The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 21, 1893, Image 4

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    The New Bread
As endorsed and recommended by
the New-York Health Authorities.
Royal Unfermented Bread is peptic, palatable, most
hcalthfuf, and may be eaten warm and fresh without
discomfort even by those of delicate digestion, which
is not true of bread made in any other way.
To make One Loaf of Royal Unfermented Bread :
1 quart flour, i tcaspoonful salt, half a teaspoonful sugar,
2 licapins tcaspoonfuls Royal Making Powder, cold boiled
potato about the size of large hen's egg, and water.
Sift together thoroughly (lour, s.H. sue. ir. nm! raking powder; rub in the
pot.ito; add sufficient water to mix smoothly and rapidly into a tUV b.ittor.
about as soft as for pound-cake ; about a pint ol wakr to a ijuart of tlour will
be required more or less, according to the In and and quality of the tlour
ued. Do not make a still" dough, like yeast bread. Pour the batter into a
greased pan. 4'i by S inches, nnd 4 inches deep, tilling alvut half full. The
loaf will rie to 1:11 the pan when baked. Hake in very hot oven 45 minutes,
placing paper over first 15' baking, to prevent crusting too soon on
top. bake immediately after mixing. K not mix with milk.
Ferf, t su.rrss an tf h.tJ cn!v sritk tkf AVi'. fti ' i' Vtftr, Mj it is
rit.'v ,V.iuVr in :. k the incn;:irn,'s itt ft,irtJ SJ .St .' file u'linu.'U 1
j.ti.'n nc.essjry t. rjise the jr,vr rt.U J.:f.
The best baking powder made is, as shown by analy
sis, the "Royal." Its leavening strength has been found
superior to other baking powders, and, as far as I know,
it is the only powder which will raise large bread perfectly.
i'mts luisjti, J. D.
Com'r of Health, New-York City.
Breadmakers using this receipt who will write the result
of their experience will receive, free, the most practical cook
book published, containing iooo receipts for all kinds of
cooking. Address
Every Man a Monopolist.
"The pot is always calling the kettle
black," slid T. J. lirownwood. a New York
attorney. "This is particularly the case in
regard to attacks ou corporations, which
are considered to I in good form and
strictly justified by the conduct of these
dangerous institutions. I am interested in
the electric light litigation, which bids fair
to outlive the youngest of us, and have
been greatly amused at the way what is
known as the Edison monopoly has bceu
attacked by parties who are just as grasp
ing in a small way as they blame the com
pany for being in a large way. One of
those institutions which has been especially
vigorous in its denunciation of the evils of
monopoly in general and the incandescent
monopoly in particular is at the present
time the defendant in a suit for ignoring
state laws governing corporations. There
is an old Scotch proverb which covers the
case very accurately, and it would certain
ly be a blessing to humanity if it possessed
some power to enable it to see itself iw
others see it. No one, of course, would
like to defend monopoly on principle, but
every man is a monopolist as far as oppor
tunity enables him to be." St. Louis
Disinfectants and Disinfections.
The term disinfectant is by the laity and
to some extent by the medical profession
greatly misused in being considered as syn
onymous with antiseptic and deodorant.
Since science has so ably demonstrated the
nature of the coutagium in infectious and
contagious diseases, only such agents as are
capable of destroying the contagium ate to
be designated as disinfectants. -An anti
septic retards or prevents the development
and pallulation of the organism, but the
organism is not destroyed. A deodorant
merely destroys odors, but does not neces
sarily have any effect whatever upon the
organism. Dr. David Bevan in Science.
is never en
tertained by
the children
for a medi
cine that
tastes bad.
This explains
the popular
ity among
little ones of
1tA ETmiilflinn
ObUil b CMUIblUlli
a preparation of cod-liver
oil almost as palatable as
milk. Many mothers have
grateful knowledge of its
benefits to weak, sickly
). m . 1 1.. s.-nii A Bnwna. W. V. All drnewlsta.
Baking PoiYder
When in Portland be sure to take in
the greatest novelty at the Exposition.
We shall bake biscuits and cake every
afternoon and evening on our pretty
Jewel Gas Stove. Everybody cordially
invited to have a biscuit with us and see
the wonderful merits of Golden West
Baking Powder proved by actual work.
Plso's Remedy for Catarrh Is the
Bert. Easiest to tTse, and Oheiipe.-it.
Bold b druiojisu; or sect l- auol.
