The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 09, 1893, Image 1

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    he Hood River Glacier.
It's a Cold Day When Wc Get Left.
I Q('
NO. 28.
?(ood Iiyer Glacier.
"i hi ii i f i ion riiicr.
ft oe
1 or
"i h
1 ,.i
iarhcr Shop
Grant Evans, Propr.
""l Si , i, )li. . . ( Klver, Or
SU intf mill Hail ruUiii( ni'litly iluim.
.ili iliu turn (iiiaiuuU'cil.
I'i iiii'villi' fur tint lirnt time in nix
M il-, lull!. iit liulil II public rvllOol till
tl ! II t '('.
".hihll tin- l!;lptiht," II l.rHl-llli
111 .li k llillhtltl n( Sou, llllH becll Ulllgllt
I't il ." ill t It 111! 'II 1 1 lllllll.
I. I . I 'infill iiinl Alexander Mi,
ill lYii'llrluii, lnivn iiHHiiii1) I to Senator
K.llcy. Al-Ml'tN mill liabilities III!' tlllOUl
I In' t n i im nf llii Columbia along by
Tin' I iiilli-H mi' thickly lined with wiiinl
I' li'l hiK'h, Hi iuiliriiiilloii of ii Cold
w i.llrr.
M.ij'ir Cmincv ban received ollicial
ililiiiniilliiHI Hull (it'lierill hcholield ha"
n viiiiiiiii'iiilnl ilmt lioifo linn iiikw lit
ul.;iii.iiin'. iii tin' near future. 'I I H' eiti-
ii - i llnim- will make strenuous I'llorts
to hate (h iiitiiI Scholield'M report re
Ii im d in tin' department.
('. Nnll'V, of Vancouver, It. ('., has
w i iili ii In tin' city cniiiicil liegging them
I'M i ii I 'n mlc mill liiiiniiiiity 'h Mike tu
iiiliihc tin" law againM. the null' of
ii;.tntti"i to iiiintirH. He HHVH hi" in
Ii m il In iii-k them to do thin hv the fnct
tillll hit Mill, HI )'IUH olil, has been
lllltl'll I Til) lllloUgll HlllokiugeigltrcltCH,
Ull'l III' l-.llwlie kllOWMllf several other
it-i s lie hiivH cigarette xiuokiug it ii I i
1 1 1 , 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 piiirlircM arc riiiiiiiinl in tho ,
t II V M llU'llf.
ilic Miiif luw iiunlc liy tin lad lcgis- i
liitinc hi (begun, only iiIIohh grouse, I
,ic.i-.inti,, etc., to hi! wiliI in the
in. ii ki l inie inoiith in the yeitr. During I
lit--, in ..nlli, it hu h expired on the l.rth
ill-l , ililtlcfH accumulated II NtOfk of j
M niiiiiiiii pheasants in colli storage.
Nmt H-hand lame Protector Mc imre
hiiI niiniiiiTice hint to prevent dealers
Ii M'liuiij birds from colli storage.
Il.'lr.eil the nunc thing hint spring ill
r.ttd lo ml I and 1 1 1 dealers won
in Hie Mineino court. They look oil the
lie miiI us merely iiiteiiileil to make
fees an. I cuM.
t iiiiim.l hits been broken for the Ann
lliiiliiiwiiv cottage at the Midwinter
I nn. winch will he tho Uritihh head
iinii Ids. The site is on the Mouth linn
nl i ln but-ground-, tthich extend:! along
the liiii'lei.i ol Strawberry hike on the
h.nitli. I lie grounds w ill fie laid out in
an in n-iic manner, niul as nearly identi
cal tilth old English iilciiH niul nracticcH
us possible. The 1hx lniljit'H have al
rcudv hcen arranged for, ami on the
iii,uiitly designed Hotter IiciIh will he
planted nun igolds, dall'odils, Htveet Will
nuns, ht'ls niul hisses, anil other (lowers
that Miakijicaru knew.
In the Miperior cinirt at Sun Fran
.iMO ('. A. Spi'cckelH and II. M. Wooley
huve coiniiienced Hiiit atfuinul the
ll.iwitiiiin ( oni nerciul and Supir Coin
pitny. The mn in for an accounting of
all liioiievs i n I property in poHHCHxion
ol the coipoialion. An order in nuked
for rcHliaiinnn tho defendant from
tiuiiMiictiiiK any lniHineH. Tho plain
tills hIhj ak lor tho appointment of a
receiver to assume control of th coin
piinv's all'aiiH, Tho complaint at tho
Mime time inakeH m-rious charKOH of
fiiuid and other irregularities. There to
involved ahout 11,000,000.
