl let go adrift iu the Arc tlC M'llH the pHHt M'llHOII. 'I'l... I.I t . .... ...i m.iun oi oilll r 1HK IH ll'iniF in lioverty in a little wooden Iiouho in a at- iiiuen jian oi South JSoHton. Kiiimiw City does not nav for lu-r u. er, ami mo water-workn companv 1 1. Iii.iu i. .... ...r . i. .. . 1 J u i ui, on mu Bllpjliy, lntecapH are making things lively r"noonern" and lot ilimners in il,;. Lincoln litfllll' of fieri'., .-iuil war. Lincoln iH the ierif.len. imminru . our world." ' I A little la.1 named Otto FreiHel, but 5 yearn ol age, ih deliirlitimr Vienn..M. n,i;. - H. r.m w ii.ii iiih elocutionary and mimetic i" ne ih an infant prodigy in this -"j. . i, uii-y cay, When a child of f I.r,l n.,,,!. tr-... '.".i, me new i iiairman of the trcat l.iLNI.iri. Iu u.nii 1 ........... voiiijiany, reneniea a Hiif.poHed affront by obstinately refuning n. me v"ei.-ii wnen mie was on viHit to bin parentH. Mme. lilanc, the wididy-known writer European navieo employ 300,000 men. Of I ariH, who in in ChicaiO. will rernnin Livermw.l ip. , t h.x montliH in thin nntry. Hnending don. ' muuin- Ixjnrlon men 203,000,000 gallons of The Spanish Municipal Elections Kevoltinsr Treatment of Pa. tieuts in AKylumu. oi i a lime in vnrinnu nil,,,. including a Htay in HoHton an the guent of Mth. Jainen T. FieldH. The announcement hnn been made that Captain Horatio McKay, the com mander of the record-breaking Cunarder Lucaiiia, and Minn Elizabeth Swan, the ituK.ucr oi Jviwant J. Swan of Ovster - - . . wl j n w- . , . ., iav, i j., are to be married some time are m Jal1 nefore CliriFtmaH. Ti.o Bavaria has a violent i . , The Portuguese Cabinet in in Ka run.. ganized. All the dangerous Anarchists in France coming new vear The oHicers of the ("ity of Topeka re port no ejiidi'mic of the grip among the linliaiiH in the vicinity of .limeau, Alanlui, w ho were reporlt'il an living by tlie hundred. Aleut, I.UOO niilcH f'roiii Juucuu, are HiiU'ei ing from a grip epi- UI'IIHC. nun oi uui riueiiix .Mining v.;outpany htiirtcd work at rlncnix. A. T. The in 'rwent.v HtumpH of the great 100-Htitmp ill of the I'hieiiix Alining Company mine bus been opened extennivelv the hut ten inontliH, and w ill now "lake rank ii.s one of Arizona's main bullion jiroilucerH. Mod of the Indians of the Colvillc rem i valion are gathering at tho Okano : : . . ... i ii 'iin liver oppohiic rtllllll, tlllil Will HiOll coiiimence a wcek'H celebration, or other wonts a (tenth leant," over two JiHliium of inlluence who were burned to dentil Home tune atro. Chief Mom and other celebritieH of bin tribe will be prcHeiit to iihhihI in the cerenionies winch are to ho of a supeiHtitiouH nature. Judge Lorigan of the Superior Court at sail Jose Iiiih declared uncoiiHtitu tioinil the law piiHscd by tho hint Legis inline returning city Councils in cities of not lenn than 10,000 nor more than (2",000 population to fix by ordinance at . me niHt, regular meeting in July tin ;HiiliineH of the policemen at not less b .1 unit a...- man ijiuu nor more man 1ZD unr I I 1I...1 . e 1. . ... 1 inoiiiii nun nuii, oi cinei oi 1'oiice at not lews than $125 nor more than $150. Work on the various buildings at the in mn iiner r air grouutiH nan neen Home what lie lived, owmir to hml u-..,.ii,,.r but w ill be pushed as rapidly as poHnible irominiHon. une oi the most attrac live exluluts to ho seen in tho nieehnn- ics' building will be that made by the (ienornl Electric Company. This ex hibit will he equal to Homo of the grand electric displays made at Chicago. AVord has been oflicially received by Director-General do Young through the Consul of the French government to the ellect that the Minister of Beaux Aris find given permission to all French artists w ho were represented nt the Co lumbian exposition to avail themselves of the opportunity ollered in tho mine connection at the coming Midwinter Exposition. Among the concessions which