The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 18, 1893, Image 1

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    River Glacier.
NO. 25.
3 food Iiver Glacier.
Tlio Glacier Publishing Company.
Hi iin iiirnoN ruiCK,
On rnr , , , (Xi
Si lltMlllllf ( .......... W
Tllll. ItHll.tlil. ,,,,, (l
h""1' "'17 !.....'!.'.'.'.'.','.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' C.nt
larbcr Slion
Grant Evans, Propr.
Sr..,,,,! M ,., (),,!,, . . , Uv..r, Or
Mutt lug iiihI ll ili 'rutting iicntly ilium.
.ltl,H I II HI ( illUIUIltl'Ull.
Seiisaf ioiiiil Mining Suit Com
iiii iicctl at Uoiso City.
Tin1 ('(iiisnlii;ilcil Virginia Mine on
I III' Collistock I -oil i IlctflllH
Active OprriitloiiH.
'I'lin'i- Los Angeles mashers were
Millliilly v 1 1 f 1 II few lIllJ N HgO.
Two il faiinlii'N lire r-j m r to
have iiiiAnl uw.iy limn Astoria, Or., tin-
ttti) IIHilllllH,
An oci hauling of tho Hunger's (
: in-.- nt M iii l-Und ha l''l to it corroc-
(lull III I III' lll'fl'ft.
icillge I'. liuVstcr, w ill) Slll'd till" Sill'-
r.iii.i-nlo lice lnr C-O.OOO, charging IiIm'I,
pit u inlii l lnr 4i'0.
In minus cll'mts are btiiig made to
ll.lM- ;l 1 1 (III glowers' IllllVI'lllHIII HSSl'lll-
hie in .vi'iliiiic iii February.
,i iiu' I'jx-i nt ioiih in tin' Consolidate!
YllpllU 1 1 1 f I Oil till' ColllStDI'k bogail
tin- nihi l' day Willi the repairs ( the
bait.-. Tin' new s is gratifying to minors.
Tin' l.ilii iairt at Ogdon, IT. T. have
ili.-!i,ui'li il iih a parly. They went com-jM.-r.l
u( gentiles or non-Moi inons, and
ll.UC lllll IllltHlly 0iKIHm till! l.IltllT-
il.iy S.unts.
I In- i -barge .of arson against Trotter,
(lie o m i oi tlit dye woi kn ut Spokane,
lias In en dismissed. This in the case
wlirie an explosion killed Mrs. Beano
iiiel tli'' win kn weie net on lire. It was
Mated that. Trotter had tired the build
ing i" onloi (oolitiiin the insurance.
There mo (rave suspicions that the
explosion on tho collier .St! Mateo the
oilier ilay, v li it-h ripped open her decks,
wa-i mil Yau-cd liy eoal gus, as was first
(ivcii iii explanation. It is proposed at
ii iinia, H. C, to have an ollieial inves
tigation. Tiptop has heretofore been the most
pro.-pi ioiiH mining eiiinp in the Torri
tiiiyi'f Aiiomi. It was u chloride camp,
but welded from ij 1)0,0(10 to l 100,000 year
ly. A eoiiiiany organized hint spring to
work the piopcitics in the district on a
huge scale gave up the enterprise three
months ago on account of the low prion
of Hilver, and the. camp him been totally
abandoned. Six mouth ii?o it wan a
pio.-peioilH little villnjjo a ndiool,
htoie and the hum of industry. To-dav
notliiny in left hut two lonvly individ
ual who remain to look ufter tho prop
erty. C. .1. Wetinore, Chief State Viticitlt
01 ist of t'alifornin, reports that the vint
OK'e of 1 1 ut jirt'M'iit HeiiHon will be about
I.S.OHO.IMIO HiilloiiH, or about 3,000,000 nl
Iiiiim in exet'KH of hint year'a yield, and
will be of plod quality generally. A I wilt
4.00D itnn niapcM will Ik unfti in tho
tiiuxt fuetoiy ut llfiihlsbtirn, the product
of which in in nicut demand abroad.