Tho clearance salo of stallions and
hiood niaren from tho San Simeon stud
of the lute Senator Hearst took liluee re
,"iVlly. A great numher of hroeders
wero'in attendance. Tho average price
was the largest ever realized at such a
mile in California. 1'aloiiia, tho dam of
Armitage, brought $7I00, tho higlient
jirice. Coset, a chestnut niaro, brought
$.r)000. Surnam, a bay horse, brought
!:!l)00. Kort v-two bead brought a total
of $40,721, an average a little short of
$070. The average was reduced by tho
mile of one or two crippled animals and
an old mare or t wo. Ueally well bred
mares averaged about $1500.
A special from Folsoin, Cab, says tho
prison directors, at a meeting Saturday,
took their lirnt action under tho parole
law. A prisoner under sentence from
ShaHta county for murder was granted
a parole, ami John Mackey will give
him employment and bo responsible for
him. A 1'itt river Indian chief was also
paroled. He was sentenced for killing
a medicine man who had failed to cure
l.iu (the chief ') brother. This was tho
custom of tho tribe, but the people of
Modoc wanted to put a stop to it and
caused the chief to be arrested and
prosecuted. The superior judge and
others, believing the desired end to have
been reached, recommended the chief 's
parole. The application oi aivin i rait,
the embezzler, was referred by Gov
ernor Markbam to the board. Pratt
was called before the directors, but de
clining to state where the money is and
preferring to serve the remaining two
years rattier h&n give it up, no actio
v aa taken,
New York has over .'100 labor organi
zations. Tim government coiilrohi Siumm tele
phones. The highest railroad bridge is I ln in r
uliil viaduct in I-runic,
Nearly HO diU'ereiil, machines have
been invented fur homig rock.
The crop of cotton seed of the South
will bring l:il,IIOO,(IIMI this year.
A i in it r nf ii million of commercial
travelers are abroad in the hind.
The process of curboniziiig wool is pel
ting special ul Iriil ion in In in.iiiy.
There lire now thirteen co-operative
iiarricN in the New Kngliind Slules.
There are I'JI government buildings
under way, w Inch will cost $:js,2 !.7:!l .
Colfcc wan brought into Ijii'IiiihI in
1011. In IHH5 the crop was 7IK,0iH) tons.
The most extensive mines are those of
Saxony, The galleries are 121 miles
In l ieruiuny nearly I II, 000, 000 people
ar insured by compulsory Slate insur
ance. In making a shoe I no nleps are taken,
and only expei Is at each step are em
ployed. Alcohol has never been reduced lo the
solid state, but becomes viscid at very
low temperature.
There are eighty-live women in 4 rent
111 it in n engaged in the occupation of
chimney sweeping.
The largest creamery in the world is
said to be at St. Albans, N't. Capacity,
L'J (Kid jiouihIh daily.
The MtcatiierH between I'.urope and
North America carry on an average about
70,000 passengers a month.
The Carnegie Steel Company bus cut
the prices on steel rails, and asking $21
to 2.r a ton instead of it.l.
More than $1,0 10,000 is invested in
clubhouses and duck-shooting facilities
along the Chesapeake Hay.
The agricultural capital of llurope has
ilnul'li'il since lHi; that ol the i mieii
States bus increased sixfold.
Previous to 1 11 0 nails weie inade bv
hand. It cost $l,000,ono to perfect a ina-
chiue that came into use that t ear.
A New York hotel is said to use a ma
chine that washes and dries 1 ,000 dishes
an hour. Two persoiiH attend to it.
In August, 1SH2, 270,h:H,!i:1O cigarettes
were inaiiufact uied in Ibis country. The
figures for August,, are .'ir7,Kt'.i,:iiO.
The average annual production of the
precious metals in the world from 1H7!
to KN0 was: ( iold, $1 111,1175,000 ; silver,
i 1 12,500,000.
The coinage of gold in the I'liiiadel
phia mint during ( Mohcr w as greater
than for ant other month since the mint
w as established.
