i ; f r e t ;e. ! I - V, v 11 r'4 PARISIAN THEATERS. At CI iicago Leads AI! A i the f.w i i-'onvj 4 a i;re.iter a:iv other liieh re. ui1. cf mv tost.-?, I f;ml the superior to all it is e in i rely and www hole- ROYAL 1A.0 I0V1I:R pect. ii even 1 I e iMiiiu'i auon md in baking il ii;:v, volume of powder. leaven ine ;ives o tlia y.v ' (7,7. '.- therefore no :o the strongest tiej::iiiiteJ. WALTER S. IIAINHS, M. DM Codsuitiiv; Chemist, Chicago liourJ of Health Ail other baking1 powders are shown by analysis to contain alum lUv ) or ammonia. RJYA!. K sK.N-i W DtH CO lua WALL ST., NEW-YONN. 1 r 1 1 tw ft Ml awt J vl An Invariable Sign. "It's r .lin;m when she was so well dressed that she let every one know she's from the country." Clara What did she do? "Thanked the prntleman for giving her Lis te.it." Chicago luter Ocean. The Way Open. Fred The very first thing she Bald to me when I called on her bust night fc,ave tne hope Arthur What was it "She said her little brot her wiu asleep," -Truth. Trup 3lodrsty. A very modest nmn thinks it a blessing that we canii'.t .see ourselves as others see us "beeuuse," he says, "if we could I should be In danger of becoming coucelted." Youth' Companion. THE SWINGING GATE. Naturally. Clara Art you fond of horse riding? Maude That depends. Clara Iloiy so? Maude It's all a matter of habit with we. Cloak Keview. Thetwilicht t full nf muIih' And the wind, in i: civiit of gray. Skulks Iji.e a unit thro' the !i.ulovi And will not be srnnsl au.iy. Down at the ftnt of the k'Mr.ieo The Rate is swlnglm; skw, As if Invisible fixitNtei Were na-saiui; to and fro. And it seems to me, in my musing. They are feet of my eomiut: fate. That will tlnd their nay to my thrcwhoM And puss it like the cat. Oh, say, do ye bring kohI tiding. Ye unseen messengers? Or Is It sorrow and Imdin Of future griefs and cans? The pate swings slowly, slowly. And the shutteri. creak and start; I sit in the glo hii; lump light. But a chtidow tills my heart. -Florence K. Pratt in Harper's Weekly. TIIK MOST FhKTII.K A.MKUICA. S!)IL l-V kURELY a vegetable compound, made entirely of roots and her'is gathered from the forests of Georgia, and has been used by millions of people with the best results. It QURE5 AH manner of Blood diseases, from the pestiferous little boil on your noss to the worst cases of inherited blooJ taint, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh and Skin0?jker Treatise on Blood and Skin Dlsensps mailed trea. Swift Specific Co, Atlanta, Ga, BQkin&i PoiVder nen in rortiana oe sure to take in the greatest novelty at the Exposition we snait Dane Discuits ana cake every atternoon ana evening on our pretty Jewel Gas Stove. Everybody cordiallv invited to have a biscuit with us and see the wonderful merits of Golden West Baking Powder proved by actual work CLOSSET&DEVERS, roirri.Aivn, OK. What is there in this Alhorta, through which the Canadian l'acitic Kailwav runs, that it should draw trainluads of settlers and settlers' etlects from Idaho, Washington ana Oregon.' I he most fertile noil in America, woixl, water, coal ami climate: that is what thev sav 111115 aueyoi tne Saskatchewan seems to have leeii rediscovered of late lv 11'.. .1 ....... 