'Hoed Iliver Si noon HiVK.K. on. Nov. i, is: a 1W . .'. ....... ....ll, I. ..I !. !.. il. .. ...I I I. ivl.il I li.. I', I! i .1 li. I l,,,v I I, ,, I, ill CvUtwi . arranged wnii a mow to snowing on "'" """s 1 ' " " 11 ' 111 " - " "'" " " their best charms, the dcliuht of (lo U was a spontaneous outburst of a roll- '' scenery. isitors was unbounded. It was really people to a large number of nioii . Il.xxl HI vol- n nil !i.U' tdiow. ' "lot won, on ot 1 1 io press or ti c tvv, "The hall is a i-oiiitiiodioiis all'air.iind states, v ho can a'ivoiato Mioh com Tlie Hood l'lvor l air. Hum! NortliviiM. A few weeks ago the ontorpi isinjr cit izens of the Hood Kiver district dcte; mined to hold a local fair this vein- and .carried out tlioir determination in a very successful way. Tho fair w as held id Hood Kivor, Saturday, S pit mi'er Mill. Hy a fortunate coiiicidciuv that was the day fixed upon l the Oregon Editorial Association for t.-tk.ug an ex cursion, and Hood Kivor at omv ex tondod an iuvitatiou to visit that phut-, v hich was accepted. The exclusion of .U)iit 15U niemliers of the Oregon and Washington prow asseciatious, includ ing ladies, not only had the ploauio of witnessing tlie lieuutiful fruit display, hut wore most pleasantly entertained in the hospitable homos of theeitiens of Hood River, who dteply regretted the short stay of their visitors. A spooial train was furnished for the ex-etirs'un by the Union 1'aeitie railway eompany, Mid General Passenger Aueni lltirl l urt accompanied the excursion to see that everything went right. Secretary .Sargent of the state board of horticul ture and Fred C Smith, agent of the ,K)Uth Australian government and spe cial correspondent ,f a mmiU-r of load ing papers of Australia and Netv Zea land, were special guosis upon this occasion. it had hivn ci idclilly dressed lor the i t tvasien by dolt and skillful hands. J-'voigiccns, tnnimtd vv it h laurel and h.'iiy, l.ung in festoons from i he w ail and wiling, and was stretched in hro.nl bands Mom a plolty designed center iioio, vthich hu.ig from the eeiitral dome to the several eoruersot' t lie room, limiting, Hags, annuiii' leaves and fiesh-cut i'.. overs weic al-o heuutifiillv II -oil ill decoration, and added much lo the d.itnly i.p ealaiov ol tlio hail. I ai llU vii.lielN on entering, tile iiisl nop et to eaten too eye vi as a laro placard ia bi.iek and while, beaming luo ioilow;.ig inscription: "vi:i.( OMK. " Tlu'ic u rli'.. . i.niain. us lai.ia:; noli . An- lioMi l.c it pi i.;, i,., in. "hut Itiese be.intilui ueeoratious lost their ch.i.m when liie visitors turned to view the fru.t. One a ud all nio tes'.cs as none others en. Ai'tiin a vW'.islO vimw. The bianiu'iil little town of Hoe, I II. Wl- was ivaet.ed ai old not n, and tho entile pasty woie matched to tho nub lie hall, where a It ui! and vegetable show was in pioe.ie-,. 't'he sight that met thegac of the visitors w as a rev elation and an eye-opener to all. Over It'll different valutas of apples alone reached at 1 1 o'clock; can ia.-Ts w eie In w nil inc; lo convoy I ho excursion!'. h to the iiriuorv, v In re a '.Toss. The spool- tally tlio uppi.'s, re a revelation to I fruit fair v as in pn ia, " of fruits, e'pi ! . ro on oxhibiiion i r vX3 if N M WtT! i ' i . - . a -.In a -Ionian ., and w on Id surely ; i !'