The Canadians bought last year Hlll,
010 tons of soft coal mined in the I'liitcd
Slates, and thev sold in the I'niieil Slates
(S0,:iSH tons mined in Canada.
At a Kansas City packing-hmwe a few
days ago in eleven hours ,!,2IS cattle
were killed and prepared for the beef
market, an average ol ahout lite a min
Captain Magnus Anderson, who built
and brought the Viking ship over, will
settle down a a resident of this country.
He is lo live in Washington.
A bust of Mayor Harrison by a sctilp
toi named Itrascioliui was receiving its
lust touches wnen he tins assassinated.
It. is of life size, has the chin raised, the
chest thrown out and the head slightly
bent as if listening,
Mr. Mercicr in a Idler published in
the Montreal l'ati ie declares that bis an
nexation views exist solely in the minds
of Canadian Conservative papers, and
he asserts on his wold of honor that he
is opposed to the annexation of Canada
to the United States.
Senator ( iallinger of New Hampshire
has the baldest and smoothest head in
the Senate. It is perfect in its outlines,
full, even and symmetrical. A phrenol
ogist would be delighted with it as an
example of a well-developed cranium.
Mrs. Pryandes, Stadl and Van Hoelleii,
the three (ionium travelers w ho went on
an exploring expedition to Greenland a
year and a half ago, returned home last
month. They went under tho auspices
of tho German government, and re
turned with a large collection of speci
mens. The results of the exploration
will probably be published.
Senator Morgan's old school teacher
shvs that the Alabama "Ambassador"
went to school for but one year. His
lack of education, however, did not pre
vent him from studying law at an early
age and becoming a successful practi
tioner. His literary acquirements, for
which he has a reputation, were gained
by reading in late years.
Mrs. K. B. Prant, Secretary of the
Ohio Humane Society, because of inter
nal troubles in that organization has re
signed her position and started for Phil
adelphia. Sirs. Drant will o into train
ing for a deaconato in the I'ennsylvania
Peaconate Training School and Deacon
esses' Home. Her expenses, it is said,
aro being defrayed by Bishop Vincent.
Dr. M. L. Nardi, who was General
Grant's physician during his tour arond
tho world, now lives in San Francisco,
where he is devoting himself to making
anatomical casts of the human body.
Ho has just finished the largest ca-t of
the human heart ever made for tho Mid
winter Exposition in San Erancisco. It
is thirty-live times the actual size of the
human organ.
Prof. Cuming, M. D., to whom Mr.
Gladstone has offered a Baronetcy, is
one of the most eminent of Irish physi
cians, lie has already declined the lesser
honor of knighthood. Ho is an Ulster
Catholic and a Nationalist in politics,
and practices at Belfast, where lie is a
professor in the Queen's College. His
daughter is married to a son of Sir
Charles Russell.
Criminal I'rocmliiis to I! In
Ktilnlcil Against (loglilan.
llrcuch of Promise Htiit Against
KushcII Hhio Dismls ed -Other
Cleveland. )., has a widespread epi
demic of inllucii.u.
It is said that Governor Boies of
lowu w ill run for congees.
The lire waste for the mouth of Oc
tober is placed at over t'.),r00,000.
The breach of promise suit agaiusl
Kiissell Sage has been dismissed.
Already Ohio is bespeaking the next
K-qiiiblicaii convention for Cincinnati,
Joucsvillc, a thriving suburb of liirni
ingliain, Ala., bus been nearly destroyed
by lire.
The largest majority given to a Repub
lican candidate in Pennsylvania was
There is great activity among the
Mexican revolutionists along the Rio
I i ramie.
The Huston supremo court has de
cided that an attachment by telephone
l not legal.
It is said the Missouri state treasury
holds $;!00,000 for distribution among
unknown heirs.
Tarill revision is likely to meet organ
ized opposition in the house from the
interests involved.
Diphtheria is epidemic in Mahoning
town, Lawrence county, Pa., and the
schools may close.
Pittsburg banks have cancelled the
$',1X7,000 loan certilicates they issued
luring the summer.
Some line specimens of dates grown
at Corpus Christi have been sent to the
Ninth Jexas exhibit.
The old soldiers are living oil". For
the first time in 'M years the list of pen
sioners shows a decrease.
In a recent leaven worth marriage the
unitrd ages of groom and hnde were
bl7 years, and IhjUi cried.
Arrested in Troy for shoplifting, a
woman of M0 was recognized as the no
torious "Mother Hubbard."
