The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 14, 1893, Image 1

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VOL. 5.
NO. 20.
The Hood
Sfood Ivjver Slacier.
The Clacler Publishing Compaoj.
HI II XI llll'TION I'lllCR.
On. year ff of
S'K mhth Of
Tlllr. IMMhOll. , A
Hllo ropy tC.ntr
Barber Shop
Grant Evans, Propr,
SihmukI St., near Ouk. Hood III far, Or
Shaving nml I litii 'cutting neatly dons
Natisfui turn In Man Utd,
The old I'iiiiu iili' placers in Sun Ihcgo
'nit v, ('ill., mill near the Inui licrinir
iliiiu liiinlcr are being reworked with ex
cellent remits. Pry windier are used.
Tin1 Oregon Agricultural College ex
hibit ut flu-Stale Fair was turni-d over
Id tin- Wot Id's Fair ('iiiiiuiiMiin of tlii
Mud', iiinl in now displayed ut (.'hiingo's
gnat hlliiw,
.ItldgC KlIHH lit IIH AtlgclfH IIIn tllllt
ii ( 'hiimiiiiin to Imi a merchant intiHt U
luiivcly I'liiiiuci 1 in Inlying and selling
uinl oilier duties tliul merchants are oc-
ti j I iih.
Forest tires in the Sound country in
Washington have driven llii'i'ougnrsand
bear out of their dens hihI into the val
ley M'tlli iiiciitM, where they are neen in
gnat numbers.
The population of New Mexico Iihn
not iniitei uilly ( hunted 1 u r i ti t the past
yciir. '1 he total Territorial indchtediicMM
in !'.i 1 ,71 If, and the cash liiilance in the
treiifiiry is f 121, 000.
Immense coul I'h'I'Ih in Sonora, Mexico,
lire to lie worked hy Sim I i-o parlies,
who have ohtiiineil a lease from the gov-
eminent. Kailroad, harbor anil other
conceftion!i have Is'en grantd.
There in a rumor ut Victoria, 11. (,
fiHiinlnl iion private Ailviccn, that the
governments of the Fnited Staten aiul
(neat Britain are negotiating to clone
llcliring Sea and the I'acilic for two
The Albatross Iiiih made the deepest
Hen simmliug ever male. rlinHphorus
lii-h w ithoiit eves were secured at 2, KIN)
futliniiiH. I'ifli anil weeds sutlicictit to
loud (our curs were secured in the neigh
liiirliood of ltchring Sea.
It in reported at Chino that Claud
Sprcckcln has iKiiiL'ht 11,000 acres of the
llixhv ranch near Westminster, Orange
county, ( al., and will plant it to beets
II tins be true, it means another sugar
factory for that region.
In Sonoma countv, ('ill., there will lx'
lo.noo or 11,000 bales of hopn produced
thin veur, against K,40() hint year, llu
hopn are of an excellent quality. Only
white In t m m fr m were emnloved. and thev
were ho satisfactory that Chinese will
not he given work when white help can
he nccureu.
The los Angeles Chamber of Com
inerce Iiiih heen ind,.",'.'d hy tho large in
flux Irom the l'.iiNt to pass a reHolution
slating that " here, an in every other
flection of the country, neveral men Htaml
ready to till every vacancy for work that
oeenrH. 1 he new-coming day laliorcrs
stand very little chance of securing work
at the present time, and are therefore warned not to eoiuo to thin
It. is reported at San IMcgo that an In
diau outbreak in imminent at Yuma,
owing to the trouble hetween Chief I as
qual and ex-Chief Miguel. Telegraphic
orders havo been received hy Colonel
Kellogg in command of the local garri
son of regular troop, for aid. Ho Iiiih
aligned Major Charles L. Ibivis to the
command of adetachmentof thirty men,
w ho w ill leave at once, for Hervico at that
Suspicion in now arouncd at San Diego
t hat the hody of the man found recently
near La Menu was that of A. C. Warner,
who disappeared from San Hiogo some
weeks ago after Btealing $30 from his
roommate. He is Haiti to have engaged
passage by the I'acilic Mail Hteamer Sep
tember 5 for Chili, and iH understood to
have had $1,000 in Chilian scrip, having
stolen the American money to meet his
immediate requirements.
