VOL. 5. HOOD IUVER, OREGON, SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1803. NO. 24. 3fcod fivcr (Slacier. riHil.lalllli IVIIir (UTUKDlT MOMftlftO The Glacier Publishing Company. I'lMK MINION ritlVH. On. yr .ft M Hii miiittli. mm oc 1 lltPU IIMMltht. Muni. (ij.)r , ICl.li THE GLACIER Barber Shop Grant Evans, Propr, Hm-ontl Hi , uritr Oak. Ifooi! Rirtr, Or fl.vim( anil Hair cutting neatly done hitl.f. linn I J ut runt. d. (HVIDKNTAIi XKWS. Flood I'rt'ilidctl in the l'otl;ilcli Country Noxt Sprinjr. THK (i'KHKNT OF THE HANTIAM l'liKKitt n nd Ari.oini Central mud It lnl raws It Train -A Partisan Removed. An client in being made to organi.i) h 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ll( HI-llllTN lit Vil'tdlill, It. C. '!iitiiin 'ni-braiie lit Yallcji, recently court-marl utlcd, has been restored to duty t y S'Tit tiiry HcrU-rt. A survey of tin1 Boston's bottom at M .11 1- Inland finds it remarkably well jui hi'ivi'iI, notwithstanding the vessel's long exposure lit Hawaii. Many of tin' delegates to tin' Irriga lion Congress, recently in session at los Angeles, iin- studying the irrigation sys t n i - of 1 1 1 lit section of the Sliiti. Wutbtlitoii Pike, the English explorer, bus returned to Niiiiiiinio, It. ('., from the interior of Alaska by t he steamer llcitliu, having made a journey of over I. Dim imli'H in a small Peterborough f.llloe. Tln Prescott niitl Arizona Central railroad liaH withdrawn it trains. Tin' niii'l is seventy-two miles long, but since tin- building of the Santa IV, Prescott ami I'luenix roitd the latter Iiiih till the IniMiifhH. Mrs. Rooks in the Evans munler case at Jackson, A m iidor cou n ty, Cal., test i lied that Slierill' Thorn offered" her 1501) if she would swear that Evans wan not at Inline on the lfith of June, the ilay Mos r.nger Tovev was c hot. The settlers In Mesa Grande, Sun Jiicgo euiinty, ("ill., are excited over the remit of the recent Hiirvey of Indian lands in that section. Many ranchers lind they are not on their own property and that their hard work for years has been practically worthier to Ilium. Chris KvaiiH. the train robber and murderer, ban been removed from bin cell into one inoro secure, owing to ruinorH w hich reached the Sheritr that an ell'ort to release the prisoner wan be ing niade. Evans says there wim no plot, to reh'iiHe him; that the story was originated by "cowardly detectives.'.' The changing I'tirrent .' the Santiam is threatening to render useless the San derson bridge. It has already cost about $20,000, and the Linn county (Or J offi cials are debating whether it will be cheaper to keep following up the chang ing channel or tear this bridge down and rebuild it at homo point where, it is more permanent. For being an olTensivo partisan J. W. Kavonngh, a writer in tho steam engi neering department at the Mare Island navy vard, ban been dismissed by Secre tary Herbert, anil K. J. Stoddard of San Francisco appointed in his stead. Thin is the t hird removal during the present administration. Somo sensational evidence was pro duced at the trial of the libel suit against the Beo at Sacramento instituted by George P. Roystor. The deposition of ox-County Clerk Reynolds of San Fran cisco was read, showing some of the methods he had employed to defeat the ends of justice on his second and last trial for being short in his accounts with the State. Thoro will be a great many days at the Midwinter Fair, but not the least of them will be San Francisco day. This M ill bo March 19. All San Francisco w ill that day turn out to do honor to the day of the city, and while tho three-nuarteiH-of a-niillioii mark of Chicago day will not be striven for, the managers hope the attendance at tho park will break all records for Pacific Coast gath erings. San Francisco day thero will be much to attract, but tho most attractive will be the Mrdl Cras festival, which will be held there. A company has been formed in San Francisco to provide a festival of tho Mardi Gras class. It was at first thought that something of a local character could be secured, but owing to tho shortness of tho time al lowed it was decided to take advantago of tho work already done on tho New Orleans festival and bring it hither bodilv. It will be brought. All its pa geantry and its mirth-provoking features are to be shown, just as they have for yeari in the Crescent City. KISINKSS KKKVITIKS. The milking of chinawiirc in the oldest iudiliilry. Clinton, la., claims to have the largest saw mill, Horseshoes are made of cowhide In Australia. There lire nearly D.OHO women fanners in Wisconsin. There aro ulxiut ft,IHHI hank in the I'liited Stales. Over 1, 1(H) cows uro quartered in tho city of hnlilin. lobsters are the sole product of one farm in Maine, Chili is having twelve locomotives built in New York, A shorthand typewriter is the result of a late invention. All English corset firm made HUH cor aelM for nu n last year. The ii vertigo wages of tin) coolies of India is II cents a day. I.at year