1,1 1 , pome vi asnmgion ami iiiano men, w ho kept things dark until thev and their friends had secured locations immediate ly around the few depots already erected when tne line was opened, 'lin n thev sent won! of what they had found, and their friends are going in by the score. The country, they say, is large and good throughout, and new stations are prom ised as settlement requires them. Then Maine, Michigan and Vermont caught on, and sent up delegates to ppy out the land and reort. They gave a 'practical answer. I hey wrote, saying they had examined the country, had selected lo cations and were coming home to sell the old place and go where it was worth while farming. The grain and vegetables they saw cannot be excelled in North America, and can be equaled in very few parts. The cattle, horses and sheep were rolling fat and standing up to their knees in rich native grasses. Why was this not all know n before? Because for generations only the Hudson Bay Com pany knew it, and they wanted no set tlers in their fur country; and when they lost hold of it there was no wav of setting to it. ow two branches of the Canadian Pacific Railway run through the richest parts of it. riaytoor la the Gay Capital 0t Very Many rcularltle, Hay In Parln generally begin at S o'clock and never finish until about mid nlgltt. If they were over earlier thu audi ence would think that thej bad uot re ceived their money's worth of bad nirutul good acting. Sitting four hour In such an atmosphere would ho uncudtirahlo to au American wer il not for the lou waits botwotiu thu nets, when one can walk for twenty minutes In the largn "foyer" or ko out and set a little ftvsh air. The orches tra never plays Mwo.cn tho acts, so there U no Inducement to remain in the hot, gar lie scented air during that time. It is a matter of some formality to get Into a French theater. Don't think that you cau do as In free. America, throw down few silver car wheel.!, w ith a goddess of lilierty on one side and a loudly screaming Auiericin eagle on the other, and enter the theater and take your fcwts. No; there is a good deal nf red tape to Is' unraveled U'fore that. If you wish a gil place you must go to the theater a few days in "ad vance, politely take oir your hat to the ugly and cross old female in the !ox ollhe and humbly ask lor the seats voti wish. When she has finished discussing the latest styles from Kussia with her assistant, she will grultly exclaim, Comment?" You must not reply, a. a friend of mine did who was not well up in French; "Come on, yourself," but say your polite sentence nil over again. If the speculators and the ugly old wom an friends have not reserved all the places, she w ill write out a document on a large sheet of green or red p.ier (for they never have printed theater tickets here). stating your name, the title of the play, the chief actor's name, the date and official tiumhct of the performance, ami after dust ing it well with sand (for thev are too eon servntive to use blotting paper), and dc- maiiiliug two rent extra for the govern ment stamp, she will hand it over to vou In exchange for French gold. On the even tug of the performance yon purchase a programme of a man at the door, and w alk up to the desk where three Frenchmen in dress suits preside. lour troubles then begin. These judges act as ticket takers. One of them examine the green or red document that roil procured with so much trouble, to ss; that it Is not a forgerv, nnd that the uaie, etc., is nit right, and then passes it on to one of his associate judges in this su preme court of united French rod tape w uo Mots it an over ami tears olt one cor ner and cries in a loud voice, "I lou.x per- sonnes a gouch," or words to that effect. Perhaps you think vou are in the theater then. Oh.no! You have yet to pass the t. ertierus who guards the Innerdoor. Tin is an ugly old hag, with a white cap, who takes your ticket aud Insists on your leav ing your coat with her. If it is summer aud you have nothing to leave of that kind she will then ask you for her "little, tiene flt," as she calls it, in ndvnnee, lie fore she will let you goto your seat. You must pay up or nglit, ami 1 mlvise