.. l I ho attolltioti of fruit lai .el's 1 ' u . 1 1 1 : . I n u I the I nind Mates if placed 1 i:i the vtorld's fair, At noon I he party I vv as iuv i;ed to I unci i at t ho hotels and p: l ate l'i nlelieci of ill.' Iio.pitable it.'lii ens ol I iit',n',ie to l.o al.son. one i eis of I he lei a o ut i;iwr. II was our t'.liiolt:' Ibe ciiest-i ol' Ml'. !' t he pioneer Iruil ".rovi -!i v , and a more bourn ll'ul ,0 Sff. -iJm .1 ' .1 .. (ml tJ Ui I FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS OF EUILDINO MATERIAL. Wail Paper, Paints, Oils etc. A I.ht.o supply of, , mil :., :sh- .vA to mill Vw VtirUiiialiia iMM V V .' V ..Si-itn' . Imtsw' Sr w ore ttioie, ga.-.cd I'lieic the liuest and t:pou. And oh vide al 'o main- IV Oil largest v e ev or inv ! the liav or! mo'.li vegetables of evuy kind to bo soon. 'I'b.s is said lo lo olio of the finest fruit belts in the entire west, w hiio tlio olimaio is said to bo simply incomparable. After view ing the fruits and vegeta bles, the entire party weie invited out private reside. ices w hole tempting to liounood the exhibit the mosi beau il- ohes were served. ltd, the nil si varied and the I. ties; in ijiluluy tliey had ever seen, in vhegon or clscw lu re. "Ibe exhibit of apples was simply Wondellul. tll.m b variolHs.a.l of moieor less exeebciiee, were to ho found upon the various table, and to each lot was atlai lmi a euiu g.v iiig tlio common name of the ;i, p.e and Hie p'.iav w i.ore it was grown, 'i he f.nil v.iiitd in m.c fioin tliMiial.is! ei.ibs, Hood ilivrr is ei rtainly one of the cleanest and most substantial looking tow ns in oil her Oregon or Washington, and her btc iiuss men and ciliciis gen erally seem to be enterprising and pro- (i. gressivo in the i xtiemo. t. ble ol ovcellcut ly p'i I'.ired food a ' htii j..r mortal ne'er ;'.! d.'vv ii lo; and' tlos, we attiiw a i-d !e iriud, was tho : expi liellee of tho ellltre t row, I. Ill short, Pie Ih'O.l l.iVcl'ile . ploli i tiielll- : selves rov.il cllicl Illinois t i 1 1 1 on. I o m I . , Sl.iiui.tl.aM ;) V :lsh. i t le;1!'. : Arriving at ilood lliwr wo found the ei:i. ens of i hat tow il on l ho depot pial I form ready to tender ih a welcnuie. Hood Kiver is a Mu k no-l'iirther low n, 1 lie "Ml eel .Miouiu ot Oregon, ami we found the people holding a enmity fair. Prepare V C.dotir,thi liiptiil v olot : VT,' .. ... - iiJ ,k,lis.. ... . . t , ..w.., , v UoI'iLiiiJ'Jl(i V to liirnisli at once, n line class of o'oilliis, also a cheap grade but neat and siil,. tanlial, -' f iiihI lintiul IciiIm, a. aawsAlijlurowe ... v .Mi I ; r '.'; ' fc.A. il M W I'hev had taken t' ir.idi-i a m ni: ia t i,i:i:s in TIHWAHE, Etc, Ftc. Cornor of Socoiul ami I'odor.il Slrocd. ... t : i .. 1 , i The great attraction of the lair in,..: V' 'u,la,"N uu' uiiii.i kiiow il as u.i' vuoi ia .niiii- the display of apples. There wa a cmli table showing of other fruits, both fresh and canned, and of vegetables, etc., but the apple exhibit was tho best probably that was ever made in the tdate, and was pronounced ly recent visitors to the Columbia exposition as line as could be teen there. More than 100 varieties of apples vwro shown, ami ;iis competition was keu, the leading -varieties were each represented by a large number of plates. Some criticism has been made upon the fact that so