Jtii'in the next ten yearn, however, it
iH expei'ted that tho Statu vintage, will
aIiow a decreiifO, owinj,' to tho raviifjes of
phylloxera in variouH M-ctious and alno
to "the recent check in tho planting of
viiu'vanlH canned by tho low pricon that
have jieneially pievailed during tho pant
few H'Hi-oiiH, the growth of tho uu'iistry
in tho pant having been too rapid, wo
much no that the output in ono year rone
from il.OOO.OOO to 18,OtlO,0;iO gall ins.
A Hcnnational mining nuit has boon
lil.-d in tho United StateH Court at Hoine
City, Idaho, by Arthur Ncal of Seattle
iiitinnt, lied Pago-TtiHtin anil II. l'
rarker of Seattle and Hoveral I5oine peo
jilo interontvtl in tho Kldora Mining
Company, operating in tho Neal district,
about twenty miles from Boise. Neal
sold two valuable mines to U. 1. Plow
man, a lloiso capitalist, for $10,000, re
ceiving half in cash and tho balance in
notes secured by mortgages. Neal al
leges tliat TiiHtin and Parker got hold of
him in Seattle and kept him under their
inlltieiice for over two weeks by means
of drugs. During that time he signed
what ho thinks is a power of attorney
authorizing Tustin to fordone a mort
gage, lie nays ho might have signed a
tleed to everything ho possessed. Tnntin
forcloned tlio mortgage in his own iiamo
and, it is claimed, never paid Neal a
cent. Tho Eldora Company was formed,
purchasing mines from Plowman, agree
ing to give him $15,000 and ono-half of
tho (stock of tho company. Neal asks
for a receiver to take charge of the prop
erty. Plowman claims that no money
has been paid hiin by the company.
Popper is second only to rleo and ten
as the principal export from Siiun.
The railway mileage in this country
to-day amounts to 7,UtV,,W2 miles.
The Slate of Illinois has used Huh year
more than 1,1)0(1,000 barrels of beer.
TiiihIh are a coming power in biiHitiess.
I'liey already control over ,000,1100,(100.
It is est iuiiileil that tho civilized mi
lioiis pay auniiallv for food (1:1,000,000,
000. New Yoik hiiH over 2.000 buck men.
Tokio in .lapaii has l!0,0tl0 jiiirickhha
Last year no less than :i,0V),000,iH)0
giillons of beer were imbibed in Kuropi)
Nehniska has rained loo IiiimIicIh of
corn for every human being in the Slate
this year.
liiring the next si'ven weeks it is ex
pected that the mint w ill coin tlft.flOa,
000 of gold.
Canada supplies nearly all the plum
bago lined by American manufacturers
of h ad pencils.
More than 'Jo .000 women are employed
in the I'niti'd Slates alone in the ilecoia
tion of china and pottery.
Manufactured y,o is worth l a f n -nvw
eight, and any value in excenit of
this represents woi klnaiinliip.
In an.ibiir alone nonic TiOO.lHK) puimds
of ivory are marketed ovitv season from
the tllnks of 10,000 elephants.
The steamers between Kuropn and
S'oith Aiueiica carry on an average
iilxmt 70,0lMI passengers a mouth.
The most useful insect in the silkworm.
It is estimated that 5.000,000 pornons
gain a livelihood by raising the worms.
Farms in interior New York are worth
now little more than half their value in
1X70, ami no more than before the war.
The property owned by New York city
is estimated to have risen in value from
'77,H)0,IHK) in XH71 to d.rll,M)0,000 in
For the first six mouths of lXlW the
mines of the Tinted Stales mostly gold
and silver mines-paid .r, 700,00.) in div
idends. P.ritisb coach and carriage builders
import from America their choicest
spokes, hubs and ribs, for wheel manu
facture. ieorgia is rapidly developing as a
fruit-grow inn center. Within a few years
thousands of peach and pear trees have
been set out.
The King of Portugal has the most
costly crown in the world. The gold and
jewels of which it is eomiioH'd are val
ued at ;!,roo,0tK).
It appeals from a Treasury statement
that there are :iil.KX0 U0,00 bills, H,H05
Ki.tlOil bills and 47,:iJI 1.000 bills in cir
culation in ! country.
