The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, November 11, 1893, Image 2

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    ?(ood iiver (alacicr.
itoodrivkii. 011. xov. u. iakv.
Tho explosion of dj nnniite on Utird
the steamship at Santander, Spain, laM
-week, was the mowt terrible thin?: oft he
kind that ever occurred. A tliv luvnk
ing out on the ship while she was lying
at the wharf caused a largo crowd to
leather. Twenty cast's of dynamite
known to be on board wore at once
taken ashore, but there wore 4S0 eases
more that did not show on the ship's
manifest, and It was supposed it way
ll out of the tdiip. The tliv soon got
U'vond control and in a short time the
boilers exploded. The shock exploded
the dynamite and the vessel was
blown to pieces. 1 urning timber
were thrown high In the air, and do
nvnding on the houses, soon had the
city on Are in hundreds of place. Hun
dreds of people were killed by t no ox
plosion and other hundreds by the de
scending ruins of the ship and cargo.
Several hundred wore thrown into the
bay and drowned. In all over l.tHK)
persons were killed and as man more
-wounded, many of whom w ill die.
The county eourt is ia session, and
re humbly suggest that it take a now
departure, and when it whacks a man's
tax ur to double what it was fixed
upon by the assessor, that it notify tho
party and give hiru a chance. Tho
taxes of Wasco county are now little
short of robbery, and if thero is not a
change soon they will amount to con
location. So when a fellow gives in
his property for all it is worth, and has
it raised to double what it w ill sell for
and then taxed 25 mills a the dollar,
and all this without being .ware of the
fact that hia assessment has been
changed, it is pretty tough. We know
one place here that last year was as
sessed at 1400, and was sold soou after
for $550.
Thanksgiving days are plentiful this
year. The governor has appointed
Thursday, the 23d, as a day for ret tim
ing thanks for such blessing as we
have received, and the governor espe
cially recommends that the people send
up a prayer for the democratic party.
The president, as is customary, has set
apart the last Thursday in the month,
the 30th. So with two days, you pays
your money and takes your choice. A
happy compromise will be to celebrate
both, if the turkey holds out. Here in
Hood River we have so much to be
thankful for that the two days will not
prove sufficient. It will take that long
to be properly thankful for being al
lowed to lire in Hood River.
Sidney Dell has it again that is to
say, he is again troubled with a wild
desire to write, and this time on the
"financial question." It is a subject
that is wonderfully attractive, and
that's the reason we like to get a whack
at it ourselves. We all like to write
about the things we do not possess.
Hence Sidney Dell and Moffet and the
balance of us penny-a-liners can roll
from $40,000,000 to $.500,000,000 under
our tongues and never gag. And the
whole "bilin" of us couldn't dig up
half that sum.
Theodore Liebe, brother of Judge
Xiebe of The Dalles, was shot by Clin
ton Hess at Portland, Tuesday, the ball
entering the neck at the base of the
skull and coming out below the right
ye. As soon as the deed was done
Hess turned the pistol on himself
blowing the top of his head off. Hess
was married to Liebe's niece, was em.
ployed by Liebe, and being caught pil
fering from him, was arrested and
placed under bonds for trial at the pres
ent term of court.
Crisp says the tariff laws will be
changed immediately on the meeting
of Congress in December, and that the
changes will be radical! He intimates
that the tax on tobacco and whisky
will be doubled up and that possibly an
income tax will be levied. The elections
Tuesday will probably teach the dem
ocratic congressmen that they were
elected on a tariff-repeal issue.
This year will certainly go down to
posterity as the hoodoyearof the cen
tury. Morning after morning the tel
egraph announces tome horrible disas
ter, until they no longer attr&ct more
than a panging remark. There is an
epidemi'iof disaster, in which the sea
vies with the land in furnishing new
and horrible examples.
The editor of the Portland Telegram
states that one room in the art building
at the world's fair was neatly papered
with the front page of the great papers
of the United States. It asserts that
the Telegram was among them. That
is really the newsiest bit of news in our
gloaming contemporary and entirely
The financial situation is improving
wonderfully since the repeal of the
Sherman bill. On that day we hud ten
cents, and a recapitulation of our
wealth three days after discovered a
quarter. Gain, 50 per cent a day.
