The Hood River Glacier. VOL. noon iuvku, oiikgon, Saturday. November i, i893. NO. 23. 3(cod Iivcr Slacicr. H'lll.tmim, IVIHT ATOIthAf MOftftlNO H , The Glacier rubllshtng CompaDj. I IIM IIIITIO I'lllVK. On. vftr , Ni Mitiiilh. 1 lllru MMM.tlia Mm, tit tuij ( ( t It oo I n ,...CmW THE GLACIER Barber Shop urant Evans, Propr, ' ,i Si , rr Ouk. Hood KWtr, Or Uviii; tul Hair cutting ntttly dun Stufi lion iuraiiUd. 0(TII)IOTAL NKWS. An exploring mill limiting party n- ''lllly returned fl'olll thlt Wild Olympic MiMiiiluiiiM in Washington ri'(MirtM that the tiinliiT linn disappear Kt uIhiiiI ,iniii (,-, I, mnl til tint base ( the higher id, on Ihe 6,(km) mnl 0,OtMi-fool levels, IS II system III lucadoM M II t II I hikes, W here glass mnl Mowers grow ill great Itu m i. mi ! mnl splendor. icorgel ', ('filler, a Vancouver ( It. ('.,; tni'li i taker hum called iihii to embalm it whale M It it'll was recently caught mnl wlinh the people desired to exhibit, lie secured a piece of gaspipc, which III' ilinw into the IkhIv ol tint whale. To tin pipe he attacheil a lecr ihiiii j, con iM'i'teil ii with a Imrrel o( I topui i ni haluiing lltiiil mill ciiitiel it into the HI 11 1 I II I hVMl'lll (l( tllU fish. PlH'Olllposi' t Ii ill was checked. The triul of James M. Neary for wife immler linn begun at .Nmlii ( ru.. Thin ih niie w here it Ih alleged hy tin' de fense Ncaiy mnl wife were at ililllier, mnl Neary, becoming irritated liy a reit.itrk ol hi wife, struck the butcher kind', wi'h which he was curving meat, iuivily on llie table mnl it iHiiimleil oil', sinking Mrs. Neary in the itide, she being neateil wilh her side to the tahle. J he hiiiiihI proved filial. J.loyil Tcvis Iiiih hroiixht Hiiit at Slock ti'li lo foreclose H mortgage of Jtiil,500 on the property of Mrs. I lowell, w ife of M. J. Howell, charged with counlcr hiling. At the Mime time Hint wax brought by V. A. Wallace to compel Howell ami bin wife to dispose of part ol the property for f 12,000, iim by an aiiipd agreement. It is thought at Miiiktiiii that tin) two suits have h-hi 1 1 connection, it having been Hliitcil that a syndicate in working to secure tiie Howell property, Ivieclive Hume, who wan present at the trial of Evans, charged w ith killing Mes-enger Tovey, ami which trial in now Koi m: mi at .lack mi in,. mm lor eon nt y, ( 'al., was advised by the Court that not being in Hi-el or assistant couiiHel he coiill not siiiucst 1 1 lu-t-1 ioiiH to the defense. Hume tried lo explain, hut the Court paid none hill attorney! woiilil lie permitted to ad dress the Court, ho Hume indignantly took Iiih lull anil walked out. I Veil Boi-c, a witness, ailmitteil that lie had lii'il, anil that lie luul lam paid to give eit.iin evidence. Thin caused a nensa turn. The I'mincrs' Ioaii and Trust Com pany has tiled a petition at Corvallis, ask inn 'that the order appointing .JoHcph .Simon referee to examine into the status ol ihecei tillcaleH infilled by Receiver I long )e vacated. The grounds on w hich the petition in hiiHed in that they were never hcrvcd and that the order wiih ohtained willioiit their knowledge. It in hIno iliiimed thai tliu order lixiked to tin1 reversal of action had in tho cam after careful conmderation, and that it would involve protracted litigation when the railroad wiih running heliiml. Upon thm petition an order wan entered kiih pending the proceeding!! until November i;!,ls;i;(, when a full lieariug would Ih; had. The Railroad Gazette, wayn: "The Culiniiliia Kiver and Antoria' Kailroad ('ouipany wan incorporated in 1H!U, but hevojid having preliminary mirvoyH nuiile ttlong the Columbia river Iiiih not Hinrecded in doing much work upon the line. .JtiH now reported, however, by one J the ollicern that arrangements luivo been nearly eonipleted for begin ning tlie work north of Portland, and that tlie contractu will be let during the winter or early in the npring. It in proposed to build along the Houth bank of tho Columbiu river from Portland to Astoria, a distance, of alnrnt 100 miloH. The line wan Hiirveyed by W. H. Ken nedy of Portland, and wimoof the right-of-way Hccured. Mr. Kennedy iff Htill chief eiigiiieer, and tho chief executive olliccr in Walter 0. Smith of Portland, Viee-Prcrudent. The case of four Vacivville Chinese, charged with failure to comply with the provisions, of the (ieary act, wan heard ((fore Judge Morrow in tho United Stales I 'in' net Court at San Francisco the other day. Tho defendants,' attor