A WeiT.1 Sua!. Story That Happeued to a
Verilelou:! C'ltlirn.
"I got my start in a queer way." re
market! a man f evident wealth as the
drummer finished n story.
"How was that5" iiiiiiiired thedrumiuer.
"Twenty-five years ago," continued the
successful citizen, "I was traveling with a
sideshow, and the business went to pieces,
leaving me its creditor for wages to the
amount of tV' and no assets but the stock
in trade. This was divided, and my share
was an anaconda alout IS feet long .-11111 as
big around as my body. It wasn't fat,
though, I think, for air was about the only
thing it had to live on forseveral weeks be
fore the failure. He that as it may, I took
thesnake and started fur St. Louis, where I
propositi to exhibit it. I had him in u box
in the baggage car, and somehow he got
out and started through the train on anex
Dlorina expedition.
"Just as he w.".s crossing the platformsof
the second and third coaches the couplings
came loose, anil there's no telling what
would have happened, for we were going
up a heavy mountain grade, if thesnake
hadn't twisted himself around the brake
rods and railing and hung on. It was a
big strain on him, but he stuck to it, and
I'm a lawver if he didn't hold that train
together two miles and no doubt saved the
lives of all the passengers in the rear coach
es. They thought so anyhow and made me
up a purse of t-IUO.
The drummer coughed.
"What became of the anaconda?" he in
quired casually.
"He gave nie mv start," replied the nar
rator. "You see, the fOOO wasn't a drop in
the bucket, but when we got the snake hxse
the strain on him had stretched him out 20
feet longer, and I went into St. Louis with
a snake that no other exhibitor could hold
a candle to, and if you don't believe me I
can show you that snake stuffed and hung
un in my hall at Denver."
The drummer got tip with the air of e
man who was uneasy.
"You ought to sell it for a telegraph
pole," he said reproachfully and went out,
Detroit r ree i'ress.
THE $7,500
Has Not Be 11 Paid to Mr. Fellows of
BaO'dlo-It Cost Him S30 to Send His
Ticket to Kansas lity Lawyer Stone
ol St. Haul WiUTry and Get th Money
for Him Hchroeder, the Man Who
Sold the Ticket to Fellow. In Indie
"Not a cent," said Joseph B. Fellows of Pros
pect avenue, when asked by a Timet representa
tive wnemer ne naa receives, me i,cuu won oy
him last May from a lottery concern run by fc
Fox & Co. of "Kansas City, culled the Little l.ou
lsUnu lottery, but which has nocoiiiieetion with
the Louisiana State Lottery proper. "When they
aw 1 was persistent and alter the publication
of the Times article (riving the particulars of my
holdins? a winning ticket and their failure to
Dav. thev teleirraohea me that they were en
joined from paying by the court. .Since then I
have heard nothing from them."
"O. course you expect to," Haid the Time man
"Well. I don't know." replied Mr. Fellows
'There ia a lawyer at 8t. Paul who wrote me
that be represented a man who naa won a its,-
00j prize and named conditions under which he
would unoeniiKe 10 Rei m ai me same
time. I told him to ko ahead, but 1 fcem to be
as far away now as I wus before. It cost me fsO
to send my ticket to Kansas City, and 1 think
they mignt at least return mat amount to me,
as I had to pay it to the express company."
"What docs Hchroeder. the man from whom
you bought the ticket, think of it?"
"He was as badly taken inns I was."
"Does he sell tickets for them still ?"
"No. indeed; they had the audacity to send
him some and request that he go on and do
business tor tnem as neiore."
Scuroeder is a barber on Niagara street, and
knew nothing ol the character of the concern
which he represented. When he learned It
through the Times and his experience in the
Fellows matter he dropped them quick, and has
warned all those wno toimeriy purcnaseu lien
etsof him not to do anymore business with
them or their representatives.
Mr. Fellows is an honest, industrious citizen
who has a right to believe that he should re
ceive what they acknowledged was his. There
are those, however, who are of the opinion that,
as this is the same company that swindled th-;
lato Julius Haas out of a like amount, Mr. Fel
lows stands a very small chance of ever getting
a penny from it.
Just what success Lawyer Stone will have for
his client Mr. fellows, of course, cannot tell
but he hopes for the best. People who have
been investing their money in this concern are
ol the opinion mat, it tins company is metraud
it seems to be, they should be exposed in all
sections of the country. Their game, like that
of the green-goods man and the bunco man, is
one ot trauu.