The time in w hich the Chinese may
register has been extended six months.
Sold. .A-fErasr
S." oN.
40 cts.)
." cts. v
7" i ts. J
Samples sent upon request.
fll I ALU
The republicans held an election
yesterday in about a down states.
Ohio went republican by probably SO,.
000. New York downed Mnyntiid
democratic candidate for sunrenie
judge by 00,000 solid votes, and elected
rainier secretary of state by 35,000, bo
sides electing both houses of the legis
lature. Massachusetts is republican by
30,000. Pennsylvania woods were full
of anti-deinocrais carrying the state by
125,000 or perhaps more. Iowa piled
up 35,000 majority against Boies.
South Dakota is close, w ith the repub
lican candidates probably elected.
Nebraska gives republican plurality of
2000 electing its ticket. Kansas snows
large republican gains. As a tail to
the republican kite just to steady it,
Virginia and Kentucky went demo
cratic. KnrroK Gi .u
In answer to your request for indi
vidual opinion as to the best variety or
varieties of apples to plant in this local
ity, I will give my exjaTience with 100
trees planted in lb?J. The following
varieties were planted: Yellow New
town pippin, 14; Graveustein,14; Twen
ty ouuee, 4; Fall pippin, 7; Swaar, 7;
Winter rambo,"; Spitzenbourg, 7; Bald
win, 7; Roxbury russet. 7; Winesap, 7;
Red cheek pippin, 7; Early harvest, 5;
White bellllower, 7 tolal, 100. My
trees were well cultiva ed for the first
two years and made a good growth
without the loss of a single tree during
that time. I then went to Portland,
remaining off my place three years,
aud in my absence my ouhard might
not have been well cured for, but the
trees were all served alike.
Of the 100 apple trees planted in 1879
there remain to-day: Yeiiow Newtown
pippin, 5: Oravenstein, 9; Twenty
ounce, 2; Fall Pippin, 7; Swaar, 5;
Winter rambo, 0; Spitzenbourg, l';
Baldwin, 4; Roxbury russet, 4; Wine
sap, 6; Red cheek pippen, 3; Early har
vest, 3; Bellflower, none making a to
tal of 53 trees alive and bearing a crop
this year of the 100 trees planted four
teen years ago.
My trees were sprayed four times du
ring the past season forthecodlin moth,
but my loss from wormy apples in all
varieties otber than the Gravenstein
and Winesup was heavy. The Grav
enstein, for a summer aud fall apple, of
course stands at the head of the list.
The tree is hardy and a prolific bearer,
and we can raise more of them than
any other apple. But for a winter
apple it is not such an easy matter to
decide. On my land I consider the
winesap the most profitable of the win
ter varieties above enumerated. The
tree is hardy, bears a full crop every
year, and seems to be less affeoted by
codlin moth than any apple on my
place. The fruit is a nice red, the color
now in demand, and if not allowed to
bear too full, the apple is a good size.
S. F. Blythe.
In a private letter Dr. Jay Guy Lewis
writes as follows from Chicago: "We
will leave on about the Gth inst. with
our victorious banners floating on the
breeze with a record of eighteen medals
of award in horticulture, nineteen in
agriculture, four in mines, four in edu
cation, six in fishery, two in women's
work and two in herbarium, outrank
iug all the Pacific states aud second
only to New York and Illinois."
It is the unexpected that always
happens. Instead of silver losing its
value since the repeal of the Sherman
bill, it has steadily advanced and is
now worth three cents more an ounce
than it was two weeks ago.
The democratic procession failed to
get thereon time. It was detained by
a land slide. Home rule for Ireland
has received a hard blow.
Congress adjourned sine die before
election day. Had it waited until the
returns came in it would have made it
nine Jeo.
IN -
CUT DOWN 25 cts.
CUT DOWN 50 cts.
All Goods marked In plain figures.
65 :MZ-&."5rs.
serration lloiuularies.
From a tracing kindly furnished us
by Captain Lewis of The DaHes Land
Olllee, we find that the east line of the
Cascade Forest Reservation follows the
rau go line between ranges S and 0 cast
from the Columbia to the base line.