I,1!MI,0(HI,IHM) lmnanan found market in tins country. Tlin first electric underground railroad is in operation in Iondou. A net to catch w hah" has been patented at Auckland, New Zealand. More I linn ri) electric railroads are in operation in the I'liited States. Women are crowding the men out of clerical employments in Canada. A new pie plate has holes in the lxtt Uttu to save tlie pie from sogginess. Now there are farmers w ho are satis fied with electric power for plowing. People ill the I'nitetl States consume nearly (UN) ions of mix vomica yearly. A Holland woman is e ngage ed in the making of wimkIcii shoes in Fairhaven, Wash. Flour is imi' I.' from bananas, and may Is'come an important food supply of the world. A Ioiidon laundry, owned by women and emploviiig onlv women, curitod f.'it), (XK last year. Pittsburg and Jersey factories maini filcture glass u are for a prominent dealer in Hongkong. Nearly (I.IMHI chimney sweeps are con stantly engaged in sweeping the l,(MHl,(HKI chimneys in bunion. 1TKKI.Y l'KKSONAIi. John Watiamaker has contributed $1,- (KMJ to the citizens' cniiaiicnt relief committee to help the unemployed peo ple in tne mill tli-t nrtM ot 1 hilii'lelphia. Oiieen Victoria's liftv-tive pet dogs have a dining-room that is haiidHomelv carpeted ami ornamented with tho por traits ol then ancestors in oils anil watet colors. The I Mike of York pavs great attention to what the newspapers say about him. lie Keeps a ihkik in which is pastcil every reference made to him in the public press which falls into bis hands. Attoinev-iieneral Olnev is an enthusi astic tennis player, ami has constructed a court near his residence in Washington. On fair afteriusius he indulges in the sHirt, in which he shows great prolicien cy ami expertness. Mrs. Cookesley for painting the por trait of the Sultan's seven-year-old son has been decorated with the diamond- studded star of Chefakat. She is a San Francisco artist, traveling in the Fast with her husband, Captain F. A.Cookes- lev. A new chapter of the I laughters of the Revolution, organized at Hound lirook, N. J., has among its members Mrs. Sa rah Van Nostrum!, whoso father was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and w ho is now 10!) years old. That clever Knglish novelist, Mrs. Alexander, has been lame for two years from a curious cause. She sullered seri ous hurt to the knee, owing to her cramped Position in the tlress circle of a London theater one evening, and she is unable to walk without a slick. Camillo d'Arville was Kirn and edu cated in Holland, and is proud of the fact that she came from the old Anister- lam instead of the new. Still she is glad she made the change, and claims to be quite ns much American as Hutch. Those who have seen her only upon the stage will be surprised to learu that she lias a son at tho military school at Sing Sing. Emperor William has struck out in a new venture. Ever intent on turning an honest penny, ho lias now taken steps to have tho milk produced on his farm at Potsdam sold at Berlin. Carts bear ing his name may Imj soon in tho streets of the capital, tho drivers of which re tail tho fluid to any ono who chooses to buy it, and as the milk is uncommonly good, the sales aro quite large. Mrs. Ann Walsh, a decrepit old wom an, hobbled up to tho bar in tho Circuit Court in St. Ixmis to apply for naturali zation papers. I for case is thought to be without precedent. She is t he widow of James Walsh, who had declared his intention to become a citizen, but died before socuring his 8nal papers. Ho had made an entry of land, and Mrs. Walsh becomes naturalized to secure the claim. During his recent visit to Suhonbrunn tho German Emperor wont to church in a costumo which attracted great atten tion, as well it might. He wore a gray tunic with green facings and broad epau lettes, a green leather belt from which hung a hunting knife, the handle adorned with an imperial gold crown, high var nished boots and spurs and a Styrian hat with an enormous plume that shook at every step. Miss Mary Garrett, the daughter of tho great railroad king and sister of the present head of tho Baltimore and Ohio railroad system, makes her home in Bal timore, hilt spends much of her time in New York. She is worth $20,000,000. She is rather stout, about 5 feet 6 inches, with pale complexion, blue eyes and gold-rimmed glasses. She is 32'years of age, and every summer goes to Europe with her maid, traveling from one place to another quit independently. KASTMRN JMKLANUK. Action of a Mayor Coniiiicndcd hy the (Irani! Jury. IDAHO MINI NO EXHIBIT UOHKKI) Orititil Chief of the Order of Railway Telegraphers Indicted by an Iowa Oram! Jury. Tobacco has been found growing wild in Iteo county, Tex. Tim endowment orders aro likely to be driven out of Texas. The State Treasurer of Missouri holds !."ill,lKlO in cash awaiting distribution among iinknoH u heirs. The establishment of an ostrich farm on St. Joseph's Island, near Rocksirt, Tex., is being agitated. A Kansas Judge bus decided that whisky contracts made in Missouri can not la enforced against residents of Kan sas. New York State enjoys a pretty reve nue from its collateral inheritance tux. The sum reported nt Albany is .'