The Hugar industry of California for
the punt year ban been very successful. the grower of sugar beets and the
manufacturer of sugar therefrom havo
realized large prolits. The refinery at
Watsonvillo is reported to ho working at
its full capacity. The yield of sugar
beets this year is 70,000 tons, which at
present rates iH worth $77 per ton. ex
clusive of the bounty, which is worth
$40 per ton. Last year the crop of sugar
beets wuh 5,000 toiiH. It is expected the
growing of sugar beets will become a
leading agricultural industry.
Thomas K. Sheridan, President of tho
First National Bank of Roseburg and
one of the promoters of the Coos Hay,
Koseburg and FiiHtoni railroad, says tho
remaining Hixty-two miles of road lias
been located from Myrtle Point to Jtose
burg. Work iH practically suspended
for the rainy season, but will bo started
in earnest early in tho spring, and the
road will be completed by November I,
1804. Completion of this road will mako
accessible an immense timber area, and
will render tributary to Portland a largo
and fertile section of the State, which
has heretofore been in all but name part
of California.
There are 110,000 telephones jn buidoli.
('rinaiiy'H llrst railroad was built in
Russia Iiiih more horse than any other
Liberia yearly ex portH 1,000,000 poundH
oi couee.
The lsig land of Ireland amounts to
l.'.M.IO.OOO acrcH.
California wines are said to Imi gaining
favor in Kiuope.
Over IL'.IHHI persons are employed In
lOinlon theaters,
Nearly 1,000,000 pianos are made an
nually in Fnglaiid,
Thn total cost of the Sue, ninal ex
reeded rj0,00),000.
The capital invested in Fnglish rail
roads ex ls o00,000,000.
I he little Kliiifdoin of (i recce finds
employment for if7,(HH) sudors.
The unicycle is expected by an in
ventor to go a mile in twenty socoihIh.
i "e Hals worn out in this country an
nually cos i US liilli'll as f.HXI, 000,0011.
It is estimated (hat i.OOO.OOO women
are earning wages in the Ilritish Isles.
One of the lurgest barber shops in New
i oik now employs girl l.arhers exclu
The pi ice paid for cider apples at tin
oig mill at I'oviestowii, i'a., is ID cents
per 100 pounds.
.'... i . . .
iiM.-reveii years ago Hie puleni lor
the llrst practical sewing machine wus
issue to r.liuH Howe.
The Stat' of Illinois will use this year
more than -1,000,000 barrels of beer, or
enough to iiout a navy.
The national debt of (ireat Hritain is
i.iwo,nxi,r,H (.i,io:i,407.iKi.r);; the na
tional iieht of the United States iH 177,
iireeley, Col., will ship alsiut fi,(HK)
carloads of potatoes to other States the
present year. Munv carloadH of these
K)tatocs go to Texas.
I he aterhury at h Companv has
resumisl operations. The courts ought
to have known that it was inijMissible to
wind that concern up.
A carpel loom has Vcn devised which
runs two sets of m lies, and the in
ventor claims that . will produce a
square yard of carpet . uiterial in one
Tho coriNUuihtion of Ix-er in the I'nited
States is now half a barrel per capita,
and is doubling alsmt every eiuht years.
At the lieginning of the next century it
promises to lie a barrel a head.
The Tribune states that the 1,10.1 mill
ionaires of New York citv alone could,
if they choose, buy up the w hole real
estate of the entire Southern States and
evict the population by due process of
According to the official rejmrt for the
past twelve months the American peo
ple drunk onlv K,:tH:(,70 barrels of I kit
in lM7.r), while last year we drank HI, .'174,
51SI, and this vear :1,'!,870i4'hI, an increase
of 2,'Wli,540 barrels.
The nail machine was invented in 1775.
At the present dav it is estimated that
4,000,000,000 nails' are annually made by
machinery in (ireat Hritain alone, and
from a fourth to a half of this numlxT
in the united Mates.
I'lustern Sw itzerland manufactures an
niially nearly JL0,000,(KM worth of machine-made
embroideries. The United
States alone have imported as high us
17,700,000 worth of these articles in a
single year, and tho business seems to
he increasing.
(ieneral Muck holds his pennion
grace of a special act ot Congress.
Inspector Williams of tho New York
police was arrested tho other dav bv ono
of his men, who was convinced that tho
Inspector was a confidence man.
Mrs. Crook, the widow of tho Indian
fighting (ieneral, is a very fine-looking
woman, with snowy-whito liair that is
in striking contrast to her youthful and
vivacious spirits.