have not yet made much showing on the grounds is the Esquimax village. Tho village will contain about fifty persons, men, women, boys and girls. There are now over seventy-five build ings under course of construction at the exposition grounds. April 4 is tho day set for tho press congress. This date has been lixed through the medium of tho Press Club of San Francisco ami after consultation with the California iMate I'ress Association and others who are interested in newspaper work. me income-tax Hvctcm to he r.,l Li the Ways and .Means Committee will be coiiliiied to n tax on the net incomes of all corporations mi. I on succexnions and legacies. Brvan. McMillin. Whitim.,i.,,l others made n strong fight for a plan broad enough to include all incomes of individuals in excess of $5,0(10, but have been forced to acquiesce to the will of the majority and to abandon a graduated income tax in favor of one applvingonly to corporations and HUi'censions, It call lie confidently iiniiounced that the tax synieiu w HI he narrowed ilown to tin specilic limits, iinlc-H (,t lions ol the committee rccniiimcinla- are n I...I. it. 1 1,,. Mouse. ihe tax on (ucce.-siniis and leg acies applies only to personalty and "i vs. 'I he Heiuocrals of the commit tee have iibo tlecidrd to increase the rales radically on cigarettes and to im pose a tax on plavinu car ls. Iloth of tht'M' point.- have been delinitelv decided. Ihe liiternal-ieveiHie tax on w hiskv is still an open question. The ( mitiee in iiiaihtainiiy' a sitiilious reticence on this Subject rtr fearof Ihe ni!Uiiinill . r ... . I . . . . ' ""r oi specuiniorn on the Htock exchaiiL'i' i ne annual report of Commissioner of iMivigniion 1'.. t;. tnirieii. w bicli hi-iiv... to be bin valedictory, is lull nf iiii!fitu oi puhiic interest. 'Ihe tonnage of the country exhibited an increase from 4.705,1101 iu 18:12 to 4,825,071 in IS'.).!. There was a decrease in sailing tonnage, but an increase in steam tonnage. American tonnage engaged in domestic commerce, which is absolutely protected against foreign compel it ion, si owed a gratifying increase. On the other hand, American tonnage engaged in our foreign commerce, which is exposed to tho free competition of foreign nations, exhib ited a considerable decrease. The ton nage of both Ann 'rican and t.i.u- sels entered at our ports shows nileen.aun ns a result of the general depression of mute. I ho shinnim? inieretn of il... Great Lakes have prospered greatly dur- I lug the last six years. The to'nnaire whiclipassedthroiiLdi llm l)..i.n.ii during the year 1S02 amounted to '21. 785,000 tons, w hereas Ihe ton passed through the Suez ennui the same year amounted to only 7,712, 028 tons. The Lnke Snnorior 'i. ...,,..,. which l)assed throinrh the inenauu,l from 5,1. '10,050 ton- in 1888 to 10,017,203 Hiiir- in in;M, Ihe sugar raisers of the country, many of whom are not sntislied with tlie prop osition to gradually abolish tl. i ... . . . .. ...v.-" oo.iiuy nn iiiu'iitieu in the i son I. ill win continue the conlest in tin. Sm.iu aim me iiouse, with a hope of securing iioiiiui 111,1011 oi mo clause it tuev can not get it stricken out, entirely. Thev assert that under promise of continua- non oi the bounty granted by the Me,.T ii.i., .1. ... ' 1 .....i.i . mn , on ii u ev consirneii oh n time contract, they had every reason to suppose ine -i cents a pound bounty would bo continued for lifteen years froiii I ho time the bounty was iii'oviMii.l nn.I say they will push their light to the ut most hunt with a hope ot securing bet ter terms than the Wilwon bill They assert that thev I outlays on the strength of this promised 'ouniy, antl nave mat e mnm- years ahead, controlled bv the same con sideration. They sav that with the busi ness once well started the ITnite.f Stt..o can produce all tho sugar the people of this country w ill consume and thus keep at home over $100 