!,0"1, H7H. It takes 1 ,1100 men all night and late into the morning to clean up the debris left behind each day by the World's Fair crowds. Prof. I''. It. CInpp of the Greek depart ment of Yale has accepted a call to the Greek department of the 1'iiiversity of California. A Burlington ( Kan.) woman is going to start a crazy tpiilt with tho ribltons of her husband's sheep secured at the World's Fair. Since August 1 there have been twelve railroad disasters of more than ordinary severity, involving the loss of 127 lives and the injuring of SHH more. Exhibitors at the World's Fair are complaining that the electric light given them is not such as was promised, and threaten to close their exhibits. The Arkansas Valley Irrigation Com pany is sowing wheat in 20,000 acres along its ditches, and will use the result, if favorable, to boom irrigation. Mrs. Grant, it is reported, intends to make her home in Washington in tho future. Mrs. Itlaino has ollered all her Washington real estate for sale. The New York State building at the cxHMlion maybe sold to the Chicago Yacht Club at the conclusion of the fair and utilized as a naval academy. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company is to build a piazza of glass around its new Broad-street station in Philadelphia. This uniiiie porch w ill extend two blocks. Tho I' n ion Pacific has declined to take oil' its rate of $05. 50 from tho Missouri river to the Pacillc Coast in compliance with the proposal made by tho "Soo" line. The insurance companies doing busi ness in Omaha have made an advance in rates of 21 per cent. The action is based on the inadoipiaey of the firo pro tection. The Idaho mining exhibit at the World's Fair at Chicago wan robbed Sun day night of gold nuggets and a bar of silver bullion from the La Mar mine. The loss is 15,000. Santa Fo employes have appointed a grievance committee to wait on the offi cers of the road and ascertain when they will be paid their September salaries. A strike is threatened. In a ballot taken in BoBton to decide upon the most popular names for babies Helen led tho list for a girl with 1,373 votes out of the 15,000 cast, and Harold was first favorite for a boy. The Union Pacific receivership makes a total of 2(1,877 miles of railroad track placed under charge of the courts thus far in 1803, or lti per cent of tho whole railway mileage of the country. F. G. Ramsay, Grand Chief of tho Or der of Railway Telegrapher, has been indicted at Marion, la., by tho grand jury of Linn county. lie is charged with tampering with the wires of the Burlington during the strike one year ago. The grand jury at Roanoke, Va., sum moned to investigate tho riot on Septem ber 20 and 21, made a report commend ing tho action of the Mayor and censur ing tho police for their laxity in protect ing the negro, Thomas Smith, from tho mob. A gang of outlaws has been discovered in Bracken county, Ky. There are fully 100 of the gang, and in order to become a member one must take an oath to sell every drop of whisky furnished them by tho manager, John Boone, and break up all religious meetings possible. Jacob Schoefer, a dealer in notions at Williamsburg, N. Y, was held in $5,000 bail on the charge of having swindled Joseph l'rese out of $3,000, Max F'ischer $3,500 and Mrs. Catherine Frese $6,500 bv selling them brass filing for gold dust. Mrs. Frese dropped dead when she found out she had been swindled. Suit has begun at Tiffin, 0., against the estate of ex-Governor and ex-Secretary of the Treasury Foster. In the com plaint it is charged that the Foster firm was insolvent two years ago, and that deeds to property to his wife had been made by Foster at that time and only recorded on the day of assignment. Among the whitecaps arraigned at Os ceola, Neb., for whipping women was Mrs. Heald, the wife of the President of the Bank of Polk county, a leader in the Osceola church and several societies. The other women are wives of prominent business men. All are members of the local Women's Christian Temperance Union. KltOM WASHINGTON CITY. Robinson of Pennsylvania has intro duced a bill to alsihsh the ollice of naval ollieer at all pints of entry. Wilson of Washington has introduced a bill for appropriating $375,000 for two revenue cutters for the Pacillc Coast. Secretary Carlisle has upKintcd P. I.utlritll of California special agent of the Treasury Hepartment in charge of the mlmon fisheries of Alaska. M. B. Feily was appointed Chinese inspector. Tim I (oust! Committee on Banking and Currently bus postponed until the regular session in Iieceinher tht; further consid eration of the hills to suspend tht! tax on clearing-hoiiMi! certificates issued dur ing the stringency. Senator S'juirt! has been informed by the Indian (.ommisi-ioiicr that hereafter other cities on