In the first account of the fraud practiced on
Mr. Fellows it was shown that in St. Paul and
other cities the same game had been played on
the unsuspecting. Koine people think there
maybe a compromise through Lawyer Stone,
but those who have read and heard more 0
this concern than they, say that he (Fellows) is
out the $1 he paid Schrooder for the ticket, out
of the $o0 he paid to sond it to Kansas City and
out 7,6"U, wnicn nis ticket culled lor as a half
winner of a capital prize.
There are lotteries which are said to pay. and
pay promptly, hut it ia plain to be seen that this
the Little Louisiana so called ruu by JS. Fox
& Co., Kansas City, is not one of them. Buffalo
How Ship I Sailed In an Opposite
Plrvctloii from That from Which Ilia
Wind I lllonlng A Critical Mo ill nit
on Hoard a Nulling Vrssrl.
A western youth who had come to the
metropolis to see the nights, carried Ills in
testigatiotis to Kort Hamilton, where- a
view of the oecnn can Ik obtained. He with nhsm-lied interest at llicmighty
expanse of waters, and. after lievomltig
mitod with the spectacle, turned liisatten
tion to other objects.
Out in the Imiv a full rigged sailing ship U'litiiu Iii-i- why un the channel, tnak
mg short reaches against the adverse wind''
Un the hotel pavilion near the westerner
Mtixtd a man with a telescope under his arm
conversing wit li an aged boat num.
The vouth listened to the conversation
and. looking at the object of it, saw what
was to him a very strange thing. Mist
one set of yards on the vessel were swung
around, then another pyramid of canvas
hraced a new way, anil linally, when the
course of the ship was altered to an alimvst
opHv.ite direction to the course she had
ihvii sailing, the young man's curiosity got
the belter of liim and he asked what it
The boatman gave the inquirer a pitying
glance and ejaculated the single word,
"Hut I don't know what that means,''
protested the seeker after information.
The man with the glass laughed and said
the majority of people didn't. He then
drvw up achairand explained why the evo
lution is performed and the method by
which it is dona For the benefit of the
many who have never given the subject a
thought, as well as for those who in a dim
way realize that winds are not always fair,
without understanding what seamen do
ou such occasions, hi explanation is here
When a square rigged vessel is headed
off from her course that Is, when the
wind blows from the point in which her
destination lies the nearest she can steer
to her true course is from live and a half
to six compass points. Thus, if a ship's
oort lies due north and the wind is from
that direction, the vessel braces her yards
sharp up and sails as close to the wind as
tier rig will permit. L niler these conili
tions her course will be alternately east
northeast and westnorth west, and the ship
will obliquely approach her destination
nearing it contiuually in the proportion of
about one third of the distance traversed
If slanting toward her destination on the
ea-sterly course, the vessel will !. what is
technically known as 011 the port tuck.
There are several methods by which it can
!e altered to the opposite one, hut the op
eration known as "tacking" is usually
resorted to.
To tack successfully requires consider
able judgment and skill, as well as a thor
ough kuowledge of the qualities of the
vessel, as some work quicker and some
slower than others. Some will gain several
times their length directly to windward
while in stays, while others will gather
stornboard and loseground tajfore standing
away on either tack.
When the vessel is headed off her course
by an adverse wind, the compass is ignored
by the helmsman, who watches the leach
of the mainsail instead, that being farthest
to windward ami the first to shiver when
the ship comes too near the wind.
The boatswain's call, "Heady, about!
Stations for staysl" RUtumons every man
ou deck when it is thought necessary to go
about on the opposite tack. At the call
every one repairs to his allotted station.
some aloft to overhaul the lifts and some
to the gear for clewing up the mainsail.
The majority of the force is distributed
upon the weather main and the lee cross
jnck braces
The best helmsman is sent to the wheel
anil when he takes it, the previous order,
'Full and by!" is changed to "Keep full
forstays!'- In obedience to it the helm is
out up, and, as the ship lays her broad
side to the wind and springs forward with
increased speed, the officer in charge gives
the command, "Helm s a lee!
Answering her helm the ship sweeps up
into the wind, and as the sails begin to
shiver, the order "Rise tacks and sheets
ia given, followed by the tramp of feet on
deck as the men walk away with the clew
garnets. As soon as the heavy mainsail is
clewed up to the yard the men spring to
the weather braces. The ship continues
to awing until she brings the wind directly
ahead, and every sail is flat aback.