I 'ii ri fin tlin first nine months of the
ciir over 11,0(0 miles of railway were
built, and it is expected that possibly bv
January 1 the mileage w ill reach 3,000.
Types are not used in printing Persian
newspapers. Tho "copy" is given to
an expert penman, who writes it out
neatly. Then tho work is lithographed.
The world's hop crop this year is esti
mated to be 7, ttOO.OOO pounds less than
last year, although the United Slates
crop is 4, IKK), 000 pounds greater than
lit season.
The operatives in Japan mills work
every day, there being no Sunday. The
hours range from twelve to seventeen,
but the pace is slow ami there aro fre
ipieut holidays.
Mrs. 11. K. Willard has a barlior shop
in Chicago. She runs six chairs, and
eiu-h one is in charge of a woman barber.
They are paid $PJ a week, with a half of
what they take in over $23.
A bar of sleel cost ing $1 may bo worked
up into $350 worth of needles; made
into knife blades, it is worth $3.'J8T;
made into balance springs for watchoH,
the same bar would bo worth $250,000.
Miss Hod, tho best of tho English
women tennis players), won tho West, of
England championship when she was
only 15 years old.
"And how do you do, Mr. Justice
Holmes?" was the greeting lr. Oliver
Wendell Holmes pavo his son, Judge
Holmes, last week when tho "Autocrat"
visited the courthouse in Boston and was
mot at tho door by his son.
lord Houghton, the Lord Lieutenant
of Iieland, has Celtic blood in his veins
(ono of his ancestors was tho fourth Via-
count tialway), while his children are
descended through their mother from
Richard Brinsley Sheridan.
Whitelaw Keid has been entertaining
Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas Bailey Aldrich
and Uoneral and Mrs. Low Wallace at
his country-Feat, Ophir farm, in West
chester county. His visitors wore fre
quently neon at tho county fair horse
Massenet told an interviewer theother
day that ho could play a Beethoven so
nata on the piano when only 4 years old.
Tho composer is now but 51, and will
soon celebrate tho thirtieth anniversary
of the production ol " David Kizzio," his
first successful bid for fame.
Tho Archbishop of Canterbury re
ceives a salary of $75,000. Next to tho
Queen ho occupies the position of head
of the church. The Archbishop of York
ami tho Bishop of Ixnidon receive !j50,
000 each, tho Bishop of Winchester
nearly as much, and other salaries of the
episcopal body range from $10,000 to
Prince Komatn, a near relative of the
imperial family of Japan, with his wife
is about to begin a journey to Europe to
pay his respects to tho various crowned
heads there. In all probability ho will
abo visit this country. The Prince is a
young man, not more than 30 years old,
and an ollicer in the Japanese navy. lie
was formerly attached to the Japanese
Embassy in Berlin.
A KansiiH Man Convicted on
Tliirty-llvo Counts.
An Effect I va Meimtire Ilclntf Tuken
to Close d'anihllng' and Pool
Kooinn In St. Paul.
Largo beds of porcelain clay havo licen
discovered in the Cherokee Strip.
A war of extermination against oleo
margarine has begun in Pittsburg.
Opposition to tlm electric railroad at
(iettysburg has apparently died out.
Nearly $10,000 is paid for pensions to
firemen in New York city every month.
The grand jury of Baxter county, Ark.,
has indicted sixty persons for aring.
A. ('. Buriihaui of Champaign, III.,
has given $10,000 to found a lio Mal in
the town.
New York is developing a bountiful
harvest of ci auks since the Harrison
murder in Chicago.
('rop failures ami the opening of the
Cherokee Strip have almost depopulated
Southwestern Kansas.
Survivors of the recent floods In Iw
isiana proriosn to establish a eoiony of
1,000 families in Colorado.
The tobacco crop in the Hoiisatonic
Valley, Conn., bus an estimated value of
$3,000,000, the highest on roeoH
The exportation of coke ha.- recently
become a feature of Baltimore's trade.
A large supply is dispatched every month
to Mexico,
Tho United Press has taken np its
aim le at Washington, D. ('., in a suite
of ton of the handsomest newspaper
rooms in the country.
A society has la-en formed in Balti
more, the avowed object of which is to
assist in perpetuating tho memory of
( 'bristopher Columbus.