Tennessee has seven living ex-Govern-
orH. in tho list of official succession
thev come as follows: Ishain (i. Harris.
D. W. C. Senter, James I). I'ortor. Alvin
(. Hawkins. William H. Hate. Ivobert
L. Taylor and John I'. Buchanan.
Don M. Dickinson of Michigan, ex-
PoHtniaster-Genoral of the United States,
has been retained by the Canadian Pa
cific to defend President Van Home and
other officials of the road charged with
violation ot tho interstate commerce law.
Tho trial comes up in November at Ta-
Captain Malum, now of tho United
States steamer Chicago and the author
of tho reniarkablo books on the influence
of sea pow er, la one of tho most popular
Americans in lsngland. He was a guest
at tho dinner given by tho Queen to tho
German Kmperor at Osborne tho other
It is stated that as soon as the Arch
duke Francis Ferdinand d'Esto returns
from his Journey round the world his
betrothal w ill tako place with Trincess
hhzaboth of Havana, a granddaughter
of tho Emperor Francis Joseph and of
J'rinco Kegcnt huitpoid of Jiavana.
ISx-Prcsident Benia'min Harrison
writes to a friend that he will arrive in
San Francisco about the 1st of next Feb
ruary. He will remain in California six
weeks. His lectures at Stanford Uni
versity will bo largely historical, and will
treat of colonial characters down through
the confederation to the adoption of the
it..:i...i c.
Dr. Thomas Ileazlo Park, the physi
cian who accompanied Stanley through
the Central African forest in liis search
for Emin Pasha, is dead. The explorer
showed much affection for Park in his
book, for the physician pulled Stanley
through when he was attacked bv sick
ness at Fort Bodo and alBO performed
excellent service for the other members
of the expedition.
A KirHnig ConHpiracy Di'hcov-
crcil in Oliicao.
Destitute Fanners of Western Kan
sas Appealing to (ioveruor
Lewellliiif for Aid.
Of tifty-six Indian agencies twenty an
now in charge oi army olhcers.
Massachusetts is credited with having
I00.0IK) cyclists, including lstli sexes
The water supply is limitel in New
York, and the price of milk has gone up.
i .'old-iriiniiig in ( olorado has Is-en
much stimulated hy the decline in silver.
The town of I'erry in the Cherokee
Strip is rapidly assuming city projsir
There are said to IwrIkiiiI five contest
ants for cverv claim in the Cherokee
There are atxmt 750 hotels in Chicnuo.
Kvhich have accomiiKslulioiiH for 150,(KX)
Three billion cigarettes were smoked
in this country during the fiscal year
just ended.
It is said g'xxl moonshine w hisky can
he Isjiight in Kastern Tennessee for 50
cents a gallon.
The clergymen of Kings county. N. Y
are denouncing tho projiosed Corbctt'
.Mitchell light.
A syndicate of J'opulisti, headed hv
State otliciulH, is buying up newspapers
in close counties in Kansas.
rlissls have done immense damage to
to is in irginia arm wasnei away lour
. . !. t - : - l.i 1 ' ,
uire nuns on mu iiiipiuuu.
The Federal grand jury at Iiirm intr-
hnm, Ala., has indicted six Feleral ofli-
ers for corruption in oflice.
Deer are more plentiful in tho Adiron-
lucks this fall than during any previous
open season for a score of years.
An organization oi r-pinniaiists re-
ntlv met at Liberal, Mo., and raised
100,000 for a Spiritualistic college.
Captain II. I. Spore of Hudson is or
ganizing a bicycle corps for the First
I ..f i. -p. ... v.. i . . i
nriiueiii oi me icaus luiumeer Vfiitiru.
A inovetnent lias teen sUirtiMt aiiionn
tlie A. O. U. . of Kansas to secure seed
wheat for the destitute western farmers.
Tho big dynamite guns for the defense arrangement is not a contract, but a des
of New Yorlk harbor are to be trained, ''nation of the company as the official
levated and depressed hy electric mo-
flie consolidation of electric railroads
with the establishment of a truck sys-
tem in New England is one
le of the latest
The Columbian Celebration Coinna'
nv s huilding at tlie orld 8 fair cost
fKKUKK), and it was sold by the receiver
or fL'oO.