This is the critical moment, and very fre
quently a vessel misses stays, owing to the
after yards being swung too hoou or too
late. Watching the weather vane, the of
ficer gives the command, "Mainsail haul!"
and the pyramids of canvas are swung
around until the yards are pointed at an
opposite angle to that to which they pre
viously pointed. The ship's head pays off
rapidly under the pressure upou the fore
mast sails, which, with the head sails, are
still aback. As the after sails fill, the liist
command, "Haul well tautl ll go and
haul!" is given. The bead yards are braced
smartly about, and if the operation has
been successful the vessel stands away on
the other tack.
"Wearing ship" is another method of go
ing from one lack to another, and is usual
ly resorted to when the wind is too heavy
to make the operation of tacking practt
cable. It is the exact reverse of tacking,
inasmuch as the ship is allowed to run off
from her course and make a sweep of the
horizon before coming back to the wind
again on the opposite tack.
It sometimes becomes necessary foraship
to go ou another tack when the wind is
blowing with such force that no sail what
ever can be curried. Under such circum
stances the vessel has to wear under "bare
poles," and to accomplish it in safety taxes
every resource of the seaman aud requires
all his skill. To make the ship's head pay
off when no canvas can be shown, tarpau
litis are spread on the forward rigging,
Should these blow into ribbons, as they
sometimes do in very heavy gales, a body
of seamen are ordered into the forward
shrouds. If all else fails and tho neces
sities of the warrant it, the
mast is cut away as a last resort and used
as a drag.
Frequently the result of all efforts to
tave an imperiled ship is summed up in
the brief announcement in some maritime
journal, "Foundered at sea." New York
Rather Frank.
A gentleman was one day complimenting
Mine. Denis on the manner in which she
played the character of Ygaire. "But,"
objected the lady, "an actress, to play the
part well, should be young and beautiful."
"Ob, no," exclaimed the candid eulogist,
"you are a proof to the contrary." Ijndon
When we rccolitut that th utonvich l lli
fraud laboratory in w hich loud is tranaiornird
mo th aruretioiit wtileh furnlah vUtor to Urn
vmein utter vutvrlnit and enrlehliii) th Mood:
that 11 la 111 mioit tliolountttlii iiimiioi mrennin,
it l esKViitlal to keen this litiponimt upplylnii
lUHehlue In order and lo femoru It to activity
when It iH-eomea Inactive. Ihli llu. tetter
Slouiaeh lltltern does most effeetim'ly. neamm
ably, regulating mid retiilorelng diKesttmi, pro-
mnlliiK illiv mt Ion of the liver ami uowviit.
strength and quietude ol the nerves depend III
great ineamre upon thorough ilketloii. There
is no nervine tonic mote highly utevnuM by
the medienl iraterult) than the Killers, I'lnul
einus alto stioiiwriv eo'innieiiit It lor ehtlla aud
lo er, 1 heuinittl'i.ui, kidney and bladder trouble,
Hlek Iieiidiieluiuul mint oi appetite aud sleep,
lake a inetluniul three timet a oa).
'It's fuiiu iiboul bridal pairs. Thev are not
like other pears at nil." "Why not?" "I'hey're when they're green."
For more than thirty years Au.rocK'g
Pokoi s I'i.ahtkk have been doing their be
neficent work, relieving pain, inspiring
men, women and children with new hope
and new courage.
1'ain is a great discourager. When all
the muscle are sore, it is hard to keep up
hope. Ai.tcoig's l'oaots I'i.ahikkh and
pain have no nihility for each other, one or
the other must yield, and pain is the one
to he ileteateil.
l'laeed high up between the shoulder
blades and on the chest, they are a sure
cure for coughs; ou the pit of the Moniai'h
Ihey relieve indigestion: oyt the muscles
they relieve strains and stillness. Wher
ever there Is soreness, tney soot tie nun
I k n PKKru'N rin. do not injure the
"Pon't you believe Lord liudch-tiih ia 11 lauded
proprietor?" "I'm iifruld not. lie doesn't seem
to have any manors."