There is talk of transporting the New
Hampshire State building at the Chicago
Exposition to Manchester, N. II., and
turning it into a public museum.
It has been suggested that tho many
duplicate volumes in the Congressional
Library be made the nucleus of a free
circulating library for Washington.
C. O. Beardsley has been convicted on
thirty-live counts of selling liquor ille
gally at El Dorado, Kan. His line will
1 $3,500 and bis jail sentence l,Q50da vs.
After a careful investigation the New
Orleans Times-Democrat states that the
oyster industry of IMiisiana was not se
riously injured by the lato severe storms.
Encouraging results are said to bo ob
tained from the exploration of the Pie
dras Nog ran coal mines of Mexico, which
is being made for tho C. P. Huntington
Within twenty-four hours after the
Battle Creek disaster on tho Cirand
Trunk railroad fifty lawyers were on the
ground looking for damage suits on the
percentage plan.
The Supremo Court of Massachusetts
has decided that a man is justified in
stopping a dog light, and if he gets bit
ten while doing it, tho master of the dog
is liable for damages.
The Medical Society of New York Las
adopted a report calling attention to the
danger of drinking water from the aver
age water tank, as found in railway cars
and oilier public places.
Most of Wisconsin's fine fish exhibit
at the fair will be taken to foreign lands
to further experiments in propagation.
The Chicago public schools w ill receive
a portion of the display.
In view of tho alarming spread of -appendicitis
a prominent life insurance
company proposes to insert the ques
tion: "Do you swallow grapo seeds !'
in its application blanks.
Lev. Etlward Bugler, pastor of the
Christian Church at Washington, has
been selected to bo Chaplain of the
House bv Democrats, to tako tho place
of Her. S. W. lladdaway, deceased.
Tho exhibits at Chicago of grain and
rico from Mexico, Liberia and Trinidad
aro to bo disinfected, with the object of
preventing the introduction in this coun
try of insect pests not native to our soil.
A Toronto capitalist is at Niagara Falls
trying to organize a company to build a
bridge across the river for tho exclusive
uso of trolley cars. He estimates that
the structure" could bo constructed for
The Real Estato Congress at the
World's Fair developed the fact that tho
site of Chicago was marked as a trading
post on Ua Salle s map, made in in lt!)0,
and that it was then designated ' She-
Albert Abbink at the St. Louis (Mo.)
city hospital is suffering from a disease
called anchylostomum dodenale, the ef
fect of which is to render htm as white
as marble. Even his tongue, gums and
finger nails are devoid of all color.
W. II. Riley, senior member of the
large dry goods importing house of W.
H. Riley & Co. of New York and Paris,
has been arrested in the latter citv and
charged with entering imported goods at
tho custom-house by means of False in
voices, by means of which the govern
ment has been defrauded.
News from AVashington intimates that
tho naval force of the United States in
Brazilian waters is being reinforced to
counteract the influence of Germany and
England, which is exercised in favor of i
Meilo and to the disadvantage of the
trade relations between Brazil and this '
country. Minister Thompson has re
ceived instructions to protest against any
foreign intervention.
The President has ordered a court
martial to im-et at Fort Reno, O. T,, to
tiy Captain Daniel F. Stiles (retired; for
charges arising out of the disposition of
government property in which ho made
himself beneliciarv.
Postmaster- icrioral Bissell has trans
mitted to thi! Secretary of the Treasury
estimated f-ir the PosUillice Department
for the lineal year ending June 30, 1805.
The total amount Is IK),3!I!),48., as
against $84,004,314 for the present lineal
Advices received at the Treasury De
partment state that tho United StateH
immigration arrangement with Canada
for inspecting immigrants at Quebec is
working most satisfactorily. Every con
venience and courtesy hns been extended
to the United States officials, The class
of immigrants is said to bo improving.
Rrigadicr-Oonerftl D. W. Flagler, chief
of ordinance, has made his annual report
to Secretary Lamont. It shows the
amount of expendituresdiiiing the fiscul
year 1803 was $3,702,202. Among the
limt mailers treated in the report is that
relating to the inadequacy of the gen
eral appropriation for arming and equip
ping the militiaol the Lm toil States.