ney slated that to hear testimony would only lie a wiwle of time, as. the bill ex tending registration had already passed the House and would in all probability become law in a very short time. Tho Court, however, ordered the examina mition to proceed, and evidence having been submitted to theelTeet that all four defendants! were laborers within tho meaning of tho act, and had not reg istered, the Court ordered them do ported. Judge Morrow also intimated that he would in future isnue warrants under said act for the arrest of high binders and others of the criminal classes. lirNINKSS KRKVITIKS. It !m estimated thai Ihe averiiye net i ariiingH of the electric lampH in Loudon Ii about 10 shillings each a year. I n the production of glass jew i Ih 1 1 uu gury leads, the world. The work is done almost entirely by I lie peasant cIiihs, About flHI,(XI0 worth of pearls have been tul. en from (he waters of Wiscon sin streams during the last few veins. A new invention is un iiltuchmenl for a horse's bridle, by iih iiiih of which Ihe animal miiy citiry a lump on its heiul. Haniel Harbold of links county, Pa., has a peach tree on his premises which Iiiih Isnne gisxl fruit for seventy years, Thi MiiiiufactiirerH' I! rd of llalti morc publishes a list of Mrj industrial concerns established in the South since July I. Idaho Iiiih prisbn eil lieuilv f (MM), 110(1 of gold concurrently wilh IL',IKK),IHKI of silver. The two products ate mined to gether. Forty thousand Ihixch of fall-made cheese lmc just I'fi'll Hold by 11 .Moll- Irenl dealer to an Kngli.ih house for MHI.IHMI. llll'sle Island lui more abiiinliiued fiirms relatively t linn MusHarhuHftt. New I fmnpshireand Vermont have fewer than live years ago, There is a pie fui ton in New Vork that runs from 'i . i, to 2 r. m. six ilas in-tin- week and turns out i'O.inh) pies a iiay lor l lie iis ai tiiele alone. It. K. Shuart of Yellowstone count v, Mont., Ih'hii fiiriuinn in K.s:t with ijoiio capital. In Mav, he solil out ranch, buildings and stock for 4 10. (KM). I hie of the lirst ciimpanies to ue the vast power which mini bus liarnesHed Niagara I alls to supplv him is a concern to pnsluce iiliiiiiiiiium on a large scale. A llrm in Palestine is engaged in the new industry of supplying water from the river Jordan to churches. It is put Up ill sealed Uittles, and is sold hy the case. How time is passing in all parts of the world is the interesting story which every day is licin told by twenty-two clis ks in the Terminal building of the orld h I air. The crop of the New York vinevards this year is the largest ever rinsed iilsuit H,(HK) carloads. A ipiaiitity of nrapes will Im sent to Muglaiid. The in- lilstry is very prolllable. Hiiring the lineal veur eliding June .'id, ls;i;t, (he brewers of the entire I'nited Slates irodiii ed and disposed of a grand total of :Ut,H,7 barreU of malt lup llors, a liet increife over the previous vcar of 2,170,:S'.m; barrels. It costs the Knglij-h pisiple 'J,0O0,0O0 in taxes each vear to p.iv for the trans- mission of tin- press message over the ;ovcrnmcnt wires, as the pres.- rate of 2 pence fur each 10(1 words does not begin to pay the co it of sending t he maMer. The ouantitv of suit inspected in Mich igan thin year to ( ictolu r 1 in 'J,717,rMI harrels, lieing H.i.lMKl less than was in spected during the corresponding period last year. Ihe price is the lowesl in the history of the manufacture of salt in that Slate. Kerosene oil is rapidly growing in fa vor as a cheap iMiimiuaiil in China. The oimtiinption, w Inch was S,..iii,ono gal lons in NM2, bad risen to I'.l,:! 1S,0;H) in IHiil. Of this amount HO per cent was imported from America and 20 per cent from Russia. 1TRKLY I'KKSOXAL. (Jiieen Victoria has been photographed ti.'tl times since she came to the throne. The Hue de (ialliera in said to possess a collection of ntampn valued at 150,000. The of Russia despite his great size is a very plain eater. At State din ners he rarely taken anything but soup and dessert. Mrs. Abrain Hewitt has inherited Pe ter Cooper's old Hutch Bible, which w ith its data of family history makes very cu rious reading. Kx-Secretarv of War I'.ndicott in hav ing the old Peabody mansion at Hanvers, Mass., i cpiurcd, and he intends to make it his permanent home. The oldest soldier in the liritinh arinv in Field Marshal Sir Patrick Grant. He is 80 years old, and joined the arm v in the very year the Huke of Cambridge was