Cornelius Vanderbilt denies the rumor
that his lauiily now ott ns a majority of
the stock of the Reading
1 1 has been Mlgge-ted in St. Loui
nil the names of the streets be cut in
stone and placed at the street corners.
Receivers have been appointed for the
Fast. Ti'iini's-ee Laud Company of liar-
riinan. 1 he liabilities are 1 i.Dtiu.uuo.
"Soup, Soap and Salvation" is the
concise motio in the rooms ol me liulli-
moie Free Sunday Breakfast Associa
tion. Si reel laborers at Sheboygan, Wis.,
struck copper ore like that of Lake Su
perior a lew days ago, and the town t
In a letter Senator Sherman of Ohio
declares that bo is opposed to any in
crease whatsoever of internal revenue
Mrs. Adam Bright, of Piqua, ().,
hopped dead on being informed thai
her husband had been buncoed out of
The Western lines have nil announced
their intention of paving commissions
on round-trip business from California
The poor and unemployed of Hurley.
Wis., have been given 10,000 pounds of
beef, probably by Phil D. Armour, of
Tho Minnesota supreme court has de
cided that the sale of butterine in that
state is illegal unless the article be col
ored pink.
The health of Boston school children
has improved immensely since three
years ago, when a simple system of phy
sical culture was introduced.
A Methodist preacher at Springfield,
0., advertises that he will preach a ser
mon against gambling, illustrating with
a pack of cards the methods of sharpers.
Mrs. Victoria Kelling is serving 15
davs in the house of correction at Mil
waukee, Wis., because she could not
pay a line for keeping an unlicensed
The claim is made by tho Brazilian
minister at Washington that Admiral
Mello is in straightened conditions, hav
ing exhausted all his pecuniary re
The refusal of the senate to confirm
the nomination of Mr. Horn blower for
associate justice of the supreme court is
attributed mainly to the opposition of
Judge Field.
The general grievance committee of
the Lehigh Valley road employes claim
overtures were made to Chairman Wil-
kins of the l'high Vallev strikers bv al
leged detectives, who offered to burn
bridges and blow up round-houses.
They were ordered out of the house.
Wilkins claims these men were emis
saries of the road and figured in part of
a plan to entrap the strikers into crimi
nal acts.
Rev. Henry Kay, a Methodist minis
ter of St. Joseph, Mo., became insane on
account of an injury six months ago,
and died in an asylum one day last
week. His father, an old and wealthy
retired merchant of that city, grieved
: over his son, and when the news of his
' death was brought to him he remarked
that he could not stand the blow, and
died an hour after of a broken heart.
Father and son were buried in the same
' grave.
The Puvallup commission has reported
lo the commissioner of Indian affairs
for instructions. The commission will
leave iiuiiie''iately for Seattle, Wash.,
where it is to begin its work.
According to the decision by the su
preme court the great lakes are high
seas. This decision was mude in a suit
under an act ol congress for the punish
ment of oilenders on the high seas.
Gray and Brown dissented.
Carlisle has ordered the release of
the Russian convicts arrested at Sail
Fraiicisnt, and so notified the RussIah
minister here. The convicts found
tteie politic;' I prisoners, and according
to our la ' s could not be detained.
The is-ue of standard silver dollars
fioiu the mints ol the treasury office for
the week ended November Itt wns 'i.Jl,
000; for the col responding period last
year, $((05 701. Tim shipment of frac
tional silver coins Iroui the 1st to the
lKih inst., aggregates $676,404.
Assistant Secretary of the Interior
Sinn has rendered a decision holding
i hut surplus la:ids in the Shoshone or
Wind river reservation, in Wyoming,
can be leased for grazing purposes, and
that the leases should be made for five
veins or thiee years at a minimum. All
iniormal bids already received will be
The appointment of Jeremiah J.
Crowley as sujiervising special agent of
the treasury department, vice A. K.
Tingle, resigned, to take effect Decem
ber 15, w ill be oilici illy announced from
the treasury department -robably dur
ing the coming week. Mr. Crowley is
at present a treasury special agent in
charge of the Illinois division, with
headquarters at Chicago.
Olhcials of the pension bureau are un
usually reticent regarding the announce
ment that the bureau has unearthed at
P.ullalo, N. Y., a wholesale scheme for
deitauding the oliice. The publication
at this tune they fear w ill hinder them
in bringing the guilty persons to justice.