Secretary Herbert says that there is
no truth whatever in the report that
Brazil has been actively negotiating
with the United States for the purchase
of the new United States war ships
Mad das, Montgomery and Marblebead ;
that tho Navy Department is utterly
without power to sell the vessels, for
only Congress cou'd do that. No nego
tiations to that end are pending.
Senator Butler has introduced a bill
which has for its object tho establish
ment of a government system of tele
graph lines. The bill directs the organ
ization of a lsiard, to consist of the Sec
rotary of State, the Secretary of War
and the Poftmastor-ticiieral, who are
directed to arrange a system of trunk
line telegraphy connecting the various
sec tions of the country with the city of
Washington, with connections along
these lines at such cities as shall bent
serve the public, good. The system is to
be carried on as a part of the postal sys
tem of the country, and dincriinination
in rates is prohihited, except that a lens
rate is allowed for press messages than
for current business. The carrying on
of the telc'traph business by individuals
or corporations is not prohibited. The
bill is voluminous, ami deals largely
with the details of how tjje lines shall
be constructed. An appropriation of
$5,000,000 is made to begin the work.
The Chinese extension bill, as it goes
to the President for his signature, re
quires all Chinese laborers in the United
States, entitled to remain beforo its
passage, to secure their certificates of
residence within six months of the time
fixed by the (ieary act. Chinamen fail
ing to register within six months shall
be deported under the former act, except
that the requirement of a white witness
is removed. All proceedings for viola
tions of the (ieary act a originally en
acted, except as to criminals, are sus
pended. The word "laborers ' in the
act is construed to mean skilled and un
skilled manual laborers, and the term
" merchant" is defined to mean a per
son engaged in bnving and selling mer
chandise at a lixed place of business,
carried on under bis name. It is pro
vided that the certificate sha'l contain
the photograph of the applicant, to
gether witn his name, his local residence
and his occupation.
Tho House Committee on Territories
has lw-en busy several weeks perfecting
a bill for the admission of Utah. Though
the administration has not wished to see
the admission of the Territories pressed
just now, i he fact that the men who wil!
come to the Sunate and House from all
the proponed new States would be silver
men has caused the promoters of the
Statehood movement to pause. In order
to get around any such difficulty as this
Delegate Joseph of New Mexico has pro
posed to have the bill admitting his Ter
ritory changed so that admission will
not iccome operative until 1805. For
Utah, Arizona ami New Mexico it is pro
posed to grant them double the amount
of land granted the last Territories to be
admitted. The reason for this is there
were grants made for the purpose of es
tablishing a fund for various institutions,
and it is claimed the lands which the
three Territories now knocking at tho
door will receive are mostly, if not en
tirely, arid and fit for nothing until they
havo been made valuable bv a costlv
system of irrigation, The last six States
admitted received as grants for various
State institutions about 100,000 acres of
land each. The three Territories asking
for admission think thev will need at
least 1,000,000 acres.
Representative Hermann has been in
consultation with the Postoflice Depart
ment as to numerous applications from
his State for contracts to carry tho
United States mails for the next four
vears and for the addition of many
routes not included in the published
proposals. In the course of the inter
view Mr. Hermann represented to the
department how in his State many con
tractors have heretofore bid so low for
the mail service as to bo rendered unable
to comply with the law, and as a result
the people have received wretched mail
convenience. Ho stated to the depart
ment otlioials that should sum low bids
again be accepted he proposes to see that
the contract shall he complied with both
as to the manner as well as the time con
tracted for. He says the people also
complain that contractors sublet at such
low rates as to compel persons to use lll-
fed, overworked ana unsuitable horses
and also cheap and exposed conveyances
and are unable to deliver the mails on
schedule time or in protected condition, j
He believes that the law should be fear
lessly enforced in all cases of fine or
otherwise, and that postmasters should
be directed to report every violation or i
failure of schedule, and they should bo
investigated in any case where they
should fail to make report. He thinks,
if the law were more generally enforced,
reckless and unprofitable bidding for
mail contracts would cease.
James Cordon JJennett Injured
in a Coaching Accident.
Chief Kciwlt of the General Election
for the Lower House of the
Diet In Sweden.