Iwrn. Miss Agnes Melbv of New Richland. Minn., who recently graduated at St. Olaf's College, Norlhlield, in tho first lady to take a full course at a Norwegian- American l oiiege. Horace Hoies ban never nsed tobacco in any form, and is unaciiuainted with the tantoof liquor, and perhaps his only profanity wan when ho swore in an the Governor of Iowa. Mm. Frances Crosby, authoress of " Safe in the Arum of Jenun " and 3,000 other hymns, in (14 years old. She liven in New vork, and has been blind since nho was tt weeks old. Misn Lucille Rodney, who has won a wager by walking from her home in Gal veston, lex., to the World b hair, count ing the ties all the way, made .1500 on the journey, Polling her photographs. Mrs. Cleveland commenced while at irav Gables to collect shells and Fust. Indian curios, which were picked un by the old sea captains and presented to her. Her collection is said to number many quaint objects. Prof. Benjamin Sharp of Philadelphia is visiting the Sandwich Inlands in the interest of tho Academy of Natural Sci ences of the Quaker City for tho purpose of collecting specimens' of natural his tory. I le will visit the aboriginal burial caves. Admiral Dot, tho Lilliputian, who is now a cigarette advertisement in Chi cago, is only 48 inches high, but he re ceived a telegram the other night that made him feel as big as Grover Cleve land. It was dated New York, and read : "It's a girl, and weighs six pounds. Mother and baby doing well." EASTERN MELANGE. A Yo!iii Aosll of Anarchy Scut to the I'm. Till': (ilN-Itl RNING WIIITKCAPS. Missouri Downcast at the Low Mar ket Quotation for Mulcn Mllwaukce Firehiiifs. The Federal building at Chicago in de clared lo be unsafe. Harrison county, Ohio, has had no siiIimiiih for eighteen years. I.alsir Commissioner Carroll I). Wright will have charge of the completion of the census. A movement is on to have a l.'nittsl States Circuit Court established in Northern Texas. At Lincoln, Neb., railroadmen Isiycot led a hotel because the female waiters w ere discharged. New York is considering a resolution forbidding policemen to carry pistoln w hen not on duty. There is in New York an organized gang of thugs who lew tribute from the mutormen every pay lay. The receipts at the World's Fair from paid admissions and concessioiiH on Chi cago day amounted to ifltii.OOO. The Western I'nion Telegraph Com pany made net prolits in the vear ended June :) last of over 7,K0,MJ(. Chicago will hold a chrysanthemum show in the Horticultural building on the Fairgrounds, November?. Suits against 208 St. Ijouis corpora tions for noncompliance with the Trust law have created much comment. There are liftv-six jMistolIices within the corM)rate limits of Chicago. Put Chicago in big enough for a small State. Joseph Jell'erson has Is-en elected President of the Players' Club, in New York, to succeed the late L'dwin Booth. The International Cigarmakers' I'nion in session al Milwaukee ban declared its opposition to the National Guard system. The thirtieth anniversary of the intro duction of the Turkish bath into thin country has just been celebrated in Brooklyn. The Brooklyn, N. Y., water nupply contains twenty-eight kinds of live animals and eighty-four species of Vegetables. Missouri is downcast at the low market quotations for mules. Klectric cars have interfered sadly with their usefulness. A stage in Coke county, Texas, was held up recently by two highwayman, who secured $H,biKI from the registered mail pouch. The scheme for a permanent Pan American exhibition in New York gives promise of achieving important com mercial results. Canadian Kxplorer R. G. McConnell has discoveied that a lake at the head of the Finlav river is the source of the Mackenzie river. Kentucky has granted to married women the right to will their property as I hey may see fit. The new law took effect (tctolier 7. A Western railroad company has in structed its men, when meeting train robbers, "to shoot lirst and do the apologizing to the dead." Twenty men are eiwpected of having set some of the frequent tires in Mil waukee, Wis., within tho pant six months to get insurance money. James Smith, who was crowned some yearn ago Watermelon King of Boone county, Mo., has this year raised a pumpkin eight feet round tho waist. Governor Matthews of Indiana in after the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad with a hot stick for bringing a train load of pugilists, and their admirers