every one to pay cash, as it is cheaper in the end. 1 ht se ugly old women, who are known as ouvretises (openers 1, and who keep an eye well oien for half franc pieces (or whole ones it you have a pretty girl w ith you), really run the theater, or at least all that portion of It in front of the footlights. )f you go often to the same t heater it is liest to fee them well, no matter how much you may dislike the custom. hey always in sist on furnisliiii-; a dirty tilth; footstool (wnicn is always in the waj ) to the sweet girl who is with you, hut they call her "Madame" in such a natural way that you conclude it is worth an extra half franc piece. Finally, when you have uncondi tionally surrendered to the "ouvreuse," she will permit you to occupy the cushioned board for which yon have paid dearly, and will only occasionally disturb you to iuk if you w ish an "official" programme or an opera glass. Alt hough the theaters here are very un comfortable, theentertaiiiments are always enjoyable. The acting here is the best in the world. Paris Cor. Boston Journal. mam iwi .....mh WWWii,w THtC KOVNT.IIX It h A klKKNUlU whenwt recollect that th MOtnch l ilc (tnonl Ubwiatory lu wMuh foi d trumfernud luio thw d'civtumt wliluli furnish vlunr to the ioiu ntlur uiuermii snd iirtelitn tli blood I lul It l In shoit lliefomilBlii Imolel uruMKlli, It t omiiiiIbI to kevp tlili linpi.riuiit nupph leu inschiiiK In order siid to iior It to imnviiv 1iimi It Imcotiie iiniellvd. I hu llo-lulter't Slomselt Itliiers does lnel efteetiiiuli, feou "I'ly. rediilBlliiK mid leliderelnn diijesil.iii, pro lilotlllil due Helloii e Hie liter Slid bowel Siiei Kih and ipileiude ot llie uore. de'iid In i:reiu ineiKiiie up,.ii ilmroueli dnn-Mlou. I lieie l no eervimi tunic m,. re liiijlilv nieeme.l lo llie medical liHlernlly iIihii I lie llideis. 'ik chow lieiKl eoinmend It ler elillls lind (ever, riieiiniMlism. kidnev and blndder Iroulile, lek liendiielie nnd nid el uppellie mid xteee. I'sko h liieuins-liil three lline.s n dm , He 111 I lliere somellilnn the lleilli r llll leet 111 Uik p.i, in ' mo, ih,. , ,n,,r "si,," re idled llie IniiiKliiy Hunt who Meed hv Itlndesk, " 1 III 11 h'CI, lie! 11 cliiromdlst " KIDXKV I'liOt' III K. Some most excnioialing pain comes from derangement of the kidneys. This Is the testimony of Senator Henry C. Nelson ot New York as to the value of Am cock's 1'oRot s 1'i.vsri ks in such cases: "On the "Tib id' I'el.ru iry, svl, I was taken with a violent pain in llie legion of the kidneys. I siilleml such agony that I could hardly stand up. As s.1011 u possi ble I applied two A 1 1 cock's I'ouoi h I'i . tkks, one over each kidney, and la-' dovv 11, In an hour, to my surprise and debcht, the pain had vaiusln"d and I was well. I wore llie plasters for a day or two 11s a precau tion, and then removed tln'iu. I have been using A 1, 1.1 in k'k Ton. u s 'i vhi cks in my family for the last ten years, and have al ways found them the' quickest and best remedy for colds, strains and rheumatic, all. cllons. From my experience 1 believe they are the best plasters 111 the world." 1kaMhktu'h 1'ii.i.k tone up the hjstem. The young man nlm works In n liirnlltire manufactory l ceiistunily turning ever new leal," I I' O.V TIIK OHMDR llmt U tlio tsxit iJaeo to k'vp tho htujiyld fiihieiiisl pill, ,'iwt as n.siu 114 you get It liuhc, It U'fflu to f rouble you. What'il - this use '01' sulTiutng Willi It, when you cau yul nimr help front Doctor Pierce's l'le isiiul 1'rllets f 'lliese liny, siigiu" C'YiIihI yl.'inules do you pc I 111 11 11 f 11 1 good, They net i.ul llv and nnliit'. ally, nd tlmio's no roneti.iii afterward, t on Mipalion, tn.lli.TslInn, llilmim Attacks, and all ilenoigenients of the liver, stomach, and oowci arti iirvv'eui.si, reiievml, Mild pi'diwi lieutly ciirwf. ThevClsi thu Kiiiidhb lltA ju.l.wt ..!,., and the cimwMf -- for they're iMimmfieii to give sat im net ion or your inoitev is 10- tlirneil, Y'oupay only for tho (noil you get. iSolhlng elsi tifg!l by (ho dealer, tlionrh they may U Utter for him to mil, cau I si Jiibt as good for you to buy. FREE -Tint- Buyers' Guide JONES' CASH STORE. 