The Post, announces the name of the
person w ho has been carrying on this
scheme t" be W. Roon Moore, who was
formerly special examiner of the bu
reau in Washington. It is believed
$150,000 has already been paid fraudu
lent claimants whose cases were engi
neered by Attorney Moore.
Secretary Gresham has received a
complaint from Chinee Minister Yang
Yu that w ithin the past 10 days a China
man living in a small town in Western
North Carolina has been chased to the
mountains for no other known reason
except his nationality, and that he was
believed to hate died from exposure.
An investigation is being made of the
tacts ol the case by the United States
district attorney lor the western district
oi North Caioliua. It the facts are as
stated, reparation will probably have to
be made bv the I'niteil States. Recent
dispa'cl.e.- Ir.'iu North Carolina state
that the Chinaman was believed to be
iu.-aue and was wandering in the woods,
and that his assailants had been ar
rested. Attorney-General Gluey hasappointed
Edward Walker, ol Chicago, a speival
attorney to represent the United States
in the case of the suit against the com
missioner of Yew South Wales to the
World's Fair. Among the exhibits of
New South Wales were a lot of gold
nuggets. These were attached by a
traveling circus company which liad
recently been in Australia and alleged
that throiiiih the defective quarantine
arrangements of that country the circus
company hud lost many valuable horses.
They sought to recover on the nuggets
of the New South Wales exhibit. An
examination of the law here discloses
the fact that a foreign government can
not be sued in a United States court
without its consent. Even if this point
were not conclusive, the government of
New South Wales in the circumstances
is a guest of the United Staies and en
tilled to immunity, even if the allega
tions, so far unsubstantiated, were true.
The case will probably be dismissed if
Commissioner of Pensions Loehren
has issued the following iuiportantorder,
simplifying the practice ol the burden
in the adjudication of claims under the
famous act of June 27, 1800: "Pension
certilicates issued under the second sec
tion of the act of June 27, 1800, will no
longer specify particularly the disabili
ties. In such certificates, where the
maximum rating of $12 per month is
allowed the certificate will state it is for
inability to earn support by manual
labor. Where less than the maximum
rating is allowed the certificate will
state it is for partial inability to earn a
living by manual labor. Whenever, in
the case of a pension granted under the
said section at less than the maximum
rating and a higher rating is subse
quently sought, the application for such
higher rating shall be considered and
treated as a claim for an increase, and
not as a claim for a new disability, and
the increase, if allowed, will commence
from the date of medical examination
showing an increase of disabilit)."
Between adjusting the accounts of the
North American Commercial Companv
with the treasury department, and the
claims of the treasuiy department for
$((,802. 000 against the North American
Commercial Company, the natives of the
seal islands in the Arctic ocean stand a
good chance of starving this winter. The
North American Commercial Company's
accounts to the extent of $24,000 $4000
for coal supplies to the United States
revenue cutters, and $20,000 for supplies
furnished the natives are held'up. The
commercial company is seriously con
sidering the advisability of withholding
further supplies to the natives unless
the account already presented are
passed. The whole matter, as previously
stated, has been referred to the attorney-general
for consideration, and it
will probably find its way into the
courts. In the meantime much solici
tude is felt for the fate of the natives,
who entirely depend upon the supplies
furnished by the North American Com
mercial Company for subsistance.
IJloody Views of Louisft Michel,
the Female Anarchist.
Lord Charles Bercsford Makes a
Declaration Concemlnfj the
British Navy Etc.
British Guiana invites Chinamen.
England is said to have over 1,000,000
Ukase No. 227 makes 160,000 more
Russian soldiers.
Bicycling is even more general in Eu
rope than America.
Louis Kossuth, the Hungarian patriot,
is again seriously ill.
Moody and Sankey are soon to open
another revival in London.
The elections in Spain have resulted
in favor of the Monarchists.
Since Dickens' death one firm has sold
64.',0o0 copies of "1'ickwick Papers."
Two French jockeys were killed dur
ing a recent race on the Anteuil track.
Henry Lalxjuchere denounces the war
in Matabeleland au "wholesale murder."
The Neuste Nachrichten in Berlin will
become a Bismarckian organ on Janu
ary 1.
It is denied that admiral Mello has
proclaimed in favor of Prince Pedro as
Emperor of Brazil.