many varieties of apples have been planted at Hood Kiver, but it is to be remembered that the era of eonum reial fruit growing is but just commencing there, and this experimental work which the fruit growers are engaged in is likely to result in benefit in demon strating what varieties will prove most profitable for raising on a large scale. At present strawberries are the lead ing fruit at Hood Kiver. The ship ments from that station the present year amounted in value to SuO.tino. The strawberry business will grow, but there cau be no doubt that in lime it will be exceeded in importance by the .apple growing industry. The fuel ili, on.e of w hii h, t y acte.al iiHi.sU.e liulit, exceeded lo ioehes in eii'euin- fert live. '1 ho color ot each w i.s r.eh ami beautiful, and as far as could be seen fioui outw.iid inspection, not a single apple was market! hy a b.ciiiish or talon by woims. Of ail the vatio ties, the (.ilawiisu in, a fall apple, is held in the highest csitciu on account of its line flavor. The 1 w t nty-Ouueo is the best apple for cooking purposes, ami, as us name implies, it is a big one, yet not so large as the liloria Muuiii, which reigns supreme for size. The King is the liuest apple for both eating aud cooking. Fi r winter use the tllovv Newtown Pippin stan.is above ai! of ils fellows as an eating ap ple. These are the principal varieties now sent East lo supply tlio demand for tine fruit, and they appear to till the bill. M. V. Kami, a fruit grower living on the cast side of the river, had oil exhibition a luiil'-do.eii Maloms, a new variety of tipple recently brought over from ticriuaiiy. Tiicy are very similar to Uraveiisleins in llavor and somewhat hardier. An exhibit of seedless apples, grown near Ilood river, l'oritaiul l'!ii'ntili'lt. The pretty little town of Hood llivcr was reached at 1U:,",0 o'clock . The ex t uisionists w ere ret cived at the depot by 'i he l'allt s delegation and eltiens of tho town, and carriages had been thougii! fully provided for I heir accom modation. They were tlcn tlnvtu through the !ovv n and to the pavilion, w here an agricultural fair was in pro gress. The display was an immense one, the building being liMs. l.'l fee! aud contained a most varied collection of fruits from the vicinity of Hood Kiver. The f.iir was a most crvtktablo one, and rctleets great credit on Un people of Hood Uiver. lively kind if fruit, berries and vegetables wore dis played, s-pwial mention should be mailt i f the gloat apple display, and one apple in pa 1 1 icu !ar tl.it showed by actual me. .sur.'iiie.'ii the immense t ir eumt'etcuce of i!,,-lnsi which is one inch larger than any on exhibition at the world s ON posit inn . Mr. Fred T. Smith, holt ieiili nral commissioner for the South Australian Agricultural S eiety and correspondent ; for several Australian papers, who ac companied the excursionists, was very enthusiastically impressed w ith the ele gant fruit display at Hood Kivt r and has premised s nue very flattering re marks in some of his Aus'.ii.liaii it pre -sctitat iuii-'. pport unity to tliroiiitli the pre of i ). eon and Wash-1 iii'ttoii that Wa-c-i comity, Oregon, end Ilood liiver ia bar! iciilar, raised i liuest apples i;i the w orld. I'helr I exhil.it was in a huge hall, and the ta bles were lOV'el'ed wi I II bushel . of t he linost fruit we ever set eve;oii. An old farmer stilted that the s asou was rather early to show cviiy variety of apple grow n bp thein, but enough w;is shown to statup in I ho minds of I heir guests the idea that the-r collection would have been a prie v. 