0' mm Rushing -INTO THE GREAT SASKATCHEWAN VALLEY. Tho wie men of Washington, Idaho, Oregon and the West are Securing Free Land in Alberta, The best farming land In America. See what American farmers say of it; copy of thoir testi mony, with map, SENT FREE. Addrets L. A. HAMILTON, Land Commissioner, Winn pe; D. McNICOLL, G. V. A., Montreal, or any agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway. I'lsos TU-mfrty for Catarrh In thu M Flout. Kisff-Ht to Vw, anil rhpsfm. t -imiiglfa or see'. iv ll Uow Pome Journalists Work. Those people who are always com plaining of the inaccuracy of newspaper writers oui;ht to Lo impressed with this story of M. tie Dlowitz, the famous cor respondent of tho London Times, which I heard the other day from an American writer who knows the journalist inti mately: "One night while I was visiting Blowitz," says my informant, "a bit of news came to him by wire, ft consisted or only a few lines, and I supposed of course that he would simply wire it on to his paper and do nothing more about it, but instead of that ho took a cab and drove all over Paris, from the house of this statesman to that, in order to verify the report. It was midnight before he was satisfied that the report was authen tic and allowed it to be Uispatched. New York Cor. Literary World. The Growth of the I'ostal .System. Leas than CO years ago there was really no postal system in this country. Pre vious to 184? the mails were carried by private firms, and rates varied according to distance. Carriers often traveled on foot or horseback, and the progress wa3 slow. In IH4H some of the post offices issued stamps of tin Jr own, called "pro visional k-suts." The adhesive stamp was first used in this country in IS-;. and prepayment was made compulsory in 1856. In isfi: the stamp containing the head of Andrew Jackson was issued. and from then until ISS.1 the style adopted contained the profiles of presi- dents of the United States. PnblicOnin- ion. (leero. Cardinal Newman was a master in tho art of writing English. In one of his pub lished letters he expressed the following opinion: "As to patterns for imitation, the only master of style I ever had is Cicero: I think I owe a great deal to him, and, so far as I know, to no one else." Bishop Wordsworth, of St. Andrews, an other masterly writer of English, says in his autobiography: So far as I have derived benefit from any one in the matter of composition, it has been from Cicero. 1 do not underrate the advantage of combined study of authors such as Addi son, Swift, Bolingbroke, Johnson, Burke, Hume, Gibbon, Macanlay and, I may add, Horace Walpole; but I must repeat that I believe I got more gixsl, uot only in writ ing Latin, but for writing English, from reading Cicero and learning him by heart, than from any other source." Youth's Companion. DKAKNKSS CINMir HK TtltKI) My local applications, ss :he cannot reach the dlses-ed poi lion ot the ear. ' I here Is onlv one why to cure ilcKine., mi l thm 1 . coumiiu iIoiihI remedies. ie ilne Is esiia. d hv nn In name. 1 1 eii.lv ion 1.1 the mucous lining me eiminclilan tills1. When this tiihe Is int!um.d you have n ruiuhllng sound or lineerieet heir nig, ai.d hen it is entirely closed itesluess Is the result, and