the Coast than San Fran cisco will have an opportunity to furnish Indian supplies bv U'iug designated as depots w here goods may be delivered. The House has passed Represent! ve Hermann's bill confirming title to W. P. Kcady am! other lot owners of the town sito of Ijoploop in Washington. The entrv was canceled by the General Liintl Oflice because of the entry being covered by Valentine scrip, which could not be located on land such as this was. Fithiaii's bill for the free admission to American registry of ships built in for eign countries has been ordered favor ably reported to the House. Its provisions take elfect in January next. Any hull purchased in accordance shall not be used or allowed to engage in the coast wise trade of the United States. Secretary Hoke Smith the other day hoard argument of counsel for Oregon and Idaho in a case involving the right of these States to select double minimum lauds us indemnity under the school grants. The existing rule of the depart ment excluding State selections from belts of double minimum lands has.it was claimed by counsel, impaired the value of the schools grants. Mr. Stockdalo of Mississippi offered in the House a bill amending tlie civil ser vice law s so as to provide for an equal division of oflices among the States, ac cording to their Congressional districts. The heads of departments are to report the number of their employes in their respective departments from each State to the President, and when a State has not its quota all appointments made to it are to be from that State until the quota is filled. Heads of departments are alxo to apportion the salaries among the States as nearly equal as possible. United States District Attorney Speed is striking it rich in his investigation of the Strip land oflice. Judge Kale's de cision that Chief Clerk Handlantl must testify before the grand jury brought things ton focus, and testimony is piling ui) rapidly tending to criminate many of the land officials. It has been shown that at the Perry oflice a number of bribes were taken, and the papers were received and filed ahead of time without the filer appearing. Places were openly sold in the line. The investigation will continue for some time, and a good list of indictments will follow. Colonel Charles Hey wood, command ant of the United States marine corps, says in his annual rejsjrt that his force is too small. Because of this the ma rines are overworked. Colonel I ley wood recommends that the five corps be increased 500 men. He also wants leg islation to remove the t-tagnation in the grade of Captain, and calls attention to the omission from the new navy regula tions of provision for salutes to the commandant of the marine corps. The good work of the marine detachment at Honolulu and the bravery and fortitude of the marine guard in rescuing life at Port Royal, 8. C, during the August hurricane are commended highly. The State Department has received from Anthony Ifowells, United States Consul at Cardiff, Wales, a statement prepared by the Cardilf Board of Trade, showing the exports of tin plates and sheets from the United Kingdom during the nine months ended September 30, 1803. The statement shows that .during the period named 212.241 tons of mater ial, valued at 2,778,585, was shipped to the United States, against 214,537 tons, valued at 2,807,787". in 1802, and 284, 3Ui tons, valued at 4,672.213, in 1891. The total amount exported to all coun tries in the nine months ended Septem ber 30, 1803, was 301,(581 tons, valued at 3,080,218, making the amount exported to the United States alone nearly three fourths of the total export product. In reply to a complaint of the Chinese Minister in Washington the State De partment has made representations w hich indicate that the United States government will not accept consular certificates as conclusive evidence that the Chinese subjects presenting them are merchants or artists, and therefore entitled to admission in this country. Recently in New Y'ork, at the instance of the Chinese inspectors, two Chinese, who presented certificates from the Con sul at Havana that they were actors and not amenable to the' restriction law, were refused a landing.. Inspector Scharf insisted that the men were labor ers and that their certificates were fraudulent. The detained Chinese took the matter into court, where it is still pending under writs of habeas corpus, and further made complaints to the Minister, who brought the matter to the attention of the State Department. Secretary Gresham called on Secretary Carlisle for information, and received a copy of Inspector Scharf 's report, with an intimation that the inspector, in the opinion of the Treasury authorities, was acting in the line of his duty and seemed not to have exceeded his "authority in the premises. Secretary Gresham" ac cordingly has transmitted this informa tion to" the Chinese Minister. The Treasury Department's stand on the question is still further emphasized by Attorney-General