into his State. Fire Chief Nicholson and several mem bers of the fire department at Council Bluffs, la., are under arrent and charged with lieing the authors of several incen diary tires. Some (500 reports from forty-one States show the volume of trade to be half of that of last year, over if 1,000.000 less paid in weekly wages and 100,000 men out. of work. There have been 108 cases of appendi citis in Chicago since the Fair opened. Its extraordinary prevalence has given rise to the theory that it may bo a germ disease after all. An unusual race has been arranged between the English locomotive, ''The Kmperor." now on exhibition at the World's Fair, and the New Y'ork Cen tral flyer, No. i)!H. "Gin-burning Whitecaps" in North Carolina are causing trouble. They propose to burn all gins that are used to gin cotton. The object is to prevent the further ginning of cotton wherever possible nntil the price of cotton reaches 10 cents a pound. Bryan of Nebraska in his bill propoaes that a fund should bo set apart by the nat i onal ban k s so that deposi tors cou Id be paid at once if they have occasion to de mand their money, lie thinks if every depositor was sure of his money he would not draw it out, and this would have tho eiTect of preventing panics. l'.xperiments in canal towage by elec-; trie motor, for which the New York State Legislature appropriated $10,000 last winter, have begun at Rochester under the plan of the Westinghouse Company, which proposes the suspen sion of trolley wires over the middle of the canal. FKOM WASHINGTON CITY. It is understoisl that the Treasury will undertake to build up the gold reserve, now reduced to HT),()iK),000, by restrict ing the payment of gold by tlie New York siibtreasiiry. Secretary l.aiiiont received the annual report of Brigadier-General R. BrookcH, commanding the department of the Platte. Speaking of the Indian an a soldier, General Brookes hiivh the principal difficulty hcciiih to be that the Indians do not speak Fnglish. The Secretary of the Interior has ap proved the decision of the Assistant Attorney-General that half-breeds who paid scrip under the act of 1854 are not now entitled as "Indians" to allotment. The case came up under disposition of the Sioux lands under the act of 1880. The Treasury ban issued an advance statement of the imports and exports for the lirst nine months of the present year. Value of inijrts, (i2.ri,.'8ri,(;2.'i; exsirts, !0.'!,l4,18:i; excess of imisirts overexH,rts, f22.22l.4 IO. For the' first nine months of I8H2 the excess of ex jsirtH over imjKrts was $20,204, 000. In the case of the United States against Bailey and others, involving twelve timlier land cases near Seattle. Wash., Secretary Hoko Smith reverwd the decision of the (Jominissioner of the ieneral Lund l!ice, and holds that thene entries were fraudulently made for the purpose of speculation, and therefore ho ilirects the entries to Ik; canceled. The lands involved are said to be very valuable. Representative Hoolittlo of Washing ton, lias introduced a resolution asking the Secretary of State for information regarding the Nicaraguan canal, as to the amount of work done and the ap proximate amount of money expended ; what steps the uovernment fias taken to protect the interest of Americau citizens and investors in the canal, and the status of the Maritime Canal Company of Nicaragua. The Committee on Pacific Railroads, of which Senator Price is Chairman, has U-en preparing, since the atinointment of receivers of the Union Pacific rail road became assured, to undertake an investigation into the condition of the government' security. Senator Price has Ihh'Ii in consultation with the Attorney-General, and they have procured the apstintmefit of George H. 1 load ley as special counsel to represent the gov ernment. Curtis of Kansas introduced a bill to discontinue the oflice of Collector of Customs at a number of ports in the United States. Among the places specilicd are: Humboldt, Kureka, Cal. ; Southern Oregon, Coos Bay, Or., and Yaquina, Or. The woik at these ports into lie completed in thirty davs and consolidated with adjoining districts, as tlii Secretary of the Ireanury may deem prudent. Curtis savs that the receipts at these points are lenn than the ex penses. Samuel Blackwell, Third Auditor of the Treasury, in bin annual renort. states that during the pant year there has tieen an enormous increase in the pension disbursements. The number