'inner :,t the world's fair, could it liav c bet u I.imii up bodily and be-, cultural budding. be-, id. i'l llit W ei e of t he t n!, : : ai nun tit I., hied ii spotit.itii iiy :.l I '. A i t o . the i i vi r, on t la -Me in I I I I I III! V i l li Acovn ami Charter Oak Stoves ami I?.ini.;os. I (dills, A mill unit 'oil anil S;iui'tiiir (omiN, i Iron, foal, j I'.lacksinit li Supplies, Wastoniiiaker's Matcilal, ; Sewer Pipe, Pumps and Ppip", ; Pluiiililng Supplies, Studcbaker fefcorne W n;oiin, Hint i hi i 'Infiii liiiipi-r Hint Slo AiilNfsl pint liiisi!, ijswis & Sta?cr Cciiijiiiiii 'i U' I it iilliirul I nipb-iiiriiU iiiul .Miii liliii'i v. BARRED WIRE. eil in ihe big ;, gi'i l.e ot her exhibits a hhth older, and Vended lis eoli p.irl iciilarly a-iee- i.r.iit..iiw m VV mi That t lii: t v 4a te'. iuJ m WiV i as IV s i''pl,'-.t oi Ion- : pen V e i l'.l: e'l ilit I'ooit , o " ivol'il I hem -el V i' ami would .'ii-eordinglv. M'HMTtfllIly Wii-hiii'ilon 1. ie liti'e low il ol White Salmon, 'vital eouni C. futnc of the pen- ; pi, III : ot : . ; i -..i:1-:; , hot f.di I , 1 1 1 1 1 1 i r o sci'v hit- i mid v. - a. . '. t o. our J ioo I hat I til a i-o u I'tde a II In' sn o . e s at t ho fair, and w Idle I ln-ir - not ,,n i ,i n Ive one, it di. I olid t I. .It of i U'e'.'oll III I ill' i.iiiihtv . I he liiu ranch at W told, si line line I., amid I lie Ie . ihwl' llielld for Portland. r, i 114 n 0,(b? I .leWett Niir llite a!inol, I'l V ', r i tia Prc?cr.n;tioiiG and NOI'K I'. I OK PFP.l.lf ATloN. i I'uulu r I .unit, A 1 1 .' mi" .!, Is,-,.; I III ill M,t. s .iili.l III!),..', :;1 :.;..,) Ul Au.d ;i Conipltto l ifit of DRUGS. CHUniGALS AND MEDICINES. Van Nut:, wlii il ,1 u in- '' I ll.lt.. T '."II. N ' must be accepted that the sod and cii- illuat-u'l atiention. a leaturc t mate of the Hood river v.-illev is noon. Ua' show, howevet liarly favorable for raising apiiles . ' ullv l-,t',r,. iiMinluir i,t' Cii,, I, ,i.l. t I ... iimli ""' "'-..-; Kivtr, particularly winter arnles. W Idle the I ' f. " . ! "'' '. . . by ail Pa- An elegant repast had been prepare was tlieexeepllt.il-. t.v the ladies i.nd citizens of lloo, and was tlioioii-dilv el ioved ,111 IVI 1 iltllOl I ll...- 1I..O., . I, JUL most of liie oiellaluii.s leive bi-. o majority of the residents of the valley 1 very caivful in the select .on ol seed and : have not had much exin-iieiice in fruit ' caring for the young trees." j growing, there appears to be a good j S dal of disposition to learn, ami the! catlilamct ittash.) ciz.-tte. Searcy spirit of emulation snowu by! At 8 o'clock aiurdaj morning' a spc-; the large number of exhibitors at tle dal train was pLceu at their dip,..l ' fair augurs well for future success. j by Mr. Hurlbun, assistant general pas-: Oue very pleasing' feature at this fair senger agent of the L'n.uii Pci;ic, for was the fact that, so far as a cursory ex- j m, excuisiou to lioou id v er. Prompt-! amination could detenu i tie, there was ; y ift the hour mentioned the train not among the great number of apples! moved ltom