unless the tiillntiiiuatioii ean he taken out ami tins IiiIk-restored to Its normal condition, hearing n 1.1 .e desiroved forever; nine eases out ol ten are caused hi i ainrrii, w Inch is nothing Inn an Inflame i condition o( the mucous suriai-es. We will give t'ne Hundred I in Inrs (or nnv case ot iteiiiness (e ,us. d hv catarrh) I tint cannot he cured lv lla.l's i aiai rli cur.', send lor cir culars, dee. K. J. I IIKNfcY A CO., loli.lo il Sold l.y druggists; T.i cents. rvts. Isicta., and I ll.lsjper I lot tie? 1 1,. ...,i .i.i.. line iiiiaaT I won l tint pronui where, nil other full, Coutii, Croup. nroai, jiaarsrnrss, wnooeinff tov.g Aalhma l.',.v Cm. ... n. I r n l .... l..u. ' - "...,.....i.fcn ,v 111,1, iiu i.ini. lias cured thouaamU, and will i lilt Veil If taken In time. Isold by Drugglsta on a Kunr antre. Kop a jmn Hack or rh-at, ore hHlLOU 8 tIKLLADONNA I'LASl hRsl. DOCTOR r J 11 1 MM V KU U niiiiuui iiumuu , J s lluveyoui ntunhf This rrinedy Is gnaran tes'd to cuits you. 1'rice.Wcu. lujtvlorfrve. Tee KnaniellueSlove I'oltah: no dust, uo smell. TT GinstiA for breaufast. Mladder, t'rlnary and hirer Plsi'aies oravel and luat.eles are cured l y Dlopsj ??!. Years of PainHUNT'S REMEDY d ftiyk friend urgi d me to tnk( ' 4$ Hood's Sarsaparllla, 1 5 ! hesita'ed. but finally c t.s'k it. Tin . Ho i'l hciielit vvns I Buffered with ecema or salt rheum, iu such terrible itK"t.y lit times that I could not uiilk A si alsmt the house. I had J f psjlfv. V. many f i'lures with v s- 'A-1 s . li..,.. .l... 'ffiTOVil 6' iiii-a luni niii-u a ke I y lie hoped (or s liorleenli!e I , at the outset, and I have ' JfcLs.; taken twelve tsdths. I "it 1) """r'etely well ami !"' ' if J"-r' hid like a new woman. X k-- V -r . 1 c an't tliank or praise TJKrs orCti(,' n nod's Saisaparl'.la enough for whnt It has done for me. Mas. JnsrcHINK Bovi K, H 1'iivls ni Street, l i-eisklll, K. V. He sure to c t Hood's because Hood's55; Cures THE BEST KIDNEY AND LIVER I UK 111 Yi'lis' Ui'iiu: It piitilhhe.l ho llrsl ol each mouth. Il Is Issued In the Inleiest of ill! consumers. Il Hives the luue. I e.e h unoliiltelis nil el el vlhlnii In lue i. ii el ' line. Il Hill ml v o von iiionev In eoiisiilt II. Mailed lo o In liny address en iiplleallnu. Pmi'l he Hllhoiil II. II costs vou Itollilnu lo iet It. Il nunles w hole, sale prices illleet to tllil enUsliaier. Mention this piqs'r. Address JONES' CASH STOKE. I ail p rout SI i eel, I'm lined, Or. Brooklyn Hotel 208-212 Bush St., San Francisco. This favorite hotel Is under the nianiiKi'liielit 'it 1 4 1 1KI.P.N Mi IN I HUM Kit V, and Is a Kmd II not the best family and llusiuess Men'k lintel III Han f ralli Iseo. Home Comforts! Cuisine Unexcelled I Klrst class service and the highest slandaril ot respeclalillliy KUarauteed mo re nin miianf t flllipussr-it hir atillai.s me iS'm fin t. I li Ml I l Hint room per day, II l ;l, l. 7.1 and 1,'im, hoard and room per week, V to l '; single rooms, MS) to l. Free isiaeh to and llolll hotel. THE (IRI-AT CUM5 KOIt - INDIGESTION -AND- CONSTIPATION. A - MEDICINE. HUNT'S REMEDY tmrca Ilrlght's lUsease, lietentloii or Son re ti'iillottol t'rlue, I'allia In tin) Hack, lsdns nr Hood's PUIS act cosily, yet promptly and ; eSieiently, on the liver and Is we la. An Expressive Postscript. A curious postscript was once added to a letter by General Israel Putnam. A spy named Palmer, sent by Sir Henry Clinton, the British commander, had been detected furtively collecting Information of the force and condition of the post at Peekskill, and had undergone a military trial. A vessel of war came up the Hudson in all haste and landed a flag of truce at Ver planck's Point, by which a message was transmitted to Putnam from Clinton claiming the said Palmer as a lieutenant in the British service. Putnam replied: Headquarters, 7th August, 1777. Edward Palmer, an officer in the enwny's service, was taken as a spy lurking within oar lines. He has been tried as a spy and shall be executed as a spy, and tho flag is ordered to depart Immediately. Israel Putnam. P. S. He has accordingly been executed. San Francisco Argonaut. Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil presents a perfect food palatable, easy of assimilation, anil an appetizer ; these are everything to those who are losing flesh and strength. The combina tion of pure cod-liver oil, the greatest of all fat pro ducing foods, with Hypo phosphites, provides a re markable agent for Quick Flesh Building in all ail ments that are associated with loss of flesh. rraparad by Swlt t llnwns. ''hmllt, lie York. Soul t ull ilr'jfcjfiata. A HUNT'S REMEDY i Cures lutein peranee, Nervnus piseases, (ienera I Pehlllty, female Weakness and Kxcessee. i HUNT'S REMEDY Cures llillniisness, He.idaehe, J.i'in.ll. e Sniir Stomach. Dyspepsia, Constipation and Piles. HUNT'S REMEDY r Wyoming' Sheep I'aatures. By far the greater part of Wvominer is. upland that can never bo reached by ir rigation and must always remain a pas toral and stockraising country. There are nearly 40.000.000 awes of such landc in the state. These, with grassy forest areas of 15,000,000 acres, are suimlied plentifully with water for stock. Now York Sua. The Beat Kind of llaskets. A general mistake is madealxnit baskets, most people supposing that the white wil low bitsket is the best. It looks best, but it is by no means the strongest. The white willow slips are cut in the fall and kept green all winter by packing their stubs in wet sand or water, and when spring comes the bark peels off with a twist of the hand. The buff baskets, on the contrary, are made from dried willow slips, which have been steamed and then peeled. While not so handsome, they are much stronger and will wear far longer than the white. New York Tribune. Why a Bulldog Is So Called. As to the derivation of the word bulldog it is only necessary to state that at one time this species waa exclusively used in bull bating, and from that circumstance arose the name by which it is universally known. A cross between this and the terrier is ap propriately termod the bull terrier. De troit Free Preea. yrup 99 William McKeekan, Druggist at Bloomingdaie, Mich. ' ' I have had the Asthma badly ever since I came out of the army and though I have been in the drug business for fifteen years, and have tried nearly every thing on the market, nothing has given me the slightest relief until a few months ago, when I used Bo schee's German Syrup. I am now glad to acknowledge the great good it has done me. I am greatly reliev ed during the day and at niobto-otn sleep without the least trouble.''' 1 AT llX t: on the Kid ue is. l iver and ItiiueU, restoring them to a healthy ae lion, nnd I I III -., when all other medicine (all. llundrixls have l.eeu saved who have la'oli given up to die by friends ami physicians. ftOI.I HV All. 1)1(1 (.CIS t N. DR. GUNN'S imtrovzo WVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC ONE PILL FOR A DOSE. A m07jmmit of th bowels easih day U nncMiiary for health. I'tinta pilln aupply v hut tho iyat4ui laoka to make it regular. Thoy oure liaadanhe, brltfhtea the ayae ana oiitar the compltilou tur than ooa met.cv. Thev mot mildly, neither a;rlpe nor aloken a other pllla do. To eon vim. e vou of their ninrtta will mail samp iii frt, or a full boi for lioornte. So 14 werywheio, iiuauuko Mod. Co., l'hlluUolphlft, H Regulator of th3 Liver and Kidneys -A