000,000 nnnimll sent abroad for suirar. Tim nm and beet-sugar men of the West . i... j terested in the question, as well as the viouo eugur men oi .Louisiana. recently opened herukee Strio There is a L'iL'iint ie ui'lii.ii.i. . U, , i i , ' ' .'' ... l i -w. ..v ...v w VO.IIIIM I lias lieen definitely determined that s,w ork anil Chicago with an electric niiiway. the time cm be shortened ten hours. Pneumatic-tube mn i l-cn rrli.p bh.i'!.... which Postmaster Covenev fai-or- u. !.... ' ing in Boston, can be made almost self- sustaining. OHicers of the (iuarnnfen Ini-,.ui.,,. Companv utChieaim Imve ...... .i....,.i of using the mails in the interest of n loiierv sciieine. Cincintiati's Mayor wants that ..!,.'- poiulntion to be swelled bv 22 OtK) 'bv ..iinexiiig seventy-five squa-'e miles in Ilamiltoii county. Chit ago hotel men complain that their houses me deserted. A house that had . .000 guests n month ago now has but .100; and so it runs. It is estimated by the Register of the l ieasury that only aliout $1.-.,800.000 of the registered bonds of the Unitid States lire now held abroad. The discussion still goes on at Chicago about retaining the World's Fair struct- itcs in iiacKson rark- as long as they can be preserved against decay.' The strike of catchers and hookers "gainst a iu per cent reduction in wages 1 1 it. i .? Kill I ..i.... . . i " - uutul eiiipioyuieiit in the Newport (Ky.) rolling mills. m . a rTlit of alleK(l ooiling the ....Vui ui v..iiiana uas oeen cnioinei inm approving a franchise granted the local gas company ny the City Council iristmas. John H Miller, son of William the 1 rophct, who founded the Second Ad vent sect, long known nn " fiiiurino rnaiiv of whom have prepared to ascend Ixxlily to heaven at various recently at Whitehall. N Y.. ,', 71 strong in his adherence to the views of Ins father, who died in 1H4!). Few things are too insignificant to en gage the attention of the German Km- peror. He recently decided that, tl.o gavotte lancier should be known in the mi ire as me court dance in his capital rather than the "quadrille a la co-ur " winch hits long had that distinction. Ihe revival of this empire dance is due to the petition of the association of Ger man dancing masters. James G. Blaine, Jr., the grandson of t he late Secretary of State, is now 6 vears old. He has been under th f -- --' ..... ' . - Ul UC nurse since he was 2 vears old, The assessed valuation of C Africa, ia 1 9w, auz ' The Primrose League of England now has 1,100,501 members. Monarchists made large gains in the Spanish municipal elections. Italy may be allowed by her allies to reduce her army by two corps. Dervishes are "advancing .lnn th east and west banks of ihe Xile. The British South Africa Company will increase its capital $1,000,000. The Pope's health is very feeble, and it is not believed he can live until March. The Marquis of Huntly has been elected rector of the University of Aber deen. The Prince of Wales nnenert tL p-m- T t ..... . r - ASl.UC j.ane roiyiecnnic institute with an ad dress. Americans are leaving Paris because j mmienza nas appeared in some of Tho lail attends a kindergarten infwYnrlf and it in Nui-I tliut he ms i. the bnteU. - v unn - - oi ins lamer s tamilv. He a vcrv Th t,i ... to make friends with' grown-un rs n7 nw .v . ? but Is.ys. will chum with him ' instantly; of England. Ior le n ..e .squue a sturdy, liealthy lad. iierr VaM . .: ... Sir Bt miamin Richard I burs, has fai uritli I in Kill'.; . . . . I., t.iMin mi , iiouiniin auiount- ""i"1"! mush: ai . I as lieen in om-iuuu. ini? lo J .ill m i. about bicycling. He exnresseil Him nnln. Pu,.lti- . . . Tile 'S!! ly - ftHylumH near Berlin is c JTy the I he spine lieconies almost an arch ibo Rurlin vn...... 8 u' lIle chest bone is then allected bv the unnat- n . .... u-al pressure. cir,,,la ,V, i' Aspects are bright for early agree- and no doubt the lungs are