Olney, who has di rected the United States District Attor ney at New York to prosecute the cases on which the Chinese Minister's protest was based. Mr. Olney gave this direc tion at the request of Secretary Carlisle. FOREIGN FLASHES. An Apparatus to Split Electric Lights Invented. SOUTH AFRICAN MINE DIVIDENDS Travel Expands the Mind of Sarah Bernhardt Ten Thousand Captives Sold Etc. A new street railway is being laid in Cairo, Egypt. Over $1,01)0,000 in St. Louis bonds has been sold in London at par. A serious outbreak of pleuro-pnou-monia has occurred on a farm near Ion don. An alarming subsidence of land has occurred at Saltwood, near Hythe, Kng land. The number thirteen cannot be found as a street number in Frankfort-on-the-Main. The stock of gold in France is esti mated at $800,000,000 and silver 1700.- 000,000. Cholera has again rearexl its head in Antwerp, but is nearly wiped out at Hamburg. Ten thousand Coreans are said to have left their country for Russia, where they projKjHe to live. There are eighty-five women in Great Britain engaged 'in the occupation of chimney sweeps. Train-robbing in Spain is guarded against by stationing two soldiers in every railway car. The Aibtiirfi.f v nt Tsinttun tiua o.n. traded for three torpedo destroyers to exceed anv now afloat. The dividends naid to the British own ers of the South African mines last year amounted to over $0,000,000. Ten thousands captives have been sold into slavery by the Ameer of Afghanis tan to pay the expenses of war. Tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and the usual mixture are forbidden from enter ing New Zealand by parcel post. Knglish and French dinlomats are scheming at Paris to make a "buffer" Mate between Siam and Burmah. The regulation forbidding ladies wear ing ttonnets to neennv nrehpafra utulla n ' v. ......ww. uwmi.u at the Paris opera has gone into effect. The French government proposes to impose fines upon railway companies for trains inaiare run oemnuscneuuie time. Swedish shipbuilders have recently received orders from Hritish nirnpru for the construction of a number of cargo steamships. The Shetlanders boast that last year l . -: i , wcic wan nui u single conviction ior drunkenness in the islands, which have a population of about 2(i,000. Bernhardt announces an intnntinn to reform some Parisian theater customs. among them the extra fee for reserved seats. Travel has expanded her mind, she savs. The volcano on Calbuco, Chili, has again become active. The streets of Or sorio are filled with ashes, and traffic is almost stopped by them. Great alarm exists among the residents. There is a dispute between the impe rial and colonial authorities in Matabe land. Sir Henry Loch in command of the imperial forces declines to receive orders from Premier Rhodes. Carlyle's home in Cheyne Row, Chel sea, is in a fearfully dirty" and neglected condition, and it is proposed to buy it by public subscription and set it apart as a place of commemoration. Since the time of Clement there have been 324 Marshals of France, sixty-seven of whom were appointed during the present century. Napoleon III ap pointed fifteen during the brilliant days of the Second Empire. A bundle of dynamite was found on the train near Burgos, Spain, on which General Campos ana son were traveling. It is believed that another attempt to kill the General had been made. The Peixoto government, it is report ed, has issued a decree for the imprison ment of all foreigners suspected of sym pathizing with the rebellion, and the foreigners at Rio have formally protest ed against it. Prince Henry of Orleans, nephew of the Count of Faris, is soon to be made a Knight of the Legion of Honor by the French government in acknowledgment of his geographical and scientiiic re searches in the East. Henry White, who has been First Sec retary of the American Legation in Lon don over eight years, is about to bo suc ceeded by Mr. "Roosevelt of New York, a gentleman of large fortune in his own right and who married an Astor. An agent of the Suez Canal Company has invented an apparatus to split the electric lights that illuminate the canal into two divergent streams, one sending out rays one way, the other in the oppo site direction. ' This enables ships to approach each other and meet with per fect safety. Formerly the lights blinded pilots so that they could not see vessels coming in the opposite direction. Foreign Ambassadors to Turkey had recently complained that the prisons were overcrowded with Armenian pris oners, and the government decided to remove the cause of complaint. Ac cordingly about 300 prisoners were taken on board of a Turkisn man-of-war osten sibly for transportation to Africa. In the night, however, the poor fellows were murdered, their bodies placed in sacks, which were tied one to the other, and thrown into the barber. SHE MUST MARRY THE JUDGE. A r.fllinrkalile Method of Chooalnf Wife lijr Making rr Apply fur O III re. Among tho many remarkable propo sals of marriage which have