Constantinople is to bo lighted by
The Socialist movement is making
rapid progress in Austria.
Italy is making an earnest cli'ort to ex
tirpate brigandage in Sicily.
The (ierman soldier's cooking utensils
aro to be made of aluminium.
A new industry in France is the sell
ing of milk frozen solid in cans.
England received 10,000,000 letters
from tho United States last year.
The Turkish cavalry is generally ad
mitted to Ik) the finest in all Europe.
Belgian forces have earitiirixl k'inin.ln
an Arab stronghold near Stanley Falls.
The increased expense of the (Ierman
army is to be borne by a tax on wine and
tob icco.
The Sultan of Morocco has forbidden
the export of irrain from bis territories
after December U, 1803.
Brazieres, the Paris writer, claims to
have discovered the identity of the "Man
with the Iron Mask."
Following the nlaue. of u-naris lust
summer, Europe is sullering from an un
usual quantity of moths.
Marshal MacMahon's memoirs arc
likely to be suppressed by his family be
cause too critical of contemporary men.
There are at the present moment
eleven pretenders to the various thrones
of Europe trying to make good their
The Wert Australian Pnrliamnnt. is
dealing with a measure of Chinese re
striction on the legislation of theother
Marnnis di T?nilini car. TtoK.'a rr.ii;
1 - . . . . . . . . i hi a 111! It
tary expenses should be reduced, as the
taxpayers are now burdened to the limit
of tiieir strength.
According to the Ron
the rumor that Queen Elizabeth contem
plates an eariv return to Bucharest has
no foundation in fact.
The chief result of the
for the Lower House of the Swedish Diet
has been to strengthen the Moderate
l ree 1 rade or Center party.
According to Statistics Inst iccnul in
England the condition of farm laborers
in thirteen counties of Ireland is now
better than at any previous time.
Social Democrats in fiprmnnv finrl
great difficult , their annual report savs,
in providing speakers, organizers and
reading matter to meet the demand.
1 Baron Rothschild has bought a large
tract of land, the personal property of
of the Sultan, near the Jordan. He in
tends to found there a large Jewish col
ony. F'rance is going to try the plan of
printing postal cards in blocks, with
stubs, like a check book, so that the
writer can keep notes of his correspond
ence, German financiers are disappointed
over the Italian Premier's exposition of
Italy's finances, and all chance of that
country obtaining a loan in Berlin van
ishes. An encounter between the police and
the natives on the Ord river, West Aus
tralia, resulted in one policeman being
speared and twenty-three natives being
shot dead.
Irish railways carry a great many more
first-class passengers than any other
country in the United Kingdom, and
England heads tho list in third-class
London has a big appetite. It devours
every year over 400,000 oxen, 1,600,000
sheep, 500,000 calves, 700,000 hogs, fowls
innumerable, and consumes 0,800,000
gallons of milk.
The government of West Australia
proposes to float a loan of 540,000, to
be expended in railway construction and
in the development of gold fields and
other mineral resources.
Maps for the use of farmers, describ
ing the chemical qualities of the land in
various parts of the country and naming
the best manures for each section, hare
been proposed in France.
It appears that the experiments for
some time past in France for obtaining
a satisfactory method of color printing
on leather have been so far successful as
to open up a prospect of a new and at
tractive industry.
The contract for boring a tunnel
through the Si in plon has just been signed.
It has been undertaken on behalf of the
Jura Simplon Railway Company bv MM.
Brand, Brandau & Co. of Hamburg and
Locher & Co. of Zurich.
The monument which has been erected
upon the battle field of Solferino is one
of tho largest, if not the largest, of its
kind in ail Europe. It consists of a
tower seventy-four meters high, sur
mounted by an electric lamp.
Tho attempts made by a syndicate of
Franco-Vienese tailors to "revive the
bright raiment of the country noblemen
of the last two centuries and'nf t.hp rlan.
dies of the Directory have fallen through.
evening uress win remain as it is.
Newspaper life appears to be very ex
citing in Russia. An editor in Kursh
recently discharged a proof reader. Later
in the day the man returned, killed the
editor and then opened fire on the staff.
Two were killed, and the other escaped
by jumping out of the window.