interfere 1 Tnl ,M'tw?',n Ki'Hsia and Germany on w ith. t.. In fact, tlw.rp i. if. " wmmerciai treaty. Hissible evil effect it does not produce. The railroad chnnel-i Rev. Boston Smith, is meetinir with great success in the N'ortbui.Bf Atr Smith was the first missionary to utilize the railway car as a chapel. The one he uses now was limit for him bv John I). Tho onon.l f :n . rp.rnu u, iiiuiienza in KUSSJa is increasing. It is also prevalent in a mild form in England. Lloyd's recorder on November 20 re ported 144 wrecks, the highest ever re ported for a single day. Ihe great new bridem Rockefeller and others inti.i'eato.i u Thames, opposite the Tower of Lonrfnn w ill seat 10(1 people. It is sidetracked 18 llovv ver-v near'.v finished. ' at lonely settlements, where services are Kaiser William worries because the '""oays anu ouen tnrougli the "fgouauons lor a commercial " wuii Kussia move so slowlv Ihe Sultan has Nw Style of toon Hunt Ing-. The inhabitants of the mountains west of this place are great coon hunters. Some nights afro Bill Benchoff and Colonel Yingliny started out with half a dozen dogs and two boys to carry the pino torches. A coon was raised on the east sido of the Monterey, and the dogs chased it down through a deep and rough ravine and np a rocky spur on tho west. After a climb of an hour Bcnchoff and Yingling at last came up with the dogs. They had run the coon into a tree and were snarling and bark ing around underneath. The boys whirled tho torehesand BenchofT banged away at what he thought was th but no animal tumbled; iinghnein the meantime had tearing paper and trying to ignite a match, but it was damn and wonld onlw splutter. Benchoff was deridinir bim when suddenly a great ball of are illn. minated space. Yingling had succeeded in igniting his match and was emntvinir a roman candle into the tree. The first ball struck a branch ata burst and the second hit tha plumb center." Iu for caught fi and with a yell it came rolling down among the angry dogs. The third ball revealed two more coons in the tree, and BenchofTs rifle dropped one, while Ying ling, with the last ball in the candle hit the limb on which the third coon clung with pitiful terror, and it lost its hold and tumbled into the mouths of the waiting dogs. They got six more coons that niirht with the help of Yingling's candles, and now the colonel regularly shoots the romans and Benchoff shoots the gun. They are the most successful coon hunt ers in all the region. Gettysburg (Pa.) Sentinel. The Shlllelah. The shillelah is not a mere stick picked up for a few pence or cut casual ly out of the common hedge. Like the Arab mare, its grows to maturity nndnr the fostering care of its owner. The shillelah, like the poet, is born, not made. Like the poet, too, it is a choice plant, and its growth is slow. Among 10,000 blackthorn shoots, per haps not more than one is destined to be come famous, but one of the 10.000 ap pears of singular fitness. As soon as discovered it is marked and dedicated for future service. Everything that might hinder its development is removed, and any offshoot of the main stem is (skillfully cut off. With constant care it grows thick and strong upon a bulbous root that can be shaped into a handle. lcLlure s Magazine. cnntrilinto.) Win finn I Dansensn Svlvia firm, l il,. -, fr.,..a f ..: . . i . I ti Y i' . " IIT ..... .,u, i, .iivnie purse, to ne used "icaiur, jionuon, nas wedded R. L. Fen in the prevention of the snread of ehol- wick, an alleged rich A marina n , , . . , i ----- - i ' - o -. ..uv. ivou. .... " dominions. Part of tliemonev A orenr. rail,, 00fm .i will he devoted to the construction of of const uHion 'w-fM .t u "tLTl 'iweinng-iiouses in edsias for tho (. i.j( "j Ii f. . .. " If rers and the buildim. of a l .1 V i" omer. which ..v,.r,.i ti...,,. i " i. .mere are in London 120.000 harmaids accom,,.t;,i:" "rhe ' ' Z i lheJ , " lay fifteen and a half of the hospital will be borne "also Wtho lo e,Snteen ana a "al1 U, ...... J I if a n . . . . i-'unau. i - .ci.ciii (uinereiice oi bwiss note proprietors it was decided to do away vi-, 1 1, U .A t t . . 