Uie Uuiou depot, with i .and pears upon the tables a single spe-1 about 12-3 persons aboard, and lan along imen which showed signs of either ! s0wly in order to give ibe excm-ii-m worm or scab. It is, sincerely to hejisis an opportunity to view the grand hoped that every fruit grower in that scenery along the route, arriving at valley will be impressed with the im- j Hood River about 11 o'clock, where portance of keeping in subjection the j they were met with a warm reception insect and fungus foes which are al- J by the citizens of that place and escort-; lowed to ruin for shipping purposes the ; t.,j to a large pavilion where a surprise , great part of the apples and pears Was in store for them. grown in most of the older orchards of i The excursionists had not law cast ' ex'li,,il i:i 'he world i iK-caiw there is ' . w li,'ii-l, ;;n, .. i 1.1:0,., I " .noi l t ,i . , i i..;i.. . s . , i i , ; , I i- IM i .a., , ai t i m t i to- in An ii.-l you i:s rou noon nivr:r. i , . t ; mill 1 1 1 t I.. (li- I'io nier. That tho ji -ople of Hood l.'iver have line fruit ami know law to advertise the fact was do':, osi.siraled last Saitir day win ti their r.-pre.v-iiiaUvo.-s s cured the visit of tlio OI-.-.-I.U and Washing foil press rs-ociaiions. Tho iirowei's had taken liiany bushels of fruit ami placed it artistically in the uppr room of the armory build'iur ::t that plai n, ami when the bin vi-dKig new.-!.ij.'.-r 1' 'pl'eselii alive.-! appeared Upon the seen,. they were as.o.dslii-d ;imi pleased to see the largest as wi I! as the bos! display of green fruits, par' iciilarly apples, thai had ever been .shown in the .Non Invest : mid without doul.t the lines! di.-pl.iy of apples ever gotten together in the world. The reason whv il was ihe he.-t I 1:1 1 HI I" s;i !! iall lilt. 1- III ll'ls e oil Vliiiiilay 1 In- J7I 't iia 1 1 - liioni s as u i- ne ih-'I.v , llliaia I 'I am M. til l I t , II. I el I III An. ii'oi al i I on, I'liililalli'i' e i ol I "ie;,'. .s ii i I :..!' II. i' .a:.- "I "I i 'nil , ,ne i. i M r- i i I , n ci v . t i .or- ' li.C . "i r.i.aai'iiila ; . !.';'. I.ir.l in lais .. KM a'l'l!,, ii-n : . ; ii.ti N". I in N". -.1 I.. . Vl.aiel 'll I ll,' I-III-! s,,lli;! s f I or -t-iln- liiall I"l' i i l i,i , iieisii his I !tr I i, ;' I '-" ' a !!! lie V iou'i-ir, ,-r Wash., , I N,.eli...'i', v.i, : V. ililiaui Ki ll- I .In ia V.. i mill, r, i rll.,11 .III V. nsli. IUS. hood we mwmm mm. DUALEH3 IN b I'.l.., i i.i . ia ll,; . Is I , si I -, h III.. I I., in.. "II "I In . NOT I'. i: Ki.;i rnii.icATKiN. ti'iil i n.-r .a I 'by i ir. A' i:;. ;V I sir!. Iiit. I,y L'b . ii Unit Ihe f 1 1 1 v- n -I. i' ha- Ibe, I iioiii'i- ol' lib inli'iillon I e j l ',ei ill .-ii.,.,,i ! ol l! ,i'l ! I' i ill In- ni.e!.' I. ml l'...-u.-r t . is. I.a House B:d5.l:n Gcci3r flz,h r-nd Boors, Monldiiis, Bracks t s and 17 o a d Turcings. Lime. Plaster cinii 7.tith Coil- em, lo .'.Of III.' I i illi. e nl in "P l J s.,J i ..ii i ii ;., 'i ,, i I', lir.otn. I for Ihe ll , v I: the state. I fh,,i,- ui,,it ....tti n...,. ,!!,i.i,, ' l-hiee It seems to be the general impression j .. ar.,e aml gunerb disnlav of am.l.M lav i l,!, s r"is' Such a lot of apples we tnai irrigation is necessary in raising ! before them ruit at Hood River. It is true that ir- wln re tneiv are siieii line :.p d. 