The Wtarjr Bank Prealtlent Found a Iloeky
VI Orniluato to Go II I in.
A fitout gentleman, well on to CO
years, was in tho throng of Saturday
af txTnoon visitors at tho Produce Ex
cbango hatha yesterday afternoon.
IIo told everybody that ho'd had a
hard week. Iiu aaid ho was a Lank
president. All tho attendants seemed
to know him. Ho knew all tho at
tendants too. They wer Tom and
Jim and Pcto to him.
He wanted everybody to under
stand that ho'd had a hard week
Every newcomer was corralled an
impressed with tho fact. Then ho
eaid ho wanted Eomo no to take his
hand and wado through the pool
with him. Tho pool is CO feet long
and 15 feet wide, with five feet of
salt water. Ho wanted to wado in,
new summer Kuit and all. It would
rest him and mako him forget his
hard week, ho eaid, if somebody
would tako bis hand and wade in
with him.
"ItH mako me feel like a boy
again," Baid tho alleged bank presi
dent. "We used to wado in clothes and
all when I was a boy," ho added
when his appeal was m.t heeded.
Whilo ho was waiting for fsomo ono
to tako his hand and wade, in walked
a young man also in a new summer
suit. The young man wore silver
bowed Epectacles. Ho is a graduate
of Yale. Ho peered over his specta
cles at the old fellow, who returned
tho peer and then made his appeal to
the young man.
"Well, old man," said he of the
silver bowed spectacles, "I was out
pretty late myself last night. I'll go
Solemnly tho old maa and the
younger man clasped hands and
walked to the edgo of the pool. They
zigzagged a little, but tVy stood upon
the brink of tho pool steady enough,
and banging their bat3 down upon
their heads, they stepped off. The
water was nearly up to their shoul
ders. But hand in hand they waded
tho length of the pool, the bank pres
ident smiling and contented and tho
younger man peering over his silver
bowed spectacles as if in a contempla
tive mood. Not a word did they eay
to each other. The old mans face
wore the expansive smile of childish
delight. The younger man was sol
emnly content They clambered out
of the pool hand in hand, Boaked
from shoulders to heels. The old man
shook the hand of his younger com
rade and said :
"I thank you, sir. Yon have af
forded mo much pleasure."
"All right, old man," said the Yale
graduate. "Any time you want to
wade send for me."
He gave the old man his card, and
as the old mr.n jabbed the limp paste
board into the puddle in his waist
coat pocket he remembered his
watch. He pulled out a massive gold
timepiece. The salt water had
stopped it and probably ruined it.
As he came to this conclusion the
old man said:
"Well, never mind, we had fun.
didn't we?"
Then the two men were tacked off
to the Bteainroom and stripped, and
for two hours they nodded sleepily
at each other while their clothes and
shoes were drying. New York Sun.
Interesting Scenes In Tangier.
Tangier's beauty lies in so many
different things in the monklike
garb of the men and in the white
muffled figures of the women ; in the
brilliancy of its sky and of the sea
dashing upon the rocks and tossing
the feluccas with their three cor
nered sails from side to side, and in
the green towers of the mosques and
the listless leaves of the royal palms
rising from the center of a mass of
white roofs, and above all in tho col
or and movement in the bazaars and
streets. The streets repi'esent ab
solute equality. They are at the
widest but 3 yards across, and every
one pushes, and apparently every
one has something to sell, or at least
something to say, for they all talk
and shout at once and cry at their
donkeys or abuse whoever touches
them. A water carrier, with his
goatskin bag on his back and his fin
ger on the tube through which the
water comes, jostles you on one side,
and a slave as black and shiny as a
patent leather boot shoves you on
the other as he makes way for his
master on a fine white Arabian horse
with brilliant trappings and a huge
contempt for the donkeys in his
way. Richard H. Davis in Harper's
Snoozing Averted.
Sneezing Is averted by pressing
the upper lip, because by doing so
we deaden the impression made on
a certain branch of the fifth nerve,
sneezing being a reflex action ex
cited by some slight impression on
that nerve. Sneezing does not take
place when the fifth nerve is para
lyzed, even though the 6ense of
smell is retained. London Tit-Bita.