1 n.n. mc ojoicm oi lees 10 servants. BUSINESS BREVITIES. Cholera quarantine has cost four Armenian districts $15,000,000 loss in , Nearly as much fish is said to be eaten and th! famine is ''creasing. in Ixjiidon as meat. . ,lt,IS stated that 12,000 neople per- c i .. ISnpd in tlie ni L-'..l f The idle miners on tho Gogebic Range eleVa sin B " rUnm"g sia- er with W had of cku e. isconsin number a Mint iri nun ti. r fcw hi i v b I IX. ill 1 I I Ir I . I rMiufirinn txri I i tn A - .1 a. il ti i The (Ie.,r,..;tr.r0 ; A : . i:J" uo ieuw3u w me iteicn A Forcible Way of rutting It. A nautical term comes with a kind of 1 6hock in art criticism, but there was a certain pertinency in the remark of tha rood mayor of Gloucester. Mass., who said, speaking of the picture of a prede cessor in his office, that it was a nrettv good likenees. but with a man of his tyle of features a profile view would 11..'.. Lo na tf".-. i -,',. . .. . I. I . .-. . treatv ao iuuusu it were l" J taken a little more "head on." New xork Times. to give them relief. and .Maine road will ab- banks number 4,800,000. American savings stag. in are are being The Boston O....I, ti,.. i ...i . . uauKS nnin her d nihi nnn in.. .. . -' ...ii VUIUUIU UIIO ; IHILna nn, , .in nnprtriVinnil A anl. . Maine Central, together wirL q,.ii,.,I No days of grace are wllniro,! In pn.i works fanltleaalu ot p,i., pu .i road yet unnamed, by long-time leases. 0,1 bl1'8 Pa-vable a' fight. 14,000,000 passengers were carried last rroi. Marlowe of the High School of L 'e,xa8 ,,as 5.000,000 sheep, and clips Jear- .uuii.wu pounds ot wool. in order to meet the comDetition of riM . . . i J a i ne great ocean steamers nao mm ion oiumuuoea anu iramcars Dennv farpa . . . . AW 1. 1 . . 1 . - " io tons ot coal per day. ueen sianea as an experiment in The Western Union TeWrnn), r M'""""1". pany has 740,000 miles of wire. Mr. Stead has launched his ideal jonr- Pennsvlvania has 200 1)00 form. .v,iu n'i the Daily Paper. It is a fortv-naoo produce over $200,000,000 in crops. qnarto, very much like a small edition Last venr New Vnrt of nn nnr. : ul U1B review 01 IteViewS, "j Hireeis oi snow and ice, A New He.aage. It was not without meaning that tho hilts of some swords were put into the tnetal of the Columbian Liberty bell, which is to ring in the victories of peace and international brotherhood. "A new commandment I give unto you. that ye love one another," is the inscription around its rim. Philadelphia Ledger. Entitled to Veneration. Stranger So that's the L'uited States steamer Michigan, is it? I don't see any thing so remarkable about her. Old Settler You don't. Iipv r. i Michigan was named after that. hn 'rut. cago Tribune. iipn. i in.. ... I...J ...i..- . ; . . ..... ......n, ..ui., uo BCIll 1118 VOUIlg wife to her parents recently, telling her bono longer loved her, has been dismissed. MM .. 1 . . . .... mo mimoer Ot liflti Pr mn r.rt.l during the year was 4,748, a decrease of 1,182 compared with 1802, but tho de- i reiisw was wnony in the class of fruit UIBUlll'IH Predictions are made at Philadelphia ""oks ui iaoor as an order cuiiiioi long exist, ihe wav t h mUnn..n. ment has conducted business has been very uusaiisiaciory. . ..i . .. becoming to the last report, of the oiiuu rtiKiuur oi lowa there were 134 i.iuiieiH inuiuai insurance companies in nip cmie, which in carried $109,000,000 of risks. Ihe persistent ravages of Hinhtiwi.:., . ..v.. i v ico mortality during the last two United States Minister Terrlll hoa I i . ' 1 P rr. There are 1.822 railav o;J imea irom iurKey recognition for fe. ,i:.... u..: '. -"'t'""'"a male Dhvsicians. somothin ttio i, i v.uoig uuBiuess in ine united States. over years American pumps are known in China and Japan, as well as in all parts of Eu rope. Two-thirds of the gold in use in the world has been discovered within fifty male physicians, something that has al ways heretofore been denied. In spite of the bombardment, h nreo. racing SHU goes on at. Kin da Tannic Thus excitement is kept up inland, as vi-lil I no oIamm 1. . f T ' .u.ijj too iuer iront. A new method of coloring iron has The Green Mountain W .oil ti on . .. " ."V Yfll? nnn ,..,.