This it follows oast to the oast lino of
range 10, and thenco south on this line
to township 4 south. Tho west line
leaves the Columbia at Warrondale,
runs east to about the line. Utween
ranges 7 aud S, thence to the base line,
near said liue; thence diagonally in a
southeasterly direction through town
ships 1 and 2 south of 8 east to within a
mile of the oast line thereof, thence
( W)Ulll piwt Mt j1(KH, Townships !
and 10 east, south of the base line, are
in the reservation.
The man who buys shoestrings ami
otber small articles from street fakirs
doesn't always do go because he gets
them, or thinks he gets them, cheaper.
It is chiefly because men engaged in
business are usually so abscntinimled
that trifles of everyday use are never
thought of unless they are pushed right
under the business nose. As a rule the
stuff bought of street venders costs two
to five times as much as it would in a
legitimate store. But it is on this single
weakuesa of mankind that tiie street
fakir lives and thrives. A mau will fool
with a broken shoestring a dozeu morn
ings before he will remember to get a
new pair. Then suddenly during a busy
day he runs against a shoestring peddler
and buys a pair on the spot, paying
double price for what his dealer would
give him for nothing.
The fakirs thrive best in the closest
and most busy centers. Down in Wall
aud Broad and New and Nassau streetd,
among the bankers and brokers aud law
yers, who are too busy to think of sus
penders and shoestrings and lead pencils,
etc., the street fakirs fare well, foraimd
the roar of clashing millions the absent
minded man clutches hastily on
comes uppermost,, knowing that other
wise he'll forget all about it' '
Electricity la Oyster Culture.
Electricity is about tho last thing to
be thought of in connection with oysters,
yet a very close association between
them has been established by M. Lacase
Dutheier, the well known authority on
oyster culture. He makes use of the
electric litrht in examining tho staires of
i development through which the spawn
passes. A glass cylinder is mounted in
a cylindrical skeleton cage which serves
as a support, and into this glas3 tho
water containing the spawn is placed.
At the bottom is a silvered reflector, and
the cover forms a parabolic reflector, in
the center of which is fixed a small in
candescent lamp. Tho reflector and
sides of the glass cylinder act in snch a
way that hut few rays of light emerjro
from the apparatus directly, hence the
liquid is suffused with a soft illumina
tion which is admirably suited to tho
examination of the contents. A modifi
cation of this little apparatus is now be
ing employed in various researches into
the life processes of ferments and the
culture of microbes. New York Tele
gram. Tb Evolution of the Sword.
Aa men in early times fought hand to
hand, the oldest specimens of the sword
are short; in fact, the sword is probably
but an evolution of the club, which at
first made of hard wood was gradually
sharpened on one and then on both sides,
so as to inflict a more deadly wound.
Even today we find some savage races
tmploying wooden weapons. Wood
gave way to stone, which in turn was
displaced by bronze, iron and finally
The sword Increased In length as men
became more civilized and showed a dis
position to fight farther away from each
other, which required more dexterity in
the use of the weapon. Some specimens
we have of swords of the Middle Ages are
almost if not quite as long as the war
riors who welded them. During the
Fifteenth century the science of fencing
was invented, when the sword in the
form of a rapier reached the highest
point of development. Kate Field's
Physician and Surgeon
Is pupeclnlly prepared to treat Diseases of
Nose und Throat,
A Cupper I'ln I imI t'ellliitf.
The use of copper in decorative metal
work is largely on t lie increase. ly rea
son ot the ease with which It call tie used
in various electroplating processes The
elect rot vping ot metal has lieei: carried
so far that enure shop fronts are con.
structed by tins process, tine of ihe
ceilings of the Kipntablc litul.lmg is
made of electroplated copper on wood,
which exhibits the capabilities ot tills
bea ul il'u I met hod of interior decoration.
Decorator and Furnisher.
A ClirlmiK 1 iincriil Ceremony.
It is said that when Alane, the con-1
quoror of Uonie, died that "a river waa
turned aside to make place In its lust tor
his grave, and when he was tinned the
water wa tigaiii let into its former chair
net, and the prisoners who had helped
to bury hi ui were killed no that no out
might tind out where tho conqueror of
Koine was tinned
The river thus turned was the Muscu
lo, and the place near Cosento. Italy.
iU Louis Iteinililie.