SPKCIHC KOK - Scrofula, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Neuralgia And All Oilier Blood and Skin Dlvas.'s. Il Is a isisltlve cure tor alt those t.atnful. d. 11- late eomialuts and complli ulcl lunilile. unit uenknissM'seoiumoii aiuonii our Ives, mothers and dauitiih rs. t he etli ei is Immediate and lie llin; loor three doses ol Pa. I'ki.i k s lit s t.y inkeu dally kei ps the Wood eisil, the llv. r snd kldin s sri. ive, and w III eiulrely eiadiente u ihe svsiein nil trace., o( N rolnln, Suit Utieiiui, or an) other lorm of hltsid disease. No niedleliieever l"lr..diieed lu this country luii met Willi sin Ii ready sule, imr civeu sueli uulversal sstlslset.ou mlteiu. ver use. I as that ot IK I'VltOCK s IlKSIKIiY. I Ills ren.e.lj has Ixell r, In the In. j.l'.ils throiiK'hiuit the old uorld lor the ;-.( . nt. live years as a s.eeifl' lur the nt...ve disease' and It has mid III cure when nil other oeiilled remedies fall. Send lor pamphlet ol testlmunlnls from lhos who hilVe hi'ell Cliri d In Its ll-e. PrilKKlsts sell II at II Hi per ladlle. Tr; It an. I he eouvineed. for sale hy MACK & CO., 0 nnd II Front St., San Francisco. Hercules Gas Enninu IOAS Olt HANOI. INKj Mnue for Power or Pumpinu Purpseee. The t'lisiest ltellal.li' Uu t ;,i on th Aim.,. mlu SOCIETY BADGES. A. FKI.DKNII EtM Kit, ladliiK Jew eler of tho I'aelHc Northwest, keeps larae stuck of all HKCRKT SOCIKTV HMXIHH on hand. Heat Knods at low. eat II 11 res, Jiadgei made to order. For lmplh lty it Itoat tlu World. It olU Itself from a ItcserTnir, No t'lirburntor to get out of onlor. No Itattei lea r Kleetrlo Hirk. rt rune with a (lieuper tirade of (liui,lliie thaau iitle-r '.iikIiii., Br.SJD l)B I'.MWIU Ta PALMER & REY, M ANurACTUREittv 405 imoM Slieet, San fraiidw:, Cat AND KORTI.A NO, (IKROOsf. A? X This Traitn Mark li on the beat WATERPROOF COAT Illuatrated vaxajoffuo re A. j. in the World ! TOWER. BOSTON, MASS. I0H8 on Ixhtallmknts. Beat makes. Lowest r.riee. Send for eatalonue. EOCENE. Is a Hpeciid brand of llurnliiKOII .which we manufacture expressly fur KA.MILY l.'HK. IT IS A ITIttKCT I I.I.I'M I N I OH. II IS nlldl KIKK 'IH.'HT. IT IH OF U.MKOKM (IIIAI.ITV. We Kiiarantee It Ui ho tho iiiohkst pohhihi.k iirapk ok ii.liiminatinu oil,. Ask for It. STANDARD OIL COMPANY. MWEMDE8, PARADES, IWI A 'I t'l l I l( IIIDt lltll' II S Kverythlnir III the iihore line. Costumes. Wk's. Beards, I'roperiies, opera nnd I'lav Hooka, etc.. furnlhiied at urently reduced rates and In tiio rlor (iniillty by the oldest, laruest. best reuowmal and therefore only wimble Thrtilriml Supply llo'me nn the J'nriffc ChuhI. !orreHiiondeiiee ho. Melted. ioi.DHTKiM A Co., '2fi, as nnd :) O'Kurrell street, also K'.!2 Market street, Han Kranclsco. We supply ii inmirrn on me umti, to whom wo re enuiiy FliAZEH I IS' ' refer. AXLE mm UIBllUrilJE,, 3est in the World!) Get the Genuine! Sa!d Lvervwherel ' All""" I'ortUnd. Or. HAVE YOU GOT PILES TTCTlrNO TTLHS knowi t.y nolstnri 11 Xn parsplrarl.yi, niiusn mu nan lu-lun mlPtl'V,?'.',i"i' '"'", UhlNlf BUiiEDiNu or l-norniTDiNO rujij Yllll.l) ATONCM TO OR. EO-SAN-KO'S HILE RCMEOY. whleh .is dlMoily on part. bIOmmiT at-orb. tumor., allays Itoln elTsSnai" permmmm mire. lrle.i tiSo. i)i! MRS. WINSLOW'S FOR CHILDREN Tot by all llrafglsL. Soothing Syrup TEETHING I'mti a bcttla, V. V. N. U. No. 1,1(1-8. F. n. u. No. rm IT IS IGNORANCE T H A T WasTES EFFORT." TRAINED SERVANTS USE RHEUMATISM CURED BY m T(cr nr Moore's Revealed Remedv UUUUtUM liuui UU 1 -u niuiiui myntiBUHfirl was nHlevod I ... XVT mv taiii.i..ii .,.,...,., ..":';Sif 'rom an old raso r MATIBM who. theW li'SiS KHkC: HI k-mtUlillo dd cut did him no Rood. llflCB, Utpou, Oul. MB& N OtD BY TOCB UBV0XV,