(i. i J euMim. jictciii.h rust, even tnough the OUU Worth OI lliao O smrar ovorv furol.ra n,ol U i L. ... '. , . . "uou ''uo in Philadelphia and thS heavy resuTting months SUgar CVery b br0Ught to a red heat uoriaiiiv uurini' thoi inut ... " i mi . . . she neetls. " l" "ney fors from the first of the year. Fortv- A.i c . . , , ... i lugiuicuia win oe aaaeci. drop of $5 a ton in steel ra s is a ' very lnuiortftnt. nilvantaa n aii,i Mrs. Jtvea. widow of Or. John Poo vv imu uau i i .. . avvw. companies. tne Arctic explorer, has presented her The earning f r::: late husband's Collection of Arctin and balance, $2 ,610,631. From this are de- tiary the last year were $20,000 in excess erKCUV0Sltie8 to University of -iJiU g- 8 10 11,0 a,"Ount of ot expenditures. ""u,u iTito,iii, leaving net assets, $1,802,4S3, bo neglected which will give nrntiiiao ns efliciehcy in the effort to stamp it out On each day of the Chicago Fair the leceipiH averaged $07,006. The total receipts from all sources were $28,151,- joo, iuii eapenuitures, J25.540 5:!7' o .i l: .. i . . Governor Tillman of S, 1 7." o, 'ZA' wo.rk' bHt. Kf.PP P roasts the Supreme Court, using s u 1, , Z Z employed making PVhi'PKuim.R flu MtU ii " i WIUU' r . . w w fi.v van h HITS lllti (lot? I T rt l i and "judicial insolence." Inferring to B"lralo,hasane,v grain elevator that ! railroad litigation the Governor sav" tl e c?"Ihandl 4,5'?0 Imshels an hour, one uiiiucKy marriage hetween tho ,i;;.., o miKrou. of the Federal Court ami Wheat that is iyrown in nnrthom tions must bo annulled and tb J tndes produces much mom eo.I than i f . er le,t coin. Many20-franc pieces ' Mr. Garson-There's going to be a fancT t i . i . . . .... ui,vio . - . . - v..w. ln pircniarinn oro ..-.m-ir. ..iAf . . . 7 . : . . : - oi uoiKis must oe made to understand K'"'" grown lartlier south. '". i T . a V ,r u,,t"nnum, up m our notei tonight, and lam .l...l :.. - . . .. i.viii, . I gOKl-DIllten. 1 nA woirrlif ami Iinrl4.1.,1 .... A u ... . . . iiiai, mere is it point Devond wh c b tho Af.iro t .1 nM, , , 1 r, ' -..-.(,....., nuv n,ro w uni, uiinracier io assume. patience of a State will not Derm it thlm Ll.MtK lh. ha"e b.een . !. 8a, 5?. h.e 7eal they Miss Summer-Why don't you sugar o- I of anv JrJT: ymTB lnaD ' it" S f?L ? matching . roueU and go as a pillf-Brooklrn In eratitude for tho Russian navy received at Paris the people of St. Petersburg are going to have a bell cast larger than anv now in in France and send it to the cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. France is inflicted with a new fnrm f counterfeit coin. Many 20-franc nipcea in circulation are made of nlnt His Experience. She-Do come to Bar Harbor. Conin Tom. I know a nice girl with lot of Cousin Tom fdeiectedlv. hnr v... don't. Nice girls never have a cent. Life. All There Ya to It. Famous Author (discovering his story In magazine)-What did you do to this dialect story f New Typewriter-Why nothing, exceDt correct the spelling. Brooklyn Life, Turning- the Tablet. Mrs. Crimson beak The cows are In the corn, John. Mr. Crimsonbeak All ritrht. rfo rm. corn will soon be in the cows.-Yonkers Statesman. An Invention of the Enemy. Aunt SareDta What. t. Joshua? " "-uulorle. Uncle JoshGuess tlie poor players to hide in. Truth. Accounted For. Newman Love is blind, they say. Oldby Yes. I sunnns thaf i rs don't seem to have much no tn. v gas. Truth. Happy Thought.