A Chinaman at Ottawa will test the
constitutionality of Canada's law, which
imposes a duty of $50 each on all Chi
nese immigrants.
The Amalgamated Association of Iron
and Steel Workers in J'ennsvlvania has
agreed to concede a 10 per cent reduction
in tho finishers' department.
In Cincinnati there has recently been
organized a rent guarantee company,
the busineHs of which is to insure land
lords against loss by bad tenants.
There havo been recent developments
tending to show that the Louisville and
Na'.hvillo railroad will soon absorb the
CI esapeake, Ohio and Southwestern.
A Chattanooga electrician proposes to
perfect an arrangoment bv means of
w hich train robbers will be electrocuted
as soon as they touch the express com
pany's safe.
lready 15,000,000 have been spent
upon tho scheme to carry electric power been introduced in the Senate by its ali
tor illuminating and manufacturing pur- thor. It provides that, there shall bo a
poses from Niagara Falls over the State commission, comprised of three Senators
of New York. The first wires will prob- to be selected by the Senate, three Rep
ably be strung along the Erie canal. resentatives to be selected by the Speaker
The statistics of the shipping of the
iiii. ivljl i i i I
?or ? ! I" PWlHh.e(i by
iinu mere is no naiion wmcn nas maue
so rapid an mcrease in the tonnage of
twelve monU1S as the United States.'
themselves of the privilege of voting for
school officials at an election held in New
Haven, Conn., on September 18. The
t icket they supported was elected bv a
majority of 1,700 out of a vote of 7,507.
T, . , ., , .
Tho reports of railroad earnings con-
, . J l l-vviMO yji uie UI111CU Clltbea, Willi a
nue to show a decrease as compared view to Aevising means for the better
with the earnings last year. There has ment theroof nd is ivpn fnI1 ,-nHHlIi(..
been a decrease every week for some
tinio, but the weekly decrease lias been
growing-smaller since the middle of Au
gust. A flrebuot conspiracy has heen discov
ered in Chieairo. the scoundrels havinc
their headouarters in that citv. At least
eigni nres nave Deen traced to these lire-
bugs in 1 inois and two or three other
States, and durincr the last three years
the gang has succeeded in getting a clear
fou.uuu trom the insurance companies.
A wator fnmino nrflv,n in nrrB f
Encinal and Duval counties, Tex. In
the town of Aquilares there is much suf
fering. Mexican women await the com
ing of the trains, and with cans and
pails catch the drippings under the ten
der and engine.
Tho House Committee on Banking has
decided to report favorably on Mr.
Springer's bill providing that before a
loan can be made by a national bank to
ne of its officers consent must be grant-
ed by yea and nay vote of the directors.
A great number of banks have come to
grief because of the borrowing proclivi-
nes of their dirwtoTS.
0M Washington city.
',x-llepreseiitutive (ieorge II. Durand
of Michigan has been selected by the
Attorney-lieneral Ut assist in the prose
cution of Federal officials and others
Implicated in the charges of opium and
Chinese smuggling on I'uget Sound and
It is intimated that the Treasury I)e-
parimi'iii is actuated in ordering thi'
revenue steamers tirarit and I'erry to
tlie I acific (oast more by the condition
of the Chinese and seal-fishery questions
than to aid in the prevention of the
smuggling of opium in I'ngr t Sound.
The Secretary of War has awarded a
medal of honor to Cantain Krnest A.
Cardingtm of the Seventh Cavalry " for
distinguished gallantry at Wounded
Knee creek, S. I).. duriiiL' the Siour war
of the winter of 1800-1." Cantain Cur.
ding toii wus badly wounded in the Imt-
The (,'oinmittee on Wavs and Mi-arm
has begun consideration of tho new tar
iir bill. There is an intimation that the
Secretary of the Treasury favors an in
crease in the interna -revenue tar on
whisky, beer and tobacco as the best
means of raising the additional revenue
necessary to meet the iricreasintr deficits
of the government.
Iif consequence of the new restrictions
for conducting the official trial trips of
navul vessels contractors will find it
more difficult in the future to earn pre
miums for an excess of sjiecd. Jlegin-
mng wun uie .MontL-omerv. soon to he
ineo, me contractors will not he permit
ieu io maintain a pressure aixve 5 ne
cent in excess of the standard nressiirr-
Heretofore the contractors carried steam
to a dangerously high pressure.