It y local applieatioiiH, as they cannot reach the
diseased portion nl the ear. 'I here Is only one
way to cure deatneis, and that l by eonstltu
ilotnil remedies. IH'hih' la eaiiM d by all In
named coudUion ot the imicoux lining id the
eiisuiehiiiil tube. W hen this tube la liitlaim d
vou have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing, and when it i entirely eloaed dealnesa l
the result, and unlc-ui the tiilUniiuatloii eau be
taken out and this tuN- restored to Its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed lorever;
nine eai-ea out ol ten are caused In catarrh,
u hii'h is nothing but an tiitlnme.1 condition ol
the mucous surlaoes.
We will give line Hundred Hollars for any
eai-e ol dcalncss (caused bv catarrh) that cannot
be cured bv Uad'a t'uiarrh I'lir-. S.111I lor cir
culars, (ree. F. J. t'HK.NKY .1 CO.,
Toledo, O.
jfjay- Sold by druggists; 7ft cents.
Tie KnamelliieStove Polish: no dint, no smell.
Tbt Oirmia for breakfast.
The Testimonials
We publish are not puvcliaM'd, nor w ritten
up in our cilice, mr n e thev Ir.uii our
eniplovcL Thev are finds, proving thai
Hoop's S.irs:iptirilU I'l'iu:.
Throo Enemies
"For over Ik e u t y
yea s 1 hao sutTend
w it 1 neurali:la, rbeiima
t Is m and dy'paiii.
Many t lues I colli 1 not
tin 11 in bod ,-iever.d
p' yirlms have treated
in-.- and I have t led dlf
Mi. i;uil. .rent remedies, but all
failed. Five ye.ns a-.'u I le;Kii to take Hoed
-arsapar Jlti and It has dnie me 11 vast amount
of gool I ii'H '- ) oi l and enjoy good
healt'.i, which I at'ri'mte to ll d's Mrsapa
rilla." Mil -. 1". M- I" Itr. W. Kendall, X- V.
H30d,8Pill3''t!reall ' Iver UN, PilloiiMicfs,
Jaundice, hull evtlon, S rk Headache. 2-V,
JLOOper Bottle?
One cent a dose.
TmB Great Conon
UHB promptly cured
where all others fail, Cougha, Croup. Sore
Throat, Hoarafneai, whooplnz Cough and
Aithma. For Consumption it tins no rival:
has cured thousand, and will cuitB Tot; if
taken in time. Sold by lrugglfrta on a guar
antee. For a Lame Hack or Cheat, use
Om0n E M E D Y,
Have you Catarrh t This remedy Is jruaran
teed to cure you. Price, 60ct. injector free.
Justice of the Peace, George Wil
kinson, of Lowville, Murray Co.,
Minn., makes a deposition concern
ing a severe cold. Listen to it. "In
the Spring of 1888, through ex
posure I contracted a very severe
cold that settled on my lungs. This
was accompanied by excessive night
sweats. One bottle of Boschee's
German Syrup broke up the cold,
night sweats, and all and left me
in a good, healthy condition. I can
give German Syrup my most earnest
Ceveral bottles of Swift's Specific (S.S. S.)
0 entirely cleansed my system of contagious
blood poison of the very worst type.
Wm. S. Loomis, Shreveport, La.
T had scrofula In 1R8-1, and clemsed my
1 system entirely from it by taking seven
bottles of S. S. S. I have not had any symp
toms since. C. W. Wilcox,
Spartanburg, S. C.
Treatise on Mood and Skin Diseases mailed
free. Swift SrsciPic Co., Atlanta. Ga.
lr. Iterce'n Ooldcu Mmilt.Mil
lllsitiVivry ptirille the Miaul.
IW this mean, It reaches,
builds up, and liivlnrntc
every lint of the xvtoin.
1.' ... ....... .. i.i.u.,1 i,,i,,t ,n.,l
''i-dlnlof, iind for every ihn
iflr r oiiho Hint conies from nil lime
JPjF live liver or impure Mood, It
la 1 Itn olHV I'tMiliiiy an sum
and ell'iH tive Unit it can ho
If it. fails to N'tielll or euro,
you have vour money bin li.
TIicmi tlii.on.anN ant iiiiiuy,
They're dllVeieiil. Ill form, bill
they're like In tiiiilnient,
HmWupthe torpid liver Into
healthful action, thoroughly
purify and enrich the blood,
mid there's a positive, cure.
Tho "IMsitivory doea this,
as nothing else can. Iys)spsla, Indigestion,
Ulllousiut-s; all Uronehliil, Throat, and Lung
AlToctlona ; every form of Scrofula, even
Consumption tor' l.img scrofula) in ila ear
lier ktngos; and the most stubborn Hkln
aud Scalp DiMimoa, aro completely cured
Thli Trad Mark U on th twit
PtuitrateJ (,0 World !
lr A. J. TONVl'R, lk)STUN. AUSS.