I.ntnt I'ftleo nt Vitiii'uiivrr, vni-li. Nov. :l, ;S!VI,
Notice Is licicliv ulvcn Hint the lollowlng
liuiiieil set tins ti:ic llieil tint ten ol tlietr Inten
tion to inukc linul iroot In Mipinui of tlirtr
claims ion! Unit wilil proof will l mint,
licforo W, I!, I n n I m t- t 'ominli.lotier t'nllfj
suites llrcnll Court fur IMMrlct nt wiisliliiutoil
lit iolilc nttiilc, li.-lilm'leii, on 1 'vcciiiticr
J3, IS'.U, vi:
Tlinrninn . W'rklit,
I'urehnsc iipplleat Ion No. IJO, nntlir sc.', inn 8,
Forfeiture Act Si i.trinlicr INI', lor Hies';,
of f w 1 , hint it ', ol hp', see 11, tp 4, it r I.
fiikt, Will liter.
lie mimes the fulliovlni; wllncsvrs to prove
his emit Humus claim to unit enlilviiiloii of,
Nidil tutol. VI: llfoinu 1',. I . lo, ;, :; A. Mil
iler, .lohn It. .Miniumis, l- iunk U. UcjuoliU,
II of l.yle I', ii., Washington.
Ueni Ke II. I ..vie.
Pre-emption )ivlntory Sifticincnt No. '.NHS, fur
the e ' , we S, tp I, n r ; east, III. ma r.
I le Humes the fnlluu 'in; witnesses to prove
his ci mt in tii ins n -Mrnce upon anil cult i Mil ion
of, snhl laiul, viz.: : Tain inon I'.. rllil, .lolin
Is. Nliiilnoiis, l i'iinU li. Kcviiohls, Lewis I',
wi lnht.all ol l.le I'. II., wash.
Antonio r.raiiiilnho,
Purchase Application No, I t nn.lcr sec :i r'or
fi'liiirc Aet s-epietnlier '.V, isto, lor the s '., of
s w 1 , v I'.'i, inn nshlii in, r I".' e, v ill. niei . ami
n 1 j ol n e ', ami n ' , oi aw ' , si e I Tp ;l n r
11' e w ill im
lie looms the follow -lie; witnesses in prove
his continuous claim to, ami cult 1 at Ion of,
sahl lain!, I.: Joseph sulva. lioy r'ot-sytti,
Thomas M. u lillcoiuli, Janu s Kit,, all of l.vlo
I'. t., wash.
Uoon;e A. Sniiler,
I'uichuse Application No. :ts7. nailer see.. 'I I'nr
felttire Ai'l s-cptci.iher '.I'. I.vo. fur then", of
sis' I I, tp I n, l Uciist, will. Incr.
lie liuuies the following; witnesses to prove
Ills eoniiniiuiis claim to, ami cultivation of,
snhl laiul, I.: John K. Sniiiiiniis, I Inn luo.i
li. w rlalil. I-TiinU II. Ke.wiohls, ,cwts I'.w i Itilit,
all ol I. le '. il wash.
John II. Simmons,
Purchase A pplh allon No. 4 ::i uiulcr see .1 per
fclinre Act , ptciiihcr J".', Isle, lor n e ', of n e
' ,, s of II e 1 allil tile f ' of II '4 oe III,
tp ." ii r I I i ;M. w ill im i,
lie nai.ics tiie lollow im; w to proe
his claim to shl laml. to II: i iom uu II. 1 le,
Thurnion P. w riiihl, t iisuije A. Milder, Ki anU
It. le v iiohts, all ol l le P. khclutal coun
ty, Washington.
nolhli I i John I . (ii:oi;t:ii m. ltrclster
"notk k iok rt iti.icA Hon.