of vouchers paid by the pension agents has increased year by year from 1,220,- 110. involving S.W i0;,.r01, in 18K.'5, to!i,0H. involving 155,071,506 i8, in 180.5. J Inn is an increase of 200 per cent in ten years, while the clerical force has increased from 40 to 04, 30 per cent only, in the name period. At the close of the lineal year there were in the oflice unexamined 1,284,310 pension vouchers, representing about four months' work. An important decision has been rendered by the Secretary of the Inter ior on the appeal of James R. Daniel, involving the right to purchase certain forfeited lands in the La Grande district. He holds that the purchaser is entitled to purchase a technical half section of such land when so surveyed, irrespec tive of the actual acreage, but if the land lies in different sections the acerage must then approximate 320 acres. The Secretary also decided that lands here tofore patented to The Dalles Military Road Company were originally granted the Northern Pacitic Railroad Company, and that the patents were without authority. He orders the institution of proceedings looking to their cancella tion. In the Senate the Finance Committee presented a report from tho Treasury Department in response to a resolution for information as to tho probability of a deficiency in the revenues of the gov ernment. The report shows the deficit for the lirst three months of the current fiscal year is over $21. 000.000, or at the rate of over $84,000,000 for the entire year. It shows the usual expenditures of the first three months were over $08, 000,000. At the same rate the expendi tures for the vear would aggregate about $34,000,000, or about $21,000,000 more than the estimated expenses, and would nhow expenditures over the supposed actual receipts of over $77,000,000. The Secretary says a definite forecast for the whole year would be impossible, but it is apparent that should the present conditions continue, the deficit at the end of the year will be about $50,000, 000. Senator McPherson, for the Senate Committee on Coinage, presented a statement from Secretary Carlisle, show ing that the estimated receipts of public revenues submitted to the last Congress for the present fiscal year was $405,000, 000, not including the postal service, and the estimated expenditures, also excluding the postal service, was $307, 000,000, shawing an estimated excess in receipts of $32,000,000 for the year. The estimate shows average monthly receipts of $33,750,000 and average ex penditures of $31,000,000. The actual receipts so far during the year do not reach the estimated figures by over $7,000,000 per month. The Secretary attributed the falling off to the finan cial disturbances, lie says a careful inspection of the figures will show the deficiency is due to the falling off in the revenues and not to an increase in expenditures. FOREIGN FLASHES. Three Famous I'risons in Paris to be Demolished. CHOLERA KAOISO IN PALERMO, The Pope Consents to Act an God father to the Klnjf of Spain at His Confirmation. An epidemic of influenza is raging at Tropoli. Uruguay is to increano the strength of her army. The jK.puIation of lielgium Is placed at fi,108,.W). It is estimated that there are 100,000 tramps in Germany. The French Transatlantic cable was worked at a loss of 013 last vear. There are on an average 100 cases of cholera rejrted daily in Palermo. A paper containing matter exclusively on astrology has made its appearance in liondon. The German hop crop is fehort about 15,000,000 pounds, according to the latest estimate. People in the south of ICngland have been en joying the second crop of straw-l-erries thi's year. A w riter in the Ixmdon News says that American tools are far better than those of European make. The strikes of miners in England and Belgium are nearing an end. Riots are still frequent in France. Russia is reported to be purchasing 106,000,000 bushels of rye and storing it in "preparation for war." An English advertiser offers $500 to any person killed in a railway accident w earing his particular brand of suspend ers. The census of India for 1801 shows the population to be 287,223,430. Only 6 per cent of the entire nunalier can read or write. The new Scotland Y'ard is the largest police office in the world. It contains a room in which 3,000 men can be as sembled. Peixoto's forces have retaken the iron clad Sete Septembre, which accidentally ran aground on the coast near