It is highly probable that the Com
iruttee on territories will rejKjrt a bill
for the admission of Utah to Statehood
soon. Joseph, a member of that com
iiiuiee, saio mat such a hill will he re'
imrtod, and added that before the close
of the present session hills for the ad
mission oi Arizona. .ew .Mexico am
Oklahoma will be reported favorably
from his committee. He expressed treat
...... v . . , ,,
cond enrn t ml miru'lll ...m ,,.
In response to a resolution of inuuirv
the Secretary of the Interior sent to the
Senate a statement coiicerniriir the discon
ti nuance and consolidation of land offices
showing the follow ing amonii the con
solidations: California. Independence
wun isana; Nevada, hurcka with Car
son City : N yomine, Lander with Ruf.
t . 1 ft I A A ....
iiuo. j ins statement said the reason
for the consolidations was the inadequacy
oi uie appropriation and to prevent
ine i oHiomce Department has ac
cepted the offer of tlie North American
Navigation Company to carry mails for
-Mexico and Central America, the new
""" .,a'r" r miner uie general laws. Ac
coming io me oner the steamers wi
carr-v niaiis once in twenty days to those
Pn1 at w, ""'V ar-' compelled to
HtoP provisions of the company's con-
tracts with the Central American StateH.
leaving uie poeimaster to nx trie com
Secretary Herbert lias iriven to the
press the correspondence relating to the
removal of Captain Iligginson from the
command of the Atlanta. The state
ments that Secretary Herbert apologized
to Captain Hitrtrinson for removing him
from duty and oll'ered to restore him to
his command on liis own application are
not borne out bv the facts, and are espe-
cially denial. Captain Hitririnson is en
titled to the credit of having disclosed to
the department tlie condition of the At
lanta when tlie vessel was ordered to
sea. 1 lie letters embrace the full his
tory of this well-known case, and the
conclusion of the matter is that Secre
tary Herbert accepts the apology and
explanation of Captain Higginsoii, and
says liiH connection with the matter will
not be permitted to prevent his being
assigned to such duty as his rank enti
tles him to perform, when the opportu
nuv oners.
The compromise silver measure pre
pared by Senator Jones of Arkansas has
?i x ' k! Pe.r,8?n! l?.be se"
ivvitvi u i-uc x nrruuem. cut 'It'll to ITOIl"
nnnatic;n by the Senate. The eomrnis-
D; nKrtn rt.,:,A u u e
Lf their number as'President, and the
"':in t. ? . "J ' . !
io iv .ivivt nil oi:caiuu 111 HIU
capitol and in such other places as ama-
j'ority shall direct, and employ necessary
stenographers and employes, and mav
administer oaths and send for persons and
papers. The commission is charged with
an examination into the fiscal and mon-
etary condition ot the government and
i f ti, tt,.i :.u '
ii is cnargea to specially examine
and report upon by one or more bills the
following subjects: The full or partial
remonctization of silver and a proper
ratio bet ween it and gold ; revision of
legal - tender laws to prevent discrimina'
tion between various descriptions of
oiuw-uhuk. tax repeal wun nec
essary revisions uie cause ot the pres
ent paralysis of trade and the necessity
legislation to prevent national banks
lro'" auusing meir power, ine second
section of the resolution instructs the
Secretary of the Treasury to set apart
and retain in the Treasury so much of
the silver bullion now in the Treasury as
will bo necessary to redeem tlie outstand
ing Treasury notes in compliance with
the terms of the act of July 14. 1890.
and providos that the remainder of th
bullion shall be set apart to be coined.
and the Secretary is reouired to coin it
at the rate of not less than 4,000,000
standard silver dollars per month, which
when coined shall be an asset in the
Treasury, and while this coinage is in
progress the purchases of Bilver bullion
under the terms of the Sherman act
shall be snspended.
Oreat Progress in the Study of
the Monkey Language.
Wasp Plajrue in Sussex, Enuland-
AsHasHlnatloDH in Italy Tlie
French Vintage.
Another native war in Southern Africa
now seems inevitable.
Sued, the faster, is insane, and im now
in an asyium near 1'ans.
Harvesting operations in It.
show a satisfactory result.
The revision of the Belgian const itn.
uon nas heen accomplished at last.