Hladiler, I'rlnary anil l.lver Plaeaaes Drops jr
liravvl ami IMalietea are cured by
Cures HrlKht's lUnen-ie, Ketentlon or Son re
tentlon nl I rluv, l'alus la the Hack, Uilus 01
Cures Intemperance, Nervous )eaes, lieneral
Pchllltjr, Kemale Weakness and Kkeesses,
Cures Hlllnusiiess. Headache, Jaundlee Siur
Stomach, UyspepalM, t'oiitiuitlnn anil Piles.
C ' AT ': nu the Kltlnri . I Ivrt
and Mowels, resiorliiK them to a beiilthy ac
tion, nml li ill Swhi-ii nil oilier meillcluei
(all. Ilunilreils have neen saveu wnn nave neen
given up to die by friends and u1kih.
NOI.I HV All, Hill AiUl 1 N.
Best in the World!
Get the Genuinel
Sold Everywhere!
rlU.NK WOOLHKY, Asent, PortUnd.Or
Kit. I.eailluK Jew
eler nl the 1'aelllc
Northwest, keeps s
larxe NtiM'k ol all
HAIKiKrt on liHiid.
Ik-Bt koikIs at low
est (Inure. HadKiw
made to order.
Is a Spe'UI brand of HiirnhiK Oil. which we
maniilucturv exprunaiy lor i a.mii.i,.
Wo Kuanintee It to bo tho HliiliKHT vohhihi.r
(iKAl)K OK II.I.CMINATINU oil. Ask tor It.
I VI .ATI I II I'll 10 A'I'IIM' A I.S
Kverythlnn In tho iibnvo line. Co-itumes, WIks,
BeurilH, I'ropertleM, )icrii and Piny llook, etc ,
lurnlKlicd lit Krenliy reduced rtiieH mid in hiijh!
rinr ipmllty by the nldvat, InrKeat, best renowned
and thereloro oulu reliable Thentrirnl Suimlii
limine un the l'aeijie Cixut. OorroHpoudunco bo
lielted. G01.11HTKIN A Co., 2fi, '28 mid 30 (VFarrell
street, aim) H00 Market Htreet.Him Kraiiciseo. Wo
anjipl v nil Theater on Uie Vout, to whom wo ro
(ipectiully relur.
OF Til K
whereu bouts
KKAN't'I. a citizen of the Clinton Tessin, Hwit.-
erlniid. When lust hoard from ho wus mlnlni?
In Oroffon. Kriincl will henr of noiiiuthliii? to
his iidviintngc If ho roimrts 10 tho
Ki First street,
l'ortliind, Or.
Portland, Or., October 2, 18!.
TORS on Inhtai.i.hknth. Hem milk OH.
howeHt prices. Henil for eiitnlotiie.
W.V KlOttll, It I poll, I'lll.
ITCITINI riLTia knnn Y-r molsmr
Ilka vorsplratlcvi. oauno Int. nso Ucliii
whirl warm, llilo frn i-.n.l
which wus directly on purls Bffoctnd,
slMorbfl tumors, slliiyHltlUnir.ellootmit
a pflrmsor-ntPiirtt. lVlnnOOo. XJruKKli'-l
gr uuuL Vs. Susaako, rhUadotiihis, Pa.
ill J 1 EYj
Kloore's Revealed Remedy.
Ahtobia, Origon. January 10. I can statn with niauanra n.. v...
MOORE'S REVKALEU RKM 1CDY mynusbdiid wac relieved Ir m auol.le7 1
KHEUMATIHM and my youngeat. hov cured eutiroly of INFLAJ MATORV HH wn
MATIBM when the Uml doctor 1 ooufd got old him no oM. Yonn In mu?5to
MRS. N. V. Bllnut
nm- CASH
Buyers' Guide STORE.
'I'lIK lUYI'IIH' III'IOK U illhlNlcil I In' lltnl ol
iitell lllnlltll, it la Inmed Hi the llltelent ol till
eoliMiiiuein. It ulvgn the loiveKt i hkIi iiioliilnini
on evei ytliliiH In tin- nini el v line. It III K'lvu
you uioiiet to eouniilt It, Mulle.l dee In liny
ilibllemi nil iipplleatioll. Poll't be Hlllmlll II,
II coals yiiii nnilihiK in net II. II "liU'lt'N whole
mile prlres direct In the enieniuier, Mnullnu
thl pH'r. Aihlrcxa
;0 Krinit Nlreet, - 1'iiitlmiil, Or,
Brooklyn Hotel
208-212 Bush St., San Francisco.