Kio de Janeiro. Motions censuring the government in the II ungarian Diet were dismissed, the opposition members leaving the House in a body. The French government is about to establish a postal service by camels in the French territory of Obock and the Somali coast. President Peixoto has issued a decree depriving the revolting officers of the Brazilian navy of the protection of the national flag. The exterior of the Rouen Cathedral is to be restored. One hundred and twenty thousand dollars are to be ex pended on the job. New Zealand has entered the woman suffrage column. Its new reform bill puts women upon an exact political equality with men. The Lord Mayors of London during the past twenty years have collected over twenty millions of money for phi- laninropic purposes. According to the annual report of the British Postofnce, 2,785,270,000 letters and packages were handled during the nscal year just enueu. London is somewhat excited over the American adding machine, which has just been taken over there At present ii 1- a. : j j l it in coi cunsiuerea seriously. Runaway horses fell iust in time to avoid dragging Prince RiuljicwiU, aide-decamp to Emperor William, into the Nie- inan river at Nieswics, Kussia. Arrangements have been concluded between the Berlin banks and other banks of Italy providing for an advance of 40,000,000 marks on the security of Italian rentes. London has a new but much needed organization, whose name indicates fully its purpose. It is called tlie National Society for Checking the Abuses of Public Advertising. It appears from the official statistics of the production of gold in Kussia in 1892 that the output of the mines has been greatly increased by the improve ment of technical appliances. Mr. Gladstone is one of the greatest vppoucilta IAJ U1VUIVC III LUG JllgllSil- speaking world. He believes that mar riage is a contract for life, which only expires when life itself expires. An English municipal body, Hendon Local Board, has passed resolutions for bidding the erection of henhouses. unless the plans for the structure have been submitted to and appro veu by the Board. The exports of rails and railway materials from Germaoiy in the first half of this year amounted to 62,216 tons. The corresponding exports in the corresponding period of 1892 were 73, 270 tons. Three famous prisons in Paris, which have played a great part in French dramas and romances Mazas, Ste. Pelagie and La Roquette are soon to be demolished, and in their place a freat penitentiary is to be erected at 'resnes, in the Department of the Seine. The Tope has consented to act as god father to the King of Spain at his ap proaching connrmation and first com munion. Mgr. cnetoni, the nuncio at Madrid, will represent the Pope at the ceremony, and will be the bearer of some very handsome) present. NO CAPTAIN'S TADLE FOR HIM. It" TIiiiukIiI That thn Hlg Man of tha Hlilp A l with tha I. k lUnilt. He w.-ut pacing the promenade deck of an ocHii steamer. One of liis eycit wan blackened, and his red nose and nwollcn features wore a careworn expression. The bref.i- played gently with tho tails of hi long ulster, and lie could scarcely keep Iim feet. A Hiidden lurch of the ship crit him Apniwiing ou the deck in front of one of the pn-HM'iigi r who helped him up and ahki'd hi in if he were sick. "No, my friend," he answered gravely, "but I'm afraid I've made a big mistake. Ever crowd the ocean before?" "Two or three timea," wiih the modest answer. "Well, then," liccontinued, "perhaps you can tell mi; whether 1 was rightor wrong." "How ww It?" "Well, you see It was this way. The other day 1 was appointed United States consul ton little port over here across the pond. I'm on my way there now. I took cahin passage on this hont and I was hav ing a tiptop time until today. This morn ing I had just sat down to breakfast when a big waiter came up behind me, and said he, 'I beg pardon, sir, but the captain re-qii'-sts that you be seated at his table.' 'What's that?' said I, 'sit at the captain' table. Not much, sir. I'm no plug of a common sailor. I'm a United States con sul. I paid for first clang p.issac on this craft and I'm going to have first class grub. " 'Sit at the captain's table! You must be crazy, man. No, sir, I'm going to sit right here and take my meals like the other first class passengers. I'm a gentle man. I'm an Americau sovereign, sir. and I stand on my rights. The next thing you'll want me to go down and take pot luck with the coal heavers. I'm no steer age passenger. If you don't lielieve it here's my ticket. I don't eat with sea captains, do yiu see?' "Everybody at the table began to look astonished like, and the waiter said: 'I'm sorry, sir, but orders is orders. I wouldn't dare tell the captain that you had refused to come to his table. He would be much iuiuJud, sir.' 