A caravan oi 10.000 came Is nml i rvm
slaves left Timbuctoo for Morocco re
The doctors to Chinese rovaltv
recenuy lined a year's salary each for
Train-robbing in -Snain is trtmrdwl
against ny stationing two soldiers in
every railway car.
Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria's latest
project is the establishment of a med
ical lacuity in Sofia.
Paris has a new storage-battery street
car line uiai. nas ween in successful op
eration several months.
Dr. Cornelius Herz of Panama canal
notoriety is recovering his health at
tJournemouth, England.
The average number of assassinations
and attempts at assassination in Italy is
said to be luiiy o,000 a year.
France is tlie only European country
wiiicn nas to-day tewer able-bodied men
man it had thirty years ago.
i tie Lbina volcano in the TVnn-inn
Cordillera has become active after being
in n iuiceceiu state ior years.
Kaiser William, Dr. Miquel says, has
taken for his motto, " The Emperor is
inv niKi servant oi ine people.
The Ixindon section of the National
l-ioerai federation has dec ared f- tho
abolition ot the flouse of Lords.
The wasp plague is still very bad in
Sussex, England, and the destruction in
ine orchards has been verv great.
Junng the reign of Victoria the In
lian government has coinpd f9 nnn nnn
-t '11 1 ' ivv
oi goiu and a.'uo,uw,uw ot silver.
ine latest estimate of the Rim-iinn
wheat crop is 71',000,000 bushels. Last.
year s crop was &)b,000,000 bushels.
A peasant living on one of the Grel-
isles recently dug ud a statne. for whiVh
uie nriusn government has paid $32,000.
The tariff war between Germanv and
Russia will force the former country to
buy enormous quantities of grain in this
Russia is said to be about to nrnniro a
naval station in East Africa at which to
repair and coal the vessels of her Pacific
Ihe phylloxera has at last touched
every wine-growing district in France.
the Champagne vines being the last to
oe narmeu.
Christine Nilsson has her dininor room
papered with hotel bills which she has
paid during her professional tours. The
sum total is enormous.
The St. Petersburg correspondent of
uie j.onaon central Aews says that an
imperial ukase will shortly be issued
. 1 T 1 . . . - .
abolishing the practice of Snouting by
the police.
lhe recent army maneuvers of the
Austro-linnganan troops were not satis
factory. Iniperor 'William was notverr
favorably impressed with the work o'f
the uenerals.
in Switzerland all the telegraph lines
au expenses is f -ou.WU.
Mr. Burne-Jones, the Entrlish artist I
is engaged upon the interesting task of
painting a portrait of Air. Gladstone's
VOUni?est trranddnnrrhter TVirntlnf rii-on.
This little blue-eyed maiden of 3 years
is said to resemble the grandfather start-
Dr. Buchwald of Tinsio ,t;a0
amone some forgotten mannserinta ,
.1.11": ;lPt : .
the University of Jena Martin Luther's
political essay against the theological
iacuuy oi ine university of lxiuvain,
Belgium, which manuscript was snn-
poseu io nave oeen lost.
: J x. i i , . r
The tailors have met in London " to
prepare for the abolition of the sweating
system and long hours and for the com-
ing battle of the tailors of the world."
The 25,000 members of the organization
are threatened by the master tailors
with a destruction of their union.
The present, vear of 1803 nromispa tn
be a great vear for the French -intav
Chateau Lafite, which produced 320 hogs-
neaas last year, has this year yielded
1,000, and the increase is general. Thorn
is such a demand for casks that, certain
ordinary sizes, usually bringing 4 francs,
ow cose ia irancs.
Many of the houses in Holland bv a
pecial door, which is never opened save
on two occasions, when there is a mar
riage or a death in the family. The bride
and groom enter by this door; it is then
nailed or barred up until a death occurs,
when it is opened and the hodv is re
moved by this exit.
The Chinese government in renlv in
the joint protest of foreign Ministers
gainst the alleged barbarous treatment
f foreigners in China, especially in Hu
nan ana liutehe, of which Chang Tung
is Viceroy, promised that Chantr Tnn
should be degraded in rank in the event
of further outrages happening in hi
i Ti i - UIYeu u A nere those at the entrance being 13 feet high and
are 1 ,41 1 offices and 12,385 telegraph op- some of the others 18 feet. They all average
erators. lhe annual profit derived above 1 ( font: in Viain-V V o tnoi'nn!ri? rt Ka.
a r
Ver fyrn wrr noft and dark an nluht,
Her raven trewM's vln.