ll'imhcr l.ioul, A.-l ,!un i, Is7j
stales l.aml i Ulicc
W'a.s., ept. I i s.i
Notice In herein given that In compliance
W'M h the i'to isi els of the act oi I on.-i , ss of
June Is",s. i in it It 1 1 " An net tor Ihe sale of
1 1 1 II I I' l.nnis III I lie ."-Llles of t 'al ii iiui, I he
con, Nev.claati'l ' a h 1 1 1 " l o 1 1 1, i nloi , ' l hiir
; lis A. I 'ook, it i 'ticiiow it a t on n t oi "s Until aula
I stnte ot U ashlii ,'ton, lias thisilav llieil in this
I oil lee his sworn s. a i, n an I, No, ITiT tor the pur
chase of tic ;,il .1 of seetloii No. Ill in
township No. :;,iioi I h raiu:e No. II I .. . M. ami
I W ill ol!,T plool to show tilat the himl sollnllt Is
' more valllilhle for lis tllnher or stone tiian for
agricultural niirposes, uml to estahilsh Ills
claim In Mihl laml I cloie tiie K, uish r ami Hi
i eeiver ol this'.ce ut aneouer Wash.,
on .Moiulay the J7l!t ilay of NoM iuher, ls;i:t.
I lli-names as w itnesses: Willliain Ken.
I, William luuno. Join M. t'oiilter,
( icof.;e M. I'.'i ry, a 1 1 ol I 'henow it h Wush.
' Any ami all p. i sons .iaoniiu' a I i hi I y t he
llliove lieserihe lali-ls are re. jlli steil lo tt If
their claims in thisoltieeoii or hciore saiil 'J. Ill
day of Niocinli r Isji.t.
; spj:!ni'i John 1. (icohean, Kelster,
l.aml ollVca! Oregon l ily nr. Ann. ;'."i Is'.U.
.Notice Is hen hy iiien that I lie followliut
liaineil settler has llieil not lee of his intention
to make tinal proof In support of his claim,
ami that said proof will he made hefoie the
lU'Kisler and Heeelver P. S. l.aml Olliee nt
Oickoii i Ity tiri Kiin on Oct., -I, Isal, vl.:
John ('. Ilrowii.
Mil. Ann. No. Mi.V for the II w '1 of II w 'i
see H Tp 2 n r S e w in.
I lie names the foil iw ltiif witnesses lo prove
! his continuous resilience upon and cultiva
tion of, said laud, viz. Charles Stewart, Will
iam Kricsell. Hans v eeks, Nick Weher, all of
! ( aseaile 1 Js ks Wasco eoiinly (IrcKon.
j sptioetlU KnlliatT A. M I, Itt'iclsler.
j Imu (illice at 'I he IiallcM, dr.. (let.. II, Ik!W.
I Notice Is la rehy Kiveti that the followlnn-
named settler has tiled notice of his Intention
to make Una! proof in support of his claim,
anil that said proof w ill he made before Ihe
I Keiflster and heeelver t'. S. laml olllee lit
The Italics dr., on .Monday Nov JH), iH'Xi, vl,:
I Marion K. Iy.
I TM No. am fur the w w f iit.d w 't 8 w
i see ;aTp 1 n r I) e w m.
I lie names the follow in witnesses lo prove
his continuous residence upon ami cultiva
tion of said land vl: I'luirles I.. Morse,
1,:wIh K, Morse. Will Kami, Austin I,. I'hclpfi,
all of iiood Klverdnnon.
octllnvl!) John W. I,kw;h, Helsler.
X.and Ofllce nt Vancouver Wash, dct, 7, 1H!.
Notice Is lici'chy nlven that Ihu followluc
nained settlers haw tiled mil lei; of their in
tention to make tinal proof in support of their
claims mid that said proof will hi: made (av
ion: W. It. iMinhiir t!imiiiilssloner lT. ts. Cir
cuit, t'ourt lor liislrtet of Washington nt (iol
dcndale Washington on Novtinljor IS, 1SIM viz:
OcorKO (ierhltiK.
Homestead Application No. Ut'W for the w Y
of n e i n w '4 of s e', and n c J$ of li e J sec
112 Tp inr 12 east will mur,
lie names the followli t; wilneeses to prove
hlH eontlniioiis residence upon and cultivation
of said laud, vi.: Nelson Anderson. Merman
lierlsehl. Alhert !( rlschl. all of Knlda I'. O.
I Washington, Frank .Shaw, of (Jlenwood 1. U.
V UHlUIlglull,
Oenrjrn fierhln.