Thl lavnrlte hold la uinlcr the mannKciiicut
l t II A III M MUN IU11M Kit V. aud l a Hnn.l II
unt the bi nt t aiully and llualiienH Men's llnlnl
ill Hall I'rani laco.
Home Comforts! Cuisine Unexcelled!
KtrM i'Ihnh ttrrvlcr hikI I In hlKlit'tt nUiiiUril nl
riviHH'ltlltlty Kttnrnnlt'CiI. cur r -un t-tttmot Ur
autjMiMrtf (or ttt it tut mi ini atnftnt llniinl himI
HMim imt ,uv, $1 .'(., 1. M), 11.7ft hih. .' tn; Im.bmI
ttii'l riHHii 'cr wiM'lt, ; Id fl '; hIhhIc ruiiiim, ;hk'
tu 1. rrt ' citftt li to mid Immii lnih'l,
riMF dii i rnn a nosE.
A mnvamK'il of Itis Ixiwuls om-ll ilr Is nwc.r fhf
hrHll. Ttirm illla s "' 1 "" l"s
niako II rS'iUr. 1 nrj onr nrmi.- nr, u,,i..
E,M SI! 1 Cll.,r III" I nMIiiril'.ll l.n.i". .......
..... 11... ...M.llw .n,.. crliiKIIOr ttloll.HM
oihr I'llis ii. Tu couvtiii y.'ii l llntr mums
will mall iii i' ir, or oio n i .
yrjwblo. iMianuau MiU. Co.. I'lnliulolwUa.
ion -
Regu'ator of th Livarand Kidneys
A hi Ki ll If Koll-
Scrofula, Rheumatism,
Salt Rheum, Neuralgia
And All Other Blood ami Skin Diseases.
It l s positive cure Inr nil tlimc imlufnl, dell,
enle en in .1 n 1 li suit eiui!illciited Imubles nnd
wi nkneKM B enniiiinu hiuihiK our Ives, inntlieis
ml ilHiik'lilcrK.
I he elici t Is Immeillnte Mini lii-lluii. Two or
three iIiim's nl I it. I'aiiI'KK's KkmkiV tnkeu dully
keepH the IiIihmI C(iI, the llvcr mid kldlicru sct
ive, nnd will entirely priullen li- I mm the system
nil truce' nl Scrnluln, Suit Klieuin, nr sn) other
(nrui id blooil tliHen.He.
No meillelne ever I -Irodueed III this eoiintry
hat met with nueh n-iidy mile, nor k'tvcu iic(i
univernsl millhbict on whenever imeii n Hint ol
ihli remedy Iikk lieen ii-e. In the ho-.l!nls
IhroiiKhniil llie old world lor the pn-t iweiity
live veiirs ah h upeeini' Inr the iibove disennes.
nnd It Iikh null will cure when nil other o-eiille-l
reinedlen lull.
Send lor pniiiihlet nl leMlinniilnN from tboNn
who bnve U-eii cur. it bv 1 1 u-e. I rnt(K llt sell
It at f 1 .10 per lioitle. Try It nd be convinced.
Kor mile by
0 and II Front St., San Frnnclsco.
Hercules Gas Enyinu
Mud for Power or Pumping Purpoo.
The ChcKixvit Hi'lliililo dm KnglLs
on Lh iiarsol.
Out or twiKi At
For simplicity It Itnnts tin AVorld.
It IU ItHiilf from a KcMorvoir,
Nu ( arbiiretor to fed "' f nrdrr.
JNo IliittorliiH or Kloclrio Hpnrk
I. nns with a Cheaper Oriide of (la-..,llno than jij
oilier IOiikIimi.
I1KKD KOB f-AT4I'1iriK Tr
1(15 Sansoma Stroal, San franrisfi, C?l
MRQ WINCIfllVC soothing i
sale bj all llrntcUts. ur ' nl. a bsttlo.
arte s mi
Ka St r wirm, t
(A. i.) ivnet, oept, u.
N. P. N. U. No. 514 -S. F. N. U. No. 591