King Oscar of Sweden has decorated
Mine. Melba, the opera singer, with the
gold medal for art and science.
Italy can borrow from the Germans
all the nionev newloil to Lt.,.n l.c
up to the Triple Alliance standard.
In the house of commons the employ
ers' liability bill has passed the third
reading without division of the house.
G. R. Tyler, ' London's new Lord
Mayor, was an errand boy in the great
paper-making house of William ena
bles. Oakley Hall, in Essex, a property of
000 acres in good order, valued 40 vears
ago at i!28,000, has been bid off for
Two of the three charges against Cor
nelius Herz have been canceled. The
remaining one will not suffice to secure
his extradition.
The Plenary Committee on organiza
tion of the Paris World's Fair of 1000
has confirmed the sub-committee's se
lection of the site.
The Diocesan Conference of Truro con
cludes that great harm has been done
to the cause of purity by the reception
of Zola in London.
Two hnndrpil and fiftr nonnla l-illo.l
80 missing, 400 wounded' and $2,600,000
i i. . ...
loss, is me latest estimate ol the disaster
at Santander, Spain.
One hundred and thirty-four lives are
known to have hppn Inut in t)o .mine
- - " " - ... i.i fnivd
along the English coast last week. It is
thought the number will reach 200.
The question whether a female claim
ing to be a "Imlv" trau liholu.1 K,. Kolnn
called a "woman" was decided by a
Kritisn judge and jury in the negative.
European diplomatists consider the
PPftCfi of Knrnne wilt nlvrnm m r dan
ger SO loriff BR the plana of Fnirlmi.l in
regard to the coast of Africa are not
Jumps Gordon Rpnnpt.t in
ing on the Mediterranean in his yacht.
the Nourmahal. The Grand Duke
Alexis was his cruest at luncheon a (W
days ago.
Accordint? to an official rpn,-rf inst io.
sued in Paris no less than 19,000 mi
crobes have been discovered on two
bank notes, which had only been in use
ior nve years.
The Berlin correspondent of the Lon
don News learns that the Czar's new
yacht, which is to be named the Stand
ard, is to cost 250,000, and is to be fin
ished in 1805.
Professor Klebs, of Carlsruhe. who
has modified advantageously Professor
Koch's tuberculin for consumption, says
that he has discovered a sure cure for
diphtheria. He has been successful in
13 distinct cases.
The telegraph operators and messenger
boys struck at Rome, owing to the Gov
ernment's decision to amalgamate the
postal and telegraph departments. It
is expected that the strike will extend
throughout Italy.
The scarcity of business at the Krupp
Works at Essen was never so great as
now. Hands at the famous gun-works
are being dismissed in all departments
and there seems to be no prospect of
any revival of business.
Dr. 0. Hilderbrand, of Goettingen,
reports in the Medical Record the case
of a boy of 14 who, since the age of 12
years, had had 150 to 200 teeth of various
sizes removed. A year and a half later
17 more were removed, with evidences
of others coming.
The eldest, son of Count d'Eu, Prince
Pedro, who was said to have been pro
claimed Emperor of Brazil bv Admiral
de Mello, has started for St. Nazaire, a
seaport near Nantes, where, it is stated,
he will soon start for Brazil, accom
panied by a suite of 20 persons.
A dispatch from Algiers says the
police raided a number of houses in the
European quarter, and seized a large
number of anarchist pamphlets and
documents which reveal an extensive
conspiracy, including a plot to blow up
the French law court and the new
mosque, where native cases are heard.
Several loaded bombs and quantities of
explosives were seized in the village of
Hussein, Dei, near Algiers.
TUmsrn Urnlm. tli vt-ltwl In fair.
Nor ever (icliiml ilnlh Imvcr
TIicrixxI xliip Hii-uiU w llh tlie blosr.eil belU
Kho lie.arn in linlireitun timer.
TV pilot crim-ii'il hi hrensl. mill cried:
"Tliitnk Uixl! liit- linrlmr's iikut.
For vi;:r Ih-IIsbI TimIhkuI
Hing out llielr music clear.
"Aye, thnnk tlie linl for our (jowl noeed
Anrrsn tlie iloulilfnl sea!"
"Fisil!"8iiirel tlnn ajitiiiii, "thank thyself;
Coil holils no helm for Iliee."