J'urrhiiKC Ap' Mention No. 17!) under sen
forfeiture act Sept 211 1H!K) for t en w Fee. 33
Tp (i n r 12 east w ill tner.
lie nnnies the following witnesses to prove
hltt continuous claim lo and cultivation of
said land vi.: Nelson Anderson, Herman
linrtsehl. Alhert lierlsehl. all of i'lildai'. d.
Wnshinjjton; l'ratik Mhuw, of (jlenwood 1'. O.
oetll-n17 Jons I). OKooneOAn. Register
Land Olllee at Vancouver Wush. Sept. :(0, 1H!!."!1
Notice Is hereh.v (.'Iven Hint the following
named settler has tiled notice of her Intention
to make commit ation tinal proof in support of
her claim, and that said proof will he made
hel'ore the Register and Kccciver I '. S. Ijind
dlfiee at. Vancouver Wash, on Noveiuher
l.'l, 1W, vl:
Alice M. Wordsworth.
U.K. 8.'it;!l for the w ), n w V,' sec 1,'! and n J;
n w see 21 Tp .'( n r if e w m.
Khe names tiie follow ing w itnesses to prove
her eontlniioiis residence upon and eultlva
lon of, said land, vl,: Waller Hates, liacliael
Rowlands, Hurry Shank, Wllllum Klnculd,
all of WhlteSalmon Wash.
uglilsjiia John I). OtioiiiiKUAN, Register.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils etc.
A l.u'0,0 supply of.aiul Enlnnirt t;ijUt to Bull
TOH1T W, 3CS"Cr"Z"'S
Colobratoil liquid colors anil tlnttul loads.
Uudortakiu a Specialty.
Prepared to luinlsli tit nnec, a lino rlnss ol' coition, a Ihu a cheap grade
hut neat tutd Mihsluntlnl.
joiiitKiis and iu:taili:i;s IN
Cornor of Socond and Fodoral Streets.
IK,K,,umn .
Acorn ana unartor uaic
Stovos and Ranges,
(tins, A in m ii a It Ion ami Sport Intr (ihmN,
Iron, Coal,
Plat'kHiuith SuppllcM,
'uKoiiiuaker'H Matei ltd,
Sewnr l'lptf,
I'tiiiips! and rplM,
I'liiinliliig Siipiliei.
That thirty days In m loiitf in w i- rnu ereilit pxuln, and would n NTtfully
reijilest till l patron to govern tlieinselvcs ncpni'ditily.
HoodRivcr lcirnniCLac'c
Prescriirfcioiis and
Private Formula
- And a Complete Lino of --
House Builder's Goods. Sash
and Doors, Dlonldings,
Brackets aid wood Tunims.
Lime. Plaster and Lath Ceil
ing, Rustic and Flooring.
Coffins 63 CacHrrctc.
rm iriuim utH
HavLMtn linnd a full nupply of l'ruit, Sliado mid Oriiniiiotitul tttin; grap
viiies, fcuiall fruitH, HoHcmind ShruhlMTy.
Jte Htiiv to get our ptici'H U-ftm; pnrcluisingi'lscwlifre.
Iti'iiH'inlu r our trwH ari' grown Htrictly without irrigation.
K II. Ktantox, Iiocal Agent.
R Hartlftv
Choicest Meats, Ham,
Bacon, lard, Game,
Poultry, Also Dealers in
Comer of Oak and Fourth Ktrwts,
'J'lie IliilleH, Oregon.
8ix lots In Wauoonia, 480 acres In
ykainania county, and Heveral farms
in the valley.
J. JI. ('KAPMCHAiroiI.
IStudebakcr ,
i nifoiiK,
iti riiiM
I tea pel s
.iii:M'h ihu
litclielL Lewis & Sto
ComiaiiyN Airi lrultural ImplomrnU
ami Mm lilnery.
!!.(,. COK
Hood lliver, Oregon.
rnietleeH In nil Mie eoitrtt of OreRon nd
WiiMhliiKton. Hiecinl iillenllotujlvfin to eon
veyniicliitf. (lL'TEIt()FFI(.,'K,
House und lot in Hood Hiver. Ar
I'ly to A. H. Uiwkiw.