'Then let him get insulted said I, getting a bit riled. 'It's none of his business where I sit. I don't have to eat with rny social inferiors. I'm going to sit right here, and if you don't take your band off my shoulder I'll pate y , i emu right be tween the eyes.' " 'But you don't understand' he be gan, and put bis hand on me again. With that I got up and hit him. He struck back and we clinched, rolled over on the floor and gouged each other. A lot of the waiters ran up and parted us. I got up and left the room without any breakfast. Just as I went out I heard somebody re mark that I was the biggont fool that ever stepped off dry land. 'Now tell me, strangnr, is a man a fool because he stands up for his rights?' " 'Certainly not answered the other pas senger, 'but don't you know that it is con sidered a great honor to be invited to tha captain's table? It is an honor accorded only to people of high social rank or offi cial position. The captain's table is con sidered the finest in the dining room.' " 'In the dining room!' he gasped. 'Then it ain't down in the forecastle! Ah, now I cateh oa. What a tarnal fool I've been, anyhow, I'm going to get the biggest deck hand on board to kick me all over tha ship and then I'm going to my stateroom, and I won't stick my nose outside until we get to Queenstown. Goodby, my friend.' " New York Tribune. Literary Inspiration. "Do you know," said the author, "I am a firm believer in inspiration, and I believe it is far more common among authors than most people suppose. The poets by no means monopolize it. In almost every author's work there are sentences, scenes or cb.tpters that are genuine inspirations, born of the momeut, flashing upon the author's mind without the least warning. In my own case many of the best things I have written have come to me in that way. See here, let me show you how I work," and he took a long blank book from his desk. "This is the kind of a book I write the first drafts of my stories in before hav ing them copied on a typewriter. "You see, I write on only one side of the page, while on the other side you will see occasional lines hastily jotted down di agonally across the page. Those are my 'inspirations and they come about in this way: While I am writing suddenly an Idea will pop into my head, often utterly irrelevant to the particular part of the work on which I am engaged some scene later on iu my story, or it may be only a sentence or two the happy expression of some thought. I turn instantly and jot it down on the opposite page, then go on with my work, and when I have reached the point m my story where my 'inspiration is needed I turn back and copy it. "I used to try to remember these things, believing that when I wanted the sentence the association of ideas would bring it back to me, but I found that unwise. These little 'inspirations,' in my case, are very fleeting, and I have to nail them at once or they escape." New York Epoch. Some Curious Book Titles. In the Sixteenth century we find the greatest extravagance displayed in the titles of books. These may be taken as ex amples: "The Spiritual Suuff Box, to Lead Devoted Souls to Christ," and "The Spir itual Seringa for Souls Steeped in Devo tion." A work on Christian charity pub lished in 13S7 is entitled "Buttons and Button Holes for Believers' Breeches." The editor of this paper has Father La Chaucie's work entitled "Bread Cooked on the Ashes; Brought by an Angel to the Prophet Eligiah (Elijah) to Comfort the Dying." Another was issued with tho curious title of "The Lamp of S. Augus tine, and the Flies That Flit Around It." The following very attractive title ap peared in a book published at Newcastle in IGOoi "Some Beautiful Biscuits Cooked in the Oven of Charity and Put Aside for the Fowls of the Church, the Sparrows of the Spirit and the Swallows of Salvation." St. Louis Republic Hail a Better Job. Employer (impulsively) Miss De Pinkie Clara, will you marry me? Pretty Typewritist Wnatf And give up my twenty dollars a weo'i salary? Hut much I New York Weekly.