been pub lished from time to time in the news papers, the most unique is the follow ing, which apjKiurs in our advertising col minis: Wanted-A young lady forclerk of tlir county court of Ellstrt county. It will be Uf(ciry for her to marry the county Judife. Audrea County Judgo, Kllrtori. On. Coining as it does in the dawn of leap year, this advertisement by Judge J. A. Roebuck has special force and signifi cance. Application for the position of clerk under the terms of the above ad vertisement would be equivalent, of course, to a proposal of marriage to Judge Roebuck. This, in any other year, might not be considered just the proper thing for a young lady to do, but in leap year who shall question her right to such a course? But see the cleverness of the judge. Dy simply mustering up the audacity to announce in the advertising columns of the two leading papers in Georgia that he is anxious for a wife, which is an entirely praiseworthy aspiration, and which is the plain English of his clever advertisement, he has at'a single bound left the embarrassing position of suitor and taken the vantage ground of the one to le wooed. And see, too, the easy avenue of escape from undesirable applicanta which is left to him and the embarrassment which is saved the young ladies. While it might bo a trying ordeal for a young lady to propose marriage even to the man she loves, in this day of female stenographers, typewriters and book keepers there need be no embarrassment on a lady's part in applying for any re spectable clerkship. Therefore, when a young lady has become acquainted with Judge Roebuck, of the Elbert county court, and feels that she is willing to share the honors and emoluments of hi office, she has only to apply for the posi tion of clerk in his court. If the judge fancies the applicant the bargain can be closed at once, and the clerk's salary remains in the family. If, on the contrary, the applicant would not be acceptable as Mrs. Roebuck, the judge has only to represent the duties of the office as being such that she could not fill them, and regret that he cannot give her the position. Both parties thns escape all reference to the embarrassing part of the business. In the language of the sporting gentry, the judge is "on velvet." Girls, tho case is before you. Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle. Co-operation In English Housekeeping. The English housekeeper, without in tending to do so, has really taken two long steps in the direction of co-operative housekeeping. For in most small establishments, where perhaps only three or four servants are kept, no breadmalring is done at home and the washing is all put out. The bread pur chased is not, however, what is tech nically known to us as "bakers' bread." The huge loaves are firm aud light, and similar in grain to what the best home cook could produce. The various kinds of hot bread dear to an American's heart are neither desired nor found on an Englishman's table, and although an American housekeeper might con sider it bad management to buy her bread, to the English housekeeper the plan seems the best in the world. As the English housekeeper is nothing if not thrifty, without further discussion it may be taken for granted that co operation between her and the baker must mean a saving of pocket for her, as well as a simplifying of her household arrangements. In the same way, tho fact that no washing is done at home, means a saving both of fuel and of fric tion in the kitchen. Furthermore,-no unsightly lines with their burden of clothes ever disfigure the back yard of an English house. The yard is instead a thing of beauty, with its central grass plot, its little Magged walk, and with its bushes and vines neatly trained against the surrounding walls. Cor Home maker. Better Left Unsaid. A certain young poet is equally fa mous in the world of letters as an au thor and among his friends for his blunt candor that is forever betraying him into one of the things one would have preferred to say differently, as Du Mau rierpntsit. On his last birthday he was given a charming dinner by his doting parents, at which he was bitterly disap pointed hythe regret of several. nota bles. Thus, when a society girl said to him at the close of the evening, "What a delightful time we have had!" he ex claimed from the fullness of his heart: 'Tm glad it hasn't seemed dull to you. We invited some awfully clever people, but not one of tkem camel" Philadel phia Press. Pensions For Worklnginen In Austria. Under the provisions of the Austrian poor law, at GO years of age a man may claim from his native town or commune a pension equal to one-third of the daily wages which he had received during hii working years. The amount varies from 2 to 6 florins a month. In Vienna alone there are 16,000 persons who receive these pensions from the city. She Had Been There. Perdita You haven't the faintest idea how much I love him. , Penelope Oh, yes I have I used to love him that way myself. Brooklyn Life.