The pIM croswil hit breast, anil cried,
"G'kI punlon tlipoom e more,
Aft'l urnt that we nmy safely come
Unto the i;ornlnli shore."
The captain' oath wan on his lips,
Or ever the nun went down.
And while the jieople thronged the cliffs
A bore the harbor town.
A iiiliflity wave mvept o'er the sea.
With dull and Mullen roar;
The ifood fillip trembled all her length
Aa Hue aank lo riite no more.
Then o'er the whelming watem pealed
(Aft lolling funeral knell
For those lout koiiIh) the aoft, tweet chime
Of the Forrabury bella.
The mowi creep over Holt ream church.
Where rings no vexper lay;
Still waits the tower iu blessed bella.
And silent stands today.
For low beneath the Cornlnh wave.
Where tangled wreck He deep.
The Forrabury bells are hid
And lueir sweet echoes keep.
But ever 'gainst the billows to.
And storm winds shriek in glee;
Their muffled chimes be blessed belli
Still ring beneath the sea.
Lucy li. Fleming in Harper's Bazar.
A Ride nark End Foremost Over a
Strange Railroad Track by Night.
"Funny, isn't it. what daredevil acts
railroad men will often do?" asked a
little traveling man of a few friends as
he dropped into one of the Grand Pacific
rotunda chairs.
"Yes, something like trying to run
two trains on the same track or trying
to see whether the rails or a man's leg is
the hardest," suggested a fellow drum
mer. "No, I mean in the ordinary course of
business. The other day I started for
Washington and I h:; I a premonition
that the trip was n,t to be of the best,
for on the way to the depot 1 purchased
a pocket comb of a street vender, who
gave me a quarter too much change.
We got as far as Aubnrn Junction and
it was awful dark, when the station
agent informed us that there was a
wreck between us and Defiance. O.
Later he said there were two wrecks
and that three men had been killed. The
debris was piled so high upon the tracks
that it would take the wreckers hours
to clear them. 1 saw our conductor and
engineer in close conversation.
"Suddenly the conductor said. 'Bill,
there is nothing left ns but to run around
on the Wabash tracks to Defiance.'
" 'But the Wabash has no operator
here to give ns orders." answered the en
gineer. " 'Oh. I'll cnt you off and we'll turn
the engine around nt the nmudhimse
table and make our way over the four
teen miles of strange track As lung as
your headlight shows up you can creep
over the road, can't yon?
"Tho knight of the throttle was a
careful man. but he knew that the
United States mail was being delayed
and a couple of hundred passengers were
angrily demanding that the trainmen do
something to hurry them on. 'I'll go
yon,' hi said, and the engine went down
to the turntable to turn around. Upon
coming back it was discovered that it
would be impossible to couple her to the
hind end of our train, as the sleeper draft
irons were of a different pattern and
higher than the coupler of the engine.
Another pause for deliberation.
"Finally the conductor advised the
engineer to go back, turn around and
couple on in the original position.
'We'll just cross over on the spur and
back up the fourteen miles.' And we
did. That stretch of fourteen miles on
a night as dark as pitch, over an un
known road, without a headlight and
with 200 passengers unaware of the risk
the trainmen were running to accommo
date them and well. 1 tell you it was
exciting. No orders, no nothing, as you
might say.
"1 stood on the hind end, which was
then the fore end, with the conductor
and four brakemen, as we slowly dragged
our way through the darkness. The
flagmen carried red lanterns and torpe
does to run ahead and flag should a
train be heard approaching, but it was
dollars to butternuts that had a head
light appeared around one of those un
known curves no one of our train could
have reached the approaching train in
time to prevent her from crashing into
our train. I've done a little railroading
in my time and have taken a train over
some risky places, but that fourteen
miles of backing up without orders,
without a headlight to aid our progress
and on a strange track, is about the
most squeamish ride 1 ever traveled.
That shows you how many risks a rail
road man will take to please the travel
era." Chicago News.
American and English Women.
The average American woman, it has
been repeatedly said, suffers from nervous
exhaustion caused by the hurried, spas
modic way in which she does her work.
She lacks the cool, systematic method of
her English sister and the phlegmatic tem
perament of the German woman.
In the southwestern islands of Japan the
women are the laborers. Their hands are
tough and tanned with heavy work, while
the hands of the meu are delicate and
white. The men play the samisen while
the women dance, but it is considered a
disgrace for the women to play.