'i'h'-re were apples on ex hibition measurin.z from one-half inch never saw. anil as Jar as size, varetv 1 ' " " -u. jigation is necessary for strawberries and mmlitv wmh considered in., fi-nitl- 1'iythe, former iiroiirietor of this .ana omer smau iruits, out tne greater , was the finest ever nlnoi-d on ovim,;. : P-1!"'1: l,iitl some nnc s'lecinicns on ex- part oi me apples ana other tree fruits tion. More than luo varieties were on are grown without irrigation. Xo ir rigation is used in the nurstrv of Dr. jhibitien. :,Ir. A. il. Jewell exhibition, and all were clean and free I two-year-old tree from his place across j I from spots and blemishes. Home of the the river that had nine full-grown and Pilkington at that place, and yet his i armies measured 14 inches in eiivn,,,. i peUectly-develoiied apples. Mr. I). tock shows as vigorous a growth as j ference. They were excellent in llavor i '00l'r K()""' o1' "- lin'st apples in any one could possibly desire. This and found to be liei-rt-ctlv mnnul This i'-olor ever raisc-d, and they were rrown let, Ai.. Xn. 0,,l for Ihe 11 of II w see S T(i J II r N ! u III. I lie mimes Hi,, ion ,u in-' u iliiessis u iirmc hi. rim! in nun-, r, -i,!i iice Ujnni nail rultitu-' ll" n ol, in i laml, vl,, I hai ies sii Hiiil, Will- ' lain l'i i.-si'll. Hans ti i , k, Nn h Wi la i, all ul . I 'a -i 'a '1 , ofi'; VV a--,-" eiill III V I ireful!. j -i-l'.'-iri : Ii) lioia.Ki' A. .'.',' i.i. i n, lu-.il.ti-r. XOTKT. !:: IT lll.U ATIOV. ; 1 .1, ll 1 1 I ill .i-i Ml Ihe In, His, dr.. del. ii, III!.' Notice is ta li hv s;jvi ii tlial l!- lollmt In;;- '. an n n "I Mil !it ha i li leil no! ii'i' ol nls I a leu i urn 1 In ii oi U i 1 1 1 i.i ! umi il in Miii"il ol his I'laiin, ii lei Ina! 1 I l'i ml' Mill In- n i :o h Ih-Ihi'i- tin- i ill :.'i li-r llllil 1 .--i On' I'. S. laml nllii'i- lit; The lialii .. dr., on Muinliiy No . -j), I.V.iil, vl: Maiioll I-' I.e.'. j lit No. Mill" for tin- v. ' . ii !, unit vv !.J s w ' ;4 sit ii'V) i n r i. w in." j I !e iiami's ihe liiiluu im: wl! mi-i lo ii'ovi tils ru allium. ii.- risiiieiai' lijion nii.l cnlilvu-i lion of si, , lo, I vi.: I i ia rli's I,. .Morse , l.i".vi.i l'i. Morse. ill Kami, Aiaain I,, i'lo-los, 1 nil 111 a' i ill II I It i t ll'l ll "I'lfilll. I iM'tlinvl!) .Ion.; W. I.i'.'.vis, Iti'i-'lsler. 1 cf C-.s, l-l " si J fm, - W'lilW 'l.jb1 UosWa on siiinn'i;.- r NnTii t:. O. I. SI'ltANAII N, I'd :si,, in. II. r. C( IK Sit relitry. PuLrcorlcG, RAWSGH 8: WEBER i-m h-ki i:j :;s . ... a full supply of l-'ru it, Shade mid Ornamental trees; grap Have on ham vines, small fruits, 1 loses and Shruhbery. lie sure to get our prices hefor- piii'ohasintr elsewhere, lleiuember oiu- Irccs arc grown strictly without irri".n(ion. THE BALZflTS. - - - - - I'. II. Stanton, Local Aent growth was secured, however, by very- thorough and frequent cultivation jtb.rougb.out the growing season, and .orchards which are not irrigated re quire the same kind of culture. There can be no doubt that better results are obtained by thorough culture without irrigatloa than in carelessly cultivated orchards w hich are irrigated. The committee which had charge of 4he Hood Kiver fair was composed of Messrs. E. L. Smith, M. V. Harrison, 4J. P. Heald, W. P. Watson and W. J. JBaker, and they deserve credit for the successful manner in