I took a (M'ttt Is-nlde my love.
And wion I fHI toniKlilntr.
Hhe jliud her hn nd wit li in my own
What thrllln Is-itan to qnlvr-r
About my heart! hald nh, "Dfar John,'
What in It niBkm yon dhlver?"
I ar-arcely knew, and o I aald.
"I'm warmer than a cinder,"
And then a daring thoniflit occnrre4
lray, what wan there to hinder?
I bent above her ruby lip
To Meal the tempting bllMwu.
"Oh, no!" nald the, "It cannot be;
I draw the line at klmes."
Ah, who can tell the royal way
To manage pretty mlwten?
Just when you think they love yon mont
They draw the line at kisxes.
The years may come; the years may go;
I'll ne'er forget our meeting
Cpon her rheekn a pretty (flow
The moment all too flnetlng.
And oft my heart doth dream anew
Of aromatic: blliem.
An when, her little hand In mine,
8he drew the line at kisses.
Chicago Dispatch.
Mm. Sleuth; or, The Lady Deteetlrs.
"Yoti will not give me a million dollare?"
"I am your wife?''
"Therefore you are my husband?"
"It is so."
"And you will not put your property ia
my name?"
"Woman, what takest thou me for?"
"We will see."
"Yes, madam."
"Buy all the disguises Id New York."
" 'Tis as good as done."
"I may need one."
"Put them in a Fifth avenue stage."
"I begin to comprehend."
"They w ill reach the Union League club
by tomorrow evening "
' ith industry but it is quite four
"Attach my diamond revolver to mr
watch chain."
"Ha! the adventure Is indeed hazardous."
"And put my knitting needle in its scab
"I obey."
It is a small room in the club.
Two men are playing cards.
The stakes are a million dollars.
They are not two men.
Nay, they are a man and a boy.
The man holds four kings.
The boy holds two aces.
But they look to the man like four.
He staggers from the table.
"I am ruined!"
"It was I who won your million dollars."
"What, you, my wife?"
"Yes, I! Is my hat on straight?" Truth.
Sweet Samaritan.
Small Boy Oh, mamma, this poor old
gentleman says he hasn't had a thing to
eat for eight months, so I've invited him
home to lunch with us. Harper's Bazar.
Draldish Ruins lu England.
The Stonehenge, one of the most remark
able of the ancient monuments on the Brit
ish isles, is situated on the Salisbury plain
about three miles from the village of Ames
bury. It lies at the conjunction of two
roads, surrounded by a bank and diteh, and
is as much of a puzzle for the antiquarians
of today as it was for those who carefully
surveyed and examined it a thousand years
. ... j : ... n oa i
upright stones varying in size and form,
inc 6 feet square.
These unright stones were ioined toseth-
e by others at the top, these last lying
horizontally, like the lintels of a door-
twit- and p.b nhnnt-. 1'? fept-. lrni Tb
whole made a huge circular cage, the use
ot which can only be conjectured. At ex-
actly 8.3 feet, from this circle of large stones
is an inner one composed of 40 stones stand-
mg on end, but much smaller than thoseof
the ante-ring. It is supposed that this struc
ture was a Drnidish temple. St. Louis Re-
I public.
Sacred Hymns of a Youngster.
If only we could recognize that children
do not mean to be irreverentl Little Tfwi
was really as devout as could be expected
from a 4-year-old and sang with great fer-
vor Sumlav school hvmns innumprahln.
sometimes revising them after his own
fashion or iumblinsr them un with scrans
of other songs in a style less shocking than
comical. Whether he sat on the porch
steps by the hour blithely warbling forth
to the passersby the somewhat alarming as
surance that
I will guide thee with my knife.
or announcing with lusty shout,
Holy forks, for I am coming.
whose original I need not remind those
who live within avoiding distance of a me
lodien was the widely known hymn, "Hold
the Fort," his intentions were of the best.
Washington News.
His Choice.
"Did he marry the girl who could paint
things on crockery ware?"
'o; he married one who could cook
things to put into crockery ware," New
York Press.
'We charge $3 a dozen; 110 for three
dozen; $15 for six dozen, and so on."
'I suppose av a man tuk enough ar am
jtz 'ud let urn go for nothin?" Harper's
" I wv au uvikuv tuw lumuiiii VI lSi