which they car- iKi i iuii. !ii k a r. i i t . , . . . l ineir uisposai. wuii three rousing Of the fruit at Hood Kiver, ten boxes j chet.rs for j00( .iver and itscourtcous fvere seiectea tor the Coiumbiaii exposi- ... ( I.i,. (..,, I. .. . I' l e .' ,1 , , . , . . , I1IU 111 Oil 11 1 1 it s o l ill ' display spoke more than words could : M()Ullt JiM)ll. )tl r 1Vllil al(I niil!,, express in favor of the Hood river dis-1 features of the fair were first class, but trict as being superior for fruit raising. I the upjiles took the-eye of all pn sent. After a number of addresses the ex- Vu uVri' ''-1;,d to s,(! olir h i. nds at ercises closed with a song of welcome kno Un-'eoSlS an by the school children, after which the apple country unsurpassed for friiit and visiiors were men invited touine at the I iroin insect pests, ami also in-c.iusi hotels and hou izens. After looiung over ine village ami making a inajoriiy of the farmers have tin raid on the Hood Iliver Gi.acikr of-' Farmer on their center tables, and wi flee, which is presided over by Editor ! li li( t for them a wide reputation as ., ,, . , ,. . . , ! an apple and other fruit-producing sec- Cradlebaugh, the excursionists returned, tio, i well as a prosperous comnm to the train, where Mr. (,'. had placed . nity. several boxes of apples on board for men inviieu louine attne "ce iiom nisci.-i pesis, ami aiso iiecause jouses of prominent cit- the tieoplc living there arc wide awake , and progressive, ever ready to learn and spending an hour or so .iee advaiiU ideas.- The large tion, and a very line exhibit was also jnade up for the Portland exposition. The Oregonian of October 1st devotes a column to the visit of the press asso ciation to our fruit exhibit last Satur 4ay, We quote below some of the kind statements made concerning our fruit jln the article: people the party left for Portland. J'omorny (WiikIi.) Ir.tlept i-.ilent. The citizens of Hood Iliver prepared (Ciiehatis (Vv'a:sli.i Ciirnnii'lp. fraturday morning the (' idled press tissoeiations were tendered an excursion to Hood Iliver by W. II. I Itu-biurt, act ing general passenger agent of the Lnioii Pacific railway company. Leav- an exhibition of the products of that i '"f? lllL' L'nion depot at 8 a. in. on a locality for our inspection. The pro- i special train consisting of two reclining I ducts came from the surrounding coun-1 chair cars, v, e were whirled up the ( o j try on both sides of the river, in our i lumbia river ::t a r ite of sp.:ed that i own state of Washington as well as shook the cars up suili -iently to cause a ! Oreiron. It was the finest, show of m.. i few cases of sickness uiiiiiiur t he hide "At the pavilion a surprise was in I pk.8i pt.acileH) j)earH) ,,iumH) co,-iWheat, ' passengers, hut the grand scenery along lul luc -cuiMoiiteii.. nicy nan r,.e, barlev and all other products that ! the great canyon through which "rolls peen given to understand, in a vague ' our t.vt,g ever behel(1. Persons who had Sort of way, that a fruit fair was being hwn at the vvorl(ps fair declare Hood held at Hood Itiver, but when they en- j 1iver exhibit su,)(..rior to an vthing at tered the building and saw bushels ; Chicago. The citizens of the town ppi) bushels of choice apples, ncatlv j us al thejr own expense, and i NOTicK von it:i:li(.'atiox. . I.nml ( i II: i c nl Viini'ouvi i' W'asli. Oct, 7, Mil. : .'imi.'ii li- lii'i'eh.v ..rifn Mint the fol Ion lie,' iniaai! si'l ! !eis liave I: led nolii-cof llirir in lent inn In make I; na I .rool in support 1 ( iit-i r ; etiiinis cinl Ina! saiii proof vol! he iinnlc lie fiti'e V,-,, li. it'innnr I 'oininissioiH'i' t', S. cir- ;rnil ( ourl for hi lrii-i of wiisliiin.'ion nl (lol- ; lieailiile wnsli I ntoii on jN'ovi'inlii'i' Is, l-,!).l viz: (Jciiiko Orrliiiiir. : lloiiii'sti'iiil Appiliatlon No. i;lfi for tin- vv )i of ll c '., ii vv of s ( i a ml n e :k of ll w'r ; '.ll To "t 11 I' I'Jea.sl u ill miT. I lie iiami's Uu: lolloti iry. wiliiecscs In pi'ovt' hit ronliiiiioiis ii i-ieeniT npoa ami cultivation : of saiil Imiil, viz: Ni Is i ,11 Aiiiai'.siai. lici ii.ini : lli'i'lsrlii, Alhi'i l I'.erlsi'lii, all of I' lllUit I'. I . , VS'asliliiL'lon. I' liinii. M.iivi'. of (ili nwouil J'. O. Wiisliinj.'toii. i j (ieoi'.;!' (irl'liin. j I'urclif.si' A 1 1 lii-aliun No. 1711 under see . I'm lei tin o net, Sepi 2ii Is'.iO lo) t c ll vv wo ! j Tp ,") n r Vi east u I II iner. ' ! lie halm s Ihe lollowiiij; wit mi-s-ich In prove lii.s i-iiiil iiiiiiiiik claim lo anil I'lilliviilioii ofj -u i il linal viz: Nelson A iieersen, lii'i'iniui ' lieii.-rlii, Allii-rt lierlM-hl, all of I- ulli I , o. j Wn.sliiieiloii" I' liinii iSiniu', cnileiiuooil P. O. , VV it:li!ition. (M-ll!-iiv!7 .1' n.v I). (iiiiiiiiietiAii. Hi-slstt- NOTK.'K I'OU PL'KIJCATION. I.aml OIIU'C lit. Viiiii'iiiiver wasli. Kept. .'!!), ISMi, Notice is hen Iiy liven that I lie following. Illllili'il wl I ll'l' lllls li leil no! ice of liel' ill lent ion In n mite cum in u n I ion linal proof in support of tier claim, aniilniii sanl proof will lie made in fore Mie Jtcjfisli-i- ami Itd'civcr I'. S. I, ami Oliice ul, Vancouver wash, on Nuvenihcr l.'i, lsiiil, viz: Alii".' M. Wnrdsworlli. H 1 ffspflpf HAVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND THE CCioicect Sfleats, Ham, Bacon, lard, CLuno, Penlfcy,. AI120 Jz&l.eT3 in - Aim PP?!I!TQ u m nr mum m m tu.jr u Im g t yi w g (.'orri'T of Oak and Fourth SI reefs, - - . -Me-norr.-".- .T.tr:"w:,-ivr""r- - - Hood Uiver, Oregon. is..iji.ww, Willi 111 1 -1 m 11 I.' U 'l 11 I', .1, o,,, ... I ., .., I ' . .... ! ,, ,.,1 ,.1 the Oregon" more than repaid the sliglit ; n w''V.w -ii 't n r ii"e w m. ' ' ' iliscoiufoi-lu i... 0s1.1l in. tin. ,,,,', ( Slit- names Hie foiloMin iviliiesses to prove (llscomlolts ( .aised Iiy the lUUiietoiw ; ,.,. ,nMmi,us resilencc upon mnl cnliivii curves around which the road was nee-; "f, s:lil1 lll'"h viz: W aller Males, Kacimci , Rowlands. Harry slianlt, William Kiin-uiil, es.sanly built. A shortstop was mad;) : mi of wiiin-siiiiiioii Wnsii. .1 oil N 1). liHoiiu kuan, Itegister. at Multnomah Falls to allow the party "kHN'I- A. S. BENNFTT. OI'KICKINSilAN.NiVS lit' 1 1,1 il N't i ( '( 1 1 1 N III! OKCOllHTANI) SKCOXI) S'lilKKT, Tim Millies, Orei.;oii. "l-'Oll nam:, Six lots In Waucoma, -IHtl acres in Skamania county, aud several farms in the valley. J. II. (.'KADliKHAl'tilf. JOHN II. CRADLEBAUGH. ATiOltNKV AT LAW. I'l'iictlees In nil Mm enurt. or Ori-Kim and WiiHlilnti.ii. Special iillen Mm, KVI,U lo Vl'.VlOleln. (iI,A''IKI( OFFICIO. I IOO I) UIVKIl O UFOON I'Oit SALE. House and lot in Hood Uiver. Ap l'b' t' A. S. li,(AVnnii.